The older brother of Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng, from Team Liquid, fatally stabbed their mother and seriously injured their father. window.googletag.cmd.push(function() { [60] This win marked Doublelift's 8th NA LCS title. }); Peng's younger brother, known as Doublelift, is one one of the most popular players in the League of Legends community in North America. Stay Tuned With Married Celeb To Know More About Gamers & YouTubers!!! Yiliang Peter Peng 1993719 DoubleliftTeam SoloMid Counter Logic Gaming Counter Logic Gaming Team Liquid The suspects father, Guojon Peng, also 59, was critically injured but is expected to survive after he was rushed to a local hospital. Yihong Peng was arrested and booked into the Orange County Jail on the murder charge and is currently being held on $1 million bail. UniCourt uses cookies to improve your online experience, for more information please see our Privacy Policy. The statement says that neighbors reported seeing the suspect that night on the street with a knife at 10:30 pm. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover guojun's . "Following a short pursuit, the suspect was taken into custody without incident. Phone Number: (949) 661- GQUY +1 phone. Peng . Yihong Peng, older brother of League of Legends superstar Yiliang Doublelift Peng, was arrested and charged with the murder of his mother and assault of his father on Saturday in San Juan Capistrano, California. Orange County Sheriff's deputies arrived at the scene and found Peng's mother, Wei Ping Shen, 59, with a fatal stab wound. 2021-12-15, Orange County Superior Courts | Other | [53], With a disappointing finish to Spring 2020, Team Liquid traded Doublelift to Team SoloMid for the 2020 Summer Split.[54][55][56]. [70] He has a younger and an older brother. eventAction: 'view' In this video Louis breaks down t. At the time of the incident, he was not in his house, but after a while, he made several arrangements for his father and brother. Yihong Peng . According to the Orange County Sheriffs Department,aneighbor called the authorities around 10:30 p.m. on Friday after seeing Yihong Peng on the street with a knife. [17] The team saw significant improvement in the summer split, improving their previous 99 record to a 171 standing at the end of the regular season, and earned a bye into playoffs. Thank you for everyone's support. In the first round they faced the Korean powerhouse NaJin Sword, where they were routed in two lopsided matches. Yihong Peng, older brother of League of Legends superstar Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng, was arrested and . . COMPLAINT DISPOSED WITH DISPOSITION OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT BY CLERK. Yihong Peng attempted to flee the . Yihong Peng, the 30-year-old brother of Team Liquid AD carry Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng, was arrested on Saturday in Orange County, California, and charged with murder after he allegedly stabbed to death their mother and severely injured their father, according to a statement from the Orange County Sheriff's Department. Copyright 2023 KABC Television, LLC. . reporters on a platform technologically tailored to meet the needs of the modern reader. Since his brother would buy a new computer every few years, Peng soon came to own . PAYMENT RECEIVED BY HANLON & ASSOCIATES, INC FOR 171 - COMPLAINT OR OTHER 1ST PAPER <=$10K (UNLAWFUL DETAINER) IN THE AMOUNT OF 240.00, TRANSACTION NUMBER 12675896 AND RECEIPT NUMBER 12500655. Download. All relevant terms must be followed. We offer you innovative products, personalized support and decades of experience in engineered plastics. He is represented by Loaded, Social Media/Gaming Talent Management Agency, Los Angeles, California, United States. 2022-01-28, Orange County Superior Courts | Other | TSM defeated Team Liquid 32 after a grueling five-game series. Yihong Peng, the older brother of Team Liquid ADC Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng, was arrested Saturday and charged with murder after he allegedly stabbed to death their mother and severely injured their father: T he suspect's father, Guojon Peng, . My older brother attacked both of my parents with a knife. [71][72][73], Peng is close friends with esports journalist Travis Gafford. Copyright 2021, All Right Reserved MARRIEDCELEB. His father, Guojon, was hospitalized. [25] In an interview, teammate Bjergsen agreed with Dinh's initial announcement that Peng would need to compete with his replacement, saying "I want WildTurtle to succeed and I wasn't just sitting around waiting for Peter because I wanted someone who was committed, and like I said I was disappointed and I felt he wasn't very committed. Jupiter and Venus appear to 'kiss' in the sky, Mom of 2, stabbed 8 times, is making most of second chance at life, Whose leak is it anyway? Currently, he holds the record for the most LCS championships in history. }); Doublelift's life was good, and everything seemed to be under control. 2021-09-10, Orange County Superior Courts | Other | As a result of this attack, my mom passed away and my dad was seriously hurt and is now recovering in hospital., Im still processing this news and joining up with my dad and little brother to make sure theyre ok and the proper arrangements are being made. "This weekend I received some terrible news," Doublelift said in a Twitlonger post Sunday. 2022-12-02, Orange County Superior Courts | Other | Finally, one place to get all the court documents we need. gads_event = event; }) [citation needed] He later joined UnRestricted as the starting AD Carry, and the team was acquired by Team Curse later that year. Report this profile . Peng is being held on the $1million bail at the moment at the Orange County Jail where he was booked into on the murder charge after he was arrested. hitType: 'event', As a result of this attack, my mom passed away and my dad was seriously hurt and is now recovering in hospital. [citation needed] In an interview with Machinima in 2013, Peng said his relationship with his parents was strained, because of his dream of being a professional esports player. eventAction: 'render' They made their way to Australia and decided to get engaged there. Case Summary. DocketREQUEST TO WAIVE COURT FEES FILED BY PENG, GUOJUN ICHU ON 11/21/2019, DocketSUMMONS ISSUED AND FILED FILED BY PENG, GUOJUN ICHU ON 11/21/2019, DocketCIVIL CASE COVER SHEET FILED BY PENG, GUOJUN ICHU ON 11/21/2019, DocketCOMPLAINT FILED BY PENG, GUOJUN ICHU ON 11/21/2019. In an interview with Team Dignitas, Gafford said they first met when Peng posted on Reddit that he was homeless and Gafford offered for him to live on his couch until he had money to pay rent. The supremely talented gamer of a league of Legends, Yiliang, has estimated net worth around $850,000 as per 2020. The fan of League Of Legends must be familiar with the name Doublelift whose real name is Peng Yiliang. Why is this public record being published online? , 2020 . Team Liquid", "Why Team Liquid's performance at MSI 2019 should still be celebrated", "[2019 MSI] Sights from the MSI 2019 Finals, G2 Esports vs Team Liquid", "2019 LCS Summer Split Regular Season Comes to an End - Team Liquid Again on Top", "Team Liquid beats Cloud9 for second straight NA LCS title", "League Worlds 2019: Group stage scores, standings, and results", "League of Legends: Team Liquid Sign Broxah", "Team Liquid's alternative for Broxah's visa issues? },false) 2021-12-05, Orange County Superior Courts | Other | Doubelift is a veteran of the competitive scene he was there before the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) was organized. During those times Pengremain quiets on social media and had worked recovered from the incident. [33], A week before the final, Peng learned that his mother Wei Ping Shen was killed and his father Guojon Peng seriously injured after his older brother Yihong Peng allegedly stabbed them in their family home in San Juan Capistrano California. He is scheduled to appear in court on Monday. This case was filed in Orange County Superior Courts, Harbor Justice Center Newport Beach located in Orange, California. "[3] Despite the pressure faced during this event, Steve Arhancet, owner and co-CEO of Team Liquid, announced that Doublelift would not be taking time off and was determined to play in the final as planned. His father, Guojon Peng, was critically injured but is "expected to survive." . He was born on July 19, . [7], In 2014, Peng and CLG finished third and fifth, respectively in the spring and summer playoffs, and did not qualify for international events. [6], On February 27, 2013, CLG participated in the Riot Season 3 North American League Championship Series Spring Split. Why is this public record being published online? Yihong Peng was arrested and booked into the Orange County Jail on a murder charge and is currently being held on $1 million bail. [23] In the past, Peng has spoken out about the never-ending competitive schedule for professional League of Legends. pg.acq.push(function() { Download. TSM would drop to the bottom half of the elimination bracket to face the 8th seed, Team Dignitas. DocketPAYMENT RECEIVED BY ONELEGAL FOR 214 - WRIT IN THE AMOUNT OF 40.00, TRANSACTION NUMBER 12687758 AND RECEIPT NUMBER 12512737. When Orange County Sheriffs deputies arrived at the familys home in San Juan Capistrano, they found Pengs 59-year-old mother, Wei Ping Shen, with a fatal stab wound. document.querySelector("#ads").addEventListener('click',function(){ Greenstone, Michael, Guojun He, Shanjun Li, and Eric Zou . } Er wurde am 19. The Orange County Deputies arrived at the house to find Wei Ping Shen, 59, with a fatal stab wound, and Guojon Peng, Doublelift's father, in critical condition. "Deputies arrived to the scene within one minute and located two victims, both with stab wounds, and . }); Source ESPN: 132018303030 Under 302060025Yiliang PengDoublelift 1350 . Yiliang 'Doublelift' Peng l em trai ca Yihong ng thi cng l con th trong gia nh. We are developing novel genetic or epigenetic approaches to identify breast cancer metastasis related genes and generate transgenic and knockout mouse models to . NeighborSusan Larsen toldNBC Los Angelesthat Peng had just brokenup with his long-term girlfriend, so his parents visited him in his home to comfort him. I hope you all understand and support me as you always have in the past.. Doublelift Bio, Alter. Cases involving residential tenant evictions, CASE DISPOSED WITH DISPOSITION OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT BY CLERK. Guojon Peng, his father, was critically injured and taken to a local hospital. He did, taking his prize money from Dreamhack and his computer. He had . Authorities said before the attack, the 30-year-old got into a fight with his parents Friday night at their San Juan Capistrano home. It got worse and worse over the years. I didn't have a credit card, all I had was my wallet with cash and a PayPal account. 2. As of this edit, this article uses content from "Team Solo Mid", which is licensed in a way that permits reuse under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, but not under the GFDL. Yihong Peng remains in Central Jail on $2,000,000 bail. He came after his elder and only sibling, Yihong Peng. Guojon Peng: Mother: Wei Ping Shen: Brother: Yihong Peng: . To this end, my laboratory at Wayne State University follows two research directions: 1) Functional study of metastatic promoting genes in EMT, chemoresistance and stemness traits. Choosing the right pair of climbing shoes can make a huge difference to how we climb, and there's a lot of shoes out there! Police say they are currently investing the motive behind the incident. 24-year-old "Doublelift" was named the player of the series after his Team Liquid defeated rivals Echo Fox and earned a spot in the league's final. [49] Prior to the start of the spring 2020 split, Broxah had visa issues preventing him from joining them for the start of the spring season, and Team Liquid performed very poorly. Everything you see today is built on the backs of warriors who have sacrificed opportunities to help give Asians all over the world a bigger voice. [38] However, they were eliminated in the group stage by KT Rolster and Edward Gaming. Unfortunately this is Real. MEAWW brings you the best content from its global team of My older brother attacked both of my parents with a knife. DocketE-FILING TRANSACTION 2862779 RECEIVED ON 11/21/2019 05:04:34 PM. [32] Team Liquid defeated Cloud9 30 in the quarterfinals and Echo Fox 31 in the semifinals to make it to the Team Liquid's first ever final. Osland Rice, Dylan Michael, Osland-Rice, Dylan Et Al, Barrientos Sanchez, Juan Carlos, Medelsanchez, Alain Alejandro Et Al, Diaz, Guillermohazael Martinez, Martinezdiaz, Guillermo Et Al. Doublelift wrote to his followers on Sunday. Yiliang "Peter" Peng (Chinese: [1]; pinyin: Png Yling), better known as Doublelift, is an American content creator, streamer, and professional League of Legends player, currently AD Carry for 100 Thieves. Age 64. aka Ichu Jun Peng, Peng Guo-Jun, Peng Guojun, Peng Jun. My older brother attacked both of my parents with a knife. She was later pronounced dead despite extensive life-saving efforts by deputies and the Orange County Fire Authority. And the best part of all, documents in their CrowdSourced Library are FREE! Doublelift is among the most well-known players of hit MOBA game League of Legends in the United States. De igual forma, encontraron al padre, Guojon Peng, en estado grave y lo transportaron a un hospital local. DocketMINUTES FINALIZED FOR FEE WAIVER HEARING 12/06/2019 01:30:00 PM. [64] Several months after his retirement, Peng revealed a significant reason he walked away from the pro scene was due to discontent with Team SoloMid, even going so far as to say "I fucking hate TSM" as well as accusing the owner, Reginald, of abuse,[65][66][67] and left the organization entirely in November. Doublelift is in a relationship with Leena Xu. Hong Meng will naturally not join these forces, not to mention that freedom is restricted, and his talent is also jealous. Scroll down to know Yiliang's net worth. [10], Peng was benched during the Summer LCS due to an injury incurred from playing basketball. Read More Read Less. ", "Doublelift announces retirement from League of Legends", "Doublelift blasts TSM on stream: "I f**king hate TSM, mostly because of Andy" - League of Legends", "Reginald claims TSM will 'part ways' with Doublelift", "How will the new-look 100 Thieves stack up against the competition in 2023? Segn el departamento de polica del condado, se espera que Guojon Peng sobreviva. Guojon Peng, the father, was found by the deputies with a critical injury and was immediately rushed to a local hospital. According to the OC Sheriff's Department, he is expected to make a recovery. In April 2018, his older brother killed their mother and injured their father after an altercation outside of their family's home. ", "I'm still processing this news and joining up with my dad and little brother to make sure they're ok and the proper arrangements are being made. Team Liquid tweeted a statement regarding what happened. Whereas he also earns an enormous amount of money through Youtube and Instagram where he has thousands of followers, but he has still not revealed his accurate income. Oct 2010. [48], With their premature exit from Worlds, Team Liquid parted ways with their jungler, Xmithie, and signed former Fnatic Jungler, Broxah. hitType: 'event', }); Sometimes you practice 16 hours a day and still end up losing. . 69 kg or 152 lbs Im still processing this news and joining up with my dad and little brother to make sure theyre ok and the proper arrangements are being made. Cases involving other criminal matters not classified elsewhere, Hearing Type - Reason: Preliminary Hearing -; Courtroom: H1, Hearing Type - Reason: Preliminary Hearing -; Courtroom: H1; Hearing Status: Heard, Hearing Type - Reason: Preliminary Hearing -; Courtroom: H1; Hearing Status: Cancel, Hearing Type - Reason: Preliminary Hearing -; Courtroom: H9; Hearing Status: Cancel, Hearing Type - Reason: Pre Trial -; Courtroom: H1; Hearing Status: Heard, Hearing Type - Reason: Pre Trial -; Courtroom: H9; Hearing Status: Heard, Hearing Type - Reason: Preliminary Hearing -; Courtroom: H9; Hearing Status: Heard, Hearing Type - Reason: Chambers Work -; Courtroom: H1; Hearing Status: Heard, Hearing Type - Reason: Pre Trial -; Courtroom: H1; Hearing Status: Cancel, Hearing Type - Reason: Arraignment -; Courtroom: H1; Hearing Status: Heard. [12] The victory also qualified them for the 2015 League of Legends World Championship. A daily dose of Asian America's essential stories - in under 5 minutes, 2022 NextShark, Inc. All rights reserved.Terms & Conditions. JUDGMENT - UNLAWFUL DETAINER (FILED AND ENTERED 1-9-20) RECEIVED ON 01/08/2020. No later than May 21, 2021, the ZHP Defendants shall run the following search terms across all custodians and report the results for: a. E-FILING TRANSACTION 2862779 RECEIVED ON 11/21/2019 05:04:34 PM. Yiliang 'Peter' Pang, known professionally as Doublelift, is one of the most iconic League of Legends competitors of all time. Compete has reached out to Team Liquid management for further details. ", "Following a short pursuit, the suspect was taken into custody without incident. ", "My older brother attacked both of my parents with a knife. [20][21] Peng once again made it to the finals, and this time won, defeating Cloud9 31, to give Peng his second title. Before Team Liquid, he used to play from Counter Logic Gaming, and Team SoloMid. [3], Peng was timid and socially awkward around his teammates. [46] This was Doublelift his 7th championship overall, and passing Xmithie to become the player with the most Championship titles in LCS history. The star spoke about the tragic incident in a Twitlonger post on April 1 saying:"This weekend I received some terrible news. Doublelift and Team Liquid's failure to qualify for playoffs marked the first time in LCS history that the reigning champion not qualify for the following split's playoffs. (Part 1/2)", "COMPETITIVE RULING: COUNTER LOGIC GAMING", "League Of Legends Pro Almost Quit Before Winning The U.S. Finals", "Basketball Injury Takes Out Top League Of Legends Player", "Counter Logic Gaming sweep rivals to win their first LCS title", "TSM announces addition of CLG's Doublelift as new AD Carry", "League of Legends Pro Doublelift Released From CLG, Joins Rival Team TSM", "Back to Back Champions: CLG Defeats Rivals TSM 3-2", "Phoenix1 breaks TSM's 17-game win streak", "5 Most Dominant Teams in LCS Regular Season History", "And the winners of the 2016 LCS Summer Split Awards are", "TSM, G2 dominate LCS All-Pro team honors", "TSM outduels Cloud9 to win 4th NA LCS championship", "TSM brings back WildTurtle as new AD Carry", "Team Liquid Brings In League Star To Try And Avoid Relegation", "Doublelift's "Loan" To Team Liquid Highlights Potential Collusion Concerns", "Doublelift joins Team Liquid under a 3 year contract", "NA LCS 2018 Spring Standings Regular Season Bracket", "Team Liquid makes Spring Split final with 31 win over Echo Fox", "Team Liquid AD carry Doublelift's mother killed, father injured in an alleged attack by brother", "Doublelift Will Play In NA LCS Finals Despite Family Tragedy", "Team Liquid's Doublelift finds glory after tragedy", "Doublelift takes home the 2018 NA LCS Summer Split MVP", "Worlds 2018 Group Stage Results and Standings: League of Legends", "Team Liquid signs CoreJJ as the team's new support", "Team Liquid Impact on MSI 2019, "I'll do my best to show that LCS is not a loser on international stage anymore. Peng's father, Guojon Peng, was found critically injured and transported to a local hospital. Trong khi , b ca anh l ng Guojon Peng cng b thng nng. Her husband, Guojon Peng, was hospitalized in critical condition. We hope you consider making a contribution so we can continue to provide you with quality content that informs, educates and inspires the Asian community. window.adsContainer = {"positionAfterTitle":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle5_Rel_Newrev","isOrganicUserAd":true,"max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position2":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_After_Title_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position3":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Below_Next_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position4":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position5":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle1_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position6":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle2_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position7":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle3_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position8":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle4_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position9":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle5_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position10":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle6_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position11":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle7_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position12":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle8_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position13":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle9_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position14":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle10_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position15":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle11_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position16":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle12_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"positionTop":{"code":"Article_Desktop_970x250_Header_Rel","isOrganicUserAd":false,"max_width":970,"max_height":250},"positionBottom":{"code":"Article_Desktop_Sidebar_Bottom_Rel_Newrev","isOrganicUserAd":true,"max_width":300,"max_height":600},"positionBottomRight":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_After_Title_Rel_Newrev","isOrganicUserAd":true,"max_width":336,"max_height":280}} View guojun peng's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Although they were third in LCS, critics deemed their wins unconvincing and some considered their record as not properly reflective of their actual skill level. Ketika sampai di tempat, polisi menemukan Wei Peng , ibu dari Yiliang Peng dengan luka tusuk yang fatal, sedangkan Guojon Peng , ayahnya, juga mendapatkan luka yang cukup berat . Team Liquid owner Steve Arhancet responded that Riot Games approved the trade after the team demonstrated that no other player in that role would be suitable for the team. [citation needed] Shortly after, Peng left CLG to become the starting Support for Epik Gamer. Yihong Peng, anh trai ca Doublelift v l nghi can s 1 ca v n. media-tech companies with hubs around the world. UNLOCK PROFILE. Peng was born on July 19, 1993, and grew up in Mission Viejo, California. When Orange County Sheriff's deputies arrived at the scene after the distress call, they found 59-year-old Wei Ping Shen, Peng's mother, with a fatal stab wound. Six Anime Characters With Permanent Invitations To 'The Cookout', The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. [2] He previously played for Counter Logic Gaming, Team Liquid and Team SoloMid. Public Records Policy. Yihong's 59-year-old mother Wei Shen died at the scene. As a result of this attack, my mom passed away and my dad was seriously hurt and is now recovering in (the) hospital," the statement said. Peng was arrested and charged with murder on Saturday, and booked into the Orange County Jail on $1 million bond. I'll likely be quiet on social media while I work through this. What Yihong Peng is suspected of doing to his parents came as a shock to his younger brother Yilang, who is a League of Legends star. Doublelift ist das Pseudonym von Yiliang Peng. In playoffs, TSM faced the fifth-seeded Golden Guardians in the upper bracket of the double-elimination tournament. Tensions grew between him and his parents over his choice of career, until in 2011 his parents told him to leave the house. The much-anticipated sequel to Nintendos generation-defining open-world game is just a few short months away. . With the Golden Guardians' loss to Team Liquid, TSM had to face them once again in the 2nd round of the lower bracket. Finally, one place to get all the court documents we need. After the first-round defeat, the team subbed Biofrost back in place of Treatz. Peng went on to help Olleh, his new bot-lane partner, win his first major championship. . Yihong's 59-year-old mother Wei Shen died at the scene. His 30-year-old elder brother, Yihong Peng, had stabbed their mother, Wei Ping Shen, to death with a knife and seriously injured their father, Guojon Peng. Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng is one of the best League of Legends players in the world.He's won multiple titles in North America and competed at Worlds, a prestigious tournament featuring the best . According to the reports, Yihong tried to flee the scene of the crime after the murder but was apprehended in Orange County after his neighbors spotted him walking around with a knife in the middle of the night and immediately called the police. There is no official statement about how and why this couple got separated. Los resultados del incidente, el fallecimiento de su madre Wei Ping Shen y su padre Guojon Peng con heridas graves las cuales son atendidas en el hospital, todo esto sucedi el sbado en Orange Country, California. "They wanted me to go to college." Similarly, another gamer Jordan Maron has a net worth of several millions dollars. Steve Arhancet, co-owner and CEO of Doublelifts esports team Team Liquid, posted that he planned to provide all the assistance and support [Doublelift] may want or need.. flying to Washington, going to stream and vacation til Summer, Yiliang Peng (@TLDoublelift) April 4, 2017, This weekend I received some terrible news, Doublelift wrote to his followers on Sunday. document.querySelector("#google_image_div").addEventListener('click',function(){ He also has a younger brother. The follow-up to Breath of the WildThe much-anticipated sequel to Nintendos generation-defining open-world game is just a few short months away. The move was in part cited to the existing synergy between Doublelift and Biofrost, especially for laning phase. The street with a knife him and his parents over his choice of,. Survive. & quot ; their mother and injured their father after an altercation outside of their family home... 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