The Treasury Department then issues Treasury securities in the form of Treasury Bonds, Notes, and Bills using the bonds as surety for the new securities. This cycle is based on the future tax revenues of the legal person whose name appears on the Birth Certificate. Cestui Que Vie Trusts are the means by which we "finance the Sovereignty of Nations". Middle English certificat, from Middle French, from Medieval Latinceruficatum. Your email address will not be published. The Birth Certificate is the governments self-created document of title for its new property, i.e. cestui a que use le feoffment fuit fait. Public vs. It is a legal term for an individual who is the beneficiary of a trust or an insurance policy, with rights to property and the income and profits that the property provides. Cestui Que Trust. Proof Of Non-Consent actually pretty good. We are taking up collections for projects to advance the restoration of Your Government, to fund our Peacekeeping Officials and Officers, to run our State Assemblies, to make Your Government work the way Your Government is supposed to work --- a government to protect you and your family. Property Taxes The Birth Certificate issued by the State is then registered with the U.S. Department of Commerce the Executive Office specifically through their own sub-agency, the U.S. Census Bureau, which is responsible to register vital statistics from all the States. The only problem is that the government and legal system failed to inform you about it and how to access your money. everyday along with a cup of coffee. Make a copy of your birth certificate (the long form is best but if you do not have it, use the short form) and respond by stating: I am making. "Cestui Que Vie Act 1666.". You won't pay any mortgages or utilities or property taxes. But do you notice something? We are supporting it. June 2020 resume writing services. Hi All - Many of you have heard me mention the Federal Government Birth Certificate Trust that is created on all of you at birth which is the Cestui Que Vie Trusts that the Territorial Federal Government and Vatican created and owns. Status correction and creating your own common law trusts to protect your assets is where its at. If you are unable to locate the trustee, you may need to contact a probate lawyer or the court that appointed the trustee. The clerk is the ADMINISTRATOR of the CQV trust. You can find the cestui que vie trust language in the Land Transfer act 1963, it means . cestui que trust. I will be going through many Foreign Situs Trust June 2019 you start with those systems, that are closest to you, such as your . Color Of Law 1933 Executive Order Lt. General (Ret.) July 2019 How would you word it regarding no criminal charges? The trustee may also provide you with instructions on how to collect your inheritance. We are putting our time and money into it. Email us at Dismiss. . Those foreign governments are under contract to provide us with certain enumerated "governmental services". The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. The first is your Birth (Berth) Certificate (used to be known as a Settlement Certificate). Secondly: all a Sovereign has to say for the record is: I am a beneficiary of the Trust, and I am appointing you as my Trustee!, Thirdly: the Sovereign then directs his Trustee to do his bidding! In regards to claiming the trust, I assume you are referring to the CQV trust which is not a process we teach on how to access. Black's A Cestui que trust is defined as: He who has a right to a beneficial interest in and out of an estate the legal title to which is vested in another. Birth Certificates And The Act Of 1871 If you are the rightful heir to the trust, you should receive a notice from the trustee informing you of your inheritance. and i was watching tiktok and saw for patriotes ad im 13 just worndering for resharch. You asked several questions regarding the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt I am tired being a financial and economic slave. understand and live the principles of truth, U.S. You are supposed to be self-governing. As the owners of this site, we have the right to enforce any policies and terms we feel necessary. ." Compl. U.K. Government. Once I found my accounts everything else became real for me, then after acquiring so much information i decided to share it with the world. If you paid for the download but were unable to download the information please contact us at with your order number and contact info and we will get you taken care of. Are you writing the articles in your website yourself or you outsource them? This archaic legal term has been largely replaced by "beneficiary" in most legal documents, although it is still encountered in some settings. suggestions on how to get listed in Yahoo Nws? 1: a formal engagement (as a pledge) given for the fulfillment of an undertaking. Best of luck for the next! The United States is actually a corporation, NOTICE & WARNING TO: EVERY/ALL UTILITY COMPANIES. Having a good credit score is something most of our students and clients highly praise because offers a more stable financial stability. Straw Man - Artifical Person April 2019 The . You will have little or no reason to ever visit their courts. Wow amazing! If we read the cestui-que vie act of 1666 we find that your estate was probated (proven up) and placed in a cestui-que trust (your BC). That is a very neatly written article. While this method is founded in law, in most cases the judge would rather abandon the court than loose their standing.]. ceylon ceylon . The magistrate is unlawfully attempting to access your TRUST and can do so only through your consent, by deceiving you into agreeing to let them assume improper roles which grants them authority. Jointure. This is further compounded when one voluntarily obtains a Drivers License or a Social Security Account Number. Does this work for child support? Corporations Claim To Own You It is a Temporary Testamentary Trust, first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 and updated by Charles II, through the CQV Act of 1666, wherein an Estate may be effected for the Benefit of a Person presumed lost or abandoned at "sea" and therefore assumed "dead . You will possess your homes and your land and soil as Freeholders -- not Tenants. If the deceased person was not married and did not have children, the estate typically goes to their parents or siblings. Welcome To A.W.A.R.E, the Most Trusted Sovereign and Business Redemption Providers for We the People. Birth Certificates AKA CUSIP BONDS The American States Assembly Why the heck would a record of birth need to be REGISTERED? Woodrow Wilson President 1913 - 1921, United States v: United States of America, Reclaim Your Estate Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship, Energetic Parasite Intervention Support Sessions, Alpha Omega World Development Marshall Programme. Wellington, 6011. Typically, the trustee will be named in the trust document. Could I do that? DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E is NOT a Patrick Devine website. I want to believe it and apart of me thinks its true but I have a hard time adopting it as completely true because I just havent personally seen enough evidence. It seems there is a great deal more information from 2019 forward, though I know the Free Man has been amongst us, I believe I could feel it. What Ive seen is a lot of data that would appear to validate the claim it all sort of surrounds the idea of a Cestui Que trust but thats about it. Please explain what the agenda for the act would have been at the time it was passed and also please explain why the act was passed in secret without the knowledge of the UK citizens. Does this apply to UK Courts as well, since Common Law applies etc? Straw Man - Birth Certificates The estates for life created by operation of law are 4th. Phillip: Moore, Jr, My husband is not a sovereign but his name is not in all caps on his court paperwork. Settle your Cestui Que Vie Trust Now LINK: LINK: PLEASE FOLLOW US: DONATIONS ARE WELCOME. American State National They are supposed to operate under the limitations and in accordance with their employment contracts called the Constitutions. The Treasury uses the loan to purchase a bond (the Fed holds a purchase money security interest in the bond) from the Department of Commerce, which invests the sale proceeds in the stock or bond market. It is the letter that most closely resembles an upside-down triangle when printed. Im only selling the packet to cover the cost of the site hosting and maintenance so i can continue to bring you this information. The judge is unlawfully attempting to access your TRUST & can do so only through your consent, by deceiving you into agreeing to let them assume improper roles which grant them authority. Hello there, just was aware of your weblog through Google, and located that its really informative. But what if your government doesn't protect you? You must change your political status to claim the trust. The use of capital letters is dictated by the US Printing Style manual, which explains how to identify a CORPORATION. The cestui que vie Act 1666 is an English act, passed by Parliament during the black plague and great fire of London in 1666. That is, the police forces that we depend upon to enforce the Public Law are operating instead as private commercial mercenaries, not as public peacekeeping officers at all. His Yeoman farmer is one of the most admired designs, a social construct of life without government involvement. Your description of the CQV is spot on. Theme Creativ Mag by, Welcome to the light! The act being debated was the Cestui Qui act which was to subrogate the rights of men and women, meaning all men and women were declared dead, lost at sea/beyond the sea. I like what I see so now i am following you. In the event that the rightful beneficiary of a cestui que vie trust cannot be located, the court will appoint a trustee to manage the trust. Misidentified "US Citizen" It's a substitute government run by two Federal subcontractors. The legal concepts behind cestui que vie changed a bit over the centuries in order to reduce fraud and to ensure that property owners couldnt shift their property into trusts in order to dodge creditors. Your BC is the debtor as it is borrowing from your estate to acquire title to property (a legal interest). The only problem is that the government and legal system failed to . It may appear to be your true name, but since no proper name is ever written in all caps (either lawfully or grammatically) it does not identify who you are. 1. Decedent is a legal term used by tax accountants, lawyers, and estate planners to refer to a deceased person. Crown Corporation Im already a state national im going for my passport at the end of the month. This gives you control over your DEBTOR. As my Trustee, I instruct you to discharge this matter I am accused of and eliminate the record!. 7 Reasons for an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT). A cestui que trust is an equitable, rather than legal, trust in estate assets. #2) How to avoid prosecution under the Trust, when a Sovereign is taken before a corporate prosecuting Attorney or a Judge: Say nothing, sign nothing and answer no questions until you are convinced that the proceedings are being recorded! We thank everyone who has supported us. You say theres millions in it. Note: All tradable Securities must be assigned a CUSIP NUMBER before it can be offered to investors. to be like great. Thank you for publishing it. It became important to ensure that family members, business partners or tenants could use the property without fear of it being expropriated by feudal lords. (back then operating in Admiralty law, the . UNDERSTANDING CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE - Straw Man Beginnings While the individual was away, a trustee took care of the land but did not retain legal ownership over the property. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks. is a shortened version of. When you come home to the land and soil that bore you, and start breathing as a free woman or man again, you will remember the American Dream and you will no longer bear the burdens of Federal (US) citizenship. 'Wearable technology' is BEYOND DANGEROUS to YOUR free will. London 1666, during the black plague and great fires of London, Parliament enacted an act behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666. Where Is Patrick Devine Files? I hope that helps. Then, once you know what you are doing and why you are doing it, one can go ahead and do the processes. A person taken in to court is the Beneficiary. We are currently working on our website development and appreciate and thank your patience through our growth progress. We can not guarantee its completeness or reliability so please use caution. This weblog presents useful information to us, The United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states, in part, that everyone has the right to good working conditions, equal pay for equal work, fair compensation, the When a child is born, the hospital sends the original, not a copy, of the record of live birth to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics, sometimes called the Department of. Judges Are: Incompetent, Discriminatory and In Breach of Contract | A Documentary Script That Will Reveal The Fraud, How the Cabal Maintains Their Power And What You Need To Do To Stop It Un-Consent | Beyond BRICS: Exposing the Rats, NO Law Requires You To Register or Pledge Your Private Automobile | Pulled over today with no license, license plate, or registration, The History of Voluntary Slavery: Birth (Settlement) Certificates, The Underworld Death Dealing Practices Of The Elite | Birth, Marriage and Death Estate Are Seized and Traded By The Government. LANGUAGE-OF-BABYLON A man or woman can either "live" "in . Do you happen to have a group that you teach too to be able to complete the processes? You actually have three Cestui Que Vie accounts. British Territorial United States Citizen you have Straw-man Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 The Supreme Court has warned, Because of what appear to be Lawful commands on the surface, many citizens, because of their respect for what appears to be law, are cunningly coerced into waiving their rights, due to ignorance. (U.S. v. Minker, 350 U.S. 179, 187). If you want a government that protects you, a government that doesn't steal from you, harass you, threaten you, or harm you --- then, it's high time that you start backing Your Government and participating in it and supporting it with your money and your skills and your time. Im quite certain I ill learn a ot of new stuff right here! LANGUAGE-OF-BABYLON 19 Aitken Street. Both the magistrate and the clerk must follow YOUR instructions for discharge / dismissal as. It's primary responsibility is to protect you and your property assets at all costs and against all comers. However, there are some instances where the deceased person did not leave behind a will or trust, or where the documents they left are deemed to be invalid. The legal title of the trust, however, is given to the trustee. Mrs L all the time. If you are the rightful heir to the trust, you should receive a notice from the trustee informing you of your inheritance. Its time that we exercised that inherent power and put an end to this gross criminality, fraud, and usurpation by our public servants. Brith Certificate Fraud Cestui que From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "The cestui que use is the person for whose benefit the trust is created. They have been exercising our own "Delegated Powers" and operating "in our names". You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our. [Here is a video discussing the trust relationships in a court room and some techniques for, [Here is a section about the CESTUI QUE VIE (CQV) Trust and one method of declaring status as a living executor; the highest position of authority in the trust relationship. We are building it up and restoring it. The Dead Baby Scam Proof Of Non-Consent You may receive a monthly statement from a Mortgage Company; Loan Company or Utility Company, which usually has already been paid by the TRUST. We just stopped several credit agencies in their tracks and he no longer files a 1040. September 2017, All How to Correct Your Political Status and Why. - Debts like utilities and cell phone contracts without security deposits are permitted. This is incredible. This was done during a crisis. As I understand the process Judge; the county attorney or Police Officer has leveled a criminal charge with the Clerk against the TRUST, using the ALL CAPS NAME that appears on this BIRTH CERTIFICATE! Nationality Act, 1940. When you bring this sensitive information to the table in open court, the magistrate typically gets scared! Here is a sample article some bloggers shared with me. I heard we are in a transition and are sovereigns again. Theres a $100 million dollar bond that is part of the SPC process, which allows one to discharge debts and is tied to the strawman account. This is the unfortunate, corrupt reality that our peaceful, law abiding communities are dealing with in the court system today. The corollary crime routinely practiced by attorneys and barristers is known as barratryknowingly bringing charges against this corporate proxies as if they were the same as the living people they are named after, and addressing those same people as defendents in civil and criminal actions. The purpose of a CQV Trust is to form a temporary Estate for the benefit of another. Once a state has registered a birth document with the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Department notifies the Treasury Department, which takes out a loan from the Federal Reserve. Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT The 1779 Naturalization Act Biometric Data Harvesting At Birth | Did You Know You Also Have a Uniform Birth Number? Depository Trust Corporation CESTUI QUE VIE Trust. Vi Coactus When an individual dies, their property and assets are typically transferred to their heirs according to the terms of their will or trust. Master ghost Scott-freeman 27 November 2021. Capitis Diminutio - Maxima - Minima - Media, Anna von Reitz-Restoring Lawful Government, Mark Emery - Exit Babylon - Lighthouse Law Club, SMART METER COVERS & EMF PROTECTION DEVICES, CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE, The fastest and Most effective Way to Claim your Strawman, Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate What It Means, Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate - What It Means, Birth Certificate Registration Vs. Recording, British Territorial United States Citizen, Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT, How To Lawfully How To Sign & Remove Your Signature From Any Contract, HOW TO SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE WITHOUT LIABILITY. Our team is working on gathering all of Patricks documents. Contact us today to inquire about the new services and packages we offer for individuals, family, couples, and friends. I found it while browsing on Yahoo Nws. Traffic tickets? The historical facts of the government going bankrupt in 1933 are undisputed but this idea that peoples labor or energy was pledged through birth certificates as security on the new loan or to represent the value of federal reserve notes is difficult to believe. Please be as detailed as possible as to what youre inquiring about so we can better assist you. essays writing services. This is an excellent video, which describes in detail, how to Settle your CQV Trust The estate for life is somewhat . VIS COMPULSIVA 3: a document evidencing ownership or debt. Merriam Webster Dictionary (1998). The act being debated was to subrogate the rights of men and women, meaning all men and women were declared dead, lost at sea/beyond the sea. write a litte more on this topic? I am gonna be careful for brussels. If you have any questions about your inheritance or the trust administration process, you should contact a probate lawyer. HOW TO SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE WITHOUT LIABILITY ALL CAPTIAL LETTERS Straw Man What if, instead, your government preys upon you, threatens you, harasses you, and makes you miserable and fearful? Both the magistrate and the clerk must follow YOUR instructions for discharge / dismissal as You are the Executor of the . I hope I never have to use it, but I will keep a copy of it in my wallet just in case. from Late Latin, neuter of certificatus, past participle of certificare, to certify, 15th century. In some cases, the trustee may require you to provide them with proof of your financial need before they release the funds to you. $29.95 STRAWMAN Termination to get rid of your all caps Federal Name E-booklet. If you are a person within a cestui que vie trust, then you need to first reclaim your dead entity and become the executor. How do you change your political status in order to claim your Trust? Do you own a home? A cestui que trust is the person entitled to an equitable, rather than legal, trust in the estate assets. How can I prevent cps from having authority over my children or myself ? Upon maturity, the profits are moved into a GOVERNMENT CESTUI QUE TRUST and if you are still alive, the certified documents are reinvested. Learn More: Does a trust supercede a will? Banks and Utility Companies have direct access into these CESTUI QUE VIETrusts and all they needed was your name; social security number and signature.. Remove your birth certificate and respond by stating: I am making Special Limited Appearance on behalf of the defendant who is right here [Hold up your Birth Certificate!]. Admiralty Law I am the Authorized Administrator and Executor of the CESTUI QUE TRUST created under the all caps name JOHN HENRY AWARE. This is really going to assist me and my friends for our class project. Identity Trap The second is when they take your 'Berth Certificate' (as you are actually labelled as cargo), to the bank to open the account to claim money from your fund and the third is your Christening. The American States Assembly Your Government is supposed to be staffed by you. But how do you actually PROVE the existence of a Cestui Que Trust account? Whereas the State is public, and therefore its Public Servants, and its legal fiction creations are "in the public", including its artificial legal "persons". The trustee may also provide you with instructions on how to collect your inheritance. Some event, state of affairs, or condition prevents the people from claiming their status as living, competent, and present, before a competent authority. - Answers, How to Settle your Strawmans Cestui Que Vie Trust - YouTube. Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. Cestui que vie is used less frequently than the term . The United States [Unincorporated] The concept is used in modern life and health insurance policies, where cestui que vie is an individual whose life measures the duration of the insurance contract. Municipal Citizen Of The United States We are a private organization and offer no refunds on any of our services. Email serves as the fastest, most preferred and best form of communication with Team A.W.A.R.E. Meaning its all paper. Merriam Websters Dictionary of Law (1996). A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which the trustor gives the trustee the right to hold title to property or assets for the beneficiary. Straw Man - Birth Certificates Streamlined Processes For example say I got a ticket for no tags or registration on a motorcycle or a car and then demand say $15,000 for compensation. The 'Cestui Que Vie' BIRTH CERTIFICATE TRUST: Claim the 'Cestui Que Vie' BIRTH CERTIFICATE TRUST account: (This is hugely sensitive material, pay attention people!) 64 4 472 1719. your writing. If you are unable to locate the trustee, you may need to contact a probate lawyer or the court that appointed the trustee.Once you have located the trustee, you will need to provide them with proof of your identity and relationship to the deceased person. What do you mean? Michael T. Flynn Real Prop. This means that the car insurance is not backed by any funds and . C' EST TUI QUE: (pronounced: set -a-kay) EVERY natural man and woman is born "in the private". If you seek legal advise, find yourself a competent lawyer or attorney. And we dusted off our laurels and we got to work. The process can be complicated, and it may take some time to track down all of the assets in the trust. I like the valuable info you provide in your articles. Birth Certificates And The Act Of 1871 The CESTUI QUE VIE Trust is an account you inherited due to the bankruptcy of the U.S. in 1933 and the subsequent ceasing of all the citizens' gold, silver and other assets as collateral. You won't be subject to foreign statutory laws. Birth Certificate Registration Vs. Recording It is a Law French phrase of medieval English invention, which appears in the legal phrases. It has been proposed . Canon 2039 (link) As all Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created on one or more presumptions based "the" United States And "the" United States Of America Inc. If you are unable to locate the trustee, you may need to contact a probate lawyer or the court that appointed the trustee. If you are the rightful beneficiary of a cestui que vie trust, you may need to hire a lawyer to help you locate the assets and assert your claim. Cestui que vive is a subset of the larger idea of cestui que. You are the Trustee, State / Mr. In the meantime, they are drawing down on it for their own personal use and as payment to the Vatican and the English crown. Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate - What It Means Straw-man Federal Children/through fraud and deception the federal corporation thinks they own you and your children. At your Arraignment or Trial, the Judge will ask you if you are the named individual [ALL CAPS BIRTH NAME] on the complaint and your natural response will be to answer in the affirmative but that is exactly what you dont want to do! So instead of protecting us, these Hired Helpers have operated in Breach of Trust and harmed us. n. (properly pronounced ses-tee kay, but lawyers popularly pronounce it setty kay) from old French. David E. Robinson Books Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace. I'M NOW DENIED BUSINESS ACCOUNTS AT ALL LOCAL INSTITUTIONS!!! function of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust as pronounced by these canons is false and automatically null and void. I every time spent my half an hour to read this web sites articles or reviews May 2019 Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Learn More: Why should I trust the bible? canada pharmacy (Wendi). Paper is dead. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. Settle Your Cestui Qui Trust. I & # x27 ; s primary responsibility is to form a temporary for. Teach too to be REGISTERED can not guarantee its completeness or reliability so please use caution is working on website... The cestui Que Vie trust Now LINK: please follow us: DONATIONS are welcome ( properly pronounced ses-tee,. Old French what you are the Executor of the month `` governmental services '' your cestui Que Trusts... Accused of and eliminate the record! identify a corporation, NOTICE WARNING. 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