She ended her career as visiting professor of education at the University of Wolverhampton, from 2003 to 2009. She began her study for a degree in Mathematics at Nottingham University at the age of 17 years - young for the time. Peter was cultured, intelligent, curious, and kind. Contact for permission to reproduce, store, translate or transmit this document. Alfred Victor John Nash died 1991. This trip saw an unfortunate episode involving the leading Soviet writers Akhmatova and Zoshchenko at the Leningrad Union of Writers, which became part of Anglo-Soviet cultural lore. He and Gillian travelled to Ottawa in 1967 intending to spend just two years there to further his research career. His early career included work for the Ericsson Telephone Company in Beeston, Nottingham and LEO computers, followed by a move to IBM Hursley in 1957, from where he retired in 1987 - and he stayed in Winchester for the rest of his life. As a young man, Fred eschewed traditional sports such as cricket and soccer, but was a dedicated cyclist and toured widely in the UK and Western Europe. She leaves four children, 12 grandchildren and a host of fond memories. Fiona joined the Akerman lab in 2021 where she works on novel transcription . My father Alan Norman was a student at Nottingham University 1948-1951. Nunan, F 2017, Conceptualising climate compatible development. to simply Mum, listening to her favourite Radio 4 programmes or Classic FM, and nipping to her Wednesday St Helens lunch club Mum will always be with us, always. Nunan, F & Wanjiru, C 2017, Enabling climate compatible development in the coastal region of Kenya. We speak out as the voice of the global accounting profession. She and David also spent time caring for their grandchildren, two of whom have now also graduated from Nottingham University. Jonathan, an engineer, has followed Garys example of being a workaholic although as a teenager he declared he would never be like his father. He gave dad a lift one evening and had to stop off en route at his lab. Whilst living life to the full in Switzerland, has recently died due to a tragic accident. They all survive him. Alan Rice graduated in 1959 in Mechanical Engineering and worked for many years as a management consultant at PA Consulting. Dr Carmichael is interested in supervising doctoral research in the following areas: Gender, age and work. Barbara Przedborska, Salvonic/French Studies - 24 February 2011, Noel Richards, Social Administration - 7 July 1998, Dr Charles K Rowley, Industrial Economics - 2013, Michael Shenton, Civil Engineering - 9 February 2010, The Reverend Richard Strevens, Theology - 13 January 2018, Keith Whitehead, Economics - 5 December 2017, Michael Barker, Physics - 10 December 2006, Michael Brooke, Civil Engineering - 14 January 2011, The Reverend Dr Colin Brown, Theology - 4 May 2019, Richard Butterfield, Chemistry - 21 November 2008, Rabindra Chakravorty, Mining Engineering - 22 July 2006, Richard Cootes, History - 7 December 2017, Ronald Davies, Zoology - 12 February 2009, Michael (Robin) Ellwood, Electrical Engineering - 13 July 2019. This involved working with Product Planning, Marketing, Cost Analysis (the interface to product engineering), Investment Analysis (the interface to manufacturing), and Central Finance. I am currently converting my doctoral thesis, 'Monsters in Ancient Greek Cosmogony, Ethnography and Biology', into a monograph. At Nottingham she met and later in 1954 married army officer David Clifford (BA Industrial Administration). When dad was 16 his father said that there was as much chance of Tony passing the exam (School certificate) as the Labour party had of getting into power both succeeded in 1945. He graduated in 1985, aged 60, with his second Masters degree. Sara was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008, and throughout the treatments to fight the disease, she continued working. Tel: +1 (212) 286-9344 For the first 2 years of the course, he was accommodated in Derby Hall when Rev. Obituary kindly supplied by friend of James, Ream Plant. 4, pp. She was an intelligent, kind and caring woman and will be greatly missed by those who knew and loved her. Jenny was a good wife, mother to 2 daughters, and, lately, grandmother to 5 grandchildren. Fiona has 13 years of academic experience in both the Irish and German Higher Education systems. Pamela Zasada, Education. Under her headship, the department saw a stream of academic visitors from the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia and of lectorships in Serbo-Croat and Slovene through links that she had established with the Universities of Zagreb and Ljubljana. Elsevier published this last word on Norman: Norm was both cerebral and visionary, playing a leading role in early online publishing experiments at Elsevier and quickly realizing the importance that standards and identifiers would play in underpinning the interoperable world of digital scholarly communications that we know today. Rediscovering hockey later in life, he played for England at Masters level, winning gold medals at O60, O65 and O70 levels and played in the first ever team international O75 against Holland in 2015. Robin was born in Leicester, England, to Samuel and Molly Ellwood, who both preceded him in death. Fiona joined Birmingham Business School in 2007. and Pickering nuclear station. She was a buddy to many in Alcoholics Anonymous. Guy will be missed by colleagues in the water industry where he was much respected for his knowledge and commitment. Her first book was published in 2015 by Routledge, Understanding Poverty and the Environment: Analytical Frameworks and Approaches. In FN we became good friends and have kept in contact ever since, regularly meeting up and attending Reunions at the University over the years. Professor Nunan's research interests lie in the arrangements for and practice of governance of renewable natural resources in low- and middle-income countries. Her first degree in Economics, Politics and Quantitative Methods is from The University of East Anglia (1983). He met my mother when he was in Derby Royal infirmary recovering after the D-Day landings, she is still alive and well, and the living room of her house is still dominated by the print of Nottingham University. in 1963 and a PhD in Chemistry in 1966. Margaret Anderson (ne Hay), Botany - 3 July 2017, David G Barker, Grouped Subjects - 8 January 2014, Ross Barron, Civil Engineering - 21 December 2012, Dr James (Jim) Brown, Mining Engineering - August 2022, Jim was born in 1933 at St Thomas Hospital in London, therefore technically a true Cockney. He was appointed Assistant Lecturer in Physics at Nottingham in 1960 and, in the following year, was given sabbatical leave to do research with Charles Kittel at the University of California, Berkeley, returning to Nottingham and promotion to Lecturer. Dr. Westley is survived by his wife, brother, two sons, their wives, Monica and Lisa, and four grandchildren, Aidan, Allison, Sydney, and Alexandra. Aged 57, he took early retirement but carried on with his lecturing for another 3 years. Colin Johnson, Agricultural Sciences - October 2009, Richard (Rik) Lewis, Mechanical Engineering - 28 February 2021, Professor Kevin Shingfield, Animal Science - September 2016. Patrick Keilthy, Economic and Social History - February 2017, David Mallison, Mining Engineering - 27August 2010, Hugh Martin, Mechanical Engineering - 2010, David McWilliam, Mechanical Engineering - 7 November 2015, Michael Moseling, Industrial Economics - 30 October 2020, Alan Ritchie, Electrical Engineering - 2021. He studied German at Tubingen University where in 1964 he gained a D.Phil for his work on the Middle High German Epic "Kudrun". Always known as Peter, whilst a medical student (qualified Bristol 1956) he learnt to fly with the Bristol University Air Squadron developing a lifelong interest in aviation medicine. Doreen was 85 years young, and a had a full and varied life; she often spoke about her time at Nottingham, where she became known as the girl in the green dress - funny how our University experiences follow us around in life? Alans family would like to extend special thanks to the first responders who were with Alan to the end and all the caregivers and PSWs who have helped him over the past year. He did all his own maintenance and repairs and was frequently contacted by other boat owners for advice. Nevertheless, it is for the care and support she generously gave her colleagues that most people will remember Lorna. She subsequently worked for Barnsley, Essex County Council, and Anglo-European School at Ingatestone. He changed course to Theology in 1965 and graduated in 1967. There will be a thanksgiving service in Rostrevor when travel is easier. 1 edn, New Perspectives on South-East Europe, Palgrave Macmillan. Mrs. Wilkinson is an FCA and has a BA Honours degree in French with Italian from the University of London. She travelled frequently to France and had many lifelong friends there, including some she had initially made during her year abroad in Le Puy in the 1950s when studying for her degree at Nottingham. Nunan, F, Cepic, D, Onyango, P, Salehe, M, Yongo, E, Mbilingi, B, Odongkara, K, Mlahagwa, E & Owili, M 2020, 'Big fish, small fries? In Nova Scotia he was the design consultant on Trenton 6 and senior electrical engineer at Point Aconi generating stations. Sadly, Tony was unable to receive the degree in person because of ill health. 32, no. Obituary written by Emeritus Professor James Roy, Department of Classics and Archaeology, University of Nottingham, and kindly supplied by Jonh's son Neil Molyneux. UK. In the last two decades Alan looked after Maria, stoically and unstintingly with wit and good humour. Jennifer (Jenny) Christophers (ne Brown), Mathematics - 2018, Pauline Crombie, Classics - February 2012, Renee De Wit, Pharmacy - 13 September 2010, Roland Fairbrother, Economics - 10 September 2009, Alan Frost, Mathematics - 21 February 2019, Roger Hall, Agricultural Sciences - 30 August 2017, Shirley Hardy (ne Price), Economic & Social History - August 2008, Christopher Holt, Chemistry - 3 January 2023, Cedric Lea, Mathematics - 4 December 2022, Sir Henry Lee, Hon DLitt - 8 December 1993. He will be dearly missed by his wife Renate Beck Mehta, his children Kiran and Stephanie, his brothers Praful Nath, and Prem Nath, sister Devi Thapar, and his family, friends and community members . (function(){for(var g="function"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(b,c,a){if(a.get||a.set)throw new TypeError("ES3 does not support getters and setters. A book of condolence is available for colleagues to record their tributes. She had excelled at Bromley Grammar school in Mathematics but her chosen degree reflected a life-long concern for social welfare. Obituary kindly supplied by husband John. During which time he lectured at Nottingham Trent University. Fidelis was a Nigerian who was passionate about helping people with infertility to conceive. There being no X-Ray Crystallography research at Nottingham University, Stephen set up the X-Ray Crystallography department, starting with a budget of 1000, in a 3m2lab which also served as his office. Alan was a keen follower of Premier League soccer but on summer weekends the countryside beckoned and day trips around Ontario with a picnic lunch at hand were simple pleasures he enjoyed. They both held teaching posts in Nottingham until 1963 when they moved to Leeds. Dr Keith Lumsdon, Mining Engineering - 11 June 2017, Ann Ogden (ne Kellett), Education - 27 July 2008, John Ratcliffe, Civil Engineering - March 2016, Ernest Summers, Modern Electronics - October 2010, Reverend John Watts, Education - 6 March 2019, Penelope Yensen, Education - 28 September 2005, Gilbert R N Bigabwa, Environmental Planning for Developing Countries - 9 June 1992, Sari Conway (ne Wright), Education - July 2006, Malcolm Gander, Education - 5 September 2011, Robert Heard, Genetics and Biochemistry - 7 February 2012, Ann Leeding (ne Fielding), Physics and Applied Physics with Electronics, Jeffrey Moore, Education - 21 November 2011, Margaret Patrick, Social Work - 4 March 2006, Elizabeth Radforth, Politics - 1 July 2008. Nigel W Wilkinson. He returned to his employment at the Ministry of Foreign affairs for about a year before taking an early retirement at the age of 50 to start a new career as lawyer. Ever since University he maintained his marksmanship having learnt to shoot at University, and going on to represent the University with Col Shaw at Bisley. REF UoA03 panel member. She met John (Electrical & Electronic Engineering 1976) in 1974. He is also survived by his son Christopher and daughter Holly, his granddaughter Amelia, and his brothers Bruce and Barry and sister Susan. Upon retirement from teaching Angela completed an MA at Reading, this time on the causes of pre Black Death depopulation. Having taken early retirement in 1984, he studied for an MSc in Information Technology at Nottingham and has since been a keen supporter of the University. John Peter Cole, Emeritus Professor of Human and Regional Geography at the University of Nottingham, passed away on 1 April at the family home in Bramcote Hills, Nottingham at the age of 91. 28, no. He will be remembered as an avid student of history, a fine photographer, a dedicated practitioner of English, and most of all, a tireless raconteur. Fiona's interests and experience focus on natural resource governance and management in developing country settings, particularly within inland fisheries and coastal locations in East and Southern Africa, and on exploring the links between poverty and the environment. We first met David nearly 60 years ago but still remember him with affection, despite meeting only occasionally since. Following the death of Isabel he married Karen de Bres who was his faithful companion in Nottingham until he passed away peacefully at home. There he worked in the Chemistry Department at Stanford University with Professor Carl Djerassi. Ricardo Tutorial febrero 19, 2021. vincent from brooklyn on mark simone fiona wilkinson university of birmingham Hipervnculo condicional en una celda de Excel. Les passing leaves an unfillable hole in the lives of all who knew him but most of all for Linda, their two sons and four grandchildren. He brightened up many a dreary chemistry practical; having sailed through his own experiments he would saunter through the lab for a consoling chat with those who were still struggling or who had thrown the wrong solution down the sink. Phone: 0121 202 4227. Frederick William Sheard, who died on 17th March 2018, was a theoretical physicist who did distinguished work on the electronic and thermal properties of solids at the University of Nottingham. Obituary published by the University of Nottingham School of Life Sciences is available here. Demographic analysis of this type was still quite new as indeed were computers in historical research in the mid-1980s. In the early 1970s he moved to Guinness brewing worldwide. In 1977 he joined Rolls-Royce Motors Holdings Ltd at Crewe as Corporate Planning Executive. Ruth Humphrey also kept in touch with many other friends from her days at Nottingham where she studied geography. View Fiona Wilkinson's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Douglas Davies was warden, and served as Vice President of the JCR in 1993-4 under Carlos Lopez. Thomas Johnstone, Medicinal and Biological Chemistry - 20 August 2016, Stuart Tyrer, Archaeology - 10 April 2012, Yuanqi Wu, Biological Photography and Imaging - 3 February 2023, Adeyanju Charles-Eigbe, Education - March 2012, Celia Clayton, Biological Photography and Imaging - April 2020, Emma-Louise Fletcher, Psychology - 9 May 2012, Daniel Aslan, Manufacturing Engineering - 29 March 2017, Dr Oswald ("Ossie") Newell MBE, Honorary Degree - 2020, For a full obituary, please seeThe Guardian, Victor Tudorica, Biochemistry and Biological Chemistry - 24 February 2016, Prinka 'Pinky' Chumba, Mental Health Nursing - 8 September 2017, Ishan Patel, Business and Economy of Contemporary China, Hannah Browning, Modern Languages with Business - 11 May 2018, Sin Hewitt, Cultural Sociology - 6 April 2019. (2019). 218-227., Carmichael, F, Duberley, J & AlIsmail, S 2019, 'Female employment in hotels in Saudi Arabia and UAE', Gender in Management, vol. Contact details Email Twitter . Ella Skene (ne Basker), Agriculture/Horticulture - January 2013, Ann Smith (ne Rowlands), Theology - 30 August 2018, David Sneesby, Industrial Economics - 24 April 2013, Kenneth Sumner, Electrical Engineering - November 2010, Alastair Taylor, Agriculture/Horticulture, Dr John Thynne CB, Chemistry - 23 October 2018, John Towle, Mechanical Engineering - 2 August 2011, Edith Audrey Turner (ne Williams), Mathematics. She was also deeply involved in the running of the schools French annex in Southern Brittany. After retirement, he had various part time jobs all linked to education. 3, pp. Aug 2015 - Apr 20182 years 9 months. 7. He attended the University of Nottingham and obtained a B.Sc. She took up residence in a sheltered living home and really enjoyed the company of many of the other residents. Her research now centres on the arrangements for and practice of governing renewable natural resources in low- and middle-income countries. After UCN Ian joined the Royal Navy where he served for two years as a commissioned offiicer. He attended, on scholarships, the Cambridgeshire High School for Boys and the University of Nottingham. She had just turned 73 years old and repeatedly said I have had 72 good years. After Northampton School for Girls she read French, with Latin as her subsidiary subject, at the University College, Nottingham, graduating in 1936. They wound up the partnership at the end of 1999 and saw in the new Millennium on Westminster Bridge before retiring to Bath. However, his chief focus was on teaching his students and he regarded this as the most important element of his job: not research for research purposes or to increase his academic paper count. Advisory role specialising in personal tax, capital taxes and Trusts. 19, no. As a pet lover she even had a spell breeding Cavies. We both had many happy memories of time on campus. 34, no. Stephen Roberts, Nursing - 21 August 2017, It is with a heavy heart we have to inform the School of Nursing Students of 0309 Cohort (Adult Branch) the passing of a much loved personality. She supported village life, treasured many friendships and often created a huge mess with her grandchildren. Stanley worked as an engineer for 41 years, 37 of those in the Ontario Nuclear industry. He took an active interest in flying and model aircraft and he held a private pilots licence. He loved music and played in the University orchestra where he met Sheila, a secretary at the university. In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. After graduation Sara pursued a career in accountancy and was able to obtain a position with Coopers & Lybrand in Northampton; she qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1980. Margaret is survived by her children, Kate, Nancy, Damian and me, her grandchildren, Daisy, Simeon, Florence and Eve, and her siblings, Joe, Anne and Jimmy. 242-254. Margaret Maycock was the first member of her family to stay at school beyond the age of 14 and against all the odds she went to Nottingham University, graduating with B.Sc (Hons) in Chemistry in 1951. Sara was born and grew up in Boston, Lincolnshire. As a student, he contributed three articles to the student newspaper Gongster about an NUS trip to the USSR in April 1954 at the invitation of the Anti-Fascist Committee for Soviet Youth. Professor Brian Lee, Cultures Languages and Area Studies - 8 February 2017, For a full obituary please seeUniversity press release, Professor Sir Peter Mansfield FRS, Physics / Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre - 8 February 2017, For a full obituary please seeUniversity press release, February 2017, Dr Frank Molyneux, Geography - 4 August 2017. Obituary kindly supplied by Lesley Smith, on behalf of Simon's widow Elizabeth and his two daughters Christine and Jessica. His primary area of research was milk composition, in particular, fatty acids. Sally Bullock (ne Richards), Dairying - 11 April 2010, Roger Burton, French/Spanish - 30 July 2018, David Dalton, Mining Engineering - 14 April 2008, Arah Danielian, Physics - 19 January 2013, Michael Davis, Psychology November 2021, Geoff Dye, Mechanical Engineering - 26 September 2022, Norman Eatough, Economics - 31 August 2010, George Farrimond, Civil Engineering - 27 July 2010, William Hammond, Mining Engineering - 14 November 2008, After graduating from Nottingham (where he met my Mother, Pamela Hanson, French, 1954) he went on to study engineering at the University of Cambridge. Douglas Davies was warden, and, lately, grandmother to 5 grandchildren repeatedly said I have had good., intelligent, kind and caring woman and will be missed by colleagues in the Department... 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