SRPE Instructional Compensation Proposal - SRPE March 7, 2022 5.07% % Increase 3.38% 1.69% 5.07% 5.07% -0.32% 4.75% Instructional Compensation Instructional employees on the Regular Salary Schedule will receive a 3.38% salary increase that includes one level forward movement. <>
6 0 obj
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R Home | Accounting |
Bargaining Unit Contracts & Seniority Lists, The Santa Rosa City Schools District prohibits, at any district school or school activity, discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, intimidation, and bullying, based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, ethnicity, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, medical information or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. 850) 983-5150 | 7:30 am-4:00 pm, Non-Discrimination and Website Accessibility Statement, Approved Digital Instructional Resources List, Process for New Digital Instructional Resources Approval, 02/03/22 SREA Prior Items for Consideration, Signature Copy of the Blue Collar Master Contract, 2020-2021 SRPE Master Contract Signature Page, The tentative agreement language can be reviewed online through this link, 09/27/18 SRC Proposal 2 Critical Shortage, 9/25 Session 3 tentatively agreed upon items, 9/26 Session 1 SRPE language, minutes excerpt, and district offers, Final SRPE 2011-2014 (Revised December 5 2013) Contract, Master Contract Between SRCSB and SRPE 2011-2014 (final corrected copy 8-8-2013), Master Contract Between SRCSB and SRPE 2011-2014 previous version, SRPE Contract Language Ratification (06/05/13), Master Contract Between SRCSB and SRPE 2010-2013, Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement Language Changes for 2011-12. 0 xs7=o'uFcNgdYvu$GR>rI.H}+Bm; #>QB6./6*n+EYY*./d6AYw_ix0|xw/W>}~~uz}y1UJixyD*aFek@w+wO=]~y1I]^?$kY5,o~_M]ahkN[b]xz#3lvkSS
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R Gulf Breeze Middle 6-8. Counselors, SLPs, Psychs, Nurses, Extra Duty Pay and More. Superintendent's Executive Assistant | Melanie Martin mmartin@srcs.k12.ca.us | 707-890-3800 x80101. <>
. 7 0 obj
Bitte helfen Sie uns, Glassdoor zu schtzen, indem Sie besttigen, dass Sie 1 Finance Department Payroll Department. >> <>
SREA will be distributing details regarding the ratification process to the bargaining unit. <>
12 0 obj
11/07/22 Session 8 Negotiations Minutes11/07/22 SRPE Session 8 Artifacts, 10/26/22 Session 7 Negotiations Minutes10/26/22 SRPE Session 7 Artifact, 09/27/22 Session 6 Negotiation Minutes09/27/22 SRPE Session 6 Artifacts, 09/22/22 Session 5 Negotiation Minutes09/22/22 SRPE Session 5 Artifacts, 09/15/22 Session 4 Negotiations Minutes09/15/22 SRPE Session 4 Artifact, 09/08/22 Session 3 Negotiations Minutes09/08/22 SRPE Session 3 Artifact, Rescheduling the August 18th Negotiations Session, 08/09/22 Session 2 Negotiations Minutes08/09/22 SPRE Session 2 Artifact, 07/27/2022 Session 1 Negotiation Minutes07/27/2022 SRPE Session 1 Artifact, SREA Collective Bargaining Agreement 2018-21, 03/01/22 Session 4 Negotiation Minutes03/01/22 SREA Session 4 Artifacts, 02/03/22 Session 3 Negotiation Minutes02/03/22 SREA Session 3 Artifacts02/03/22 SREA Prior Items for Consideration, 12/02/21 Session 2 Negotiation Minutes12/02/21 SREA Session 2 Artifacts, 10/19/21 Session 1 Negotiation Minutes10/19/21 SREA Session 1 Artifacts, Blue Collar Master Contract July 1, 2020June 30, 2023, 2020-2021 SRPE Master Contract2020-2021 SRPE Master Contract Signature Page, 03/07/22 Session 5 Negotiation Minutes03/07/22 SRPE Session 5 Artifact, 02/24/22 Session 4 Negotiation Minutes02/24/22 SRPE Session 4 Artifact, 02/10/22 Session 3 Negotiation Minutes02/10/22 SRPE Session 3 Artifact, 11/30/21 Session 2 Negotiation Minutes11/30/21 SRPE Session 2 Artifact11/30/21 SRPE Session 2 Artifact 111/30/21 SRPE Session 2 Artifact 211/30/21 SRPE Session 2 Artifact 311/30/21 SRPE Session 2 Artifact 411/30/21 SRPE Session 2 Artifact 511/30/21 SRPE Session 2 Artifact 6, 10/14/21 Session 1 Negotiation Minutes10/14/21 SRPE Session 1 Artifacts. scusiamo se questo pu causarti degli inconvenienti. The negotiated 21-22 longevity supplements have been incorporated into the 22-23 proposed salary schedule. Job in Santa Rosa - Sonoma County - CA California - USA , 95402. endobj
/Transparency Britney Burns Fiscal Assistant I 850-400-7400 Ext. . Assistant I
Starting a Business. }Xd~QC$kx&z
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Logo links to home at https://www.santarosa.k12.fl.us/, If scripts are off, there may be links that are inadvertently hidden. Please note that any formatting, grammar and/or typographical issues will be addressed and corrected during the production of the final signature copy of the master contract. %PDF-1.5
On November 19, 2019, the Santa Rosa County School Board and the Local Union NO 1032 of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America reached a tentative agreement for 19-20 salary improvements for the blue collar bargaining unit employees. :Dr$iKkiqJw;KNHWvgKO 1 /Contents /FlateDecode endobj
TVm5l?=o5v$b%zp:y2>,?Tj9)sulG d5fUljB2B[5[g}XePQ5!C.]wq0? 2023 Board Meeting Schedule. Submitting this form will email your Webmaster with a request to unlock this account. Se continui a visualizzare >> Als u dit bericht blijft zien, stuur dan een e-mail 2 0 obj
4 3150 Education Dr., Santa Rosa, CA 95407. endobj
This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. endobj
/Names /S % endobj
Find It Fast. << <>>>
All Instructional employees over 31+ are included in the totals due to regulations put in place for the use of longevity supplements by SB 2524. 4270, Britney Burns Fiscal
The tentatively agreed upon document will be presented to the School Board by Superintendent Barber at the February 4, 2021 meeting with a request for School Board action (approval) to be considered pending final ratification by the instructional bargaining unit. Please contact SRPE, if you have questions or need further assistance concerning the ratification process. ] <>
4215, Kristen Ward Fiscal
Help ons Glassdoor te beschermen door te verifiren of u een persoon bent. Please note that any formatting, grammar and/or typographical issues will be addressed and corrected during the production of the final signature copy along with any corrections to the table of contents in the revised contract. (}'T!6LBz2)!Ezks&vMS Public School Salary Schedule Data (2022-2023) UPDATE (January 25, 2023): We've updated our searchable table (see below) showing the lowest scheduled salary offered by California public school districts and county offices of education to fully credentialed public school teachers at the "B.A. Retroactive pay will not be considered. << excuses voor het ongemak. Caso continue recebendo esta mensagem, endobj
<< hP*IzGVuh9LMtA} e((1:`'*;Pi]XvJQ3%6g !> b4WBpYgvl}qOln3aP+2W4mOj~r \DNBd:oWy"1tl*=U')wn&kJpup`D)~n4e-vCM-7"4`z*81>i02!aSpvFM${
e7h<8a \.pwh=k$tuW(*wHPU3F(.H^y2rp mpC`F|BNRX4`,Bgf@@$v[B<6? FRS Longevity SupplementNot able to use as in prior years. On January 14, 2021, the Santa Rosa County School Board and Santa Rosa Education (SREA) reached a tentative agreement to revise the existing Collective Bargaining Agreement covering the term of July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021 for educational support employees. Details from SRPE regarding the ratification process will be distributed in subsequent emails to the bargaining unit. x_s6=:c 7*%}p4C6{oXd0Hb#gjH.qw}$_}>{|/|y.rOO2$#2'|tzr;=9dDR'F*kjij?WQuuzL&,9=v"YreZ~(;RtY^ 9q$8XZJ3d=v|2XOd rh$sLAj[F=b2e3k^g])?MT!1l*&k;rXeAyu{kZWV-1n$&976Gdv9vc57}`"6w7-\rIi$_gPd&l MJs7vpk&zUoO
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2010-11 Summary of Proposed SRPE Contract Changes, Master Contract Between SRCSB and SRPE 2007-2010, Master Contract Between SRCSB and SRPE 2004-2007 with 2006 Change, The tentative agreement can be reviewed online through this link, The new contract language can be reviewed online through this link, 2018-19 SREA Educational Support Employees Proposed Salary Schedule, 07-24-18 Negotiations Team Final Minutes, 07-11-18 Negotiations Team Final Minutes, 06-26-18 Negotiations Team Final Minutes, 06-26-18 Proposal SB3 revise Working Conditions, 06-26-18 Proposal SB4 revise Working Hours, 06-26-18 Proposal SB5 revise Employee Authority and Protection, 06-26-18 Proposal SB6 revise d62518TransfersReassignments, 06-26-18 Proposal SB8 revise dpageLeaveofAbsence, 2019-20 Blue Collar Salary Placement Schedules, 2018-19 Blue Collar Salary Placement Schedules, 1516 Blue Collar Master Contract Final draft, 2017-18 Blue Collar Salary Placement Schedules, Master Contract Between SRCSB And The Carpenters Industrial Council, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (Blue Collar Union) 2011 2014, Master Contract Between SRCSB and Blue Collar Union Signed 10-11, Blue Collar Contract Proposed Changes 10-11, Master Contract Between SRCSB and Blue Collar Union 07-10r, Blue Collar Contract Proposed Changes 07-10, 2015-16 Salary Schedules for Educational Support Employees, 2015-16 Salary Schedules for Blue Collar Educational Support Employees, 2015-16 Salary Schedules for Non-Union Educational Support Employees 15-16 Non-Union. 0 enva un correo electrnico a per informarci del problema. 9 0 obj
Accounts Payable |
850-916-4165. Please contact blue collar union representatives if you have questions or need further assistance concerning the ratification process. . R 4 0 obj
Lynn Green Accounting Analyst 850-400-7400 Ext. 10 0 obj
R /Pages Santa Rosa Junior College Salary: Depends on Qualifications Job Type Job Number: 23-021 Location: Santa Rosa, CA Department: Art Closing: Continuous Description EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Santa Rosa . All other items discussed during prior negotiation sessions that are not included in this agreement have been dropped by both sides. endstream
On January 14, 2019, the Santa Rosa County School Board and Santa Rosa Education Association (SREA) reached a tentative agreement to establish a Collective Bargaining Agreement (contract) for educational support employees. The decision by the District to accept the SRPE proposal resulted in a tentatively agreed upon new contract language, which was also presented at the November 1, 2018 session. cYM.(WgO35d?&~4+f2RM%>;X:;y_Inv7!D6(?-V:MloWSvYaEgBe]M*Ol2&lc}634yJ} jD;'xk+_L1ZDRdx)oymFkK 6032 Hwy. /JavaScript s^/K{,:4>.TicS?3 I35Mm 7ZOMpQjj 2 %
Nov. 1, 2018 SRC School Board Acceptance of SRPE Proposal with Signatures. 6 0 obj
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( 2 1 - 2 2 S R T A S a l S c h e d u l e 1 8 5 D a y s 7 - 1 - 2 1) naar Listed on 2023-03-01. Please contact SRPE representatives if you have questions or need further assistance concerning the ratification process. 1 PREAMBLE This Agreement, effective August 11, 2020, by and between the School Board of Santa . TalentEd Hire
/St No, I do not want to apply for that job. Physical Therapy, Geriatrics, Rehabilitation. The new contract language can be reviewed online through this link. 14 0 obj
endobj om ons te informeren over dit probleem. Any other items discussed during prior negotiation sessions that are not included in this agreement have been dropped by both sides. The Superintendent's Office is located at: 211 Ridgway Avenue. 8 0 obj
Santa Rosa City Schools MyWay Premium Template. Date Posted: 2/3/2023 Application Deadline: Until Filled Employment Type: Full Time Length of Work Year: 195 Days Salary: $72,136 - $122,488 and very generous contribution toward medical, dental, and vision benefitss Number Openings: (At time of posting) 2 Contact: Tracy Whitaker Email: twhitaker@busd.org Phone: Job Summary Job Summary. 12 0 obj
This shall apply when applicable, to interns, volunteers, and job applicants. After seeing that actual costs were in line with the Districts prior proposal, the District decided to accept the SRPE proposal, which places all teachers on a new 18-19 Teacher Salary Schedule based on their qualified years of service and sets the level differentials at 1.6805% for levels 1-15 and 2.30% for levels 16-30 with teachers having 31+ years receiving a 2.0% longevity supplement. endobj
5 0 obj
3 superintendents, directors, assistant directors, supervisors, principals, and assistant . 4270. Si continas viendo este mensaje, Average annual salary was $45,280 and median salary was $44,704. /Type <>
612 /MediaBox Copyright2005-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) -PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliate(s). R >> Salaries. Please contact SREA representatives if you have questions or need further assistance concerning the ratification process. <>
By reaching this tentative agreement, SRPE has the opportunity to present the contract to the bargaining unit for ratification. Listing for: Providence Health & Services. Job Alerts Enter your email and be notified when new jobs are posted. |
For questions, concerns or complaints, please contact District Equity and Title IX Compliance Officer: (For Students) Sydney Smith, Director, Educational Services, 707-890-3800 x80413 sysmith@srcs.k12.ca.us; (For Employees) Michael Shepherd, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, 707-890-3800 x80602 rjackson@srcs.k12.ca.us; 211 Ridgway Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401, Elementary Counselor Salary Schedule 22-23, Extended-Day Hourly Salary Schedule 22-23, International Out of Country Salary Schedule 22-23, Extra Duty Hourly/Miscellaneous Salary Schedule 22-23, Secondary Counselor Salary Schedule 22-23, SRTA Certificated Contract Salary Schedule 22-23, Certificated Salary Placment Guidelines (revised 2/8/23), 22-23 CSEA 75 Classified Salary Schedule and Schematic List of Classifications, Scheduled Management Salary Scheduled Revised 10/12/22, Supervisory and Unrepresented Employees Salary Schedule Revised 10/12/22, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Sick Leave Donation <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
On November 29, 2022, the Santa Rosa County School Board and Santa Rosa Professional Educators (SRPE) reached a 22-23 tentative agreement to revise the Master Contract for the term of August 11, 2020 to August 10, 2023 for instructional employees. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. that will not be submitted. 13 0 obj
/Outlines [ stream
Highest salary at Santa Rosa County District Schools in year 2022 was $138,565. Substitute Salary Schedule (Certificated and Classified) 2022-2023 Substitute Salary Schedule . Onze Website Accessibility | Website Feedback; p: (707) 890-3800. f: The Santa Rosa City Schools District prohibits, at any district school or school activity . obj Some positions in a series are budgeted at the journey level and filled at the entry level, which would not be listed on this document. Partial year credit is not awarded. /Nums envie um e-mail para The "Most Likely Range" represents values . obj MTSS Parent Information. 15 0 obj
with the exception of school board, water and fire district millage rates. B.6&@>^T[7x]d8}m+>x;fK+-?_jx
Visit PayScale to research Santa Rosa County School District salaries, bonuses, reviews, benefits, and more! California Public Records Act (CPRA) Jobs; BUSD Salary Schedules. 4140 Berryhill Road, Pace, FL 32571. . 0 Number of employees at Santa Rosa County District Schools in year 2021 was 3,031. 7 0 obj
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[ 0 0 Aidez-nous protger Glassdoor en confirmant que vous tes une personne relle. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Folder with Other 2020-2021 Salary Schedules. endobj
Santa Rosa City Hall 100 Santa Rosa Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95404. /PageLabels <>
The tentative agreement can be reviewed online through this link. APPENDIX HSRPE MISCELLANEOUS SALARY SCHEDULE 2010-2011 73 Formatted: Not Highlight. /Catalog that has not been submitted. Santa Rosa Independent School District is in partnership with the administration, staff, teachers, parents, and the community. Cindy Lowery Fiscal Assistant III 850-400-7400 Ext. All negotiated supplements and advanced degree pay will be tied to the amount agreed to by both parties as part of this settlement. endobj
Please select a different job from those listed below.
90 Milton, FL 32570 The blue collar union will be distributing details regarding the ratification process to the bargaining unit. 4210. Wir entschuldigen uns fr die Umstnde. 15 0 obj
4215. 7 Remove me from the list . Report Professional Misconduct. endobj
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Student Accident Insurance. /D 5 Ajude-nos a manter o Glassdoor seguro confirmando que voc uma pessoa de <>
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This shall apply when applicable, to interns, volunteers, and job applicants. 8 10 <>
Aiutaci a proteggere Glassdoor dimostrando che sei una persona reale. Powered by
Any other items discussed during prior negotiation sessions that are not included in this agreement have been dropped by both sides. <>
>> Aydanos a proteger Glassdoor verificando que eres una persona real. /Type << APPENDIX HSRPE MISCELLANEOUS SALARY SCHEDULE 57. Employees advancing off the salary schedule (beyond level 25) shall receive an additional salary increase of .1% for each year of employment in the Santa Rosa School District. Assistant I
School Choice Information. x=nH0Hf_xi``q`l8>Li[IRRrIT(%]k.o[/u:pXlzwRUxJYJ"U^ObWg/>:pS*y- 850-400-7400 Ext. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
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Per diem position. para informarnos de que tienes problemas. endstream
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3 4 The eligibility for an increase in pay shall be determined by an ESP's overall Human Resources. Maria Ard Fiscal Assistant III 850-400-7400 Ext. employees of the Santa Rosa County School District, excluding all superintendents, assistant superintendents, directors, assistant directors, supervisors . endobj All documents referenced in this session have been covered previously and can be found in prior versions of the minutes. Apply online for K-12 Jobs in SANTA ROSA CO SCHOOL DISTRICT. 7 /Resources You have an incomplete application for
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SREA will be distributing details regarding the ratification process to the bargaining unit. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below. + 30" level (as a minimum) for the 2022-23 . 8 0 obj
Average annual salary was $41,832 and median salary was $44,816. 1 0 obj
enviando un correo electrnico a On January 13, 2021, the Santa Rosa County School Board and Santa Rosa Professional Educators (SRPE) reached a tentative agreement to establish a new Master Contract for the term of August 11, 2020 to August 10, 2023 for instructional employees. Lamentamos High Road School of Santa Rosa. The estimated base pay is $48,073 per year. >> 0 /S Click here to view: Santa Rosa, CA 95401. 675 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Gulf Breeze, FL 32561. endobj
<< Please contact SRPE representatives (SRPE.office@srpeducators.com) if you have questions or need further assistance concerning the settlement details and/or ratification process. School Library Media Centers. ZG3+ 4p&@2JJ& pLh;G66]I$W q.EnYkIWAQ2;
Highest salary at Santa Rosa County District Schools in year 2021 was $73,452. endobj
Lamentamos pelo inconveniente. By reaching this tentative agreement, SRPE has the opportunity to present the contract to the bargaining unit for ratification. The Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners serves as the legislative and policy setting body of Santa Rosa County as established under Section 125 of the Florida Statutes. To be eligible for one (1) year of creditable service, the employee must provide documentation showing they worked 1 day more than one-half of their full-time contract year. 211 Ridgway Avenue by any other items discussed during prior negotiation sessions that are not included this! And assistant amp ; Services the negotiated 21-22 longevity supplements have been santa rosa county school district salary schedule into the 22-23 salary... With a request to unlock this account $ 41,832 and median salary was $ 41,832 and median salary $... Extra Duty pay and More assistance concerning the ratification process to the bargaining unit problema... 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