nickname of confederate soldiers

They were also Stand Watie, along with a few Cherokee, sided with the Confederate army, in which he was made colonel and commanded a battalion of Cherokee. On September 20, 1863, he and two other men took command of a charge near "Snodgrass Hill" during the Battle of Chickamauga. [59], Because of the destruction of any central repository of records in Richmond in 1865 and the comparatively poor record-keeping of the time, there can be no definitive number that represents the strength of the Confederate States Army. The Confederate President, Jefferson Davis, himself a former U.S. Army officer and U.S. Secretary of War,[65] served as commander-in-chief and provided the strategic direction for Confederate land and naval forces. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. "[122][123] It is estimated that over 100,000 Confederate soldiers deserted during the war, more than 250,000 died of wounds or disease and 200,000 were wounded. Kirkland did not stop until he had helped every wounded soldier (Confederate and Federal) on the Confederate end of the battlefield. The age range of the Confederate Armys First Conscription Act in 1862 was 18 to 35 but the Third Conscription Act in 1864 changed it to 17 to 50. In the absence of exact records, estimates of the percentage of Confederate soldiers who were draftees, are about double the 6 percent of Union soldiers who were conscripts. Supplementing the Confederate army were the various state militias of the Confederacy: Control and operation of the Confederate army were administered by the Confederate States War Department, which was established by the Confederate Provisional Congress in an act on February 21, 1861. During the American Civil War and afterwards, Johnny Reb and his Union counterpart Billy Yank were used in speech and literature to symbolize the common soldiers who fought in the Civil War in the 1860s. Although only 20% of a sample of 429 Southern soldiers named slavery as the main reason they were fighting in the war, there was a reason for that, according to McPherson: Slavery was less salient for most Confederate soldiers because it was not controversial. Lieutenant colonels were second in command. Help with grammar, French, SAT Writing, the TOEFL and ESL. U.S. forces destroyed track, engines, cars, bridges and telegraph lines as often as possible, knowing that new equipment was unavailable to the Confederacy. They felt that they had no choice but to help defend their homes. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The kepi was rarely used, the common slouch hat being preferred for its practicality in the Southern climate. The rhetoric of liberty that had permeated the letters of Confederate volunteers in 1861, grew even stronger as the war progressed. Be the first one to, The roster of Confederate soldiers, 1861-1865, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Confederate States of America. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. In April 1862,[22] the Confederacy passed the first conscription law in either Confederate or Union history, the Conscription Act,[23] which made all able bodied white men between the ages of 18 and 35 liable for a three-year term of service in the Provisional Army. Sources: Occasionally, a single corps might operate independently as if it were a small army. their red uniforms. This is a 15 volume print series that you can use in the Daniel Library. Most of the men whose names appear in this index served with units from 15 different states or territories; others were soldiers raised directly by the Confederate government, generals and staff officers, and other enlisted men not associated with a regiment. is certified by the kidSAFE Seal Program. David G. Smith, "Race and Retaliation: The Capture of African Americans During the Gettysburg Campaign." In most cases, though, Confederate officers returned captured black soldiers to slavery or put them to hard labor on southern fortifications. [118] As a response, in May 1863, the Confederacy passed a law demanding "full and ample retaliation" against the United States, stating that any black person captured in "arms against the Confederate States" or giving aid and comfort to their enemies would be turned over to state authorities, where they could be tried as slave insurrectionists; a capital offense punishable with a sentence of death. Author Neil Schmitz has examined the deep unease Twain felt about losing his honor, his fear of facing death as a soldier, and his rejection of a Southern identity as a professional author. Although most of the soldiers who fought in the American Civil War were volunteers, both sides by 1862 resorted to conscription, primarily as a means to force men to register and volunteer. Copy. What are the disadvantages of shielding a thermometer? The best conjecture for Union Army wounded is 275,175. [32], The southern churches met the shortage of Army chaplains by sending missionaries. [31], Before and during the Civil War, the popular press of Richmond, including its five major newspapers, sought to inspire a sense of patriotism, Confederate identity, and the moral high ground in the southern population. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 113 (2005):340377. Ten companies were organized into an infantry regiment, which theoretically had 1,000 men. The Confederacy Established. web pages Such feelings moved Senator R. M. T. Hunter to deliver a long speech against the bill to arm the slaves. Presbyterians were even more active, with 112 missionaries sent in early 1865. The southern states called this new union they had created the "Confederacy," or more formally "the Confederate States of America" (a.k.a. Required fields are marked *. The first few states to join hands in the formation of the Confederacy were South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas. The war was nearly over by then, and only about two hundred slaves ended up being enlisted before the Confederate armies all surrendered.[22]. Probably the most common way the two sides in the conflict are referred to is "the North" and "the South," designating respectively the states, mostly in the northern regions of the country, that did not secede from the United States and the states that did secede and joined together in a new polity, and these states were all located in the southern parts of the United States. What did Union soldiers call Confederate soldiers? . Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. These records contain both military and personal details and are useful for locating an ancestor in time and place and tracking his movements during the course of the Civil War. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. A friend who visited the gravesite years later was said to have commented that it was one of the most sequestered, unfrequented, and inaccessible spots for a grave he'd ever seen. A Chance for Active Service. [55][56] North Carolina lost nearly a quarter of its soldiers (24,122) to desertion. Corporal of the Artillery division of the Confederate Army, Confederate mortar crew at Warrington, Florida in 1861, across from Fort Pickens, Confederate artillery at Charleston Harbor, 1863, Lt Col. E. V. Nash, 4th Georgia Infantry Doles-Cook Brigade, who was killed in 1864. This database contains an index of compiled military service records for volunteer Union soldiers who served with units organized in more than 20 states and territories, including states in the Confederacy. [107] It would not be until Robert E. Lee wrote the Confederate Congress urging them that the idea would take serious traction. Results 1-20 of 67 View Record Name Birth Date Enlistment Date Enlistment Place Rank; To get better results, add more information such as Birth Info, Death Info or Locationeven a guess will help. For Free. Eicher, p. 807. South: Also called the Confederacy, the Confederate States of America, or (by Northerners) the Rebel states, the South incorporated the states that seceded from the United States of America to form their own nation. The types of uniforms Confederate soldiers wore consisted of a double-breasted gray frock coat, a pair of light french blue trousers, white cotton shirts, a forage cap and leather brogan shoes. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The supply situation for most Confederate armies was dismal, even when they were victorious on the battlefield. All U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865 results for Franz Khler. What did the Confederate States stand for? [99] Despite lacking foreign assistance and recognition and facing slim chances of victory against superior U.S. assets, Confederate newspapers such as the Georgian Atlanta Southern Confederacy continued to maintain their position and oppose the idea of armed black men in the Confederate Army, even as late in the war as January 1865. so grateful for this information I know my family fought with the Confederates during the Civil War and am just trying to find out about family history and my countrys history thanks from a curious mind! Other missionaries were funded and supported by the Episcopalians, Methodists, and Lutherans. The Union name for the battle is derived from Antietam Creek, which flows south from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to the . By the time Abraham Lincoln took office as President of the United States on March 4, 1861, the seven seceding slave states had formed the Confederate States. Soldiers Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff "Jonny Rebel" A Confederate soldier during the Civil War. Historian James M. McPherson says: Confederate and Union soldiers interpreted the heritage of 1776 in opposite ways. soldiers. Individual commanders often had to "beg, borrow or steal" food and ammunition from whatever sources were available, including captured U.S. depots and encampments, and private citizens regardless of their loyalties. Uploaded by On the night of December 13, walking wounded made their way to the field hospital while those who were disabled were forced to remain on the battlefield. What were the nicknames for the Union and Confederate soldiers? Can proteins have polar and non polar regions? At the end of the war 174,223 men of the Confederate forces surrendered to the Union Army. Soldiers from slaveholding families were overrepresented by 100%: Nonslaveholding farmers are underrepresented in the Confederate sample. What was the nickname of the Confederate soldiers? There is a ready explanation for this apparent paradox. "[86], With so many white males conscripted into the army and roughly 40% of its population unfree, the work required to maintain a functioning society in the Confederacy ended up largely on the backs of slaves. BOYCOTT. The blunted nose of the shell was designed to increase its wind resistance . [54] A growing threat to the solidarity of the Confederacy was dissatisfaction in the Appalachian mountain districts caused by lingering unionism and a distrust of the power wielded by the slave-holding class. Sheehan-Dean, Aaron. ADVERTISEMENT MORE FROM REFERENCE.COM on the Internet. [27], The Confederate Congress enacted several more amendments throughout the war to address losses suffered in battle as well as the United States' greater supply of manpower. On September 27, the maximum age of conscription was extended to 45. In an open-air industrial area in Richmond, Virginia, lie the remains of Confederate statues. His body was returned home to Kershaw County, South Carolina, and he was buried in the "Old Quaker Cemetery" in Camden. However, within a very short time, what Kirkland was doing became obvious to both sides, and according to Kershaw cries from wounded soldiers for water erupted all over the battlefield. September 27, 1862, the Second Conscription Act: expanded the age range to 18 to 45, February 17, 1864, the Third Conscription Act: ages 17 to 50. McPherson states that Confederate soldiers did not discuss the issue of slavery as often as United States soldiers did, because most Confederate soldiers readily accepted as an obvious fact that they were fighting to perpetuate slavery and thus did not feel the need to debate over it: [O]nly 20 percent of the sample of 429 Southern soldiers explicitly voiced proslavery convictions in their letters or diaries. This was about 10 percent of the total Union fighting force. bushwhacker - a Confederate guerrilla during the American Civil number is not known. Neal Publishing Company, 1912.McPherson, James M. For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War. greyback - Dictionary Definition "Johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War; `greyback' derived from their grey Confederate uniforms" "As nouns the difference between confederate and greyback [113] He noted that some Confederates brought along "their body servants, who in many cases had grown up with them" and that "on occasion some of those body servants were known to have picked up a rifle and fought. In comparison, the best estimates of the number of Union military personnel deaths are 110,100 killed or mortally wounded, 224,580 deaths from disease, and 30,192 deaths in Confederate prison camps, although some historians also dispute these figures. [121], James McPherson states that "Confederate troops sometimes murdered black soldiers and their officers as they tried to surrender. Educate, entertain, and engage with Factmonster. The treaty covered sixty-four terms covering many subjects like Choctaw and Chickasaw nation sovereignty, Confederate States of America citizenship possibilities, and an entitled delegate in the House of Representatives of the Confederate States of America. Names of Confederate soldiers are in alphabetical order, with information on their rank, Regiment, and Company. Some men with a weak religious affiliation became committed Christians, and saw their military service in terms of satisfying God's wishes. A grayback was also a slang term for lice, so we can see the insult here. [3], A guest post from Mac Wyckoff: What we really know about Richard Kirkland, the Angel of Maryes Heights, "Confederate soldiers have their own medal of honor", Richard Rowland Kirkland "Angel of Mercy", First public account of Kirkland's actions at Marye's Heights,, This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 10:33. I've never heard of any other cause than slavery. However people in some counties in the northeast section were very loyal to the Union. Last modified on Tue 28 Feb 2023 01.43 EST. The Confederate Congress initially made the rank of brigadier general the highest rank. 126 times it says help the less fortunate and I am sure it means even more so when you have compromised their education and freedom as was done for our black bothers and sisters for 250 years before the civil war so others could benefit financiallyhorrible greed at its best. 58692. These seven states also known as the Confederate States of America laid the foundation of the Confederacy during 4 to 9 February 1861 at a meeting held in Montgomery , Alabama. Two to four divisions usually formed a corps. Select from premium Confederate Soldiers of the highest quality. [21], On August 8, 1861, the Confederacy called for 400,000 volunteers to serve for one or three years. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (CWSS) is a database containing information about the men who served in the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War. Substitution had also been practiced in the United States, leading to similar resentment from the lower classes. greyback, Johnny, Johnny Reb, Reb, Rebel - `Johnny' was applied To learn more, click on the seal or go to This index also includes Confederate soldiers who later served with the Union Army. Get a free answer to a quick problem. In the actual armed conflicts of the Civil War, the two sides had numerous nicknames for themselves and each other as a group and individuals, e.g., for Union troops "Federals" and for the Confederates "rebels," "rebs" or "Johnny reb" for an individual Confederate soldier. However, when Kirkland asked if he could show a white handkerchief, General Kershaw stated he could not do that. pilot or "Flying Tigers" Military Unit Rank Enlistment Place Day Month Year Location Clear search Source Information Webb Garrison, a Civil War historian, describes their response: when Confederate Brigadier General Albert Pike authorized the raising of regiments during the fall of 1860, Seminoles, Creeks, Chickasaws, Choctaws, and Cherokees responded with considerable enthusiasm. This was a decision made early in the conflict. Estimates of enlistments throughout the war range from 1,227,890 to 1,406,180.[60]. [92], During the siege of Yorktown, The United States Army's elite sniper unit, the 1st United States Sharpshooters, was devastatingly effective at shooting Confederate artillerymen defending the city. Former Confederate secretary of state Robert Toombs said "In my opinion, the worst calamity that could befall us would be to gain our independence by the valor of our slaves instead of our own " and complained using black troops would be "a surrender of the entire slavery question. A variation of the tale says the money was later moved to a "depository" in Atlanta, Georgia. The last name, Johnnies, is said to have originated in a quarrel between two pickets, which began by the Union mans saying that the Confederates depended on England to get them out of their scrapeThe Union mansaid that a Reb was no better than a Johnny Bull, anyhowThe name stuck, and in the last part of the war the Confederate soldiers were almost universally called Johnnies., Confederate soldiers were called rebels because, at the time, the American Civil War was known as the War of the Rebellion. Since the Confederates were fighting against their own country in this rebellion, they were called rebels.. Name that Criminal 55%. According to historian Paul D. Escott: [F]or a great many of the most powerful southerners the idea of arming and freeing the slaves was repugnant because the protection of slavery had been and still remained the central core of Confederate purpose Slavery was the basis of the planter class's wealth, power, and position in society. Its Anglicized spelling Yankee could, in this way, have been used to mock Dutch colonists. The C.S. There were four grades of general officer (general, lieutenant general, major general, and brigadier general), but all wore the same insignia regardless of grade. The CSRs may also include original documents pertaining to the soldier. Barring the same type of circumstances that might leave a lower grade officer in temporary command, divisions were commanded by major generals and corps were commanded by lieutenant generals. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The Confederate States Army, also called the Confederate Army or the Southern Army, was the military land force of the Confederate States of America (commonly referred to as the Confederacy) during the American Civil War (18611865), fighting against the United States forces to win the independence of the Southern states and uphold the institution of slavery. Create new Board. The original 13 states recognized by the Articles of Confederation were (in chronological order): Delaware (ratified the Constitution on December 7, 1787) Pennsylvania (ratified the Constitution on December 12, 1787) New Jersey (ratified the Constitution on December 18, 1787) Georgia (ratified the Constitution on January 2, 1788) Connecticut (ratified the Constitution on January 9, 1788) Massachusetts (ratified the Constitution on February 6, 1788). [81] The Cherokee were guaranteed protection, rations of food, livestock, tools, and other goods, as well as a delegate to the Confederate Congress at Richmond. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. What does Shakespeare mean when he says Coral is far more red than her lips red? In response, some Confederate artillery crews started forcing slaves to load the cannons. [2], Kirkland went on to fight in both the Battle of Chancellorsville and the Battle of Gettysburg where, after further distinguishing himself for courage and ability, he was promoted to lieutenant. Army, Soldiers -- Confederate States of America -- Registers, Soldiers, United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Registers, United States, United States -- Confederate States of America, United States, Southern States -- Military records -- Civil War, 1861-1865 Publisher Wilmington, NC : Broadfoot Pub. Religion strengthened the soldiers' loyalty to their comrades and the Confederacy. The Confederacy refused. { }} {{ board.total_asset_count }} View all Boards View all Sets CREATE BOARD. And Maryland's nickname "Old Line" refers to the steadfast Maryland troops from the era of the American Revolution. [93] Even Georgian governor Joseph E. Brown noted that "the country and the army are mainly dependent upon slave labor for support. gray. [6][citation needed]. For Confederate army soldiers, there are two major records in NARA that provide information on military service: (1) compiled military service record (CMSR) and (2) records reproduced in microfilm publication M861, Compiled Records Showing Service of Military Units in Confederate Organizations (74 rolls). The morning of December 14 revealed that over 8,000 Union soldiers had been shot in front of the stone wall at Marye's Heights. [81] Reluctantly, on October 7, 1861, Chief Ross signed a treaty transferring all obligations due to the Cherokee from the United States to the Confederate States. Research guide for the American Civil War,, National Park Service: Soldiers & Sailors Database, The Roster of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865, The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of Rebellion. [48] Soldiers who were fighting in defense of their homes realized that they had to desert to fulfill that duty. "Doughboy" A World War I Soldier. [57][58], Young Mark Twain deserted the army long before he became a famous writer and lecturer, but he often commented upon the episode comically. "Leatherneck, Jarhead" A US Marine. 14 day loan required to access EPUB and PDF files. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Choose an expert and meet online. A few corps commanders were never confirmed as lieutenant generals and exercised corps command for varying periods as major generals. He first saw action during the First Battle of Bull Run (First Manassas), and later in the Battle of Savage's Station, Battle for Maryland Heights and Battle of Antietam, during which time many of his closest friends from Kershaw County were killed. Battle of Antietam, also called Battle of Sharpsburg, (September 17, 1862), in the American Civil War (1861-65), a decisive engagement that halted the Confederate invasion of Maryland, an advance that was regarded as one of the greatest Confederate threats to Washington, D.C. These lists contain names of Confederate soldiers, their regiment, and burial place transcribed from monuments and headstones. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. For example, on August 19, 1862, General Stonewall Jackson approved the court-martial sentence of execution for three soldiers for desertion, rejecting pleas for clemency from the soldiers' regimental commander. The majority of Confederate soldiers were under 30 years of age. How can we avoid the occurrence of weld porosity? [108], On March 13, 1865,[22] the Confederate Congress passed General Order 14[109][110] by a single vote in the Confederate senate,[22][111] and Jefferson Davis signed the order into law. "Billy Yank" A Union soldier during the Civil War. Johnny Reb: The Common Confederate Soldier Johnny Reb, the all-around general southern soldier of the Confederacy was often foraging for food, as supplies were frequently not forthcoming. What is the difference between HSI and Hscei? A typical CSR will include an envelope that lists a soldiers name, rank, unit, and card numbers, followed by cards with details extracted from muster rolls, rosters, hospital rolls, Union prison records, payrolls, and other records, with a new card being created each time a soldiers name appeared on a new document. Estimates range from 500,000 to 2,000,000 soldiers who were involved at any time during the war. President Abraham Lincoln was exasperated to hear of such men who professed to love their country but were willing to fight against it. They promised to give us our freedom and money besides, but none of us believed them; we only fought because we had to." Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. [17], The Confederate Congress provided for a Confederate army patterned after the United States Army. Officers' uniforms bore a braided design on the sleeves and kepi, the number of adjacent strips (and therefore the width of the lines of the design) denoting rank. To fully understand the vast changes the war unleashed on the country, you must first understand the plight of the Southerners who didn't want secession", "The Civil War News & Views Open Discussion Forum", "Memory: Frederick Douglass' Black Confederate", "Real Confederates Didn't Know About Black Confederates", "The Most Pernicious Idea: 150 Years Later", "Confederate Law authorizing the enlistment of black soldiers, March 13, 1865, as promulgated in a military order", "Understanding Fort Pillow: 'Full and Ample Retaliation', "SECTION III.DesertersPrisoners of warHostagesBooty on the battle-field", INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE FIELD, "West Points of the Confederacy: Southern Military Schools and the Confederate Army". Confederate casualty figures are as incomplete and unreliable as the figures on the number of Confederate soldiers. Fold3 provides convenient access to military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served. Official Records, Series IV, Vol. The problem escalated rapidly after that, and fewer and fewer men returned. In the action that followed, he and his unit inflicted heavy casualties on the Union attackers. The production of these 3" Rifle projectiles began in April 1864. Hone your math skills with our flashcards! The United States victory at Vicksburg in 1863 shut off supplies from Texas and the west. To each member, Fifty Dollars Bounty, clothes, arms, camp equipage &c: furnished. 2 What was the Souths nickname in the Civil War? Four regiments usually formed a brigade, although as the number of soldiers in many regiments became greatly reduced, especially later in the war, more than four were often assigned to a brigade. Edit Search New Search. as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in The search engine finds names alphabetically. In war, enemy soldiers are given nicknames. Branch colors were used for the color of chevronsblue for infantry, yellow for cavalry, and red for artillery. The truth of the story has been disputed. If the first search fails, continue trying again and again, but use several variant spellings of the name, nicknames, initials, middle names, or any alias. [124][125], The Confederate law declaring black U.S. soldiers to be insurrectionist slaves, combined with the Confederacy's discriminatory mistreatment of captured black U.S. soldiers, became a stumbling block for prisoner exchanges between the United States and the Confederacy, as the U.S. government in the Lieber Code officially objected to the Confederacy's discriminatory mistreatment of prisoners of war on basis of color. "Dogface" A World War II and Korean War Soldier. most of the battlefields were located in Confederate states. [10] Lincoln was determined to hold the forts remaining under U.S. control when he took office, especially Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. By September 1864, however, President Davis publicly admitted that two-thirds of the soldiers were absent, "most of them without leave". CREATIVE. Website Name. Following the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, March 78, 1862, Drew's Mounted Rifles defected to the United States forces in Kansas, where they joined the Indian Home Guard. Let us put the negro to work, but not to fight. What was the nickname for Confederate soldiers. He had also been a United States senator from Mississippi and U.S. Secretary of War under President Franklin Pierce. Why did the population expert feel like he was going crazy punchline answer key? In the summer of 1862, U.S. troops captured Chief Ross, who was paroled and spent the remainder of the war in Washington and Philadelphia proclaiming Cherokee loyalty to the United States Army.[81]. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. A World War II and Korean War soldier at Vicksburg in 1863 shut off from... Yankee could, in this rebellion, they were victorious on the name! Confederate volunteers in 1861, grew even stronger as the War 174,223 men of the total fighting!, French, SAT Writing, the maximum age of conscription was extended to 45 14 day loan to! Websites and collect information to provide a controlled Consent were located in Confederate.. Term for lice nickname of confederate soldiers so we can see the insult here grew even stronger the. Branch colors were used for the battle is derived from Antietam Creek, which theoretically had 1,000 men Consent.! 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