I think that fueled some of those rumors.. They do a lot but not to the point that theres STDs left and right and all over the place.. Florida identified 4,584 new HIV diagnoses, according to the most recent data available from the federal agencys HIV surveillance report, which collected data from 2015 to 2019. Press | The Villages in Florida is the world's largest retirement community and has been dubbed 'the Disney World for old people', but the antics of the residents who should know better would make Mickey . Blechman, the author of Leisureville, suspected ageism plays a role. Requested URL: www.55places.com/blog/10-major-myths-rumors-about-the-villages, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/103.0.5060.63 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1. Whoops! The Villages, Florida was nominated as a Geography and places good article, but it did not meet the good article criteria at the time (February 9, 2022). We have the largest Democratic Club in the entire State of Florida (by A LOT) and that is where you will make your friends. If you are unable to find the data you seek, feel free to contact us by phone 850-245-4303, or email DCHP.STD.Feedback@flhealth.gov. And will it ever go away? One of the pervasive characteristics of sexually transmitted infections is that people turn them into a punchline, Finley said. Wesl Few towns in the Southeast offer more gracious charm than Aiken, South Carolina. 4 . Residents of The Villages are, of course, sexually active, said Dr. Marivic Villa, an internist who runs a health clinic in the retirement community. Im not saying that theyre not thinking about having sex, she added. If you need help with the Public File, call (954) 364-2526. People who are older are just people who are older. Itll never go away.. 850-245-4303. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Oh, you dont want to move there, theres STDs. Its utopia here. His 30-year-old daughter in Boston called to express concern. Highest rates. Its an easy headline. Thats compared to six in 10,000 seniors statewide. It appeared over the years everywhere from the New York Post to the Daily Mail. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a college student, or even a civil group, below you can learn where to find data pertaining to STDs and the impact on your community. He puts on a wonderful act for people that, Medical WordPress Theme Copyright 2022 STDMonitor.com, Why is Floridas The Villages known as the STD capital of America?. In The Villages, 86% of seniors are white, according to U.S. Census data. All the retirees drive similar cars and old gran cant go around the whole parking lot looking for her car. It cited two links that are no longer active, including the 2006 story. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a college student, or even a civil group, below you can learn where to find data pertaining to STDs and the impact on your community. In 2009, The Post reported on the Villages, calling the community ground zero for geriatrics who are seriously getting it on.. 14. Another commenter questioned if this was the new upside-down pineapple, playing off the notion that the fruit is a sign for others that youre into swinging. Notoriously averse to media interviews, Morse and The Villages community relations team did not respond to multiple requests for comment. SSW winds shifting to WNW at 10 to 20 mph. In fact, looking at statistics from the Florida Department of Health, it is at the bottom for cases per 100,000 residents. Newsletter | But perhaps no myth is more ubiquitous or more enduring than the idea of rampant rates of sexually transmitted diseases. Oh, you dont want to move there, theres STDs. Its utopia here. Moreover, there have been rumors of residents engaging in activity that may have raised STD rates in the community. Please share your thoughts in the Comments section below. In the United States, sexually transmitted diseases carry salacious weight despite being remarkably common and highly treatable due to ongoing stigma, said Elizabeth Finley, spokesperson for the National Coalition of S.T.D. Credit: The Villages. Connect With The Villages Real Estate Agents. While as in any county one can find cases of STDs, The Villages is in no way a top place for sexually transmitted diseases. A state Department of Health official declined to parse out the agencys data on a more granular level, such as a census-designated place like The Villages, citing privacy concerns. More than 2,300 cases of primary and secondary syphilis were reported in Florida in 2017, putting the state in second place overall, behind California's 6,700 cases. In fact the STD rate in the villages is higher than the STD rate in the rest of the state. Answer: If you test positive for an STD your healthcare provider will work with you to develop a treatment plan. Oh, you dont want to move there, theres STDs. Its utopia here. Others believe it began with a joke on a radio station. I think theres a little bit of jealousy from the outside, said Christine Wynne, a 50-year-old resident. !And here's a chart of new STD cases per 100,000 people aged 55+ in Sumter County vs. the state as a whole: Any good statistician will tell you that you can make numbers say anything you want. It goes back to the old advertising world saying, he said. Another reason for the high STD rate in the villages is that there is a lot of unprotected sex taking place. A state Department of Health official declined to parse out the agencys data on a more granular level, such as a census-designated place like The Villages, citing privacy concerns. Its irresistible no one wants to think about their parents having sex, but they love news articles about old people having sex. Subscribe to our free DayStarter newsletter. Copyright 2018 55places.com, a division of Neighborhoods.com. But perhaps no myth is more ubiquitous or more enduring than the idea of rampant rates of sexually transmitted diseases. 2.5 million reported cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, the three most commonly . It claimed that the ratio of women to men in the community was 10 to 1. Tallahassee, Fort Lauderdale, and Pensacola also made the cut. Residents hear the joke all too often. Communities | So like any town in the country, its going to have a certain number residents who sleep around and acquire STDs. A Tampa Bay Times inquiry on the 38,000-member Facebook group, The Villages Word of Mouth, was revealing. A primary care physician in the community with ties to The Villages brass did his part to kill the urban myth about rampant STDs in the mega retirement community. People who are older are just people who are older. The city had 1,502 STD cases reported per 100,000. Its safe, and everyones happy. Dave, who refused to give his real name, bragged about his sexual escapades with women in their 70s. Where did this pervasive legend start? The high STD rate in the villages is a cause for concern. That's not the way it works. In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Fenney resident says immediate attention is needed at Palmetto Executive Golf Course. People just want to paint the picture that old people here are like young people in New Orleans. Travel Like a Millionaire on a Retirement Budget! State | Roy Rowlett wrote: It doesnt matter what the truth is. But so have sexually transmitted disease rates everywhere. As for the alledged STD rate, see the "Highest std rate?" section above, where the topic was rejected long ago as an urban legend. But both served to fuel the rumor of promiscuity and wild times in The Villages, which by then was frequently being referred to as a quasi-college-like town for seniors who wanted to play hard and party even harder. The Villages, a mammoth retirement community that was the fastest-growing metropolitan area in the nation two years ago, is no stranger to folklore. Back in 2006, two Orlando news stations released reports describing an increase in the number of STDs diagnosed at a retirement community known as The Villages. Answer: The best way to avoid getting an STD is to abstain from sexual activity. But is the worlds largest retirement community about 80 miles northeast of Tampa really a hotbed for these diseases? Because theres so much shame associated with them.. The year was 2006 and a Villages gynecologist was about to make a serious dent in the image of Floridas Friendliest Hometown one that wasnt going to be welcomed with open arms. By continuing to use our site, you are agreeing to our cookie privacy policy. If you are sexually active you can decrease your risk by being in a monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and is STD-free using condoms consistently and correctly and getting vaccinated against HPV and hepatitis B. And South Florida saw a 60 percent rise in those two . In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. A moderator disabled comments on the post within days. Had you heard the accounts of The Villages as the STD capital? Florida's Worst Counties For Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Active Adult Communities | RSS feed for comments on this post. Fact or Myth: The Villages Is the STD Capital of the US? Isnt that the STD capital of the United States?. . Florida identified 4,584 new HIV diagnoses, according to the most recent data available from the federal agency's HIV . ORLANDO, Fla. - A new study ranks Orlando, Gainesville, and Jacksonville among the top 100 list of U.S. cities for sexually transmitted diseases. It had received more than 300 responses. A Tampa Bay Times inquiry on the 38,000-member Facebook group, "The Villages Word of Mouth," was revealing. 1 city on the list was Baltimore, Maryland followed by Jackson, Mississippi and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Partly cloudy skies early with heavy thunderstorms developing overnight. The study was conducted by researchers with Innerbody.com using statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As talk of Blechmans book circulated throughout the community and Villagers made a run on local bookstores to get a copy, the second whammy came to life. Now, it's kind of like, I'll just go take a pill every day. Without exception, every person Ive told I bought a house in The Villages has asked the same thing, Lafferty said. Take a relaxing stroll through Aiken's tree-lined Cresswind Georgia at Twin Lakes is a new, gated 55+ community in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area. Its irresistible no one wants to think about their parents having sex, but they love news articles about old people having sex. Covering an area larger than Manhattan, The Villages spans three Florida counties Sumter, Marion and Lake. The Womens Center of The Villages is no longer open. I feel like I have to justify to every single person I know that I didnt buy this place to chase women, said Lafferty, who is 69 and single. The Villages was the fastest-growing metropolitan area in the United States over the past decade, a surge in population so large that it helped pull Florida's population center back to the . Many of her patients come seeking testosterone therapy to improve their sex lives. We are more worried about alligators than crabs here, typed Sean Donnelly. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Its no secret that The Villages have been a breeding ground for swingers. I bought it because I want to play golf.. But rumors travel fast in communities with shared values and histories. It had received more than 300 responses. In The Villages, 86% of seniors are white, according to U.S. Census data. Finkelstein also attributes the higher rates to abstinence-only education in Floridas public schools, a requirement tied to funding. A Tampa Bay Times inquiry on the 38,000-member Facebook group, "The Villages Word of Mouth," was revealing. By collecting data from each state, they in turn provide a dynamic picture of the nations health as a whole. Daniel Semenza, assistant professor at, HOUSTON More charges have been filed against a janitor who told investigators that his sickness led him to commit reprehensible and unspeakable acts against employees at a doctors office, John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, the more truths that come out the more cowardly he becomes he harasses tries to intimidate or has someone do, Greg Snyder https://www.echovita.com/us/obituaries/pa/bristol/gregory-stephen-snyder-13533191, Just disclaimer: He is a narcissist. It had legs, said Andrew Blechman, author of Leisureville: Adventures in a World Without Children, a 2009 book on life in The Villages that is referenced in almost all coverage of this issue. Gonorrhea Instances 4,971. . We highlight the stories of Black Floridians seeking emotional healing and wellness. I do know t, andyetitmoves10: @TPostMillennial Common infections that can spread by huma, STD Capital Of America Rumored To Be In Florida Neighborhood, Gun violence high in NJ, but each city may need different answer, Herpes diagnoses for 2 more office workers after infected janitor urinated , @usmissionuganda: Over 36% of Ugandans with HIV reported it difficult to di, @HIVGov: On #ZeroDiscriminationDay, take a moment to educate yourself &, @socialworkrants: Hi, Im Basiliso aka Bas, LMSW in Delaware. Area with highest STD rate in every state. "My doctor in Ohio even, when he asked where we spend time in Florida, stated 'Oh, The Villages the highest STD rate in the country,'" said Jan Schweitzer in a post, obtained by the AP . People who are older are just people who are older. During an interview, the OB-GYN reported that shed treated more cases of herpes and human papillomavirus at The Villages than she did when she practiced in Miami. } Some residents wondered why Mark Morse, the developer who owns The Villages, hadnt spoken out to correct the record. They do a lot but not to the point that theres STDs left and right and all over the place.. Leon County, FL . display: block; highest std rate college in virginia. Despite a 14-year-old urban legend that won't go away, The Villages didn't make the list of the worst cities for sexually transmitted diseases.. That distinction belongs to Baltimore, Maryland - the 26th largest city in the United States with a population of about 602,495 - which had the highest per capita rate with 2,004 cases reported per 100,000 residents, according to statistics . People just want to paint the picture that old people here are like young people in New Orleans. . It appeared over the years everywhere from the New York Post to the Daily Mail. It centered around the arrests of Villager Margaret Peggy Klemm and Summerfields David Alan Bobilya for engaging in sexual intercourse in the Pavilion at Lake Sumter Landing Market Square. This really has nothing to do with concern about high STD rates it has to do with old people having sex, he said. Nonsense, Castor says. While sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis are surging nationwide, much of this nascent spread is among adults in their teens and 20s, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. In Central Florida, where The Villages and other retirement communities sprawl across several counties, reported cases of syphilis and chlamydia increased 71 percent among those 55 and older in that same period. Others believe it began with a joke on a radio station. Data editor Langston Taylor contributed to this report. "I do believe The Villages area is in line with the rest of the state," Willis says. The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site. Florida now ranks 6th in rates of P&S syphilis among 50 states. 0:01. And the percentage of older adults living in poverty is slightly lower than the national rate, suggesting its retirees may have better access to health care than the country as a whole. } I bought it because I want to play golf.. A Village of Santiago resident takes on critics of Villages-News.com who are upset that a Tesla was identified as a vehicle involved in a crash with a motorcyclist. "My doctor in Ohio even, when he asked where we spend time in Florida, stated 'Oh, The Villages the highest STD rate in the country,'" wrote Jan Schweitzer on the post. In reality, I dont see much STDs, said Villa, who has worked in The Villages almost two decades. Isnt that the STD capital of the United States?. I feel like I have to justify to every single person I know that I didnt buy this place to chase women, said Lafferty, who is 69 and single. But over the years, statistics havent proven the STD rumor to be true. Notoriously averse to media interviews, Morse and The Villages community relations team did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Orlando came in at No. Blechman then spent time in The Villages and claims to have been at several hotspots and watched seniors swap phone numbers or leave together for the evening. A moderator disabled comments on the post within days. 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A19. As a result, the place that likes to bill itself as Americas Friendliest Hometown has seen a huge increase in sexually transmitted diseases, according to a 2013 Slate article referencing the tabloids coverage. It had legs, said Andrew Blechman, author of Leisureville: Adventures in a World Without Children, a 2009 book on life in The Villages that is referenced in almost all coverage of this issue. In 2019 the States overall rate of infection for gonorrhea was 175 per 100,000 population. Florida Department of Health. Old People. While there is no reported number of STD cases specifically from the Villages, the three Florida counties containing the Villages actually have lower STD rates than other Florida counties. Dont change the dress code at golf courses, Immediate attention needed at Palmetto Executive Golf Course, Alligator Sunning In The Village Of Pine Ridge, Great Horned Owl And Owlet At Briarwood Executive Golf Course, Carolina Chickadee Building Nest In The Villages, Bald Eagle Bringing Breakfast To Nest At Briarwood Executive Golf Course, Anhinga Catching Dinner At Saddlebrook Executive Golf Course. The central Florida retirement community was the fastest growing metropolitan area in the nation just a couple, Theyre called survivor cities places where residents may not yet have been personally touched by gun violence but the threat continually remains that they might. At the time, Viagra was apparently a hot item among men looking for some fun in the bustling retirement community. } The Orlando Sentinel article asserts that The Villages is 98 percent white. The latest local, regional and national news events are presented by the Local 10 News Team along with updated sports, weather and traffic. Even when adjusting for population, Florida's syphilis rate is among the top 10 and is higher than the national rate. Cadence at Lansdowne is a brand new 55+ active adult community offering a vibrant lifestyle in Lansdowne, Virginia. And if that wasnt enough, later in the year Villagers Charm Ann Gilbert and James Richard Adams were arrested and accused of having a sexual escapade on a utility box at the intersection of Morse Boulevard and El Camino Real. The New York Post picked up the salacious report as did other media outlets across the country. Marion and Lake bore similar trends. Between 1995 and 2005, reported cases of gonorrhea climbed from 152 to 245, syphilis cases rose from 17 to 33 and chlamydia skyrocketed from 52 to 115. .kxikc63ffb4b933c33 { Advertise | A Facebook group called The Villages Word of Mouth is filled with stories from the infamous retirement community. The Villages spans three Florida counties Sumpter, Marion and Lake. People of color, LGBTQ people and women experience disproportionately high rates of sexually transmitted diseases due to social determinants of health that are more likely to impact marginalized groups. WUSF Public Media - WUSF 89.7 | Early Retirement Can Be Hazardous to Your Health. Privacy | By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. 1 city on the list was Baltimore, Maryland followed by Jackson, Mississippi and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. What Florida city has the highest STD rate in 2022? Why are young people moving to The Villages? The latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data shows that Florida is leading the nation in the number of new HIV infections, and has the third highest rate of infection, behind the District of Columbia and Georgia. Old People. .kxikc63ffb4b933c33 { They do a lot but not to the point that theres STDs left and right and all over the place.. The high STD rate in the villages is a cause for concern. Some people love gossip about old people and sex.. This means that relative to other counties in Florida, the rate per 100,000 of Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) is less in about three quarters of the counties. Compared to other practitioners, I should. One time, she very seriously said, I think Im gonna move to The Villages. They know how to have fun and we all died, one scared grandchild wrote. But rumors travel fast in communities with shared values and histories. Often, the stories seized on signs that The Villagers were engaging in casual sex or dating, wielding them as evidence of heavy transmission within the retirement community. Pensacola also made the cut cases per 100,000 residents told I bought it because I want to the! Cookie privacy policy and Terms of Service and Pensacola also made the cut brand New 55+ active Adult |... Developer who owns the Villages is 98 percent white fast in communities with shared values and histories retirees. Our site, you dont want to move there, theres STDs hotbed! 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