A participatory observation, deep interviews and documentations were employed to collect the data of this study. 2 Psychological. liade (1907-1986), whose studies included the concepts of sacred space and mythic time, and the sacredness of nature (Paden 2005, 215). Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Thus, some political ideologies, such as communism and fascism, have been regarded as analogous to religion. The study of multiple religious traditions in order to prove the existence or non-existence of God The scholarly examination and comparison of the beliefs, rituals, customs, and traditions of two or more religions Some of these approaches focus on how to understand the beliefs and practices of particular religions, while some have more general concerns such as how religion relates to the nature of society, culture, human evolution, mind, and human behavior. The distinction, however, is not an absolute one, for, as has been noted, descriptions of religion may sometimes incorporate theories about religion that imply something about the truth or other normative aspects of some or all religions. First, the secular state defines what religion is; religion is privatized as a faith whose object is the supernatural, and differentiates it from the natural and the rational which are the jurisdiction of the state. For the last four decades universities and schools have been acting in response to a constant, steady demand for courses upon the study of religion. Program design strategies. J.F. The gods play a merely subsidiary role, for example, in most phases of Theravada (Way of the Elders) Buddhism. The Immanent Frame publishes interdisciplinary perspectives on religion, secularism, and the public sphere. Besides their evolutionary assumption about religion, the followers of evolutionary theory show overwhelming Eurocentric biases. A comprehensive overview of the history and context of feminist approaches to the study of religions, including a helpful discussion of the relationship of these approaches to feminist theology. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. Attempts have been made to find a distinctive ingredient in all religions, such as the numinous, or spiritual, experience, the contrast between the sacred and the profane, and the belief in one or more gods. Aurobindo did not just stick to an immanental experience of a divine being but that there must be transcendence within the individuals life which is seen in Auroville with a lived approach to ones faith rather like that which is common within Charismatic and Evangelical Churches. Copyright 2003 - 2023 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. Transcribed image text: To address the following questions, consider the four approaches to religion described in the introduction to this module exclusivism, inclusivism, pluralism and empathetic interest in other people. Consider an analogy with marriage. The interrelations of the various disciplines in relation to religion as an area of . For our purposes, we shall examine certain approaches to the study of religions that are based on certain academic disciplines. They take significant risks and spend time, money, and all kinds of valuable resources for their Religion. The concept exhibits a complex continuum of resemblances and differences. In sum, the anthropological objection urges us to take both ordinary language and ordinary experience seriously. Ccile Laborde is Professor of Political Theory at University College London. People often do truly unique things for their faith. It fosters innovative research, nurtures new generations of social scientists, deepens how inquiry is practiced within and across disciplines, and mobilizes necessary knowledge on important public issues. A criticism of Aurobindos view may be seen that it seeks to remain within religion itself, similar to that of Smart as they both emphasise the importance of the experience of religion, a personal contact with God or Gods, however within Marxism we can see a move away from this religious experience. It all depends on the person you are and the personal period of life you are going through. We can say that there are different approaches that can be taken when studying religion. Understanding Religious Pluralism in India. The people who take these courses are usually involved in religion themselves ,many are involved a in religious communities or, wishing to know more and learn regarding the religious beliefs of others. The study of religion emerged as a formal discipline during the 19th century, when the methods and approaches of history, philology, literary criticism, psychology, anthropology, sociology, economics, and other fields were brought to bear on the task of . Approaches to the Study of Religions. Although I cannot make the full case here, I sketch a preliminary defense of the third approach, in the . Reformulated in this way, Sullivans critique has bite. Box No. If religion is a western concept that has been used to shore up the authority of the colonial and sovereign state, through shifting, arbitrary demarcations between religion tradition, culture, reason, and the nation, then scholars should be wary of treating it as a stable, coherent object of academic study. These different reasons might lead to different approaches to the study of religion. The fast, they abstain from sex, they walk on fire, perform self-flagellation, or nail themselves on crosses. The point has been made with particular acuity by legal scholar Winnifred Fallers Sullivan in her book The Impossibility of Religious Freedom. Third, the secular separation between a privatized, individualized sphere of religion and a public, social, rational sphere of politics has obscured the way in which the state, the nation, and the law operate as the modern sacred. Such distinctions, however, only serve to shore up the arbitrary power that the state has to demarcate the sphere of its own sovereignty. Some of these theories may be controversial, or questionable, for some people; nonetheless, knowing them broadens our understanding of the meaning and nature of religion. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! For Jung, religious experiences are manifestations of the archetypes in the collective unconscious in our own consciousness. Critics have pointed out thatby analogizing religion with individual conscience or conceptions of the goodliberalism reveals its Protestant, individualistic bias, and is unable to capture the fullness of the religious experience. In other words it is a fair and full study of all religions" (Whaling, 2006, "Theory and methods in religious studies: Contemporary approaches to the . Normative inquiries primarily concern the truth of religious claims, the acceptability of religious values, and other such normative aspects; descriptive inquiries, which are only indirectly involved with the normative elements of religion, are primarily concerned with the history, structure, and other observable elements of religion. The law does not describe and regulate the full experience of marriage: the fact that, in law, marriage is a contract does not mean that marriage is, or should be experienced as, a contract. Religion may also be thought to be subjective because the criteria by which its truth is decided are obscure and hard to come by, so there is no obvious objective test, the way in which there is for a large range of empirical claims in the physical world. Let me get back to the starting point of our inquiry: Is religion a valid category of scholarly research? 2. This means, among others, that the philosophy of religion justifies claims by the strength and coherence of arguments. As the world's largest democracy, India . The SSRC is an independent, international, nonprofit organization. William James (1842-1910) focused on the psychological process that occurs in a religious conversion, when a nonreligious person becomes religious (Merkur 2005, 172). One contribution of St. Augustine was his theory that evil is the absence of good (which he adopted from the view of the Greek philosopher Plotinus on the nature of light and darkness). It has emerged as the single most important means of communication for those interested in critical approaches to the study of religion. Philosophy of religion tries to settle issues in religion solely by means of the human power of reasoning. Tylor cited the association of morality with animism which was little represented in the lower races but became an integral part of the religions ofthe civilized races. This decline is accompanied by a rise in the share of U.S. adults who say they seldom or never attend religious services (from 27% in 2007 to 30% in 2014). Last November, Chris had the pleasure of chatting to Professor Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi about the psychological approach, how one applies it to . Nevertheless, common to all these different terms and their respective definitions of approach was the motivation to dispense with theologically orientated normative constructions in the study of religion. He illustrate the introduction of Phenomenology saying, a lot of opinions have been written about not only the physical interchange of races but;, also ethnical and cultural, and especially upon values, so what take place when religions and their tradition convene? Animism consists of the belief in immortal souls, gods, and other spiritual beings. The disaggregating approach helps us answer this critique. is discussed, followed by discussion on anthropological approaches to study religion. Rowny Professor of Comparative Religions, University of California, Santa Barbara. )Of course the phenomenological approach employed by Smart can be interpreted as an attempt of taking into consideration the individual experience of religion a at the same time trying to separate from it. Even a commonly accepted definition of religion has proved difficult to establish, though not for lack of trying. Theologians adopt a more content-based approach: they study the texts and dogma which capture our fundamental dependence on a greater order of things. As they do on many traditional measures of religious observance, Jehovah's . As a social institution, religion is a pattern of social action organized around the beliefs and practices that people develop to answer questions about the meaning of existence. The term phenomenology also refers to the attempt to devise a typology, or classification, of religious phenomenareligious activities, beliefs, and institutions. Forte geertz symbols rituals and faith based behavior nov 8 14 ppt A standard line of criticism against this egalitarian strategy has been to argue that it rests on a contested understanding of religion. According to a number of scholars (often influenced by Foucauldian or post-colonial thought), the category of religion is deeply implicated in the history and practice of western statism and imperialism. The stress on the distinction between the descriptive and normative approaches is becoming more frequent among scholars of religion. How a believer of a certain religion (an insider) will study his/her own religion, for instance, will differ from how a nonbeliever of that religion (an outsider) will study it.Their motivations and methods will be different. Second, secular modernity is itself rooted in a distinctive Protestant anthropology, the ethos of which neatly maps onto a modern liberal subjectivity that encourages the individual to cultivate the autonomy and discipline required to relate to her beliefs and ends in the right way. This idea led Calvinists to engage in activities that would increase their wealth, paving the way for the development of capitalism. Three famous psychologists who examined and analyzed religious phenomena psychologically were William James, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Jung. Manifestations of the sacred. For instance, a student of Christian theology is a Christian; but a student of religious studies studying Shintoism is usually not a Shintoist. We also have Confucian, Taoist, and Shinto philosophies; instead of Confucian, Taoist, and Shinto theologies. Smart contemplated these question for many years investigating various religions in the world. study of religion, attempt to understand the various aspects of religion, especially through the use of other intellectual disciplines. The purpose of this course is to introduce and examine a variety of methodological approaches to the study of religion. The essence of religion and the context of religious beliefs, practices, and institutions, Neutrality and subjectivity in the study of religion, Theories of the Renaissance and Reformation, Historical, archaeological, and literary studies, Anthropological approaches to the study of religion, Theories concerning the origins of religion, Functional and structural studies of religion, The concerns of the philosophy of religion, Modern existentialist and phenomenological studies, Relationship between Western and non-Western philosophy in regard to religion, The relationship of Western Christianity to other religions, Modern origin and development of the history and phenomenology of religion, https://www.britannica.com/topic/study-of-religion. The idea of epoch is borrowed from the philosophy of the German thinker Edmund Husserl (18591938), the father of phenomenology, and the procedure is regarded as central to the phenomenology of religion. Religion is a concept created by modern scholars and superimposed on a variety of different phenomena for a variety of motives. Sociology in general looks at people's . Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was the founder of psychoanalysis, which generally claims that our behaviors are largely controlled by our unconscious mind which contains our repressed sexual and violent desires. Conversely, theological claims may imply something about the history of a religion. Throughout the film, various facets of Christianity are explored and that includes the role played by that religion during the colonization of territories by the European or Western colonial powers in the early centuries, particularly the role played by the . If we get rid of the concept of religion, can we adequately express and protect those values? For other religions, the systematic study of their doctrines is usually referred to as philosophy instead of theology. One obvious reason is that the term theology implies a belief in one God but other religions may not subscribe either to the belief in God or gods or to the belief that there is only one God. Some religions do not have a deity; others are community-based rather than belief-based; and the boundary between them and secular ideologies such as nationalism is porous. One of the many reasons for this failure is that each discipline enlisted to study religion has its own distinctive methods and topics, and scholars often disagree about how to resolve the inevitable conflicts between these different intellectual perspectives. The anthropological objection, baldly stated, claims that it is just not correct or helpful to say that religion only functions as a term associated with western imperialist and neo-colonialist projects. (Peter Connolly,pp1-2Approche to the Study of Religion,Biddles L.T.D.) This distinction depends to some extent upon taking a projectionist view of religion as a human product. It also depends heavily on the motives the researcher brings to his or her investigation of religious or worldview issues. From the plot summary, it is obvious that the film mainly focuses on the religion of Christianity. Tylor, in his work Primitive Culture (1871), claimed that the essence of religion or the minimum defining property of religion, is the belief in Spiritual Beings, which he called animism. If theology focuses on a particular religion, religious studies examine the different religions of the world. Durkheim further claimed that more complex societies had more complex religious systems, but they were all same in that they had religions as ways of unifying their societies. She has published extensively in the areas of republicanism and toleration, theories of law and the state, and global justice. The study of religion may thus come to have a reflexive effect on religion itself, such as the manner in which modern Christian theology has been profoundly affected by the whole question of the historicity of the New Testament. This course introduces students to the variety of academic approaches to the study of religion and to the procedures and sources used in writing academic papers in religious studies. Such struggles were political through and through, and it is impossible to discern any common core or essence to all the world religions, as W. C. Smith pointed out in 1962. It can use either separately or in any combination the methods of history, sociology, In this . The worry here is the hard-won liberal right to religious freedom will not elicit much respect if the existence of religion itself is radically questioned. These different approaches disagree about the essence of religion, but all three camps operate within a shared account of the human. Can we truly compare two totally different views religion one very internal the other very visual? Nigerias 2023 Elections: Which Way Democracy? On the face of it, the field of religion is no different from other fields within the humanities, and to study religion should simply mean to reflect upon religious materials from a . And it may well be true that there is no single essence to the concept of religion, no core defining feature that all conceptions of religion share. (Scott London ,the future of religion an Interview with Ninian Smart June 1999 issue ofThe Witnessmagazine. ) Here religion involves subjectivity in the sense of individual experience. This is an important critique, which draws on what I have called the first (critical) and the second (anthropological) approach to religion. (Note that no assumption is made about the actual disciplinary location of scholars. Hence, we also have Jewish theology (and Jewish theologians) and Islamic theology (and Islamic theologians). Also we can see the beliefs, symbolim and teachings of Auroville fitting weel within the above detailed classifacations of Smarts dimensions of religion. Approaches to Religious/Worldview Studies 1 Sociological. Since becoming aware of our unconscious makes us a whole person (a fully realized Self), religion is thus seen by Jung as something positive (Merkur 2005, 177). TTh 2:40-4:00. Accordingly, God is just the projected ultimate father image that helps humans deal with their feelings of helplessness and guilt. *You can also browse our support articles here >. Most approaches come up with what are called theories of religion, referring to accounts or explanations of the origins and functions of religion. Protect those values purposes, we also have Confucian, Taoist, and other spiritual.! Combination the methods of history, sociology, in this wealth, paving the way the!, I sketch a preliminary defense of the third approach, how one it! 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