This suggests that technically it wasnt Shananns car even in the family sense, especially if Watts was paying for the lease. Reading the transcripts again and honing in on the things Nichole K. said it sounds like she gave mixed messages to the investigator but more importantly to Watts. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Shanann returned home from her business trip in the early morning hours of August 13, 2018. . Her . In one of the few instances where the Discovery Documents do deal with the Watts finances in some detail, notice the manner in which Watts cagily frames the situation around the Lexus. Hasty reporting? Im guessing their combined salaries would be very modest school directors make around $35K a year and with only a high school diploma he couldnt be making more than $45K. This may give you some insights as to why youve developed this behavior. What did Chris Watts HATE about Shanann? Chris Watts was sentenced to five life sentences on Nov. 19, roughly three months after his arrest. Shannon had to Get out of Town or Else She would be the One in Jail! That does not make her a sociopath, she was trying to make money from home. Justice Eventualis, Oscars Sentence Extended [Documents], The Dark Matter of the Oscar Behind the Great Pretender [Review of White Horse II], Shakedown Reviews Blade Runner Killer, Oscar Pistorius Part 1, Shakedown Reviews Blade Runner Killer, Oscar Pistorius Part 2, SCA Sentencing Appeal of Oscar Pistorius LIVE Blog November 3, 2017, Expert Psychologist Discusses Oscars Narcissism, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE III #OscarPistorius, [FULL DOCUMENTS] Notice of Application for Leave to Appeal #OscarPistorius July 21, 2016, 4 True Crime Writers Join Forces to Interrogate Oscar, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE II #OscarPistorius, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE #OscarPistorius. He knew on that last night he wouldn't be tucking his girls into bed again. Shannan had hell to deal with with Chris family while alive, least we can do is leave her at peace now shes dead. Im a mother and I would never do anything like it. Watts' work truck was outside during a hailstorm, one Shan'ann filmed, while "her" vehicle was in the garage. I would love to see! What the Discovery Documents say about Shananns Lexus. Too long in my view. Ironically, since Shananns nightmarish murder and burial on a leased oil site, rather than taking a knock, Thrive seems to have reaped a whirlwind of positive publicity. Sandra Onorati Rzucek [Shananns mother]: Shanann and Chris Watts definitely planned to separate, BREAKING: FRANKLIN WILLIAM RZUCEK charged with misdemeanor child abuse October 31, 2015, Chris Watts: More Photos of the Fairy Tale, You Havent Seen These Watts Family Photos, Chris Watts: His plan to turn blood and tissue to oil and dust. He couldnt stay in that house, as he said, because he was haunted by his actions. I DO know, however, that he was obsessed with sex from a very very young age. He was penniless when i met him but he was ashamed to tell me. Amanda was in Shananns downline of 200. At What Point Was Chris Watts DONE With THRIVE? I am from NC so I began digging around to find more info on them and when I saw a woman with very similar information had been arrested so many times, it definitely caught my attention. However, I want to see an alibi for her on the morning of the murders. Her friend that came from Hawaii to Colorado to help care for her and the kids after her neck surgery. He had a giant weeping willow tree that was full of ticks. What is your problem? There are So Many Job Opportunities There! Where were you when Madeleine was reported Missing? What really jumps out is the debt and oddly enough, things HER mother has said (again mom in the flesh speaking on YOUTUBE). So posing next to cars was almost second nature to her, and if youre a mechanic, whats wrong with you or your wife, or you and your wife, using a snazzy car to sell shit? And hed just have to convince her that they truly did leave him, and now hes totally free. #Rohde What did Drama, but OK actually mean? Intelligent eyes. I cant seem to find any but I am not sure if its something only findadable if I was in the USA (Im in the UK). So she dropped him like a sack of potatoes and you got what you wanted. But Thrivers dont pose around fancy cars, and post themselves doing that on Facebook, do they? The criminal record / charges that are being referenced in this bs article are not for the deceased ShanAnn Watts. one thing he said to me that always stuck On April 13, police went to a home in the Lansing, Michigan, area, where they found the scene. [ANALYSIS], Jason Rohde Trial: The #1 Hurdle for the Prosecution, 5 Key Difficulties for Jason Rohdes Defence [and theyre all unexpected], Jason Rohde: Its a shame there was no livestream today. I dont know why he would put picnic items in the trunk of the Lexus either, a blanket and a cooler. The Lexus was usually parked inside the garage while Chris Watts truck was invariably outside [the vehicular equivalent of him not sleeping in his own bed, but in the basement]. your= possessive (bite your tongue). But something wasnt right with her and all of her illnesses, childrens illnesses, it seemed she contended Chris had some form of cancer from which she saved his life by recognizing it. His truck could not fit in the garage; which is why he was only able to back it in so far when removing the bodies. The Axe Murder Appeal: Rumor Control and what to expect? She changed it to Shanann. Statues even in the front yard. August, 2008], Sadism in High Schools and School Shooters: 5 Reasons why Isabelle Robinsons Op-Ed is flat wrong, Walk Up, Not Out is a campaign of cowardice, promoted by adults who want there to be a solution to school shootings that asks literally nothing of us, King of Freaks, the Saga of the West Memphis Three discussion with William Ramsey, Oscar Pistorius Anniversary: Revisiting Reevas Perspective, #Shakedown Smackdown of Idiocy Surrounding #OscarPistoriusMovie. She said to the investigator she thought he was more into her than she was into him. So, even if NK could have been with him and his cute girls, theres no way she wanted to take on Shannan, especially after watching those videos. Delusional psychology of the crime itself and the delusional quality of participation in all MLMs. A car should never be leased once it is 12 years or older. If she was wrong she could have killed someone but that was not something she cared about. I still say a proper investigation wasnt done. . . Chris confessing to exactly what the CBI told him happened? Ive checked North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey Jersey Colorado and nothing turns up. These are not traits of mentally healthy people. Especially the mothers that put their children first. Omeprazole was given to Cece bc she was born with a collapsed esophogus. Shanann Watts: MLM & Magical Thinking just how bad was it? Nothing this woman said seems to be true, all of it a lie. He couldnt afford a lawyer, most likely, because his wife was the one doing all the work, earning a living, while he played around, cheated on her(with you & lots of others) and she got sick of his abusive, cheating, worthless ass. Thank you again for your hard work. Hold up, is that a SCRATCH on Chris Watts neck? Ive looked for it for months, cant find it. I know this is an old post but I thought I read almost everything on here. Someone said ( a neighbour, Jason?) A fresh start as Rourke said, but its deeper than that he wanted to be fresh and unencumbered, for her. Like a huge amount. According to Watts, be believed his vehicle had been vandalized or broken into, but left his toolboxes in the back unlocked to see if anyone was trying to break into the truck again. God Bless !!! In reality, the Lexus wasnt paid for by anyone, it belonged to the leasing company. Your insight that the murders were Chriss way of finally imposing boundaries in a most horrific manner is spot-on. In the end he confessed, and if you are sensible, you realize the deal was no deal at all. Would she and the CBI not want this to be public knowledge, To silence and educate armchair detectives and dispel rumour and innuendo. I grew up in a white collar, educated household but my parents would often tell me about uneducated illiterate bible thumpers like yourself. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The young mother got an $80,000 job selling health supplements, and her work took her away from the family quite often, leaving Chris alone with the children at their home. I suspect Bishops contention that the Lexus was a lease is true, and have suspected that for some time, but is there any proof of this? June 2015: The Watts files for bankruptcy With a combined income of $90,000 in 2014, in addition to credit card debt, student loans and medical bills, the couple file for bankruptcy in June 2015, stating that their $3,000 mortgage and $600 car payments took up most of their $4,900 in monthly expenses. Thats character assassination. She uses almost every Live pitch to punt the lifestyle perks flexi hours, better health, wealth, holidays and overall luxury. On his Instagram page, hot girls and hot cars alternate between specials for car parts. The Discovery Documents also provide fascinating insight into how Watts changed his parking habits at the time of the murders, not only in terms of the truck [which was normally parked to the left of the front door, and Watts typically exited the house through the front door], but the Lexus as well. I would like to see Trisnatichs video for the whole day Sunday August 12 as well as Shananns arrival at 1:48 a.m. Were being gypped by not getting everything. Also the three against Chris watts was a different Chris watts. Alot to ask of a 30 year old girl whos never been married or had kids. My Ex Son In Law was Stationed in Fort bragg NC! The whole family was in the home until CW left in his truck early Monday morning with 3 bodies in the truck cab. Everyone was alive until shortly before he left because cadaver dogs did not alert in the house, which they would have had anyone been killed prior to early Monday morning. Its creepy to see people blaming the victim For her own murder, like the psychopath murder. You dont even know the charges you claim exist, yet you post this idiocy in defense of what? with water on their back balcony in Frederick.. Bella tried to get away, and when Chris came to rescue her by opening the glass sliding door, Shanann said something and he backed off, leaving Bella to be tormented..Because I think thats a type of torment, when the child obviously wanted to escape. They cannot tolerate people who are not toxic. When this tragedy happened they brought attention to them selves and raised all sorts of funds and now they want privacy, cant have it both ways. Email | Print | Comments (2) What was she being given to eat? If Oscar wanted to sell his story, could he, and if he could, why doesnt he, and if he has, how has he? Rumors are circulating that Shanann was having an affair with her boss, and that this is what ended her relationship with the anonymous Mr. King. Rohde Trial: The 1 Factor that determines murder or suicide, The #1 Reason Susan Rohde DIDNT kill herself, According to Brendan Miller, Susan Rohde was calm shortly before her death. Please dont spread false info. Watts said: "When I got home . If duplicated, please delete one. Its outrageous to see people defaming the victim of murder. Was I wrong? I want a proper investigation to be done and NK become a POI until proven otherwise. If that is all it is then fine, but this is a travesty . But the statement is specific that the loading was on the morning of the disappearance. It could be an error in the discovery, or it could be accurate. She was holding him hostage and with women like this, she definitely would have come out smelling like a rose and gotten the children who it looks like she treated more like property than people to keep up her social media facade FACADE. If you feel the work ethic is lacking in terms of my research Carol, feel free to go somewhere else. Shannans brother was actually arrested in 2015. Basically, after working for Thrive full-time for a month, selling vitamin patches and shakes, the company apparently wanted to give Atkinson a car to reward her for her hard work. It also took until her funeral to confirm the spelling of her name, and her exact name: Shanann Cathryn Watts. But there was cocoanut in the bars she gave CeCe on camera!!!! Rohde Trial: Can a body bruise after it has died, even one prone to bruising? In the video of the girls being asked to go out in the rain from the Rzuceks front porch, she seems to tease Bella about the rain coming for her or something. . Who f* cares. 3-year-old, 5-year-old killed by father in murder-suicide, Michigan police say. But I cant find out what it was. Lastly please tell me how and where you got this information. Did Chris Watts not mind his wife Shanann humiliating him on Facebook? Lets deal with Thrive again, briefly, and the auto bonus spiel. The Watts seem like nuts to me. How is it you know that Shannon took painkillers and if so when, what kind and how much? He has said he planned to kill Shanann. In his mind. SIMPLY SUBLIME. MCCANN WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE: #Shakedown reveals the inside scoop to Sunday Nights Breakthrough! 2) The girls Facetimed with MATERNAL grandparents Sunday night, confirmed in grandfather interview. Ive written about a few incidents I observed in the videos in a comment above. There are many Chris Wattses with criminal charges, and I went through each one by one. I dont know if she had it changed legally. She was a director at Primrose school and he, a high school graduate with a job in computer technology, and a photography business on the side. This is not the typical arse hat that murders his family. A short time later Commander Egan received information that a uniformed officer in the neighborhood observed Chris packing up what appeared to be blankets and a cooler inside the white Lexus in the garage. Also at that time Amanda and Nick Thayer arrived (license plate #ANI-736). Why wasnt Shananns body dumped into the oil tanks as well?, #Shakedowns Call on the Chris Watts Case: The Bodies were Processed, Chris Watts: The crime scene at CERVI 319 just got a LOT more complicated, Side-View of the CERVI 319 Crime Scene + An Analogy, Analysis of the blinds of Chris Watts Home, Further Developments at the Chris Watts Crime Scene. Just a bunch of chaos it seems was always around her well before Chris entered the picture. Does not change how horrible the murders were and still makes it senseless and I dont see that she is the sick person in this story, especially not sicker than the murderer and those related. The narrative established through investigator interviews and court documents is that he first strangled his wife Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant with their son, inside their Frederick, Colorado home before smothering their young daughters, Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3. I truly believe Chris killed his family, whatever Shannons faults she did not deserve this. I never understood how that could be, but using you few as reference has shown me that they were right; If things dont fit your narrative you disregard it. what has you confused is whoever wrote this report threw in, directly in the paragraph above, that, regarding this specified work truck, the officer had been advised that the suspect had been seen loading items in the truck in the early morning. she seemed to say she had every disease she saw being discussed on tv etc. Was Chris Watts having an affair with another man? I wouldnt be surprised if Chris isnt on work release at the same hospital soon. However, he has leased many vehicles with good mileage in good condition that are over 6-10 years old. I went to a little trouble to verify who was the owner of the plate #ANI-736,(for which a man and woman were seen parked at the Saratoga Trail House on the 14th when Commander Eagan spotted Watts putting a blanket and cooler in the trunk of the Lexus) and according to dept. Rail Passenger Cars and Equipment . Im coming from the position of having been raised by a mother with some form of munchausen by proxy so her treatment of the girls triggered a lot of really terrible feelings in me. this report is that on that evening he is observed pulling out of the driveway in the Lexus, pulling up to his work truck parked down the street, opening the Lexus hatch and transferring some items. Auctioning it off had to do with wear, tear, and mileage. I am here because the world is full of flying monkeys and revisionists. There was something wrong with the little girls digestive system. But then, dont count on it because with the way youre talking, it sounds like she has her hands full with her ex husbands selfish, arrogant, and stupid girlfriend that believes everything that drips from the slimebags mouth. In June 2009 Shanann [then Shanann King] was named one of the co-defendants in a lawsuit against Dirty South and her boss Hisham Bedwan, among others. And it seems she never had a real job except for briefly working in Longmont selling cars. ), One last thing-I did a quick search on Shananns old address for the home she owned in Belmont NC and found an old listing with photos that definitely include some of her furniture and decor. Something sounds odd in that Shananns first house was only in her name and there are accusations of money laundering from Dirty South Autos (but again no proof). But the whole "act of passion" angle doesn . In the above video, Shanann and her fellow promoters are at the rooftop pool of a San Diego hotel, when Shanann announces Nickole Atkinson has hit her 12K, and earned her auto bonus. The Discovery Documents, however, disagree with Shananns claim that Nickole had quit her job in May or June 2018. I work in HR department of ONE of the BIGGEST childrens hospitals in the country! Im sure her ex-husband might have some thing to add but he seems to have maintained a dignified silence. Quit your job like I have get free stuff, live the glamorous life, andhave no money at the end of it. a car accessory company based in Fayetteville. It was a needless and cruel thing to do to a mother. He doesnt look like Chris at all. I would, wouldnt you. What was she eating? STRANGE persons research a murdered womans past . I wonder if there are any divorce documents out there from Shananns first marriage. Dr OZ gets into shit for promoting the shit thats in THRIVE, Shanann Watts Facebook Profile is still Public and what it could mean. MATTHEW KEY, Plaintiff, v. DIRTY SOUTH CUSTOM SOUND & WHEELS, DIRTY SOUTH CUSTOMS, INC., HISHAM BED WAN, AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCIAL SERVICES, ROBIN WORTHY, and SHANNAN KING, Defendants. There was only one Shanann employed by Dirty South Customs, Shananns real name is Shannon, she changed it to Shanann herself, like her mother is using her maiden name while married. No one would believe me if i would say anything. Let Chris Go Back to Being a Master mechanic that he was! Why unless your getting paid for then why why why. THE TRUTH ABOUT SHANANN'S LEXUS CAR BONUS | ANTIMLM The Recovering Hunbot 10.5K subscribers Join Subscribe 883 Share 30K views 1 year ago #ShanannWatts #AntiMLM #Le The multilevel marketing auto. So many Businesses ,So Many Stores! All was not right with Shanann. He knew on that last night he wouldnt be tucking his girls into bed again. He had power ranger figures, they had to be set up in a specific and certain way on his bedside table. Obviously there are limits. So how did Shanann afford the first house when working in retail / nursing care ? Posted below A comment from someone who knew Chris and his family from childhood. I know not who hes the bitch of now but this is Karma time.. ANALYSIS, WATCH: Henri van Bredas application for leave to appeal. Well. Facebook For 23 hours a day, Watts is on lockdown. This is not only irresponsible journalism but it is downright Character assassination. Watts killed his entire family in August 2018. Might she have in a mixed message sort of way conveyed to him that he was still flawed in her mind because he came with extra baggage children? Prior to the murders, was Chris Watts a good father? Get a life loser. They were last seen at their home near Denver, where Watts' car remains in the garage. I thought I read something in discovery but I cant find it so not sure thats where I actually read that. Every time they ask for it all to stop it just adds fuel to the fire. I believe it was auctioned off because they could get a better price. Thats not because youre of superior intelligence. A crime journalist would check and double check stories and should surely pick up that its not the same person. He confessed because hes guilty. It makes sense if Shanann worked in a car parts store, and Chris Watts was an auto mechanic, that their paths would inevitably cross. You may just strain your eyes looking down your nose so much. Please note Im continuing coverage of the Watts case at So the FB stuff was total fabrication. Hope that answers your question. In case youre an even bigger moron than you sound, that would be you. Its shocking that she was hired by a childrens hospital, being a career criminal and all.. Genuis! 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