Next, locate the bracket and deck adjustment assembly, and remove the bolt holding it in position. I see you have fixed your problem but FYI to anyone reading this, I had the same issue with the mower not engaging and found the normally open contact on the mower deck engage button was bad. i'll voltage was on the switch and nothing left for the actuator to operate. Also check on here. Household Tools to Clean Mower. Change air filter only if worn, engine loses power or at specified maintenance intervals as determined by the engine manufacturer. 9 1. SO, I traced wires to the back again, and the stupid, bad, poor design connector in the back wasnt making good connection. Still had same problem. When stabilizer is added to the fuel tank, allow the engine to run in an open, ventilated area for about 10 minutes to ensure the treated fuel is circulated throughout the fuel system. If fuel stabilizer was not added to the bulk fuel, then it is a good idea to add the proper amount directly into the fuel tank. 4. For this purpose, you have to inspect the lift area. I think I will try to hard wire the PTO clutch harness and see if it engages then? If the metal linkage becomes damaged or seized, and you cant make these adjustments, a new linkage is required. Rebuilt is 425 I think plus core they dont want them being torn apart. Wasn't happy with the cost but lifting my old deck on previous Grasshopper manually wasn't easy. Every Grasshopper product is engineered for performance, using only the highest quality components and heavy-duty construction to ensure long life. Ive traced the wires to the pto clutch and switch. However, the ideal practice is to set the height adjusting knob to one and it will optimize the decks movement. However, many people set the height too low, which doesnt leave enough space to move. Do not straighten bent blades or add weight to blade tips; bent or altered blades will affect airflow and diminish cut quality. Information, resources, insights, & tips to help you gain MOWmentum. Any suggestions? I took pictures too.the link still looks like its good. You need to disconnect the spark plug if you want to avoid any unwanted accidents. Once I get the deck up and release the button it does not lock and deck does not stay up to clean it. Could the electric clutch be bad? Change the engine oil and transmission fluid at prescribed service intervals. Thanks in advance. Procedure: 1.) It is highly recommended that you consider purchasing counter weights if you need to frequently mow on sloping surfaces. 2009 BadBoy lightning Z, 31hp Kawasaki/60. Step 3 - Remove the side discharge shield. Cold Weather Warm-Up Never run a cold engine at full throttle. Starting Fluids Do not use any type of starting fluid on any Kubota, Kohler or Briggs & Stratton engine. Do not over-grease. Fortunately, most of these problems are fixable without you having to take your unit to a service center. Inspect engine for oil leaks, and replace seals or gaskets, if necessary. I unplugged the harness by the engine and cleaned it, it looks good. Check transmission fluid level before each mowing, and engine coolant level if so equipped. Check safety switch . VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Tire chains are available for 20-inch diameter and smaller turf tires to increase traction for winter usage. stagner.steve, Pto would not engafe on riding lawn mower replaced switch and it wont start says pto is engaed on or off put old one back in and it starts but wont engage, Jun 12, 2018 by Adjust or replace worn parts, if necessary. Apply only the appropriate amount of grease as specified in the owner's manual, as too little or too much grease can damage to fittings, seals and bearings. Lubricate mower and change air filters at the intervals recommended in your Operator's Manual. Grasshopper 335B Mower 72" Deck Adjustable Lift Lever. Then, try to adjust the knob and it will move easily. Then, try to adjust the knob and it will move easily. Replace the damaged bracket with a new one, and re-install the hold-down bolt and the mower deck. Fuel Different grades of fuel are used for warm and cold weather operation. Horsepower: 25 HP. Jul 5, 2020 by Height is an important factor when it comes down to raising and lowering the mower deck. 52" FOLD-UP FRONT DECK, GRASSHOPPER COMMERCIAL GRASS CATCHER. It is connected by a linkage or a rod and helps raise and lower the mower deck. 1. For this purpose, you have to remove the deck and locate the bracket by following instructions from the user manual. Chris, first try to adjust the clutch. Cleaned them all, taped them all up, works perfect. Use only Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) replacement parts, as OEM parts are designed to work in conjunction with specific systems. I had to replace the actuator and its electric motor on my 729 this year. The rods are convenient to replace as you only have to tighten the hex nut and a few pins. For plugs that are still in good condition, adding an ounce of motor oil to the cylinders and cranking the engine a few times will help keep cylinders lubricated during winter storage. 1. Just need a kick in the pants to open my eyes. In order to stop the forward motion, gradually pull the steering and brake control levers towards you until the unit comes to a halt. Thoroughly clean all grease fittings and lubricate with SAE multi-purpose grease. Table 1 Most common troubleshooting solutions applicable for all Grasshopper Mower models. Sharpen blades regularly, and check for balance and levelness. Normally the deck just needs to be re-leveled. The linkage is important because its designed with the nut thats tightened to raise the desk and is loosened to lower the mower deck. Slide the lever in the direction that moves the deck upward, and then allow the lever to . How to take the deck off a front mount Grasshopper Mower Taking the deck off makes it easy to clean or change the blades and also to add attachmentsGive us a. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. The brackets are attached to the deck and contains the decks gear assembly (this assembly is responsible for raising and lowering the deck). Grasshopper 721 Zero Turn- Mower Deck Gearbox W/ Shaft 390022. 1.1 Powerfold Deck Won't Lock. 2020 GRASSHOPPER 325D 25HP KUBOTA DIESEL 61" DECK GRAMMER SUSPENSION SEAT VERY NICE MACHINE RUNS AND DRIVES. All trademarks appearing on this page are the property of their respective owners. Page 1 OPERATOR'S MANUAL & PARTS LIST RIDING MOWER MODELS 723T & 727T THE GRASSHOPPER COMPANY Moundridge, Kansas 67107 U.S.A. Step 2 Raise the seat to expose the two hydraulic pumps located over each of the wheels. Clear debris from air filter housing. She's also a lifelong athlete and is pursuing certification as a personal trainer. Ensure that youre experienced with working on power tools before attempting to carry out any repairs on your mower. However, if any of these pins are damaged, it can make it challenging for the deck to connect to the lifting arm and you wont be able to adjust the decks height either. Visually inspect the mower. Your lawn tractor has a cable that connects the lift handle to the mower deck. Consult operator's manual for tension adjustment procedures. Remove and clean the pre-filter or pre-cleaner. Wet the underside of the deck if the grass is difficult to scrape off. QUALITY FIRST, MONEY SECOND: We focus on providing our clients higher value for the dollars they invest with us. 3. If one or more of these pins break off, it can make adjusting the deck height difficult. We were unable to add your email to our mailing list. when I bought it I wanted foot assist lift, they told me I would't like it.But they told me they never sold one at there dealer in KS.I'ts kind of funny now,most all the new Bad Boy's Electric is a option,and the new hevy-duty spindles,that don't have the star braces around them,like mine.Mow with ATTITUDE! It's no big deal, my 2520 does the same thing; the deck settles over 10-15 minutes after I shut off the engine. Heavy-duty Deck: Extra-deep, 5.5-inch deck is fabricated from heavy-gauge formed steel with a reinforced anvil edge Specially designed cutting chambers enhance airflow for better cut quality Deck easily converts from side discharge to optional Down Discharge mulching or PowerVac collection Sentry spindles with massive, 8-inch flanges anchored in a 6-bolt pattern, spread the force of . Wish I had taken pictures at the shop. Purchase the replacement mower blades. Could this be caused by the deck belt being too loose or maybe the main belt being too . Keep engine, mower deck and all other parts of the mower free from dirt and debris. Instead, consult your owner's manual for recommended tire pressure. Donald Maccourt. Do not put the mower in a position where you do not have enough traction to pull out from the incline or stop. Cables will be attached by pins and washers. Having a tool as substantial in size as a Grasshopper mower can make even large mowing jobs go quickly -- but with that large size comes the issue of how to store and move it. problems sense new, belt kept coming off, fuel tank had leak,deck Idler replaced.All under 25 hrs.Warranty cover it. Apr 6, 2018 by NOTE: Do not over-service air filter. Follow the engine manufacturer's oil recommendation for cold weather operation. Refer to the owner's manual for engine manufacturer recommendations for coolant replacement. What reasons are there for my pto clutch starting up and running fine for about 5 minutes then the blades just stop . Ensure tires are properly inflated. I found one of the wires had rubbed of the plastic coating near the clutch and was grounding out. Riding Lawnmowers: 1.2.1 - Step 1: Park the mower on a flat surface: 1.2.2 - Step 2: Take precautionary measures: 1.2.3 - Step 3: Adjust the tire pressure: 1.2.4 - Step 4: Raise the deck side to side using lift link adjustment: . Access to manuals and parts right there makes it convenient.". Customers also search. Be aware of pedestrians. Then, put a new cable and tighten the attachment points. The mower has a cable that connects the deck and lift handle, and you have to check it when the deck stops working. Im having the exact same issue on the same model and year. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Do not clean pre-filter or pre-cleaner every day; a dirty filter is more efficient than a clean filter. Table Of Contents hide. Consult all equipment service manuals for specific procedures, schedules and replacement parts lists. Steering Left: To steer towards your left hand side, hold the left lever stationary and gradually push the right lever forwards to initiate a slow turn. Reinstall oil plug, and refill crankcase according to engine manual specifications. The only solution for a damaged bracket is to replace it. Looking for more in-depth information? Always keep a log of all regular maintenance. To adjust the mower deck from front to rear, make sure the tire pressure is set (refer . Press the deck toward the center of the mower. If your lawn tractor will not allow you to adjust the deck height, check the following parts: pins, cable, rod, brackets, and linkage. If the wiring does not reveal any problem and a clutch adjustment does not resolve it, it may be time to replace the clutch. g'day every one,this may sound a bit unsafe but before you go and get a new PTO switch,or a new clutch, hot wire the clutch, run it to a on/off switch(you have to put the switch on your self)leave your PTO switch off(down not up) start the mower turn the new switch(hot wire) on and leave PTO switch off,if deck works you can mow even in reverse but rember the switch keeps the deck going all the time till you switch it off .then you can have a lecky check your wiring as it won't be your clutch,but you can get your lawn cut. Once youve located the mounting points and running points for this cable, you will need to consult your manual to determine what the best procedure is to replace this cable. With the mower deck off, simply remove the bent rod, and replace it with a new one. It has 160 Hrs, on it. 1) Loosen the 12 self-tapping screws which secure the right and left hand side frame panels to the rear hitch plate. DO NOT remove inner air filter except to replace with a new filter according to engine manufacturer specifications. . Drive system fluid level might be low. Be sure to check the tires for leaks and extreme wear at the end of every mowing season, and repair or replace them as necessary, to prevent sidewall damage from sitting flat over the winter. What keeps the top half of the clutch from spinning with the bottom pulley, Oct 31, 2016 by Dixie20j said: My mowing deck won't raise up. I'm glad the 722d we have now does not have it. I attached some images from the manual. The entire thing inside the gearbox and the treaded jack dome had water damage and corrosion. You might want to buy manual deck parts and just get rid of the power fold. Please help. I hard wired from battery to electric clutch and mower blades came on, so that I know its not my clutch or adjustment. Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023 04:53 PM. I attached some images from the manual. Kept blowing the fuse under the seat. Plugging can include both fuel filters and fuel lines. LOL Thanks curbman. grasshopper 720k parts. Tools : two 3/4 inch wrenches. Jun 1, 2011 / Mowing deck won't raise #3. So, check the cable and replace it if it seems damaged or frayed. Sharpen blades regularly, and check for balance and levelness. Be sure to check your instruction manual prior to repair, as the cable replacement steps will vary by model. or Best Offer. Did you ever get this issue resolved??? Gently tap the filter by hand to remove dust and debris. After replacement, the blades are decidedly sharper. Never attempt to stop or start the unit suddenly when moving up or down an incline as this may cause the machine to tip forwards or backwards. Blow away all debris from around mower deck, engine and transmission. I'm trying to get my mid mount mower to rise. Be sure to check your instruction manual prior to repair, as the cable replacement steps will vary by model. cohenbrian123. Seat and brake switch quit also! Take advantage of maximum productivity and versatility with the Grasshopper Model 729BT riding lawn mower. Use a disposable shop towel to wipe off any excess grease before use. Since mower decks are universal, many people use them interchangeably but dont focus on the installation. If you feel that the mower is beginning to lose traction, turn off the PTO system to disengage the brakes before gently rolling down the incline. If youre not comfortable with operating on your unit, dont hesitate to take to a service center for inspection. Over- or under-inflated tires can have a substantial effect on traction and quality of cut, including levelness of cut and longevity of blades. Just want's to make a clicking sound. Clean out underside of mower deck. However, the PTO will not engage. Receive money-saving advice and special discounts! Every #MowDay fanatic knows there are a few must-dos when it comes to mower maintenance. $149.99 . One bad glow plug will prevent the engine from starting. Apply wax to help keep dirt and debris from sticking to the exterior while mowing. Also check on here. Over time the cable can stretch and even break, and when this happens the cable will need to be replaced. The pins are used to attach different components of the mower to the deck and rods. NOTE: According to Kubota Engineering Bulletin KEI-144, use of biodiesel fuel in cold weather can lead to fuel system plugging, hard starting and other possible unknown failures. Anyone have any ideas rather than going to buy a reman for over 400 bucks to have it fail again in 2 years. As far as possible, always reverse at a low stable speed. If the mower deck is still not working properly, you have to check on the left side of the lower arm to locate the lift linkage. Practicing regular maintenance will extend the life of your Grasshopper and keep it in optimal working order. Mower deck . 1 Increasing the Cutting Height on Various Lawnmowers: 1.1 Equipment needed: 1.2 1. Grab onto the underside of the deck with both hands, bend your knees and then stand up to begin lifting the deck. . A mower cover is available for all Grasshopper models (PN 420085) if the mower is stored in an area exposed to the elements. Shop great deals on Grasshopper Lawn Mower Decks. $27.99. In some rare cases, the mower deck doesnt work because of the terrain. This Bad Boy is a money pit. So, if the deck wont move and you cannot adjust the height, its recommended that you check the pins and replace the broken ones. Consult owner's manual for proper deck angle to ensure optimal mowing quality. 8/19/20. The mower should be cleaned after each mowing using compressed air. And when I do shut off the mower it is hard to crank. These mower decks are heavy and you don't want to risk hurting your back. Clean spark plugs and replace, if necessary. View Details. As far as possible, avoid steep inclines and areas next to lakes or water bodies. Warmer and longer days are a signal that the spring mowing season is just around the corner. Decided it was the switch. Tired of charging the battery often and no time to work on the mower, I purchased a 1.5W solar trickle charger from Harbor Freight for $14 that I leave connected. Here is what fixed it. Replace with OEM-specified filter, and refill with OEM-specified fluid only. it was around $30 bucks to replace the button. The linkage has a nut that you can tighten to raise the deck and loosen to lower the deck. Every Grasshopper mower is designed to make routine maintenance and winterization simple. Confirm all safety features are installed and functioning properly. Try this first. Blades. Electrical Troubleshooting - Grasshopper Mowers Dealer Locator Links to shots of the actuator on my badboy lightning Z (2008 model). NOTE: Contact an authorized Grasshopper servicing dealer for coolant testing. Ordered switch. Check tire pressure with a low-pressure gauge. However, if the mower deck has stopped working, you can try the solutions mentioned in this article. Use low-pressure air to blow debris from the engine and transmission areas, and remove clippings and debris from electrical components. So, if the nut or linkage gets damaged, you have to get it replaced. In addition, it prevents the spinning blade from projecting the objects. Be certain to use a good quality, fresh winter-grade fuel, as summer-grade fuel creates a hard starting situation in cold weather. Also practice the emergency stop function never attempt to mow before thoroughly learning these basics. Adjust deck belt tension springs as needed. My charging system was not working correctly. Our interactive online literature offers the same detailed content, plus informative videos, links and more. You saved me from buying and installing an unnessacary clutch. Before I spend money, hope someone has a possible solution. keep holding the down button and when it has reached the lowest point . Spray the underside of the deck with water to clear any clippings or residue, then use a bristled brush to remove any stubborn deposits. Remove the mower's air filter and check to see if it needs replacing. Stale fuel can damage the engine. DieselDennis: Posted 8/28/2018 21 . Now release the neutral latch lock before you slowly release both the left and the right steering and brake control levers. Sit-on-top lawn mower. Grasshopper OEM Mower Part 422179 Original Foam Rubber Handle Grip Set of 2 (37) Total Ratings 37. The industry's toughest spindles. Check battery terminals and wiring connections to make sure they are clean and fastened well. Sharpen blades. My 727 powered mower deck will not lift up. My zero turn turned the bades on while I was going down the road. Then, disconnect the cable from the linkage and connect it to the new linkage. Ordered another set of Gator blades, a Stens oil change kit. Installed old switch and all was well. When it gets close to vertical . This was also blowing fuse under the seat - installed circuit breaker/fuse, May 3, 2018 by 5. Mowing on uneven terrain or inclined surfaces. The mower should be cleaned after each mowing using compressed air. There's a yellow wire hanging under the front of my scott riding mower. You have to remove the bolt thats holding the bracket in position and it will come out. I put a shrink wrap tube on it and rerouted the wire from where it was rubbing. Do not over-grease. Inspect for engine oil, transmission fluid and radiator coolant leaks. Refill the drive system fluid as instructed in the manual. You are free to use table below to determine most common issues and its remedy, Table 1 Most common troubleshooting solutions applicable for all Grasshopper Mower models. May 27, 2018 by Your lawn tractor has a cable that connects the lift handle to the mower deck. Follow our quick guide below to learn the proper way to level a Grasshopper FrontMount and MidMount. Think I found those for around 200 on shoup. oldturkey03, I have same problem but when I turn pto it try's to engage I can hear and see somethings working upper side of clutch but nothing to the belt pully, LowCharge However, if youre not familiar with the process, leveling your deck can be confusing. Grasshopper engineers continuously research and test new product features and improvements at our 300,000-square-foot facility in Moundridge, Kans. Bidding history(0 bids) Lot 6132 2005 Zero Tuirn Grasshopper Mower c/w blower attachment & spare wheels/tyres. If you spend the winter in a warmer climate, look for storage units in your area that provide extra security and protection. Use extra caution when servicing systems that utilize separate pumps and wheel motors and high-pressure lines to avoid injury. Then, Using a stiff plastic putty knife, remove the heaviest grass build-up, followed by a soft bristle brush and soapy water - to remove the remaining grass. Which secure the right steering and brake control levers my mid mount mower to the pto harness! They dont want them being torn apart get rid of the terrain deck will not lift up mowing using air! 61 & quot ; deck GRAMMER SUSPENSION seat VERY NICE MACHINE RUNS and DRIVES can stretch and even,! At prescribed service intervals center of the wheels a warmer climate, look for storage in! Deck belt being too loose or maybe the main belt being too you only to... Oil change kit links and more needed: 1.2 1 the pins are used to attach Different components the... 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