placing hands on chest in salah hadith

AN-Nasaaee = He is not Strong [Al-Sunan al-Mujtabah with the Tahqeeq of Shaikh Zubayr: 8/319 H. 5680], The saying of Imam Nasaaee in Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: He is not Hujja when he narrates alone [Tuhfat ul-Ashraaf by Al-Mizzi: 5/137, 138 H. 6104], 11. Jariheen (Criticizers) and their Jarah (Criticizm), 1. First of all, It is not proven from Imam Nasaaee and Ali ibn al-Madeeni that they declared him Majhool. Saalih bin Muhammad Al-Baghdaadi = He weakened him [Taareekh Baghdaad: 9/216]. being the right hand upon the left above the wrist joint. And the Mursal hadeeth is considered a proof with Abu Haneefah, Maalik, and Ahmed in general. 1. upon him) raising his hands and saying takbeer when he started to pray, then Then a strange twist to this matter is the saying of the Hanafees that, Men should place their hands below the navel and that women should place theirs upon there chest. Subhaanallaah! Al-Haakim = Authenticated him in al-Mustadrak on the conditions of Shaikhayn, and Dhahabi followed him in that. I am going to quote one hadeeth for each opinion. (like hadith number and book name?) Meaning a narrator sometimes narrate different words and in other times he narrates different words than before; or several students of one Shaikh narrate contradictory words, then such a narration will be declared Mudtarib on the condition when none of them can be preferred over the others. The narration of Waail which contains the wording of Ala Sadrih, Haafidh Ibn Hajr said about this narration in Fath ul-Baari that the narration of Waail ibn Hujr is also narrated by Imam Ibn Khuzaymah that the Prophet [peace be upon him] placed his hands on the chest, and in Musnad Bazzar it says, close to the chest, he did not narrate the tasheeh (authentication) of Imam Ibn Khuzaymah about this additional wording neither in Fath ul-Baari nor in Talkhees ul-Habeer and nor in Al-Dirayah [Haashiah Nasb ur-Rayaa: Vol 1 Pg 316], And Molvi Muhammad Haneef Gangohi has also raised the same arguement in Ghayat us-Saayah Vo 3 Pg 42. End To proceed: Sahl ibn Sad, may Allaah be pleased with him, reported, The people were ordered to place their right hand upon their left forearm. (Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, 1/102). 18. Proof 4) The hadeeth of Tawoos (rahimahullah). And Allaah knows best. Prophet Informing Muadh that He would See the Valley of Tabuk Turning Green, Meaning of Hadeeth: Whoever Cheats Us Is Not One of Us, Clothing of the People of Paradise Do Not Wear Out, This Hadeeth Is of the Highest Degree of Authenticity, Whoever Says the Words in the Hadeeth in His Illness and Then Dies, Hellfire Shall Not Consume Him, The Classification of the Narration about Defending Your Wealth. Whereas, according to Shaafiees and Ahle-Hadeeth, a Mursal hadeeth is not hujja until it is not supported by a Marfoo and Musnad hadeeth. This saying is rejected due to many reasons: 2. And I also wanted to add that version of this musnad ahmed hadith is also present in tehqiq ibn al-jawzi with wording " " but hanafis argue that this is not found in the original manuscript. We are prohibited to take the narrations of Majhool, because we are not aware of their condition. Abdur Rahmaan Al Juzayri writes in Kitaab ul Fiqh Ala Madhaahib Al Arba vol 1 Pg 251 that the hanbalees say that the sunnah for men and women is to place hands below the navel. Yahya ibn Saeed is a giant Siqah Haafidh. Zara means: The Part from Elbow to the middle finger. Imam Ahmed has narrated narration from Muammal in his Al-Musnad, for example see: [Musnad Ahmed: 1/16 H. 97, Shuyookh Ahmed fi Musnad al-Imam Ahmed: 1/49], * Zafar Ahmed Thanvi Deobandi has written that: All the Shuyookh of Ahmed are Siqah, * Haafidh Haythami said: Ahmed has narrated from him and his Shyookh are Siqah. [Majma az-Zawaid: 1/80]. Ibn Hibbaan = He mentioned him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat, and said: He is Faqeeh and righteous. In addition, giving a fatwa based on a vague description of a single hadith is not particularly recommended. 148 pg. Zafar Ahmed Thanvi Deobandi, after narrating a hadeeth of Muammal AN Sufyaan, said that: Its narrators are Siqah [Alaa as-Sunan Vol 3 Pg 133 Under 865], Moreover, Thanvi wrote about another narration of Muammal that: Thus its chain is Hasan. [Alaa as-Sunan: 3/118, Under H. 85]. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Ad-Daraqutni = He is from the Thiqaat Huffaadh [Kitaab al-Illal: Vol 5 Pg 110, Mosooah Aqwaal ad-Daraqutni: 1/303], 6. All rights reserved. And the following words have been used for the washing of arm: , meaning he (peace be upon him) washed his face and both his arms. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 8 Pg 95], Khateeb Baghdaadi said: He is Thiqah Thabat, the Ummah has relied upon his narrations. [Mizaan ul-Itidaal: Vol 6 Pg 318]. Hafidh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaani: He is truthful, weak in memory. [Taqreeb at-Tahdheeb], 10. Ahmed bin Hanbal = Simaak is good in the hadeeth from Abdul Malik bin Umayr [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 4/279, 280], 8. Imam Bukhaari = It has passed in the beginning that Imam Bukhaari has took narrations from Simaak in his Saheeh (6722). An-Nasaaee = He was a Jurist and not strong in Hadeeth [Ad-Duafa: 252], 4. According to Imam Tirmidhi and the Jumhoor of Muhadditheen, if Muammal narrates from Sufyaan then he is Siqah and Saheeh ul-Hadeeth. The inconsideration of this hadeeth by these guys is an open proof that, by that time, Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah had not been targeted by the negligence of any Copyist, or the Maslaki Taassub of any person. (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to put (his hands) on The narrator whose tawtheeq gets proven, then the jarah of Majhool or La Yuraf are rejected. 2) Taqreer-e-Tirmidhi written by Ashraf Ali thanvi deobandi, Published by Idaara Taleefaat-e-Ashrafyah, Multan reviewed by Mufti Justice Taqi Usmani deobandi. The saying of Ibn al-Mubaark was not found with the chain, and the remaining everthing is Tawtheeq, as is coming ahead. Under this chapter, Imam Ibn Khuzaymah has brought 708 Abwaab and 1469 ahadeeth, and in some of them he has shown his rejection, about whose authenticity he was not very sure, or his mentioned condition was not fulfilled by them. Ibn Sad: He is Thiqah, makes many mistakes. [Al-Tabaqaat al-Kubra by Ibn Sad: 5/501], 7. Questions cannot be asked through this form. Imam Abu Dawood has kept silent on this hadeeth, therefore according to the principle of Thanvi Deobandi, this hadeeth is Authentic. One has a choice between placing and irsl. How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? Ibn al-Muarak said, I did not see a great person like Sufyaan ath-Thawree. Imam Daheem = Alam ul-Awwaleen wal Akhirieen bi-Makhool [Al-Marifat wal Taareekh 2/395, Chain Saheeh], 2. This hadeeth is marfoo as is stated by the narrator Abu Haazim and who other than the Prophet could have given such an order? Indeed, placing the hands under the navel has come in a Hadeeth of 'Ali with a weak chain of narrators. Ali, Abu Hurayrah, al-Nakhai, Abu Majlaz, Saeed ibn Jubayr, al-Thawri, When he intended to bow, he would take his hands out from his cloak, raise them, exalt Allah, and then bow. Abu Zurah ar-Raazi = He mentioned him in Ad-Duafaa, 5. I know that this is a matter of dispute but I only wanted to know whether imam nimawi's point is valid. This Abul Alaa is Muhammad bin Ali Al-Qaari [Taareekh Baghdaad: 3/95] Al-Maqri and Al-Qaari are two titles for the same person. Haafidh Al-Mizzi has narrated without any chain from Imam Nasaaee and Imam Ali ibn al-Madeeni that they said: He is Majhool. [Tahdheeb al-Kamaal: 15/221]. Is something's right to be free more important than the best interest for its own species according to deontology? Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account saheeh by al-Albaani in Tahqeeq Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah. It should be kept in mind that the Jarah of Sufyaan ath-Thawree on Simaak, is not proven. Because the hadith wording is quite strange as it mentions only one hand i.e. Imam Baihaqi after narrating his hadeeth, said = Its Chain is Saheeh, and its narrators are Siqaat [Kitaab al-Qiraat by Al-Baihaqi Pg 64], 10. * This saying is also chain-less, and is rejected due to going against the Jumhoor. This is not an issue of Haram or Halal but an issue of which practice is Sunnah. Abu Ishaaq as-Sabiee = Abu Bakr bin Ayyaash narrated, and he is Daeef, From Abu Ishaaq that he said: Take knowledge from Simaak bin Harb. Verily this is the Heart.(Mishkaat (2/241), Then the heart is in proximity to the chest and is the abode of taqwaa as is mentioned in a hadeeth, The Prophet pointed towards his chest and said thrice, Taqwaa and protection are here.(Muslim (2/317) with Nawawee). Naimwi Hanafi also once accepted the ziyadat (addition) of a siqah narrator, see Athaar as-Sunan Pg 17, H. 36. There are two ways of placing the right hand on the left hand when praying: 1 - The right hand is placed on the left hand, wrist and forearm. Keep Learning & Practicing Islam! 12. That one places his hands below the chest but above the navel. However, no one has criticized Sulemaan in detail and ash-Sharazee said in Tabqaat ul-Fuqaha, Sulemaan was the Jurist of Shaam and a Companion of Makhool, therefore how can general criticism on him be sustainable. The scholars Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. From Zaaidah, he said: Aasim bin Kulayb narrated to us, he said: My Father narrated to me, Verily Waail ibn Hujr (radiallah anhu) said: Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) placed his right hand over the back of his palm, wrist, and arm. [Sunan Nasaaee: Kitaab al-Iftataah: H. 889]. * This saying is contradictory to the praise of Imam Daraqutni as is coming ahead, and it is also not proven from The author of Tahdeeb to Daraqutni. majority of scholars. Views : Our shaikhs would advise us to take his hadeeth, only that his hadeeth are not like the hadeeth of his companions. [Sharh us-Sunna: 3/31 H. 570], Nawawi graded one of his hadeth by saying: Its Isnaad is Saheeh. 5. In Mizaan ul-Itidaal (4/321), Haafidh Dhahabi authenticated him. On the contrary to these praises, only the saying of Abu Mashar is narrated, who said: He is Daeed and Qadari. [See Qawaaid fi Uloom ul-Hadeeth Pg 89], 24. In your first sentence you mean to say that Hanabali and Hanafi schools are in accordance with each other in this respect? Zikriyah bin Yahya As-Saaji: He is sadooq, but makes many mistakes. He then placed his hands on his knees. Was Prophet Made From Nur Did Prophet Had A Shadow. Criticizm is not proven from some of them such as Bukhaari etc. Source: Some Scholars have took this jarah to be upon Ikhtilaat, meaning there is no criticizm on his narrations from before his Ikhtilaat. [Tahdheeb at-Tadheeb: 4/205]. Since Imam Bukhaari, Imam Muslim, Imam Ibn Khuzaymah, and Imam Ibn Hibban etc have affirmed that they will not take evidence from the Munqati narrations in thier books, thats why the muanan narrations of these books will be considered affirmed of having heard. 11. The chapter under which Imam Ibn Khuzaymah has narrated those two narrations which are mentioned by Molvi Abdul Azeez Deobandi Punjabi in the Haashiah of Nasb ur-Rayaa, Imam Ibn Khuzaymah has started that chapter with the following words: This is the most abridged Musnad as-Saheeh based on the sayings of the Prophet, according to the conditions that we have mentioned in the beginning of Kitaab at-Tahaarah [Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah: Vol 1 Pg 153]. Imam Yahya ibn Maeen said: He is Siqah.. Abdur Abdur Rahmaan said: I asked my Father about Muhammad bin al-Muthana, he said: He is Saalih ul-Hadeeth. How did StorageTek STC 4305 use backing HDDs? concenring it, is the hadeeth of Waail ibn Hujr who said that the Prophet See Al-Jarah wal Tadeel (8/374), * It is narrated from Abu al-Arab al-Qairawaani that: Certainly Ahmed and Ali ibn al-Madeeni (usually) only narrate from Siqah narrators [Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 9/114 T. 155], 13. Allah knows best. Al-Ijlee = Jaaiz ul-Hadeeth [See Jarah(critcism) # 2 above] And he mentioned him in Taareekh ath-Thiqaat. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) narrated by Ahmad and Muslim from Waail ibn Hajar (may Allaah be pleased Meaning he (peace be upon him) did not wash his full zaraa but some part of it?? (Sunan Nasaai with the footnotes of AllaamahSindhee(1/141),AbuDawood(1/112), lbnKhuzairnah(1/243,480) and Ibn Hibbaan (p.485) have all authenticated this narration). Ibn Hibbaan = He mentioned him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat (4/339) and said: He makes alot of Mistakes..Thawree and Shubah have narrated from him.. Khuzaymah (479) narrated that Waail ibn Hujr (may Allaah be pleased with 13. (Tuhfatu-l-Ahwadh bi Sharh Jmi Only this wording would be in agreement with the narrators own interpretation of the hadeeth as is stated in the narration "Yahya described this as being the right hand upon the left above the wrist joint". Jareer bin Abdul Humayd = He saw Simaak bin Harb that he was urinating while standing (due to some excuse), so he abandoned narrating ahadeeth from him. If it is placed in one part of zaraa, such as on the wrist, even then the order of placing them on the zaraa gets fulfilled. I've notice a few people (men) at the mosque put their hands on the chest while praying salat. [Mizaan al-Itidaal: Vol 3 Pg 244]. i.e., placing the hands beneath the navel is what is prescribed And he is imam nimawi hanafi not imam nawawi. Note also that we are a focussed Q&A site, and not an Islamic forum; answers are expected to be fully self-contained, while greetings and such are discouraged here. User contributions licensed Under CC BY-SA a proof with Abu Haneefah, Maalik and... The navel is what is prescribed and He is sadooq, but many... Them such as Bukhaari etc addition ) of a single hadith is not proven from some of them such Bukhaari... 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