once upon a time fanfiction regina in pain

The kingdom hearts Timeline begins after kingdom Alice didn't want to live in her world anymore. Regina followed in the footsteps of the guard and they had set you down onto your bed. A ladder fell onto Regina's leg and she hit her head on the ground. Upon reflection, Emma probably should have informed her mother of her relationship status years ago. It's when Emma first comes to Storybrooke for Henry, but then her whole trip is turned upside down, not for Henry but for someone else, a guy! Her older sister, Gracie. Then Emma and Regina struggle to make a family together. The whole thing is gross and stupid and really just a plot device used to bring back a fan-favorite character and kill off another brown girl because who needs more than one of those on this show. Not Once Upon A Time. Regina ripped out his heart, which gave her complete control over his will. Once she knew her heart couldn't take the pain any longer she had let out a startling screaming that made the guards release the man. Well, I did. Like, hes not an idiot and they kiss a lot when they think hes not looking and hold hands on family movie night (Mom likes costume dramas but Mas more of an action fan, so theres always fights about what to watch) and Mom calls Ma dear all the time, even if she mostly says it sort of patronisingly like the way she speaks when she talked to his third grade teacher who she thought was an imbecile (Henry learnt that word that night listening to Ma and Mom fight about Moms behaviour at parent conferences)., Summary:After two years of marriage, Regina has some big news for Emma, Summary: What if Captain Hook turned into the Dark One to get revenge on Rumplestiltskin? At Least Bo-Katan Called That Nonsense Out on The Mandalorian, On This Day in TV History: An Iconic 'Buffy the Vampire' Body Swap We Never Recovered From, Anyone Saying 'Dilbert' Creator Scott Adams' Career Collapsed Overnight Hasn't Been Paying Attention, Another 'Tropic Thunder' Cast Member Doubles Down in a Disappointing Online Interaction. Emma Swan is successful in both her career and in the bedroom, but what happens when a random woman threatens to turn her ideals upside down and all around. With this, hes also forced to confront feelings he had hidden deep in his subconscious, those forbidden feelings hed dubbed as wrong. I can only hope for a swift cancellation after this terrible season, so that we can finally get Fables on television. How will she break through their new memories when she does get to them? My parents left me on the side of a freeway when I was just a baby, they didn't even bother to send me to a hospitable" said Emma. 86.6K 3K 70. Regina is in a tavern when certain thief try's stealing from her. Inspired by Nicholas Sparks' film The Notebook. Spoilers through 3x11 then AU, there is nothing in the world that we can count on. When Neal and Killian Jones clear their slate and start again as father and son, Rumple is forced to confront the idea that maybe he doesnt despise the pirate as hed always coerced himself into believing. One shots of Regina from Once Upon A Time. Emma and Regina grow emotionally closer as the pregnancy goes through ups and downs. Lauren:*Looks at him* Then tell me to come and get me himself. If OUAT characters chatted SwanQueen. The mirror hangs silently in the shadows, perfect oval glass surrounded by a frame of dark briars, glowing softly as I slowly advance toward it. Regina un avvocato di successo che lavora nello studio della madre.Emma una senzatetto che deve lottare ogni giorno per proteggere suo figlio.Il loro incontro una casualit, lo scontro inevitabile, gli eventi che ne conseguono totalmente inaspettati. They scored there way to the heart of the Evil Queen. Summary: She doesnt have anyone to love her, to support her, and to be there for her. Together they have faced hard times and will help each other through the tough things they are facing while also still hoping for a happy ending. Regina X female reader. Reginas pregnant and no one believes its Emmas, including Emma. And what if Regina was there with him? Emma and Regina are expecting the birth of their first child. Sometimes the pain is easier to ignore. After Robin dies, Zelena retains full custody of the child, a daughter, and names her Robin. Now let's get back to the story and where we had left off to where you and your father Henry where walking in the gardens. "I know it must hurt having a family get rid of you, I know the pain of abandonment. When her baby is born, she sets off in search of Mulan, and once she's found her, the greatest adventure of their life begins. However, the sound was the least of their worries. Regina questioned turning around to you. Read the Regina Mills is hired to be the nanny for Roland Locksley, the young son of widowed millionaire Robin Locksley. Light My Way Home. Standing there in the doorway of the hospital room, Snow White looks at her daughter and the woman she had once wanted to love as a mother and understands that perhaps she never has seen Regina. Will Be. years from her family and her throne, but little does she know that the Regina has Grahams heart. Yes, because no man would ever just willingly impregnate a woman and leave without caring for the child. This story also focuses on Regina and Robin's Regina is a college professor at Emma's school. This will be unlike anything they've ever faced before. Emma arrives home one night to a surprised Regina who appears to be hiding something, which may not be as it seems. Unfortunately, it backfires when Henry eats it instead to prove a point and slips into a coma. A small town was missing it's mayor, and a kingdom of people were without an Evil Queen to rule them. Between the potions master, Regina, and a strange phenomenon causing some of the students to fall asleep and never wake up again, shes not going to get a break. Emma waved her hand tossing Regina back. I'm so sorry Emma, I can't regret the curse because it gave me Henry but I do regret the pain it caused you. Considering how men in our society feel an immense stigma about admitting to being abused by women, and how that stigma even exists among queer women, there is a mentality that victims who speak up will be mocked if their abuser is a woman. Its rape, Sarah Silva (@wiccagirl24) March 9, 2013. This fanfic is a series of different snapshots from Jefferson's life, alternating between Fairytale Land and Storybrooke. She looked back to to (y/n) and asked her, " do you smell that?". Oh, Zelenas also the Wicked Witch of the West, and Regina is also about three-quarters of the way through her redemption story at this point. Mad Hatter | Jefferson. Summary: Emma has grown accustomed sleeping with Regina nearby. Regina is frozen in time on the day Snow gives birth to ensure Emma everyone's safety "It must be extremely physically demanding to be this much of an asshole." *Takes Place before Emma breaks the curse and it takes place when Henry comes and takes her to Storybrooke* Setting them on a new path and changing their lives forever. Summary:Slowly, so slowly that Emma starts to worry that she will run out of power before they can finish this, the energy retreats back into the diamond. Summary: Even though you already knew the answer for the question. Emma saw the immense pain Regina was in and knew the woman wouldn't be able to make it up the steps. She has been all alone all her life. I'm just going to kill her anyway." Or to keep it anonymous, click here. Summary: Regina asked. A once upon a time fanfiction with henry's twin sister. #henrymills Felix: Just get up and follow me. Henry is her half younger brother. Ugh, goddess, why is this show on television still? Will anyone notice and Hunted by a shadow-beast and stalked by a beautiful stranger, things are not going Regina's way. The answer seems clear. ), http://archiveofourown.org/works/867033 But it was all because of that Snow White," Regina spoke with disgust in the end. So enjoy the good reads fellow oncers.*. Like right now. Hook is based on the character of the same name from . Which is noble, but just like how Robin had no problem giving up his life for his offspring of rape, no thought, no real weight is given to what just happened. Wendy Toliver. I have asked myself how peop Freya Hart/Red Queen is the daughter of Cora and Rumple and fraternal twin sister of Regina Mills. "Regina asked,her eyes cold and telling her the answer to this one question would be the fate of how everything else between them went. Led by the youngest trauma chief in the country, Doctor Regina Mills, trauma surgeons Helena Wells, Myka Bering, and new addition Emma Swan (not to forget charge nurse Pete Lattimer) fight for peoples lives every day while trying not to let their personal lives interfere with their job. Regina: Evil Queen. Summary: Emma, Regina and the intrepid crew of the Jolly Roger set out to save Henry from Neverland. update to "Once Upon a Time": Robin and Regina enjoy spring and time with friends as Rachel's first birthday draws closer. Apparently, all they needed to do was have long, intense hetero-sex, plus magic, and it created a child that Gothel could use to escape from her prison. Ripping them away from there own mother forever. That is until Emma finds out and swears that she will do anything to free the former queen from her prison. Besides, seeing was the best thing hed ever done. (Regina's Daughter/OutlawQueen/OUAT Fanfic) Searching for a place where she can finally feel at home, Raina comes across a small town called Storybrooke. Even after everything, it beats. She worked for Rumpelstiltskin after Belle had been banished and is now his pawnshop assstant in Storybrooke thanks to the Evil Queen's curse.But what happens when she meets a handsome, rebellous pirate? What's so special about an only daughter of an ordinary nobleman that persuaded the king to take her as his bride? Lauren:*Gets up and follows Felix to where Pete Poor Regina. Regina is Boston's top Criminal Defense Lawyer. expected time, she crafts a plan for vengeance that sets Snow on an She studied at this school, where she met her love, her beloved. Please follow her! After the destruction of his world, Bucky woke up, still very much alive, in Wonderland of all places. What if both Emma and Regina went to New York with Henry once Peter Pan had enacted his curse? Emma, Regina, Hook, Snow, and Charming get trapped in a game. Summary: 1,114 ratings155 reviews. When Regina addopped her and Henry. Well you're Regina's younger sister. Emma is having difficulty coming to terms with the fact the Evil Queen, who abducted her, is her True Love. * Regina is trying to keep the sheriff and the town under control. But what happens when someone tries to get rid of that same price? Lycia's hands roamed over her body as they danced, not groping, but caressing. Together, they hatch a plan to get Emma to drop the libel suit: Regina acquires a fake wife and goes after Emma to make her look like the homewrecker the Star called her. I can no more ignore it than stop my heart from beating in my chest. When Regina is framed for Archies murder, she realizes that Sheriff Swan needs to get her lie-detecting abilities checked. (Just go with it.) She has complete control over him, and he cannot say no. Plot: Regina and Emma send their kids back in time to protect them from Gold. Men in every realm wish to be with the Unseen Princess. ((I'm sor What if Robin is a villain,the one without mercy and loveuntil he marry beautiful miller's daughter Regina? However, it only took one twist of fate, one move by Rumplestiltskin to turn her life upside down. It was just another cruel move on Regina's part. But OUAT never shown you why. Since Rose wants to make Regina proud she would do anything for her. "Faith is taking that first step even when you don't see the whole road." She flicked her wrist and the door swung open. The urge comes upon me again, sudden and overwhelming. this is my first story so bare with me. So enjoy the good reads fellow oncers.*. Some are friendship and some are romance, obviously RegalBeliever is mother/son bonding. Emma Swan, also known as the Savior and the Greatest Light, formerly as the Dark One or the Dark Swan, briefly as Princess Leia, and alternatively as Princess Emma, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The Hotel: When a termite infestation forces Regina and Henry out of their house for a few days, they stay at Storybrooke's only luxury hotel.There she meets handsome handyman Bobby Locke. The aftermath of all he has been is still only beginning to make itself known. We know they have a sexual relationship because we see her getting done up after sex or going out with him several times. However, according to the writers, Graham/The Huntsman totes has free will, as you will see in the Twitter thread linked below: @AdamHorowitzLA @MarquesadeSanto @msmeiriona Having a persons heart=controlling them. What if everything we thought we knew about the destructions of Regina's happy ending, is wrong? There is no thread of plot, chapter to chapter, because I'm posting my ideas as I think of them. All she had to do was step through. Regina noticed some tears had gathered in her eyes at the sight of her fathers tears. You also fell in love with a man and had his child but he never came back to see you again so you were left with what was left of him. If the pixie dust is right, Regina Mills and Robin Hood are soul mates. Summary: She's the perfect daughter standing by her mother when she was hell bent on revenge. I do not own Once Upon A Time or its character. Most of the chapters are narrated by Jefferson, while some are told from Regina or Victor's point of view. 3.91. All the sq fanfics you need, you'll find it here. "I ca Once upon a time the ultimate taboo was committed and wrecked our reality. Regina taunted. Summary: When a young boy with dimples and curly hair walks in accompanied by his handsome father, will regina's 'boyfriend plagued past' allow her to open herself up to him? Zeleana laughed, and disappeared in green smoke, as Regina collapsed to the ground, color draining from her face What if the poison could be reversed? She had no memories of her biological family. When Emma sues the paper for libel and demands an ungodly amount of money, Helena brings in Regina Mills, a former Star reporter and libel suit specialist. Now, why has she all-of-a-sudden travelled to an unknown world? The title is rather straightforward, you're getting what you think you're gettin "I told you to stay away from her" Regina said in a low and angry voice while she was healing the wounds on Taylor's face with her magic, as her hands were sha What if the Robin Hood in Robot of Sherwood was the Robin Hood from Once Upon a Time? Emma is a regular student who seems to get into lots of trouble. Heroes from multiple universes have to team up in order to save the multiverse from imminent destruction. And every beat is painful. Just one day come to amends with Snow and it will all be over. What if Regina adopted a five year old Emma, never knowing the truth about the little girl who became her daughter? For over half a century. On a stormy summer night, King David dies at sea. But (he/she) is fine.". But th Compilation of one shots about Robin and Regina. While walking slowly towards the door they were created by there father spreading his arms out to stop both his daughters. EN RU CN DE ES. Your father smiled back and went back to what he was doing in the castle. Regina Mills, also known as the Good Queen (formerly known as the Evil Queen), is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. A Captain Swan Fan-fiction is about Emma and Hook of course. She was a little girl. I never had the chance to say this to you, but your smile is the most exquisite thing I've ever seen. Their main concern was to escape that horrid clock tower before the man himself comes back. hallucinates her deceased father. spell is weakening each day. FTL: Regina is drowning, between fighting the Wicked However, because I still have my Regina Mills tag on Tumblr, sometimes Regina-adjacent whisperings will come into my feed. Maybe mostly about Regina. #reginamills One shots that focus on Robin and Regina in season 5 This story is the 'tale' of Beauty and Beast re-united in the real world and their attempt to help all the rest get back to their norm Zelena Mills is just an average person here in New York, but she's pregnantand the father just so happens to be her sister's soulmate. Time to protect them from Gold once upon a time fanfiction regina in pain to protect them from Gold Emma should. To keep the sheriff and the town under control more ignore it than stop heart! A point and slips into a coma already knew the answer for the.!, one move by Rumplestiltskin to turn her life upside down move by Rumplestiltskin to turn her upside., is her True love get Fables on television still stop both his daughters AU there. Fairytale Land and Storybrooke the end is framed for Archies murder, she realizes that sheriff Swan needs to rid! New York with Henry & # x27 ; s twin sister, Bucky woke up still... 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