If purchased in person, the permit fee is a flat $10. Though the Office is closed, we will respond to phone callsand email requests. All trash must be removed from National Forest land. Permits are $10 plus a $2.50 service fee. It is weather dependent, but usually by August. Local Forest offices can answer questions regarding Christmas tree cutting, current conditions and roads. Office closed for the season. FOREST PRODUCTS FREE USE PERMIT. During hunting season permittees are encouraged to wear "HIGH VISIBILITY" clothing. Ive been sticking to state parks but all of the trails are picked out. Please be aware of any Forest fire restrictions and exercise caution when driving and parking your vehicle off road to retrieve cut firewood in or near dry vegetation.
Hood National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Nebraska National Forests and Grasslands Christmas Tree Permit, Nez Perce Clearwater National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Ocala National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Ochoco National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forests Christmas Tree Permit, Olympic National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Ottawa National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Payette National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Pike and San Isabel National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Plumas National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Prescott National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Rio Grande National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Salmon-Challis National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, San Juan National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Santa Fe National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Sawtooth National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Sequoia National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Shasta Trinity National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Shawnee National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Shoshone National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Siuslaw National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Six Rivers National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Stanislaus National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Superior National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Tahoe National Forest Christmas Tree Permits, Tonto National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Umatilla National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Umpqua National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, White Mountain National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, White River National Forest Christmas Tree Permit, Willamette National Forest Christmas Tree Permit. Beginning in 2017, a free use permit is required for harvesting huckleberries for personal consumption. youre also contributing to the overall forest health. 13. amzn_assoc_asins = "0898153883,B008ELGS9Y,0762783702,1566919630"; The campground also offers a tent only group campsite by reservation only. During the mushroom picking season (January 1st through December 31st), this permit authorizes a free collection of 2 gallons of mushrooms a day during any 10 days per calendar year. . A commercial permit will need to be purchased to sell or trade any quantity of berries or mushrooms. BLM Truffle Harvest Permits. With the holiday season underway, Christmas tree permits for the Plumas National Forest are now available at local Forest Service offices or online through www.Recreation.gov/. Each Replenish water.. Mushrooms: 3 gallons per day for 10 days per calendar year. The permit authorizes the cutting and removal of up to two Christmas trees per household only from Plumas National Forest Lands., Lifelong memories are built during these special times and we are happy to help with any information gathering you'll need to make this trip a safe and enjoyable one..