notwithstanding the foregoing

Notwithstanding the foregoing the Trust may, without the Company's consent, transfer or assign (i) all or any part of its rights and remedies under Sections X and Y of this Agreement to any third party and (ii) all or any part of its rights and remedies under Section Z of this Agreement as permitted by such Sections. Notwithstanding is also coupled with foregoing. Notwithstanding the foregoing there is an ongoing need for new anti-infective and anti . What does the foregoing mean in a contract? Notwithstanding the foregoing, you (i)shall be permitted to retain archival copies of the Confidential Information in accordance with legal, regulatory and internal document retention policies, provided that such information retained may only be accessed for the legal, regulatory or compliance purpose that gave rise to such retention, (ii)shall , the young man looked his interviewer directly in the eyes as he answered the questions. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world. Example of a localized column query generation A query generation sample code for the localized [ Name ] column of the [ City ] object schema on the server side (C#): // User Connection. Event shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(d). Like subject to, the word notwithstanding creates a priority of provisions. I'm a lawyer by trade and an entrepreneur by spirit. the foregoing provisions of this chapter shall have the period of five years within which to provide at least one college, as described in the fourth section of said act, . Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may lower the Warrant Price or extend the duration of the Exercise Period pursuant to Sections 3.1 and 3.2, respectively, without the consent of the Registered Holders. notwithstanding 2 of 3 conjunction as in although in spite of the fact that the man suspected of being the serial killer is little known to his neighbors, notwithstanding he has lived in the apartment complex for years Synonyms & Similar Words although though while but albeit as if whereas whilst altho when howbeit much as notwithstanding 3 of 3 The purpose here is to include a mini deal in the contract, last minute, for the sake of closing the deal. FUNDINGRESTRICTION.Notwithstanding the des-ignation under subsection (a), for fiscal years 2014 and 2015, Central State University shall not be eligible to Lets face it, sometimes, we want the uncertainty in the contract and, at other times, we want more certainty. Foregoing means "that which came before." The foregoing could refer to a prior sentence, a prior body of content in the contract, or something in between. . Notwithstanding the foregoing, Square Enix reserves the right to establish an expiration date for this item code by providing advance notice via appropriate channels. correspondence charges relating to discrepancy(ies) shall be for the account . Your writing, at its best often used after its . Middle English notwithstonding, from not + withstonding, present participle of withstonden to withstand, 14th century, in the meaning defined above, 15th century, in the meaning defined above. A pesar de lo anterior, el Ecuador reitera que est dispuesto a buscar una solucin negociada que ponga fin a esta prolongada diferencia. When you use the word notwithstanding in a contract or legal document, you are looking to inform the reader that the concept you're looking to introduce should not be affected by a concept that was previously introduced. Typically, the contract contains a provision that sets forth the requirements to be met in order to comply with the agreement. Enjoy! There is no doubt that you may have come across the word notwithstanding in a contract or legal document. In modern English, this term is used most commonly as a preposition (His sprained anklenotwithstanding, Marcus hobbled over the finish line). just the same. Maximum horizontal acceleration in lithified earth material means the maximum expected horizontal acceleration depicted on a seismic hazard map, with a 90 percent or greater probability that the acceleration will not be exceeded in 250 years, or the maximum expected horizontal acceleration based on a site-specific seismic risk assessment. I'm an expert SEO and content marketer where I deeply enjoy writing content in highly competitive fields. 2023. How To Start A Business In Louisiana [Step-By-Step Ultimate Guide], Flat Organizational Structure (All You Need To Know), CP 575 (What Is It And How It Works: All You Need To Know), Notwithstanding Meaning In Law (All You Need To Know), Notwithstanding anything to the contrary meaning, Notwithstanding The Foregoing (Meaning: All You Need To Know), What Is A Corporation (Answered: All You Need To Know), What Is A Special Purpose Entity (All You Need To Know). "foregoing provisions" c Reverso Context: Given the foregoing provisions of the Tax Code, the provisions of CTEA DK 009:2005 as amended, Part 72 Class "activities in the field of information", the following services are operations which are not subject to VAT. The material provided on the Incorporated.Zone's website is for general information purposes only. Many people are not aware that any provisions following the word notwithstanding are exceptions. I'm an expert SEO and content marketer where I deeply enjoy writing content in highly competitive fields. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that TIPS is made aware of any pricing being offered to eligible entities that is materially inconsistent with the pricing under this agreement, TIPS shall have the ability to conduct the audit internally or may engage a third- party auditing firm to investigate any possible non- compliant conduct or may terminate the Agreement according to the terms of this Agreement. No need to spend hours finding a lawyer, post a job and get custom quotes from experienced lawyers instantly. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Antonyms of notwithstanding are a little harder to define, but they include: because of, thanks to, given, owing to, and in the wake of. This means, regardless of the legal obligations outlined in Concept A, you must observe Concept B as per the terms introduced after the word notwithstanding. Thats when the court may need to consider the literal interpretation of the contract along with the intention of the parties in case of interpretation challenges. None means there were not enough English language learners to meet the minimum n-size requirement. In contracts, when a lawyer uses the sentence notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the objective is to ensure that the referenced contractual provision supersedes any other provision of the contract on the same subject or potentially conflicting in essence. in view of this. (a) The Executive's employment will automatically terminate upon the death or Disability of the Executive. What is the opposite of Notwithstanding The Foregoing? What does it mean that the Bible was divinely inspired? Notwithstanding the foregoing, no amounts paid without the written consent of Lender shall reduce the liability of Surety to Lender under this Payment Bond. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The people providing legal help and who respond are volunteers who may not be lawyers, legal professionals or have any legal training or experience. The multilingual data sampling is performed according to the following rules: Users with the primary culture (English) receive the main table data. 'Hiemal,' 'brumation,' & other rare wintry words. "Notwithstanding the foregoing" means "in spite of the things previously mentioned or written." "Notwithstanding anything to the contrary" is legal language that declares that a clause supersedes anything forthcoming that might contradict it. If youre not sure what it means or when to use it, youre not alone. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary means despite any terms that may conflict with the present provision or statement. They work for the insured to assist in the preparation, presentation, and settlement of the claim. In another clause, you can say that notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the client will be responsible to pay a termination fee of $100. For example, you can say notwithstanding Section 5 herein, . If you replace any of the antonyms above with the word. The answer is C. Consequently is an antonym for notwithstanding. Y rt nhiu cu v d dch cha "NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING" - ting anh-ting vit bn dch v ng c cho bn dch ting anh tm kim. You can also use notwithstanding as a conjunction (Nobody noticed the ancient book,notwithstandingits previous place in the museum display) and as an adverb (Bert hates the logo and the audio sequence, but we will press onnotwithstanding). There are many ways you can write the sentence notwithstanding anything to the contrary to mean the same thing or something similar, such as: There may be more variations of the sentence although weve outlined a few for the sake of giving you a few examples. sentence means the sanction or combination of sanctions imposed by the sentencing court on an offender who is convicted of or pleads guilty to an offense. Here are some examples of opposites of notwithstanding in a sentence: Some words are hard to grasp at first, but theyre genuinely useful when you get to know them. in consideration of the foregoing premise and for other good - legal in proof of agreement with the foregoing in the widest sense incidental to the foregoing - legal including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing - legal Notwithstanding the foregoing - legal Notwithstanding the foregoing, - legal more. The substitute word or phrase will depend on whether youre using notwithstanding as a conjunction, an adverb, or a preposition. Meaning irrespective of or in spite of the following, e.g. determines or determined means a determination made in the absolute discretion of the person making the determination. ? ? Additional filters are available in search. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If the localization table contains no data for the users culture, the main table data is returned. Today is the time to define and learn the purpose of this handy word. When you use the word notwithstanding in a contract or legal document, you are looking to inform the reader that the concept youre looking to introduce should not be affected by a concept that was previously introduced. Notwithstanding means despite, nevertheless, however, or although. not but. Here is how the word notwithstanding is used in a contract: As you can see in this example, the word notwithstanding is used to indicate that regardless of any other provisions of the agreement, the word Award means the grant of Restricted Stock Units. Notwithstanding is a complex word. Notwithstanding their youth and inexperience, the team won the championship. none the less. When you say notwithstanding any other provision in the agreement, to which provision are you referring to? The word "notwithstanding" means in spite of or despite. What does notwithstanding mean in legal terms? However, there is not always enough time or money to fully analyze each provision in a contract to discover if each provision should be subordinated or not. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. More Probate Ask a lawyer - it's free! The word notwithstanding means in spite of or despite. The word "foregoing" means what has come earlier. What Is A Special Purpose Entity (Explained: All You Need To Know), What Is Corporate Raiding (Explained: All You Need To Know), What Are Golden Shares (Explained: All You Need To Know), What Is A Targeted Repurchase (Explained: All You Need To Know), What Is A Friendly Takeover (Explained: All You Need To Know), It Was A Pleasure Working With You (All You Need To Know). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It also means despite, in spite of, even if, with regard to, however, in any event, nevertheless, still, and yet. Burberrys recent ad for its bergamot-laced Hero, which features a shirtless Adam Driver becoming one with a horse, Business travel compliance is a hot topic due to new, confusing array of regulations global health pandemic, That has deepened the character, allowing Bond to experience grief, loss and love without hitting the reset button, the recurrence of the villainous Blofeld, That means he cannot be retried for it on double jeopardy grounds, the defense and prosecution agreement, The fighting quieted down a bit (war-criminal attacks on apartment buildings miles from the front, With Atlantas Mercedes-Benz Stadium about 70 miles from Georgias campus, and with the Bulldogs having crushed Louisiana State and Oregon in Atlanta this season, there is no cozier setup this playoff, the pasts headwinds, Post the Definition of notwithstanding to Facebook, Share the Definition of notwithstanding on Twitter, Before we went to her house, Hannah told us her aunt was a. But to answer your question, "notwithstanding the foregoing" in legal parlance means even though X has been stated the trust maker is saying Y instead, or in clarification of X. I don't understand the trust maker's intent in this context. Who wrote the music and lyrics for Kinky Boots? What does notwithstanding the foregoing mean in legal terms? Issue Date Meaning (Definition And Examples), Express Contract Overview (Definition and Examples), What Is A Special Purpose Entity (All You Need To Know), All Rights Reserved (Meaning: All You Need To Know), Notwithstanding any other provision of law, Notwithstanding any other provision herein, Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding. For example, a contractor may sign a contract with a client and say that the work can be performed for a total cost of $10,000. This and other multisyllabic connectors like inasmuch are common in legal writing like contracts, official reports, judgments, and other legal documents. Notwithstanding the foregoing indicates to the reader that what the author is about to say supersedes or prevails over what was just presented. You have been successfully subscribed to the Grammarly blog. The notwithstanding sentence can also be used to remotely operate a change in how rights and obligations in a contract are ranked. notwithstanding the foregoing (where a statement is true despite the fact that a prior mentioned statement might m. Foregoing means that which came before. The foregoing could refer to a prior sentence, a prior body of content in the contract, or something in between. Neil Coffey Neil Coffey. Share it with your network! The word notwithstanding is also used quite frequently in statutes by legislative drafters. Below are a few of the cons related to using notwithstanding in your agreements: While the concept behind using notwithstanding may be valid, there are simpler and clearer ways of saying it. What Are Syllables, and How Do You Count Them? Its meaning is close to nevertheless or in spite of this: Although he didnt have a lot of experience, they decided to hire him notwithstanding If a teacher is talking to a student about his failing grades and ends the conversation with notwithstanding the foregoing, passing is still possible, he is saying that despite all he has said about the students dismal academic status at the present, the student still has the potential to pass the class. notwithstanding regardless of undeterred by even adverbstill, yet all the more despite disregarding in spite of indeed much notwithstanding so much as for prepositionin consideration of after as beneficial to concerning conducive to during for the sake of in contemplation of in exchange for in favor of in furtherance of in order to in order to get Antonyms include because of, given, consequently, and accordingly. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. < > notwithstanding any instructions to the contrary : For example, a contract may say that the client may terminate the contract without any penalty. 2018). The barman says, Is this some kind of dangling preposition?. What does notwithstanding mean? Noun. 1a : to stand up against : oppose with firm determination especially : to resist successfully. Best practice - lex specialis. 21250 Hawthorne Blvd.Suite 850 For purposes of this Agreement fair market value" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term under the 1998 Plan; and "Target Bonus" shall mean the full amount of bonuses and/or performance compensation (other than Base Salary and awards under the 1998 Plan (including assumed awards granted under the 1987 Program and the 1997 Plan)) that would be payable to the Executive, assuming all performance criteria on which such bonus and/or performance compensation are based were deemed to be satisfied, in respect of services for the calendar year in which the date in question occurs. nonetheless. Copyright 1995 - 2015 LLC. For example, if you have a contractual clause granting certain rights or imposing certain obligations on a party, you can remotely trump this right or obligation using the sentence starting with the term notwithstanding. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". For instance, notwithstanding Concept A, Concept B is. Do you know how we use despite and in spite of? You have an initial clause making it clear that there are no termination penalties while you have another clause saying the opposite. The meanings given to terms defined herein will be equally applicable to both the singular and plural forms of such terms. Almost got it! In the following examples, we replaced the word notwithstanding with one of its synonyms, which youll see in bold: You can end a sentence with notwithstanding. What is the first character that must be entered in an Excel formula? The preachments of the archaeological community notwithstanding, the retentionist program they advocate is a prescription for future catastrophes. In other words, there should be no alternative to the sentence as it must not be used. What does notwithstanding mean in the first place? By using our site you agree to our privacy policy. foregoing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for the avoidance of doubt, nothing contained herein shall constitute a representation or warranty, or preclude any actions, with respect to locating or borrowing shares in order to effect Short Sales or similar transactions in the future. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an establishment which has received a permit from the State of Minnesota which authorizes sale of intoxicating liquor or 3.2 percent malt liquor on- sale between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. may make such sales if it has provided a copy of the permit to the Director of the Office of LIEP. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The phrases mean essentially the same thing, but notwithstanding appears in a prevailing clause, while subject to appears in a superseded clause. ESQ supports multilingual data by default. Although "notwithstanding" is still a reasonably well-known word in modern Canadian English - thanks perhaps in part to numerous media mentions of the Charter's "notwithstanding clause" - "despite", "even if" and the others are more current. Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 See All ( 5) Save Copy Have you ever encountered the word notwithstanding? . An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme, 'Ten fat sausages'.Subscribe for more Early Years clips from BBC . Grammarly helps you communicate confidently, Although he didnt have a lot of experience, they decided to hire him, I know that youre selfish, selfish beyond words, and I know that you havent the nerve of a rabbit, I know youre a liar and a humbug, I know that youre utterly contemptible. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Anything to the contrary means essentially that. Liquidated Damages And the tragic part isher face was on a sudden distraught with pain the tragic part is that notwithstanding Hello Nation! From a purely academic and theoretical standpoint, in many cases, it makes sense not to use the notwithstanding sentence. In law, the word notwithstanding means "despite" or "regardless". Now that you understand what notwithstanding means, you might be interested in how master writers employ it. In legal writing, contracts, and legal documents, the term notwithstanding is generally used to create a form of independence between one provision and another (or one concept and another). When do you use the word notwithstanding in a contract? Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed. You might think it looks like three separate words stuck togethernot, with, and standing. Grammarly can check your spelling and save you from grammar and punctuation mistakes. Legislative Council's Division of Research is pleased to announce the 2022 edition of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual. Foregoing means "that which came before." The foregoing could refer to a prior . Lets look at a few examples of how the word notwithstanding is actually used in contracts. var userConnection = (UserConnection)HttpContext.Current.Session["UserConnection"]; // Forming a query. Notwithstanding the foregoing indicates to the reader that what the author is about to say supersedes or prevails over what was just presented. conj. Typically, clients know their contracts backward and forward. The "notwithstanding" phrase can also create a different sort of confusion, as demonstrated in Pronschinske Trust Dated March 21, 1995 v. Kaw Valley Co., 899 F.2d 470 (7th Cir. Charles Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby. Another concern is that it can result in one major notwithstanding rule. What does the term notwithstanding the forgoing mean? Let us provide your company the advice and guidance you need. Independent and Dependent Clauses: Rules and Examples. It even proofreads your text, so your work is extra polished wherever you write. He is honest, notwithstanding he is poor. var entities = esqResult.GetEntityCollection(userConnection); // Retrieving the query text. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind. Thus, youll rarely see or hear it used in casual conversations or daily text communication. For example, Clause A creates a certain rule. We help brands stay relevant and gain visibility in search results. What happened to him was in no way his fault, Although there are some who oppose the plan, we will go through with it, you're rather late getting here, but you're welcome to join us for dinner. Notwithstanding any provision of the Agreement, Award means a grant of Restricted Stock Units subject to the Plan rules. Notwithstanding the foregoing means in spite of what was just said or written. the man suspected of being the serial killer is little known to his neighbors. Restricted Activity means directly or indirectly owning any interest in, managing, controlling, participating in, consulting with, rendering services for, or in any manner engaging in any business with any customer, supplier, competitor or other person having a business relation with the Company or any of its subsidiaries; provided however that the term "Restricted Activity" shall not include passive ownership of not more than 2% of the outstanding stock of any class of a corporation which is publicly traded, so long as Executive has no active participation in the business of that corporation. Why use the sentence notwithstanding anything to the contrary? . You can use this word as a preposition, as a conjunction, or as an adverb. Notwithstanding is a complex word. Better yet, you might just use it yourself. "Notwithstanding" is often paired with "the foregoing" two state "notwithstanding the foregoing.." which means despite "x" and "y," "z" can still occur. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. For instance, notwithstanding Concept A, Concept B is Most comprehensive library of legal defined terms on your mobile device, All contents of the excluding publicly sourced documents are Copyright 2013-, (a) DEFINITION.In this section, the term, Maximum horizontal acceleration in lithified earth material. Notwithstanding means in spite of, despite, even if, without regard to or impediment by other things, all the same, however, in any case, in any event, nevertheless, none the less, still, yet. For purposes of New York and New Jersey State ethics rules, please take notice that this website and its case reviews may constitute attorney advertising. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word notwithstanding is defined as: The use of the word notwithstanding in law follows essentially the same meaning as plain English. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this grant of exclusivity shall not apply to those vendors or activities listed or described in Addendum "x". What are some examples of how providers can receive incentives? Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Party may disclose Confidential Information to the limited extent required (x) in order to comply with the order of a court or other governmental body, or as otherwise necessary to comply with applicable law, provided that the Party making the disclosure pursuant to the order must first have given written If you, for instance, want to implement a trumping rule in a contract and you know your contract well, so well that there are 20 provisions that may or may not need to be subordinated. If subject to were left out, the clause is still understandable. My name is Amir and I'm the owner of this blog. Surety hereby waives notice of any change, including changes of time, to the Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders and other obligations. Although the argument may sometimes have merit, it may still be wishful thinking. in the premises. (4) In this section primary legislation means, (2) In this subsection, the term fundraising means. You have two conflicting clauses where the first one grants a right to terminate without fees while the other one imposes an obligation of $100. Not and Withstanding stumble into a bar and flop dramatically over the counter. What is the meaning of notwithstanding the forgoing? Letters from the English usually contained very formally typed . You might think it looks like three separate words stuck together, . If notwithstanding the foregoing , any proceedings are commenced in another 26 n 2 above at [84]. Send us feedback. This means, in spite of anything else in the law that may convey a conflicting message or meaning. Notwithstanding can also function as an adverb. his nervousness, the young man looked his interviewer directly in the eyes as he answered the questions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if such provision could be more narrowly drawn so as not to be prohibited or unenforceable in such jurisdiction while, at the same time, maintaining the intent of the parties, it shall, as to such jurisdiction, be so narrowly drawn without invalidating the remaining provisions of this DPA or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction. Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, Writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Its meaning in legal documents doesnt change its still just another word for nevertheless. A pesar de que un ttulo en artes no le conseguira un trabajo con un buen sueldo, Tom decidi que estudiar algo que lo apasionara era ms importante que el dinero. Detrimental Activity means any of the following: (i) unauthorized disclosure of any confidential or proprietary information of any member of the Company Group; (ii) any activity that would be grounds to terminate the Participants employment or service with the Service Recipient for Cause; (iii) a breach by the Participant of any restrictive covenant by which such Participant is bound, including, without limitation, any covenant not to compete or not to solicit, in any agreement with any member of the Company Group; or (iv) fraud or conduct contributing to any financial restatements or irregularities, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion. Before making any decision or accepting any legal advice, you should have a proper legal consultation with a licensed attorney with whom you have an attorney-client privilege. I love you with all my heart. Accessed 1 Mar. In those cases, notwithstanding means although, or in spite of. Heres an example: Notwithstanding Hello Nation! However, in some cases, the notwithstanding clause keeps the formulation broad like notwithstanding any other provision of the law making the legislators intention more difficult to discern. When you end a sentence with notwithstanding, its usually an adverb that helps add nuance to your statement (He didnt have time to review her resume. 1 What to use instead of Notwithstanding the foregoing? Do you need legal help with understanding notwithstanding legal use? A cross-referencing phrase links a main rule to an exception. Present provision or statement GDPR cookie Consent plugin, traffic source,.... If youre not sure what it means or when to use it, youre not sure it. Daily text communication the term fundraising means notwithstanding in a contract the preparation, presentation and... 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