49. 48. Beautiful counter-rucking, absolutely beautiful. What is it? It was also once used to refer to holes in watchtowers used by lookouts and guards, or to openings left in the walls of church towers to amplify the sounds of the bells. 33. Sometimes, giant balls hang from me. Get in the hole! 7. 29. 3. Spelled with one t, a sackbut is an early Renaissance brass instrument similar to a trombone. Orogeny a process in which a section of the earths crust is folded and deformed by lateral compression to form a mountain range. Scientific Terms You're Using Incorrectly, Movie Cliches No Real Person Has Ever Said, Life-Changing Sentences from Folks on Twitter, Thieves' Cant: A 400-Year Old Secret Language. The Oxford English Dictionary calls a humpenscrump "a musical instrument of rude construction." This will throw your friends off and fill them with guilt and shame for ever thinking the punchline was vagina. 43. We have a threesome, care to join us? Why Commas Are Important. . 5. I plead and plead for it regularly. 27 English Words That Sound Really Dirty But Actually Aren't Joshua Moraes No matter what your age, or where you're from, there are a few words in the English language that will make you. Skinflint a person who spends as little money as possible; a miser. Pusillanimous is most likely the derivation of one of the definitions of pussy (as in wimpy though). Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for hanging plus flat edges for optional Full Text: My windows aren't dirty, that's just my dog's nose art! Both sexangle and the equally indelicate sexagon are simply 17th-century names for what is otherwise known as a hexagon, a plane geometric shape with six sides. PG-13 Insults That Still Sting. Here are 50 words that might sound rude, but really arent. |-- Topic Forums 4. 38. Its never what you expect it to be and forces you to reevaluate the way you think (which is filthy, BTW). But when you utter this word in English speaking countries, everybody turns their heads around. The final ite, incidentally, is the same mineralogical suffix as in words like graphite and kryptonite. Penal. You can try to find the answer to these riddles and laugh out loud. Prostrate lying facedown on the ground. 4. Cockapert is an Elizabethan name for "a saucy fellow" according to the Oxford English Dictionary, but it can also be used as an adjective meaning "impudent" or "smart-alecky.". Hilarious Quotation Mark Fails. 15. 1. But doesn't it sound dirty?? 27. I've heard of hancock, but this one is worse. Only a dirty mind can make a good thing into bad. You have to blow it to play with it. Sheep farmers in some rural parts of Britain once had their own traditional counting systems, many of which are particularly ancient and predate even the Norman and Anglo-Saxon invasions of England. Aholehole is pronounced ah-holy-holy, and is the name of a species of Hawaiian flagtail fish native to the central Pacific. I am always hard when dry but smooth and soft when wet. Its definitely possible for them to be too long. Got a message for Democratic Underground? Janik D from Dresden, Germany on December 01, 2013: Very good and entertaining. Fach is a difficult word to forget. What is it? A nestle-cock is the last bird to hatch from a clutch of eggs. Are you really at all surprise at what the actual definition is? Back when I used to hit the links every now and then, I'd stand on the first tee and act like my shoulder was stiff. Plethora a large or excessive amount. Rump. Shasta Matova from USA on March 11, 2012: Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I've included this hub in my list of favorite hubs I've read this week ending March 11. cleaner3 from Pueblo, Colorado on March 02, 2012: WOW, i am sure that everyone can find one to relate to. 11. This list is full of forbidden words and phrases throughout history that can allegedly cause harm if they're spoken out loud (or, in some cases, even if they're written down). You don't need to actual phrases to sound smart. Jaymye Allen from Sherman, Texas on August 15, 2011: A word to the wise: when the Hub amuses you so much you must share by reading out loud, MAKE SURE YOU ENUNCIATE PROPERLY! Its one of a family of late 18thearly 19th century Scots words all of similar meaning, including perjinkity, perskeety, and, most familiar of all, pernickety. 20. What does a man have in his trousers that a lady doesnt want on her face? Aholehole If you read that as "a-hole," then think again. You should have paid attention in school. (Ha-ha-ha-HAAA-ha!!). According to one 19th-century glossary of industrial slang, a fanny-blower or fanner was "used in the scissor-grinding industry," and comprised "a wheel with vanes, fixed onto a rotating shaft, enclosed in a case or chamber to create a blast of air." It may not display this or other websites correctly. Try choking donw on the shaft. 16. You tie me down to get me up. Sometimes, I drip a little. . 2. Fartlek is a form of athletic training in which intervals of intensive and much less strenuous exercise are alternated in one long continuous workout. Lobcocked is an equally ancient adjective meaning "boorish" or "nave.". Messages posted on the Democratic Underground Discussion Forums are the Angina - Chest pain caused by poor blood circulation, Depository - A place where things of value deposited for safekeeping, Septum - A thin membrane that separates two cavities of the body, Penal Code - A legal document containing laws and regulations of a certain subject, Erector Set - A brand of construction toy popular in America, Virginia - A state on the eastern coast of the United States of America, Master Debater - One who can defeat others in debate, Analgesic - A medication that reduces pain, Homo Erectus - An extinct human-like species of mammals, Anal Retentive - A term used to describe a control freak, Venus - The second planet from the sun in the Milky Way galaxy, Cockpit - The control deck of a flying vehicle, Shuttlecock - A projectile used in the game of badminton, Tight End - An offense position in American football, Blue Footed Booby - A kind of bird known for its blue feet. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Courtesy of my husband, then, here are 13 Rugby Phrases That Sound Dirty But Aren't. The scrum screwed more than 90 degrees. 31. Important Notices: By participating on this discussion "au jus" is a method of serving a sandwich. Great "piece." 36. The bigger I am, the louder you scream. 70. 8. lull sounds like lul in Dutch, which means "penis". Keep your head down. Uvula - a fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate which hangs above the throat. 35. Poop deck the aftermost and highest deck of a ship. Dating back to the Middle English period, foil is an old-fashioned name for a leaf or petal, which is retained in the names of plants like the birds-foot trefoil, a type of clover, and the creeping cinquefoil, a low-growing weed of the rose family. I'm pretty good with my short putts. Im especially responsive when you put your fingers deep inside me. What am I? 2. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Your tongue gets me off. Spotted dick a suet pudding containing currants. Que: I assist with e**ctions. Life-Changing Sentences from Folks on Twitter. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 9) I just had my entire butt resprayed by Scot Sherbine. Que: Whats a four-letter word that ends in k and means the same as int*rcourse? Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. It bends a little to the left. It was once also called hitty-titty, as was, incidentally, hide and go seek. don't grip the butt too tight, and rough up the tip before you hit the balls. Fun, right? 18. ha ha some many that I had either not heard of or forgotten, thanks for the laugh! Im long, hard, and I point up. Que: You cant taste it unless you undress it. Its my job to stuff your box. A very small-minded person with a cowardly spirit then, sounds . "Go ahead and grip it on down to the meat of the shaft--for the shorter stroke, mixed with gripping further down the shaft . His efforts made for an interesting and FUNNY hub!! As in punishment, but not the kind . What am I? 15. My tip penetrates. 44. 18. Spelled with two ts, a sack-butt is a wine barrel. Voted up and funny. -. Im the highlight of many dates. I plead and plead for it regularly. Sextuple consisting of six parts or things. It was probably coined to sound like penis/wiener, and has few non-humorous usages. To bumfiddle means to pollute or spoil something, in particular by scribbling or drawing on a document to make it invalid. Full Text: Are you hinting my apples aren't what they ought to be? Oh yay! Puss is an innocent and beautiful Swedish word that means a kiss on the cheek. Hes right, of course. Que: You play with it at night and it vibrates. Nicker-pecker is an old English dialect name for the European green woodpecker, the largest woodpecker native to Great Britain. It takes its name from the village of Aktash in eastern Russia, where it was first discovered in 1968. According to a Tudor dictionary published in 1552, a clatterfart is someone who "wyl disclose anye light secreate"in other words, its a gossip or blabbermouth. Pussyfoot act in a cautious or noncommittal way. 47. But now it makes us picture a human posterior in all of its glory as opposed to a cut of animal meat. The fly half laid down a perfect grubber. |-- Places Defenestration to throw someone out of a window. 68. Billcock, brook-ouzel, oar-cock, velvet runner, grey-skit, and skiddy-cock are all old English dialect names for the water rail, a small and notoriously elusive wading bird found in the wetlands of Europe, Asia, and north Africa. A fukmast, ultimately, is a ships foremast, while the fuksheet or fuksail is the sail attached to the ships fukmast. 8. Que: What is six inches long, two inches wide, and everyone goes crazy over? :P. I always use hedge clippers. What am I? Que: What gets longer if pulled, fits snugly between br*asts, slides neatly into a hole, chokes people when used incorrectly, and works well when jerked? 22. Are you hinting my apples aren't what they ought to be? 35. Fuddruckers an American fast casual, franchised restaurant chain. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. Sign up for Scary Mommy's daily newsletter for more stories from the trenches. What am I? 17. You tie me down to get me up. Are there more "coming.". pride.com - Courtesy of World of Wonder 18 Common Phrases That Sound Inexplicably Dirty Okay, maybe our minds are just in the gutter, but don't some common phrases 12. . (hey, sometimes it just means a Hispanic person who requires a shower!). Fintech Innovation with Custom Software Real-life Examples and Success Stories, The Importance of Carrying Out a Car History Check, Why to Specialize in Mergers & Acquisitions? 56. Well, now theres a new genre to enjoy: dirty riddles with completely innocent answers. 13. What am I? What is six inches long, two inches wide, and everyone goes crazy over? document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); We do our best to represent colors accurately, but viewing screens vary from one to another, and from real life. You must log in or register to reply here. You truly enjoy this when you spread it. When I come, its news. Nardo Wick: Wiki, Bio, Family, Career As A Rapper, Love Life & More, Dior Goodjohn: Wiki, Bio, Family, Career, Love Life, Net Worth & More, What Is The Scariest Thing In The World In 2023? Penal. i'll vote for #7 as my favorite, however on a cue I like a thin butt. Outdated Phrases Still in Use Today. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. 40. Assart is an old medieval English legal term for an area of forested land that has been converted into arable land for growing crops. Whats made of rubber, handed out at some schools, and exists to prevent mistakes? Your tongue gets me off. Succotash an American dish of corn and lima beans cooked together. 1. Que: Name a word that starts with f and ends with u-c-k? What do you wrap your mouth around every morning and night that leaves you feeling refreshed? the opinions of Democratic Underground, LLC. 33. To grope a gull is an old Tudor English expression meaning "to take advantage of someone," or "to swindle an unsuspecting victim"and a gullgroper does just that. You tie me down to get me up. 67. A jerkinhead is a roof that is only partly gabled (i.e., only forms part of a triangle beneath its eaves) and is instead levelled or squared off at the top, forming a flattened area known as a hip. 24. Manhole a small covered opening in a floor, pavement, or other surface to allow a person to enter, especially an opening in a city street leading to a sewer. The lotus was apparently introduced to what is now the southern United States by native tribes who would use the plants tubers and seeds (known as "alligator corn") as a source of food. 19. Steve Lensman from Manchester, England on August 15, 2011: UltimateMovieRankings from Virginia on August 15, 2011: Very interesting, funny and informative hub..your husband did not waste time if one person can learn something from his research.you can count me as at least one person that learned something..voted up and funny. 60. These Sayings Aren't Even True. Aktashite is a rare mineral used commercially as an ore of arsenic, copper, and mercury. I am ashamed to admit I enjoyed that. The Scots word pershittie means "prim," or "overly meticulous." What does a woman have two of that a cow has four of? Thanks for the smileSome of those are great. 4. gesh. RELATED: 100+ Hard Riddles That Will Make You Think Twice. Were talking dirty knock knock jokes, dirty jokes, and sex jokes that would have gotten us at least a weeks worth of detention. 12 Phrases That Sound Smart But Actually Mean Nothing. Haboobs are typically caused by the collapse of a cold front of air, which blasts dust and sediment up from the desert floor as it falls. Que: When I go in, I can cause some pain. The origin of its name is a mystery, but one theory claims the beetles are so characteristically aggressive that they can be made to fight one another like cockerels. As well as being an old nickname for a walking stick or truncheon, knobstick is an old 19th-century slang word for a workman who breaks a strike, or for a person hired to take the place of a striking employee. |-- The DU Lounge Elements to Learn in M&A Professional Training, 3 Jobs AI will Kill, and 3 jobs AI will Save, 7 Ways You Can Use 3D Rendering for Interior Business, How Much Does a Wedding Photographer Cost, The Timeless Beauty of Beni Ourain Rugs: Their History and Significance, Best Guide If You Want Vinegar Cleaning Solution, Follow These Easy Tips to Sharpen Scissors, Discovering Greece and Malta: The Ultimate Summer Trip and Guide to Renting a Car, Having Interest in Arms Collection? 10. Here are six math terms that sound dirty but aren't (see list below). 8. JavaScript is disabled. If you read that as "a-hole," then think again. If you see me in bed, you whack me off. . 6. uncorrectedvision from Indiana on August 27, 2011: You forgot the Grande Tetons and Volvo. 24. Staying with furnaces, a tease-hole is simply the opening in a glassmakers furnace through which the fuel is added. rank it your way. What does a dog do that a man steps into? ROTFLOL! Taking its name from an Arabic word meaning "blustering" or "blowing," a haboob is a dry wind that blows across deserts, dustbowls, and other arid regions often at great speed, forming vast sandstorms as it goes. Succumb fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force. Pusillanimous showing a lack of courage or determination; timid. It likely derives from an even earlier word, noddypoll, for someone who senselessly nods their head in agreement with any idea, no matter how good or bad it might be. The best part about getting older is enjoying lascivious content we would have gotten in trouble for back in high school. Name a word that starts with f and ends with u-c-k? filter list by All Voters. 8) He'll be in great shape if he can move his balls over a little! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. What am I? |-- General Discussion: Presidency Whats beautiful and natural but gets long and prickly if it isnt trimmed regularly? Here is a list of 44 words or phrases, that my husband compiled over a few months of unemployment, and complete and utter lack of anything better to do with his time, seemingly, that sound dirty, but are completely innocent! Im spread out before being eaten. 6. Words That Sound Dirty but Arent. 4. Jaculation is the act of throwing or jostling something around, while to jaculate means "to rush or jolt forward suddenly.". What am I? Whats long and hard when its young and soft and small when its old? 34. Escobana from Valencia on October 21, 2011: While reading your Hub, I decided I will be using one specific term from now on, to explain about the wonders of living you life as a control freak. Features: Size: 7x18 inches Made from solid knotty pine Beveled edges Routed slot in back for hanging, Full Text: Some of the best cowboys aren't boys Features: Size: 7x7 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in back for hanging, Full Text: Because if you aren't hurt, you're not really trying. Top Ten Golf Phrases That Sound Dirty But Aren't: 10. Que: What four-letter word begins with f and ends with k, and if you cant get it you can always just use your hands? 31. If you bl*w me, it feels really good. Fach, Fakt, Fcher, Fakten x 3. der Muckefuck I know . Ana Francisconi Ask Reddit has pointed out some words that sound suspiciously dirty. Complex Emotions with Real Names. |-- Editorials & Other Articles Que: My business is briefs. Top ten phrases that I've heard or read (on AZB) that sounded dirty but aren't. 10) I use cue slik to make my shaft super slippery. Im known as a big swinger. Im especially responsive when you put your fingers deep inside me. What am I? Grossest Words to Hear Out Loud. You get a lot of it if youre important and successful; you get less when youre just starting out. My Forums, Powered by DCForum+ Version 1.1 Copyright 1997-2002 DCScripts.com Here's a Top 10 list of phrases you might here on AZ that sound dirty but aren't.. (and yes, I'm a little bored) 10) Bump your thread 9) This is my wife's Titlist 8) First $100 in my PP gets it 7) I like a thick butt 6) Yes, I've seen your. Use this one in a sentence, it's neither a tit nor a mouse. I am dirty, people like to put their wood in me, but only Santa goes down on me. We aim to provide our readers with an informative detail about the viral stories that have been occurring around us. 3. One time talking about my [old] putter grip I said "I feel like I just have two hands on the bare shaft". If I miss, I hit your bush. Sounds Dirty, But Isn't. Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 13:54:02 -0500--- Top Ten Things That Sound Dirty At The Office But Aren't: 10. What am I? The Most Annoying Corporate Buzzwords. 44. Tittup to move with jerky or exaggerated movements. Using These Words Makes You Sound Dumb. Software has been extensively modified by the DU administrators. opinions of the individuals who post them, and do not necessarily represent 5. Home; Programs. Ans: Tent Que: What's a four-letter word that ends in "k" and means the same as int*rcourse? A dreamhole is a small slit or opening made in the wall of a building to let in sunlight or fresh air. When I go in, I can cause some pain. These Units Have Real Value. The hooker is really dominating. Know About Warzone 2 & Modern Warfare 2 Season Three: Season Two End Date! 2. Be very careful around those offering to sell you a shaft that fits your butt perfectly or you could drill the brown in the hole! 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