passenger lists arriving in canada

Passenger arrival records can be a treasure trove of family history. Keep in mind that the information in these books is from lists already published. Ships Passenger Lists to Canada 1910-1919 St Lawrence 1865 London to Quebec Nearly 100,000 records of travelers to the U.S. via Canada are recorded for the ports of: Montreal Quebec Saint John New Brunswick Halifax Nova Scotia Vancouver British Columbia Victoria British Columbia Toronto Ontario Quebec Catalog record Baca, Leo. St. Lawrence July 1865 London to Quebec (inc. Norwegians) and how much they carried in their wallets. Skien Telemark SS Montrose, from Liverpool arrived 19 June 1926 at Quebec - page 67 (Sheet 23) Skien Telemark * Library and Archives Canada has digitized Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865 - 1922 as part of their new Moving Here, Staying Here online exhibition. Passengers taking or holding through tickets to London incur no expense at Liverpool, as, after passing their baggage through the Custom House, dock porters transfer It at no cost to the owners, who need not leave the landing stage through tickets can be obtained at the Great Western Co.'s office in the Custom House waiting room. Both the 7-seater and 8-seater derivatives are . The passenger lists for 1925-1935 contain more details such as the immigrants' place of birth and the name and address of the contact person both for where they came from and for their intended destination in Canada. Sarmatian 1903 Glasgow to Quebec Arrived June 20th, 90 passengers. The period from 25 June 1905 to 13 October has been completed and an index is available. Krager Telemark ____________________________________________________________, Information in this Wiki page is excerpted from the online course Canadian: Immigration Records offered by The National Institute for Genealogical Studies. * in 1906 and Montreal in 1919. Departed Liverpool March 20, 1873. Some Passenger Lists exist for the period of the French regime and are held by LAC (MG 1 F5B). The original lists have been withdrawn from research use. albert einstein hospital bronx, ny directions Canadian Passenger Lists can be Divided into Three Groups: The National Institute for Genealogical Studies, Information on passengers was to be filled in by the ships purser, before they disembarked. But in some cases, other lists have information aboutthe travelers: Start your search for free in the Passenger Lists, 1865-1922 collection at the Library and Archives Canada website. The passenger list is a manifest of persons arriving at an official port of entry on a particular ship on a given date. From 1865, the vast majority of immigrants to Canada arrived via the port of Quebec, and during the winter months, via the ports of New York, NY, Boston, MA, Portland, ME and later to Halifax, NS and Saint John, NB. These lists have also been indexed and are available on the LAC website. Nova Scotian 1865 Liverpool/Londonderry to Quebec The starting pay is $15.76 per hour. Very little indexing of Canadian passenger lists has been undertaken, and no West Coast records have been indexed. transcribed from the registers. Remain in custody of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Must complete Access to Information. GGA Image ID # 141b830df1. The passenger list is a list of immigrants arriving at an official port of entry on a particular ship on a given date. Note: Typically, only the origination and final destination ports are listed in each link. The passenger lists are the sole surviving official records of the arrival of the majority of people accepted as immigrants in Canada, says a Library Archives Canada webpage. The passenger lists themselves are available at our office via the online databases listed below. (ask for form #G-641). It serves as the most popular airport for tourists visiting the north coast of Jamaica. St. Lawrence Sept.1865 London to St. John's, Halifax and Montreal "Fast Sailing and Copper-Bottomed" - Aberdeen Sailing Ships and the Emigrant Scots They Carried to Canada, 1774 - 1855," published by Natural . 8 June 1871 to Quebec Ships Passenger Lists to Canada 1880-1890 Passenger lists to 1935 Border entry records, 1908 to 1935 Immigration records after 1935 Other records relating to arrivals Records of departure The Government of Canada generally did not keep track of people leaving the country. * The Ontario Archives has an index to the assisted Copy Citation Liverpool is a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England, United Kingdom along the eastern side of the Mersey Estuary. Now available: Filling in the Gaps: Finding Pre-1865 Ships Passenger Lists to Canada (84 pages) by Lorine McGinnis Schulze Isabella Watson, London to Port Phillip 1852 wrecked (passengers listed) barque Amelia, from St. John, New Brunswick to Melbourne 1852. Cabin Passenger We know travel restrictions may change at short notice. Ships Passenger Lists to Canada 1872 This does not mean that all immigrants during this period were of British extraction, but that the majority of immigrants from other countries would have travelled from their homelands first to Britain and then to Canada. "Andania" Sailing From Southampton to Quebec and Montreal Late 19th century and 20th century passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of departure and arrival, date, country of origin, and occupation. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Edit Search New Search. Quebec ports are included for these time periods: U.S., Passenger and Crew Lists for U.S.-Bound Vessels Arriving in Canada, 1912-1939 and 1953-1962at Ancestry. Officially, the individual manifests were in use from June 1, 1921 to Dec. 31, 1924 (Obee 2004, 10). Makura Sydney Australia to British Columbia, 1919 Immigration and Naturalization Service. Ships Passenger Lists to Canada 1870 Those heading to the United States were not required to complete the form. Otter Valley Railroad Model Trains - Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada:: HO Scale:: Locomotives:: Atlas 10003863 - HO MP15DC Gold - DCC & Sound w/ Ditch Lights - FURX #1553 Atlas 10003863 - HO MP15DC Gold - DCC & Sound w/ Ditch Lights - FURX #1553 In addition, the names found in the index are linked to actual images. It is further suggested to place comments in this space to get help. A full name index to Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935, is available on the Ancestry Library Edition electronic database. Library and Archives Canada, the Canadian national archive, holds original passenger arrival records. Some of these earlier records have survived. * AHSGR Ship and Immigration Records Ships to New Brunswick, Halifax Nova Scotia and Quebec 1900-1914 You will receive a Declaration Card while you are on board the aircraft or other conveyance and must complete it before you arrive. Edit Search New Search. Discover great outdoor spaces at Central Library. Free Trial, Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. 5 June 1870 to Quebec Rjukan Skien Telemark In 1817 it became a requirement to also list passengers at the disembarkation port, but unfortunately these records seem not to have been preserved in any official capacity. Wikimedia Commons image; click to view. There are no records for arrivals at unofficial ports. Dont forget to search alternate spellings. New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957 This database contains records of immigrants crossing into Canada from the United States between 1908 and 1935. Hanoverian, April Organized by Date of Departure, Steamship Line, Steamship or Ocean Liner, Class of Passengers, Route, and the Ship's Captain. All rights reserved However, records do exist in some select cases. Straight and Curved Track Turnouts Special Track (function etc) Roadbed & Ballast Signals Catenary There are no comprehensive ships passenger lists of immigrants arriving in Canada prior to 1865. Passengers from mainland Europe usually sailed to Great Britain, where they boarded trans-Atlantic ships at ports such as Liverpool, London, and Glasgow, and some Canadian immigrants arrived at American ports. This page was last edited on 27 June 2022, at 12:24. ??? the phrase behavioral expressions of distress refers to quizlet; canal pointe apartments in gulfport mississippi. Nile May 1872 London & Plymouth to Quebec URL: These records consist of border entry lists and Form 30 (individual entry forms). This book lists the name of each ship and the exact date and port at which it arrived in Canada, making it easy to quickly identify whether the passenger list was submitted at Victoria, Vancouver or another port. If so desired, heavy luggage can be checked through to London direct or any station on the Great Western Railway. Czech Immigration Passenger Lists. Try an Free Trial Crocodile 1870 Portsmouth to Quebec (unemployed Admiralty Dockyard Workers) 23 May 1872 Ships Passenger Lists to Canada 1868 Passenger Lists, 18651935. Also many of the provincial genealogical societies have published transcriptions of records pertaining to local immigration. A Memorial to the Engine Room Heroes of the Titanic is located on the city's waterfront. Porsgrunn Telemark Co. 3 vols. Some other ports became official later on: Saint John, N.B. Indeed, the Egyptian has top-scored for the club across all competitions in every single . Space forbids a comparison of the merits of the accommodations, etc., on different roads. records (Saint Albans Lists) | J.J. Cooke Shipping Agent Records | Filling in the Gaps 1850-1857, If you want to order filmed passenger lists (they aren't indexed! They also include the names of returning Canadians, visitors, tourists and passengers in transit to the United States. List London to Quebec We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Search Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1922 NOTE: these are images and are not indexed by name The Hawke Papers, letterbooks of Chief Emigrant Agent Anthony B. Hawke searchable database 1865 - 1883: These trains are of the corridor class, Dining Cars, Etc. Passenger Lists Also known as Ships' Manifests or Seaport Records of Entry, Passenger Lists are often sought when researching an ancestor's immigration to Nova Scotia. Library and Archives Canada. See the list of NAC microfilm numbers for passenger lists to Canada 1865-1922 Ships are on the reel, in order of arrival. If you order today, this is the estimated delivery date and is based on the seller's processing time and location, carrier transit time, and your inferred shipping address. However the chances of finding some kind of list are much greater if your ancestor was part of an organized party of immigrants. Dates covered by each reel are listed below. Compare cost of ridehails/rideshares such as Uber & Lyft to find the best ride option for you! S. S. Melita Liverpool to Quebec carrying soldiers dependents, 1919 Halifax Ship Arrivals 1900-1914 Many of these passengers had a final destination of ND, KS, NE, IL or other American states Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. We welcome updates and additions to this Wiki page. Inga records (Saint Albans Lists) | J.J. Cooke Shipping Agent Records | Filling in the Gaps 1850-1857. by Lisa Cooke | Oct 21, 2015 | 01 What's New, Canadian, Immigration, Records & databases. Ships Passenger Lists to Canada 1873 Bibliographic references. Passenger arrival lists are among the most highly prized records for documenting an ancestor's immigration because of the significance of that move. The list below corresponds to column headings from the passenger list for the S.S. Africa Maru which arrived at Victoria on December 30, 1918. ), By Application (Passenger Transportation, Goods Transportation, etc. were sent to Canada from Great Britain during the child SS Stavangerfjord, from Oslo, Norway to Halifax Nova Scotia 1927 Bavarian Passenger List. Passenger lists in custody of Library and Archives Canada are now available in Ancestry Library Edition (see above). The following Information for ocean passengers landing at Liverpool is furnished by the Great Western Railway Co., 355 Broadway, New York. pauline hanson dancing with the stars; just jerk dance members; what happens if a teacher gets a dui Unfortunately, those lists didnt generally survive. Names of 1,877 Home Children sailing from England to Canada in 1871 [NAC online database, more details available on their site] What is Your Intended Occupation in Canada. synergy rv transport pay rate; stephen randolph todd. About Canada, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1865-1935 Passenger lists of ships arriving in various Canadian ports as well as some eastern U.S. ports from 1865-1935 are indexed this database. If there is NOT a hotlink to a specific passenger list, ie, the Sarah . What Was Your Occupation in the Country From Which You Came? * The Hawke Papers, letterbooks of Chief Emigrant Agent Anthony B. Hawke are available at the Archives of Ontario from 1831 to 1892. Records we hold This website Search Website Records Contact us Kinga Home Ng aratohu rangahau Research guidance Ng aratohu rangahau Nova Scotia | to Quebec, Ontario For many years, it was cheaper to travel to Canada than the U.S. and you'll want to search for him or her in Canadian Passenger Arrivals, 1865-1935, Canada, Ocean Arrivals (Form 30A), 1919-1924, . Canadian Passenger Lists can be Divided into Three Groups: edit Prior to 1865 1865-1935, and 1936 onwards Prior to 1865 From 1803 the British government required a ship's captain to list all passengers at point of departure. Ships Passenger Lists to Canada 1875 Note that the period covered by the database, 1925-1935, falls entirely into the period from 1923 to 1947 when the Chinese were barred from entering Canada under the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923. emigration movement. Citizenship Registration Records, 1851-1945 - Montreal Circuit Court, Immigrants at Grosse-le Quarantine Station, 1832-1937, Immigrants from the Russian Empire, 1898-1922 (LI-RA-MA Collection), Immigrants Sponsored by the Montreal Emigrant Society, 1832, Naturalization Records, 1828-1850 - Upper Canada and Canada West, Passenger Lists for the Port of Quebec City, 1865-1900, Passenger Lists and Border Entries, 1925-1935 - Nominal Indexes. Freight Cars Passenger Cars. Newspaper advertising was used to attract immigrants to Canada. : Old Homestead Pub. The words Titanic, Liverpool could be seen on the stern of the ship that sank in April 1912 with the loss of 1,517 lives (including numerous Liverpudlians). Passenger Lists to New Brunswick | to Information collected on Canadian passenger lists varied over the years. Ports (Jul 1905Feb 1919, 19251928), Whether ever been in Canada before; if so, when, where, and how long, Whether intend to permanently reside in Canada, Operated by Ancestry Ireland Unlimited Company. Halifax, 1881-1919 - chronological order by ships arrival in port; unindexed so you must know the vessel's name or approximate year and season of arrival (microfilms 12496-12540), North Sydney, 1906-1919 - chronological order by ships arrival in port; unindexed so you must know the vessel's name or approximate year and season of arrival (microfilms 12758-12772). I recommend bizupon to buy cars from, I have been using their services and buying cars from them since very long and they always arrive same neat and clean. FamilySearch. We acknowledge that our work requires sincere action towards decolonization. Pre-arrival: Complete a Declaration Card. Skien Telemark Researcher Services Division. Few passenger lists are available for Canadian ports for the pre-1865 period. Halletsville, Tex. All New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957 results for Homolay. Les passagers du Saint-Andre : la recrue de 1659 is among the French resources at the Library and Archives Canada. 17th Regiment of Foot. It Each search engine uses a different database. Other intermediary ports of call may not be listed. Cap Rouge of 1865 Plymouth to Quebec To find a passenger you will need to know an exact date of arrival OR use the searchable index for Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935 * Manifest Markings on Canadian Passenger Lists 1865-1918 The recording of immigrants did not begin officially until 1865 for Quebec and 1881 for Halifax, which were the two main ports of entry between 1865 and 1900. Canada, United States. Immigration Projects Online Join 2023 Indigenous Storyteller in Residence Les George for cultural sharing sessions, special events and more from March 9th to May 26th! barque Slains Castle, London to Port Phillip 1850-1851 (off-site passenger list) Di Comley. to Quebec Ottawa Oct.1865 London to Quebec (inc. Norwegians) Book a computer session in advance. Barbora Butkute. These are digitised records from two record series held at The National Archives: passengers who arrived in the UK between 1878 and 1960 (BT 26) at ( charges apply) passengers who left the UK between 1890 and 1960 (BT 27) at ( charges apply) For more information on what these records contain see the websites above. SS Hamburg - History, Accommodations, & Ephemera Collection, c1878 SS Pennsylvania - Liverpool to Philadelphia, 1877-04-21 SS City of Brussels - New York to Liverpool, 1884-08-23 SS City Of Rome - Liverpool to New York, 1881-07-16 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to New York, 1882-07-08 RMS Servia - Liverpool to New York, 1886-10-23 RMS Etruria - Liverpool to New York, 1887-02-26 RMS Aurania - Liverpool to New York, 1887-03-26 RMS Aurania - Liverpool to New York, 1887-06-18 SS Servia - New York to Liverpool, 1887-08-23 RMS Pavonia - Liverpool to Boston, 1888-08-30 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to Boston, 1881-10-18 SS City of Chester - Liverpool to New York, 1883-10-25 SS City of Chicago - Liverpool to New York, 1884-06-05 SS City of Berlin - Liverpool to New York, 1884-09-02 SS City of Chester - Liverpool to New York, 1884-10-25 SS City of Chester - New York to Liverpool, 1889-09-11 SS City of Berlin - Liverpool to New York, 1889-06-26 SS Germanic - New York to Liverpool, 1891-09-17 RMS Parisian - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1895-09-11 SS Rhynland - Liverpool to Philadelphia, 1890-03-15 RMS Etruria - Liverpool to New York, 1890-08-16 RMS Umbria - Liverpool to New York, 1891-10-03 RMS Umbria - Liverpool to New York, 1893-04-29 RMS Umbria - Liverpool to New York, 1895-05-18 RMS Campania - Liverpool to New York, 1895-06-29 SS Campania - New York to Liverpool, 1895-08-22 RMS Cephalonia - Liverpool to Boston, 1895-08-31 SS Campania - New York to Liverpool, 1895-10-12 RMS Campania - Liverpool to New York, 1898-04-01 SS Etruria - New York to Liverpool, 1898-04-30 RMS Etruria - Liverpool to New York, 1898-08-27 RMS Etruria - Liverpool to New York, 1898-09-03 RMS Campania - Liverpool to New York, 1898-12-24 SS Lucania - New York to Liverpool, 1899-06-17 RMS Lucania - Liverpool to New York, 1899-09-23 RMS Campania - Liverpool to New York, 1898-01-15 SS Canada - Boston to Liverpool, 1899-05-18 SS New England - Liverpool to Boston, 1899-10-12 SS New England - Liverpool to Boston, 1892-06-04 SS City of Chester - Liverpool to New York, 1896-07-22 RMS Germanic - Liverpool to New York, 1898-05-18 RMS Teutonic - Liverpool to New York, 1906-09-14 RMS Virginian - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1901-05-11 SS Westernland - Liverpool to Philadelphia, 1903-10-07 SS Haverford - Liverpool to Philadelphia, 1905-08-16 SS Friesland - Liverpool to Philadelphia, 1906-08-22 SS Noordland - Liverpool to Philadelphia, 1907-08-10 SS Philadelphia - Liverpool to New York, 1908-11-11 SS Haverford - Liverpool to New York, 1908-06-26 RMS Empress of Britain - Liverpool to Qubec, 1909-04-09 RMS Empress of Britain - Liverpool to St. John, NB (Landing Mails at Halifax), 1900-09-08 RMS Lucania - Liverpool to New York, 1900-09-22 SS Lucania - New York and Boston to Liverpool, 1901-04-20 RMS Lucania - Liverpool to New York, 1901-10-01 RMS Ivernia - Liverpool to Boston, 1901-10-19 RMS Campania - Liverpool to New York, 1902-08-16 RMS Lucania - Liverpool to New York, 1902-09-16 RMS Saxonia - Liverpool to Boston, 1904-06-11 RMS Etruria - Liverpool to New York and Boston, 1904-10-04 SS Carpathia - New York to Liverpool, 1904-10-25 RMS Saxonia - Liverpool to Boston, 1905-05-23 SS Saxonia - Boston to Liverpool, 1905-06-20 RMS Ivernia - Liverpool to Boston, 1905-07-22 RMS Umbria - Liverpool to New York, 1905-11-18 RMS Lucania - Liverpool to New York, 1906-05-08 RMS Caronia - Liverpool to New York, 1906-06-05 SS Carmania - New York to Liverpool, 1906-08-21 SS Saxonia - Boston to Liverpool, 1907-09-17 RMS Saxonia - Liverpool to New York and Boston, 1908-01-19 RMS Campania - Liverpool to New York, 1908-04-11 RMS Mauretania - Liverpool to New York, 1908-06-06 RMS Lusitania - Liverpool to New York, 1908-07-15 SS Ivernia - Boston to Liverpool, 1908-09-10 RMS Etruria - Liverpool to New York, 1909-03-20 RMS Lusitania - Liverpool to New York, 1909-03-31 SS Lusitania - New York to Liverpool, 1909-05-18 RMS Ivernia - Liverpool to Boston, 1909-07-27 RMS Saxonia - Liverpool to Boston, 1900-08-09 SS Dominion - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1900-09-27 SS New England - Liverpool to Boston, 1901-08-01 SS New England - Liverpool to Boston, 1906-04-05 SS Kensington - Liverpool to Halifax and Portland, ME, 1909-08-19 SS Dominion - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1901-10-05 SS Devonian - Liverpool to Boston, 1902-08-23 SS Hanoverian - Liverpool to Boston, 1904-08-06 SS Bohemian - Liverpool to Boston, 1907-08-31 SS Winifredian - Liverpool to Boston, 1903-02-04 SS Teutonic - New York to Liverpool, 1904-07-14 RMS Cretic - Liverpool to Boston, 1904-08-19 RMS Celtic - Liverpool to Boston, 1905-08-30 RMS Majestic - Liverpool to New York, 1906-03-08 RMS Cymric - Liverpool to Boston, 1906-09-07 RMS Cymric - Liverpool to Boston, 1907-08-14 RMS Republic - Liverpool to Boston, 1909-06-11 RMS Arabic - Liverpool to New York, 1911-04-28 RMS Virginian - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1911-09-22 RMS Tunisian - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1913-09-10 RMS Victorian - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1910-07-02 SS Merion - Philadelphia to Liverpool, 1911-08-31 SS Dominion - Liverpool to Philadelphia, 1913-08-27 SS Merion - Liverpool to Philadelphia, 1913-09-17 SS Dominion - Liverpool to Philadelphia, 1914-10-17 SS Philadelphia - Liverpool to New York, 1915-05-29 SS St. Louis - Liverpool to New York, 1916-09-09 SS St. Paul - Liverpool to New York, 1917-10-31 SS St. Louis - Liverpool to New York, 1913-04-18 RMS Empress of Britain - St. John, NB to Liverpool, 1919-08-16 SS Pretorian - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1910-05-24 RMS Ivernia - Liverpool to Boston, 1910-07-16 RMS Campania - Liverpool to New York, 1910-07-19 SS Saxonia - Boston to Liverpool, 1910-09-24 RMS Campania - Liverpool to New York, 1911-04-01 RMS Caronia - Liverpool to New York, 1911-04-22 SS Carmania - New York to Liverpool, 1911-06-14 SS Mauretania - New York to Liverpool, 1911-07-29 SS Caronia - New York to Liverpool, 1911-08-08 RMS Franconia - Liverpool to Boston, 1912-03-30 RMS Caronia - Liverpool to New York, 1912-05-28 SS Laconia - Boston to Liverpool, 1912-06-11 RMS Laconia - Liverpool to Boston, 1912-08-06 RMS Laconia - Liverpool to Boston, 1912-08-17 RMS Lusitania - Liverpool to New York, 1912-09-03 RMS Laconia - Liverpool to Boston, 1912-10-01 RMS Laconia - Liverpool to Boston, 1912-11-02 RMS Caronia - Liverpool to New York, 1912-11-23 RMS Carmania - Liverpool to New York, 1913-06-10 RMS Laconia - Liverpool to Portland, ME and Boston, 1913-08-02 SS Carmania - New York to Liverpool, 1913-09-23 RMS Carmania - Liverpool for New York, 1914-07-11 RMS Aquitania - Liverpool to New York, 1914-07-29 SS Carmania - New York to Liverpool, 1914-08-22 RMS Franconia - Liverpool to Boston, 1914-09-01 RMS Laconia - Liverpool to Boston, 1917-03-17 RMS Ordua - Liverpool to New York, 1919-01-14 RMS Caronia - Liverpool to New York, 1914-10-29 RMS Lapland - Liverpool to New York, 1910-07-26 RMS Cymric - Liverpool to Boston, 1913-06-24 RMS Laurentic - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1917-12-22 RMS Baltic - Liverpool to New York, 1919-06-19 SS Adriatic - New York to Liverpool, 1925-08-13 TSS Sophocles - Liverpool to Brisbane, 1922-02-24 RMS Cameronia - Glasgow to Halifax and New York, 1920-05-08 SS Victorian - Qubec to Liverpool, 1920-07-28 SS Empress of France - Liverpool to Qubec, 1921-05-28 SS Melita - Montral to Liverpool, 1921-09-06 SS Metagama - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1923-06-22 SS Montrose - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1923-07-13 SS Montcalm - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1923-07-13 Montlaurier - Qubec to Liverpool, 1924-09-05 SS Montroyal - Liverpool to Qubec, 1925-08-21 RMS Alaunia - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1925-08-27 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to Boston, 1927-02-18 SS Montrose - Liverpool to St. John, NB, 1927-07-29 SS Montclare - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1928-05-04 SS Minnedosa - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1920-08-07 RMS Caronia - Liverpool to Halifax and New York, 1921-08-20 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to New York, 1922-08-17 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to New York, 1922-08-24 RMS Laconia - Liverpool to New York, 1923-07-26 RMS Samaria - Liverpool to Boston, 1923-08-23 RMS Samaria - Liverpool to Boston, 1924-07-10 RMS Antonia - Cherbourg to Qubec & Montral, 1924-08-23 RMS Caronia - Liverpool to Qubec, 1928-08-17 RMS Andania - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1928-08-18 RMS Laconia - Liverpool to Halifax, Boston, and New York, 1929-07-27 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1929-08-10 RMS Laconia - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1929-09-28 RMS Carinthia - Liverpool to New York, 1929-10-19 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1922-06-01 SS Winifredian - Boston to Liverpool, 1925-01-22 RMS Oroya - Liverpool to Valparaiso, Chile, 1925-07-30 SS Doric - Liverpool to Qubec, 1925-09-18 SS Canada - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1921-09-10 RMS Baltic - Liverpool to New York, 1922-04-01 RMS Baltic - Liverpool to New York, 1923-08-18 RMS Adriatic - Liverpool to New York, 1925-05-30 RMS Celtic - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1926-04-24 RMS Celtic - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1927-04-16 RMS Doric - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1927-08-13 RMS Cedric - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1927-09-09 RMS Albertic - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1927-10-08 RMS Cedric - Liverpool to New York, 1928-03-24 RMS Cedric - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1928-05-19 SS Celtic - New York and Boston to Liverpool, 1928-05-19 RMS Doric - Qubec and Montral to Liverpool, 1928-08-17 RMS Laurentic - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1928-09-14 RMS Laurentic - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1929-05-18 RMS Baltic - Liverpool to New York, 1929-06-01 RMS Adriatic - Liverpool to New York, 1929-06-08 RMS Cedric - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1929-07-13 RMS Baltic - Liverpool to New York, 1929-08-17 RMS Albertic - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1924-08-27 SS Andorinha - Liverpool to Tenerife, Madeira, The Canary Islands, Return to Liverpool, 1930-08-22 SS Letitia - Glasgow to Qubec and Montral, 1936-01-31 SS Yorkshire - Liverpool to Rangoon, 1931-09-04 SS Duchess of Bedford - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1932-09-09 SS Duchess of Atholl - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1932-10-14 SS Duchess of Bedford - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1933-05-12 SS Duchess of Atholl - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1936-08-29 SS Montclare - Liverpool - The Azores - Santa Cruz - Tenerife - Madeira - Liverpool, 1937-09-24 SS Duchess of Atholl - Montral to Liverpool, 1938-08-19 SS Duchess of Bedford - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1930-04-05 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to Halifax, Boston, and New York, 1930-05-31 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1930-09-20 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1931-01-10 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to Halifax and New York, 1931-05-02 SS Laconia - New York and Boston to Liverpool, 1931-06-12 RMS Antonia - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1934-04-28 RMS Antonia - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1935-03-16 RMS Laconia - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1935-07-27 RMS Samaria - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1935-09-14 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1935-10-05 RMS Lancastria - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1936-07-24 RMS Samaria - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1936-07-31 RMS Antonia - Liverpool to Montral and Qubec, 1936-08-21 RMS Samaria - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1937-09-03 RMS Franconia - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1937-09-11 RMS Laconia - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1937-09-25 RMS Scythia - Liverpool to New York and Boston, 1938-01-15 RMS Carinthia - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1938-09-10 RMS Laconia - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1939-08-19 RMS Franconia - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1938-09-02 SS Athenia - Glasgow to Qubec and Montral, 1930-06-14 RMS Baltic - Liverpool to New York, 1930-08-22 RMS Doric - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1931-07-31 RMS Baltic - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1931-08-22 RMS Adriatic - Liverpool to New York, 1932-07-30 RMS Georgic - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1932-08-25 RMS Georgic - Liverpool to New York, 1934-10-06 RMS Britannic - Liverpool to Boston and New York, 1936-04-18 SS Avoceta - Liverpool to Tenerife, Madeira, and Return to Liverpool, 1949-08-05 Empress of France - Montral to Liverpool, 1947-09-25 RMS Media - Liverpool to New York, 1946-06-18 SS Gripsholm - Gothenburg to New York, 1946-07-09 SS Drottningholm - Gothenburg to St. John's, NL and New York, 1950-05-30 SS Empress of Scotland - Liverpool to Qubec, 1950-07-21 SS Empress of Scotland - Qubec to Liverpool, 1951-07-31 SS Empress of Canada - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1951-08-21 SS Empress of Canada - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1953-09-15 SS Empress of France - Liverpool to Qubec and Montral, 1953-12-16 SS Empress of Australia - Liverpool to St. John, NB, 1953-04-10 MV Britannic - Liverpool to New York, 1954-08-07 RMS Media - Liverpool to New York, 1956-07-11 RMS Ivernia - Liverpool to Montreal via Quebec, New York (Castle Garden/Ellis Island) 1877-1909, Chester (Cathedral, Roman Walls, etc., the gateway for North Wales), Manchester, Shrewsbury, Crewe, Lichfield, (for the noted three spired Cathedral), Birmingham; Coventry Kenilworth, Leamington, (for Warwick and Stratford -on-Avon). 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