For non-enchanters since TBC this rep matters little, -25 per kill. If Mages are still able to AoE farm after the change, it means the AoE cap . Depends mostly on two factors: on how inflated the gold value is how popular boosting will be. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. I don't want a flood of Paladins on every server just because they are the only class that can still boost. Blade's Edge Mountains - Death's Door Keep Dampen Magic up when fighting the air elementals. Blink immediately and take an additional step to get out of range. Avoid the casters. [30] [Talvash's Gold Ring] or [Nogg's Gold Ring]: [Grime-Encrusted Ring] drops from Gnomeregan, and leads to the quests to make these +9 stamina rings. The burning Crusade. Felwood - Irontree Cavern Paladin Aoe levelling. Hellfire Peninsula - Just south of Temple of Telhamat Tanaris Cresting Exiles Some aoe frost nova. Horde only. Cave Yeti,Ferocious Yeti, 30-31 Arathi Highlands Dabyrie Militia and Dabyrie Laborers, 31-33 Nagrand - Ancestral Grounds [26] [Windstorm Hammer]: Nice stats(+6 str, +6 stam), can be acquired as low as lvl 26 though a higher level player will be required as the quest requires finding a book in the Library of Scarlet Monastery. Not the most choice area for Aoe because of Scarlet Knights and a few 58-59 mobs. Even though i'm leveling as alliance i will try to include horde locations as well if there are more horde friendly ones than those i include here. Use fire ward to avoid most of the torch damage. Another cluster of dock workers is on the unfinished boat. The Ravasaur can be found in groups up to 12 in very small areas. Thanks I'm going to still look into the zf gy farm to see how much it would cost me just because it's something different. A MUST VISIT. Tanaris ', Aggro 4-10 mobs (five or six is usually best). He was the mastermind behind this interview and I'm looking forward to future collaboration with this pally big brainTedj YT: Intro4:00 Professions11:40 Defense and Avoidance20:44 Always Defense Capped? Western Plaguelands - Dalson's Tears The Prerrordax can knock you down, so time your Blink. Earth elementals have a knockback move. one more thing that gives production paladins a somewhat edge, a way to make gold long term in WOW TBC Classic is simply tanking dungeons if you get yourself for example mining and enchanting and reserve any unwanted loot for yourself, to . Excellent spot to grind Sporeggar Rep! You will often become infected with a disease that does damage per 15 secs and will cause spell casting delay when proccing while you channel Blizzard! however there are plenty of pirates here so sharing the spot shouldn't be all . Arathi Highlands Some have casters in them but can easily be avoided. Contact Us, There is a better place to aoe grind which i used to 70-73-4. You may want to exchange a few points in one of the earlier talents for points in [Improved Righteous Fury] for more damage mitigation, but the rest of the talents are no help for AoE grinding. You can debate whether you want the agility from these or the spirit from Big Bad Pauldrons. [37] [Herod's Shoulder]: High stamina count makes this a great shoulder item until plate. The only other classes that can AoE grind are frost mages, Warlocks and Hunters, but Paladins can AoE grind more safely than a mage and with less down time than Hunters (and done right with NO downtime). Withered Bog Lords, Withered Giants & Parched Hydras, All these mobs have a close-range AoE attack which causes them to stop every so often, separating them from the group. Some elemental types are all casters. I've just recently started playing and learning about Prot Paladin in TBC and was able to get answers and a more in depth look at the stats, talents and abilities that make up the Prot Pally in The Burning Crusade. Watch the road, Quest stacking from the camp allows for some very fast experience. Bonestripper Vulture, 65-68 Really bad place for Blizzard based Frost AoE. Shadowmoon Valley Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Quick Facts ; Screenshots ; Videos ; Paladin AOE Farm 70 PRE-BIS. The title of the video is misleading. Roxxanne's Guides to Protection Grinding on the offical EU forums. Watch out for the few casters and the 35 elite that wanders through the cemetery. Obtainable from a level 37 quest in Razorfen Downs. Each kill is worth 5 rep with Gadgetzan, and there's a repeatable quest from the water they drop that gives extra rep and experience. So I've just hit 41 on my pally and i heard you could do aoe farming up to 70 to make it quicker and less painful. Deadwood Village This is the best lowbie spot to aoe grind. Need I say more? Raptors are best as they travel in packs and are higher level. Level 51+: There are still many good talents to pick up in the Protection tree, the most useful ones being [Shield of the Templar] and [Hammer of the Righteous]. High frost resist makes this difficult for blizzard aoe, but doable with a high mana pool. Howling Fjord - Just outside of Westguard Keep WoW TBC Classic AOE PROTECTION PALADIN GUIDE (Leveling, Boosting, Talents, BiS, Gold Farming)Skullflame Shield vs Petrified Lichen Guard TBC Classic Paladin Guide DEEP DIVE Talent Build (Ret Aura): Talent Build (Sanctity Aura): Intro00:32 Why Play Prot Paladin03:00 Gear While Leveling15:44 Best in Slot Gear at 7022:21 Talents22:47 Talent Changes from Vanilla to TBC26:59 Talent Progression28:15 How to AOE29:04 AOE Leveling - Better?29:50 Where to Grind31:20 Level 30 - 3332:16 Level 31 - 3332:54 Level 32 - 3433:05 Level 33 - 3833:29 Level 35 - 3833:34 Level 37 - 4033:40 Level 40 - 4233:45 Level 41 - 4334:20 Level 43 - 4634:31 Level 43 - 4834:45 Level 45 - 4835:13 Level 45 - 4836:05 Level 46 - 4836:13 Level 48 - 5036:43 Level 48 - 5137:30 Level 50 - 5437:45 Level 52 - 5638:32 Level 54 - 5939:12 Level 54 - 6039:29 Level 54 - 5839:42 Level 59 - 6040:04 Level 5840:37 Level 60 - 6241:22 Level 61 - 6342:05 Level 61 - 6442:34 Level 65 - 6842:54 Level 68 - 7043:00 Level 7044:00 Conclusion#tbc #prot #paladin BEST IN SLOT: Come TBC Id replace some of the \"on hit\" items with Crystalforge setHelm - Crystalforge Faceguard 2pc gives 15 increased damage from retribution aura. Mobs that flee are also a plus, as they will continue to bring more mobs to the fight, allowing the fight to go on longer without having to repull. Casters must be pulled first, or carefully avoided. They wander around in close packs of 4-7 and only use melee. [46] [Six Demon Bag] Does decent damage to everyone in front of you. Hellfire Peninsula - Expedition Armory If it helps you definitely dont need Dabiris / Figurine for Black Morass. Demons. Cave Yeti,Ferocious Yeti, 30-31 Arathi Highlands Dabyrie Militia and Dabyrie Laborers, 31-33 [39] [Aegis of the Scarlet Commander]: This is the shield you should aim for after Thermapluggs Central Core. Pick Holy Paladin if you intend to heal at maximum level. The largest is the cluster around Andre Firebeard; beware of a patrol which is sometimes ranged. Also the only thing you need for BM is enough defense i think it was 440 or 450 to not get dazed. Shadowmoon Valley In fact, the more hitting you, the more effective it is. Careful not to aggro Netharel!! Around 5 packs of around 8 to 12 in each pack, and respawn rate is good enough to continually do a rotation of all 5 packs. Dwarf Paladin Paladins who have specced into the protection talent tree have a unique ability to do area of effect (or AoE) attacks against attackers while surviving attacks from several enemies. [52] [Demon Forged Breastplate]: BoE crafted item. Just be careful when using Frost Nova near one of the wandering crawlers, they tend to get on one's nerves. Two types of poison, neither interrupts Blizzard. So finding a farm where you will be all by yourself is next to impossible. So on my 70 Holy Paladin 41/20 spec, I decided to throw up my favorite AOE spots in Outland, I used all of these spots to level when I wasn't off questing/instancing. Some of the mobs can teleport behind you. Drops. 70-72 At rank 6 retribution aura does 26 damage, +15 increased damage is nearly a 58% increase in damage. | They're usually next to the giants and will give a small amount of XP. Demon Hunter Supplicant. Zul'Drak - Drakkari Warriors around several alters (which you give offerings to) Don't rest near your kills! Long row of Unyielding Footmen, 60-62 I am writing this as i am leveling my own paladin. Enforcers Dual Wield for maximum aoe ability. Related. Hellfire Peninsula - The Great Fissure 588 52K views 1 year ago I've just recently started playing and learning about Prot Paladin in TBC and was able to get answers and a more in depth look at the stats, talents and abilities that. Blizzard technique works very well with these non-elites. Supplicants sometimes require a direct attack to properly aggro or you might get unexpected adds. In addition to farming everything just with Blizzard as they did before, Mages can also squeeze in a Flamestrike, as Jokerd shows in this clip. The proc is great and procs off any physical hit done to you. Like the cap means it's still fine to go do big pulls in like SM but you won't be able to 1 pull sm, or 1 pull mara like you can on classic right now as a mage. Not sure if youll have the same results at lower levels but its worth a shot. Shattered Hand Orcs, 60-62 Higher than average repair cost. Can root you, but you'll either be far away or ready to blink out of it. Which will happen pretty frequently when fighting a lot of enemies. [28] [Thermaplugg's Central Core]: This is an ideal shield until you go to Scarlet Monastery. Air elementals cast. Loot after you're sure adds aren't coming as well. Even though paladins are rough to solo with, you can still hit 70 without much effort. Arathi Highlands Ranged mob frequency can make this difficult. [45] [Thrash Blade]: Extra attacks are good! Skeletal Terrors will cast Fear if they are rooted (either with Frostbite or Frost Nova). Nagrand - Ancestral Grounds 4. Just watch out for the other faction doing their quests if on a PVP server, it can be a busy area. Due to high resists, these should be avoided by Frost mages. If you encounter shamans (casters) you're too far east. [46] [Wyrmslayer Spaulders]: Great shoulders again. [40] [Carapace of Tuten'kash]: More great stats, and the looks are great if you are female. Fallen Orcs, 68-70 [48] [Gizlock's Hypertech Buckler]: Unusual shield for having Int and mana regen. 68-71 Dozens of easy to kill melee warriors. It doesn't stack, but counts as several DoTs. Holy Wrath also stuns for a short time, perfect for those situations when you need to get in a quick heal. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Privacy Policy You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. The Razorfang Ravagers tend to roam, so watch out for Pats. Great Spot for Herbalists and Skinners. The question is, is there anything out there I can aoe grind as a prot pally that drops anything worth selling? Look at the other comments, they are saying "go ZF gy" and then saying "It requires engineering". Ask around in trade channel - if you can't get a Thorium spike, go for a Mithril one - most blacksmiths will know it. A lot for such a low level ring obtainable around level 20+. Inside the Manaforge is a group with an elite who can be pulled too if done properly. Blighted Zombies, Rotting Cadavers and Skeletal Terrors, 54-60 Great place to AoE Grind - They travel in packs, and are often accompanied by bull rhinos. Alliance only. Meanwhile, these tactics are less viable for some classes since the introduction of area damage and healing caps. For more information, please see our These require the Cone of Cold pulling technique. They run and pull others which can be good or bad! 70 Very effective for grinding in the 50's. Camp with tents on a ridge - watch out for patrolling cats and Mages. Here they are Hellfire Peninsula Bonestripper Vultures 61-62 Location, South of Temple of Telhamat You can buy Ez-thro Dynamite to use without engineering. Scourge Siege Engineers, 58-62 70 Dragonblight - New Hearthglen Demons. [42] [Flurry Axe]: Fast speed, and chance for extra attacks. Syndicate Highwayman, Syndicate Mercenary, Syndicate Pathstalkers, 33-38 The Venomhide Ravasaur will spit a poisen which casues unknown nature damage every 3 seconds, so mages without Ice Barrier will have some difficulty here. ?1:03:40 Partial Block Proc!1:06:31 Ensure Partial Block1:07:51 Shield Ranking1:11:16 Skullflame Shield1:14:45 Conclusion_Websites I'm affiliated with: The materials for Thorium spikes are pretty cheap, but the recipe is rare. Spiders often "cast" poison. So certainly a QoL improvement, but not mandatory like it is in Strat. And before the downvoters come crawling out of their basements: This is not a . Lots of patrols. One of the reasons why it was more famous in BC than in Vanilla is that you really need both Holy Shield and Consecration for it to be especially efficient (which requires level 51, so you're mostly done leveling by then), but Holy Shield alone is doable. Get spirit gear, get Ez-Thro Dynamite, and a consumable /Elixir for some extra spell damage and you'll be able to level up with an ease. | [34] [Sword of Serenity]: +9 stamina. Writing this as i am leveling my own Paladin are higher level effective it is | they usually! You might get unexpected adds Grinding on the offical EU forums prot that.: Unusual shield for having Int and mana regen tents on a PVP server, can! Wanders through the cemetery Paladin aoe farm after the change, it means the aoe cap shield! To get out of it and healing caps require a direct attack to properly Aggro or you might to! Good or bad for Some classes since the introduction of area damage and healing caps writing as. 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