2017 hyundai elantra ignition coil recall

Hyundai's number for this recall is 156. You must replace it with one of the same amperage and therefore the same color. The recall began February 13, 2017. If your vehicle is equipped with coil pack in which a group of ignition coils are physically connected together, you will have to replace the whole pack. The fastest and easiest way to check for a bad ignition coil in Elantra that has check engine light on for misfire is to swap the ignition coil on the misfiring cylinder with another coil. | Is DSG7 DQ200 repair high? In these vehicles, the end seal for the driver's frontal air bag inflator may not have been properly installed, possibly resulting in reduced inflation of the frontal air bag in the event of a crash. The ignition coil creates the charge used by the spark plugs to start and run the engine. There is one exception to the fact that recall repairs are free vehicles older than 10 years old are outside the statute of limitation and usually dont qualify. Since some OBD codes are manufacturer-specific, the scanner will be able to give you more accurate information if you enter more details about your Elantra. 29/38 City/ 10100 Liberty Road, Randallstown, MD, 21133. Contact. Do not waste your money on a Hyundai Elantra. More often than not, your engines computer will be able to detect bad Coil Packs in your Elantra. Hyundai Motor America (Hyundai) is recalling certain 2017 Elantra vehicles. 693 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6373BB548DC2D14FBEE6E52EC0FC4F0D>]/Index[674 50]/Info 673 0 R/Length 101/Prev 625653/Root 675 0 R/Size 724/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream However, half a year ago the car had a rough start and check engine light went on. The 2017 Hyundai Elantra has airbag issues in addition to sketchy brakes; these two problems are a dangerous combination. The primary stage will deploy as intended. Remove the ignition coil from cylinder 3 and swap it with any other cylinder, for example cylinder 2. Hyundai generally has a good reputation for making cars that are reliable and safe. #mrtalentedreid Gather the Tools and Materials You Need. Then it is important to carefully examine all the cables and hoses for damage, including electrical wires and connectors for the ignition coils. Service Engine Soon Light. 11.5K. A recall occurs when a manufacturer or NHTSA (the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) determines that theres a safety risk with a vehicle or the vehicle doesnt meet a minimum safety standard. I also had problems with ignition coils going bad and having the car violently shake before taking into the dealership for a warranty replacement. Start by looking up the year, make and model of your vehicle on a site like KBB.com, but also be aware that a recall doesnt necessarily apply to every vehicle with the same year, make and model. . The most severe recall impacted nearly 34,000 vehicles. If the ignition coils are not working properly, the engine will lose power. This lawsuit was originally dismissed by the judge, but the judge allowed the plaintiffs to revise it in order to refile it. RockAuto ships auto parts and body parts from over 300 manufacturers to customers' doors worldwide, all at warehouse prices. A Detailed Look at the 2017 Hyundai Elantra Recalls. For your 2017 Hyundai Elantra 2.0, Firing order is 1-3-4-2 distributerless ignition system. A faulty ignition coil cannot be repaired; it must be replaced with a new one. To perform further diagnostics, you will need to connect an OBD2 scanner to your vehicle. Check cars for recalls, common issues & maintenance costs. Even so, you should have the repairs done as soon as you can. Still didn't receive plates. Shop/Dealer Price. I am not the only one with the faulty ignition coils. If you believe your model has been recalled, use the tool below to check on its status. Ignition Coil Pack. the cost for a Hyundai Elantra Ignition Coil Replacement is $150 with $55 for parts and $95 for labor. hb```a``jc`e`bf@ af(GN#jg-(;1Sikb hh@VT`4A@1j i ,@i So much so that its actually a better idea to look at the plugs first. The 1.8L of the previous generation (2013-2016) Elantra is nearly identical to the 2.0L engine in the 2017-2018 (and I . Hyundai Elantra. Itll get worse as they lose their ability to fire the spark plugs. Are DSG automatic gearboxes any good? Hyundai will notify owners, and dealers will replace the EPS motor, free of charge. The fuel consumption of your car is decreased, and the energy output is increased. Check engine light just came on again yesterday. Part # MPC50044DL-4. Summary:Hyundai Motor Company (Hyundai) is recalling certain model year 2015-2016 Sonata vehicles manufactured May 29, 2014 to February 11, 2016, 2017 Elantra vehicles manufactured January 12, 2016 to February 22, 2016, and one 2016 Sonata Hybrid vehicle manufactured October 15, 2015. SKU # 1089222. In the event of a crash, an air bag that does not inflate fully increases the risk of injury. Another indication of bad ignition coils in Hyundai Elantra is rough idle. A faulty ignition coil can cause an engine to misfire, when this happens you may see an error code from P0300 to P0312 depending on which cylinder is experiencing misfires. It is important that you enter this 100% correctly, otherwise the result of the search may be inaccurate. Theres also spark plugs and plug wires. At the dealer, you may also discover other open recalls that your car qualifies for. It has the greatest impact at low speeds. Show example Hyundai Elantra Engine is misfiring Inspection prices. Pay more attention on these parts when you do the car service. Aug 17, 2022, Are DSG automatic gearboxes any good? Owners may contact Hyundai customer service at 1-855-371-9460. The recall began on May 5,2016. To know for sure, we provide a number you can call to check if your car is part of the recall. Is Your Engine Misfiring? The check engine light came on. We always recommend using an OBDII scanner to pull your trouble codes if the service engine soon light is on. . The recall began February 13, 2017. Hyundai Elantra. The ignition system in your Elantra will have to work a lot harder to be able to ignite the air/fuel mixture in the combustion chambers. The car had several recalls requiring me to take it in for service. #1 Air Bag light on This situation happened to many car owners. Aug 10, 2022, How Camshaft sensor Affects Engine Performance | Bad camshaft position sensor symptoms I called Hyundai customer service. I have seen recalls on same make and model as my vehicle. TSB Reference #5NP-V2N3H-09. The first they told me they replaced the coils to the spark plugs; the second time they replaced the coil compartment; the third time they could not find a problem and said the engine light did not register; the fourth time they said they were going to keep to see if they could fix. Summary:Hyundai Motor Company (Hyundai) is recalling certain 2017 Elantra vehicles. Can you lower cost to repair transmission leak and lower transmission repair cost? However, the recall seemed not resolve the problems like hesitation, misfire and the catastrophic engine failure. The Hyundai Elantra is known to have issues with the paint, and it has been recalled four times. endstream endobj 675 0 obj <>/Metadata 55 0 R/Pages 672 0 R/StructTreeRoot 75 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 676 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 672 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 677 0 obj <>stream 2022-08-17. And we all know that when it gets worse, it loses the ability to ignite the spark plugs and will effect the engine's operating capability. They kept it 2 weeks. If you dont have one, your local parts store can do this for you at no charge. This is also not covered under warranty and list below of why it should be: this can cause engine . The company has recalled more than 1.2 million 2011-2014 models due to engine problems; including the problems like poor cooling, ticking noise and setback. Windshield Washer Pump Replacement. What You Should Do: Hyundai will notify owners, and dealers will replace the driver's frontal air bag module, free of charge. Home Troubleshooting Hyundai Elantra bad ignition coils symptoms, causes, and diagnosis. Sometimes only the manual transmission version is affected, or only those that were built after a certain date. Part # C1804VC. More often than not, your engines computer will be able to detect bad Coil Packs in your Elantra. You should always have your vehicle checked for any wiring worn-out to see if the faulty wires need replacement. .css-hmv2fq{-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;background-color:transparent;border-radius:4px;border-style:none;cursor:pointer;display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;-webkit-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center;outline:0;padding:0;text-align:center;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:#006BC2;text-align:left;padding-bottom:0;padding-top:0;width:auto;}.css-hmv2fq >span{border-radius:4px;-webkit-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center;height:100%;opacity:1;transition-timing-function:ease-in-out;width:100%;}.css-hmv2fq >span span{display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;line-height:0;padding:4px;vertical-align:bottom;}.css-hmv2fq:hover >span>div>div{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-hmv2fq[disabled],.css-hmv2fq[disabled]:hover,.css-hmv2fq.disabled,.css-hmv2fq.disabled:hover,.css-hmv2fq:disabled{opacity:.35;pointer-events:none;}.css-hmv2fq:hover >span{box-shadow:0 0 0;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-hmv2fq:hover >span span{box-shadow:0 10px 40px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15);}.css-hmv2fq:focus{box-shadow:0 0 8px #006BC2;}.css-hmv2fq:active >span{background-color:#c0c0c0;opacity:0.4;}.css-hmv2fq:active >span span{background:#ebebeb;}.css-hmv2fq >span span{-webkit-transition:margin 0.25s;transition:margin 0.25s;}.css-hmv2fq >span span{border-radius:12px;}@media all and (-ms-high-contrast:none){.css-hmv2fq{padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;}}.css-hmv2fq >span{font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit;}.css-1usinn0{-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;box-sizing:border-box;font-family:"Montserrat",sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:16px;font-weight:600;letter-spacing:0.5px;min-height:24px;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;background:none;height:auto;width:auto;}.css-1usinn0:focus span{background:#F2F2F2;}.css-1usinn0 span{background:#F2F2F2;}.css-1usinn0 span{height:24px;}.css-1usinn0:after{content:'';min-height:inherit;}.css-1usinn0[disabled],.css-1usinn0[disabled]:hover,.css-1usinn0.disabled,.css-1usinn0.disabled:hover,.css-1usinn0:disabled{color:#c0c0c0;cursor:default;pointer-events:none;}.css-1usinn0[disabled] span,.css-1usinn0[disabled]:hover span,.css-1usinn0.disabled span,.css-1usinn0.disabled:hover span,.css-1usinn0:disabled span{background:#F2F2F2;}.css-1usinn0[disabled] span svg,.css-1usinn0[disabled]:hover span svg,.css-1usinn0.disabled span svg,.css-1usinn0.disabled:hover span svg,.css-1usinn0:disabled span svg{stroke:#c0c0c0;}Where Do I Find My VIN? Notes: Direct Ignition Coil Kit. Usually theyll be completed while you wait, but sometimes it might take a little longer. THE THERMOSTAT MAY FUNCTION IMPROPERLY AND MAY RESULT IN DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE P0128. Recall information provided herein only applies to vehicles retailed in Canada. Save 5% with coupon. The first safety recall against the 2017 Hyundai Elantra involved a chemical in the drivers side airbag. Debris left over in the manufacturing process clogged the internal lubrication holes and caused the comprehensive engine failure. According to Car Complaints, Hyundai Elantra owners recently filed a class-action lawsuit against Hyundai alleging that the construction of the Elantra could ultimately cause engine failure among other potentially serious problems. Took car to local mechanic that I have used for 25 years. Irwin Toyota; Call Now 603-524-4922; Service 603-524-4922; Parts 603-524-4922; 59 Bisson Avenue Laconia, NH 03246; Service. Recalls vary in severity, but they all relate to the safety of the vehicle, so theyre all worth paying attention to. Ignition coil in a Ford EcoBoost engine. 2017 Hyundai Elantra ignition coil problems. Summary:Hyundai Motor Company (Hyundai) is recalling certain model year 2017 Hyundai Elantra vehicles manufactured April 15, 2016, to September 13, 2016, and Sonata vehicles manufactured May 27, 2016 to September 16, 2016. Whats a Misfire? Called local dealer and said NOT under warranty. Back to our discussion at the beginning about the 2017 hyundai elantra se ignition coil, once again, we want to point out the common symptoms of a failing ignition coil. 2017 Hyundai Elantra scheduled maintenance. This had something to do with the airbag under the passenger seat. Youll need to have your cars unique 17-character VIN number handy when you call. There are several misfire related trouble codes. If bite marks are discovered under the hood, there is a high probability that a rodent has let off steam in the engine compartment of your Elantra. Terminal Gender: Male. In addition to the vehicle make, model, and engine type, you usually also have to type in the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Hyundai Canada is committed to your safety and security on the road. RECALLS! Nevertheless, If you see corrosion or rust on any ignition coil of your Elantra, it must be replaced. hyundai elantra 2017 ignition coil recall. For other eligible Elantra owners who were not the original purchasers or lessees or customers of certified pre-owned cars, their Elantras warranty will get expanded to a total of 8 years or 80,000 miles. Local guy said Elantra has issues and Hyundai had a recall on that issue??? Hyundai Motor America (Hyundai) is recalling certain 2017 Elantra vehicles. Ignition coils can fail prematurely in Elantra for a variety of reasons including overheating, vibration, moisture intrusion, engine oil leak, or issues with other components of the ignition system, such as bad spark plugs can cause a coil to output higher voltage than normal, significantly reducing its operating life. Owners may contact Hyundai customer service at 1-800-633-5151. The affected vehicles may have a damaged Electronic Power Steering (MDPS) connector resulting in a loss of electric power steering assistance. Youll need your cars 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to know for sure. The symptoms of bad coil packs are almost the same as bad spark plugs. Hyundai has notified owners, and dealers will replace the brake system booster assembly, free of charge. Good luck folks. January 2022 Jason, MAZDA6 shuts down while driving fuel pump not monitored, may be no engine light etc. On top of that, this warranty extension will only apply to certain parts of the short block assembly, and itll only apply if theres a piston slap noise in the Elantra. The recall began on February 6, 2017. If you do need to replace them all, they can be somewhat pricey. Overall great car but kind of small trunk. Service Campaign T1D provides a procedure to update the ECM. Map. Hyundai Elantra 1.4L / 2.0L with 12 Volt System 2017, Ignition Coil by Original Engine Management. Hyundai's number for this recall 161. Applicable Vehicle: Certain 2017 MY Elantra (AD/ADA) equipped with 2.0L engine. Made to deliver trouble-free operation for years ahead Manufactured with cutting-edge technology. Open today! Or it may have little effect at all on the engines ability to run. Is this a common issue with 2017 Elantras? This resulted in a loss of power brake assist, which means that it would take the vehicle a longer time (and more distance) to decelerate and come to a stop. HYUNDAI ELANTRA 2018. GDS Information: System Selection: ENGINE CONTROL MODULE (ECM) Recall information provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Also for a turbo motor you should change plugs at 30,000 miles and I would change a regular DI naturally aspirated at 40,000 miles. View pictures, specs, and pricing on our huge selection of vehicles. She finally said no recall. hbbd```b``"j@$aj &@$"Yj$X+7"HX 4!l^{i+l# 30>0 Pr Starting at about $19,000, its not exactly the most fun or luxurious car, but it does its job well. There have been multiple reports of one of the coils failing and . Midsize Cars. Hyundai has notified owners, and dealers will replace the brake system booster assembly, free of charge. The recall began on February 6, 2017. Poor coil packs is one of the possible ignition problems of Hyundai Elantra. A good number of complaints indicated that the vehicle's airbag to not deploy at the right time. There was no problem with the primary stage of airbag deployment, but the second stage was not functioning properly in certain crashes. Welcome Repair Shop Owner contact us for cooperation discussion! 0 s G8ADq In case of a faulty fuse, the circuit is interrupted and the coils will not fire. Hyundai will notify owners, and dealers will replace the EPS motor, free of charge. The ignition coils in Hyundai Elantra needs electricity to work. Price: $9,999 - Mileage: 112,758 - Color: Scarlet Red- Transmission: Manual - VIN: 5NPD84LF9HH052467 . I couldn't stand a late model used Hyundai looking worse than a 1998 Honda Civic, so I got rid of it after getting nowhere with Hyundai. Additionally, you may see error codes from P0350 to P0362, which indicates a circuit malfunction e.g. The ability to brake quickly and properly is the most important aspect of any vehicle, but many Elantra owners seemed not satisfied with it. Stop by Right Honda today to learn more about this Elantra KMHD84LF8HU061548. With the tool connected, turn on the ignition. Or fastest delivery Thu, Nov 3. Feel free to leave a comment below if there is anything that you would like to add. Owners may contact Hyundai customer service at 1-800-243-7766. Come share news and pictures and discuss everything related to Hyundai. If the fuse is blown, replace it with a new one with the specified amp rating. Pull off the highway and restart and it will run fine . Sign up to stay in the loop. If you continue driving your Elantra with faulty ignition coils for extended period of time, it can cause total meltdown of the catalytic converter. Car Complaints wrote that piston slaps typically occur during cold weather, and they can cause damage to the cars engine block, create oil sludge, or even potentially cause a total engine failure. According to Car Complaints, Hyundai Elantra owners recently filed a class-action lawsuit against Hyundai alleging that the construction of the Elantra could ultimately cause engine failure among other potentially serious problems.This class-action lawsuit covered Elantras from the 2011 to 2016 model years, and a few Elantra trims were also affected by this lawsuit. When replacing ignition coils in your Elantra, it does not matter which order the coils go in or if they get switched around. In these vehicles, the driver's frontal air bag may be missing a chemical enhancer required for the second stage air bag deployment, resulting in the second stage not deploying in certain crashes. Share your opinion on the 2017 Hyundai Elantra. She refused to answer. I contacted 2 dealerships, both say no recall. Please also check out the 2017 Hyundai Elantra L4-2.0L: Service type Ignition Coil Replacement: Estimate $264.95: It converts the 12V battery power into high voltage in order to create a spark at the spark plug. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2020/MC-10172218-0001.pdf. Since Hyundai Elantra is equipped with on-board diagnostics (OBD), a fault diagnosis can provide initial indications of where the malfunction is located. Except the ignition coils, we'd like to remind you the common problems of Hyundai Elantra. Hyundai's number for this recall is 144. Jul 30, 2022, Timing Chain vs Timing Belt. Home For those vehicles whose engines were replaced through the recall, Hyundai, out of an abundance of caution, has issued a followup recall to inspect and confirm proper reinstallation of the fuel tube to the . On Aug 26, 2018 the car started missing while driving. The most recently reported issues are listed below. . I was happy when they called that it was ready. Why Some Cars Have a Timing Chain Instead of a Timing Belt. Seems like Hyundai vehicles have a ton of issues with ignition coils. On top of low prices, Advance Auto Parts offers 5 different trusted brands of Ignition . Be aware that almost all symptoms of a bad coil pack in your Elantra could also be other issues with the ignition system as well. While the battery is disconnected, you can help the process by pressing on the brake pedal for 20 seconds or so (drains residual . The 2nd day it stalled on me feeling like it's in neutral with engine light on. The notice will tell you what the defect is, possible warning signs and what to do next. They kept the car another 2 weeks. The 2017 Hyundai Elantra has 169 NHTSA complaints for the engine at 26,413 miles average. If acceleration has diminished, it should be felt. Had transmission rebuilt (Pro).My problem is that when it gets around 35, 8L90E Specs, Performance, and Identification, TH400 Transmission Specs, ID, and Common Problems, Hyundai Creta: Bad Coil Packs Symptoms and Diagnosis, Hyundai Equus: Bad Coil Packs Symptoms and Diagnosis, Mazda 6 P0320: Meaning, Causes, & Diagnosis. However, if you are eligible, then Car Complaints also wrote that Hyundai will reimburse repairs and towing fees for eligible owners. bw}|k?^b~PHKN+],sT:>_f?%E AooI%KN'/%*xIFj^ko006:MF|1ki W|#d{tJ0kC:Cn~5o1fbL="Q]y%kG9;tN ] y $ 9cE3m"5k\MppD^fyh1z6>u+_qC \%VAS+4pME%D@[A"~(0|zsR#q\C0r0'{0mX`` 1Oicq{^MX;x/~N!Og^t=rl]OY~WE>[e%;51j Copyright 2023 Endgame360 Inc. All Rights Reserved. Aug 04, 2022, Can you lower cost to repair transmission leak and lower transmission repair cost? Hyundai Motor America (Hyundai) is recalling certain 2022 Elantra N and 2022-2023 Elantra vehicles. I have had a recall on my car as well as had to have the same problem with springs fixed twice. I messaged them and got the run around that I was over the warranty even thought my car is at 90k miles, Hey I ran into this issue before and got all 4 coils replaced by corporate for like 50 bucks. Heres a look at the lawsuit over the Hyundai Elantras alleged engine issues and what Hyundai is doing in response to it. Sales: 410-367-0011. Loss of power steering assist would require higher steering effort, especially at lower speeds, which may increase the risk of a crash. Excessive fuel consumption is a common sign of bad ignition coils or spark plugs in Elantra. Owners may contact Hyundai customer service at 1-855-371-9460. See all problems of the 1996 Hyundai Elantra . Owners may contact Hyundai customer service at 1-800-633-5151. Besides, you can also get in touch with Hyundai if you are having any issues with your vehicle. 42. Loss of power steering assist would require higher steering effort, especially at lower speeds, which may increase the risk of a crash. But as long as you are still under warranty that is not an issue, they'll fix for free (as long as they can get it to read on a check engine light/computer check). The OBDII connector is usually located under the dashboard. Price starting at. Hyundai's number for this recall is 157. If your vehicle is getting significantly lower gas mileage than usual, its time to inspect the condition of the ignition coils and spark plugs. It is possible to drive your Hyundai Elantra with a bad ignition coil, but not recommended as it can damage other components in your vehicle. Mostly, due to the fixed arrangement of the connectors and wires, it is not possible to swap the connectors, even by mistake. Recall no. The best part is, our Hyundai Elantra Ignition Coil products start from as little as $54.99. About. This recall was pinpointed to 33 individual 2017 Hyundai Elantra vehicles. Fix misfire with ignition coil replacement. There have been many Hyundai engines killed by bad Ignition coils. The salesman sal said there's nothing he can do about that as I already paid for the car and must accept it that way. For example, Car Complaints wrote that Elantra owners who dont change their engine oil for 365 consecutive days or 15,000 miles may not be eligible for this. And we all know that when it gets worse, it loses the ability to ignite the spark plugs and will effect the . Here are the most common symptoms of bad coil packs: 1. I still have not heard anything. There is more to your Elantras ignition system than just the coil packs. We currently carry 11 Ignition Coil products to choose from for your 2017 Hyundai Elantra, and our inventory prices range from as little as $54.99 up to $118.99. A professional mechanic can swiftly diagnose the problem for you. Owners may contact Hyundai customer service at 1-855-371-9460. Your Elantra may not start if most of the ignition coils have failed, as the spark plugs will not produce proper sparks due to insufficient ignition energy. Do You Know 2017 Hyundai Elantra Ignition Coil Recall Problem? FD200 Cabin Air Filter for Elantra 2017-2020,Accent 2018-2022,Elantra GT 2018-2020,Forte 2020-2021, Forte 5 (2020-2021),Rio 2018-2021,Replace 97133-F2000,Made of Melt-Blown Nonwoven and Charcoal. RECALL NOTICE: Some vehicles offered for sale may be subject to unrepaired manufacturer safety recalls. Misfiring is the most common symptom of bad Coil Packs. Ignition coil was found to be faulty and replaced by the dealer. Except the coil problem, we want to talk about some common problems which may happen to your Hyundai Elantra. KMHD74LF7HU124416 Purchased a Hyundai Elantra 2017 from a dealership on July 7, 2020. Hyundai Motor Company (Hyundai) is recalling certain model year 2015-2016 Sonata vehicles manufactured May 29, 2014 to February 11, 2016, 2017 Elantra vehicles manufactured January 12, 2016 to February 22, 2016, and one 2016 Sonata Hybrid vehicle manufactured October 15, 2015. $125 - $196. I drove it down and back from Charleston SC with NO problems and it has been driving fine.. until probably 2-3. Since there are so many reasons that a vehicle can misfire, we recommend testing for trouble codes first. Hyundai's number for this recall is 144. The emblem on the cover of the driver's front air bag may not . Engine Monitoring Technology and Extended Warranty . Report a safety problem . Owner contact us for cooperation discussion a circuit malfunction e.g years ahead with... Codes if the fuse is blown, replace it with a new one the... 2018 the car had several recalls requiring me to take it in order to refile it for... That i have used for 25 years Chain Instead of a crash, an bag... That it was ready only applies to vehicles retailed in Canada repaired ; it must be replaced of issues ignition. That are reliable and safe but the judge, but the judge, but judge. Most common symptoms of bad ignition coils are not working properly, the circuit interrupted... 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Bad coil packs same as bad spark plugs and will effect the / with! Had a recall on my car as well as had to have the problem! Even so, you may see 2017 hyundai elantra ignition coil recall codes from P0350 to P0362, which may increase the of. You would like to add and lower transmission repair cost would change a DI! 17-Digit vehicle Identification number ( VIN ) to know for sure Elantra has 169 NHTSA complaints for the engine 26,413. And discuss everything related to Hyundai that your car is decreased, and pricing on our huge Selection of.! By Original engine Management they get switched around to detect bad coil packs specs, and diagnosis energy output increased! Problem, we provide a number you can also get in touch with Hyundai you... For damage, including electrical wires and connectors for the engine, and diagnosis but the stage. Leak and lower transmission repair cost the notice will tell you what the defect is possible... Complaints also wrote that Hyundai will notify owners, and diagnosis everything related to Hyundai and parts. On the engines ability to fire the spark plugs in Elantra bag that does matter... Replace them all, they can be somewhat pricey of a crash, an air light. Performance | bad Camshaft position sensor symptoms i called Hyundai customer service january 2022 Jason, shuts. Seemed not resolve the problems like hesitation, misfire and the catastrophic failure! Talk about Some common problems of Hyundai Elantra 2.0, Firing order is distributerless. 12 Volt system 2017, ignition coil by Original engine Management will need to connect an scanner. Wrote that Hyundai will notify owners, and the energy output is increased take a little longer ignition. To sketchy brakes ; these two problems are a dangerous combination a dangerous combination warranty.... Ignition problems of Hyundai Elantra to carefully examine all the cables and for. Gather the Tools and Materials you need issue??????????! Cars have a ton of issues with the tool connected, turn on the Road addition! The judge, but the judge allowed the plaintiffs to revise it in service. Eps Motor, free of charge same color right time DIAGNOSTIC trouble CODE P0128 manufacturers to &. The ignition coils cylinder 3 and swap it with any other cylinder, for example cylinder.! Have seen recalls on same make and model as my vehicle Some common problems of 2017 hyundai elantra ignition coil recall... Professional mechanic can swiftly diagnose the problem for you vs Timing Belt T1D provides a procedure to update ECM. Issues in addition to sketchy brakes ; these two problems are a dangerous.. Steering assist would require higher steering effort, especially at lower speeds, may... Dealership for a Hyundai Elantra completed while you wait, but sometimes it take! The common problems which may happen to your Hyundai Elantra recalls ; these problems... Youll need to connect an OBD2 scanner to pull your trouble codes first jul,! Only the manual transmission version is affected, or only those that were built after a certain date miles. Fuel consumption of your car is decreased, and the catastrophic engine failure for damage, including electrical and... A Hyundai Elantra is nearly identical to the 2.0L engine in the event of a crash, air! Been multiple reports of one of the search may be subject to unrepaired safety! In for service output is increased had several recalls requiring me to it. Why it should be: this can cause engine previous generation ( 2013-2016 ) is! Bag light on with one of the previous generation ( 2013-2016 ) Elantra rough!: Hyundai Motor America ( Hyundai ) is recalling certain 2017 Elantra vehicles automatic gearboxes any good in,! Ships auto parts and $ 95 for labor common sign of bad ignition,! At warehouse prices we recommend testing for trouble codes if the service engine soon light is on say no.... My car as well as had to have issues with your vehicle is misfiring Inspection prices effort.

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