niagara falls housing authority executive director

Sentencing for the defendants is scheduled for April 5, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. before Judge Arcara. "I was surprised when the checks were returned, because there was no specific action taken by the board," said Cafarella after the meeting. The Advantage After School Program is funded, in part, through a contribution of federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) funds to New York State. Attorney James P. Kennedy, Jr. announced today that Stephanie W. Cowart, 58, of Grand Island, NY, pleaded guilty to theft concerning programs receiving federal funds before U.S. District Judge Richard J. Arcara. Ex-UB player named executive director of Niagara Falls Housing Authority. Our communities include: Packard Court, Beloved Community, Harry S. Jordan Gardens, Anthony Spallino Towers and Henry . Board Chairperson: Paul Dyster. Eighteen people applied for the executive director job last November, Soda said. An official website of the United States government. Clifford Scott has been working as a Executive Director at Niagara Falls Housing Authority for 3 years. The sentencing brought to an end amore-than-two-year-long investigation into Cowart, who served as the Niagara Falls Housing Authoritys executive director from 1997 until her retirement from the $140,000-a-year post in March 2017. "My life's mission, my life's passion has been to build strong communities. Niagara Falls Housing Authority. The decision to remove Cowart came amid an FBI investigation at the authority. April Simpson Former Tenant Association President Queensbridge Houses. "I have known Stephanie since my days in Buffalo," Battle said. "We are committed to empowering and enriching the Niagara Falls community." To mark the fifth anniversary of the start of the sexual abuse scandal in the Buffalo Diocese, The Buffalo News spoke with the two whistleblow. Scott called the Cowart case "a stain on the organization.". The yardage figure is third all-time at UB, and the touchdown total is fifth all-time. Click here for meeting minutes, agendas, and other compliance postings. mills. In 2019, Ms. Farrell launched Grow Community Food Literacy Centre in her hometown of Niagara Falls, Ont., where she has been an elementary-school teacher. Allen Cowart was previously convicted and is scheduled to be sentenced on July 9, 2018. SUNY Empire State College. That's all you're entitled to. Highlights. The Niagara Falls Housing Authority oversees both public housing and voucher programs, if available. More Information Niagara Falls Housing Authority The Niagara Falls Housing Authority provides stable, quality affordable housing opportunities for low and moderate income families throughout the local community. Join to connect Niagara Falls Housing Authority. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. For more information, visit Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team's work-life balance. Actually, he was sacked 12 times by Hofstra in 1993, according to Brian Wolff, UB director of athletic communications. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. Although the intentions for it to be done were there, it became a matter of controversy, Elmore said. Niagara Falls Health Equity Task Force: . JUDGE: Sentence below federal guidelines was 'fair, just and reasonable' for ex-Falls housing chief. Highest paying jobs in Niagara Falls, NY are General Surgeon, Surgeon, and Obstetrics Gynecology Physician. Cowart, the executive director of the Niagara Falls Housing Authority for nearly two decades, was put on paid leave on July 21 by the board. "It has some crime problems (among tenants) we're going to have to address," Scott said. To mark the fifth anniversary of the start of the sexual abuse scandal in the Buffalo Diocese, The Buffalo News spoke with the two whistleblow. Although he called the Housing Authority "financially stable," other challenges remain. It started last summer with 87, grew to 300, and most recently shot up to around 2,000 hotel rooms that were being utilized in Niagara Falls, Ont., to accommodate asylum seekers sent there from Quebec. Occupation. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has issued an executive order suspending the 5.875% hotel occupancy tax imposed by NYC Administrative Code Section 11-2502from June 1, 2021, through August 31, 2021. The People and Possibilities board of directors has shuffled leadership over its life-span, but in the years 2013-14 included former city Board of Education President Carmellette Rotella, current BOE member Kevin Dobbs and Niagara County Legislator Owen Steed, D-Niagara Falls. Yvonne is the Founder & CEO of Victory & Co., a HR and Coaching company where she challenges people to think differently about their business and human resources practices. When Stephanie Cowart used her power as the executive director of the Niagara Falls Housing Authority to steal money entrusted to her, she failed the people she was hired to serve," saidActing Special Agent-in-ChargeKevin P. Lyons. "That grant wasn't completed and this $6,000 was extra.". 744 Tenth St. Niagara Falls, NY 14301 | Phone: (716) 285-6961 | Fax: (716) 285-3407 | TDD: 1-800-545-1833 x 405, Advanced Technology Training and Information Networking (ATTAIN) Lab, BankOnBuffalo Present BankOnWheels Full-Service Banking Delivered to You, Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Score Report for Interim, Bank on Buffalo Donate to NFHA Back to School Event, FREE Nursing Assistant Training Classes Start May 31st. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Nonprofit; Niagara Falls, NY; Employees. Samuel M. Ferraro Center, Suite One Popular Employees View All. "Evidence did not demonstrate that any prosecutable criminal offense was committed with regard to the removal," the Justice Department wrote in a letter to lawmakers in 2010. Five Star Bank . Larry Scott Blackmon New York Association of Chapters of Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 100 Black Men. The average salary in Niagara Falls, NY is $47,000. Executive Director. The board took two actions Tuesday that were related to Cowart's relatives. So what does Sabres GM Kevyn Adams do this week? Associate Professor of Business Administration, SUNY Erie Community College, Executive Director, Niagara Falls Housing Authority. Dave DiCenzo2022-09-20T04:09:23+00:00September 20th, 2022|Categories: Public News|. Buffalo-Niagara Falls Area. In addition, a check for $3,000, which was returned by Cowarts son through his attorneys law firm, came attached to a pay stub that makes reference to a federal investigation in the city of Niagara Falls. Stephanie and Fredia Cowart have also paid full restitution totaling approximately $17,000. Arcara told Cowart that when he first reviewed her case, he concluded she should spend time behind bars. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). He called the sentence, which he admitted was less then the minimum under federal sentencing guidelines, "fair, just and reasonable." 1. He resigned after less than a year, for what the reported were "personal reasons related to his family.". The Niagara Falls Housing Authority's Board of Directors has said little regarding Cowart's leave. Asked by a reporter, "Why did you do it?" The Niagara Falls Housing Authority is committed to removing as many obstacles as possible to empower individuals and families to reach these goals. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. In September, after the investigation was underway, two checks for $3,000 each were sent to the authority on Cowart's son's behalf. Cowart relatives return checks amid FBI probe. Tourism in Southern Africa is synonymous with the wildlife safari. Key Findings. Cowart has worked for the Niagara Falls Housing Authority since 1983 and has been executive director since 1997. Find out what works well at Niagara Falls Housing Authority from the people who know best. Board President Rev. A former official in theU.S. Department of Justices Executive Office for U.S. Niagara Falls Housing Authority . However, Allen and Fredia Cowart never actually conducted any presentations related to the A Better Me project. File Unit: Combat Area Casualties Current File, 6/8/1956 - 1/21/1998 in the Series: Records on Military Personnel Who Died, Were Missing in Action or Prisoners of War as a Result of the Vietnam War, created 1/20/1967 - 12/1998, documenting the period 6/8/1956 - 1/21/1998.- Record Group 330 (info) He said the decision to sell the house had nothing to do with the investigation of Stephanie Cowart. Instead, the defendant misused her position to ensure that the only improvements realized through her administration of these funds were to the bank balances of her family members., Stephanie Cowart used her power as the Executive Director of the Niagara Falls Housing Authority to enrich herself and members of her family, said Adam S. Cohen, Special Agent-in-Charge of the FBIs Buffalo Division. Since July, he spoke to the Gazette on one occasion. A lock ( The Niagara Falls Housing Authority office at 744 10th St. Google. Specific reference to the funds do not appear onPeople and Possibilitiess public tax forms in either 2013 or 2014, despite other explanation of smaller sums obtained in those years. Clifford Scott . Allen Cowart's attorney, Barry Covert, labeled one check dated Sept. 9 "Federal Investigation re: Niagara Falls.". (Mount Kisco, N.Y.) 1956-current, August 26, 1972, Page 2, Image 2, brought to you by Chappaqua Library, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. Craig Pridgen, that gave him pause. A scheme that U.S. District Court Judge Richard Arcara said left him deeply troubled. An official website of the United States government. If you are experiencing difficulties logging in or are a subscriber getting a paywall, please try one or more of the following steps. In the meantime, we thank you for understanding and respecting the constraints within which were operating, he said. Cloudy. 100 State Street Suite 500 Allen Cowart falsely claimed that he was performing the work of two teachers under the Advantage After School Program and was paid more than two times the normal hourly pay rate for one teacher position. Whether Cowart will face criminal charges related to the federal investigation is out of the authority's hands, according to Cafarella. Clifford Scott, a starting quarterback for the University at . A federal court case, involving the former executive director of the Niagara Falls Housing Authority, has led to a number of reforms at the agency, meant to improve oversight. Scott's career numbers were 555 completions in 1,101 attempts, for 7,578 yards and 43 touchdowns. The Advantage After School Program is funded, in part, through a contribution of federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) funds to New York State. Low around 30F. "Please accept my heartfelt regrets.". The transition did not go smoothly. Monday's from 9:00am to 1:00pm at Doris Jones Community Resource Center. Executive Director Niagara Falls Housing Authority. people & possibilities inc. people and possibilities inc. Niagara Falls Housing Authority votes to give 18 months of dental insurance coverage to former executive director Stephanie Cowart. She will not be paid for unused sick time or vacation days, but will collect a total of $95,613 during her eight-month leave. In addition, Cowarts son and daughter-in-law, Allen, 31, and Fredia, 28, both of Niagara Falls, NY, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of theft of government funds which carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison and a $100,000 fine. "My investigators brought this case to our partners in law enforcement, and I thank U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy, Jr., the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Inspector General, and the FBI for their diligent work in the fight against public corruption.". Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. PHAS scores in other systems are not to be Beacon Communities is a privately owned real estate firm that develops, acquires, invests in, and manages a wide range of multifamily housing. U.S. Attorney's Office, Western District of New York, Former Head Of Niagara Falls Housing Authority Sentenced For Stealing Government Funds; Daughter-In-Law Also Sentenced, Seven Defendants Charged In Rochester Illegal Sports Gambling Business, Father And Son Arrested, Charged With Kidnapping Conspiracy In An Attempt To Force Their Daughter/Sister To Marry In Yemen, Convicted Felon Pleads Guilty To Lying To Probation Officer, Former Head Of Niagara Falls Housing Authority Sentenced For Stealing Government Funds; Daughter In Law Also Sentenced. Summary People Technology Signals & News Similar Companies. My priorities are God, family and community.". Join a rapidly growing career with potential for upward mobility. Four months later, he left to become executive director in Omaha. Allen Cowarts attorney did the same about a week later, on Sept. 8, with a nearly identical letter attached to his refund check,though it was absent any reference to a recent conversation with authority officials. In installation, ACWC executive director shares personal story; . Mike Harrington: His team looks good, even without Alex Tuch. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. A 37-year-old Buffalo firefighter died while fighting a four-alarm blaze on Main Street downtown that may have been sparked by work being done, While Amherst police were on the scene, a number of fights started among groups within the crowd in the mall lot on Alberta and in the Wegmans, The new renderings released by the Bills include an up-close view from the field level, three exterior stadium views with more detail than has. That money has already been repaid. However, Stephanie Cowart directed that effective October 23, 2013, her son was to be paid an hourly rate of $50. Patent trader. Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center on Thursday joined the Niagara Falls Health Equity Task Force, a group consisting of more than 20 nonprofit leaders, in an innovative effort to provide the . Save . The engagement started with a $500,000 grant from the New York State Office of the Attorney General NYS Preservation Opportunity Program and Executive Director Clifford Scott. Apply Join or sign in to find your next job. For general and filing information visit the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. Outside the courtroom, both Cowart and her defense attorney, former U.S. Attorney Michael Battle, each declined to comment on the sentence. Bank on Buffalo present their donation to Niagara Falls Housing Authority Back to School event coming Friday, September 2nd. Mike Harrington: His team looks good, even without Alex Tuch. Although authority board members would not comment on whether these actions were related to an FBI investigation of Cowart, who will retire in March, board attorney Jason J. Cafarella said that the authority has concluded its internal investigation. Name Niagara Falls Housing Authority Address 3001 9th Street Niagara Falls, New York, 14305 Phone 716-285-5374 Hours Mon-Fri 8:30 AM-9:00 PM And he threw 58 interceptions, also the most ever at UB. Cowart's son, Allen Cowart, and his wife, Fredia, both teachers, were to administer the program,but the program was never created. The smart way to start your day. Niagara Falls Housing Authority About the Company. We do not know when we will reopen our waiting list. Job Titles. Dave DiCenzo2023-01-12T16:22:47+00:00August 31st, 2022|Categories: Public News|Tags: bank on buffalo, buffalo, NFHA, Niagara Falls Housing Authority|. The NFHA then paid Allen and Fredia Cowart for work purportedly done on the project. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. FAX: (716) 551-3051. You have permission to edit this article. Iesha Sekou CEO & Founder Street Corner Resources. "If I was you," the judge said, "I'd pay that fine as soon as you can and get on with your life.". The agency has received multiple grants from the foundation in its history. Niagara University President Rev. The Jordan Gardens is a 100-unit structure with a mix of one to five-bedroom units. Intake Process. All three presentlyserve on the NFHAs board of commissioners, the authoritys primary governing and oversight body, along with former Falls schools Superintendent Cynthia Bianco, who retired from the district last year but remains an NFHA board member. I enthusiastically support Governor Hochul's proposed Housing Compact, and I look . The privately funded, local not-for-profit cut the check after the authority pitched a productive lifestyle seminar run by two state-certified teachers that was supposed to span 10 weeks the following year. Cowart and her sister have declined to comment in recent months when contacted by The Buffalo News. She failed to honor the public position she held., "In a blatant abuse of power, longtime executive director of the Niagara Falls Housing Authority, Stephanie Cowart failed the very people she was hired to assist by diverting public funds to her relatives through exorbitant hourly wages and grants," State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli said. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. During his UB career, Scott was sacked 140 times, which is indeed the school's all-time record. In existence for more than 70 years, the Niagara Falls Housing Authority is responsible for over 900 affordable housing opportunities. Clifford Scott Current Workplace. Regarding Fredia Cowart, Elmore said she was not a part of the program because she suffers from significant health problems and fell ill during the time the program was to be administered. Conrad ran unsuccessfully for an at-large seat on the Buffalo Public Schools Board of Education in 2019. DIVISION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY 11 Page AUTHORITY LETTER 2 INTRODUCTION 3 Background 3 Objective 3 Scope and Methodology 3 Comments of Authority Of cials and Corrective Action 4 Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority Executive Director Gillian Brown said, "As Executive Director of the Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority - NYS's second largest housing authority - I know all too well what damage results from our state's shortage of housing. Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation. Clifford Scott, the new executive director of the Niagara Falls Housing Authority, is used to tough assignments. Lock The salary associated with this appointment was $23 an hour. Ministry of Forests Wildlife and Parks. Donation to Niagara Falls Housing Authority, is used to tough assignments for the executive since... Did you do it? sentenced on July 9, 2018 clifford Scott has been executive director Niagara. 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