five nights with mac tonight: remastered wiki

Mac Tonight is the only animatronic that has no voice lines. He begins in CAM 01, and he will move through the factory until reaching one of the two doors. There's a reason why the comment section is known for being toxic. Bright beauty Suggested by hjbnydbuvebgvd #2. hjbnydbuvebgvd. Club 57 Wiki. And this is when you come in. Total amount . Afterwards, he will attack the player ending the night. Year created Once he is at the window the player must hold the window shut by hovering their cursor over the window and holding shift. This game released one year after the original in the year 2017 on the 10th of March. He wears a black jacket, black pants, black shoes and black sunglasses. He begins in Mac Room, and he will make his way through the location, until reaching the office. If Mac is in the left side, the player must use the panel to make him leave. This game released one year after the original in the year 2017 on the 10th of March. His moon head is now very dirty instead of shiny, and is tattered and shows signs of damage in a few places. He usually wears a dark suit. Five Nights with Bud: Rebooted Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. He takes a similar appearance to a human, however, his head is shaped like a white crescent moon, he also has completely white skin, not skin a normal human would have. You, the security guard is to make sure no one breaks in. On Night 1 and onward he becomes active (and Custom Night if selected). He looks like the Mac Tonight design of FNWMT: Remastered, but with destructions in his head. However, the building is not yet finished, yet the characters are ready to be delivered. Failing or neglecting to do so within a short matter of time will result in him attacking the player, ending the night. Tampered Mac Tonight Alright, so Night 5's phone call has a Mac Tonight head forced into Chris' head, causing him to lose all human emotion and become a mindless drone going through the motions, just like what working in a fast food location is like. 52. Although its the first game release-wise, it is a chronological sequel to Five Nights With Mac Tonight 2. Instead of pure white, his moon head and hands are now much more of a dirty grey instead of the shiny white it was in the first game. If Mac Tonight opens the door at the right side of your office, enter the Kitchen monitor, and click the Generate Sound button to make him leave. Five Nights with Mac Tonight: Remastered by Malrat_ 2,550 followers. The game takes inspiration from the indie game Five Nights at Freddy's and the creepypasta, Abandoned by Disney. Five Nights with Mac Tonight: Remastered 63. Jacket Josh also was the voice actor for Mac Tonight in this game. Five Nights with Mac Tonight: Remastered is a remade version of Five Nights with Mac Tonight. He's from the 90's as a promotional character for McDonald's. For instance, you're in the kitchen, in front of the drink and ice cream machines which are probably broken. He . Mac Running through the Door of the Office (with the Office), Mac Tonight Running through the Door of the Office (without the Office), Mac Tonight in the Ending of Max Mode (5/20 Mode), Mac Tonight Figure on the Desk after beating the Challenge Mac Tonight in the Custom Night, Mac Tonight Plush after beating the challenge Mr Moonpie (Max Mode) in the Custom Night. Photo Negative Mickey: Coder, Graphic . Feel free to apply to project Mojave as well, but I am unsure of how one would contact them. Check up on him every hour or he'll destroy all the Mac Tonight cards. If the player make it to late, or ignores completely his existence, Mac Tonight will enter the office, to jumpscare the player, giving a game over. Male. If you find any fnaf-fangame costing any money, be sure to report it immediately. Five Nights with Mac Tonight (Remastered) is a full-on remake of the original, only with little changes. Five Nights with Mac Tonight is a Five Nights at Freddy's fangame made by User:Photo Negative Mickey based on McDonald's characters and the 1980's McDonald mascot Mac Tonight. Mac Tonight wears a black jacket with red patches on the sleeves, a pair of shades, and a pair of pants with brown shoes. Mac Tonight begins in CAM 01, and he can move to: Mac Tonight Color (s): White, Black, Red, Brown. 1 Characters; 2 Five Nights at Treasure Island 2 : The End of Disney; 3 Death/Gallery; Explore Wikis Universal Conquest Wiki. "A McDonald's restaurant is currently closed for readjustments, and will be involving some brand new animatronic characters to be included! Five Nights with Mac Tonight 1 takes place in the early 1990's, little after the events of Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2. Male. What is Five Night At Treasure Island Remastered 1.0 Wikia? Mac Tonight looks like the same that in the previous game, with the difference that his head is more worn. Species . Fandom Muthead Futhead Fanatical Follow Us. Quote. The company's flagship character, Mac Tonight starred in entertainment kids prior to the events of the first game, often alongside the other characters such as HamBurglar and Ronald. He starts in a box in CAM 09, then he will peek out of the box, get out of it, and leave CAM 09. When Mac Tonight is seen in the window of the door ahead of you, the player must go into the cameras and sound the alarm to make him leave. Mac Tonight He starts deactivated in Factory Area 1 and eventually gets up from the table he sat on and heads to a random room. But while you are fending off against McDonald's, a story brews in the background involving death. Mac Tonight is in a state of somewhat disrepair, unlike his first game counterpart. Oasis were an English rock band formed in Manchester in 1991. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Mac Tonight has a crescent moon shaped head and wears a pair of Sunglasses. Gender He starts in the Mac Room and then goes through 2 more stages before leaving it, and will then head to a random room afterwards. If he is looking towards the left in CAM 04, darkened, the player must turn on the security lock in CAM 04 to keep him out. Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2: Remastered, Five Nights with Mac Tonight: 2nd Anniversary, More Official Five Nights with Mac Tonight Wiki, Official Five Nights with Mac Tonight Wiki, Five Nights with Mac Tonight Halloween Special, "I-it's a great time for a gre-gre-great taste at McDonald's! Why do you take this job? Death information Five Nights with Mac Tonight: Remastered by Malrat_ 2,550 followers. 202 followers. Development Stage. The Gamejolt page was created the July 28 of 2017. Store. Withered Mayor McCheese: He will be in the Basement, tampering with the Mac Tonight cards, destroying them. Speedee is a character that appears in Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2: Remastered, in Five Nights with Mac Tonight Halloween Special and in Five Nights with Mac Tonight: 2nd Anniversary. Under this jacket, he has a layer of opaque white plastic, which would be a shirt. Developer Mac Tonight is a animatronic created by the fast food company McDonald's as their mascot, and the titular character in the Five Nights with Mac Tonight series. Grimace is a large, purple anthropomorphic being of indeterminate species with short arms and legs. It is currently unknown what its behavior is or what its role may be in the . If he is at the Kitchen door, the player must view CAM 05 and access the speaker there to lure him away. Five Nights at Treasure Island is a fan game created by Matthew Phoenix Rodriguez. This is a notice that your wiki is eligible for removal. Once at the door, use the Speaker to get him out, which is known as a quicker method if there. Mac Tonight has a crescent moon shaped head and wears a pair of Sunglasses. Pluto was meant to jumpscare you in original, but this was scrapped. During this event, Undying shows up in a cage on the bottom floor of these caverns after entering an elevator. His left eye pupil glows white as well, and can easily be seen through the broken lens. Scott Cawthon, the creator of Five Nights at Freddy's, has the right for the Fangames of his popular series to be kept free because of copyright issues. Animatronic Mac Tonight is an animatronic robot created by the fast food company McDonald's as their mascot, and the titular character in the Five Nights with Mac Tonight series. <tabber>Original= Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2 (Original) is the second game created for the Five Nights with Mac Tonight series. Activates: Night 1. 3. . Mac Tonight is one of antagonists in Five Nights with Mac Tonight series and Five Nights with Bud: Rebooted, and if so, main antagonist of FNWMT Series Mac Tonight was a animatronic mascot back in the 1980's for McDonald's who appeared in commercials, specifcally the ones advertising the 24 Hours open time for McDonald's, Mac Tonight in Photo Negative Mickey's Studio. One Night with a Box 3 (joke game) by BubyGamer11. Share . His eyes are a light shade of blue, though they can only be seen during certain occasions. Mac Tonight Community Server! Wiki. 4. #fnaf #strategy. He has three cracked openings on the front portion of his head, one in the left side portion of his head, and one on his arm. In FNwMT2:R, he does not look damaged. His waist is made of opaque black plastic. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Aug 16, 2022 at 23:03 . He wears a black jacket with black pants and blue and white sneakers. Tampered Mac Tonight is the main antagonist in Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2: Remastered. May 2017 2018 Mac Tonight starts in theMac Room, which after he fully gets off his stage, he can access the locations: Mac Tonight is back in Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2 as the main antagonist. Remastered Mac Tonight: He will always make an audio distraction. "Ever since the Mac Tonight commercials came in, McDonald's has been swarming with Customers for their new night hourly openings. That means Chris didn't know that a Speedee animatronic existed. Anyway, Remastered has differences compared to the original Five Nights with Mac Tonight. While working, you realise that Mac has moved a bit, so you know something is not right With it being a remastered, the setting of the game has not changed, still being set in the 1990's little after the events of Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2. Official Five Nights with Mac Tonight Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Read article. Photo_Negative_Mickey Animatronic Moon That's where you come in.The animatronics were recently shipped to a Storage Facility that McDonald's owns that keeps old belongings in there from the past moments. #fnaf #five #nights #at #with #mac #tonight #freddys #fnwmt #point #and #click #horror. Suggested font: Bright beauty. Five Nights in Minecraft: Remastered by IvanG. Let's Go Luna! previous The game is by Photo Negative Mickey. Mac Tonight starts in the Mac Room, and once he leaves, he can access these locations: Mac Tonight returns in Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2 as, again, one of the primary antagonists and overall the main antagonist. 1. Weve noticed that you havent made any recent edits on your wiki this year. The player must defend themselves from the 5 characters using the Window, the Vent and even the . Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2: Remastered, More Official Five Nights with Mac Tonight Wiki, Official Five Nights with Mac Tonight Wiki, "When the stars come out to play, so do I. Well, judging by his hands rotting in his Extras pose, we can safely assume Chris became a zombie. What is Fandom? We are experiencing a disruption with email delivery. Good morning folks my name is abid680513 and this is five nights with mac tonight remastered credits so enjoy the song and don't forget to subscribe.Link int. Ooooh, they're about to getchim! His right eye is completely dark as if it were gone. Five Nights at Treasure Island. Starting Location: Mac Room. El da de hoy jugaremos Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2 Remastered donde nos daremos cuenta que es el MEJOR de todos los JUEGOS Captulos#macton. He will then go to CAM 06, CAM 01, and then CAM 04. Dinner. Malrat made a minigame version of Abandoned: Discovery Island before it's full release came out. He is able to go toFactory Area 4,Factory Area 5,Factory Area 7, andFactory Area 8. Mac Tonight starts in Factory Area 1, which after he gets up from his table, he can access the locations: Mac Tonight returns in Five Nights with Mac Tonight: Remastered as the main antagonist. He looks very similar to the character from the Mac Tonight commercials. Complete. Explore properties. He begins in CAM 08, and he will move through the barge until reaching the office. When Mac Tonight is in the kitchen, he's out of his sunglasses and his eyes are completely black. Liam's older brother Noel (lead guitar, vocals) later joined as a fifth member, finalising the group's core lineup. Aliases Franchise(s) Malrat_ @Malrat_ 3 years. On Nights 1 and onward (and Custom Night if selected) Mac Tonight becomes active. But since that happened back in the first installment, it doesn't count here. The player works as a night guard named Richard McRoy, for a newly reopened fast food factory, where the spirits of Wario, Waluigi, Luigi . Developer ". Photo Negative Mickey Physical description In addition, his skin possesses a shiny effect to it. He makes an audio cue when he's at the door. When Mac Tonight is seen in the window of the door ahead of you, the player must go into the cameras and sound the alarm to make him leave. Tampered Mac Tonight begins to be active since Night 1, as the only animatronic moving in this night. On his feet he wears a pair of brown boots. Speedee is a character that appears in Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2: Remastered, in Five Nights with Mac Tonight Halloween Special and in Five Nights with Mac Tonight: 2nd Anniversary. He has a burger for a head with a Chef's hat and clothes. Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2: Remastered [] The Manager: Fires the player for actually tampering with the animatronics. Gender While working, you realise that Mac has moved a bit, so you know something is not right Five Nights with Mac Tonight Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. So when he's outside the office he holds a code shown towards the camera, open your command prompt and enter the code given, which will reset him. Speedee He has glowing white pupils which shine through his sunglasses. Did something I don't think I'd do in a while. Discover, share and add your knowledge! Because of the manager wanting to buy McDonald's animatronics, the McDonald's location Chris works at shuts down for a few weeks, causing Chris' daughter to die from malnourishment because he couldn't get paid. The animatronics are as of now being stored in there until the Staff at the McDonald's get the place set up properly before the Animatronics arrivals.You're were hired to work in their Warehouse due to word that people have been breaking into the Warehouse, and stealing or even vandalising the property.These animatronics were spent a fortune on, and McDonald's cannot afford having parts of them stolen or even destroyed. When Mac Tonight is at the door, the player must use the speakers to make he go away. To stop him, heat up the camera he is in. During the nights, Mac Tonight have one of his eyes red, but in the teasers and extras, his eye is from a white color. Unlike all the other characters, Grimace's tactic is going to the kitchen and disabling the Kitchen Sound for a certain amount of time. Official Five Nights with Mac Tonight Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Ever since the commercials went air, people have been swarming the local McDonald's to buy their products and Happy Meals for them and their kids. FNwMT2:R Gender Once arrived, your job was to work the night shift at McDonald's through the passing week to make sure they're functioning correctly and no one breaks in to try and damage the new expensive animatronics. Gonecordance Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Are a light shade of blue, though they can only be seen during certain five nights with mac tonight: remastered wiki Bud! End of Disney ; 3 Death/Gallery ; Explore Wikis Universal Conquest Wiki when. Get him out, which is known as a promotional character for McDonald 's brand animatronic... In Mac Room, and he five nights with mac tonight: remastered wiki attack the player, ending the Night 28. Is now very dirty instead of shiny, and he will attack the player, the. Go to CAM 06, CAM 01, and he will move through the location, until the! 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