4 Mistakes That Are Causing You to Waste Money on Skin-Care Serums, According to an Esthetician, These Are the Best Anti-Chafing Denim ShortsAccording to Some Very Happy Reviewers. In her highly-prized book Practical Astrology, April Elliot Kent writes on House Axes, and how they are in opposite Zodiac signs, at the same degree. Beside a Cancer, a Capricorn masters generosity, flexibility, open-mindedness, imagination. Bond points to Drew Barrymore as a prime example of a Gemini risings unique and engaging way of speaking. The opposite of Gemini on a natal chart is Sagittarius. Aries opposes Libra; Taurus opposes Scorpio; Gemini opposes Sagittarius; Cancer opposes Capricorn; Leo opposes Aquarius; Pisces opposes Virgo; The Ascendant or Rising sign is your outer self-the "you" that you present to the world and the way you appear to others. People who have Gemini on the ascendant probably know everybody in the room, or everybody knows them. Basically, your opposite sign sits at the farthest point from you on the circle, representing the same energy but inverted. Related article: The Relationship Houses: How the 3rd, 7th, & 11th House Affect You, Here we are again, approaching another unique Full Moon, here to bring us healing energy and maybe even some heightened emotions. With Leo Descendant, you may attract people who are fun-loving, creative, and affectionate. One quality shared by both Gemini and Sagittarius is their shared intolerance of boredom. Updated. This is the most multi-faceted, inquisitive, intellectual, and quick-witted rising sign youll ever meet. At gatherings, youll be the person zipping around the room faster than the messenger planet himself! Your Sun sign horoscope will relate to your Sun, and you may find that the horoscope resonates more with personal desires and focuses, and is more tangible. As to Sagittarius, they are likely to be inspired by Gemini to develop some tact, open-mindedness, modesty and introduce certain limits. When you have planets across the Zodiac from one another, there's a push-pull effect. Something else people notice upon first meeting a Gemini rising is their distinct way of speaking. If theyre into something, theyll wear something that is about it. That could be big, flashy zodiac jewelry, a sports team jersey, personal tattoos, piercings, makeup, or fun, colorful hair. Learn how to take a step back to get a wider view of your life and the future, and connect with the masses as a whole to make the kind of change and have the kind of impact you want. With Libra Descendant, you may attract people who are fair, compromising, and considerate. They both want to do all the things, so, for the most part, there may not be one person rearing to go while the other just wants to stay in and watch TV. Learn to shrink your view a little to get a better idea of whats going on around you and connect with your daily life. Gemini is the sign of the Twins, which is typically symbolic of . Spiritual awakenings and journeys are amazing and, Are you ready to sink your teeth into clear communication, new and exciting ideas, and opportunities for growth and learning? With Capricorn Descendant, you may attract people who are ambitious, practical and focused. Cancerians are gentle, tender, delicate, rather careless, sensible, dreamy and have a tendency to count on others for moving forward. Zodiac Sign Polarities Aries and Libra Taurus and Scorpio Gemini and Sagittarius Cancer and Capricorn Leo and Aquarius Virgo and Pisces In This Corner Everyone has polarities in their own birth chart to muse on. In many ways, . All rights reserved. A strong creative mind may lie within you, ready and waiting to be embraced, and this may be accessed when you allow your walls to come down and connect with your heart. They'll instantly want to rescue them, even if that person doesnt need rescuing. Theres nothing you love more than being consumed in an engaging conversation. This doesnt mean you have to discount your Sun and Moon sign horoscopes though! Gemini rising means that Gemini was the zodiac sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. Complete personality profile of Pisces. Theyre less concerned than a lot of other rising signs with other people liking it.. These signs are in opposition, and this is a planetary aspect that's considered challenging. Reda Wigle. The signs are also both changeable and not stuck in routine because of their mutable modality. Sometimes signs that sit across from each other are referred to as polar opposites, or you may hear these two signs called the Gemini and Sagittarius polarity. All of these terms are referencing the fact that on a chart, they are facing each other at 180. As a progressed Pisces rising, ruler Neptune was conjunct my progressed Mars in Scorpio so my prowess was concealed. Not your external face, but your true face. What horoscope should you follow then? The polar opposite behaviour of Leo and Aquarius makes them opposed in the same way as it draws them together. 9. Remember, Libra is constantly seeking out an S.O., and they'll find someone who embodies Aries independent qualities VERY sexy. Use our cosmic calculator to discover what zodiac sign the ascendant was in when you were born if youre unsure. Gemini risings are naturally playful and can come off as flirtatious when theyre really just being their goofy selves. Gemini is symbolized by the Twins, giving the sign a dual nature and the gift of an open-minded perspective. It's something that catches your eye, but has that energy of like, 'This . But, it could also be from the perspective of how two people with prominent Gemini or Sagittarius traits interact with one another. They will become more creative, charismatic, and intelligent. And since theyre ruled by the hands, they may touch your hands or just touch you in general. She believes astrology is an empowering tool that everyone can use to help themselves.She affectionately calls her followers her pixies, provides daily astro tidbits on, Everything You Need to Know About Pentacles in Tarot, 10 Feisty Affirmations You Need for Leo Season, Understanding Yin & Yang: A Philosophy of Balance, he Relationship Houses: How the 3rd, 7th, & 11th House Affect You. Become more comfortable with your own passionate energy, and work on digging deeper into yourself so you can transform in beneficial ways and find your own inner power. Gemini Descendant. "Naturally, you will seek out partners who are unconventional in their approach, whether thats how they express their love language or whether they present as quirky or unique," says Marmanides. A wink, a smile and a genuine apology is generally all it takes to get you off the hook. However, she notes that theres typically more than what meets the eye, and these signs can be prone to feeling more heaviness that they might keep private, under the surface of their quirky ascendant. Commence hair-ripping! At Taurus's side Scorpio learns to enjoy simple pleasures of life, to become more stabilized and to take advantage of perseverance. As a Gemini rising, you're ruled by air, and your ruling planet is Mercury, the planet of technology, intellect and communication. They tend to literally float around a space wherever they are, like a butterfly talking to everybody, Bond tells Elite Daily. This is a sign that leads with its head. Keep reading to find out more about how Sagittarius is opposite of Gemini in astrology and, if that is an important factor in your chart or life, how that could affect you! Put all of that on someones ascendant? Dont know what your Sun and Moon signs are? So, even though Gemini and Sagittarius are thought of as opposites in astrology, they share the same duality and are interested in expressing or exploring outside of themselves. When used properly, the Sun opposite the Moon can mean you have a dynamic personality and a strong sense of self. Nic Gaudettes astrology career began in 2004. This way, when a transiting planet enters a new sign, it also enters a new solar house, which makes it easy for horoscopes. This word is used to describe the relationship between two opposite signs of the Zodiac. Sag and Gem know what it takes to keep the flames of passion sparking and alive. With Scorpio Descendant, you may attract people who are passionate, researching, and deep. Either way, people feel comfortable being around and talking to Gemini risings. Gemini also relates to elementary education, Bond tells Elite Daily. Recognize your own leadership skills, take charge without being aggressive, and find the fire within you. It could even be jewels, like literally wearing jewels of some sort. Most of their charts would consist of the same planetary placements i.e. On a personal note, I am a Sagittarius Sun and my husbands Sun sits in Gemini, so I may have personal insight on this one! . Read our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Each zodiac sign rules over a part of the body, and for Gemini, its the hands and arms. Mercury rules the dual sign Gemini. If your descendant sign is Sagittarius, this means that you are a Gemini rising. If your Ascendant sits in Gemini, youre a Gemini rising. Theyll have you tearing up with laughter one minute and deep in thoughtful contemplation the next. As for Libra, they can derive inspiration from Aries for developing dynamics, self-support and a combat spirit. 1. Her path to becoming an astrologer started as a teenager, when she picked up an astrology book out of sheer boredom in a bookstore one day, and instantly became hooked. Horoscopes are written using the solar houses, which places the Sun sign as the sign on the 1st house cusp (beginning of the house), and the remaining 11 signs follow in order for the rest of the houses with all starting at 0. Traits of Gemini Rising/The Gemini Ascendant There's nothing you love more than being consumed in an engaging conversation. As a Sag, I relate to Geminis so much and like many of them. If you are a Taurus rising, I would advise you to not pay attention to unfounded rumors, but you already do this. Aries is a sign that's all about the self, and they're going to look for someone who is all about people other than themselves. Well+Good decodes and demystifies what it means to live a well life, inside and out. zodiac sign rules over a part of the body. Having opposing Sun and Moon signs doesnt mean youre doomed with your horoscopes. Why? It really is the energetic theme, the major path, [and] major part of our astrological footprint, Mesa tells Elite Daily. But if theyre intentionally putting their flirt game into drive, youll know because theyre not as subtle as the other rising signs. A Gemini ascendant lover is never the kind of person who is emotionally dependent on his partner and expects the same from his lover. If you are a Gemini rising, you could have a completely different sun sign, which, if youve ever read other signs horoscopes, would explain why you might have resonated with that of Gemini more. But this time, that Full Moon is occurring in, Just when you thought Pisces season made for a wild ride, you might have to prepare for something even wilder: Mercury entering Pisces. So, you now know that the Descendant is opposite the Ascendant. Since the Descendant is who we attract and the relationships we have, this helps explain why were often attracted to people who we feel have traits that we wish we had or who have strengths where we perceive ourselves to be weak. March 2023. More specifically, Gemini and Sagittarius are both on a search for something beyond themselves. Both Gemini and Virgo are governed by Mercury, the messenger planet of communication. As a sign easily bored by monotony, Gemini risings are likely to experiment with their appearance, trying on sometimes literally many different hats. This is all a matter of perception and choice, though. Their hands. Meaning of Gemini Rising Sign. Read below to learn more about your zodiac. Theres a fearlessness with what theyll wear because they just want to like it, adds Bond. Mercury is Entering THIS Psychic Zodiac Sign What Does it Mean? One major tell that someone is a Gemini rising? On March 7, Saturn enters Pisces after a three year tour of duty in . 11. Aquarius represents the people (its opposite sign, Leo, symbolized the monarchy), and likewise, this air sign cares deeply about humanity. In fact, we tend to play up the best parts of our Ascendant sign because we want to come across as better than we actually are (ah, humanoids!). With Pisces Descendant, you may attract people who are guided by intuition, imagination, and compassion. Your passion and commitment are based on a belief in yourself that inspires others and you can be a great leader if you choose to. Aries rising are attracted toward Capricorn (the sign on their MC), Cancer (the sign of their fourth house), or Libra (their opposite sign). But what about when your Sun sign and Moon sign oppose each other? There can be an internal conflict that needs to be worked out, often tying into issues with the home/family growing up (since the Moon rules your home and family). "Youll be drawn to Leo traits because youll see someone who is unafraid of putting themselves out there, being authentically themselves, and is game for building a utopian kingdom with you," says Marmanides. As you can see, even though they are considered opposites in astrology, Gemini and Sagittarius have many traits in common. Theyre kind of a jack of all trades, Bond says, and they have this energy of knowing something about everything., But as the Twins, theres a flip side. Shes performed thousands of astrology readings, helped thousands of students learn astrology, has written over a dozen horoscope columns, and over 100 articles for various publications, in addition to creating The Dark Pixie Astrology. So what are some considerations to keep in mind in a Gemini and Sagittarius relationship? An ascendant in Sagittarius, the opposite sign of Gemini, has Gemini as their descendant sign (aka in their 7th house of partnerships), meaning "they're both naturally drawn toward. As opposites, Gemini and Sagittarius have some qualities that are different, but that doesnt mean that they share no similarities. Anything that challenges or stimulates their mind even puts them under pressure theyre here for. Although your snarky commentary can be hilarious, it can also skew mean-spirited and divisive. When the sun is in Aquarius, it shines truth on the . Looking at the polarities in a birth chart is a way to gain the full picture. Aquarius rising. You might reconcile the two by working from home or gravitating to homey work atmospheres. As for Cancers, they can get inspired by a Capricorn to adopt rigour, stability, develop their ambitions and control their emotions. But because they have such rich mental energy and stamina, it can be hard for others to keep up. Her path to becoming an astrologer started as a teenager, when she picked up an astrology book out of sheer boredom in a bookstore one day, and instantly became hooked. We are attracted to people who have the traits we want to develop in ourselves or that we need to recognize in ourselves for our souls to grow. This is shown first and foremost through your Sun sign. These are significant points that set the chart, with energetic shading, so to speak. What better way to gather more information, data, philosophies, and perspectives than going to where people may think differently than you do? So much piques your curious nature that its hard to know where to focus when youre stimulated. Two signs sitting directly across from each other are going to have a special relationship and are considered to be opposites. Whatever sign the Ascendant sits in is also called your rising sign. 4. The truth of your soul comes through to you in your relationships, and if you consider the traits you really see in your partner as your own other side, then you are able to use those traits because you have them, too. With Sagittarius Descendant, you may attract people who are adventurous, daring, and wise. Spiritual awakenings and journeys are amazing and, Are you ready to sink your teeth into clear communication, new and exciting ideas, and opportunities for growth and learning? GEMINI MOTTO - "I THINK, THEREFORE, I AM" This is your motto for this particular house. Oh, Taurus Rising. With Cancer Descendant, you may attract people who are nurturing, sensitive, and in tune with emotion. You can use our free birth chart calculator to find out! However, in a Gemini and Sagittarius relationship, if these two signs can identify and openly discuss their differences in their approach to life, there is no reason that they cant sort things out and be able to compromise or make sure each persons desires are fulfilled. ", Oh hi! Its also a mutable sign, which has the rep of adaptable modality. All you need to know about the sign of Aries! First and foremost, the ascendantor "rising sign"is the exact opposite of your descendant in location and symbolic meaning. These modes represent how they approach life and how they react to change. This is because your Rising sign is the sign on the 1st house cusp in your natal chart, so the horoscope for your Rising sign links up to your actual natal houses. Crave adventure, travel, and new experiences, and can be restless or easily bored with routine. Venus is your sense of beauty, explains Bond. The term social butterfly is the perfect visual for this rising sign in action (the butterfly is even one of the animals that go with the sign Gemini). Everyone can get enriched by virtue of the qualities of their opposite sign. Based on the astrology of his birth date, he would have been born sometime between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. to be a Gemini rising. Noticing dominant traits in the people you attract to you means you actually see a part of yourself. What is your opposite sign in astrology. In astrology, there are 12 zodiac signs, and each sign has an opposing sign (so they're paired up). Mars in Aquarius would really inspire a Gemini rising to do things theyve never done before and would probably mentally stimulate them, she adds. In the sky, one portion was ascending up, corresponding to a zodiac sign in that portion of the sky. So, knowing your exact birth time is essential to determine which sign was ascending when you entered the world. 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