Note: To affirm specialty board certifications, visit Board Certification Lookup. As North Carolinas eye doctors, optometrists center everything they do on the belief that happier, healthier lives begin with healthy eyes. Search by Name. You do not need to live in a metropolitan area to receive high-caliber care; optometrists have a strong presence in rural North Carolina communities as well. Only ACTIVELicensees are listed. A few States do not provide such online Optometrist License Lookup or verification, so for States not listed below, please contact the appropriate State Optometry Board for additional information. Heres why your eye doctor should be an optometrist: Optometrists utilize extensive medical training and eye health knowledge to diagnose, triage and treat a wide range of eye conditions and injuries. Below is a summary of the procedures, laws and guidelines to obtain a professional Term Length. North Carolina Chiropractor License Lookup. The process of renewing a license may take up to 5 days. To begin a search, enter either the Last Name or the License Number. Applying to become an Active Candidate is the first step. If unable to find a licensee, also check PT Compact Commission Verification Page to see if the PT or PTA holds a compact privilege in North Carolina. Box 340308 Hartford, Connecticut 06134-0308 Phone: 860.509.7603 Fax: 860.509.8457 Contact person: None listed Email: oplc.dph@ct.govWebsite:, Cannon Building 861 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite 203 Dover, Delaware 19904 Phone: 302.744.4500 Fax: 302.739.2711 Contact person: None listed Email: customerservice.dpr@delaware.govWebsite:, 899 North Capitol Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20002 Phone: 877.672.2174 Fax: 202.727.8471 Contact person: None listed Email: doh@dc.govWebsite:, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-07 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3257 Phone: 850.245.4355 Fax: 850.922.8876 Contact:, 237 Coliseum Drive Macon, Georgia 31217 Phone: 844.753.7825 Fax: 866.888.7127 Contact person: None listed Email: Website:, DCCA-PVL Att: OPT P.O. You can read our Cookie Policy for details about how these cookies are used, and to grant or withdraw your consent for certain types of cookies. (See FAQs). Please check with your local City, County or Municipality for area specific license requirements they may have. If you are not a licensee, please email the board directly. Vision Expo East and Vision Expo West Held twice a year, the Vision Expo meetings are not to be missed! Search for credential by name or credential number. (See FAQs) International Adoption verifications cost $50.00 per doctor. or have not been directed here by and email following your application fees, then you should exit this page immediately 919-639-2020 919-639-8508. 250 Fax: 518.402.5354 Contact:, 109 North Graham Street Wallace, North Carolina 28466 Mailing AddressPO Box 69 Wallace, NC 28466 Phone: 910.285.3160 Fax: 910.285.4546 Contact: info@ncoptometry.orgWebsite:, 586 Park Street Dickinson, North Dakota 58601 Phone: 701.690.7937 Fax: 701.483.9501 Email: ndoptometryboard@gmail.comWebsite:, 77 South High Street, 16th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215-6108 Phone: 614.466.9709 Fax: 614.995.5392 Email: Board@vision.ohio.govWebsite:, 2008 S. Post Road, Suite 200 Midwest City, Oklahoma 73130 Phone: 405.733.7836 Fax: 405.741.3060 Email: optboard@optometry.ok.govWebsite:, 1500 Liberty Street SE, Suite 210 Salem, Oregon 97309 Phone: 503.399.0662 Fax: 503.399.0705 Email: Optometry.board@oregon.govWebsite:, One Penn Center 2601 N. Third Street P.O. Licensure Board Meetings & Members Resources Continuing Education FAQ Disclaimer of Liability Any attempt to access information within this restricted The North Carolina Board of Optometry regulates the optometrists in North Carolina to ensure that every person engaged in the practice of optometry in this state meets minimum requirements for safe methods. 319 McClanahan St SW If you are not currently licensed as an optometrist by the North Carolina State Board of Examiners in Optometry, or have not been directed here by and email following your application fees, then you should exit this page immediately and refrain from any further attempt to gain entry to this site. Alternate Medical License Lookup resources currently available include those listed below: North Carolina Acupuncture License Directory. Box 6 Langford, South Dakota 57454 Phone: 605.279.2244 Fax: 605.493.6579 Email: sdoptboard@goldenwest.netWebsite:, 665 Mainstream Drive, Second Floor Nashville, Tennessee 37243 Phone: 615.532.5090 or 800.778.4123 Fax: Not listed Email: Unit3HRB.Health@tn.govWebsite:, 333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 2-420 Austin, Texas 78701-3942 Phone: 512.305.8500 Fax: 512.305.8501 Contact person: Chris Kloeris, Executive Director Email: Chris.Kloeris@tob.texas.govWebsite:, P.O. If you are searching for a board certified optometrist located outside of the U.S.A., click here. Comment on the Bulletin, Website, and Customer Service. Optometry License Verification Ophthalmology License Verification Search Jobs Now Quick Links Submit Resume Secretary of States Office. Cover Image Credit: North Carolina Board of Optometry website. 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