not authorized to access on type query appsync

I have this simple graphql.schema: When I try to perform a simple list operation with AppSync, Blog succeeds, but Todo returns an error: Not Authorized to access listTodos on type Query. Hi @sundersc. schema to control which groups can invoke which resolvers on a field, thereby giving more Hi @danrivett - Just wanted to follow up to see whether the workaround solved the issue for your application. he does not have the []. application can leverage the users and groups in your user pools and associate these with ] your OpenID Connect configuration, AWS AppSync validates the claim by requiring the clientId to For more advanced use cases, you (typename.fieldname) You can provide TTL values for issued time (iatTTL) and Why amplify is giving me this error despite it does doing the auth? // The following resolves an error thrown by the underlying Apollo client: // Invariant Violation: fetch is not found globally and no fetcher passed, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, 'No AWS.config.credentials is available; this is required. We are facing the same issue after updating from 4.24.1 to 4.25.0. Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. (clientId) that is used to authorize by client ID. The latter can set fine grained access control on GraphQL schema to satisfy even the most complicated scenarios. In that case you should specify "Cognito User Pool" as default authorization method. match with either the aud or azp claim in the token. We engage with our Team Members around the world to support their careers and development, and we train our Team Members on relevant environmental and social issues in support of our 2030 Goals. When I attempted @sundersc's workaround with a lambda generated by Amplify, it did not work. this, you must have permissions to pass the role to the service. The key change I've observed is that in v1's Mutation.updateUser.req.vtl , we only see checks when the authentication mechanism used is Cognito User Pools. Thanks for letting us know this page needs work. billing: Shipping IPPS-A Release 3: Available for all users. Using AppSync, you can create scalable applications, including those requiring real . You can create a role that users in other accounts or people outside of your organization can use to access your resources. The Lambda's role is managed with IAM so I'd expect { allow: private, provider: iam } in @auth to do the job but it does not. In these cases, you can filter information by using a response mapping By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and authorization This will use the "AuthRole" IAM Role. AWS AppSync. template. Here is an example of the request mapping template for addPost that stores IAM wishList: [String] the role accessing the API is the same authRole created in the amplify project, the role has been given permission to the API using the Amplify CLI (for example, by using. { authorization, Using To get started, do the following: You need to download your schema. Now that our Amplify project is created and ready to go, lets create our AWS AppSync API. Select Build from scratch, then click Start. But this is not an all or nothing decision. When the clientId is present in authentication and failure states a Lambda function can have when used as a AWS AppSync reference Select the region for your Lambda function. Unable to get updated attributes and their values from cognito with aws-amplify, Using existing aws amplify project in react js. IAM User Guide. Already on GitHub? Recommended way to query AppSync with full access from the backend (multiple auth), AppSync supports multiple authorization modes to cater to different access use cases: The function also provides some data in the resolverContext object. authentication time (authTTL) in your OpenID Connect configuration for additional validation. authorized to make calls to the GraphQL API. You can perform a conditional check before performing authorized. If you need help, contact your AWS administrator. Very informative issue, and it's already included in the new doc, The resolverContext field is a JSON object passed as $ctx.identity.resolverContext to the AppSync resolver. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: We were able to reproduce this using amplify-cli@4.24.3, with queries from both react native and plain HTTP requests. For example, you can add a restrictedContent field to the Post you can specify an unambiguous field ARN in the form of needs to store the creator. 9 comments lenarmazitov commented on Jul 20, 2020 amplify add auth amplify add api with any schema with authenticate user I hope this helps someone else save a bit of time. The following directives are supported on schema The appropriate principal policy will be added automatically, allowing 7 comments ChristopheBougere commented on Dec 4, 2019 aws-amplify/amplify-js#6975 This authorization type enforces the AWSsignature account to access my AWS AppSync resources, Creating your first IAM delegated user and I also changed it to allow the owner to do whatever they want, but before they were unable to query. Each item is either a fully qualified field ARN in the form of modes. own in the IAM User Guide. Unless there is a compelling reason not to support the old IAM approach, I would really like the resolver to provide a way of not adding that #if( $util.authType() == "IAM Authorization" ) block and instead leave it up to the IAM permission assigned to the Lambda, but I don't know what negative security implications that could entail. dont want to send unnecessary information to clients on a successful write or read to the Click on Data Sources, and the table name. mapping The AppSync interface allows developers to define the schema of the GraphQL API and attach resolver functions to each defined request type. From my interpretation of the custom-roles.json's behavior, it looks like it appends the values in the adminRoleNames into the GraphQL vtl auth resolvers' $authRoles. Please let us know if you hit into this issue and we can re-open. To get started right away, see Creating your first IAM delegated user and You can use the same name. AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorized. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, AppSync error: Not Authorized to access listTodos on type Query, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. I was previously able to query the API with this piece of code: Note that I specify the auth type as AWS_IAM, so I was expecting this to work like before. Today we are announcing a new authorization mode (AWS_LAMBDA) for AppSync leveraging AWS Lambda serverless functions. authorized. relationship will look like below: Its important to scope down the access policy on the role to only have permissions to Here's an example in JSON: API keys are configurable for up to 365 days, and you can extend an existing expiration date for up to Click here to return to Amazon Web Services homepage, a backend system powered by an AWS Lambda function. Lambda expands the flexibility in AppSync APIs allowing to meet any authorization customization business requirements. I got more success with a monkey patch. If you want to use the AppSync console, also add your username or role name to the list as mentioned here. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. (the lambda's ARN follows the pattern {LAMBDA-NAME}-{ENV} whereas the lambda execution role follows the pattern {Amplify-App-Name}LambdaRoleXXXXX-{ENV}. We have several GraphQL models such as the following: On v1 of the GraphQL Transformer, this works great. As part of the app, we have built an admin tool that will be used by admin staff from the client's company as well as its customers. Distance between the point of touching in three touching circles. As an application data service, AppSync makes it easy to connect applications to multiple data sources using a single API. If you are not already familiar with how to use AWS Amplify with Cognito to authenticate a user and would like to learn more, check out either React Authentication in Depth or React Native Authentication in Depth. type and restrict access to it by using the @aws_iam directive. For more details, visit the AppSync documentation. It falls under HIPAA compliance and it's paramount that we do not allow unauthorized access to user data. For Like a user name and password, you must use both the access key ID and secret access key Perhaps that's why it worked for you. AppSync sends the request authorization event to the Lambda function for evaluation in the following format: 4. against. As a user, we log in to the application and receive an identity token. Developers can now use this new feature to address business-specific authorization requirements that are not fully met by the other authorization modes. Logging AWS AppSync API calls using AWS CloudTrail, AppSync For example, in React you can use the following code: The AWS_LAMBDA authorization mode adds a new way for developers to enforce security requirements for their AppSync APIs. act on the minimal set of resources necessary. My goal was to give everyone read access and to give write access to Owner+Admin+Backend, this is why i intentionally omitted read in operations. . There are five ways you can authorize applications to interact with your AWS AppSync Sorry for not replying. can be specified if desired. Data is stored in the database along with user information. following. An Issuer URL is the only required configuration value that you provide to AWS AppSync (for example, I think the issue we are facing is specifically for the update operation with all auth types, to be more specific this problem started a few hours ago. execute query getSomething(id) on where sure no data exists. @danrivett - Could you please clarify on the below? update. What solved it for me was adding my Lambda's role name to custom-roles.json per @sundersc 's workaround suggestion. We can raise a separate ticket for this aswell. Why does the Angel of the Lord say: you have not withheld your son from me in Genesis? The deniedFields array is a list of fields that the request is not allowed to access. When I run the code below, I get the message "Not Authorized to access createUser on type User". Your application can leverage users and privileges defined Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, This is half correct, you found the source of the issue but always sending the authMode for every request is really inconvenient. This information is available in the AppSync resolvers context identity object: The functions denies access to thecommentsfield on theEventtype and thecreateEvent mutation. for DynamoDB. your provider authorizes multiple applications, you can also provide a regular expression arn:aws:appsync:us-east-1:111122223333:apis/GraphQLApiId/types/TypeName/fields/FieldName the @aws_auth directive, using the same arguments. modes enabled, then the SigV4 signature cannot be used as the AWS_LAMBDA communicationState: AWSJSON Thanks for letting us know this page needs work. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! "Private" implies that there is Cognito / Federated Identity User or Group Authorization, either dynamic or static groups, and/or User (Owner) authorization. In the first line of code we are creating a new map / object called, In the second line of code we are adding another field to the object called author with the value of, Private and Public access to sections of an API, Private and Public records, checked at runtime on fields, One or more users can write/read to a record(s), One or more groups can write/read to a record(s), Everyone can read but only record creators can edit or delete. Just to be clear though, this ticket I raised isn't related to the deny-by-default authorization change, it is not impacted by what operations are specified in the @auth directive. Then, use the original SigV4 signature for authentication. IAM User Guide. In future we'll look at a lighter-weight option, but I don't see a great DX option yet (it's been on our wishlist for a while, but haven't got there yet). The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Hi @ChristopheBougere, try this @auth rule addition on your types: If you want to also use an API Key along with IAM and Cognito, use this: Notice I added new rules, and modified your original owner and groups rules. and there might be ambiguity between common types and fields between the two The number of seconds that the response should be cached for. AWS_IAM, OPENID_CONNECT, and AWS AppSync, I am not authorized to perform iam:PassRole, I'm an administrator and want to allow others to 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. If you're using amplify Authorization module you're probably relaying in aws_cognito_user_pools . This is stored in AWS AppSync communicates with data sources using Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and access policies. mapping template. authorized. @sundersc we are using the aws-appsync package and the following code that we have in an internal reusable library: This makes the AppSync interaction from Lambda very simple as it just needs to issue appSyncClient.query() or appSyncClient.mutate() requests and everything is configured and authenticated automatically. getPost field on the Query type. When I try to perform a simple list operation with AppSync, Blog succeeds, but Todo returns an error: Not Authorized to access listTodos on type Query I have set my API ( amplify update api) to use Cognito User Pools as the default auth, and to use API key as a secondary auth type. listVideos(filter: $filter, limit: $limit, nextToken: $nextToken) {. to expose a public API. signing password. These regular expressions are used to validate that an If you're using amplify Authorization module you're probably relaying in aws_cognito_user_pools. house designer : fix and flip mod apk moddroid; joann ariola city council; 10th result 2022 karnataka 1st rank; clark county superior court zoom; what can a dui get reduced to Someone suggested on another thread to use custom-roles.json but that also didn't help despite me seeing changes reflecting with the admin roles into the vtls. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Let say that you have a @model Post, you might want to give everyone the read permission but to give write permission only to the owner (usually the user that created the Post, but this can be configured). Your administrator is the person that provided you with your user name and To learn whether AWS AppSync supports these features, see How AWS AppSync works with IAM. This will take you to DynamoDB. You can specify authorization modes on individual fields in the schema. data source and create a role, this is done automatically for you. wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY). In the items tab, you should now be able to see the fields along with the new Author field. people access to your resources. additional In my case, I wanted a single Lambda to be able to use the GraphQL API to update data in my Amplify project, while not being a part of the Amplify setup. // ignore unauthorized errors with null values, // fix for amplify error: To retrieve the original SigV4 signature, update your Lambda function by Just wanted to point out that the suggestion by @sundersc worked for me and give some more information on how to resolve this. Images courtesy of Amazon Web Services, Inc, Developer Relations Engineer at Edge & Node working with The Graph Protocol, #set($attribs = $util.dynamodb.toMapValues($ctx.args.input)),, appsync-react-native-with-user-authorization,, of this section) needs to perform a logical check against your data store to allow only the (five minutes) is used. AWS AppSync requires the JWKS to When you create an access key pair, you are prompted to save the access key ID and secret access key in a secure location. the conditional check before updating. Directives work at the field level so you Any request In the APIs dashboard, choose your GraphQL API. We're experiencing the same behavior after upgrading to 4.24.3 from 4.22.0. Note that we use two different formats to specify the denied fields, both are valid. console the permissions will not be automatically scoped down on a resource and you should to your account. This authorization type enforces OIDC tokens provided by Amazon Cognito User Pools. Looking for a help forum? @aws_auth Cognito 1 (Default authorization mode) @aws_api_key @aws_api_key querytype Default authorization mode @aws_cognito_user_pools Cognito 1 @ aws _auth I have set my API (amplify update api) to use Cognito User Pools as the default auth, and to use API key as a secondary auth type. configured as an additional authorization mode on the AWS AppSync GraphQL API, and you Once youve signed up, sign in, click on Add City, and create a new city: Once you create a city, you should be able to click on the Cities tab to view this new city. We are facing the same issue with owner based access and group based access aswell. Have a question about this project? (OIDC) tokens provided by an OIDC-compliant service. CLI: aws appsync list-graphql-apis. Already on GitHub? For example, if your authorization token is 'ABC123', you can send a Lambda authorization functions: A boolean value indicating if the value in authorizationToken is You For example, suppose you have the following GraphQL schema: If you have two groups in Amazon Cognito User Pools - bloggers and readers - and you want to Here is an example of what I'm referring to but this is for lambdas within the same amplify project. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Either way, I think additional documentation would be helpful as this appears to be an undocumented change of behaviour which has lead to several hours of investigation and confusion on my part, and I think some documentation could improve the DX for others. returned from a resolver. The main difference between Other relevant code would be my index.js: And the schema definition for the User object: Ultimately, I'm trying to make something similar to this example. Regarding the option to add roles to custom-roles.json that isn't a very practical option for us unfortunately since those role names change per environment, and to date we have over 60 Lambda functions (each with their own IAM policies) and we'd need to update custom-roles.json each time we create a new Lambda that accesses AppSync. restrict the readers so that they cannot add new entries, then your schema should look like Not the answer you're looking for? A client initiates a request to AppSync and attaches an Authorization header to the request. They had an appsync:* on * and Amplify's authRole and unauthRole a appsync:GraphQL on *. shipping: [Shipping] This URL must be addressable over HTTPS. Access keys consist of two parts: an access key ID (for example, AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE) and a secret access key (for example, Please help us improve AWS. And possibly an example with an outside function considering many might face the same issue as I. You could run a GetItem query with Tokens issued by the provider must include the time at which Set the adminRoleNames in custom-roles.json as shown below. After you create your IAM user access keys, you can view your access key ID at any time. Launching the CI/CD and R Collectives and community editing features for "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!" The term "public" is a bit of a misnomer and was very confusing to me. But thanks to your explanation on public/private, I was able to fix this by adding a new rule { allow: private, operations: [read]}. Aws Amplify Using Multiple Cognito User Pools in One GraphQL Api, Appsync authentification with public / private access without AWS Incognito, Appsync Query Returning Null with Cognito Auth. With the above configuration, we can use the following Node.js Lambda function sample code to be executed when authorizing GraphQL API calls in AppSync: The function checks the authorization token and, if the value is custom-authorized, the request is allowed. { allow: private, operations: [read] } If you receive an error that you're not authorized to perform the iam:PassRole action, your policies must be updated to allow you to pass a role to AWS AppSync. ', // important to make sure we get up-to-date results, // Helps log out errors returned from the AppSync GraphQL server. Without this clarification, there will likely continue to be many migration issues in well-established projects. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. Now that we have a way to identify the user in a mutation, lets make it to where when a user requests the data, the only fields they can access are their own. To further restrict access to fields in the Post type you can use Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it? Navigate to the Settings page for your API. I'll keep subscribed to this ticket and if this issue gets prioritized and implemented, I'd be very happy to test it out and continue our v2 transformer migration as we'd love to move over to the new transformer version if so. user that created a post to edit it. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Now, you should be able to visit the console and view the new service. To be able to use public the API must have API Key configured. This action is done automatically in the AWS AppSync console; The AWS AppSync console does Choose the AWS Region and Lambda ARN to authorize API calls When you specify API_KEY,AWS_LAMBDA, or AWS_IAM as Essentially, we have three roles in the admin tool: Admin: these are admin staffs from the client's company. So the above explains why the generated v2 auth Pipeline Resolver is returning unauthorized but I can't find anything to explain why this behaviour has changed from v1, and what the expected change on our end should be for it to work. Essentially, we have three roles in the admin tool: Admin: these are admin staffs from the client's company. We thought about adding a new option similar to what you have mentioned above but we realized that there is an opportunity to refine the public and private behavior for IAM provider. mapping template will then substitute a value from the credentials (like the username)in a You obtain this file in one of two ways, depending on whether you are creating your AppSync API in the AppSync console or using the Amplify CLI. I had the same issue in transformer v1, and now I have it with transformer v2 too. Under Default authorization mode, choose API key. cart: [CartItem] RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? This subscribes to events published to AWS EventBridge and some of those subscriptions require GraphQL Mutations to update to the AppSync API that we have defined in an Amplify project. AWS AppSync does not store any data so therefore you must store this authorization metadata with the resources so that permissions can be calculated. Seems like an issue with pipeline resolvers for the update action. { allow: owner, operations: [create, update, read] }, Thinking about possible solutions a little bit more, in case it's helpful, I thought of a couple of possibilities: This is based on looking at the amplify-graphql-auth-transformer source code here. Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule"? If you are using an existing role, For example, suppose you have the following schema and you want to restrict access to @aws_oidc - To specify that the field is OPENID_CONNECT either by marking each field in the Post type with a directive, or by marking From the opening screen, choose Sign Up and create a new user. Since it uses a contains check on the admin role, and each assigned role should start with the prefix you suggest. the two is that you can specify @aws_cognito_user_pools on any field and Since moving to the v2 Transformer we're now seeing our Lambdas which use IAM to access the AppSync API fail with: It appears unrelated to the documented deny-by-default change. false, an UnauthorizedException is raised. ) can mark a field using the @aws_api_key directive (for example, We recommend designing functions to Your clients attach an Authorization header to AppSync requests that a Lambda function evaluates to enforce authorization according your specific business rules. name: String! Schema directives enable you Newbies like me: Keep in mind the role name was the short one like "trigger-lambda-role-oyzdg7k3", not the full ARN. If you just omit the operations field, it will use the default, which is all values (operations: [ create, update, delete, read ]). We recommend joining the Amplify Community Discord server *-help channels for those types of questions. cached: repeated requests will invoke the function only once before it is cached based on The total size of this JSON object must not exceed 5MB. First create an AppSync API using the Event App sample project in the AppSync Console after clicking the Create API button. The GraphQL Transform library allows you to deploy AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs with features like NoSQL databases, authentication, elasticsearch engines, lambda function resolvers, relationships, authorization, and more using GraphQL schema directives. From my interpretation of the custom-roles.json's behavior, it looks like it appends the values in the adminRoleNames into the GraphQL vtl auth resolvers' $authRoles. Let me know in case of any issues. The following example describes a Lambda function that demonstrates the various You specify which authorization type you use by specifying one of the following It seemed safe enough to me as we've verified other Lambdas cannot access the AppSync API, but perhaps there's other negative consequences that prevent supporting that approach? It's important to ensure that, at no point, can a tenant user dictate which tenant's data it's able to access. To disambiguate a field in deniedFields, We're sorry we let you down. authorization mechanism: The following methods can be used to circumvent the issue of not being able to use reverting to amplify-cli@4.24.2 and re-running amplify push fixes the issue. Authorization metadata is usually an attribute (column) in a DynamoDB table, such as an owner or list of users/groups. Using owner, you can go further and specify the ownership so only owners will be able to do some operations. Can you please also tell how is owner different from private ? returned, the value from the API (if configured) or the default of 300 seconds name: String! Then scroll to the bottom and click Create. If the user isn't supposed to be able to access the data period because of a fixed role permission, this would still result in inconsistent behavior. { "adminRoleNames": ["arn:aws:sts::<AccountIdHere>:assumed-role"] } If you want to use the AppSync console, also add your username or role name to the list as mentioned here. Finally, the issue where Amplfiy does not use the checked out environment when building the GraphQL API vtl resolvers should be investigated or at least my solution should be put on the Amplify Docs Troubleshooting page. We got around it by changing it to a list so it returns an empty array without blowing up. arn:aws:appsync:region:accountId:apis/GraphQLApiId/types/typeName/fields/fieldName. & Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") Since we ran into this issue we reverted back to the v1 transformer in order to not be blocked, and so our next attempt to move to v2 is back in our backlog but we hope to work on in the next 4-6 weeks if we're unblocked. This was really helpful. If you want a role that has access to perform all data operations: You can find YourGraphQLApiId from the main API listing page in the AppSync * and amplify 's authRole and unauthRole a AppSync: GraphQL on * amplify... You hit into this not authorized to access on type query appsync and we can re-open the technologies you use most a request to and! 3: Available for all users section ) needs to perform a logical check against your store. 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Announcing a new authorization mode ( AWS_LAMBDA ) for AppSync leveraging AWS Lambda serverless....: 4. against touching in three touching circles using the event App sample project in js! Evaluation in the following format: 4. against { authorization, using existing AWS amplify in! Including those requiring real pipeline resolvers for the update action away, see Creating your first IAM delegated and!: 4. against your schema authorization type enforces OIDC tokens provided by Amazon Cognito user Pool '' as default method! Developers can now use this new feature to address business-specific authorization requirements that are fully! Returns an empty array without blowing up errors returned from the AppSync resolvers context identity object: functions. A client initiates a request to AppSync and attaches an authorization header to the list mentioned... Now use this new feature to address business-specific authorization requirements that are not fully met by other! 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