414, Sec. Amended by Acts 1977, 65th Leg., p. 604, ch. Deceptive Advertising 17.29. 463, Sec. A violation of a provision of law other than this subchapter is not in and of itself a violation of this subchapter. (e) Unless both parts of an offer of settlement required under Subsection (d) are accepted by the consumer not later than the 30th day after the date the offer is made, the offer is rejected. 17.31. Jan. 1, 1991; Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. (B) that is occupied or to be occupied as the consumer's residence. (e) Except as specifically provided by Subsections (b) and (h), Section 17.50, nothing in this subchapter shall apply to a cause of action for bodily injury or death or for the infliction of mental anguish. Financial interest as used in this section relates to an expectation which would be the direct result of such advertisement. 414, Sec. 17.57. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. If damages or civil penalties are assessed against the seller of goods or services for advertisements or promotional material in a suit filed under Section 17.47, 17.48, 17.50, or 17.51 of this subchapter, the seller of the goods or services has a cause of action against a third party for the amount of damages or civil penalties assessed against the seller plus attorneys' fees on a showing that: (1) the seller received the advertisements or promotional material from the third party; (2) the seller's only action with regard to the advertisements or promotional material was to disseminate the material; and. In applying Subsection (b)(1) to an award of damages under this subsection, the trier of fact is authorized to award a total of not more than three times actual damages, in accordance with that subsection. 17.56. Sec. 143, Sec. Aug. 27, 1979; Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 2) ' 75-32. INQUIRY AS TO PRODUCER. WebThe Consumer Protection Division works to protect Texas consumers and the legitimate business and charitable nonprofit communities by investigating breaches of fiduciary 5, eff. Sec. (5) "Retail store" means any retail grocery store, delicatessen, butcher shop, or other place where food is sold for off-premises consumption. Sec. Sec. Aug. 29, 1983; Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. (d) The court may make such additional orders or judgments as are necessary to compensate identifiable persons for actual damages or to restore money or property, real or personal, which may have been acquired by means of any unlawful act or practice. (4) the use or employment by any person of an act or practice in violation of Chapter 541, Insurance Code. Sec. May 23, 1977. The consumer protection division shall notify the district or county attorney it no longer intends to actively investigate or litigate an alleged violation within a reasonable time of such determination. 4.001(b), eff. EXEMPTIONS. 414, Sec. 8.01, eff. PENALTY. May 23, 1977. In this subchapter: (1) "Charitable organization" means an organization that is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 by being listed as an exempt organization in Section 501(c) of that code. The provisions of this subchapter are not exclusive. Sept. 1, 2003. The court may issue temporary restraining orders, temporary or permanent injunctions to restrain and prevent violations of this subchapter and such injunctive relief shall be issued without bond. CIVIL REMEDY. 216, Sec. A license issued under this section expires one year after the date of issuance and may be renewed. 17.926. Text of section as amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 117, Sec. (F) use of the state seal or a representation of the state seal for another historical, educational, or newsworthy purpose if authorized in writing by the secretary of state. (b) To qualify as a repurchase agreement for the purposes of Subsection (a)(2)(B), an agreement must be an enforceable agreement by the seller to repurchase, on written request of the purchaser and not later than the first anniversary of the purchaser's date of purchase, all unencumbered products that are in an unused, commercially resalable condition at a price not less than 90 percent of the amount actually paid by the purchaser for the products being returned, less any consideration received by the purchaser for purchase of the products being returned. An act or practice is not specifically authorized if no rule or regulation has been issued on the act or practice. Sept. 1, 1995. 17.44. 291, Sec. 17.91. 1, eff. (C) time and effort spent in pursuit of a sale or in a recruiting activity. Assurances of voluntary compliance shall in no way affect individual rights of action under this subchapter, except that the rights of individuals with regard to money or property received pursuant to a stipulation in the voluntary compliance under Subsection (b) of this section are governed by the terms of the voluntary compliance. 883, Sec. (b) If a person fails to comply with a directive of the consumer protection division under Section 17.60 of this subchapter or with a civil investigative demand for documentary material served on him under Section 17.61 of this subchapter, or if satisfactory copying or reproduction of the material cannot be done and the person refuses to surrender the material, the consumer protection division may file in the district court in the county in which the person resides, is found, or transacts business, and serve on the person, a petition for an order of the court for enforcement of Sections 17.60 and 17.61 of this subchapter. NOTICE; INSPECTION. Sept. 1, 1987. May 21, 1973. 5, eff. 17.853. Sec. In particular, this section of the DTPA lists what is considered Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. An offense under this chapter is punishable by the fine imposed for an offense under Subsection (d) of Section 17.12 of this code. MISUSING CONTAINER; EVIDENCE OF MISUSE AND CONTAINER'S OWNERSHIP. 17.85. APPLICATION. Sec. (4) "Product" means a good, a service, or intangible property of any kind. Subject to Chapter 41, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, exemplary damages may be awarded in the event of fraud or malice. 2, eff. 414, Sec. 1, eff. 463, Sec. (2) substitute on a dairy container his proprietary mark for that of the owner. 2612), Sec. 4.001(a), eff. Sec. CIVIL PENALTY. (a) This subchapter shall be liberally construed and applied to promote its underlying purposes, which are to protect consumers against false, misleading, and deceptive business practices, unconscionable actions, and breaches of warranty and to provide efficient and economical procedures to secure such protection. (4) "Public donations receptacle" means a large container or bin in a parking lot or public place that is intended for use as a collection point for clothing or household goods donated by the public. September 1, 2017. WebThe Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Consumer Protection Act (DTPA) is Texas's primary consumer protection statute. Section 1395 et seq. 1276, Sec. 17.55A by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. An act is not considered a violation of this section if: (1) the performing musical group is the authorized registrant and owner of a federal service mark for the recording group that is registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office; (2) at least one member of the performing musical group is or was a member of the recording group and that member has a legal right to use or operate under the name of the recording group without abandoning the name or affiliation with the recording group; (3) the live musical performance is identified in all advertisements or other promotions for the event as being conducted as a "salute" or "tribute" to the recording group; (4) the advertisement or promotion relates to a live musical performance that is to take place outside of this state; or. 5, eff. If the trier of fact finds that the conduct of the defendant was committed knowingly, the consumer may also recover damages for mental anguish, as found by the trier of fact, and the trier of fact may award not more than three times the amount of economic damages; or if the trier of fact finds the conduct was committed intentionally, the consumer may recover damages for mental anguish, as found by the trier of fact, and the trier of fact may award not more than three times the amount of damages for mental anguish and economic damages; (2) an order enjoining such acts or failure to act; (3) orders necessary to restore to any party to the suit any money or property, real or personal, which may have been acquired in violation of this subchapter; and. Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 17.01. 1047), Sec. 1023 (H.B. ; negligence; fraud/fraudulent concealment; unjust enrichment; violation of the Illinois Consumer Fraud and (4) "Consumer" means an individual, partnership, corporation, this state, or a subdivision or agency of this state who seeks or acquires by purchase or lease, any goods or services, except that the term does not include a business consumer that has assets of $25 million or more, or that is owned or controlled by a corporation or entity with assets of $25 million or more. The consumer protection division may not use data that includes prices for care provided in an urgent care setting or physician practice to establish the division's authority to investigate and pursue an action under this subchapter. 1, eff. RELIEF FOR CONSUMERS. A sale inventory must list items offered on the beginning date of the sale separately from the items added to the sale inventory after that date. 17.884. DECEPTIVE WHOLESALE AND GOING-OUT-OF-BUSINESS ADVERTISING. Added by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. Sec. 7, eff. 324 (S.B. September 1, 2009. (d) The waiver required by Subsection (c) may be modified to waive only specified rights under this subchapter. (c) The court, on a showing of good cause, may allow the consumer protection division, as representative of the public, to intervene in an action to which this section applies. 414, Sec. 1, eff. (a) In this section, unless the context requires a different definition, "dairy container" includes butter box, ice cream can, ice cream tub, milk bottle, milk bottle case, milk can, and milk jar. The Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Consumer Protection Act. ; violation of Floridas Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act, F.S.A. September 1, 2015. (B) resembles a governmental notice or form that represents or implies that a criminal penalty may be imposed if the recipient does not remit payment for the good or service; (30) delivering or distributing a solicitation in connection with a good or service that resembles a check or other negotiable instrument or invoice, unless the portion of the solicitation that resembles a check or other negotiable instrument or invoice includes the following notice, clearly and conspicuously printed in at least 18-point type: (31) in the production, sale, distribution, or promotion of a synthetic substance that produces and is intended to produce an effect when consumed or ingested similar to, or in excess of, the effect of a controlled substance or controlled substance analogue, as those terms are defined by Section 481.002, Health and Safety Code: (A) making a deceptive representation or designation about the synthetic substance; or. 1, eff. 8.02, eff. (b) Each person selling or offering for sale turquoise shall request the suppliers of the turquoise to disclose the true nature of the turquoise. 1, eff. (2) inducing a person to contract with regard to the tangible personal property, security, service, or anything he may offer. 1229, Sec. (c) When a court issues a permanent injunction to restrain and prevent a violation of Section 17.902, the court may make additional orders or judgments as necessary to restore money or other property that may have been acquired because of a violation of this subchapter. After a permit expires, the permit holder may not sell at retail an item offered at the sale covered by the permit. A finding of one producing cause does not bar recovery if other conduct of the defendant not the subject of a defensive finding under Subdivision (1), (2), or (3) of Subsection (a) of Section 17.506 above was a producing cause of damages of the plaintiff. (d) If the attorney general determines that the consumer protection division is unable to obtain the charge data described by Subsection (c), the attorney general may adopt rules designating another source of hospital charge data for use by the division in establishing the average charge for emergency care or other care provided by hospital emergency rooms for purposes of Subsection (c). (b) The court shall abate the action for 60 days if the court finds that notice was not provided to the consumer protection division as required by Subsection (a). 17.11. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 291, Sec. 3.001, eff. PERMIT. 7, eff. 143, Sec. This article provides information on the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA). The Act gives consumers a way to sue sellers for false, misleading and deceptive business practices. Special thanks to the Houston Bar Association. This article excerpts from and summarizes the Deceptive Trade Practices Act section of the Consumer Law Handbook. (B) provided on the Internet website or in a print advertisement routinely is forwarded or transferred to a location that is outside the calling area of the geographical area as indicated by the name of the business. DEFINITIONS. (a) In this section: (1) "Bakery basket or tray" means a wire or plastic container that holds bread or other baked goods and is used by a distributor or retailer or an agent of a distributor or retailer to transport, store, or carry bakery products. WebSection 17.46 - Deceptive Trade Practices Unlawful (a) False, misleading, or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce are hereby declared unlawful and are subject to action by the consumer protection division under Sections 17.47, 17.58, 17.60, and 17.61 of this code. Amended by Acts 1979, 66th Leg., p. 1327, ch. (7) "Parking area" means a lot or other property provided by a retail establishment for the use of customers to park automobiles or other vehicles while doing business in that establishment. 216, Sec. The term does not include: (A) a purchase of a product furnished at cost to be used in making a sale and not for resale; (B) a purchase of a product subject to a repurchase agreement that complies with Subsection (b); or. Sec. 603, Sec. (d) It is not a defense to prosecution for an offense under this section that the pyramid promotional scheme involved both a franchise to sell a product and the authority to sell additional franchises if the emphasis of the scheme is on the sale of additional franchises. (e) In computing additional damages under Subsection (b), attorneys' fees, costs, and prejudgment interest may not be considered. 189 (S.B. September 1, 2005. 4170), Sec. Failure to comply with any final order entered under this section is punishable by contempt. Sec. DEFINITIONS. (e) Except as agreed to by all parties who have appeared in the action, each party who has appeared shall participate in the mediation and, except as provided by Subsection (f), shall share the mediation fee. (b) The court shall, not later than the 30th day after the date a motion under this section is filed, sign an order setting the time and place of the mediation. Sec. (d) If the for-profit entity or individual pays to a charitable organization a flat fee that is not contingent on the proceeds generated from the sale of the donated items and the for-profit entity or individual retains a percentage of the proceeds from the sale, the disclosure required by Subsection (a)(4) must state: "THIS DONATION RECEPTACLE IS OPERATED BY (NAME OF FOR-PROFIT ENTITY OR INDIVIDUAL) ON BEHALF OF (NAME OF CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION). This law lists many practices that are false, Sept. 1, 1995. The Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA) provides relief to consumers who suffer as a result of actions taken by sellers of goods or real estate that violate the act. 5.95(49), eff. (a) A for-profit entity or individual who mails, or directs another person to mail, a solicitation requesting that the recipient donate clothing or household goods may not subsequently sell the donated items unless the solicitor includes with the mailed solicitation the appropriate disclosure prescribed by this section, prominently displayed in boldfaced type or capital letters in English and Spanish. The direct result of such advertisement on a dairy CONTAINER his proprietary mark for that of the owner Leg. R.S.! ) time and effort spent in pursuit of a sale or in recruiting... ; Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., R.S., ch 27, 1979 ; Acts 1989, 71st,! Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., R.S., ch, Leg.. Gives consumers a way to sue sellers for false, Sept. 1, ;... 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