incredible amy bradley update

[1] Initially, it was thought to be the jawbone of another missing persons case Natalee Holloway but once the jawbone was cleared of Holloway,[17] authorities ceased any further testing despite the fact that there were nine other Caribbean vacationers that were said to be missing. [2][3] Prior to the time of the disappearance, Amy and her brother Brad decided to stay up late dancing to a Mardi Gras nightclub party on the ship and drink alcohol with the ships band, Blue Orchid. Her family hasnt seen from or been contacted by Amy Lynn Bradley in 22 years. I personally believe she was abducted but I could also see her being killed the night she went missing. [16] Jones had claim that his team had seen Amy being held by heavily armed Colombian personnel in a housing complex surrounded by barbed wire. Could have went overboard hours before missing. Wanted by the FBI: Missing Woman Amy Lynn Bradley A reward of up to $25,000 is available for information leading to the resolution of the case of missing Virginia woman Amy Lynn Bradley, who. Isnt one of the militarys responsibilities to serve AND PROTECT? Marital Status: Single Characteristics: Caucasian female with Brown hair and green eyes. In March 1998, the Bradley family embarked on a trip of a lifetime on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship Rhapsody of the Seas. [3], As a celebratory event, Amy decided to join her family on a cruise vacation on the Royal Caribbean International cruise ship Rhapsody of the Seas en route for Curaao, a Dutch Caribbean island under the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Amy has multiple tattoos; a Tasmanian devil tattoo on her left shoulder, a Chinese symbol tattoo . Other facts about the Amy Lynn Bradley case, One of the most prevalent theories of the case, aside from. That would require some major brain washing and drugging. In 2005, a woman claimed to have seen her being threatened in Barbados by a group of men. When he spoke in a loud voice in English to a friend who was a few feet away, the womansuddenly turned around and began to walk in his direction. Her case has also been featured on numerous true crime shows, podcasts, YouTube channels, etc. Employee of ship seen with her, background, bank info, surveillance? I just watched this documentary on TV. Some of the later stories like in 2005 of spotting resemblances of her in a bathroom are more than likely not her. [4], On March 21, 1998, Amy and her family boarded the cruise towards Curaao. The cook, the photos, the Colombians, andthe house under surveillance wereall a fraud. In 1998, Amy Lynn Bradley went missing from the Royal Caribbean Cruise liner, Rhapsody of the Seas. [1] Her whereabouts remain unknown to this day. The case has been presented on Dr. Phil in a segment entitled The Search for Natalee: Amy Bradley, the case was also presented on America's Most Wanted. an article i read said at one point one evening the ship docked and a group of local men attended the ship with the band. Unsolved Mysteries. [10] Over the next few months, Frank would feed news to the family and provided reports on sightings of their daughter. It is based on details from Amy's disappearance with a few details from Natalee . I hope someday this family gets peace and so does Amy. Mollie Halpern: These are the last known images of Amy Lynn Bradley. She wouldnt have lasted that long, again. So many things here.. First off how the hell did she leave the balcony 20 min after her dad saw her on said balcony?!?!.. Well she's telling me that she also thinks that her dad has some knowledge with as to what happen to Amy, she remembers seing pictures of Amy on her dad's things she also remembers her dad and mom fighting about this, though she can't ask her dad directly. I have followed this story for years. What did they say? [10] In addition, the professional photographer had printed out all photos taken throughout the cruise to sell at a stall, but the family could not find any of Amys photos making them think that the photos had been removed by somebody. At first, investigators looked into a suicide, but found no evidence of this in her case. Did Prince Andrew fly on Jeffrey Epsteins plane Lolita Express? The photographs were observed by a member of an organization that attempts to track victims on sites that feature sex workers. It looks like her but that does not mean it is Amy. Sex trafficking ring in a place so small and no one can find evidence of it? Theyd originally been posted on a defunct website advertising adult holidays in the Caribbean. October 1, 2022 - 5:24PM When Amy Lynn Bradley, 23, boarded the Rhapsody of the Seas cruise ship, she was excited to embark on the trip of a lifetime. When questioned about their claims, they either delete their posts, or say they "can't talk about it" because it might jeopardize the investigation. I want to know if they polygraphed any of the potential witnesses including the officer to determine if they were Amy entered the world on May 12, 1974, meaning the cruise was somewhat of an early birthday gift. Significant? Amy Lynn Bradley is the girl that went missing from a cruise ship called Rhapsody of the Seas during the early morning hours of March 24, 1998. Amy Lynn Bradley was born on May 12, 1974 in Petersburg, Virginia. Unless they have done so already. Failed to mention in earlier post, While not impossible, the kidnapping scenarios borderline on unrealistic. Sitcoms Online - Main Page / Message Boards - Main Page / News Blog / Photo . This sighting was never confirmed by authorities. The witness only contacted Amys family after he retired and saw her picture in a magazine. And even though Amy was a strong swimmer and a trained lifeguard, she was terrified of the open ocean. Theres a decently famous photo that shows a woman who looks a lot like Amy Lynn in the years after her disappearance from a catalogue of sorts. Its so spooky and horrible. October 23, 2022 7:13 pm In 1998, a Virginia native named Amy Lynn Bradley mysteriously disappeared while on a Caribbean cruise with her family. The chance of somebody on board being directly responsible for her going missing is very high, and Douglas is the most probable culprit. in order to share her story and jog someones memory. These photographs were observed by a member of an organization that attempts to track potential victimson sites that featuresex workers. Yes, I agree with the statement that a couple of real psychics could find out what happened to her. Just as the woman was about to speak with him, one of the two men distinctly signaled to her to walk away. Alister Douglas' daughter was supposedly in contact with Law enforcement, claimed that her father had pictures of Amy, and was obsessed with her (Amy). And slow death to the people responsible.. Parts of this dont ring true. Dont let anybody off this boat. [5][10] Many people suspected that a waiter was also involved with the disappearance. Just a few days into the trip, 23-year-old Amy Bradley mysteriously went missing from the ship. Can you take a moment and listen to . , I went on my first cruise years ago, but it was nothing like that happening. As the ship docked in Curacao after visiting Aruba, the family attended a dinner party on the upper deck of the ship. I pray that the poor soul will be saved from her torment and her family from their pain. Basically because hes a piece of s***. I agree! Offer ends 31 October, 2022 >. As for the pictures of that woman who resembles Amy (Aka "Jaz"): I've read a ton of back and forth speculation on that; I remember quite a few people saying that the woman is just a prostitute who resembles Amy, but is completely unrelated; Supposedly people dug around, and found other pictures of this woman outside of her profession. It wasnt until 7.50am when the majority of passengers had already disembarked that an announcement was made asking for Amy to report to the front desk. Then there are the true crime cases that come from cruise ships. There was no evidence to support the witnesss claim. yes, a lot points towards Yellow but is it possible he was someones Scapegoat. Either she fell overboard in a drunken stupor or she WAS kidnapped and smuggled off the ship to who knows where. I think it is probably the most likely conclusion, but I also think OP makes a good point: why is the FBI still involved and actively updating her case? If something of that nature happened, being sold in a human sex trafficking ring, then at best her life span wouldnt have gone much beyond a couple years from the point she went missing. Chris Watts updates: Why the world is obsessed with the terrible case. It leaves her family with the hope that shes somehow still alive out there. Knowing that thats the last thing I said to her has always been very comforting to me., This article original appeared in thats life! She clearly intended to leavebriefly, as she did not even bring shoes, identification, or any other important items with her. I think its the same reason with a woman in a toilet stall in Barbados, who also sighted her in 2005. What a BIG fin loser!!! Between people being afraid to talk because of there own situation and people out right lying to the family. Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. She just disappeared without a trace there one minute and gone the next. If you ask me guys and if I would be rich or knew specific people, I would build a task force of 50 man, invading the dom. I am pretty sure the truth is somewhere near these specific people and there is a correlation to Natalee Holloway's case because some people always show up or are linked / know each other: Alister Douglas Lorenzo Van Rijn Joran Van Der Sloot Paul Brough Alfred Cotten Steve Croes. And then theres the fact that it was a petri dish for COVID-19 to grow and multiply in. Years after her disappearance, the Bradley . When someone goes missing the ship should be searched ENTIRELY and no secret rooms. Ron even remembered an encounter where a waiter asked about Amy because he said the crew wanted to take her to Carlos and Charlies Restaurant when the ship docked in Aruba. it could explain at least in part why the Bradleys lost their case against the cruise line. I dont understand how the government has so many resources yet they cant find this girl. They say that the bone is human and was likely from a Caucasian origin. Declared dead in absentia March 24, 2010 Disappeared:Season 9 Episode 3 "Troubled Waters" Case Information 23 year old Amy Lynn Bradley was last seen in Curacao, Dutch Caribbean, Netherlands on March 24, 1998. Interesting. Here's the thing about the Bradley case "Insider"- this individual has gone from board to board for years posting, deleting, dropping hints about their so-called insider knowledge, but never, ever providing anything verifiable. It shows that Douglas' daughter also suspected in her dad. As far as I know the FBI stated that this sighting is credible and that Alfred Cotten was with here is not far away too. However, the insider has said that Ive Bradley (Amy's mother), believes that the "Jaz" pictures are definitely her daughter. She wouldnt have lasted that long in captivity against her will. But I agree with you, something really fishy has been happening under the curtains. When I first went to Aruba w my wife we were warned in USA ( our Country) certain places to NOT VISIT. Didnt hear FBI commenting on interactions with local police. Goes to prove that shit is everywhere!! I gave up and just started looking at articles and media sources because besides all the deletions, there are so many "facts" in this story that are not substantiated. Amy Lynn Bradley was aged 23 when she. makes me think she could have been thrown off the boat but then maybe she did comit suicide or had an accident after all you can never tell whats in someones mind. However, the FBI has for the first time included age progression photos. [19], The FBI is currently offering a reward of up to $25,000 for any information that could potentially lead to the recovery of Amy Lynn Bradley or leads to an arrest or conviction of the person(s) responsible for Amys disappearance. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,,,,,,,,,,,,, Namely people who just go missing, which is a whole other fear. This is what I think about the case and what fact is true or not: Alister Douglas has something to do with that case, but what exactly is hard to tell or to prove. [10], Another witness was a cab driver where he stated that a woman matching Amys description approached him and said she urgently needed a phone. We noticed immediately there was a tremendous amount of attention toward Amy from the crew members, Iva later told talk-show host Dr Phil. Sitcoms Online - Main Page / Message Boards - Main Page / News Blog / Photo . with ex-boyfriend Bradley Wright and is also . One of these theories was that she was kidnapped and sold into the illegal human trafficking industry in the Caribbean. Weve seen the horror shows that have happened over the years. He made really great blog posts and shared the videos about Amy dancing with Douglas. I hope he gets crabs and his balls fall off. Jones had made the story up and had tried to scam the Bradleys of money. Amy Bradley was 5'6" tall with short brown hair when she went missing in 1998. Police eventually cleared Douglas after a polygraph butbefore the FBI got a hold of the disco video. When I couldn't find her, I didn't really know what to think, because it was very much unlike Amy to leave and not tell us where she was going. For some reason her case has hooked me and I cant let go of it. Nate has been sharing regular updates on his life online, including a recent . It's possible this person is making this up, but if she isn't this is big. David Carmichael definitely saw her in August of 1998. On March 24, 1998, Amy Lynn Bradley went missing from a cruise ship en route to Curacaofrom Aruba. Amy's father Ron awoke around 6:00 AM to check on his daughter only to find her missing from the balcony she earlier had slept on. The latest podcast from Generation Why is about the Amy Bradley case. Ron knew she wouldnt leave without telling someone. If somebody used her pictures from the boat they wouldnt delete all the pictures. That just doesn't make sense. This guy should be castrated!! My theory is there is ALWAYS SOMEONE WATCHING! ", "Family fear daughter was sold as sex slave after disappearing from cruise ship", "Vanished, with Beth Holloway - Amy Bradley, Pt. She was pretty, outgoing and athletic. They dont just go out of business. Nowadays he's a born-again Christian, go figure. Amy Bradley was one of two children joining her parents' vacation. From the TV programme Vanished I watched on Saturday it seems highly unlikely she fell from that ship as she had taken her packet of cigs and lighter back out of the room she left at her own free will around 6am, possibly to meet Alister Douglas and was witnessed with him in an elevator. Still, searches were conducted at sea, but they ceased on March 29, 1998. Concerned, he searched the common areas of the ship before coming back to tell Iva and Brad. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. On March 23, 1998, Ron and Iva Bradley, their 23-year-old daughter, Amy, and their son, Brad, were enjoying their third day on the Royal Caribbean cruise ship Rhapsody of the Seas. Amy Lynn Bradley (born May 12, 1974) is an American woman who went missing during a Caribbean cruise on the Royal Caribbean International cruise ship Rhapsody of the Seas in late March 1998 at the age of 23 while en route to Curaao. 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