mountain lions in pennsylvania

Cougars were officially declared extinct east of the Mississippi in the 1930s. Many people feed wildlife to experience a closer encounter with wild animals, help animals survive in the winter or to increase the number of game animals. Hopefully, we'll see the real thing. Several consecutive years of this add up to severely limit the population. There is a low-slung head and neck, high shoulders, and a long back. Mountain lions are large, tan cats. Mountain lions are about half the size of lions, but they can run up to 50 mph while lions can run only 37 mph. When an average sized deer is donated, approximately 200 meals can be shared with hungry Pennsylvanians. The Game Commission has a carefully timed season that intentionally finds middle ground between peak gobbling and a safe nesting period. And how many would let them go, or provide an opportunity for escaping? This is a game regulation that has been around for many years and predates most people currently working for the Game Commission. Not only is it illegal to feed elk in Pennsylvania, but it teaches them to associate people, cars and/or homes with food. Certainly it is a romantic notion, but I've always held out the hope that pumas still roamed the east. Please dont feed wildlife, it may cause more harm than good! Who knows? Courses average six hours for a classroom format and eight hours for a skills station format. Office of Open Records: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Office of Open Records, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, 4th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225. State law currently mandates that the Pennsylvania Game Commission utilizes county treasurers offices in the antlerless license distribution process. With declining turkey populations in many Wildlife Management Units, it might seem logical to eliminate the second spring gobbler tag to reduce harvest. Continually feeding many wild animals in the same place can harm the habitat, people and the animals themselves. Spring hen disturbance and mortality can never be fully eliminated, but by giving them time to begin incubating their nest, were greatly decreasing the risk. On that note, I was speaking with a Fed Ex driver recently who told me that one of his colleagues had seen what he swore was a dead mountain lion on the side of a road. According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, feline predators such as the eastern cougar, which is also known as the mountain lion, are " extirpated ," meaning they're all but wiped out in. When was CWD detected in Pennsylvania? At one time mountain lions, or more properly puma (Puma concolor), enjoyed the widest geographic range of any New World mammal, and were found throughout all of the contiguous United States. Quick movements, such as running or bicycling, which make humans resemble prey, sometimes lead to cougar attacks. buy hey, maybe some got out? Initially, the purpose of pheasant stocking was to help establish self-sustaining populations. That said there have been numerous sightings of them over the years. Is there a correct position for the upright on a Wimberley actionhead. Can the public still access Pennsylvania State Game Lands? This process continues until the whole unit is burned out. . Spotting mountain lions is becoming a Pennsylvania pastime. What Is Good About Penn State University? Why cant Pennsylvanias Spring Gobbler season open earlier? This group is to focus on organizing the reports of Mountain Lions (cougars, pumas, panthers) in Pennsylvania. Those cats for which DNA evidence was recovered had come east from South Dakota, part of the known, modern-day, U.S. mountain lion range. This confirms the drop. Habitat changes that can result in lower turkey populations include, a lower variety of habitat types, lower habitat quality (particularly due to exotic species replacing native species), lower number of mast-producing trees (particularly oaks and cherry), lower percentage of younger age-class forests, and less nesting brood cover for turkeys. Express concerns about CWD to your political representatives. Wet springs are associated with greater potential for predation of nests and hens may be more prone to abandon nests in wet weather. While mountain lion attacks are rare, they do happen. Most states have designated hunting seasons for mountain lions, and killing one without a tag is a violation, unless the hunter can prove self defense. Their bodies are mainly covered in tawny-beige fur, except for the whitish-gray belly and chest. Some in-person classes are being offered. Are eLicenses a permitted substitute for hunters to carry in the field? I asked our Game officials about evidence, and they cite no road kills. However, many of my reports were at distances that people knew, and as you look at the images of the puma there really is a big difference in color and shape between a puma and a house cat. When is the best time to view elk in Pennsylvania? Public health officials are warning hunters to cook their bear and cougar meat well after 10 Idahoans contracted a rare strain of trichinosis from tainted cougar jerky. What would account for the long tails? Mountain Lion / Cougar sighting in Pennsylvania - October 2019 (Part 2) Flatsquatch Productions 1.8K subscribers Subscribe 4.7K views 3 years ago Scott describes his mountain lion /. No big game harvest tags will be issued to mentored hunters who are under 7 years old at the time of application. This information is crucial to the successful management of migratory birds. Store clean grills and smokers in a secure area that keeps bears out. Knowing that pumas range widely, would my ridge be the only one closed? Reporting leg-bands helps the Game Commission and the U.S. He saw his cat at very close range -- 20 yards or less, and when I pointed out to him that pumas are never black he said that perhaps it was the light. Regularly cleaning and removing grease, fat, and food particles from outside grills. I took a few frames and tried enhancing them, lightening them and increasing contrast. Deer populations are managed through the allocation of antlerless licenses. He's a hunter, a woodsman, and he's seen a lot of game, so I can believe he saw a back-lighted puma. A map of these managed dove fields is available online. I usually follow-up on these reports and, via email or phone conversations, I receive more details. How do I report my deer or turkey harvest(s)? What can I do to help? View our annual reports, which include the Game Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Reserve Funds. *Please note: Since the Game Commission does not receive funding from the state budget, the agency must maintain a healthy reserve fund balance to continue to operate and fund long-term infrastructure projects. There are geese everywhere, why does the Atlantic Population (AP) Zone have a one bird daily limit for the 2021-22 season? "But there is certainly major costs to that return. Ironically, I almost deleted the image, as on the small camera LCD monitor the cat was small and I thought that it was just another deer that moved along the stream. Several populations of Gray Squirrels scattered around the country are black, and recently I heard of a neighborhood of black Eastern Chipmunks. Two different people told me that they, or a close relative, had seen pumas on more than one occasion. Many of the reports I receive are extremely credible. Click here to learn more about our agency and its history. Cougars in Pennsylvania may still be a pipe dream in 2023, but who knows? On average, one antlerless deer is harvested for every four antlerless deer licenses allocated. At one point, there was debate whether that cat should be protected, since its genes were diluted from escapees or released pumas that originated in South America or our West. It had been captured in Florida, and was to be released. Hunters can purchase their bear hunting license online, but please allow 10 business days to arrive by mail; it cannot be printed. Mountain lions have appeared in Pennsylvania in the past 75 years, but when they're captured, it's quickly determined they were formerly exotic pets or show animals. Can I use a metal detector on state game lands? When is the peak of the elk rut? On a recent stifling morning in Adams County, the 290-pound mountain lion with perfect bone structure is ignoring the raw chicken breast and pork chops a handler tossed into his pen. Big cats still roam parts of Pennsylvania. A bobcat gives you a warm, that-kind-of-looks-like-my-cat-but-slightly-bigger feeling. If bears continually return, remove the bird feeders entirely. Click here for more information. It was recorded in Minnesota and Wisconsin in late 2009 and early 2010, and then died in Connecticut in 2011. What is the Kiboko backpack? What factors are causing turkey populations to decline? Mountain lions, also commonly known as cougars, are officially extinct in both Pennsylvania and the United States east of the Mississippi. In Pennsylvania, Sunday hunting has been permitted for a long time for foxes, coyotes and crows during open seasons. There is no known cure. This can lead to property damage, or worse, dangerous human-bear interactions. If you ask me, the answer is yes. With less deer roaming forests, she said, plant and bird biodiversity might improve, too. The rounded ears, Albinos are often very light sensitive, and they certainly are conspicuous, and most do not live very long. How does the 7D hold up in a recent shoot? Merely informing people of the possibility of mountain lions in Pennsylvania would not cause a panic, as it never does out west, but the death of a child by a mountain lion in Pennsylvania would create some measure of panic and terror in Pennsylania, and all surrounding states. Currently, due to the lesser effectiveness of the flintlock rifle and the relatively few deer harvested by flintlock hunters, allowing them to use their unused buck tag has not been an issue in meeting the agencys deer management goals. Pennsylvania has embraced these BMPs and put additional regulations in place to ensure trapping follows these principles. Wet hens may leave a more significant scent trail allowing predators to be more successful at finding nests. We are one of the leading states when it comes to turkey hunters! In addition, hens are less prone to abandon their nests if disturbed after incubation is underway. Mountain lions are also great jumpers and swimmers. I have not spoken with a Game Commission officer personally, so I don't know whether anyone killing a puma in Pennsylvania could do so without legal repercussions. Those buying licenses from an issuing agent will be issued harvest tags at the time of purchase and will have the opportunity to have digital licenses provided through email. In the wild, they live 8-13 years, but in captivity they can live into their 20s. At one time mountain lions, or more properly puma (Puma concolor), enjoyed the widest geographic range of any New World mammal, and were found throughout all of the contiguous United States. Could it be a bobcat? Delivery: Estimated between Sat, Mar 4 and Wed, Mar 8 to 98837. Bear licenses can also be purchased at an issuing agent where they can walk out the door with the license that same day. Do not run from a lion. The new process is simpler, since the same distribution rules now apply to all WMUs, and it maintains fair and equitable distribution. Please keep scrolling - ALL the Puma posts are included. However, that said, this past winter we did have a very large bobcat attempt to take a deer behind the house. Timed Alarms for Cougars Despite how large and dangerous cougars are, theyll get scared by a sudden loud noise like any other animal. Only when I reviewed the images on my laptop did I discover that I had a mountain lion! Reducing the fall season in some WMUs and prohibiting rifles should allow turkey populations to reach harvest density goals without further decreasing season lengths in the future. Users must realize that these decisions are highly weather dependent and therefore cannot be made more than a few days in advance. I'm a photographer, yet I've never had a chance to snap a photograph of one of these bears. Through rigorous scientific process, biologists manage and track population trends and harvest very closely each year to inform management decisions while game wardens work tirelessly to enforce the laws and regulations on trapping. All of the above are Mountain Lions, or Pumas, or Cougars. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). A variety of entities handle road-killed deer removal throughout the state and the region office can clarify the proper authorities to notify based on the location of the animal. There ended up being a half-eaten deer back there, partially covered. An average adult should be able to ward off an attack by fighting back since mountain lions are rather small. Removal of other items is strictly prohibited. Would my mountain ridge be declared 'Critical Habitat' for the puma? Except for Florida, the eastern mountain lion is believed to have extricated from the east coast by 1900. I'm wondering, then, if the complete dismissal of sightings of Eastern pumas (other than the acknowledgement of released or escaped pets) isn't motivated by economics. It wasn't, and I assumed it was a road-kill. In July and August I received seven different reports, and everyone involved had done a search of some type to compare images of bobcats and pumas. Who manages Pennsylvanias state game lands system? Then there is Rocky. During early exploration and settlement in Pennsylvania and other states, many furbearing species were trapped to the point of extirpation. Click here to learn more about deer warts. These factors include: habitat, weather, predation, disease and hunting mortality. How many elk are there in Pennsylvania? Currently, trapping is only allowed for species with abundant populations and for species whos populations were reintroduced and are still growing like bobcat, fisher, and river otter only one animal per license year may be harvested and only in areas where populations are high enough to support harvest. They haven't been . Are the various States guilty of essentially the same thing? However, my friend and I discussed this, and agreed, we saw what we saw, and had it been 40 years ago or four months ago, we knew we saw a coyote. Bobcat heights are listed as ranging from 12 to 24 inches. If you purchase a snow goose conservation permit, you must submit a snow goose harvest online at HuntFishPA, even if you were not successful. If its further back, it could be a far larger specimen and could conceivably weigh twice that. The head of the puma is small in comparision to a house cat when compared to the entire body. Only bring low-risk parts back to Pennsylvania or out of a DMA or Established Area; 7. Im not a trapper, so whether trapping is allowed or not, why does it matter to me? The most direct way to report an instance of a suspected sick, injured or nuisance wild animal is to call 1-833-PGC-HUNT or 1-833-PGC-WILD to connect to ourcentralized dispatchcenter. Individuals can collect and obtain mushrooms and/or berries from state game lands. These fields are an exciting and new opportunity to take advantage of the most abundant and wide-ranging game bird in North America. How is CWD spread? Over time, cats that had been released in Florida, probably pets that outlived their welcome, bred with the native puma, and their genes mingled. Where are managed dove fields located on state games lands? A few could, perhaps, be mistaken idenity. Thousands of deer scamper onto American streets each year, colliding with startled drivers and causing roughly 200 deaths. The crew is briefed on the burn plan and forecasted weather conditions. A tutorial on how to navigate the dashboard is available on the Game Commissions YouTube channel. But as the South Dakota mountain lion proved, in its at least unusual migration to Connecticut, anything is possible. Absolutely, not. "Although I understand why and what (proponents are) trying to say, I do not agree that this would be the case in Pennsylvania without having other major negative implications," he said in an email. Eyes are normal and are not light sensitive, and the over-all color, generally black, is usually not detrimental and may actually be of benefit. Click here for more information. They cover large areas of the state; in fact, many counties have only one game warden assigned. I am bothered by the constricted neck of the cat on the game camera; 2. the tail is curved down, rather than up, but it may have been in mid-swing; 3. the goldenrod-appearing flower, and the background of cars, gives a sense of scale and location. It is available to view online at Home Pennsylvania State University Can You Shoot A Mountain Lion In Pennsylvania? Did they migrate south from Canada? Hunters overwhelmingly pass on jakes, further enhancing their survival to fill the place of older toms removed after breeding each year with minimal impact to the population. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. One of these days, though, I'll get one that won't be, and I hope that will be soon. The Wild Turkey Management Plan specifies a statewide, month plus-long, spring gobbler season, opening on the Saturday closest to May 1, plus a half-day, statewide youth-only hunt the Saturday prior. The wild turkey feeds primarily on acorns, waste grain, insects and grasses, which are unlikely to be depleted at the same time. Unnatural congregation can lead to overcrowded wildlife. According to the commission, the last Pennsylvania mountain lion was killed in the late 1800s. Despite yearly reports of cougar sightings in Pennsylvania, the U.S. Unfortunately, just like any tool, they can be used inappropriately and result with negative impact. Because the neck bothered me, I decided to do some Photoshop on the puma in the lower left, moving his head higher up and changing the image to a contrasty black and white - to give a silhouette for comparision. . Wildlife need habitat, not handouts. For many decades, cougars confined themselves to prowling the wooded and mountainous areas of the western U.S. Consumption permits for deer and turkey only: Residents can pick up deer and turkey only for consumption purposes and must obtain a permit within 24 hours. A permitted person taking a bobcat or fisher must report the harvest within 48 hours online at HuntFishPA or by phone at 1-800-838-4431. Thousands of deer. With proper management, trapping allows for sustainable use of this valuable wildlife resource. The Pennsylvania Game Commissions Operation Game Thief program serves to protect wild birds and wild mammals and encourages those who have information related to wildlife crimes to report details as soon as possible. First a quiet coastal community, and then the world, face the wrath of giant sea creatures in bestselling indie author Max Hawthornes heart-pounding novels: The KRONOS RISING series. While some young animals might appear to be abandoned, usually they are not. The Game Commission primarily burns to benefit wildlife and maintain the long-term health of their habitats. So how or why could there be a conspiracy? To date, the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners has not taken up any proposals to include inline muzzleloaders in the late season flintlock season. Eating African lion meat is unusual around the worldincluding on the predators home continent, where the meat is not considered palatable, Hunter said. With that hope in mind, I have, for years, asked outdoors people if they ever heard of a mountain lion, or puma, in their area -- with my questioning limited to people in my home state of Pennsylvania. Consider that the endangered Florida puma has mixed genes. Hunters harvesting bears anywhere during the statewide archery bear season, or during any early season should contact the appropriate region office for instructions to have the animals checked. In Michigan, there has been multiple sightings of 'black panthers,' animals that were thought to be mountain lions, or pumas, except that they were black. If pumas do exist in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast, could they all be released cats or escapees? Our visitor is also far too tall to be a house cat, so thats out. However, exact stocking dates for specific locations are not provided, and the day of the week each location is stocked fluctuates from week to week. Click here for more information. We appreciate incidents being reported. They are there to help us. Cougars, also known as mountain lions or pumas, once were native to the eastern U.S. At one time this fact almost resulted in this cat not being protected, since it wasn't a pure strain. The big cats are risk-adverse, solo hunters with impressively high kill rates. Trappers assist biologists by providing important biological samples that inform managers on the health of the population. At this time, there were no regulations in place to prevent that, nor was there anyone responsible for managing the wildlife. My next step was to gauge the shoulder height of the cat. Are there Mountain Lions (Pumas, Cougars) in Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic States? In an effort to simplify and modernize how Pennsylvania hunters apply for their antlerless deer licenses, the Senate Game and Fisheries Committee passed Senate Bill 431, which would allow for the sale of the licenses at any issuing agent in the state, as well as online. The bobcat, also known as the bay Iynx, wildcat, red lynx and swamp tiger, is the states only feline predator. How can I tell if an animal has CWD? Other crew members are assigned to monitor the weather and smoke conditions throughout the day to ensure the fire stays within its prescription and is achieving the desired ecological effects. Human foods do not offer a healthy diet for animals. Ive seen pictures of traps with large teeth on them in the past or pictures of large birds of prey with traps on their legs. Imagine my surprise. However, diseases may interact with other population influences, such as habitat & weather, and result in population declines. First, inline muzzleloaders are far more efficient, compared to a flintlock rifle. Encourage officials at all levels of government to support the steps necessary to slow the spread of CWD across Pennsylvania. Onthese three Sundays, hunters on private land are required to carry written permission from the landowner. Why cant waterfowl be hunted on Sundays? Learn more about elk history in Pennsylvania. The Game Commission is responsible for prescribed fires conducted on State Game Lands and lands enrolled in the Hunter Access Program. How do I purchase a license or report a harvest in HuntFishPA? A new late season bull hunt was added this license year and 20 additional bull licenses are available. Why stock pheasant that cant survive? This animal is much bigger. The above frame, although admittedly still amorphous, is at least telling. In 2011, a mountain lion migrated from South Dakota to Connecticut, a journey of some 1,500 miles. 18 inches. Mountain lions are 7-9 feet, while bobcats are 3 feet long. In order to successfully manage furbearers in the Commonwealth, and ensure healthy populations into the future, trapping matters to all of us. (PennLive has investigated many reports of mountain lions, and other mystery creatures, and has found no confirming evidence. They know what they saw, regardless of what the facts say, and they know they saw a puma. What is the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners? In personal contacts, that monthly average might even be higher. and are the same size as the American mink and the same length as an adult fox squirrel. But they'd need the cooperation of the Pennsylvania Game Commission and, for now, that's a non-starter. The mountain lion will most likely attempt to tackle you and crush your skull or bite your throat. Hunters who support modernizing the antlerless deer license application process in Pennsylvania should contact their state Senator and/or state Representative and ask them to support Senate Bill 431. Bird feeders, trash cans and pet food left outside within a bear's reach are all free game to a hungry bear. So glad to post. Animal welfare is important not only to the public, but to wildlife managers and trappers alike, and will continue to be a critical component of trapping in Pennsylvania. As wild animals are fed, they become used to the presence of people. Pennsylvania has more roads and hunters than just about every other state in America. You can also call the Game Commission's replacement card fulfillment center at 1-800-830-2268 for assistance in obtaining a replacement certificate. Free shipping for many products! After all, how many people have pumas? I'm Cary Hardy, an education expert and consultant. Prescribed fires can be conducted throughout the year, depending on the ecological objectives. This is the most asked turkey hunting question the Game Commission receives. Granted, the image is not great, and I used some Photoshop adjustment layers to enhance the image, making it a bit easier to see. All told, they could eliminate 708,600 collisions and $2.13 billion in damages over 30 years. I can't dismiss the eye-witnesses I've interviewed. Again, I've been told that some Game Commission personnel have admitted that pumas may exist in Pennsylvania, but they rationalize this by saying that the pumas are not breeding and they are not from original wild stock. Im 61 tall and it comes up to my knee. A Mountain Lion Cover Up Quick and easy replacement is available online at Would these ridges be declared off-limits for hunting? Why are prescribed fires good? Larger and more aggressive animals often exclude younger and weaker animals which causes aggressive behavior resulting in injuries and even death for particularly vulnerable individuals. . The permission slip should be signed by the landowner, and should include the hunter's name, address and CID license number, and the landowner's name, address and phone number. This accomplished, my next move was to do a transparency overlay, in an effort to line up both images perfectly. Finally, it is important to note that the agency's prescribed fires are purposely conducted on a very small percentage of the overall land base, (less than 1 percent annually), providing significant amounts of refuge for animals that may be temporarily displaced. Figure skating program in Kensington aims to make the sport accessible for local athletes, Philadelphia Zoo's new exhibit includes life-sized dinosaurs and lots of bugs, Ex-football player from Bucks County among new 'Survivor' competitors, Six Flags to enhance Hurricane Harbor with more water slides, tree house for young kids. Is donated, approximately 200 meals can be shared with hungry Pennsylvanians eliminate the second gobbler. Pumas on more than a few frames and tried enhancing them, lightening them and contrast... No regulations in place to ensure trapping follows these principles were officially extinct! Various States guilty of essentially the same distribution rules now apply to all WMUs, and with. Regularly cleaning and removing grease, fat, and I assumed it was recorded in Minnesota and Wisconsin late. A permitted person taking a bobcat or fisher must report the harvest within 48 hours online HuntFishPA... 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