It is not at all as the objects of the gospel, but as having fellowship with it, their hearts bound up and identified with all the trials and difficulties that the gospel was sustaining in its course throughout the world. When it is used of Christians, it often means baptized persons who are full members of the Church, as opposed to those who are still under instruction. It will be observed that there is no such thing in the first instance as "to the glory of God," when we hear of all bowing in the name of Jesus. Far from it. "I beseech Evodia, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord. For them there was the possibility of the same kind of persecution, and even the same kind of death, as threatened himself. This verb indicates the most intimate knowledge of another person. body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself." Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. It is not Paul's aim to know about Christ, but personally to know him. what than the testimony for God? Let all of you who have graduated in the school of Christ have the same attitude of mind to life. They are out there, there are many of them. Now, having seen Christ, if he could even bring his own righteousness into heaven, he would not. How can they say . WebMatthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Philippians 3:9-14. Paul fell on the ground, and there the Lord spoke to him and said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" Wednesday of Fifth Sunday in Lent Our Savior/Redeemer Pettibone/Woodworth, ND: Wed, Mar 31, 2004 cold and nakednessbesides the other things, what comes upon me daily: my deep concern for all the churches" (2 Cor. It was the exact reverse in good of what the Galatians were in evil, for they had been cordial and bright when the apostle was with them; but directly his back was turned, their hearts were alienated. It is the forming of the heart with the affections and the judgments of the Lord. They went in. Paul makes a conscious effort to keep his eyes on the prize promised to him by God. Download Commentary. but I follow after [I am pursuing], if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus ( Philippians 3:12 ). To me," may each say truly, "to live is Christ.". This is illustrated in several instances. And this is true from the first moment of our career as God's children. 26 December 2021 AM Philippians 3:13-14 Scott Childs. View Exodus on the Timeline. In the Christian life there is no room for a person who desires to rest upon his laurels. DWELLER ON EARTH BUT CITIZEN OF HEAVEN ( Php_3:17-21 ). In point of fact the Ishmaelites could trace their descent to Abraham, for Ishmael was Abraham's son by Hagar; the Edomites could trace their descent to Isaac, for Esau, the founder of the Edomite nation, was Isaac's son; but it was the Israelites alone who could trace their descent to Jacob, whom God had called by the name of Israel. The disciples found it difficult to handle when Jesus started talking about the suffering that he was to experience, and Peter cried out, "Lord, be that far from thee." This is a claim that Paul makes more than once ( Acts 22:3; Acts 23:6; Acts 26:5). Jesus wasn't resurrected until he first went to the cross. Philippians 3:1. It is interesting that Paul turns it around and uses it of those teachers that would seek to put the believers back under the law. Witnesses, prosecutors, judges, emperor, everybody, became, in point of fact, nothing to him. The fitter we grow for heaven the faster we must press towards it. "For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's. They were those who denied that there was any law at all in the Christian life. Thus with salutations of love he closes this most characteristic and cheering even of Paul's epistles. "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus," feeling, judgment, everything, guarded and governed by this precious peace of God. This is interesting, for it must mean that Paul had written other letters to the Philippians which have not survived. Or it alludes to a judicial appearance; so we are to be found of our Judge in peace, 2 Peter 3:14. He had experienced it at its highest point; and he knew that it was nothing compared with the joy which Christ had given. He desires for them, not anxiety about the issue of it, but true gravity of spirit, because of feeling that it is a question between God and the devil, and that we have to do with that struggle in the most direct way. It is not achieved by any man but given by God; not won by works but accepted in trust. There is no epistle that so abounds in joy. b. 4. It is part of the verb ginoskein ( G1097) , which almost always indicates personal knowledge. They were going to have the senior prom. "For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ." With Him you will be right about the gospel, right about the church, right about doctrine, walk, and service. The only boast of the Christian is not in what he has done for himself but in what Christ has done for him. They nevertheless seem to have been disheartened, even distanced, from their faith by Pauls imprisonment. You see, someone else already tried that and it just doesn't work." After all it was better for Christ to choose, not for him. It is something that I could have never made for myself, but it was given to me by Lady Bountiful. That isn't a real representative of You. Hence he speaks of the conflict which they once saw to be in him, and now heard to be in him. Many times the worst thing you can do is share with your friends what the Lord has laid upon your heart to do. He knew what it was to be a Jew in the highest sense of the term, and had deliberately abandoned it all for the sake of Jesus Christ. One of the elements of heavenly happiness will be the calm and settled knowledge of all that we have been here below. A man must always have a care that he is not himself guilty of the sins of which he accuses others. The verb katavtao ("attain") means to come to, to arrive at, or to attain to something. That is what is important. I am sure he wasn't rejoicing in the circumstances themselves. He was resurrected in a new body, patterned after the old yet equipped and fitted for heaven. There was the very reverse in Paul's case. "Jesus" is His own name, His personal name. If the Christian really walks with Christ, he walks with joy. The Lord knew exactly what He intended for you to do. But he said those things which were so important to me, those things for which I lived. I sent him therefore the more carefully, that, when ye see him again, ye may rejoice, and that I may be [not rejoicing here, but] the less sorrowful." There is great reason to think that the arose from those who thought it necessary to the sense, and did not see that it could be fetched from the in . (iii) It means to be so united with Christ that day by day we come more to share in his death, so that finally we share in his Resurrection. But if a man is to be in special relationship with God, something far more is needed than a mark in his body. "For they all seek their own." It is not at all a question of ecclesiastical order, in which naturally the chief guides would have front rank. Because I may blow my horn and shake my fist, but the Spirit will say, "Hey, don't you remember you have got a fish emblem on the back of your car? He knew well how much they might be tried by the report of his own imprisonment, and no deliverance coming as yet. iv. This counting on the Lord the apostle might have even where things were wrong. When God entered into his special covenant with Abraham, circumcision was laid down as its eternal sign. For the prize of the high calling. For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Christ Jesus." But they recognized that it was the best that she could do.About that time, Lady Bountiful walked in the door. Grace Evangelical Society Newsletter, November 1987, p. WebPhil 3:10-11 (NIV) In our verses for today, the apostle Paul yearns for an experiential knowledge of Christ Jesus. Furthermore the resurrection he said he hoped to attain was still future whereas he had already experienced spiritual resurrection with Christ to newness of life (Romans 6:1-11; Galatians 2:20). They had been manifesting their mindful love for the apostle, who on his part was certainly not forgetful of its least token. He had put all, as it were, into the hands of Christ, who had Himself given him His own comfort about it. A burning zeal for God was the hall-mark of Jewish religion. His yoke is easy, and His burden light. That he might know Christ (Philippians 3:10; Philippians 3:10): That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings. It may be remarked here, that from an expression often misunderstood in Philippians 2:1-30 it might seem as if the apostle wished somehow to weaken their confidence. 3:12-16 Not that I have already obtained this, or that I am already all complete but I press on to try to grasp that for which I have been grasped by Jesus Christ. They said that, since grace was wide enough to cover every sin, a man could sin as he liked and not worry; it would make no difference to the all-forgiving love of God. WebExodus 3:13-14 meaning. Who can understand why it should be "suitable to the persons addressed," on Dr. B's showing? 2. If by any means: The expression "If by any means" or "If in some way" seems to hint at doubt or uncertainty in Pauls mind that he would take part in the resurrection. So that you could share with Him the eternal glories of His kingdom. Paul said, "No, I came out of that. He always looks there in Philippians. None can have interest or benefit by it but those who come off from confidence in themselves, and are brought heartily to believe in him. Because he lives, we shall live also; his victory is our victory. Such things only prevented him from trusting in Christ (4-7). Press On! Though he wist not to choose what between the two before, when the need of souls rises before him, he says that he shall live, and is not yet going to die. ( 1 Samuel 24:14, compare 2 Kings 8:13; Psalms 22:16; Psalms 22:20). He like other Christians lives in the overlap of the ages; he, too, stands between the "already" and the "not yet", and consummated salvation is not yet his. It often happens that men can stand the great sorrows and the great trials of life but are undone by what are almost minor inconveniences. Television would cause you to think that that is all retired baseball and football players do is just hang around the bars drinking lite beer, talking about the past. "I'll show you a mystery, we are not going to all sleep, but we are all going to be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of any eye. He is encouraged to keep moving towards this goal by his knowledge that final victory over sin, suffering and death is certain (10-11).Paul knows that he will not reach perfection in this life. In Hebrew the verb is yada' ( H3045) and in Greek it is translated by ginoskein ( G1097) . Now, circumcision is only a sign in the flesh, something done to a man's body. To suffer for the faith is not a penalty, it is a privilege, for thereby we share the very work of Christ. Because suddenly, you see, I am on a little spiritual pinnacle, and I can begin now to judge everybody else who doesn't live by the same standards of holiness by which I live. WebPhilippians 3:14 Once a man or woman has trusted the Lord Jesus as Saviour, he embarks on a race through life to the finishing post. No; it is practical. Partner with as God uses us to make a difference for those displaced by Russia's war on Ukraine. And whereas these judaizing teachers were for drawing them off from Christ, and weakening their joy and glorying in him, he exhorts them in the first place to rejoice in Christ, Php 3:1, and to beware of them, whom he describes as dogs, as evil workers, as the concision, Php 3:2, and opposes to them the characters of real saints, who are truly what they vainly boasted of, really circumcised persons in a Gospel sense, spiritual worshippers of God, joyful believers in Christ, and such as placed no confidence in outward things, Php 3:3, This the apostle illustrates in his own case, who had as much reason for trusting in such things as any man whatever, Php 3:4, of which he gives an enumeration in several particulars, Php 3:5,6, upon which he passes his judgment, and shows of what account, and in what esteem they were with him before, and now; that formerly they were reckoned gain, but now loss, Php 3:7, and which he explains as referring to every thing short of Christ, and in comparison of the knowledge of him, and which he preferred to everything; and this he confirms by his willingness to suffer the loss of all things for him; his ends in which were, that he might win him, and be found in him, without his own righteousness, that legal one the false teachers extolled, and with the righteousness of God which faith receives, and is the only justifying one; and that he might know more of him, feel more of his power, have more fellowship with him, and conformity to him, Php 3:8-10. And then he uses a contrasting Greek word, and it is a play on Greek words. Paul said, "I have not yet apprehended that for which I was apprehended. The Lord may inspire you to some good work that He wants you to do. No doubt the new creation is essentially neither male nor female; it is not a race perpetuated in a fleshly way; but all things are of God and in Christ. Now the saint that has Christ Himself before him looks abroad with desires according to the activity of divine love. Thus we see here the power of a risen and a heavenly Christ, not now treated doctrinally as in 1 Corinthians 15:1-58 or 2 Corinthians 5:1-21 and elsewhere, but as that which bears on the Christian for the constant experience of every day. Righteousness is a gift that God gives to those who have faith in Christ (8-9).But Paul does not stop there. This is what the Lord intended for me, to be with Him in His kingdom, to share with Him His glory. There is a righteousness provided for us in Jesus Christ, and it is a complete and perfect righteousness. As the Christian has died with Christ, been buried with Him, been raised with Him, and now walks with Him, he will also be glorified together with Him. I can't get over that. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. In front of people they can act very holy and sanctified and excited and exhilarated in the things of the Lord, but when they get away from the stage, they can have filthy mouths; they can tell dirty jokes, they are living a two-faced life. There are those who are living after their flesh. Paul said, "One receives the prize, and you run to obtain." "That I may win Christ," therefore he says; "and be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law." Hence we see the great importance of this truth. But life is more than simply being born into Gods family. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. It shows us grace practically in different measures and forms. (iii) We place no confidence in merely human things. It is no trouble to me to write the same things to you, and for you it is safe. It speaks of believers who were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. All believers will be resurrected, but there is a better one for those who endure. I believe that a woman shines most where she does not appear. Better not make them known to men; it is a dangerous snare. The happiness of heaven is here called the resurrection of the dead, because, though the souls of the faithful, when they depart, are immediately with Christ, yet their happiness will not be complete till the general resurrection of the dead at the last day, when soul and body shall be glorified together. And so Paul says, "Beware of those who would mutilate your body, for we are of those who are circumcised in the spirit." Need it be said that it has not the less its own proper office on that account? They identified themselves, therefore, with all who were declaring it throughout the world. He is forgetting the things which are behind. Father, I would that those who You have given to me, to be with me here, would also share with me in the Kingdom. So he reaches forth, epekteinomenos--stretched himself forward, bearing towards his point: it is expressive of a vehement concern. Epaphroditus was his fellow-servant, and indeed more than that "my brother, and companion in labour, and fellow-soldier, but your messenger, and he that ministered to my wants. They shared the conflict of the gospel; they partook of the reproach that covered those who preached it. Nor was he in that which he was about to write without deep feeling; but he had learned Christ for all; and this is the key-note of the epistle from the first, though only uttered distinctly at the last. He has a plan for your life now, and we should be as Jesus, who said, "I must be about my Father's business." And so, she put it on and she walked out in the dorm where the other girls were and she said, "Look girls, this is my new dress for the prom. You listen to John Piper. He would have one who begins with Christ to (so on with Christ, have nothing but Christ before his eyes, and pursue this path without a stumble till the day of Christ. And so looking back to the past, oftentimes, we look at our failures and we are discouraged from trying to go on. Even he who knew them well marvelled that they were so soon shifting, not only from him, but from the gospel, after he left them. I just can't do it. The name of Christ Himself is the true centre of the saints; unto this the Spirit gathers. For our conversation [citizenship] is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body [or our body of humiliation], that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself ( Philippians 3:20-21 ). The NIV translators simply translated it "the resurrection from the dead.". And did feel rather sorry for her. We are reminded that Paul wrote these words to strengthen and encourage a community he loved and who were already doing well in their life in Christ (see Philippians 1:3-11). (c) It is the guarantee that in life and in death and beyond death the presence of the Risen Lord is always with us. Why, then, is it so in the next instance? We do not tire of the foods which are the essentials of life. WebPart of the perceived problem here is the assumption that Paul told only one version of Christs story. Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. ( 1 Corinthians 15:51-55 ), When Jesus comes again, we will each experience a metamorphosis. Heaven is the prize of the high calling; to brabeion--the prize we fight for, and run for, and wrestle for, what we aim at in all we do, and what will reward all our pains. Which were so important to me to write the same attitude of mind to life was the of... Man is to be found of our Judge in peace, 2 Peter 3:14 has not the things are! '' ) means to come to, to arrive at, or to attain to something body, after. There is a complete and perfect righteousness most characteristic and cheering even of Paul 's case,! Out of that, is it so in the Christian really walks joy., those things for which I lived once ( Acts 22:3 ; Acts 23:6 ; Acts ;. 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