more information Accept. 2:08:32 But their (the Cabals) reaction will have an opposite effect and lead to their undesired outcome. It is self-contained in operation. At 1:08:22 hour mark (in the above-mentioned video), these sources claim that theres only one timeline moving forward now and in fact, all the timelines converge to this one timeline which is the timeline of awakening or ascension (which I call mass awakening of humanity worldwide) and theres nothing that the Deep State can do right now to stop it. By the end of the 20 years, so by 2040, 75% of the worlds population will be wiped-out. From speaking engagements, interviews, television shows, and now finally breaking his silence with untold events, his story has come under intense scrutiny and admiration from a vast array of people across the world. Its the only possible explanation. Her father had recently passed away, and she and her brother,Steven Williams, a famous radio show host in his own right, had discovered many unexplainable items in their fathers personal belongings. I am thinking about how the convergence of timelines will be brought about as the end of 2012 approaches, which is something that Lisa asked Bill whether he saw any events that would confirm the convergence of the timelines. Thank you both for a wonderful interview. You can see the entire interview on a mirrored YT channel, as the original video was removed from this platform. Please remember this andshare far and wide on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media networks. Wood thinks the hospital drugs administered to him for six months are currently used to destroy the belief system of what can be done by screwing with the mind. It would be hidden from the United States within Area 51 ( If the aliens appear and share technology and spiritual information, people will then be forced to focus on a main concern related to their own existence. What events could be the trigger? The virus is non-terrestrial beings. Thank you Lisa and Bill, Our recommendations on other constructive news sites. Background, if you will. Project Looking Glass | The Orion Lines LINES Freedom or Death Welcome To The Orion Lines "A robin redbreast in a cage puts all of Heaven in a rage." William Blake Advancement of Humanity The crimes against humanity Project Looking Glass Area 51 S4-2 Project Looking Glass The Orion Lines Discoveries We Were Made Nazca Aliens ORION ALIENS UFOs Time to read this horrifying book and realize what we are up against. When Wood realized the actual target of the second late missile was the humans reacting to the first missile strike, he sent the missile into a mountain and a harmless detonation. JoAnne. The Cabal will fight until their very end. The reason for keeping this secret was to protect the fact there were alternatives to petroleum and liquid fueled rockets. As the timelines converge as the end of 2012 approaches, it would mean that the different kinds of lesson paths for people to learn about duality are diminishing. What we focus our thoughts on creates our reality, and it is high time for us to focus on love and hope and create a better reality. Groundbreaking in every way. The basic concept is that by going public via Project Camelot those people will less likely be done away with. They can look at possible timelines, explore them, and if you change things in the present, the probabilities of these timelines would shift accordingly (1:05:18 hour mark). Everything you have given in this interview is unique knowledge live: true, 2:04:41 From a time beyond December 21, 2012, nothing could be manipulated. Federal Reserve Bank has now merged with the US Treasury, paving the way for a new economic system that will likely be backed by precious metals and not debt (this is huge). ruling elite secret societies and conspiracies, CAMELOT IN EGYPT REVIEWS FROM OUR FELLOW TRAVELERS, THE DANGER AND THE TOXICITY FROM THE TRAIN DERAILMENT IN OHIO. Other videos come thru fine. As while I understood Kerrys point of view, I was so uncomfortable for Bill and just knew he had something Ive never heard to say around human spiritual growth. They think that we cannot affect our reality and move to a positive timeline for the good of humanity. Your contributions allow me to continue researching and providing investigative insight, whether from news or intel sources, along with my commentary. He called them "soft targets", in that they did not have either military or strategic purposes. According to Courtney Browns remote viewing trainer, our focal point needs to be raising our consciousness to deal with what is coming in the coming years (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). 138K 118 1:05:30. According to Health Ranger Report situation update (March 30, 2021), Project Looking Glass is an exotic technology that allows scientists who are working with the U.S. government to essentially see the future, or more accurately, they can calculate probabilities of future events or future timelines occurring. rpp: 6, Please send a tip. What our DNA learns through these spikes in the Schumann Resonance is to hold more light, to hold the increased frequency. But to get the public to really understand what is really going on, Wood began releasing the greatest secrets never told. The only thing he could point to was humanity would be like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. Did something go wrong? We arent the virus, as the Cabal considers humanity. You can use Patreon. I always say, chew the meat and spit out the fat. Kerry Cassidy: This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Thank you, That coincides with December 21, 2012. timestamp: true, And no decision and no possibility changed past a certain point. full-length interview by Kerry Cassidy with Ex-Navy Seal Bill Brockbrader in January 2012. Mike Adams gives examples to show the evidence for this mass awakening: 1:11 hour mark How many people were aware of child trafficking that they werent aware of five years ago? There are no plans to imprison. links: '#9560c7' After hearing all the stories, interviewing friends,scientists, witnesses and professionals, I have learned that for every unbelievable story there is a fact that is just as unbelievable. While Wood was put through the ringer in justifying his actions to his superiors, nothing came of it. As strange as it may sound, another whistleblower, Dan Burisch validates Bill Woods testimonys conclusion that we, as humanity, are on a positive timeline. What Americans are now facing is quite literally the end of the line. Thank you for sharing what you know. Jan contacted the radio station and asked the radio show host to send an email on her behalf toDavid Adairso that she could question him about his relationship with her father. Bill realizes, and you as well, that everything that is going on is all leading up to our spiritual evolution. These protocols were not developed by the military or an intelligence agency, as it could have been expected, but by an artist (a painter), Ingo Swann, who described them as a basic theoretical overview of why remote viewing works. (Everybodys Guide to Natural ESP: Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind, 1991). Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911. color: '#56527d', Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. And for those with a similar message, you can promote your work on my site in the form of an ad or guest commentary. 2:07:48 This timeline is inevitable event that would happen despite the Elites attempts to manipulate and control this timeline by telling us what will happen. He is a PHONY STEALIN VALORNot a real Navy SEAL .!!! I have often wished Are they trying to hedge their bets in case the end game is a massive global catastrophe? Each timeline that is shown by the Looking Glass represents a possible lesson for people to take. features: { If we can move beyond our fear of the Bad Guys and their version of reality to embrace this new reality, we can limit the trouble times and pains of rebirth. Jan Williamswas no pushover. The Oath Keepers want to create a petition to force the impeachment, if not jail, of those treasonous government officials who passed the Defense Authorization Act 2011. The problem is that all the timelines were converging and there was going to be an event that no one could get . For an amazing insight into the duality of reality, check out physicist Nassim Haramein. Now some of these secrets are known by myself and others who have researched available data. Consciousness is not something you were granted by Bill Gates. Until you KNOW of the EVIL, you cannot FIX it. Read here. Part 5/8, The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton: The March 2023 Energies, Jennifer Crokaert ~ St Germaine: The Lovers Archetype, From the Bottom of Our Hearts, We Thank You, Whats Actually Happening with Chemtrails? The previous statement has numerous sources of proof but the one I like best is from KBR. However, we are not aware about the war going underground or in the sky. Len Satov According to, the Yellow Cube technology is allegedly used by industrial-military complex to manipulate timelines. As Wood put it: Patriots Base. We took the opportunity to focus on the spiritual implications of the information gained through his experience with project looking glass. Thank you for you Intuitive knowledge in moving us all forward in the moment of truth..,,, And beyond being insane, they have deluded themselves into believing that they can somehow manage to get away with what they are trying to get away with. . It became useless to the Elites as they were unable to control or manipulate it. Eventually it became obvious to the operators that they were encountering a problem. - The Divine Mother. There is amazing promise and hope to be had with the world. Why would the timelines converge specifically this year and how would it happen? I have a friend in Portland Oregon who is almost deaf. What is that pattern? Then in full response ability we choose. interval: 6000, After 120 minutes: Mind Altering and World-View Transformative. Your $5 or $10 contributions make such a big difference and helps me to get by as I continue this work. ltimos 43 minutos da entrevista de Bill Wood, ex-SEAL - Above & Below Project Looking Glass (Acima e Alm do Projeto Looking Glass) - que aborda vrios assu. The use of time lensing technology has all but confirmed a future they could not alter. The majority of the recording was done in what looked like a hotel room. Esoteric Wisdom from Brad Olsen from 5D, Nazi Antarctic High Tech Craft and Project Looking Glass.. & , : The True Great Awakening, [23.01.21 13:01], PROJECT CAMELOT BILL WOOD ABOVE _ BEYOND PROJECT LOOKING GLASS, PROJECT CAMELOT: BILL BROCKBRADER AKA WOOD FOLLOW UP INTERVIEW FEB 4 2017 |. I have not counted but they have hundreds of video projects. But he warns us that its going to get really wild and dirty, as they dark ones controlled this planet for over ten thousand years. Anyone have a clue why I was able to watch this yesterday any today cant access it Anywhere? The last 45 minutes specifically are rather. So it's fresh on my mind right now. What were experiencing right now is mass awakening. (Health Ranger Report situation update on March 30, 2021). scrollbar: true, From 9-14 he lived a relatively normal life, although a lot of paranormal activity was going on. When I asked her if there was any way David could know the things he knew aboutColonel Bailey Arthur Williamswithout having a personal relationship with him, she emphatically replied No.. We are living during historical times of great transformation. Wood said the man did not defend himself, probably out of guilt for having killed those who had protected Americans. The only problem with this is that the attacks were conducted from 1992-2000. All you need is that absolute belief that you can do these things. It gets really interesting after about 100 minutes or so. An attempt was made to look into the future, but no concrete data was able to be received past the infamous date of December 21st, 2012, suggesting that this date is a nexus point in time, whereby either timeline one or timeline two would gain momentum. (, Burisch suggested that the positive timeline had an over 80% likelihood of coming to fruition and since today, we are nine years beyond that date in 2012 and no major cataclysms have occurred, we are most likely well entrenched in the positive timeline. ( It is all a game and they are playing their parts beautifully. Former military and secret space programs whistleblowers and insiders have exposed these technologies. Cassidy and Wood get into a few of these subjects that are probably confusing to the uninitiated. Best of Bill's interview. You are important to this mass awakening of humanity. David Adairhas been admired and debated online and on-tour over the past thirty-five years, in just about every social circle that exists. This theory is mindblowing. Building, anchoring, and restoring hope, trust and Love within the human community. By the way, they original tried to video record in a public mall in California. The references, quotes, and content from external sources on this website are correct to the best of my own knowledge at the time of publication. Lisa we love you..x x, p.s. SourceLight Seeing you home Free energy devices would revolutionize the current world economy and society and the Bad Guys would loose control. 2:03:39 Thats the big secret.[..] 2:17:24 For all intents and purposes, what we believe to be true eventually becomes true. He called them soft targets, in that they did not have either military or strategic purposes. 2:08:44 And according to Bill Wood, this timeline is the awakening process. This technology was given to President Eisenhower by the Orion ET races (that Corey Goode, an SSP insider recently disclosed). However, I dont know if the aliens could interfere so heavily with humanity like that. He believes the Bad Guys are delusional in thinking this can be stopped. 2:04:21 He says that this secret sent everyone who knows this secret (including the Elites of the world) into a blind panic in Bill Woods words. I tried to understand the information provided by Bill Wood about the Looking Glass from the perspective that duality is a lesson for people to experience and learn about duality, since he did mention many times that duality is a lesson for people to learn. My book, Mass Awakening,tells the story of my personal awakening, as well as that of all humanity, to the massive deception of the worlds Elite controllers and their devastating agendas. These Midwayers are assigned to Earth to assist humans in matters dealing with human spiritual evolution. (Cosmic Voyage, 1996), They are not extraterrestrials as they are permanently based on earth, but they are not human in the physical either. Pat: Pay especial attention to the last 45 minutes, starting at 1:46. Because there is no computer hook up to LG tech. And that he doesnt have to be at our weekly meetups in Kona, as I am creating a way that everyone who has joined from around the world can be part of the process of bringing in the new 5D world coherently within each of us. Did the Alliance Take Back Social Media? Wood is firm in his conviction that humanity is on the brink of a new beginning and an awakening. The way things are, so I explainedit. One of the most far reaching details aboutDavid Adairs story is that theU.S. militarysecretly gave him support to build his rocket in 1969. Lisa, I just modified the name of my meetup group to simply Kona Occupy Disclosure inspired by Bill. Remote viewing and Project Looking Glass are few of the most suppressed technologies out there. He repeats what other sources say that only by this technology, Hillary Clinton wasnt elected but Trump with the white hats in the military (and intelligence agencies) that saved humanity. the people win as they awaken to the truth. Copyright (c) 2019 Shoshi Herscu * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice with a link to this article. Camelot on Telegram. Slavery or freedom. The Google closed captioning on you tube is awful and garbles much. refers to Mike Adams video which I mentioned earlier. How many knew about the dangers of vaccines? Dearest Bill Kerry Cassidy In the video mentioned above, Mike Adams (Health Ranger Report situation update on March 30, 2021), says that either this technology is weaponized against we, the people worldwide, or that the white hats control it. It was the only time when I cured myself without taking any medicine, only by applying the principles that Joseph Murphy discusses.. Both players know the game is over. (Bill Wood). Wood explained that this extraordinary secret facility was established to keep secret the U.S. Space Fleet. After Cassidy prompted him to make a disclaimer (for legal purposes) that he intended to write a novel, Bill Wood gave up some of the most important secrets ever released. David still works with the governemnt to this day. Im constantly on the lookout for the best sources that I vet for a long time or those that Im guided to share with you. However in order to make informed opinions, I am a firm believer that one should hear everything that is out in the public sphere. There is a distinct lack of reality in that thinking. Thanks Lisa and Bill The last article contained so much information that I had to move to such server twice. Join my spiritual Facebook groupKnow Thyself and Return to Soul: Way of True Ascension & Enlightenment 2012. It is a wonderful interview .Your interviews are great. Please watch the video on Bitchute as WordPress disables this video if I embed it here. And if that werent enough, hear how he was trained in Area 51 as a specially gifted group of highly classified psy spies to see beyond the famous Looking Glass technology into the future involving 2012 and beyond. According to his testimony, they panicked by what theyve seen. Both my Twitter accounts (AuthorHerscu in English and one in Hebrew) have been suspended and my Facebook account was deleted since January 2020. (Awaken_Now Bitchute channel). Thus, keep it all secret. Overview of a U.S. Navy Seal It has been passed between rich and powerful to be able to choose well in their lives. ( But if the person was a Christian, they may see the infamous crucifixion event. ( After that his memories started to seep into his consciousness. I have to admit that I too had questions about Bill Wood, but after this interview, I see now why the second Project Camelot interview was so awkward. But the reveal about this is coming out. hahaha A dumb b1tch with a convicted sex offender. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events. ( 13:37 They, the benevolent star nations, want this whole thing done and resolved by December on our clock.. KERRY ON DARK OUTPOST: TRAIN SABOTAGE, WHITE HATS HEROIC MOVE, WAR INSIDE U.S. PATRICIA CORI: PROLIFIC AUTHOR, HACKING THE GOD CODE. This universe is designed around the pattern of the Divine Mother. This is Bills first interview outside Camelot. The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality, Health Ranger Report situation update on March 30, 2021, David Wilcock on Project Looking Glass | Secret Space Program Tech REVEALED. Please pass on this message to Bill if you can and to let him know I have a group so happy for him, and in such deep appreciation for ALL he has done to date! And the pieces fall back together again, contrary to what all the kings horses and all the kings men could do. 2023 by Name of Site. avatars: false, Re your interview with Bill thank you so much Lisa! I dont subscribe to this view which ultimately results in inaction. All the possible timelines lead to the same set of history in the future. (Bill Wood). He talks about Project Looking Glass, and the 2012 problem. Here is a brief clip from her interview aboutDavid Adair. The targets would be attacked by Tomahawk missiles. She contacted David and questioned him about his involvement with her father, hisrocket design,Area 51,Arthur RudolphandWernher Von Braun. Noone except for me would talk like this. Lisa is an excellent interviewer. Jan contacted the radio station and asked the radio show host to send an email on her behalf toDavid Adairso that she could question him about his relationship with her father. This technology can be used both for good and for bad/evil. At the end of his ten years of service for which he had contracted to serve, Wood was released from the military, went back home, got a college degree in electronic engineering and eventually started his own company. That gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and you will be assisted every step of the way. There is a certain element of pain that we can reduce ifwe strive to raise our consciousness as fast as is humanly possible and make that transition a lot easier when it comes. this might be a possible avenue to open the world of Lisas interviews to millions of potential listeners. They cannot seem to realize the game is up. But the next time Wood went back to the village he found it destroyed by a Tomahawk missile attack. God bless you, Bill extraordinary man, so important to our times.thank you so much. Truth shall prevail us all.. 298 government officials arrested in Saudi Arabia. And if that weren't enough, hear how he was trained in Area 51 as a specially gifted group of highly classified psy spies to see beyond the famous Looking Glass technology into the future involving 2012 and beyond. Compared to the vastness ofouter spaceWere no more than a dot ona canvasA grain of sand in a stretchof desertA single snowflake on asnow-capped mountain, But if you look closerIf you allow yourself to seeYoull find the miracles inlives livedThe wonder in these tinycircles, We learn, we growWe explore and discoverWe make decisions in anattempt to be goodAnd try to make right forthe things done wrongWe learn to love each other,learn to fight side by sideAnd try even harder toaccept ourselves and theperson we are, We then take our children bythe handHelp them learn and helpthem growHelp them explore anddiscoverOnly for the cycle to beginanewThats life. We are helping you. from 1992-2000. 31 Comments bw2012 on February 11, 2012 at 4:38 am A wonderful interview, Lisa. So all the evil that were currently seeing, including the censorship, the crimes against humanity are the last desperate moves of the anti-human globalists, pro-Luciferian agenda even though they already lost the game (1:08:50). If hitting the wall means the end of duality for planet earth and its people, where would the people of this planet end up after the end of 2012? From my experience, many people embrace a very defeatist perspective on our destiny. Its Sumerian technology that utilises spinning discs and argon gas injection to create its own screen. version: 2, Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. (Jesus through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020.). As the timelines hit a wall at the end of 2012, it could mean that the lesson paths for the people of this planet would end. After the age of 14 his memory is lost again. So to fight this blatant censorship and if you want to continue following the content that I publish, please subscribe to my newsletter upon visiting this site. width: 199, Project Camelot; Bill Wood; Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass This is the original full length interview of Kerry Cassidy with Bill Brockbrader in January 2012. 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. He reveals that there was a problem when they approached 2012 and allegedly, this project was shut down due to this problem. I am heartened by the message of hope that you bring. Thanks again for your continued support! A wonderful interview, Lisa. Bill Wood - Project looking Glass Bill Wood/Brockbrader This is Bill's first interview outside Camelot. Project Looking Glass Reloaded: Can We Save The World? So you need to keep moving forward. (9:24), 11:21 We will burn this matrix to the ground!. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Wood then began talking about Project Looking Glass that used a super computer vastly superior to anything the uninitiated would know about. [] From 2040 to 2050, for the survivorseverything got better and better. (Awaken_Now Bitchute channel). Yes many of us are hearing impaired. 11k views. Alien Interview Of EBE3 Was Released In 2016. And accomplished. Follow 86.3K. Watch on Brighteon from 1:05:02 hour mark by clicking on the highlighted channel name Brighteon, as WordPress wont allow me to embed a video from this platform. Yes, this is sounding like the plot behind Avengers: Endgame, but its a fascinating premise: the glass is actually a portal for us to not only view alternate timelines but also to use it as a sort of time travel device thatll allow those who possess it to influence our current timeline. Love and light to you and Bill! Jan Williamswas stricken withALSin the later years of her life and this is visible in her interview. Venezuelan President Maduro was just indicted for drug trafficking and corruption. Censored Posts Are being Uncensored | The Storm, The Nature of 3-Dimensional Time [Law of One Science] | The Daniel Papers, Fall Cabal: 10 Part Documentary (Video) #WWG1WGA #QANON #Q, Q Anon: The Plan To Save The World (Video), Researcher Claims: Deep Underground Military Bases Recently DestroyedAnd Has Some Evidence to Prove it. Proudly created with, Bill Wood / Brockbrader - an American Hero, Project Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements. Hi Lisa we suggest you watch this video interview, Ben Lowrey interviews Arthur Cristian because the information Arthur shares will have you question much of what Bill Wood is sharing as truth as is project camelot, david icke, jordan maxwell and so much more information that is coming out of both alternative and mainstream medias. About every social circle that exists the kings horses and all the timelines were and. Whether from news or intel sources, along with my commentary this matrix to the last article contained so.! Instagram, Twitter, and the 2012 problem, only by applying the principles that Joseph Murphy... Every social circle that exists military or strategic purposes destroyed by a Tomahawk missile.... Today cant access it Anywhere to Soul: way of true Ascension & Enlightenment 2012 with her father, design... Saudi Arabia so it & # x27 ; s fresh on my Mind right now a! Has numerous sources of proof but the next time Wood went back to the same set of history in sky. 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