Warnings: Hate Crimes/Hate Speech, Violence Graphic, Mentions of past DubCon, Canon Typical Violence It's not until he discovers DiNozzo's own attempts to atone that Gibbs finds a way to make amends. Author: HarleyJQuin Mind the warningsthey are there for a reasonand have fun. #gibbsdaughter Relationship(s): Pre Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Criminal Minds Crossing Lines Deadpool FBI Hannibal Harry Potter Hawaii Five-0 The Hobbit JAG Leverage MacGyver The Magnificent Seven Magnum PI Marvel Cinematic Universe NCIS Numb3rs Stargate Atlantis Stargate SG-1 The Sentinel Teen Wolf In Short Advent Calendar One Sentence Thursday Vignettes Variations on a Character Variations on a Theme Edit Edit source History Talk (0) This is a list of episodes where NCIS have crossed over, ie, working together with other shows such as JAG, NCIS: Los Angeles and NCIS: New Orleans. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "Raven?" I'm in utter denial about Tali. how I think the BAU team would text eachother except you're also on the team dealing with their ant you're the best of us. They have a strong relationship with another male member on the team and also have "girls only nights." Just smex, no plot. Its Gibbs) Challenge: Just Write Trope Bingo, Square: Competence Beta: PN Ztivokreb Word Count: 1,874 Summary: Tony comes online as a, Title: Touched Author: Saydria Wolfe Fandom: MCU, NCIS, Stargate Genre: Romance, Sci-fi, Soul Mark AU Relationship: Tony Stark/Tony DiNozzo AKA Alex Sheppard Content Rating: PG Warnings: Canon-Level Science Timeline: MCU: Post-Iron Man 1, Stargate: Somewhere around the end of S8, NCIS: after s3 e12/Boxed In. The fan enthusiasm is certainly there weve seen numerous fan fiction stories putting the shows together and we feel like the cast members are friendly with each other thanks to press junkets and upfronts over the years. A cross between a bunny farm escapee and an ear worm (Is there such a thing as an idea worm? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. When Abby's mission with homeland security goes awry, the NCIS team gets input from both Lasalle and Pride on the case. But still he welcomed it and held her tighter. She calls her brothers after some bodies were found drained of blood with their throats ripped out. "So you know them, how do you know them? She's dating Derek Morgan and has been for the past half year though non of their co-workers knew about it. the war criminal Loki is being punished. Let's take a look back at every one of them in this handy guide. Studio conflicts - NCIS is strictly a CBS TV Studios production, whereas Criminal Minds has ABC Studios involved. breath." He can wait. Asked Tony as we all looked at him. At the time he was too young to understand the difference between what he was told and what he was feeling. What if Spencer is Tony's bamf sentinel and Tony is Spencer's empathic (and emotionally fluent (?) Throughout the search, DiNozzo and. To Tony's surprise, not a sound emerged from his throat. Then there was the ambiguity of whether Ziva David was really dead; theyd been fooled once before, and Tony vowed his daughter would not get swept up in the machinations of two generations of the David familys heritage. Author: SpencnerTibbsLuvr Content Rating: R Emily Prentiss, Title: Awakening Author: Saydria Wolfe Fandom: NCIS Characters: Gibbs, Tony DiNozzo, OCs Prompt: Fury Tags: Sentinels and Guides are known, inspired by Jilly Jamess Imperfect Word Count: 566 Warning: No beta Summary: Tony comes online in a fury. Fanfiction Horror Real Monsters Supernatural Criminal Minds Crossover Allison is the sister of Sam and Dean Winchester. The fact that his boyfriend insists on taking care of him at home, however, is a bit of a sore spot. Raven Gibbs, is Jethro Gibbs daughter but she works for the FBI's BAU. NCIS Director, When a jet-skiing scientist is killed by a sniper, all signs point to an assassin who's been on Vance's radar for years: Lee Wuan Kai. Warnings: Major Character Death, Canon Level Violence, Canon Divergence, Character Bashing, Major and Minor Character Death both canon and not canon, Discussion Attempted Murder, Discussion of Mental Health Issues, Discussion Child Abuse and Neglect, Discussion: Alcoholic Parents Anyway guys I'll go with them I'll inform you of anything." Effectively, youre having to get cast members to do almost double the work on two different shows at the same time and the TV industry already requires people to work long hours. She said and I blinked. Content Rating: NC-17 Summary: Mainly centered around Spencer Reid and Anthony Dinozzo who are actually really close. "The men didn't seem to be tied up in any way, and these men weren't exactly light which means it had to be a guy, probably from 30 to 40 years of age, big and strong, somewhat controlling, he may have some assault records on him." Death is a child that will lead them all to War. I said. He has been sentenced to work for a mortal law . They both are loyal to the team and get worried when the team goes off. Instead of the ruined squeak he had managed on Friday and Saturday, this time there was nothing. Author: SASundance All know of Tony's reputation as a lover man but he does have a type Just what names could be in his little black book? She said as well nodded. Gibbs Sister|NCIS Fanfiction by Marilyn (May not update books) . "Like a teddy bear." And he wanted to be her teddy bear. 8/1 Author and Artist Signups They both are good at hacking and technology. By visiting this site, you consent to have cookie data stored. Determined to catch her before she's able to strike again, Vance asks Forensic Specialist. Series Order: 1 Sequel to In the Shadows of Death. I asked my team. This is a story about crossover between Criminal Minds and Ncis. Just what names could be in his little black book? #NoHotchNoWatch, Vanguler Morgan Timelines have been adjusted to, Title: Car-ma Author: Saydria Wolfe Fandom: NCIS Characters: Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Timothy McGee, Ziva David Prompt: Gun Word Count: 1,107 Warning: No beta, Dead Air Fix-it, McGee bashing, Ziva Bashing Note:CNET = Chief of Naval Education and Training Authors Note: Yeah, I added to it since it went up on, Title: Trey Author: Saydria Wolfe Fandom: Criminal Minds Characters: Always-a-dude JJ Jareau, Steve McGarrett, Tony DiNozzo Prompt: Rule 63! Series Order: 2 It would be smart to stay away from CM. We want to hear your thoughts below! I didn't answer and walked out of the elevator when it opened and walked to the car. Stranger Things 5 premiere date: Our hopes for March, A Million Little Things season 5 episode 5: No Place Like Home, Chicago PD season 10 episode 16 return date hopes on NBC, Kung Fu season 3 episode 13 (finale) spoilers: Finding Xiao. Tony finds himself with a self-appointed, somewhat clumsy, sneaky Secret Santa. NCIS care about their viewers and acknowledges it. "We still don't know who our unsub is so we don't have any background information on him." Detailed is under FAQs Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The BAU members are still figuring out the latest addition to their team when one by one they get to meet Reid's husband that changed his life after Gideon initially tried to recruit him. Doctor Who 75. Sister City (Part 2) (episode) Pandora's Box (Part 2) (episode) Starting Over (episode) Sister City (Part 1 . "Guys this are my family in a weird way. Relationship(s): Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Noah Stilinski/Chris Argent He can give Aaron his space and time, a little more time before he has to face the scariest monster of them allthe pain inside him. Genre: Crime Drama, Crossover, Episode Related, Hurt/Comfort, Science Fiction Studio conflictsNCISis strictly a CBS TV Studios production, whereasCriminal Mindshas ABC Studios involved. Series: Priceless Derek learns how to help Hotch through autistic meltdowns over the years. "Cool so you had an idea of what you do now." They tell him that the suspect is involved in espionageand they were just about to question . Content Rating: NC-17 Said Hotch. Please consider turning it on! While this does not necessarily render a collaboration impossible, it does make matters more challenging. Bones 53. Derek and Garcia have some things to say about his teammates after Tony gets home. NCIS, Criminal Minds (US TV), NCIS/Criminal Minds crossover, NCIS AU - Fandom Explicit Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage M/M Complete Work 21 Oct 2017 Graphic Depictions Of Violence Major Character Death Rape/Non-Con Underage Derek Morgan/Anthony DiNozzo Jethro Gibbs Abby Sciuto Ducky Mallard Jimmy Palmer Everyone is familiair with Tony Dinozzo, but what if he had a secret no one knew about. Spencers heat is close and instead of being home with his alpha, he is dragged to the club by his teammates. Summary: When Stiles is left in the lurch, again, by Scott, and it results in him being attacked by one of the alphas, his dad decides enough is enough and sends him to live with his Uncle Clive Paddington in London. Fandom: NCIS, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Criminal Minds, JAG Series: Priceless "Can't.. and our With the stakes so high, FBI Agent Tobias Fornell travels to New Orleans to help. All know of Tony's reputation as a lover man but he does have a type Just what names could be in his little black book? Enter your email address to subscribe to this site and receive notifications of new posts by email. Not friendly to: McKay, Gibbs, Keller, McGee, Vance. I said. I said running behind dad to Abby's lab. first episode is filled with intrigue and excitement. After passengers and crew on a private plane traveling from New Orleans to Washington D.C. are lethally poisoned, all evidence points to Abby's brother, Luca, the flight's missing chef. She's dating Derek Morgan and has been for the past half year though non of their co-workers knew about it. Networks need a huge reason to make it happen; while there may be some enthusiasm around the idea of anNCIS/Criminal Mindscrossover, that may not be enough of areasonper se. Bringing the teams together for special missions always multiplies the fast-paced action, the intense drama, and the laughs. Also, like us on Facebook for more insight. Each couple is in a Mpreg, m/m, relationship and the four men form a polygynandry relationship (a group marriage). Please consider turning it on! Title: Lion Inside Raven had been acting strangely for the past week and then out of nowh #criminalminds Gibbs and the cats meow Prentiss, I dont think so. What if the glimpses seen of Tony's vulnerabilities, empathy, and intuition were more inherent and not just peaking out around the edges? Yeah, I know all series are down but CM minus Thomas Gibson is a shallow, shadow of itself. Not even his boss Gibbs. Derek and Tony meet while both are off the job. In terms of scripted prime-time dramas, NCIS is behind onlyLaw & Order: SVUat the moment. Its a sinking ship that NCIS and Mark Harmon would be smart to stay far, far away from. So, what did that mean for his brother who felt exactly the same way? When everything falls apart for Tony, who will be there to be his help or just his friend? Vance returns to L.A. after Hetty's unexpected resignation. Genre: Crossover, Family, Paranormal/Supernatural, Pre-Relationship, Shifters "Alright I'll go talk to my team about this see what we come up with." Morgan said as we all show our badges. Said dad and I jumped with a smile. What neither of them realized is that rather than saving him from the supernatural life he had been drawn into, it just pulled him in deeper. When a Marine Lance Corporal is found murdered, the team seeks Mike Renko's help in the field. Whether you've seen them before or are planning your weekend of binge-watching . Genre: Drama, Episode Related, Slash "You make me feel better," she smiled. I will explore any combination of genders I want to. "I think he mentioned something like that once." They have a strong relationship with another male member on the team and also have "girls only nights." Warnings: Rape/Non-con/Dub-con (offscreen or past rape should be listed under other warnings), Slavery, Torture, Violence Graphic, Violence Domestic and/or Against Children , Violence graphic, offscreen torture, discussions of past and offscreen rape/non-con, issues around the loss of free will, loss of bodily autonomy, mind control, past murder, discussions of miscarriage and abortion, discussions of slavery and implications of mind control, non-consensual drug use, discussion of past domestic violence, discussion of canon vaccination and future vaccination programs, discussion of past canon unethical medical experimentation, character bashing (Elizabeth Weir and Ziva David). She broke away and laid her head on his shoulder. Summary: In the aftermath of Dead Air, Tony DiNozzo decides to reach out to the father hed been mostly ignoring for the last year for help and support. Relationship(s): Radek Zelenka/Miko Kusanagi Visit our. He said looking away. Said JJ. at some future point) guide? All these stories are posted on my site, darkseraphina.wordpress.com, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (12), Alternate Universe - Sentinels and Guides Are Known (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Alternate Universe - Sentinels and Guides Are Known, Broken Sentinels (Not Spencer) & Damaged Guides, a fic that can't decide what it wants to be, Spencer and Tony recover - After a fashion, Tony's Little Black Book (Law and Spy Zone), 5 Times The BAU Members Met Spencer's Husband (+ Bonus Scene), Other Background Relationships - Relationship, Don't need to be familiar w Background Fandoms, Claire Dearing/Owen Grady/Steve McGarrett, Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex. I said causing her to turn around and look at me. The print belongs to Peter Davis Abby also got an address though she said she doesn't know if he'll be there." Word Count: 71,950 "Alright, go with Morgan and Reid to the address." When two of D.C.'s prisoners escape custody in New Orleans, Vance and Gibbs work to help Pride clean up their unfortunate mess. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (3), Anthony DiNozzo/Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds) (8), Anthony DiNozzo/Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Alternate Universe - Sentinels and Guides Are Known, Background Pairings Abound But Author is Lazy, Tony's Little Black Book (Law and Spy Zone), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Tony DiNozzo & Jethro Gibbs Father-Son Relationship, Nymphadora Tonks(Emily Prentiss)/Kingsley Shacklebolt, Hermione Granger/Bill Weasley - Character, Ron Weasley/Neville Longbottom - Character, Charlie Weasley/Fleur Delacour - Weasley - Character, Fred Weasley/Daphne Greengrass - Character, Seamus Finnigan/Blaise Zabini - Character, Minerva McGonagall/Ethan McGinnis(OMC) - Character, Danny Williams/Steve McGarrett - Character, Lord Voldemort/Lavender Brown - Character, Nymphadora Tonks(Emily Prentiss)/Kingsley Shacklebolt - Character. Spencer barely noticed when he had become her captive. They both are loyal to the team and get worried when the team goes off. Said Tony and I walked towards him. November 5, 2017 @ She said. Said Reid. Warnings: Rape/Non-con/Dub-con (offscreen or past rape should be listed under other warnings), Slavery, Torture, Violence Graphic, Violence Domestic and/or Against Children , Violence graphic, offscreen torture, discussions of past and offscreen rape/non-con, issues around the loss of free will, loss of bodily autonomy, mind control, past murder, discussions of miscarriage and abortion, discussions of slavery and implications of mind control, non-consensual drug use, discussion of past domestic violence, discussion of canon vaccination and future vaccination programs, discussion of past canon unethical medical experimentation, character bashing (Elizabeth Weir and Ziva David). "That would be all thank you for your time." The way they handled Thomas Gibsons exit was inappropriate despite how Messer try to come off sugar coating everything. It's just so cool to see the similarities between the two characters lol. Will they accept it or not? Leon Vance and Leroy Jethro Gibbs on NCIS: New Orleans. Meanwhile, Hetty grapples with the idea of resigning, prompting Vance to offer her job to Callen. When a bus transporting Naval prisoners to Charlotte had an accident, three of the prisoners escaped. "But by the way he beats the men before taking his testicles away from them and the fact that their girlfriend or wife was pregnant and they weren't so sure if they wanted to have the baby or not shows that he may have gone through abuse maybe his father?" I said. Said Hotch shaking dad's hand. NCISandCriminal Mindsare two of the longest-running series on television. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2), Penelope Garcia/Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid (1), Post-Episode: s10e05 Boxed In (Criminal Minds) (5), Episode: s10e05 Boxed In (Criminal Minds), Penelope Garcia/Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Ultimately, we do think there are a few different reasons why it hasnt happened. NCIShas plenty of crossover potential already Remember that its done a crossover withNCIS: New Orleanson a near-annual basis at this point. Gibbs discovers Tony has stayed up two whole days without any sleep, drinking coffee, alcohol and energy drinks in order to stay awake. They dont have to sugar coat anything. By: Hacker87. Tony, Ziva, and McGee. Criminal Minds crossover fanfiction archive. Asked Derek. Mason is Gi Y/n is an aspiring actress, who has recently finished filming a movie with Tom Holland. Our latest chapter of our ongoing CarterMatt Crossover November series is all about that. You have to get cooks in different kitchens to work together and they often wont unless the incentive is clear. "Ok I probably deserve that." Asked Derek glaring daggers at the hand around me. All content copyright 2011-2022 CarterMatt.com, This site uses cookies to track and store data. I asked her. While Pride and the New Orleans team investigate a Russian sleeper agent affiliated with Abby's brother. After a Navy Lieutenant is poisoned with a lethal dose of radiation, he turns to the NCIS team to help solve his imminent murder. FanFiction. Although he trusts Gibbs with his life, there is only one person who will understand and who will be able to help. ), phyllymd The plane crashes, and their fun begins. Author: SASundance Death began an awakening, death began a change, death broke the hearts of many and saved the lives of more. Our latest chapter of our ongoing CarterMatt Crossover November series is all about that. what if Tony DiNozzo and Spencer Reid were meant for each other, but not in the way that most of their colleagues would expect given their stereotypical jock and genius profiles. I blame Angel N Darkness for, Title: Killer Restraint Author: Saydria Wolfe Fandom: NCIS Genre: Fix-it, AU: Sentinels and Guides are Known Relationships: Tony DiNozzo/Ari Haswari Warnings: D/s Overtones Authors Notes: For Fen who is both a terrible influence and a wonderful encouragement. Title: In Search Author: Saydria Wolfe Fandom: NCIS, Olympus Has Fallen Genre: Sentinels and Guides are Known AU, Fix-it, Episode Related (Dead Air), Episode Related (Olympus Has Fallen) Relationships: Tony DiNozzo/Mike Banning, others Warnings: Mentions of pedophilia, illegal drugs, and terrorism Authors Notes: 1.) NCIS would make a mistake to go that route. Violence is going to happen. Fandom: NCIS, SEAL Team Warnings: Rape/Non-con/Dub-con (offscreen or past rape should be listed under other warnings), Slavery, Torture, Violence Graphic, Violence Domestic and/or Against Children , Violence graphic, offscreen torture, discussions of past and offscreen rape/non-con, issues around the loss of free will, loss of bodily autonomy, mind control, past murder, discussions of miscarriage and abortion, discussions of slavery and implications of mind control, non-consensual drug use, discussion of past domestic violence, discussion of canon vaccination and future vaccination programs, discussion of past canon unethical medical experimentation, character bashing (Elizabeth Weir and Ziva David). November 10, 2017 @ 8 Bookmarked Items in Episode: s10e05 Boxed In (Criminal Minds) . Title: Born For This In a two-part crossover event entitled "Pandora's Box,", In part two of "Pandora's Box," NCIS Special Agents, Walter O'Brien and the rest of Team Scorpion enlisted, Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) is best known for his work in and around Washington, DC, for, When a bus transporting Naval prisoners to Charlotte had an accident, three of the prisoners escaped. ), this plotline has been haunting my muses for weeks: Sharing a startling number of similarities (including troubled mothers and absentee/neglectful fathers, being strung up on flagpoles, a prolonged disillusionment and inability to fit in with early and middle school schoolmates, a propensity to being kidnapped and put in life threatening situations, being generally underestimated in their jobs, and facing on the job exposure to weaponized versions of plague and anthrax - to name a few), what if Tony DiNozzo and Spencer Reid were meant for each other, but not in the way that most of their colleagues would expect given their stereotypical jock and genius profiles. Series: Priceless Word Count: 59,047 Can the two agencies involved work effectively together? "I guess you could say that." "Anyway back to business. Work Search: Staying up by Pepper. After Emily comes back from the dead, the director of NCIS Leon Vance, calls JJ and asks if they can help on a case not knowing that there was a connection between one of his agents and a member from the BAU. Word Count: 72,900 Summary: While Tony tries to get the Avengers Initiative moved under the U.N., outside . When a Navy Lieutenant's daughter is involved with a brutal double murder, CGIS Agent Abigail Borin does her best to help the investigation. A Series of unconnected one-shots. They both have a unique fashion sense and like stuffed animals/cute things on their desk. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. "I'm assuming you're the BAU agents." Unfortunately,Criminal Mindsairs at 10:00 p.m. on Wednesdays and there may be concern about whether or not viewers watch both shows and even some understanding of what is going on. A Criminal Minds X NCIS Crossover~! All know of Tony's reputation as a lover man. After a prisoner, who was supposed to be delivered into DiNozzo's custody, gets loose, the D.C.-based agent makes his way to L.A. to help clean up the mess. I said running out to meet with my team. What he doesnt know is letting Patrick Sheppard in will change the course of his career and eventually lead him to family, love, and acceptance. 2.) They know their return will be tumultuous, but they cant wait to be reunited. He asked with a small smirk getting up and wrapping his hand around my shoulders while looking at JJ causing me and Ziva to hit him in the back of the head like dad does. "Send it to my phone Abbs, thanks." Summary: The hunt was on in earnest as Alex Paddington, aka Tony DiNozzo finally, found the thread he needed to unravel Lt Col John Sheppards mysterious disappearance. Different nights Crossovers work best if they can air one right after the other. Author: SASundance Raven had been acting strangely for the past week and then out of nowh. With victims rising and an imminent threat to the safety of Earths inhabitants, the case would force him to confront some highly personal demons he wasnt ready to deal with yet. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Q: What fandoms? #derek Privacy Policy. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, images, photos, graphics, etc. Never one to sit still, Hetty escapes from her trial and is taken to an empty dinosaur museum. The NCIS family, including NCIS: Los Angeles and NCIS: New Orleans, has a tradition of incredible crossover episodes. Fandom: NCIS, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Criminal Minds, JAG Summary: It was the final straw for Anthony DiNozzo when a shadowy group called the Trust had tried to kidnap Tali, seeking to turn her into a lab rat, all because they has a weird mutant gene that allowed them to control alien technology. But, instead of getting hurt, she's greeted by Vance who warns her that there may be a mole compromising their operation. Picking up where the previous episode left off, McGee and, When the LAPD finds itself embroiled in a shootout with drug runners, a Navy officer winds up dead. Word Count: 66,200 "Did you think my shooting, fighting, strategy, puzzle and drawing skills came out of no where?" Meanwhile, during his search for the CO, Alex Paddington, aka Tony DiNozzo, uncovered a shocking crime that would rock the residents of Atlantis to its very core. Relationship(s): Radek Zelenka/Miko Kusanagi "FBI, We'll like to do some questions." He can't help but steal a glance here and there, but overall he manages to reel it in. Jethro and Tony join Spencer and Derek on a joint operation. What wil happen to the team? No copyright infringement is intended. The BAU can help NCIS profile someone, and with the BAUs resources (otherwise known as the jet) the two teams can work together to take someone down. Trent Kort, a longtime acquaintance of Gibbs, makes his way to L.A. and drums up past memories with Callen. Fanfiction Horror Real Monsters Supernatural Criminal Minds Crossover Allison is the sister of Sam and Dean Winchester. And they often wont unless the incentive is clear New Orleanson a near-annual basis this. Elevator when it opened and walked to the address. done a Crossover withNCIS: New Orleanson a basis... What names could be in his little black book exit was inappropriate despite Messer. Have `` girls only nights. ncis and criminal minds crossover fanfiction tony awry, the NCIS family including... 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