schuylkill county court calendar

Fun Activities in Schuylkill Learn More. The first courthouse was built in 1816 with a two-story brick structure, and in 1827 a separate building was established and further advancements were made. Pottsville, Pa. 17901. Crawford County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Civil Court. Schuylkill County's Human Resources Director will resign as of March 10 after about six months on the job. Tamaqua, This sheet will verify the dates you were required for jury service. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Delayed Birth Records covering the period 1860 - 1905. Dog licenses for 2021 are on sale through the Schuylkill County Treasurer's office. For fee information and reservations, which are required, contact the Society at 570-622-7540. Calendar; Games; Arts Calendar . WebSchuylkill County Courthouse, 1st Floor, 401 . Montgomery County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. The more Schuylkill County Organizations who list their upcoming events, the more useful SkooCal is for the public. Casual dress is acceptable, however the wearing of hats or head coverings is not allowed in the courtrooms. We continue to monitor developments regarding the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on court operations. announced his candidacy for a full six-year term as Magisterial District Judge in Schuylkill County's Magisterial District 21-3-03. 601 Commonwealth AvenueP.O. Please tell your friends, tell County Organizations, tell everyone! To list your upcoming "Skook Event" for free, please see our How-To Page.SkooCal is also a great tool for planing your event. Schuylkill County Judicial System. Serina, 50, has been serving as Magisterial District Judge in that district since July 2022, when he was appointed by then . Civil Calendar Week of 02/28/23. Share this page on your favorite Social network. There is 1 Court per 16,031 people, and 1 Court per 86 square miles. PA, Pottsville District Court detailed updates regarding county-by-county court operations and proceedings. Ryan David Worrell, 24, of Leesport, was charged by West . View the York County Court of Common Pleas annual calendar of hearing schedules by hearing type, weekly court schedules for the current week by judge and courtroom, and Divorce Master hearing schedules by date and party names. WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES IF A JUROR FAILS TO RESPOND TO A JURY SUMMONS OR FAILS TO REPORT FOR JURY DUTY. Civil Calendar Week of 03/06/23. The county government additionally administers economic development, domestic relations, court schedule, conservation district, assessment, human resources and juvenile justice . Centre County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. 33 South Main Street Government. John E. Domalakes. Share this page on your favorite Social network, Friendly Understandable Financial Statement, Schuylkill County's Pension Comparison Report, U.S. Immigration & Customes Enforcement - Victim notification Program, Policy Regarding Deeds of Annexation / Consolidations, Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania (PROP), Homestead and Farmstead Exclusion Information, Notification of Conveyance for Properties, Department of Veterans Affairs Pennsylvania Facility Directory. Links to calendars and schedules are in the left column. Search results include basic case information with links to docket sheets and court summaries. 19 North Pine Street Schuylkill County is a county in Pennsylvania.The county population is 143,049, according to the United States Census Bureau. 301 2nd Street Schuylkill County Judge Christina E. Hale recently admitted two people charged by local police into the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program. Return to Top. View the annual schedule of Clearfield County Court of Common Pleas hearing types. No. Andrew "AJ" Serina, Esq. 2023 01:45PM. In Pennsylvania, Schuylkill County is ranked 40th of 67 counties in Courts per capita, and 32nd of 67 counties in Courts per square mile. Folk artist Georgine Postupak-Borchick will teach pysanky egg-making classes at the Schuylkill County Historical Society, 305 N. Centre St., Pottsville, from 6 to 8 p.m. on March 23 and 30. Contact your local county court for more information orvisit their website.You can also learn more about mitigating the spread of the virus Chester County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. PA, Pottsville Magistrate Court 619 West Oak Street PA. Courts in Schuylkill County, PA are government institutions that resolve legal disputes in accordance with local Schuylkill County and Pennsylvania law and are housed in Schuylkill County courthouses. If you report for jury selection and are not selected as a juror, you will most likely be excused at the conclusion of that day. View Cumberland County Court of Common Pleas and Magisterial District Court trial lists by court and hearing type, and view annual calendar schedules of hearing types.. Dauphin County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Published February 28. Classifieds. We communicate regularly with the Governors Office and the state Department of Health for guidance on measures to continue protecting the health and safety of court users and court employees. The process begins by the mailing of summons by the Court Administrator's office. Please visit GoodHire for all your employment screening needs. Fax: 570-628-6815. You will be paid $9.00 per day for your first three days of jury service. If Jurors must be reached for emergencies, calls can be received at 628-1331. Christina E. Hale. View Butler County Court of Common Pleas daily calendars for criminal, civil, and family/juvenile/Orphans' Court; arbitration hearing schedules; civil trial lists; and yearly motion and general court calendars. 401 North 2nd Street Schuylkill County Court is a city serving the residents of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. General information is also provided on our, Contact your local county court for more information or, You can also learn more about mitigating the spread of the virus at, Search, view and print court docket sheets, Securely pay fines, costs, and restitution, Electronically file documents with the courts. Some Court of Common Pleas cases will be included. The county seat is Pottsville.. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population.This encompasses all city, county, and special district elections appearing on the ballot within those cities. View Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas civil, criminal, family, and discovery schedules and hearing lists. The Honorable Jacqueline L. Russell takes the oath of office as she is sworn in as the President Judge of the Schuylkill County Court of Common Pleas at the . Schuylkill County commissioners voted unanimously Wednesday to secure a $7,341,000 general obligation note to pay for a court Read more Schuylkill County . Annual judicial and legal calendar schedules are also provided. The Clerk's office ensures that public records are retained, archived, and made accessible to the public in accordance with all laws and regulations. PA, Orwigsburg Magistrate Court Most records are open . Major civil and criminal cases are heard in these courts. Schuylkill County Court of Common Pleas. Schuylkill County PA is a county rich with history, culture and a variety of things to do. Search results include basic case information with links to docket sheets and court summaries. On very busy days you will also be able to park at bagged meters on the streets adjacent to the courthouse. PA, Port Carbon Magistrate Court Common Pleas President Judges; Common Pleas Judges; District Court Administrators; Individual County Courts; Docket Sheets; Minor Courts. Share this page on your favorite Social network, Friendly Understandable Financial Statement, Schuylkill County's Pension Comparison Report, U.S. Immigration & Customes Enforcement - Victim notification Program, Policy Regarding Deeds of Annexation / Consolidations, Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania (PROP), Homestead and Farmstead Exclusion Information, Notification of Conveyance for Properties, Department of Veterans Affairs Pennsylvania Facility Directory. Magisterial Court 21 2 01 21st District Schuylkill County Schuylkill County Magisterial District Court 21-3-07. First Name: Last Name: View the Somerset County Court of Common Pleas current daily schedule of hearings by date. Entry into the program is not an admission of guilt, and defendants' records may be cleared if they successfully complete the program. 401 North Second Street. Please Thank OurCommunity Minded Sponsors: Please Consider Donating to the SkooCal Project. Job Description For information about child support and how to apply, visit the PA Child Support Program website. Privacy Policy Schuylkill County Court of Common Pleas. CP54CR00006742020CRIMINAL DOCKET Court Case Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Brandi Lee Kline CASE INFORMATION Date Filed: 04/22 . On Sunday around 2:30 a.m., state police say 22-year-old . View Berks County Court of Common Pleas daily civil argument list, arraignment schedules, daily and judges' court schedules, mortgage foreclosure conference schedule, and yearly general court calendars. Pottsville, Carbon County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. We communicate regularly with the Governors Office and the state Department of Health for guidance on measures to continue protecting the health and safety of court users and court employees. Search, view and print court docket sheets, 601 Commonwealth AvenueP.O. Calendar; Courts of Common Pleas. Nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. A court staff member will take the message and deliver it to the juror. Schuylkill County President Judge Jacqueline L. Russell on Monday ruled on the following cases: Michael James Kinsey, 30, of Summit Hill, was charged by Rush Twp Police Officer Nicholas E. Gallese with theft of leased property and receiving stolen property on Oct. 17, 2020. Schuylkill County Archives Schuylkill County Courthouse 401 N 2nd Street Pottsville, PA 17801-2528 Phone: 570-628-1145 Email: Website Central depository for all county government records. PA, Schuylkill County Court Box 61260Suite 1500Harrisburg, PA 17106, 601 Commonwealth Avenue Suite 1500 Harrisburg, PA 17120, 1515 Market Street Suite 1414 Philadelphia, PA 19102, 2023 The Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania, List of Common Pleas Judicial Districts, Follow the Unified Judicial System on Twitter, INFORMATION ABOUT STATEWIDE COURT RESPONSE TO COVID-19. Schuylkill County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Any previous Orders in this line shall expire according to their own terms. Tamaqua Area Raider Band students earned seats in the 2023 Junior Schuylkill County Band. If date is known Dockets are available in Archives. Copy and paste this code into your website. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Engineering District 5 announced today work is scheduled to begin on a project to improve Route 61 between University Drive and Mill Creek Avenue in North Manheim Township, City of Pottsville, Palo Alto and Schuylkill Haven boroughs, Schuylkill County. Terms and Conditions. County Resident: 0 Days, State Resident: 0 Days, Schuylkill County court records and judgments, Appealing Schuylkill County court judgments. Katelin M. Yezierski, 27, of Jim Thorpe, was charged by West Penn Township Police Chief James E. Bonner with criminal trespass - breaking into a structure, institutional vandalism of an educational facility, disorderly conduct, defiant trespass, and criminal mischief - damage to property, on Aug. 5 . All Rights Reserved. We strive to provide accurate information, however, is not an official source of information for any court or court clerk. Beaver County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. View the annual schedule of hearing types for Armstrong County Court of Common Pleas, with additional information about the court. View the Northampton County District Attorney's Office upcoming trial and arraignments lists by date and time, and index to arraignment list. Erie County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. View Dauphin County Court of Common Pleas annual schedules of hearing types. View the Somerset County Court of Common Pleas current trial term schedule by date. Calendar. Real Estate . Pottsville, Copy and paste this code into your website. View Carbon County Court of Common Pleas daily, weekly, and monthly criminal calendars; weekly civil calendars; and annual court schedules. View Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas calendars by judge or court type, including civil, criminal, domestic relations, family, juvenile, and Orphans' Court. Enjoy Schuylkill County Pennsylvania! When you receive your summons, please fill it out as soon as possible and return it in the pre-paid envelope provided. Applicants must provide valid You will be informed by radio and television and you will also be provided with a "juror hotline" number for up to date information on your jury service. Schuylkill County Jail 230 Sanderson Street Pottsville, PA 17901. Address and Phone Number for Schuylkill County Court, a Court, at North 2nd Street, Pottsville PA. Name Schuylkill County Court Address 401 North 2nd Street Pottsville, Pennsylvania, 17901 Phone 570-622-5570 Common Pleas Judge Christina Hale and attorneys Chris Hobbs and James Conville are seeking the position. No legal advice is offered here and this site is not an alternative to competent legal counsel. If you serve past three days, it increases to $25.00 per day. The agenda for Wednesday's Schuylkill County Commissioners' work session meeting has been made available on the Schuylkill County web site. View the annual schedule of hearing types for Schuylkill County courts. She was raised in Frackville and is a lifelong resident of Schuylkill County. Search the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas Civil Division conciliation calendar by date range, case number, or plaintiff name. Lycoming County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Links are under the "Schedules" heading in the middle of the page. Posted: (6 days ago) Welcome to Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania Home Community Employment Opportunities Employment Opportunities Schuylkill County Government employment opportunities are posted through the Office of Human Resources, Telephone: (570) 628-1216, Fax: (570) 628-1109. Hobbs placed Osty in the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program for 12 months. Forms Cannot be Altered. View Court Calendars. View the local civil, criminal, Magisterial District Court, Orphans' Court, and custody procedure rules of Schuylkill County courts. Northampton County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. In most cases your day will begin and finish within these time frames. Find Court Records by Pennsylvania County: 2008 2023 PeopleConnect, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Magisterial District Judge in Schuylkill County courts police into the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program for 12 months Commonwealth AvenueP.O page! 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