Monday to Wednesday 08.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. and 1.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. Ulysses Lovell Stanton Jr. known by his middle name, Lovell, his artist name, LORD Shredda (formerly Lil Shredda & KING Shredda) or his Instagram username (lordshreddablessus) as some fans call him, is an American puppeteer, rapper, songwriter, actor, vlogger, and voice actor. While Mark wanted to go to a public school after meeting the other children, Rebecca had no interest in the outside world and chosen to stay at home. At the dance, she was seen hitting on Butters, Tolkien, and Pip, much to her brother's and Kyle's horror. I feel that Rebecca's actions during her confrontation with Diamante was stupid, inconsistent and even cowardly. 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More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Three | Season Three. Being cornered by someone who wants to kill her should be nothing new. We are one of the leading Swiss competence centres in the fields of nutrition, health, society and the environment. The SML Crew at the Orlando Meet and Greet in April 2022 Here is a list of Cast Members who worked for SML. Mrs. Cotswolds - YouTube 0:00 / 13:27 TITO's EX GIRLFRIEND (Rebecca) CAME BACK!! LRG 55 66. Her whole character revolves around pacifism, which is the embodiment of the values of Dressrosa prior to Doflamingo. However, after having been sheltered for so long, Rebecca instantly became over-enthusiastic and began dressing and acting in a promiscuous manner as a whore. Pinkalicious and Peterrific Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The final word that Rebecca is asked to spell is "littoral", which she spells incorrectly as "L-I-T-O-R-A-L", but she and her brother. According to Logan's Draw My Life video, Logan was looking for a new actor after Luke and Zeke moved to Colorado. 6. Cast Information On an SML Archive video, it is known that Lovell is Not very good friends with. April 20, 1995 (age 27) What if Rebecca Zamolo Died | Maddie | Matt | original sound - Sad.60second.audios. Chilly 2.38M subscribers Subscribe 17K 1M views 3 years. After learning about love, and being kissed by Kyle, she agreed to go with him to the school dance. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures, Mario and Bowser's Stupid and Crazy Adventures, Pages that need to meet the Manual of Style,,,,,, This page needs to be cleaned up in order to follow SuperMarioLogan Wiki's, One of the Three Military School Students (Minor Role). Lola is a puppet that has brown skin & shaggy black hair. Lovell is also a rapper, and makes rap songs on his YouTube channel, SML Lovell . Appearances Language matters: we investigate the key role played by language and communication, enabling practitioners and society at large to reap practical benefits from linguistics. Bell-mere, Luffy, Zoro etc. Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures, Mario and Bowser's Stupid and Crazy Adventures, She had a Instagram account called Monica XOXO. thats our credo. Rebecca Cotswolds is a home-schooled girl who first appeared in the Season Three episode, "Hooked on Monkey Fonics", where she took part in alongside her brother and won the 15th Annual South Park Spelling Bee. Rebecca screams for Soldier-san to save her. Lovell's favorite basketball teams are the Miami Heat, Chicago Bulls, Washington Wizards and the Cleveland Cavaliers. haven looking down and Female Lilly Thirtyacre Members. Her blade also doesn't have an edge, it is simply a means of manouvering around and block attacks. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. want you crying anyone original sound - Rebecca Zamolo and Maddie Gray. Created Apr 16, 2021. Rebecca is loosely based on Rebecca A. Sealfon, a girl who had won a spelling championship two years before the episode. Lovell has done the most SLL Taste Tests out of any cast member. and Chef Pee Pee's Date!. As Project Director you will oversee the project delivery work of Verified. 744 following. First off, Rebecca is a trained fighter who has probably been in her fair share of near death situations during her numerous battles in the arena. SuperMarioLogan Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Issuu prevents you from reading publications anonymously. In Logan and Lovell try Macaroni Milkshake, Lovell has stated he does not like Macaroni and Cheese. OUT NOW. As for the "stain your hands" she could have held Diamante off with her dodging/blocking or done anything to contribute while still not killing. Lola is a maid that appeared in"The Maid!". SML -Tour fr Amateure / CEECOACH - Das neue Kommunikationssystem prsentiert: - SPOOKS-Amateur Trophy 2014/2015 Competition. Sustainability Day @SML; Institute und Zentren (aktiv) Corporate Responsibility. Rebecca is one of the voice actors exclusive to the reboot of the fanon series. Also, the whole story of Kiros revolves around the guilt and shame he felt for killing a man. LORD Shredda "Meet Our Daughter, Lilly!". 566 Likes, TikTok video from :) (: (@rebeccaxzadie): "I feel so sorry for @rebeccazamolo #poorrebecca #sosad Its so sad for zadie never getting to meet her @Matt Slays". 1,366 following. Even Shirahoshi didnt cry when she offered her life to save her people. Chef Pee Pee was tired of doing too many tasks for cleaning and cooking, so he asked for another maid, who would eventually be Lola. Her only role was the voice acting/puppeteering for Lola in the "The Maid!" Nami was ready to confront Arlong. This made my heart break original sound - Punxious. Rebecca | SML Fanon Wiki | Fandom Wikis Advertisement SML Fanon Wiki 5,321 pages Explore SML Fanon Content Community in: Thomas engines, Toys, Characters Rebecca View source Rebecca is a Yellow Tender Engine from Thomas the Tank Engine. sorry I was not posting Even Shirahoshi didnt act like that when faced with Hody. Her hair was feathered and teased out to a large, wild style, and wears a large amount of makeup. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Relatives: SML LovellTV (archived, it should be noted that you can only view the profile on this link and not the videos as it will redirect you to YouTube). Mr. Cotswolds but I know what happened When she first appeared in the episode, her coat's collar briefly changed to a white one with two red ribbons dangling from it, due to an animation error. (mentioned) When it comes to characters who barely annoy me, I guess its obvious to say Brooklyn T Guy. and "Chef Pee Pee's Date!". ", where she goes on a date with Chef Pee Pee but her arm gets broken so she cant see him again until 6 months (even though she never made an appearance due to her one-time voice actor quitting because of the drama). He also played characters that is with playing as himself as opposed to a plush or puppet. 148 Likes, TikTok video from Rebecca Zamolo and Maddie Gray (@rebecca..x..maddie): "Sorry about what happened Rebecca and Matt". Dude, she was face to face with the guy that killed her mother, something it was obvious she was still traumatised by. The value of dressrosa is pacifism and yet the women are famous for stabbing men to death in fits of passion. TikTok video from DMs dons work (@zam._.fam1): "#foryoupage I love u so much stay strong Im here for u queen @rebeccazamolo". Though Kyle had a crush on Rebecca not long after meeting her, she remained clueless about his interaction. Who is Rebecca SML? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. (in person)"Bowser's Change!" It is unknown which Spanish-speaking country is she from. Lovell used to own a 2016 Dodge Challenger SRT 392 but wrecked it in 2017, as stated in his song Death of Me, "2017 in a Challenger dodging pain". The club in Paris which she mentioned (Club Silencio) meeting her "Mr DeMille" is inspired by David Lynch, who also directed Mulholland Drive. Piece of Enchilada (Chef Pee Pee) Gorgeous Baby Freaky Freak (Chef Pee Pee) Maid (Chef Pee Pee & Bowser & Bowser Junior) Dude (Cody) The two had eventually talked and played with each other, and Rebecca was finally becoming curious about the outside world. Unlike her brother, who made occasional cameo appearances for the next several seasons, Rebecca has yet to reappear on the show sometime and has presumably returned to home-schooling. Chef Pee Pee (lover) Bowser Junior Brooklyn T. Guy 2022 - present of ALL OF THIS: a memoir of death and desire subscribe to #thebraid Rebecca Cotswolds 289 Likes, TikTok video from zamfam roleplay (@zamfam_family..rpxx): "{What you think what happened to becca? He mostly plays characters that are mean or plain stupid. Monica Alicia Coello [a.k.a Rebecca] is a former small-time voice actress & puppeteer for SuperMarioLogan, as well as, at least formerly, the fake girlfriend of Tito Jimenez. Top 20%. Tyrone (ex-boyfriend) Chef Pee Pee (lover) First appearance: Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. It also makes her seem cowardly, because many OP characters dont show fear in the face of death. Binnies have an exciting new opening as Director of Natural Capital and Catchment Services! Ssups Iringal. Her awkward behavior and reclusive personality stem from her lack of social life. Being a maidWorking for Bowser (formerly) Upon Lovell's first appearance in December 2010, he was hired as the replacement for Zeke. Diploma from a recognized university of applied sciences or a predecessor school such as ZHW, HWV, HTL; or diploma from a recognized university or polytechnic (diploma, licentiate, Bachelor's or Master's degrees); at least three years of professional experience at time of application. 80.9K Likes, 590 Comments. Language matters: we investigate the key role played by language and communication, enabling practitioners and society at large to reap practical benefits from linguistics. Theaterstrasse 15b The CAS program has a modular structure consisting of two modules: The CAS is characterized by methodological diversity. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! Friends: Was she planning on dodging Doffy to death? 88 Likes, TikTok video from Voidz (@sml._.vidzz): "W Rebeca>>>> #fyp #sml #supermariologan #rebecasml #ogsmlfanz #ez #funny #viral #fyp". She is one of the voice actors exclusive to the reboot of the fanon series along with James Arnold Taylor, Jonny Butler, Oliver May, Debbie McDonald, Lucy Moss, Lulu Chiang, Elaina Keyes, Sequoia Janvier, Chris Parnell, Tito . "Building Competence. It is unknown which Spanish-speaking country is she from. As a result of this event, his driver's license was revoked. The same goes for Chris when he joined in May 2014. Kyle had sung about her and she responded to this by throwing some change at him. SML FAN (@kylev_adverserain): "Reply to @coolboi99x this is what happen in the video you cannot find this video on YouTube because it got deleted#sml #fyp #deletedsmlvideo #smlvideos__". She had no idea what love was, or even how to kiss, considering the idea and the outside world is "silly". Money Being Cute Making Money Joseph . Press J to jump to the feed. ||#zyxcba #Zamfam #fyp #zamfam @rebeccazamolo". Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures, Mario and Bowser's Stupid and Crazy Adventures. Chilly became pregnant with her in October of 2021. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. During Rebecca's confrontation with Diamante, she suddenly runs away from him thinking "I dont want to fight" and turns back, running away. 47 Likes, TikTok video from EDiTs._.Remck_EDT_Vp (@edits._696): "Omg Rebecca #Remck #sml #rebeccasml #titogirlfriend #EDiTs_ #edits @dillxzx @truly.kaioshin @theappreciate_clan @appr_ned @breck @hannah :) @remckgrp | remckohwhy @Remck Lvrkyy @s | editsbyanders @WMVR @Ur_fav_cc_editor_rapu @_". Nicknames: They were both seen as intelligent but lacking in social skills, and until the spelling bee had not seen the outside town or interacted with other children their age. Applications are considered in the order in which they are received. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Mark Cotswolds Kyle attempts to explain the concept of love to Rebecca. TikTok video from ( "#fyp #viral #hot #yes #edit rebeca is mine stay mad.". (potentially). Binnies have an exciting new opening as Director of Natural Capital and Catchment Services! XLG 57.5 67 : Please note: measurements vary within 2.5cm, this is within AS Colour's accepted tolerance. Mimi Cash is a minor character in the SML fandom universe, She used to be Cute Bowser Junior girlfriend but she got paid by being Joseph girlfriend (that's proof of prostitute) she is very bad and she likes to do bad stuffs and she get paid to be people's girlfriend. Maddie Gray SML Archive video, Logan was looking for a new actor after and... Centres in the face of death a rapper, and being kissed by Kyle, remained! Will oversee the Project delivery work of Verified has done the most SLL Tests. The CAS is characterized by methodological diversity to explain the concept of love to Rebecca a that... The most SLL Taste Tests out of any cast member Kyle attempts to explain concept. Doffy to death, Chicago Bulls, Washington Wizards and the Cleveland Cavaliers attempts to explain the concept of to. Out of any cast member in conversations playing as himself as opposed to a large, wild,... Change at him go with him to the school dance a better experience, she agreed go. 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