Absolutely not! Yes, most people in these situations would likely at least try non-kill shelter options first but, what if they cant find a solution that way. It is always with a heavy heart we accept a surrendered pet to our shelter. Fortunately, it also means the owner has put their faith in our judgement and level of care for the animal. Yes and no. I imagine that the way they treat other people can only be marginally better. So far this month, they have killed 53 dogs till yesterday. Became very attached then found out she was pregnant. They also operate pet adoption centers in some locations. And so at that point Im sure your vet would be willing to work with you on the cost. No, they should not be able to adopt again. They should be completely banned from ever owning a pet. While I think that Wendy and Lucy could have gotten along living on the streets, Wendy did what she thought was best for Lucy, even though it was a very difficult decision for her to make. Adopt a Pet. It's important to know what will take place once you relinquish your pet to a shelter or rescue and also to be aware that there are alternatives. Each person standing in line was there to surrender an animal, despite being told they would most likely be euthanized as the [] The idea that people think of pets as disposable property makes me ill. One person responded and decided to not take her. Generally, when a person surrenders their animal to a shelter, they have no further rights to that animal. Um, no. In those cases, they should not be allowed to adopt again. Loss of a job, income and/or home, a beloved dog being a danger to a new baby, severe illness where the owner cant care for their beloved pet, are a few examples which might force a heartbroken owner to give up their beloved pet. I agree with Shannon. I DONT CARE IF I WERE SICK OR ON THE STREET THAT IS MY FUR BABY AND WHERE EVER I GO SHE WILL BE WITH ME!!!!! Voicemails and emails are checked periodically throughout the day, even when the Shelter is closed. Find someone wholl take them if need be. No.must sign a paper stating they will keep the dogits a trust comittmentdo not go back on your word. I also give a pass to people who adopt an adult animal only to find that they were a danger to someone else in the home. Monday-Friday: 10 am.-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. He had already had two homes by the time we found each other. 2334 or (760) 681-5751, email spayneuter@sdhumane.org, or visit Spay and Neuter and Reduced-Fee Spay & Neuter Services. How the humans in the piece above could line up QUEUE UP for their dog to be killed is beyond me. Consider that rescues/shelters spend money to care for animals in their custody. Pet rescue rules sometimes leave potential adopters scratching their heads. I think that is a good idea. I will live in a tent or under a bridge before I would ever part with my fur childrenand they would be right there with me. I accept that sometimes a situation unfolds that makes it practically impossible to continue taking care of your furbaby, whether youre unable due to (I dont really know tbh, Id die before giving up mine and Id even sell myself if need be, for its food, medical care, whatever; luckily I can depend on alternative skills to get money in), but if the worse come to the worst, you should spend every waking minute to find a good loving home with a friend/family member/someone you can vouch for, and continue to keep tabs on the new owners, BUT DO NOT DROP HIM/HER OFF AS IF THEY WERE RECYCLE GOODS! Do I like that people take their pets to shelters? If your animal is spayed/neutered, and is not current on vaccines: SPCA's minimum cost of care: $257 - $277. No way!!! To purposely throw away a life when there are other choices out there. Whilst also being a single mother with a baby? Do you really think the shelter operated on your dog and made that pet available for adoption? Pet Surrender Resources to Consider Before Surrender* We understand how difficult it is to make the decision to surrender your pet. Heartless humans!!! No they should not be able to get another dog. I posted him to multiple adoption sites, explaining the situation, to no avail. (For example, after a length of time, say 5 years, has passed? .they had their chance and they blew it. The Hulu series 'Wu-Tang: An American Saga' follows the rise of one of the most influential rap groups in history. I feel that if an animal has been given a happy life even if for just a few months or years then that is a good thing. it is not fair to lump everyone into one category. There should be a national DNA list. I cried the entire time it took me to take them there, and cried the whole way home. We got a dog from an old neighbor. God is not dead and is still in charge of EVERYTHING. Someone who surrenders a pet to a rescue or no-kill shelter because there are circumstances that force them to give up their pet, yes. While I do like to see homeless people keep their dogs, not all homeless people can, especially women with children. He wasnt put down, he was adopted to a home with no kids and Im sure he will be great there because overall he was a good dog but just too protective of one kid over the other making it unsafe for my kids. I think it should be judged on a case by case basis. What if my new pet gets sick? There is a $50 fee for relinquishing a pet. There are so many variables here. NYC ACC kill dogs every day. And their names should be added to a registered no adopt list! Search all Pets Animal Licenses License tags identify guardians of lost animals. These people do not get it. Nor, will we give the animal you surrendered special treatment over another animal. Absolutely not. An animal is not a disposable object. Some months back I noticed very skinny cat passing by my birdfeeder. It all depends on the circumstances, doesn't it? It is a home that someone made a shelter for those who are having hard time in this economy and its a remarkable thing that their are good people out there still in this world that are able to help those in need. Surrendering a dog means that you are relinquishing ownership of the pet to a shelter or rescue. I would have to say it depends greatly on the circumstances and where/to who the pet was surrendered. Animals are not toys to be discarded when they get old or you want a new toy. To me, they at least deserve someone to mourn their death. But where does the money come for that when so many shelters are already strapped for funds? They would be at least in their mid thirties. He was only 18 months old (approximately his ex-humans didnt even care to make a note of the day he was born). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However, it is important to make sure that the pet you are buying from Petco is healthy and well . And anyone surrendering an old dog should be flogged straight out. Shelters are to help, not terminate life. Do you know that owner surrenderer dogs are the ones that shelter kill first? Shelter attendant Taylor Milligan said that she would be best suited for a single-cat home. You have to get all the details before judging. There should definitely be something in place to prevent it. People told me getting him fixed would help- and I applied for an income-based program, but the paperwork never came. Answer (1 of 5): I wouldn't count on it, especially if the dog has been adopted already. People who abuse or surrender should NEVER be allowed to adopt or buy another animal again. NO! These folks dont necessarily have a big heart, so much as a desire to bring kill bait to illegal fighting rings. The fact your initial answer went from a sensible and reservedly Yes- most definitely Yes. Then theres our foster dog, 12 years, Fully blind left on a busy street corner when someone picked her up and took her to the local NO KILL shelter. But she said the shelter told her they had homes waiting for them and they would leave immediately. By Appointment Only Surrender appointments are available Monday through Saturday from 12-4PM. But the destruction didnt stop. Some facilities don't allow walk-in surrenders and almost all charge a fee. No never if you caused the death of one of your pets by putting them in a kill shelter you shouldnt be allowed another one. I do not think people should be allowed to adopt again if they surrender their animals to a shelter! Pets are not disposible and no matter what hoops they have to jump through to take their pets with them, They must make the appropriate arrangements to take their pets with them. Hell, they do t deserve to have a house plant let alone an animal. Broke skin and she had a black eye for almost a week. There should also be a list for animal abusers too!!! We tried everything to find out what was wrong , we did 3 different trainers , also very pricey doggie shrink at $400.00 a hour and had to drive to a near by state to see her, after 5 trips she told us that she didnt know what was going on with the dog. After staff evaluation, if your pet is deemed a medical or behavioral high risk, there is an additional $35 fee for the extra labor, behavioral enrichment, hospice care, medication, and possible euthanasia if you choose to still surrender your pet to the shelter. Thats the chickens way out and those types of individuals should not be allowed to adopt again because they will do the same thing again. No, there should 100% be exceptions for a ban. I was so devastated. If a person abandons an animal whether through no fault of their own or because they dont care it still shows they are unable to care for another pet. I wish there was a way to flag the names of individuals who harmed their pet before giving them up. I see the neglect dogs face daily, even those from what looks like wonderful families dogs serve their purpose; you would think the least they could do is care for them, brush, bathe and get their teeth cleaned! Our Adoption Centers take in owned animals as well as stray cats and small animals. I also think maybe consideration should be given whether the person drops the dog at a kill or no kill shelter. I think a limit of time before they can adopt may be good, at least the first time around, but if they dump that second baby, NEVER EVER AGAIN BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT AN ANIMAL AND THERE SHOULD BE A REGISTRY LIKE SEX OFFENDERS FOR ANIMAL DUMPERS/ABANDONMENT!!!!!!! No. People who mistreat, torture, neglect any animal, no-adopt/buy/foster. They are betrayed and abandoned far too often. Thats BS. People in the know, know that shelters arent shelters but concentration camps where most of the animals die. I think that yes there should be some regulation, and a big roster with all the info; when, why, who, and maybe even the emotional state of the owners at the time of giving up the animal. We need to get the price down or offer affordable dental care clinics. I know there isnt much room in shelters but shelters basically give away dogs to make more room. Id hope someone would forget or decide not to bother after a 5yr and a 10 yr ban. As she stomped away the damn dog jumped up and bit her face by her eye. 1.) Click here for the breakdown of prices. Please call around. Hell no! My dogs escaped last July I had a 10-year-old Husky and a 3-year-old Beagle. I believe their names should be listed on a do not adopt list. My husband and I were separated, and I lived in an apartment (no pets rule) and he had our dog; when he was killed in a car accident. I personally have faced finding housing that would allow my dogs, a pit bull and a rottie, as a single mother with a low-ish income in a high cost of living area. I have to call the Sheriff, show him proof that they are not my animals bu showing my vet records and than either myself or the Sheriff hauls them into the shelter. I have pet insurance but I have still had many expenses for her not covered or falling within the excess of the policy. Its hard for me to believe that people would turn them in to a kill shelter. After moving to GA the house I was renting went into foreclosure. That dog would not have made it through the 6 month rabies quarantine required to go to Japan with them, and at the time, the advertising for our shelter made it sound like we were no-kill (at the time, our live exit rate was 50% or less). Before surrendering a pet to Animal Friends, we encourage you to consider our Home-to-Home Adoption program. If you have to move because of changeswhy are you moving to a non dog friendly place? BUT, there are extenuating circumstances at times in peoples lives..and I think based on just THIS story we are all judging these people. Unfortunately, it should be based on each individual case. Please review the following resources before surrendering your pet. People need to realize that BEFORE getting the cute kitten or puppy. Sometimes an adopted dog exhibits behaviors not mentioned when adoptedfor example, my son adopted a boxer mix and found it to be food aggressive and it went after family members with a vengeance. One person surrendered their dog to acct and I had been mad at him, but then we found out that he really loved her and couldnt afford the surgery that she needed. was too much. Thats just heartless. There are legitimate reasons for giving up a beloved pet. Dog Surrender Form If you have multiple animals, please submit a separate form for each animal. But some people should not be allowed to adopt again like if they just dont want it anymore, say its too old (without very expensive medical conditions), or like one guy I saw at my local shelter, didnt want that particular gender. I just couldnt trust him after that. No I feel they should not be aloud to adopt again even though there were extended circumstances as for the lady who after all the love. The owners could become so ill that they no longer can take good care of their beloved furbabies. That is unforgivable in my book. That, to me, is the only reason to give up your dog. She was 2 1/1 when I rescued her and this July she will turn 9. We are closed on Mondays. It would be of some help, if we knew why you returned him, like if you were allergic. It's to help them. Dogs are not trash, they are not disposable, they are a family member and they are a commitment. Real need surrenders are few and far between. terrible choice I would take my dog to a NO KILL shelter. If they are not been able to take care of the dog/animal, of course this will be special circumstances. It can be difficult to decide whether or not to surrender a pet in Florida, but you should be aware that it is not free. Even when you are grouchy!!! For those dealing with military deployment, check with Dogs On Deployment to find a long-term caretaker for your dog while youre deployed. am all for a registry!!! TO BETTY B . All circumstances can be worked out. What about the kill shelters that KILL them??!! If they try to adopt again, their name will be flagged, but the reason for previous surrender could be considered on a case by case basis. I believe NOunfortunately there are people who have no choicebut that being saidI have health issues and worry about my old girl Ethel, a beagle that I adopted from a rescue groupwhen I went into the hospital, more then once, I have asked friends if they could take her onshe is not a dog most people would want because she is old, becoming deaf, and does not play or walk muchbut one of my friends said she would take her, other friends said they would make sure she would not go to a shelterI also learned that the rescue group would take her back if anything happened to me, most of them doso if you cant keep your pet try to make arrangements for them or make sure to adopt from a rescue groupExcuses like getting a new dog, having a baby, the dog is getting old, or t he myriad of excuses Ive heard are NOT acceptablewe adopt our pets for LIFE! Having been through some trying times, I am a little more sympathetic to those who surrender a dog (with good reason). NO NO NO but how do you enforce that? NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN !! Phone: (208) 475-0854 If you adopted a pet within 30 days from us, please follow return protocols. A list for animal abusers too!!!!!!!!!!!!... Pet before giving them up guardians of lost animals have still had many expenses for if you surrender a pet can you adopt again not or... There was a way to flag the names of individuals who harmed their before... Be special circumstances of individuals who harmed their pet before giving them up should. Explaining the situation, to me, is the only reason to up. Their beloved furbabies, if we knew why you returned him, like if have... She stomped away the damn dog jumped up and bit her face by her eye 50 fee relinquishing... Up and bit her face by her eye getting the cute kitten or.! Become so ill that they no longer can take good care of the dog/animal, course... Not covered or falling within the excess of the animals die dental care clinics and is still charge... 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