interstate battery date code calculator

x1 04\c=t4miCCC. 0000094640 00000 n The code will read the same as listed above. For example, an automotive battery date code that starts with B1 would be February 2021. What is the arrow notation in the start of some lines in Vim? Our Arizona coverage area includes, but is not limited to Ahwatukee, Apache Junction, Avondale, Buckeye, Camp Verde, Carefree, Casa Grande, Cave Creek, Chandler, Clarkdale, Cottonwood, El Mirage, Eloy, Florence, Fountain Hills, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Guadalupe, Litchfield Park, Marana, Maricopa, Mesa, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, and Tempe. How Long Does A Honda Pilot Last? Keep doing great with Bumper to Bumper Radio! Some take years, but eventually they will all bite the dust.Mar 23, 2021, Despite most vehicles being covered for three years or 36,000 miles from the date of purchase under the bumper-to-bumper warranty, batteries are consumable items and typically have a full warranty of only two years or 24,000 miles, after which converting to a prorated warranty or none at all.Apr 11, 2022, The second character is usually a letter from A through L that corresponds to the 12 months of the calendar (e.g. I whish you could broadcast for 3 hours! You can also search for battery charger and battery charger/maintainer options. Finally, you might find some dates hot-stamped cryptic letters on the side of the battery. END USER TERMS:We allow you access to information we have licensed from MOTOR Information Systems (the "MOTOR Information") and by accessing such information, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions: 1. Restrictions on Use of MOTOR Information. This code will tell you when the battery was made. The code on the top is 12 digits with the last 4 representing the month and year. All digits are numbers. Complete a battery search to save a vehicle. The battery is drained because an interior light was left on in the car for 18-24 hours. Interstate Batteries is the brand that technicians prefer since 1965. The date code label is on a label located on either the top of the battery or the back side of the battery. You may establish your date of purchase by presenting the receipt for the purchase of your original battery. Your car's battery is not designed to last forever, and there will be a point of time where it breaks out requiring replacement. The battery date code indicates when the battery was shipped from the manufacturing plant and is read as follows: Letter - indicates in which month the battery was manufactured (Example: A is January, B is February, C is March, etc.) Powersports Whether you're riding cross-country or conquering the lake, Costco has an Interstate battery for all your powersports needs. In addition, these batteries come designed to appear sturdy, providing reliable and high-performance services.Jun 19, 2022. Car battery date codes come in different shapes and forms. Its almost always the first number and first letter. The Interstate Battery serial number is a 10-digit code that is used to identify a specific battery. The battery date codes come in different forms and sometimes in different locations : Depending on your manufacturer, you might see some date stickers on top of the car battery. You agree that MOTOR Information is the confidential information of MOTOR, and that MOTOR owns or is the Interstate Batteries of all rights in the MOTOR Information, including without limitation all copyright and other proprietary rights. However, this can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of vehicle you drive, how often you drive, and the climate you live in. This is a question that we get a lot, and its tough to give a definitive answer because there are so many variables involved. Drive in anxious and cruise out confident with the best automotive information for your vehicle! Since the battery date code is one of the easiest methods to check for your car's better age, it's important to know where exactly this code is located. The date is displayed in month/day/year format. Digit indicates the year in which the battery was manufactured (Example: 9 for 2019, 0 for 2020, 1 for 2021, etc.) In other words, it doesn't have to do anything with the manufacture date, but it means when you started using the battery. Another common sign is when the battery starts to bulge or swell. Below is an example of how to interpret a date code: AGM: The AGM batteries have a date that is etched into the case of the battery. If your car has been sitting for a while without being driven, the battery may be low. These sparks can get accumulated in the cylinders, causing some backfiring. The code is four digits long and is located on the side of the battery. All car batteries purchased at Costco come with a 36-month limited replacement warranty. The code is a two-digit code stamped into the cover as part of a longer code or on a battery's top or side label. Usually, the latter represents the month, and the number represents the year. The code is 8AE12-1 but I can't find this kind of code in the Exide table. Have you ever wondered where the date code is on a battery? Also, as more cranking power is used, the amount of battery power available decreases. Not that all SLA batteries are designed for LS applications. Contact Information. Like a battery return, the store can use other ways, like the serial number of your battery, to identify the purchase date.Mar 4, 2022. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. But, of course, you won't miss this symptom because it will raise some warning lights and errors on your vehicles dashboard requiring your immediate attention. You will most likely need a 10/11 mm socket and a socket wrench to replace the battery. That's why the battery date sticker will be marked immediately after you purchase it. The best Arizona and most reliable car batteries for Ahwatukee, Apache Junction, Avondale, Buckeye, Camp Verde, Carefree, Casa Grande, Cave Creek, Chandler, Clarkdale, Cottonwood, El Mirage, Eloy, Florence, Fountain Hills, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Guadalupe, Litchfield Park, Marana, Maricopa, Mesa, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, and Tempe. "I really enjoy your show and am a big fan. If you notice that your car's battery requires replacement along with other mechanical problems in your vehicle requiring very expensive repairs, it might be the right time now to sell your car to Cash Cars Buyer instead. The date code will tell you when the battery was manufactured. Hot-stamped cryptic letters are another form of car battery date code that you might find on the side of your car's battery. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? With a 24-month free replacement and a five-year performance warranty, this battery for cars and trucks offers the longest life in hot to moderate climates (of MTP/MT options) due to a high electrolyte-to-lead- ratio that resists extreme temperatures. Copyright 2022 MBH Marketing LLCBumper to Bumper Radio and are the sole property of MBH Marketing LLC All rights reserved and use of marks, images and content is strictly prohibited unless authorized.Bumper to Bumper Radio and are productions of MBH Marketing L.L.C. One of the first things you should check is the age of your car battery. CCA is the amount of current or amps a battery can provide at 0 F (18 C) for a 30-second duration until the battery voltage drops to unusable levels. 2. If the headlights seem dimmer than usual, the battery may be low. While the instructions may provide users with guidance, neither Interstate Batteries, Inc. nor any of its Affiliates expressly or impliedly represent that the instructions are accurate or complete. The Real Truth! The code on the top is 12 digits with the last 4 representing the month and year. Use extreme caution when handling electrolyte, a sulfuric acid/water solution that can damage clothing and skin. We experienced a technical difficulty while processing your request. From Starting, Lighting and Ignition to motive and household batteries, we have trusted solutions for nearly all your power needs. The battery is producing extremely flammable hydrogen gas. How Do You Know When Your Car Battery Is Low? And you will find that the date is saying something like in-service date.. 0000005473 00000 n The fourth digit/letter identifies the factory code. If the electrolyte is taken internally, drink large quantities of water or milk. I don't see one of these codes on my battery. Lead-acid batteries contain hydrogen-oxygen gases that can be explosive and sulfuric acid that can cause severe burns. So, in the example below, 0220 means February 2020. No information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. The battery date codes come in different forms and. Can I Track My Car Battery If I Know The Serial Number? Some people might think that the vehicle itself adjusts the headlights depending on visibility. 0000019842 00000 n This is how you can tell the age of your battery. You can use this information to help you determine when your battery was manufactured, and how long it may last. If a battery has a date of manufacture stamp of 2016 on it and will not charge, is it expired? We are dedicated to providing nationwide service and battery expertise to our customers. For example, a 12-volt battery with a 650 CCA rating means the battery will provide 650 amps for 30 seconds at 0 F before the voltage falls to 7.20 volts for a 12v battery. Usually, the in-service date comes with a rectangle sticker with many circles indicating both months and days. 277K views 7 years ago In this video I show you how to find the manufacturing date of your automotive battery. The code is printed on the side of the battery, and it can be used to track when the battery was made and how long it has been in use. What are the common symptoms of a failing car battery? 0000004375 00000 n Always use the correct charger when charging a car battery, and have it checked periodically by a technician if charging must be done frequently. ), Digit - indicates the year in which the battery was manufactured (Example: 9 for 2019, 0 for 2020, 1 for 2021, etc.). Otherwise, you will be led to dealing with some starting issues that could happen in undesirable situations. How Many Protons Does Beryllium-11 Contain? A battery core charge is a deposit paid when you purchase a battery. If so, it would include only two digits in the format: 6/10 means, June 2010. This can result in decreased battery capacity, a weakened ability to start an engine and, ultimately, shorter battery life. Counties include Maricopa County, Pima County and Gila County. What Is The Battery Date Code Calculator? The code on the top is 12 digits with the last 4 representing the month and year. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee, Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application, Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm). . 0000030197 00000 n 0000003256 00000 n This digit is repeated every 10 years. RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? Keep in mind that these other additional methods are useful only when you have a brand-new vehicle or a brand-new better battery. 0000026981 00000 n The code is usually near one of the corners of the battery. The second digit from the left is the year the battery was shipped from the factory. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. xb``g`d`c`> B,'Z``x,h4JXc&eB`D1 :::X\\Q@ The first two characters are the essential ones that show the manufacturer month and year. This article provides you with only what you need to know about the car battery date code. This code will tell you when the battery was made. They're also designed to tolerate the high vibration created in most mowers, which helps them last longer. Most batteries have a four-digit code. Its simple, really. How To Sell Your Junk Car For $1000? Call Us Today! The letters and numbers on a battery indicate the chemical composition of the battery. (If youre not sure which battery you need, look up your battery here.) Forklift Battery Manufactured Date All you need is the manufacturer and serial number. Let us help you find the right battery fit for your needs. The most common chemistry types are lead acid (Pb), nickel-cadmium (NiCd), nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH), and lithium-ion (Li-ion). We've helped make sealed lead-acid (SLA) batteries one of America's most recycled products. ", "Thanks to you I have found a shop I'm very happy with!". For example: 2 would be 2012, 3 would be 2013, 4 would be 2014, etc. How do you tell the date on an Interstate Battery? Now that you know what battery codes mean, you can make more informed decisions when choosing batteries for your devices. Establishment Of The Ics Modular Organization Is The Responsibility Of The:? How long are Interstate Batteries Guaranteed? One of the simplest methods to determine the car's battery age is through the age of your vehicle. The warranty information will tell you how long the battery is covered for and when the coverage expires. For example, March is 03 and November is 11. Maintenance Tips and Factors Affecting Lifespan. Start by telling us about your battery needs. Unfortunately, this type of date does not have a standard form, which means you can't tell which unless you refer back to the manufacturer or the vehicle's owners manual. Earn Donation on every Purchase. The Interstate Battery Date Code is a PDF document that helps you determine the manufacturing date of your Interstate Battery. Send me a message if you are having problems with a serial number . Thanks for reading. Well, most battery manufacturers stamp a date code on the top of the battery. Bushougoma assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. 3. This code will tell you when the battery was made. There may be little or no warning; however, if any of the following happen, your battery should be tested immediately: Car batteries typically last between 3 to 5 years, but several factors will affect the life of a battery, including: You can click on the "Find My Battery" button at the top of this page and enter your vehicle information, visit your local Costco to consult the Interstate Batteries Application Guide or ask a Costco Tire Center employee for help. How do we read the date code on your batteries? So if youre ever wondering Wheres my car part? youll know exactly where to look. Within 24 months from the date of original purchase, batteries with a total warranty of 75 months will be replaced free of charge (except for taxes and legislatively-imposed fees, where applicable). COUNTRY DIGITS LOCATIONS REGIME EXPLANATION Australia 9 Top DDMMMYYTTTT D=Day of Month (02=2nd) Philippines 7 Top YMMDDPS M=Month (A-L > E=May) Korea 5 Top FPYMD MM=Month (07=July) USA 10 Back side FPSMMMDDYY MMM=Month (Oct=October) Portugal 7 Top . The battery is drained because the vehicle has not been driven for a month or more. How do I find the right battery fit for my vehicle? The super start battery date code was established in 2006. This code can only be seen when looking down on the top of the battery. Drive your old battery to your nearest auto repair shop. Before we dive into the details about how to tell the age of a car battery, let's answer this very basic question that we receive from many of our customers: does a car battery have a date on it? Will driving my car fully recharge a battery? How long is a car battery under warranty? What Is The Interstate Battery Serial Number? trailer <]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 4588 0 obj <>stream Since the battery date code is one of the easiest methods to check for your car's better age, it's important to know where exactly this code is located. Your car's battery is one of the essential components in your vehicle, and if it's not running properly, it can give you a hard time starting your vehicle. If you realize that you need to press very hard the gas pedal to get the vehicle started, it might be an issue with the car's battery. 0000004624 00000 n 0000039235 00000 n We allow you access to information we have licensed from MOTOR Information Systems (the "MOTOR Information") and by accessing such information, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions: How will I know when it is time to replace my car battery? Another important date sticker on the car battery is the round sticker. 0000021830 00000 n Date codes are engraved into the cover of each Interstate battery at the time the battery is shipped from the manufacturing plant. In the example below 0220 means February 2020. It might start with the month and then the year or the other way around. These codes are actually quite important, as they provide valuable information about the battery itself. 0000006504 00000 n 0000002036 00000 n If you notice that battery replacement costs are beyond your budget, it might be the right time to sell this car instead. Warranty Lookup. 0000008533 00000 n It can also cause water to evaporate out of the battery's liquid electrolyte. If the terminals are corroded, its an indication that the battery is getting old. Other types of battery might say something like B-7, which means that the battery was manufactured in February of 2007. Most battery manufacturers stamp a date code on the top of the battery. In the event of any complaint, the battery must be returned untampered & complete to the Companys Authorised Dealer, Wholesaler or Depot in India along with the Warranty Claim Form. It will either be a two-digit code that is branded into the cover or on a small, round label on the cover. 2023 Sealed Performance Batteries. is there a chinese version of ex. Just return it to your local Costco. Interstate Batteries is the brand that technicians prefer since 1965. How Can You Tell If A Battery Is Starting To Fail? So in freezing temperatures, a higher CCA level is required to crank your engine. Just look for the date code stamped on the battery. Select a battery option: Depending on your batterys manufacturer, sometimes it will indicate an expiration date. Batteries gradually deteriorate until they can no longer provide enough power to start an engine. 3. Interstate batteries have a date code stamped on the top of the battery. You can also check with the Tire Center about special order options. Some of these states might indicate the in-service date, while others might indicate the manufacture date. 0000018171 00000 n Safety Data Sheets. ", "Wanted to say thanks for helping me decide between keeping my 20 yr old vehicle and buying a new one. Designed to provide reliable power over an extended period, our deep cycle batteries are ideal for powering your boat and all of its accessories, whether your engine is running or not. Get prompt medical attention. Now you know how to tell the age of your car battery. In this video, I tell you about the date on a car battery and how to read it. If your device seems to be losing power more quickly than usual, or if it needs to be charged more often, it could be a sign that the battery is starting to fail. How Do I Know When It's Time To Change The Battery In My Car? So if you see 8D, your battery would be from April 2018. Therefore, we recommend that you keep an eye on some common symptoms of a failing car battery to prevent getting stuck in some areas with no help. Call a physician. NAPA Legend, NAPA Sure Start, and 9834 batteries have an 18-month warranty. Unfortunately, most battery breakdowns happen in undesirable situations where you will ask for some help from roadside assistance. This code does not reflect the date of manufacture. In other words, if you purchased a brand-new car, your battery's age will be the same as the age of the vehicle itself. 0000033805 00000 n Reading the date code on an Interstate 12-volt and 6-volt automotive, commercial or marine battery. A build-up of dirt and grime can shorten the life of your battery. The battery is responsible for sending the initial electrical charge to your vehicle to get it started. Of course! MOTOR hereby grants to you a nontransferable, non-exclusive, limited license to access and use the MOTOR Information contained within the Product on a vehicle-by-vehicle look-up basis. Lookup . If you dont have yours, you can look up owners manuals online, collected from the automakers sites. How much current (amps) from the alternator is diverted to the battery to charge, How long the current is available (drive time). How Many Years Does An Interstate Battery Last? Usually, the battery we'll show you some symptoms indicating its failure before it even reaches the end of its lifetime. If that happens, it is a clear issue with the battery itself, and you must act by inspecting the battery immediately. What to do when the car battery date code is about to expire? If you notice that battery replacement costs are beyond your budget, it might be the right time to sell this car instead. PS, PSH, PSG and PG Series Product Date Codes The first five numeric characters represent the month, day and year of manufacture (MM/DD/Y) The first two numbers identify the month, from 01 to 12. When you partner with Interstate, you can expect more than just reliable batteries. This code usually tells you when the battery was made. All you need is the batterys model number and the four digit code found on the label. 0000039778 00000 n Reading the date code label is on a small, round label on the battery. T see one of the battery 's liquid electrolyte handling electrolyte, a sulfuric acid/water solution can!, commercial or marine battery interior light was left on in the car battery! Would include only two digits in the Exide table you are having problems with a 36-month replacement! Car 's battery you tell the age of your car battery have a... Will ask for some help from roadside assistance was manufactured, and 9834 batteries an... 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