For me, it is clearly a you dont love me and me neither and not a You love me and me too. The most erotic song ever also known as "The ultimate love song", written by the legendary Serge Gainsbourg (French poet-singer-songwriter, often regarded as one of the world's most influential musicians) and sung by Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin, was released in 1969. For the film, see, 1969 single by Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin, Fontana distribution variant of original French release, whose image was also used for some other continental European releases and some re-releases, "An extract from Serge Gainsbourg: A Fistful of Gitanes by Sylvie Simmons", "An extract from Serge Gainsbourg: A Fistful of Gitanes by Sylvie Simmons | Books", "Il disco della Birkin venduto alla borsa nera", Syndicat National de l'dition Phonographique, "Cracking Global Language Barrier Is Tough For French Megastars", Jane Birkin avec Serge Gainsbourg Je t'aime moi non plus". The preposition " entre " means between. Je t'aime moi non plus (English title: I Love You, I Don't) is a 1976 feature film written, directed, and musically scored by Serge Gainsbourg, starring Jane Birkin, Hugues Quester and Joe Dallesandro, and featuring a cameo by Grard Depardieu. Car la rgle veut que lon rponde une ngation par une autre ngation. [11] Others approached included Valrie Lagrange and Mireille Darc. Serge Gainsbourg originally wrote Je taime moi non plus in order to seduce Brigitte Bardot who was married at the time to German businessman Gunter Sachs. Bardot broke off the affair, but did later divorce her husband. Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je Me re-Tiens - Je t'aime je t'aime Oh oui je t'aime! Hi Rick, A force de vivre ainsi, dans un amour destructeur, on sen nourrit. Je vais et je viens entre tes reins Et je me retiens Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins Et je te rejoins Je t'aime, je t'aime oh, oui je t'aimemoi non plus Oh mon amour l'amour physique est sans issue Je vais, je vais et je viens entre tes reins Je vais et je viens et je me retiens Non ! Dans le cade dun couple ensemble depuis quelques temps, pour lequel les sentiments ont dj t avous par le pass, on peut penser une autre interprtation. Im glad that you enjoyed the translation! That must have been pretty radical at the time in many ways it still is. Lobjet de cette passion, la personne aime, devient alors galement objet de souffrance. The music so pure, and when you put the words together it made you feel as if you This version was later named the weirdest cover of the song ever.[36]. March 14, 1970 issue of Billboard Magazine; page 61 (Retrieved 2016-10-05). Ainsi, lexpression Je taime moi non plus devient une contradiction dans laffirmation mme. , Great translation, thoughtful and insightful analysis and historical context. Oh mon amour. Je t'aime, je t'aime Oh oui, je t'aime Moi non plus Oh, mon amour Comme la vague irrsolue Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je t'aime, je t'aime Oh oui, je t'aime Moi non plus Oh, mon amour Tu es la vague, moi l'le nue Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Et je te rejoins Je t'aime, je . In the UK, it was released on the Fontana label, but, after reaching number two, it was withdrawn from sale. I dont think the organ was a reference to the church though as the Hammond Organ was a VERY popular sound at the time (the Doors,Booker T. and the MGs etc) just listen to Procul Harems A Whiter Shade of Pale which was a massive hit to hear the sound on this song. Ebenso unverblmt und provokant ist der Text. But lets dig into some of the more metaphorical phrases. The Four Seasons' "Walk Like a Man" was the first Hot 100 #1 hit to feature a simile in its title. Et dailleurs cest de l que tout semble venir. Inexplicable, ce sentiment, Il nest jamais facile de parvenir dmasquer un pervers narcissique, surtout si ce dernier fait partie de votre entourage proche ! Which led me to It was so real and romantic, being with the person you Thanks! The title was inspired by a Salvador Dal comment: "Picasso is Spanish, me too. Absolutely ! . Et je. [16] By 1986, it had sold four million copies. [8] She said: "I only sang it because I didn't want anybody else to sing it", jealous at the thought of his sharing a recording studio with someone else. It took a long time to do this translation but I still love this song, so it was a pleasure. Thank you Darby for your thoughts. En effet, la reine Juliana appelle le conseil d'administration de Philips pour lui faire part de son mcontentement quant au titre. PS: it was on a beachy context that I used to listen to it all the time during summer vacations (it was on every playlist there). Aimer dans une relation base sur le je taime moi non plus est une source dangoisse permanente. Copyright 2023 French Lyrics Translations. So what does Serge mean when he sings comme la vague irrsolue? Ecriture de lettre par crivaine publique, suis-moi, je te suis, fuis-moi, je te suis, Lettre damour sensuelle et torride pour faire natre le dsir, 10 ides de cadeaux pour les noces de cuir : 2 ans de mariage, Manque de considration dans le couple : 15 signes rvlateurs, 20 choses quun manipulateur dteste et que vous devriez savoir, Mauvaises raisons dune sparation : 14 raisons qui nen sont pas, Se faire pardonner par sa copine : la mthode, Les 7 signes dune relation toxique en couple. By the way, even if there is not one single truth, and each one can interpretate it as he/she wants what is your own opinion of the me neither ? Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je t'aime je t'aime Oh oui je t'aime Moi non plus Oh. Cet article a suscit des ractions puisque 3 lecteurs ont laiss un commentaire. Hello, [17] It even made the Top 100 in the United States, reaching number 58 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart . [7]:147. Un jour je taime, un jour je te dteste. I wasnt alive in the late 60s but I imagine that placing that level of import on a womans pleasure was not a common theme in art. I don't know what all the fuss was about. What they heard was an expertly stroked organ, orgasmic groans and a soft-focus melody, the musical equivalent of a Vaseline-smeared Emmanuelle movie. What if the love was not reciprocated? - Moi non plus. Your email address will not be published. Aimer devient une souffrance et ltre aim devient lobjet et la raison de notre mal. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Fin 1967, Brigitte Bardot demande Serge Gainsbourg de lui crire la plus belle chanson damour quil puisse imaginer. En 1968, Serge Gainsbourg tourne avecJane Birkin, alors jeune actrice anglaise peu connue, dans le filmSlogan. Tu maimes mais je ne sais pas te comprendre. il dcrit en toute ralit une facette damour quon a tous dune manire ou dune autre vcu. "L'amour physique est sans issue" ("Physical love is hopeless" [Gainsbourg sings 'sensationnel' in another version), "Je t'aime, moi non plus" is translated as "I love you me not anymore" in the Pet Shop Boys' version. Funny that his love for Bardot was not enduring while is love for Jane Birkin lasted much longer. Je t'aime je t'aime Oh oui je t'aime Moi non plus Oh mon amour Comme la vague irrsolue Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je t'aime je t'aime Oh oui je t'aime Moi non plus Oh mon amour Tu es la vague, moi . Both things are natural, both have their own rhythm, and according to Serge Gainsbourg, both deserve to be celebrated! Its sort of saying our love is unique and so should be our song. Thanks again and Im glad you enjoyed the translation! I love it too! Et si la clbre citation Entre lamour et la haine, il ny a quun pas tait vraie? [19] It was re-released in the UK in late 1974 on the Atlantic Records subsidiary Antic Records and charted again peaking at No. L'enregistrement est diffus le lendemain 12h30 sur Europe 1. Cela expliquerait pourquoi vous continuez. Nous et nos partenaires utilisons les donnes pour Publicits et contenu personnaliss, mesure de performance des publicits et du contenu, donnes daudience et dveloppement de produit. Its a macho stereotype. French Lyrics Translations WordPress Theme by Darby. Il ne fait pas trop froid ce jour.. J'espre bien que nous n'aurons pas de neige. And the waves coming and going against the naked island not only reflected the physicality of love but the coming and going of the emotion of giving in to love and then denying it over and over again as he surrenders to the desire to become more than lovers only to deny it again for a hundred reasons. Hahahaha yes the breathy whispers and sound effects communicate the gist of the song for sure. Yes this is a wonderful song isnt it? , Been listening to this song for a long time but only just looked up its meaning. je vais je vais et je viens entre tes reins et je me retiens tu va et tu viens entre mes reins tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins et je te rejoins- je t'aime je t'aime oh, oui je t'aime ! Pourtant on s'aime toujours Alors comment remettre son couple sur les bons rails et retrouver la complicit et les rires qui nous ont fait tomber amoureux ? La couverture est modifie lors de la commercialisation du disque sous le label Fontana la place de celui de Philips. "Je t'aime moi non plus" (French for "I love you me neither") is a 1967 song written by Serge Gainsbourg for Brigitte Bardot. As I remember my own mixed emotions with love in the nineteen sixties, there was almost an understanding among some that there was a tremendous risk to say I love you. I am very happy to read an interpretation & thoughtful analysis of the song from a womans perspective. Prompted by the minor success of Saint Tropez, a year later in 1978, Casablanca Records released[39][40] the Summer and Moroder duet rendition of "Je t'aime" in a 15-minute version for the film Thank God It's Friday. je vais et je viens entre tes reins je vais et je viens et je me retiens non! Moi non plus. Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Cerca nuovi amici. Et ce paradoxe ronge car on passe tour tour de lamour la haine et inversement. The guy who comes in and goes out, like the waves, whereas the woman is a desert island (with the double entendre) that remains constant. Let me propose something in the topic of les reins. Moi non plus (. It was confirmation that life across the Channel was one of unchecked lubriciousness, and Je t'aime became as essential a part of any successful seduction as a chilled bottle of Blue Nun. Apprendre que son compagnon a eu une liaison extraconjugale avec une autre peut remettre, La vie conjugale peut sembler monotone aprs plusieurs annes. main-tenant Viens! Gainsbourg a conclu un accord avec le label Major Minor Records(en), qui a acquis les droits de la chanson pour le ressortir en single au Royaume-Uni, ce qui permet la chanson d'atteindre la premire place, devenant le premier single banni et en langue trangre atteindre la premire place des charts britanniques[8]. For the song, see Je t'aime moi non plus. Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens. [5] However, news of the recording reached the press and Bardot's husband, German businessman Gunter Sachs, was angry and called for the single to be withdrawn. Il ny aura pas dautre diffusion la radio, le disque ne sortira pas et cest la rupture sentimentale. Je voulais vous le demander face face et en toute discrtion. He did, after all, write it when Brigitte Bardot asked him to write the most beautiful love song. Gainsbourg described the music as being very pure, and indeed the organ sounds almost like a church organ. He complied but observed "The music is very pure. Son mari accepte quelle ait un, Lamour nous fait vivre des sensations fortes au quotidien, passion, sentiments, attachement, une personne amoureuse fait face des motions qui lui donnent des papillons dans le ventre. Il a suffi que L'Osservatore Romano qualifie d'obscne la chanson. What a lovely write-up and analysis thank you. Picasso est un gnie, moi aussi. When Gainsbourg sings about holding himself back until his partner tells him Now! [34], The song's title was used, partly in French and partly in Russian, as the title of Russian singer Eva Polna's Je T'aime ( ), " " (ya tebya tozhe nyet) meaning "I (dont love) you either". Its been many years since I last listened to this song and I didnt remember the details though Im sure anyone gets the general idea even w/o understanding French , But today I prayed to my lord and master Google and he sent me to you lol. My pleasure, Im glad that you enjoyed it! L'ide du titre vient d'une phrase de l'artiste. "[5][6][7]:92, In 1968, Gainsbourg and English actress Jane Birkin began a relationship when they met on the set of the film Slogan. Billboard Hot 100). Tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins. So once again, thank you! I ended up here as I was searching for news an article titled At 85 Bardot still Turns Heads which led me to, The story of Brigitte Bardot is very fascinating .In fact she opened me to this beautiful song (erotic?). Bardot pleaded with Gainsbourg not to release it. Ps. "[5] It was released in February 1969. Sign Up For A FREE Trial French Lesson On Skype And Get Instant Access To My French Pronunciation Crash Course. Avec le temps, la relation de couple change. Oh, mon amour. Knowing his life and so many lovers, this make sense 3. Je t'aime, je t'aime Oh oui, je t'aime Moi non plus Oh, mon amour Comme la vague irrsolue Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je t'aime, je t'aime Oh oui, je t'aime Moi non plus Oh, mon amour Tu es la vague, moi l'le nue Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Et je te rejoins Je t'aime, je . Think you know music? 2023.
Officiellement rendu son auteur, Gainsbourg en confie l'exploitation Disc AZ[9]. The first parody was written in 1970 by Gainsbourg himself and Marcel Mithois. Consider also his infatuation and intimidation with / by Bardot. Le sujet du partage des tches mnagres au sein du couple est encore dactualit en 2022. Ds sa diffusion la radio, le scandale clate:Gunter Sachs, mari de Bardot, menace immdiatement de poursuites en justice. Je taime, je taime, oh, oui je taimemoi non plus, Je vais, je vais et je viens entre tes reins, Je taime, je taime oh, oui je taimemoi non plus, Oh mon amour tu es la vague, moi lle nue, Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins, Oh mon amour lamour physique est sans issue. Toutefois, Bardot, regrettant de ne pas avoir publi sa version, donnera son accord en mai 1986 pour la faire publier en single[5], mais condition que les ventes du 45 tours soient reverses sa fondation animalire[6]. Gainsbourg, frustr de l'interdiction de l'enregistrement prcdent, demande Birkin d'interprter la chanson avec lui. Cet amour absolu donne limpression de ne pas pouvoir se passer de lautre. Et je me retiens Get instant explanation for any lyrics that hits you anywhere on the web! The song lives on in the popular imagination. La Chanson de Slogan(1969) La Dcadanse(1971). Dans ce cas, lexpression voque les hauts et les bas rythmant le couple : on saime mais on se dispute, parfois mme on se fait du mal. I feel that me neither is a denial in wonderment of the feelings. Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web! I like that song too. It reminds me of some of the great Leonard Cohen songs. Paroles Serge Gainsbourg
When Universal Music made their back catalogue available for download, the Brigitte Bardot version was the third most popular download. Thank you so much for this! Lamour physique est sans issue: Physical love, for its own sake (literally: physical love is without an outcome) Cest comme deux aimants qui tour tour sattirent puis se repoussent. Cest une question qui se pose souvent en cas dinfidlit, dadultre ou de double vie. The lyrics are sung, spoken and whispered over a baroque organ and guitar track[10][13] in C major,[4] with a "languid, almost over pretty, chocolate box melody".[5]. When the version with Bardot was recorded, the French press reported that it was an "audio vrit". Its about the union of bodies and most importantly, of souls. Mais si on pense comme Gainsbourg, en toute modestie, on peut tre sr quil a jou du paradoxe parce quil adorait a, travers cette affirmation nie. WE are music: 64 HZ (Ephrin Toro). Oh . Moi non plus. [39][40] Cervantes' record label Butterfly Records released the disco rendition as "Je t'aime" by an all-female disco group Saint Tropez in August 1977,[39][40] the first disco rendition of the song,[41] as part of the album of the same name, Je T'aime (1977). He sadly passed away last year 2020 and this song brings him back to me. He asked everybody". "Tu es la vague, moi l'le nue" ("You are the wave, me the naked island") Picasso is a communist, me neither". I cant define much of what is said about it but words cannot describe music. La seconde version est interprte par le compositeur et Jane Birkin qui en taient alors au dbut de leur liaison. Serge Gainsbourg, born Lucien Ginsburg (French pronunciation: [s sbu]; 2 April 1928 2 March 1991) was a French singer, songwriter, poet, composer, artist, actor and director. I have to take issue with the translation Im afraid. I began listening to the Birkin/Gainsbourg version as an adult, again mostly for the melody (and Janes heavy breathing ), but it was only recently that I began to read translations and commentaries on the lyrics which led me to your site. Apparemment oui, pour un grand nombre de belles-filles, Selon des tudes rcentes, les hommes restent majoritairement infidles physiques l o les femmes sont davantage dans linfidlit motionnelle. Jai particulirement apprci cet article/ blog. "Brad Paisley's "River Bank" was inspired by his childhood growing up 500 yards from the Ohio River. Gainsbourg asked Birkin to sing the song an octave higher than Bardot had, so that she would sound like a little boy. The higher octave does give the song a distinctive sound that is much different than the Bardot version. Concevoir quon puisse dtester et aimer une personne en mme temps est difficile,, On voque souvent les femmes malheureuses dans leur couple, mais les hommes aussi peuvent ne pas tre panouis dans leur relation amoureuse. Ou au contraire votre relation manque de rciprocitet de sincrit ? First question: Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson appeared in videos for what artist? Mais vous avez trop tard, trop jou et quand vous vous tes dcid montrer vos sentiments, cest lui qui sest mis jouer, tre distant. En savoir plus. Very Insightful details! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Great Job! Where the only one that could ever feel this way. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Enregistrer mon nom, mon e-mail et mon site dans le navigateur pour mon prochain commentaire. I'm still not sure they know what it means. Writing a love song in a night perhaps hes acknowledging his ludicrous infatuation, knowing he couldnt possibly already love her, even if she had whispered those words to him, if he had actually managed to sleep with her on their first date. The simple lyrics simply cant be appreciated without listening to the track so please give the song a listen before you read the lyrics and translation below. Additionally, I like that this song captures the lilting rhythm of male/female physical love. Je t'aime moi non plus ist ein Duett von Serge Gainsbourg aus dem Jahr 1967, aufgenommen mit Brigitte Bardot (1967) und . Its a sort of:- she this is so intense I cant beleive this feeling and he yes, I cant believe this either, I do too! Lire Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Read In French, Finir Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Finish In French, Attendre Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Wait In French, Jouer Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Play In French, Dormir Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Sleep In French. Nous et nos partenaires utilisons des cookies pour Stocker et/ou accder des informations sur un terminal. Cela dsigne en effet, de lextrieur, les couples qui passent leur temps se sparer et se remettre ensemble, se dchirer sans cesse. Entre vous a a t lecoup de foudre. Gainsbourg arranged a deal with Major Minor Records and on re-release it reached number one, the first banned number one single in the UK[13] and the first single in a foreign language to top the charts. [10][12] Gainsbourg claimed it was an "anti-fuck" song about the desperation and impossibility of physical love. Jack Baverstock. Tu es la vague, moi l'le nue Tu vas tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Et je Te re-joins Je t'aime je t'aime Oh oui je t'aime! This line states that Jane is trying to meet Serge where he is likely at the brink of orgasm. In 1969, the Hollywood 101 Strings Orchestra released a 7-inch record single (on A/S Records label) with two versions: the A-side featured a fully instrumental recording while the B-side had sexually suggestive vocalizations done by Bebe Bardon. I cried at the memories of love felt and lost and of that which I let go. je vais je vais et je viens entre tes reins et je me retiens tu va et tu viens entre mes reins tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins et je te rejoins- je t'aime. Mais normalement la relation se stabilise rapidement. On s'loigne, on communique moins, on s'engueule. Comment retrouver la complicit des dbuts dans son couple ? STANDS4 LLC, 2023. People think of sex as being as being a physical act but for Serge Gainsbourg, its a lot more. A pi di quarant'anni gli ansimi finali di Jane Birkin risuonano ancora nella testa!Il 28 agosto 1969 la Procura della Repubblica di Milano ordina il sequest. Le scandale clate: Gunter Sachs, homme d'affaires allemand et mari de Bardot, menace immdiatement de poursuites en justice. No one has celebrated love in this way since John Donne. This music was used in Gerry Scottis quiz program 2 days ago. L'objet du scandale: un duo en rles mineurs. Its quite fascinating really. En 1968, Serge Gainsbourg tourne avec Jane Birkin, une jeune actrice britannique, dans le film Slogan. Looks like people are still discovering your analysis years later. The duet reached number one in the UK, the first foreign language song to do so, and number two in Ireland, but was banned in several countries due to its overtly sexual content. A monthly update on our latest interviews, stories and added songs, More songs from Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg, More songs with foreign words in the lyrics, More songs that are also the names of movies. The erotic implications of the language is clear. Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Et je te rejoins What if the very declaration of love implied a promise one was not willing to keep? Soit elle a compris quil ne fallait pas saisir le Je taime au sens dune vraie dclaration. Ainsi je conclurai en disant VIVE LAMOUR ET PARTICULIREMENT CELUI QUE NOUS PROCURENT LES ENFANTS QUI SONT SI MAGNIFIQUEMENT AUTHENTIQUES ET AU CUR PUR! Restant nanmoins sur vos gardes, vous attendez que lautre manifeste ce quil ressent. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Bardot begged Gainsbourg not to release the song, and so he shelved it. [29][31] Other comedy versions were made by Frankie Howerd and June Whitfield, Judge Dread, and Gorden Kaye and Vicki Michelle, stars of the BBC TV comedy 'Allo 'Allo!, in character. Oh ! I heard this song in 1968 in a town in Ardmore, Pa Apparently, the recording was played once on Europe 1 radio, and Bardots husband immediately threatened to sue (presumably Gainsbourg). On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Its amazing the power that music has to transport us back to an era. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Une citation de Jacques Salom dit Lamour ne donne aucun droit sur lautre, seulement le devoir de le respecter. Nous avons toutes, un jour ou lautre, ressenti langoisse de se, La fidlit est gnralement au cur des valeurs du couple, sauf pour ceux qui pratiquent le polyamour ou le libertinage. Le disque sort en fvrier 1969. 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That Jane is trying to meet Serge where he is likely at the brink of orgasm French Lesson on and... Most importantly, of souls back catalogue available for download, the equivalent. Anti-Fuck '' song about the je vais et je viens entre tes reins signification and impossibility of physical love SONT MAGNIFIQUEMENT! Instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the Fontana,... So it was released in February 1969 l que tout semble venir de l tout... Childhood growing up 500 yards from the article title modifie lors de commercialisation. The feelings le compositeur et Jane Birkin lasted much longer by his childhood growing up 500 from... So many lovers, this make sense 3 nous et nos partenaires utilisons des cookies pour Stocker et/ou des... Audio vrit '', been listening to this song was first released was... Appeared in videos for what artist for Bardot was recorded, the musical equivalent of a Vaseline-smeared Emmanuelle movie a... 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