if we were villains james and oliver

He had gone and given his lungs to the waves, released his pain for someone else to feel. It means silent acknowledgement: no cards or cakes with candles, no scrutinised gift openings in the middle of a crowded room. The literature James chose would seem like utter nonsense to anyone else, totally inconspicuous to anyone who wasnt a Shakespeare fanatic like the group (another reason they would switch on & off their Shakespearean characters; it was a way to talk in code). It is. He said, looking down at his hands. But even in those last few months, even when I knew we didnt like each other very much, I liked to believe that there was still some friendship left, some residual love that would have made her think twice. Its easy. She was trying to spare me.. For pleasure and for life. You wanted to help him, but I told you to let be, do you remember that? We have provided additional context below. Rio. Filippa sends Oliver James' suicide note, which James had addressed to him. You can find me onInstagram,Twitter, andGoodreads. And yet Joliver be calling themselves 'brothers'? Like, the scene where Oliver realizes Wren and James probably like each other and something clenched uncomfortably in his chest ??? James I wasnt joking when I said that if you hadnt killed him, I would. 6 Ben Affleck's The Batman. I wanted to start small, but maybe it was my dramatic head that wanted to jump right to the most painful parts, setting the angsty bits on fire before they could burn me from the inside. I am once again returning to the land of dark academia for a (spoiler) review of If We Were Villains by M.L. Because as much as it might hurt you to know, I do love Meredith. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Each student is mailed an envelope containing their casting assignment and the scenes to prepare, as well as instructions not to share the information with any of their peers. Rio. If We Were Villains is the debut novel of American author M. L. Rio first published in 2017. In the days of Shakespeare, many of the people were anti-Semitic. I knew when youd be getting out, and I waited. But you didnt.. God, when I saw the bruises hed left on your arms, I-, I wanted to. But really, it doesn't take long because I don't have that sort of patience. Detective Colborne wants to . Macbeth had gone entirely fine, more than fine, if you'd asked him. I was an actor, a criminal, a friend; I was many, many things but none of those mattered because, first and foremost, I was his. Its not that, its just it makes me sad., Yeah. He just left all his trauma behind. When the teachers mix up the roles it puts a strain on the friendship of Olivers group, and things begin to go downhill fast. What you did was selfish, and you cant fucking deny it! What exactly are you referring to? He asked, carefully. Phillipa is a mysterious character, and though we dont find out too much about her, she really grew on me throughout the story. Just a quick warning: there are some mentions of suicidal tendencies (as we know how the actual book ended, I think theres no not touching the subject) and a few mentions of canon angst, death and violence, but nothing happening currently and nothing graphic, either. We stumbled down the short hallway that connected it to the living room, and, somehow, made our way to James bed. maybe he was saying to find him in the next life? But it was all I could do, and Im sorry, James, but I would do it all again.. Ten years ago, Marks and his six classmates were . If We Were Villains is the debut novel of American author M. L. Rio, first published in 2017 by Flatiron Books. The only light came from inside the house, probably the living room, and the positions in which we stood cast shadows all over James face, so much so that I couldnt distinguish the marks of time which were sure to be there, somewhere. James Faked his own death- Oliver is sure about it. . The James that Oliver loved is gone; however, physically, James is still around somewhere. I stopped, my monologue hanging in the air between us, the silence waiting for someone to fill it, for a new scene to break. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If We Were Villains Quote Sticker. I stared at him for a moment, raising my hand so the pads of my fingers could trace the lines of his face, making sure he was real. As if sensing my brain fume with concerns for the uncertain future, James began to shift on top of me, his head slowly rolling sideways on my chest to look up at me. The two tentatively resume their relationship. Rio. From my point of view, James looked the same in his thirties as he had in his twenties. I'm inclined to believe that James is still alive, as it doesn't seem to fit with his character to leave that note for Oliver if he was intending to die. February Ficlet Challenge 2023- Day 1- WavesOliver going to look for James after the end of IWWV.Title is part of the Pericles quote James leaves for Oliver. i hate this feeling of not knowing and i thin thats exactly what the author was going for. During the performance, Oliver discovers that James is in love with Wren. No, what we did. All that was left was an odd feeling of peace, one I was afraid would disappear as soon as James woke up, when the quiet of sleep would be interrupted with our having to face the reality of our situation. Bill Cipher is the main antagonist of the Disney Channel/Disney XD animated series Gravity Falls, serving as the overarching antagonist of season one and the main antagonist of season two. A place to connect with other Dark Academics. If We Were Villains is a love letter to Shakespeare and the theater. You had no right to take my place., Yes, but what were you protecting me from? Oliver and James. My favourite characters in the book are Phillipa and James, two of the students in Olivers friendship group. He didnt dare attempt to find James, worrying what else may befall his troubled mind if his eyes crept their way along James face once again that night. Work Search: The novel concerns a murder mystery surrounding Oliver Marks, a former actor at the fictional Dellecher Shakespeare conservatory and most of the novel takes place during his 4th and final year at the conservatory. Afterwards, Oliver discovers a bloodstained piece of fabric in the fireplace and hides it among some discarded sets in the Fine Arts Building. No body found. The character he quotes faked her death. James then grabbed the nearest item the boat hook and hit him with it. Alive, breathing, dry and utterly, painfully breathtaking. Every angle in which I rested my body plus the extra weight on top of me should have been the perfect recipe for a terrible nights sleep, but upon waking up in the morning to James hair tingling my nose, I had never felt more well rested in my life. Please consider turning it on! I mean, that the moment I think Im remotely over what happened, you are released. I do love her. Dark Helmet - Spaceballs (1987) Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. As pretentious and flawed as the core friendship group of the story is, youll be gripped by their tale. The descriptions throughout this book are captivating. Now, all he have to do is look for him, even if it means take an airplane and go to the other side of the world.He'll found him but not how he expected to. Before it all went to hell, when we were just two stupid boys laying in the sand, dreaming of living away from everything and everyone. have not finished reading If We Were Villains, we respectfully suggest that you consider waiting before reviewing this guide. While one would expect a book about Shakespearean actors to have lots of Shakespeare references, If We Were Villains goes above and beyond. If thou remember'st not the slightest follyThat ever love did make thee run into,Thou hast not loved. Because maybe we didnt understand ourselves, yet, but we sure as hell understood each other.. It has always been about that, even when we didnt know it was.. ", -------------------------OR-----------------------------------, Oliver knocks on the door of an abandoned cottage where he hopes that the man he went to jail to protect is inside waiting for him after faking his own death (seriously, this is another level of be gay do crime, this is where being a dramatic bitch takes you). The novel drew mixed reviews. If we were villains _ M. L. Rio Como um dos sete jovens atores que estudam Shakespeare em uma faculdade de elite, Oliver e seus amigos desempenham os mesmos. His inner dialogue was trying to convince himself the kid was trying to start shit just for the sake of starting shit, but after the bitter feeling of pure jealously settles deep within his stomach, he needs to confide in somebody. I think youve been mad at me for a long time., Of course Im mad at you. The other address to Oliver, containing a quote from a Shakespearean play which the character James quoted faked his own death. 13 characters in If We Were Villains are available for you to type their personalities: James Farrow, Meredith Dardenne, Oliver Marks. Oliver admits that he was in love with James while they were together, but says that he also loved her. Trying to balance my newfound comfort within Merediths presence and the feeling of chocking that grasped my lungs every time I attempted to breath. Im so late to this, but I agree that James left it because he is alive. I only nodded, embarrassed by how right he was. I-, James attempted to say something, and his hand seemed to reach up toward me, but both voice and motion halted before they were completed and, maybe thinking better of it, he simply stepped aside, opening the door wider to let me inside. Richard injures Oliver and James, as they practice the assassination scene from "Julius Caesar". By clockwork art. A brief summary of If We Were Villains: Oliver Marks has just served ten years in jail - for a murder he may or may not have committed. By Fromtheattic. Retiring Detective Colborne has always had his doubts about Olivers guilt, and hes finally going to find out if he was right. Instead, we both fell back to silence, probably processing our own emotions, getting our heads in a better state before speaking again. He buried his face in the crook of my neck, and my hands made their way up and down his back, soothing him. Oliver is finally being released. Oliver Marks. On the day Oliver Marks is released from jail, the man who put him there is waiting at the door. The . Is James alive or nah? But I am saying you also cant blame her for what she did when she found out. Oliver Marks has just served ten years in jail - for a murder he may or may not have committed. We were closer than we had been a moment before. "Are we Richard tonight or are we Dick?" "Ignore him, Oliver," James said. Primary Characters: If We Were Villains is a story that centers on seven . Yeah, I remember that. I smiled, sadly. "Summer Thrillers: Daring Escapes and Other Acts of Derring-Do", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=If_We_Were_Villains&oldid=1141467345, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 05:52. Youre alive, were the stupid words coming out of my own mouth. But your something is different from Merediths. My comments are always open for book-chat. iwwv if we were villains oliver marks james farrow. In 1997, Oliver is in his fourth and final year at the prestigious Dellecher Classical Conservatory, where he resides with his six classmates in a small dormitory called the Castle. Oliver, its been four years., Yes, four years in which Pip, who was the only one visiting me, thought Id be better off not knowing. We were drawn to each other like magnets, not even aware of how our bodies seemed to instinctively want to close the distance between them. Many readers including Cynthia d'Aprix Sweeney, the writer of The Nest, compared this novel to Donna Tartt's The Secret History. We were blind., Yeah, we were. Hi, he replied, his voice still slow and rusted from sleep. Hi, I said, softly, not being able to help the stupid grin growing on my face. Thunderbolts cast. his girlfriend. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", "It was good that I had taken the time to breathe before setting the scene into motion, because once the door opened, complaining slightly at its hinges, my lungs stopped. Wren begins to suffer fainting spells, James breaks Oliver's nose during combat practice, and Alex overdoses on drugs but survives. There were also a lot of Shakespeare references and quotes throughout, as the students not only perform his works but sometimes speak in Shakespearean quotes in their day-to-day life. I was glad just to hear his breath, to have him close. They were wet; James blinked, and a single drop fell onto my cheek. His eyes, still cloudy with sleep, widened as he took in the sight of me, standing at his doorstep. I also really liked that the book was divided into Acts as it helped to drive the action and was a lovely nod to the Shakespearean aspects of the novel. It was made pretty clear a few times in the book that James was very good at immersing himself into roles and losing himself in them back in their first class with Gwendolyn and again at the ill-fated Lear rehearsal. A kiss that I could tell from the first touch, would take us somewhere. LibraryThing catalogs yours books online, easily, quickly and for free. I stood before the rusted door, salt air filling up my lungs as the cold breeze ruffled my hair. Hearing James voice helped. i agree with you. It's one of the best books I've read so far in . From $1.46. I knew he was right and, not having an answer to that, I let him go on. So I still think he's canonically alive but it's not super in character, idk. One being a plain, short, and general farewell. This was it. You were someone else, as if you had never come down from playing your character.. Why?, Do what, exactly? I asked, drier than I had intended. Youre crazy, he said, redundant. The magic of it all, the prospect of a gigantic plot twist at the end of a tragedy, tends to fade when youve lived the consequences of diving headfirst into the characters you were originally only set to play on stage. $18 . Their reconnection is very fast paced because I personally believe that weve had enough slow-burn in the actual book, so lets just let the boys be happy together as fast as we can. oliver finds james alive after being released from prison. Wren then begged James to go after Richard, fearing he would hurt himself. In and out. We were two very eloquent men, well educated in the art of speech. The fourth years are assigned King Lear as their spring production. Hi, was his reply, another breath, another exhale. The book was layed out similar to a script, split into sections with each section being an act in a five-act drama. Upon researching James' death online, Oliver learns that James' body was never found. Author: M.L. Soon enough, the kitchen was smelling nice, the aroma filling my chest and giving me a newfound strength. The notes connotation may also be just to remind Oliver of their time in del Norte, a happy moment. Alive, breathing, dry and utterly, painfully breathtaking. If We Were Villains is a great story written by M.L. Having made halfway friends . "If We Were Villains" is told from the perspective of Oliver, a quiet, introspective former drama student who has just been released from a 10-year prison sentence after the harrowing events during his final year at the Conservatory. If you need a refresher: After it is revealed that Oliver took the fall for Richards death to protect James whom he has realised he is in love with, Filippa and the detective tell Oliver that James is dead, presumably by suicide. If We Were Villains was named one of Bustle's Best Thriller Novels of the Year, and Mystery Scene says, "A well-written and gripping ode to the stage . No, that wasnt what walking on stars felt like, and I knew that, now. We lived our lives in between sonnets, with drama and comedy lost together in a sky of words at our disposal. The next morning, Oliver and Meredith are awoken by Filippa. James mouth was softer than I remembered. If We Were Villains is the debut novel of American author M. L. Rio, first published in 2017 by Flatiron Books. That was the story I had spent the better part of a month swimming in, myself. In this secluded world of firelight and leather-bound books, Oliver and his friends play the same roles onstage and off: hero, villain, tyrant, temptress, ingnue, extras. Truth be told, there was a part of me that refused to hope, and maybe that was what kept me from simply combusting on the spot. And maybe for just a split second, I, too, knew what drowning felt like.James Farrow stood before me. Giving me up.. And now they were standing precariously still, some glaring at Richard, some quivering quietly, Oliver crouching comfortingly next to James. Oliver accepts but requests that Colborne not act upon what Oliver will tell him. So, Im sorry, but disappearing was easier than coming back to see you in that place every few months.. James was all there was; the whole fucking universe and every rhyme ever written. Oliver, I thought they would tell you right away, I thought they would give you the note right away. If youre looking for more dark academia books to read, there are plenty of great titles to try such as Ace of Spades by Faridah bk-ymd, and Bunny by Mona Awad. Surfacing for air but finding my lips instead, and perhaps reading my thoughts, James gasped: Oliver, Im yours. Because that was also true. Thank you, this is exactly the answer I was looking for. Author if we were villains james and oliver L. Rio, first published in 2017 by Flatiron Books my own mouth, too, knew drowning. Every time I attempted to breath has always had his doubts about Olivers guilt, and, having! Dark academia for a murder he may or may not have committed assigned King Lear as their spring production air. Not act upon what Oliver will tell him rusted from sleep at our disposal guide. We didnt understand ourselves, yet, but what Were you protecting me from chest??. Getting out, and hes finally going to find him in the art of speech that grasped lungs... 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