Your Hell-e-vision is the last set you WU ever need to buy because not only is it indestructible but it automatically upgrades itself for all eternity ever! It definitely appears that way! One author, researcher, and very vocal conspiracy theorist on the idea of the LHC creating doorways to strange realms is Stephen Quayle, who has claimed that everything from actual demons, to angels, to reptilian beasts and other things we cannot possibly fathom could be let in if such a gate were opened. Hence the statue of Shiva, whose role is to destroy the universe in order to re-create it. Evidence for this sort of interdimensional activity is often offered in the form of the various strange things that have allegedly been photographed or filmed in the skies over CERN over the years, including UFOS, strange vortices, and other unexplained aerial phenomena. 's Z-Stack Protocol and the NEW Z-DTOX, use code RVM for discount:, Get Stickers To Trigger A Lib: FJB, Ultra Maga, RVM and many more designs available. After six (6) missions to the Moon research data sits in vaults. Einsteins general theory of relativity tells us that space can expand, contract, and bend. ATLAS is a general-purpose detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Switzerland. Its me again. The Hadron Collider (also referred to as CERN) is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator and the largest machine man has ever made; it's a whopping seventeen miles long and buried 574 feet beneath the earth's surface. Did The White Hats Prevent An Even Bigger Tragedy? The Large Electron-Positron (LEP) collider was commissioned in 1989 and, at 16.6 miles in circumference, is the largest electron-positron accelerator ever built. An incandescent light bulbburns forever! They are blood thirty Norwegian-Russ Vikings banished to Hell. Ii is firmly opposed by the D.S. Cern's Portal To Another Dimension & Other Unbelievable Facts. New science and technology are GOOD things they are never not bad. Nemes Published Thousands of Images on Social Media Showing Unknown Beings. Scientist and the Elite Try to Hide What Really Happened at CERN, Demonic Entities, Extra Dimensions A& Productions 927K subscribers Subscribe 5.4M views 4 years ago Scientist are beginning to. CERN is opening portals into other dimensions, possibly even hell. The official line on what the Awake experiments are about is to develop a new type of accelerator to cut the size of the huge particle physics experiments down by a factor of a hundred or more so they can be carried out on table tops. This could all be due to wild conspiracy theories, hoaxes, and panic, and it is unknown if the machine could ever possibly really even open an interdimensional gate anyway, but one thing that is for certain is that it is not only the ignorant public that have been wary of CERN and its particle collider, or who think that experiments with the LHC could have profound unexpected effects. This particle is consistent with the Higgs boson but it will take further work to determine whether or not it is the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model. According to CERN's web site for the AWAKE experiment, it is the first accelerator of its kind to test plasma wakefield acceleration: Advertisement: A plasma wakefield is a type of wave generated. ), >Edison: He was surely into witchcraft-and not to mention upset a lot They will find inter-dimensional beings who have a taste for human flesh and humanity's destruction. CERN also invented the World Wide Web, not necessarily in partnership with Al Gore. If the fantasy book, Dark Fleet by Len Kasten is at all true, the Earthlings are now getting caught up to what the secret cults have been dabbling with for decades. This insane ball of energy was directly over the LHC. In the meantime, the wild conspiracies are likely to continue. I dont know where you have been but Jesus told us there were many dimensions. This should be interesting to you in a episode of ghost adventure a woman use some strange devices to communicate with the stars and become possessed because she as used the book of necronomicon (dont read it please i dont want your soul and bodies to get hurt by bad stars ) and before she dies and her corpses was retrieved momified in his book relating her experiments she has written that evil can communicate by electronic devices All these symbols are clearly DEFINED and EXPLAINED in CHAPTER 17!!! I guess it could even be possible that there are a lot ofscience fictionmovies thatare actually based on real events, oras some may even call themleaks to the general public,given by the government in order to deliberately raise awareness among the population? We live in a dimension and we call this reality but in all reality its not. The Mysterious Men in Black and Their Equally Weird Cars, Tulpas and Thought-Forms: It's Not Just a Phenomenon of the Past - They're Here Now. Is it better to enforce the old policy, and build more worthless aircraft carriers to assist in the fear and the killing of humans? It is amazing they keep messing with nature and denying it. "Unveiled on June 18, 2004, the two-metre-tall statue was a gift from the Government of India. The 7 heads are Mountains (7 mountains.. never really says what the mountains are but not a far stretch to say they refer to the 7 mountains that IS Earth.. all 7 continents) the 10 horns. CERN is partially located in the French town of Saint-Genus-Poilly, and some have pointed to the fact that the word Poilly comes from Appolliacum, or the Latin word for a temple dedicated to the god Apollo, who was believed by the locals of the area to have created a portal to the underworld right around where CERN is located. That is if you are inclined to believe the latest conspiracy theory surrounding the monster machine. They do NOT come from a planet as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us, 6. This method of searching for missing energy in events is also used to look for dark matter or supersymmetric particles. He said: How much energy did CERN pull into itself? Want to remove the ads? They are not distorted by the astral body so they can communicate with many levels, beings and dimensions clearly and with ease. Discovering the truth about UFO Sightings and Alien contact, Humans Are Part Of An Aliens Computer Game States NASA Scientist,, Deep Space Object May Have Been Alien Probe, Harvard Paper Argues! It is not a background you can get on Google. 7 HEADS with 10 HORNS and 10 CROWNS. . (No, the Rothschilds DO NOT RUN SWITZERLAND). It is unclear whether the LHC is being used to open these mysterious portals in the fabric of reality, intentionally or otherwise, or not, but it does seem certain that conspiracy theories and fears will continue to swirl around it as long as it is in operation. Please see below comment from Dr Faizal who is one of the Scientists at CERN: In recent years there has been increasing serious consideration of the idea of parallel universes, that we are but one of many, possibly infinite worlds, and the discussion has turned more and more towards the idea of whether travel between these realms is possible. Did CERN Create Black Hole Inside Earth? The Swiss are giving then a break. Ive made an error in judging your website and i apologize for it. If so, it could be a natural explanation both for why particles masses are what they are, and why gravity is so much weaker than the other elementary forces we observe. A plaque next to the statue, with a quote by Fritjof Capra, explains its significance: "Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. Extra dimensions, gravitons, and tiny black holes | CERN Extra dimensions, gravitons, and tiny black holes Why is gravity so much weaker than the other fundamental forces? The claim: Scientists at CERN are communicating with demonic entities and opening a portal to hell In April, scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, restarted. The footage, which appeared to be filmed by a bystander . The project has been a work in progress for three years. Another way of revealing extra dimensions would be through the production of microscopic black holes. These heavier versions of particles called Kaluza-Klein states would have exactly the same properties as standard particles (and so be visible to our detectors) but with a greater mass. Although some of the above can come across a little confusing and not very clear, you can certainly get the gist that they are talking about (in certain areas of the report) the types of craft that are entering our planets atmosphere! These particle physicists are from Rockefeller University and are some of the top scientists in the world in their respective fields. lol). Let's stay updated! of candle manufactures. HUGE Cigar Shaped Craft Captured On Camera Above US Lake- They Are HERE, BREAKING CLAIM: Aliens collect stars to stay ALIVE in space. 9. but not Revelations. Whilst we are all considering where the Aliens could be coming from and IF other Dimensions are actually a fact rather than Fiction, along comes this VERY important piece of evidence courtesy of the F.B.I! While this may be at the extreme end of the spectrum of talk of the LHC opening up doorways to alternate dimensions, the idea that this is happening to some extent is already persistent. propelled bicycle, was surely warned NOT to travel faster than the fastest Related: Playing God: HAARP Weather Control A Terrifying Look at The Control of Weather Warfare. Established in 1954 and based in Switzerland, CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research. CERN is home to the Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator. ( ENT: " Azati Prime ", " Damage ", " Zero Hour ") Thank you for contributing to a respectful and useful online dialogue. The two opposite black and white liquid goo substances uniquely combine inside of your mind to create a third substance a grey liquid goo which is neither of the white goo universe nor of the black goo universe. Who is behind the machine? If you want me to make more videos like this, then feel totally free to help me out. CERN is opening portals into other dimensions, possibly even hell. The disks posses a type of radiant energy or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. To watch the opening news segment on Bitchute, click here: To watch the opening news segment on Rumble, click here: !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'. The European Organization for Nuclear Research is under attack from sceptics who believe that its stated scientific aims are masking a, A video claims two images showing cloud and light over the LHC at Geneva on the French/Swiss border were taken on June 24 the same day CERN scientists began a new Awake experiment to c, hange the way it smashes particles together. However, the very presence of such a large and remote scientific facility located deep underground, its innately somewhat scary-sounding premise of smashing particles together at the speed of light, and its being manned by scientists working on strange experiments in a subterranean tunnel, have perhaps not surprisingly given it a somewhat ominous reputation, causing quite a bit of concern among the public and spawning all sorts of wild theories about what is really going on there in the dark depths of the earth. "We aim to be delivering 1.6 billion proton-proton collisions per second" for the ATLAS and CMS experiments, CERN's head of accelerators and technology Mike Lamont said, according to an AFP report. Apparently some of these Alienbeings originate from an ethereal plane coexistent within our physical universe. Jesus HIMSELF said to NOT do what you just DID! CERN has many backers and many objectors but the most important is CERN itself, only it can address the worries of everyday people and they choose not too, why? She can only move backward and forward; but not left and right, nor up and down, so she only sees one dimension. And gravity is extremely weak. and she is the one you made her own devices ! There are many other colliders all over the world.. Now if one dimension were to contract to a size smaller than an atom, it would be hidden from our view. The culmination of this journey is this website. It took thousands of scientists, engineers and technicians decades to plan and build, and it continues to operate at the very boundaries of scientific knowledge. Prior to the Channel Tunnel, the . Please see below a great capture above New York recently which gives a great example ofone of these types of craft. Many critics of the research being done under Switzerland consider this a cover up. Not impressed with the torn shirt work out look while delivering gods word.. how about step up your style beautiful Brice? Who is behind the machine? When I lived in Illinois for a brief time, I remember hearing reports about the Batavia, Illinois particle accelerator and the pioneering work they had done and are STILL doing. Is there a multiverse? The complex instruments developed for particle physics, at CERN and other similar facilities, have spawned numerous other . Dont pray for you but for the others Its a sin to pray for himself. This is only now possible due to the new Black Liquid Goo technology contained in your set which is scientifically the blackest possible black of all substances in all of existence. On the surface, it looks horrifying: A human sacrifice taking place on the grounds of one of the world's most famous science labs. "What if CERN really did open a portal to hell or . But is it really that surprising when people have been reporting UFO sightings pretty much since the beginning of time, no not really! Wikileaks Have Already Disclosed NASAs Secret ALIENS ARE REAL, Floating Interdimensional City Witnessed by Hundreds of Villagers in Africa, Russia UFOs are real and we know how to Summon them!. Report: Toxin Released By Controlled Burn In Ohio Train Derailment Was Mustard Gas! He said, "The only . In other words, gravity could be weaker in one place and stronger in another. But the viral video recorded at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (a.k.a. If this is possible, then is it happening at CERN and their super particle accelerator? Everything you are about to see is real. If Hollywood talks about it, or is part of their hyperbole, then there must be something to it. Scientist are beginning to get more and more \"religious\". Published Aug 16, 2016. Quayle does not mince words when giving his opinion on the consequences of experiments at CERN, saying: The men who would play God, in searching for the God particle, are truly going to find more than they bargained for as they open the gates of hell. But if we could look on a small enough scale, that hidden dimension might become visible again. This is one spot in the Bible where it is very crystal clear and goes out of its WAY to clearly DEFINE what it is saying, and it does ALL OF THIS in chapter 17.. everyone quotes and references chapter 13 and give their opinion of what it MEANS.. when chapter 17 TELLS YOU WHAT IT MEANS!!! Though it may sound like science fiction, if extra dimensions exist, they could explain why the universe is expanding faster than expected, and why gravity is weaker than the other forces of nature. The theory basically states that CERN either killed us all and we're in some sort of purgatory, or they shifted us into an alternate universe when trying to discover the Higgs Boson (aka the god particle). just pointless to do so. Hi, I am Medeea Greere. What has happened at CERN the past few Years? CERN gears up to battle the latest round of conspiracy theories that the real aim of the Large Hadron Collider, which scientists used to discover a Higgs boson, is to blast open a gateway for . Most scientists, in lacking an understanding of the supernatural entities that are going to confront them, are way beyond their ability to comprehend, let alone control, the forces of Pandoras box that will be released. The unusual weather patterns have conspiracy theorists shouting from the top of the tower again, but this time I think they have a real reason too! Extra dimensions could be relevant to one of the questions we're trying to answer at the LHC: how particles get their mass, and why they have the masses that they do, which are far smaller than physicists would expect them to be. But Stranger Things fanatics are taking a giant leap to connect the real-life CERN to the show's nightmarish "Upside Down" dimension. Cern LHC A Good Fire 1.07K subscribers Subscribe 2K views 1 year ago Exploring ghosts at CERN. Now, CERN is proposing to build an even bigger $21-billion supercollider in search of the god particle, so what that might mean is anyone's guess. I have been searching for truth in this world, all my life. Perhaps one of the most famous discoveries linked to the various experiments at the LHC was the observation of Higgs Boson particles, which give matter mass and up until then had been purely theoretical. (Oh NO spirts-Demons!). and done some misinterpretation into the Quran composition, Matter or supersymmetric particles is possible, then is it really that surprising when people have been Jesus... And technology are GOOD cern dimensional beings they are not distorted by the astral so! In partnership with Al Gore been but Jesus told us there were many dimensions live in dimension... Many dimensions would be through the production of microscopic black holes they are never not.. Spawned numerous other recently which gives a great example ofone of these Alienbeings originate from an plane... Open a Portal to another dimension & amp ; other Unbelievable Facts of. On Social Media Showing Unknown Beings missing energy in events is also used to look dark... 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Bridgewater High School Teacher Suspended, Articles C