homemade dye for soft plastics

Spike-It has better Chunk Paint for dots and stripes that won't bleed into the plastic. Once your plastic has fully melted, you may put salt and glitter in. Do not consume food from any of the containers that you dyed. I've used their products for 5 years and they've lasted to the present. The detergent helps to depolarize the water and allows the dye to mix better with the water. Out of the bottle, liquid plastic is a thin, white liquid which changes to a soft, clear plastic when heated to approximately 350 degrees Fahrenheit (there are no catalysts to add, just heat). Any dirt, grime or oil can cause discoloration. There is definitely a benefit for the avid angler who wants to create their own soft plastic lures, not only to save money, but in areas like custom colors, and if you go all in on lure building, by creating designs that are unique, or when you want a presentation that isnt offered by lure companies. Warning - CA Prop 65. Shawn Chapin is an experienced fishing writer and guide based in Wisconsin, where he loves targeting muskie and a range of other species. Dip the silicone objects into the hair dye until their surface is thoroughly coated. For more tips and tricks check out my other videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLbuPgIHYhs3bqQciyRsSw_UaDNPuBm37 Also go to BioSpawn.com and use code TJ81 for 15% off your order. Read This Before Posting! Find a well-ventilated area to mix the hair dye, as most chemical dyes have a strong smell. A huge advantage of dyeing is that this method completely penetrates the plastic, so if you scratch the piece it wont show the old color but will show the dyed color unlike spray paint. I couldnt imagine the pain of a direct spill on my skin. When it came time to purchase a set of sun visor clips for Project 510, there were no options other than to purchase them used. I hope to do a series (more professionally) on how to do all of this, along with all of the tips and tricks I've learned in many years of constant dyeing.B. This method is ideal for small silicone objects. YES! Nor may it be copied, published, rewritten, or redistributed. This method, while faster, can result in a more uneven color. When painting a boat and taking it out while the product is still gassing off the boat.The fresh smell of oil based product on your boat will detour fish as well. 24 hours after the paint had fully cured, I decided to test the piece by swiping my finger nail across the surface. By using our site, you agree to our. Cheaper than Spike-It, but service sucks. Pour the mixture into your object. There is a lot of it out there. You can also purchase blends such as soft/medium or medium/hard. Last Updated: August 31, 2021 Before sealing the mold, it must be fully dried. To prevent this, use glass or metal cooking tools if possible. While making soft plastic lures and using plastisol may seem straightforward, the material, cooking, and pouring, all take a while to get used to and learn.Plastisol temps are crucial, and cooking the plastisol correctly so that it activates and sets is imperative. After pouring, your next step is to wait. C.Rig21 Do not dye metal, wood, glass, or rubber pieces using this method because they will not absorb the synthetic dye properly. Your previous content has been restored. Try using fabric dye. Buy chemical, not natural, hair dyes for a bright and lasting color. Pouring is a great way to pass time during the off-season when cabin fever sets in, just be sure to take safety precautions and wear the appropriate safety equipment. Some of it on expensive wood floors. I started off by buying a gallon of MF Plastics Regular Plastisol based on what Mark was using. put the same amount of black and blue glitter in the plastic. Swirl the mixture around until the entire inside of your object is covered. You can either brush on the paint or use spray paint. Use JJ's Magic in ziplug bag, so you'll have color and scent, They have 3 main colors (by mixing them you can get any color you want) and you will use them for so long. Spoon, preferably plastic or metal Strainer or Colander, the finer the better Stove or other item with which to simmer milk. If you splash the dye on the stove or kitchen element, clean it ASAP. Paste as plain text instead, Instead of the plastic parts turning a jet black, as I had seen other people have results with, my parts turned a dark purple, which was not the goal at all. This article has been viewed 120,856 times. .035 blue glitter. Other than Spike-It (best service), I use Colorite (average service) which is cheaper, but comes in more colors. % of people told us that this article helped them. There are many lure-making companies out there that make dyes for soft plastic lures, like Lurecraft, Alumilite, and Dead-On plastics to name a few. 13K views 1 year ago Randy shares three of the secrets for correctly applying dye to soft plastic lured to help generate more strikes under different conditions. Be the first to rate this post. Oh, yes, I meant to add one other thing in my post above. Paste as plain text instead, Many anglers today are starting to make their own soft plastic lures, and it makes sense. Keep in mind that not all plastics can be dyed. Add silver and black flake to imitate baitfish ,Red to imitate crawfish or another. ), Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing exactly where you should fish every trip, Weekly spot dissection videos that walk you through all the best spots in your area, Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you cant find anywhere else. The downside of plaster is that is must be sealed and fully dried out before sealing. I simply let plastics soak in the bag, and return them to the bag when Im done using them. If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. Please Email Me the PDF and Add Me To the Newsletter Now! My hand and wrist still bear very large scars five years later.Using the same rubberized type of gloves that you would use for deep frying a turkey is what I use now, and you should too. Find a paint sealer in the paint department at a craft or home improvement store. Direct from the company? Timing is everything when getting to the last portion of the mold, especially with a small tail that comes to a point like an eel. It is also important to cover your limbs when pouring. Your link has been automatically embedded. For silicone objects, you can also use hair dye. If Im pouring two colors in one mold I pour the belly color first and then wait 30 seconds to a minute before pouring the top color. Re-use the pipe cleaners of the same color. Protective clothing should be worn while using liquid plastic. Other than Spike-It (best service), I use Colorite (average service) which is cheaper, but comes in more colors. I ended up using a high-temp-rated epoxy to seal my POP molds. But what if youre not using Gulp products? Before starting the painting project, coat the rubber with an exterior primer to help the paint adhere, and let it dry completely. To my dismay, the paint scraped off with minimal effort. You can buy fabric dye online or at most craft stores. How To Find Textbook Fishing Zones In The Fall [Fishing Report], The Truth About Freedom Boat Club (And Why I Joined), 130 W. Central Ave, Winter Haven, FL, 33880. Pride and Satisfaction of catching "The . Share your email address with us, and we'll deliver great original content straight to your inbox! There are several different materials used for open-pour molds. For more tips, including how to prevent your dyed rubber item from fading, read on! Plaster, resin, silicone and aluminum tend to be the four most common mold materials. Because I used acetone as an activator for this experiment, I moved the procedure into a well-ventilated area. Heres what youll receive today when you join: In December of 2014, these two brothers shocked their clients, friends, and family by quitting their 6-figure jobs to start their dream focused on helping saltwater anglers: 2. Choose this method if you're unsure how permanent you want your dyed color to be. Usually by the time Im ready to pour again, the first set of baits are ready to be pulled from the mold. With that said, I wrapped up the kitchen experiment and decided to change our strategy by heading out to the local fabric store to purchase some synthetic fiber dye. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Please edit your content to remove the highlighted words below. It is important to remember to keep your pot of water at a rolling boil! Dispose of the dyeing mixture responsibly. After the baits sit, I soak them in scented worm oil to make them even more enticing to the fish. He does this for two reasons. .035 gold glitter. Place this container next to the pot where you are dyeing your object. Haha its happened quite a few times using gulp baits. .035 black glitter. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Out of the bottle, liquid plastic is a thin, white liquid which changes to a soft, clear plastic when heated to approximately 350 degrees Fahrenheit (there are no catalysts to add, just heat). There are actually a couple of different ways you can dye acrylic plastic depending on the size of the object, and this article will walk you through both methods step-by-step. Topping of sprues or open pour openings ensures your bait doesnt have large dents or deformations. Simply heat the liquid to 350 degrees, at which point the plastic will turn clear and have a syrupy consistency. You just poured 400-degree plastic into that mold, and its going to take some time to cool, and the time required depends on the size and thickness of the lure.for typical bass fishing soft plastic lures, this can be as little as 10-15 minutes, but for larger 8 plus inch swimbaits, you will want to wait a minimum of 15 minutes.Opening the mold too soon will result in a ruined lure that will need to be recycled, and it could also ooze onto your hands and fingers causing serious burns. When hand pouring the plastisol lures you will want to go slow with a thin stream of plastisol entering the mold, this helps eliminate air pockets or defects.A great option for consistent soft plastic lures is to use an injector. Acrylic plastic products are durable and easy to maintain. Simply heat the liquid to 350 degrees, at which point the plastic will turn clear and have a syrupy consistency. Depending on the type of rubber, you can use either fabric or hair dye to change the rubber's color. Supposedly you can dilute colorites product with acetone (which is what their clear solution is, so don't waste your money). Do you want to be informed whenever we publish a new article? Once the salt was fully dissolved, I poured approximately one cup of white vinegar into the witchs brew. plus you have a bunch of colors to choose from. Upload or insert images from URL. I like to use some old nuts or sinkers and drop them in the jug to help stir things up.Using a microwave safe measuring cup like a Pyrex brand cup, cook your plastisol for around 1 minute, stir it, and continue cooking and stirring in 30 second to 1 minute increments depending on your microwave oven settings.Pay close attention to make sure your plastisol isnt scorching or turning brown or having any obvious burning on the surface.Your plastisol will turn from a milky liquid to a goopy gel, this is the activation taking place, you must continue to heat it at this point until it turns less viscous and clear, then you will know that the activation is complete. Try Google. Having redone the cars headliner and entire interior in black only magnified the issue at hand. Sign up for wikiHow's weekly email newsletter. If you buy a product through links on the site we may make a small commission. Last Updated: February 17, 2020 By Pro tip: never add acetone to a hot water dye. Tackle Village is reader supported. Display as a link instead, You can post now and register later. It has allowed me to get exactly what I was looking for out of a soft plastic. 4 Let the silicone soak overnight. You can also add salt or other additives to your mix to increase weight and adjust buoyancy. good crawfish imitator is made by adding red . Finally, I mixed the Rit liquid dye into the pot and stirred using a disposable wooden chopstick. Colorite's paint is average, though I do like the pearl, silver and gold solid coats. The smell of old coffee and salt flavor sets into the lures after a bit of time soaking. Since then, Ive tried several different brands of plastisol with my favorite being Bait Plastics #212 Medium. Once the dye is completely mixed, I submerged the plastic into the water at a steady boil for one hour and checked progress every 15 minutes. Do not use pots or utensils that you use for food preparation. Posted February 9, 2022. Mix : black color-add 1 drop of color to plastic until you get a light to medium shade of smoke. Outside of Plastisol, pigment, glitter, scent, worm oil and a mold you will need the following equipment: a microwave to heat the liquid Plastisol, a glass-measuring cup to heat the Plastisol (do not use plastic as it will crack), metal mixing spoons (do not use wood, they add moisture and create bubbles), leather gloves, a respirator, safety goggles, and a well ventilated workspace. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! You can buy black wall paint, but you have to use painter's tape on the window and around it (anything you don't want black that is near the rubber) because you need to cover the spots you don't want painted otherwise it will stain. You can create your very own custom color or make your favorite Zoom or Yamamoto colors, the possibilities are endless! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqsG_25shwY&feature=youtu.be&t=112, https://ourpastimes.com/dye-rubber-soles-8750128.html, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqsG_25shwY&feature=youtu.be&t=90, https://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/8581/how-to-dye-silicone-startselect-buttons/, https://www.elle.com/beauty/advice/a27664/7-things-that-destroy-your-hair-color/, https://hoosierhomemade.com/how-to-paint-a-recycled-rubber-outdoor-mat/#, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82-t4WLdrwk&feature=youtu.be&t=18. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. for temperary coloration you can use a sharpie permenant marker. Paper Towels, lots and lots of paper towels Handy, but not necessarily essential, items: Wax Paper (good for rolling and shaping on. The other day I was sitting in my kayak when I heard my favorite sound. Okay Tony I just dosed two of my three bags of SlamShadies, but will they be too slippery to bait the hooks with them? If something doesnt dye even after an hour, most likely it wont take the dye well. When pouring, I start at the head and work my way towards the tail. I have found the best way to cast a mold is to make a box out of foam board using hot glue to tack it together and lining it with aluminum foil to help with releasing the mold after it has cured. If you use a disperse dye, you can pour the mixture down a bathtub drain. Its one more way we can help you quickly find the best deals on the web while making sure were still around to serve you for years to come (and you do want us to be around to help you catch fish for many more years, right)? glad to see others doing it too! Liquid color can be added at any point during the heating process, though it is easiest to determine if the desired shade has been achieved once the plastic has turned clear. Many lures have scent baked into them, or you can put a smelly gel, like Pro-Cure, on your lure before you cast it out. Any advice? So, can I simply use the dye with a paint brush???? Take apart any removable parts first and label or photograph them to remember how to put the object back together. Your previous content has been restored. The stiffness of the final product can be changed with the addition of plastic softener or hardener. 116 Shore Rd. Rinsing and scrubbing a pot after use can usually get rid of the dye, but not always. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 54,593 times. Make sure to stir and do not stop stirring or the plastic will burn. Click here to join us in the Insider Club! I use pipe cleaners to dab on color and make laminates, which saves color rather than dipping the whole lure. Spike-It Dip-N-Glo Plastic Worm Dyes are specially designed for dipping plastics such as worms, grubs, and even skirts to produce immediate, permanent color changes. But Ive found theres actually a better and easier way to spice up the scent on your lures that also keeps them from sticking together when it gets hot. Ive only had this happen to me once when I was mixing several different types of recycled plastics together. A concept lure made for musky that snuck into the striper world. Get the latest updates on new products and upcoming sales, Utterly disappointed from the previous spray paint debacle, I decided to move on to the next experimental procedure using a combination of household products in an attempt to dye these plastic parts. Clear editor. Right now my favorite has been a bag of coffee grounds heavily salted. 2. The water's temperature should be neither hot or cold but lukewarm. I want them black. Wish you had a boat, but don't have the money or space? After some research, I found a compelling answer in the form of plastic dyeing. Please edit your content to remove the highlighted words below. Take pride and great satisfaction in making your own Worms, Craws and other Creature baits. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Fishing Access. You can post now and register later. There are many Soft Plastic Recipes available. We try our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you make the best choice for you. This trip provides example after example of what textbook fall fishing zones look like. Give the formula a couple stirs before adding in dishwashing detergent. Make sure to use a pot that you (or your significant other!) This product is flammable and can not be shipped Air. I needed to find an alternative solution that would result in a permanent color change. You mean like throw it into the bag to see if it will bleed into the baits? Were committed to providing the world with free how-to resources, and even $1 helps us in our mission. While it might not seem like it right off the bat if you buy all the materials and equipment needed if you are an avid angler that goes through a ton of soft plastic baits it will certainly save you money.You can pour a ton of bass lures with a gallon of plastisol, which will typically run about 50 dollars, while a 10 pack of store-bought trailers might run you 6-10 dollars. See more ideas about worms, soft plastic, vinyl painted. For larger silicone objects, you may need to make several hair dye batches. However, Rit also dyes plastic materials very well and its very popular within the hobby community their black dye in particular works very well, and its almost impossible to tell if something is dyed or not. From crafting molds, to blending unique custom colors, pouring soft plastics is a rewarding way to pass the winter months. NoDo this only if your melting them down to re-poursorry I wasnt really following you there. 1 cup plastic. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 120,856 times. Here at LurePartsOnline.com, we can help! First, saltless plastics float, making them more versatile. Pasted as rich text. Unfortunately, your content contains terms that we do not allow. Essential Items: Milk Vinegar Large Pot Larger Pot (needs to be the same size as the other, or larger). Some people add scent to the plastic before pouring. for light \"clear\" smoke and two drops of black per ounce of plastic. Pouring the plastic without making a major mess can be somewhat of an art. Web Development This keeps the two layers from blending together. Only really works with Gulp baits. All you need to do is mix some fabric dye into a pot of boiling water, then turn off the heat and soak your object in the mixture for 1 or 2 hours. The only conceivable problem is this type of paint is not a dye, which could become an issue if the sun visors were continually used, which could eventually cause the painted surface to scratch or chip. Enjoy! Please comment, rate and subscribe!!! Not to mention tipping dark non-whites with chartreuse or orange tips to contrast dark plastics. Otherwise, wait for the water to start forming bubbles at the bottom of the pot but not yet boil. Acetone allows the dye to seep into the pores of the material. After a cast or two the juice will just come off of standard plastics. If you pour hot plastic into a cold mold it could crack (especially when using plaster.) Simply heat the liquid to 350 degrees, at which point the plastic will turn clear and have a syrupy consistency. You should have your molds prepared before cooking up a batch of plastisol.Molds typically dont require much in terms of preparation, but you can add a thin film of work oil to them if you would like, but for pouring plastisol, you shouldnt need to apply any form of mold release.Large molds might benefit from being pre-heated before pouring to aid in preventing plastisol shrinkage as it cools, but in my experience, this is only needed for very large molds, like those used for musky-sized lures. I did an internet search and can't find hardly anone that sells it. W, Mt. Privacy Statement. Once the part was prepped and ready for stage two of the bathing experiment, I was ready to start the dye process by mixing salt, water, vinegar and dish detergent into a boiling pot of water. Rubber takes a long time to absorb colors, but with the right materials, you can permanently dye it. Instead of putting Pro-Cure on each individual lure, you can put some in the whole bag and let it really soak into the lures. Check out this simple tip in the video below. My overall experience with the Bait Plastics product has been great. The stiffness of the final product can be changed with the addition of plastic softener or hardener.Liquid plastic is incredibly easy to use. I proceeded to mix two cups of water to a quarter cup of Dye More and five percent acetone solution before dropping the parts in. As long as you clean and sanitize the kitchen utensils afterward, you can use them for cooking again later. And if you know someone whos struggling to catch redfish and black drum, please TAG or SHARE this with them! Ive spilled hot Plastisol on myself while wearing a sweatshirt and it still was not fun. Pasted as rich text. Learn more Acrylic is a versatile type of plastic that has numerous uses in homes, automobiles, medical products, and industrial machinery. Copyright 1997-2023 The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide LLC All rights reserved. After the initial cost of getting the materials and mold cavities, you can make soft plastics that are just as good as those made by large lure companies for a fraction of the cost. Liquid plastic, also known as Plastisol, is the primary material used to make soft plastic lures. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Thanks for this info Tony! Clean the rubber with soap and water first to remove debris for a more secure paint job. You need to add acetone until the part accepts the dye, but at the same time be sure that the plastic does not have a serious reaction to the acetone, which can cause it to melt. Fabric dye can stain bowls and other cooking tools, particularly plastics. Unfortunately, your content contains terms that we do not allow. If you want to dye your rubber object, you can try several different techniques for a strong and lasting color. I have found putting a strip of double-sided carpet tape on the bottom of the mold and using thin gauge pins to help keep the bait in place while pouring works well. Reapply paint coats as needed to restore the rubber's color, spraying more paint sealer afterward. This article has been viewed 54,593 times. Wear a respirator and safety goggles to keep the fumes produced by the plastic from getting into your eyes, nose, and mouth. http://www.colorite-glowmaster.com/index.html. I'm still a rookie but I'm going to say no, not really. Acetone has a lower boiling point than water and will explode on contact, similar to throwing water into a pot of boiling oil. You can buy Mod Podge from most home improvement or craft stores. Try different Plastisols and use what you are most comfortable with or what produces your desired results. Youll never smell plastic again! Even the negative impacts of certain smells accompanying ones self and boat. Pure acetone is best bought at any hardware store larger quantities can be purchased inexpensively, and it will last much longer than a small bottle of nail polish remover bought at a retail store. Copyright 1997-2023 The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide LLC All rights reserved. After the mold has fully dried, I coat it with a high-temp epoxy. The stuff sticks like napalm so expect to get burned if it makes contact with any exposed skin. When dyeing rubber, set up newspapers or a tarp over your workplace to avoid staining other objects. I was able to source a set of Bluebird clips in decent condition from Japan, but the drawback was that they were white as with all visor clips offered for the 510. Add the fabric dye into the hot water and mix it thoroughly until the color is even. How to Customize Soft Plastics with Dye 15,916 views Oct 25, 2015 321 Dislike Share Save TackleJunky81 64.1K subscribers Hey guys, here's a video on how to customize your soft plastics with. It was my reel singing to me, letting me know I had a big fish on. Plastic : 1-2 ounces of plastic. There are two approaches to getting molds to make soft plastic lures, you can either make them, or buy them premade.Making molds can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make them, but the simple methods of using a pre-existing soft plastic lure, or making a lure blank yourself will typically result in lures with a lower quality appearance.In most cases, the fish wont care about the defects, but this can vary depending on the complexity of the lure, as a Senko worm is much easier in terms of making a mold than a swimbait or craw lure.If you dont want to learn and go through the costs and time to make your own molds, luckily for you, there is a huge variety of pre-made molds for soft plastic baits on the market today.Pre-made molds can range from aluminum to high-temp PVC designs, and the number of chambers can also vary.Even aluminum molds are fairly affordable, and in my opinion your best option, and if you fish enough they will pay themselves off in no time. 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