The next day she had diarrhea. He did blood work and found that the phosphorus levels in her blood were way to low and that was causing the neurogical problems and it was most likely from Simparica Trio. I will never give my dog this medication again. I had to put him laundry room for the night (no Carpet). It all depends, sadly. Some pets fare better with topical solutions instead of chewables. Simparica has caused my 12 pound 5 year old Jack Russel Terrior mix to have leg tremors and have trouble walking, jumping, or running. All went well until this morning. The innovative formula disrupts gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate receptors, which both play a role in nerve transmissions. We were told the Neurologist would be between $10,000 to $12,000. It is really eye-opening to see everyone's experiences. Is your dog still having tremors? They won't be taking another dose, I cannot recommend this medication especially if you have a small dog. I had a trainer come in the day of, and he was with me the all day, NOTHING a happened for him to be in pain! I have a vet appointment tomorrow to figure it out. Vet says not to go back to Any brand oral flea/tick meds, so well be using Frontline drops on her shoulders from now on. No appetite, not like Charlie. We are beyond sad and livid! The only thing the vet told me was that his ATL liver enzyme levels were just slightly high (170) and it wasn't a concern and we could just do another blood test at his next check-up. This time I am seeing a little blood or tissue in her stool. I am convinced this medicine is HORRIBLE and is causing this. My chihuahua was given this three weeks back, I actually requested I kept my old treatment but they assured me it was safe and good. We did abx, shampoos changed food. Two weeks after first simparica dose.parasites gone. corgi lying in grass next to woman's feet. Side-Effects Of Simparica Trio Tablets There are some mild side effects like Vomiting Diarrhea Loss of appetite Dog owners should be aware that these tablets are not suitable for all dogs. Next she developed severe tremors. No more Simperica for my dog! Im so worried Ive lost him forever and hell never recover. It's only available with a prescription from your veterinarian, so you cannot get it over-the-counter. We took him to the animal er and they checked his vitals and he was fine. She was due to get the next dosage this week and i am choosing not to give it to her with the hopes that it will be out of her system and her Liver levels will go down. He is not the same puppy prior to two days ago! My vets comment was I would know if his symptoms were related if at time for next dose his symptoms were gone they are gone. Our miniature schnauzer has been extremely thirsty and itchy to the point of biting until he bleeds. Update on my Labradoodle who started seizures just a few hours after receiving first dose of Simparica on T-Day 2020 it is March 2021 and my Vet put my dog on Phenobarbital for anti-seizure med. Made the pressured in to by a vet to give Simparica Trio. I gave my six-year-old dog SIM perica because the combo guard was on back order. Couple of days ago, I took my other doxie (Maddie) into my vet, for shots, he did the heart worm test and recommended Simparica. He seems dehydrated. I went to zoetis and Expressed my views and they said the FDA report meant nothing and it was in America. Hopefully, there is no permanent damage to his brain or body. But I noticed that I had to "wake him' several times in only 2 minutes time, but he wasn't sleeping, his eyes were open and I saw them rolling in the back of his head! And has been for about 3 weeks. I realized he had no control over his body . I fell like hes dying right before my hands. As I said, the first was a week after taking it, then the 2nd and third seizure happened at day 29. I found a warning from the FDA about the potential for neurologic adverse events in dogs and cats when treated with drugs that are in the isoxazoline class. Any tips on how to flush it from her system ? Our vet pushed this new drug for this tick season claiming the drug we used previously they had 11 dogs in the previous year were diagnosed with Lyme disease and they no longer had confidence in that drug. Vet says garlic doesn't work and obviously it didn't because he shaved a little of dogs fur and put it on a paper towels and it was full of fleas.The vet gives me Simpirica-ok fleas are dropping off him like crazy. . I'm so scared. Stopped meds and he has had 3 more seizures since. All the swelling went down immediately and the itching went away too. Side effects are uncommon, but may occur in some cases. He wasnt throwing up at all until he received this medication. Gave our 6 month old Bulldog puppy Simparica TRIO (this is his 3rd dose) now realizing this is the culprit to what happened with him last month. No more Simparica for him. . Dr said either Simparica (best case scenario), GOLPP or brain tumor. What are the side effects of Simparica Trio Chewable Tablets for Dogs? I gave my sweet little toy poodle Simpaica today, and one hour later this poor dog went from happy and healthy to having a terrible seizure. Monday morning - 11 days after he is like a zombie - all motions are almost mechanical and when I talk to him it takes him a long while to react. She had the treatment yesterday and seemed ok. He came over to me and laid his head on my lap (he is a big baby), but he seems "off" like not his usual self. Is due for another tablet but I have been holding off. Hi, I was just wondering how long you continued on with the steroids with your puppy. all my dogs were prescribed and my eldest dog has had a strange reaction hives all over his body, panting, restless started same night he took the pill but has had the product on previous occasions with no side effects but this time he had a that reaction,had to administer meticam for the pain and antihistamines for the hives - he is still not right after 4 days and my other dog louie has always suffered from seizures since a pup vet say possible epilepsy - managed without medication at present and I do always try to avoid medication with him as they always make his seizures worse - I am so angry for not researching this further before .. He has been drinking more water then usual. Anything I can do for him? Call the FDA. I even said "I am reading a blog, right now, with pages of stories about this drug and the side effects". I sadly started my beautiful dog on Simparica Trio on May 1, 2021. This morning was the first morning he left water in his bowl. This is whats happening to our pup, can you please tell me how long it lasted? She has been itching uncontrollably since I gave her the simparica. Did anyone see any signs of improvement in their dogs? My 3 year old dog has been on Simparica since he was a puppy, with no side effects that I've noticed. Random vomitting is no fun either. Hope your pup is doing better!! Lost all appetite. He developed these big sores which scab over quickly, hair falling out here and there. Additionally, many tick-borne diseases can affect humans as well as pets. Charlie took the pill on Monday and could not even walk this morning. They had no clue what had happened so again we took him to the er and he checked out fine. Please think these things through before subjecting your pet to internal insecticides. I am almost 100% sure that all of these symptoms are caused by this medication. The vet said the simparica didn't cause the disease but it could have been the link that pushed him into the Crisis. Gave this to my dogs and now he sleeps all the time and tired and has symptoms now like droopy right side weakness cant blink right eye and drooling like bells palsy. I knew it was bad from the onset but the vet said I can't take a chance on him getting heartworms because the mosquitos are so bad not to mention fleas and ticks. (On Monday, she fell down several times in an hour. Vet said if she vomits bring her in. I am so angry. She is more worried about excessive thirst, lip smacking and her kidneys. Currently, for Simparica, less than 0.01% of dogs taking this medication have experienced any neurologic side effects. Can you tell me if your dog is back to normal now?!?! and to only let him out on a leash to go potty. I gave him this medication last Thursday. Training your dog to follow basic commands builds a positive relationship with her and helps ensure her safety. Thank u Fox I have good news I did get 2 additional in house potassium test done and they both came back normal. I know it's still in her system because I am still finding dead ticks that I miss because they are the size of a sesame seed. And a bit more stumbling. My dog steadily went downhill after I gave her the first dose of simparica. I never missed a day. Somedays he will have 2 and then he will go for a couple days without having any issues. Most of us dog parents use some form of heartworm prevention for our dogs. We did a cortisone pack to help him manage his "arthritis" symptoms that I totally feel were related to the simparica. It started working on him right away, Diarrhea. Omg Im feeling sick seeing all these bad comments. Vet suggested that I switch to Simparica Trio (he gets a kickback from the manufacturer). If you accidentally ingest a pet medication, call your physician or the national Poison Control Center hotline at 800-222-1222. He has been very healthy, and it does not seem to bother him, but it is becoming more noticeable recently. They still will not consider that it is the Simparica Trio. Side effects of Simparica Let us now look at possible side effects when administering Simparica. Did your dog pass away? My dog is 9 yrs old . I dont know whether its a coincidence or not, but 4 days after second dose of Simparica Trio, my dog ended up at an urgent care with blood in his urine. I bought chicken last night he ate some of that . Considerations Just like any other medication, Simparica has the potential to interact with other drugs your dog is taking. Next day, he was suddenly 1000% worse, would not touch food, could not move. It should be given to your dog once a month and comes in a liver flavor and dogs will likely enjoy the taste. He is 80% its been 27 days since 2nd dose of Simparico.hoping we turned the corner! I know Dukes problems were from this medicine, and it upsets me that my vet told me that this medicine was safe! I want to cry I wish I could get it out of her system after reading these comments. Maybe dont have a dog. She's not drinking water or eating all she wants to do is sleep. I'm totally stopping the drug, but, unfortunately, can't get in to my vet for almost a month to get a replacement. We have an appt for a skin scraping. Will not be using this treatment again!!! The neurologist I went to would not give him steroids until I did the spinal tap and MRI. I came across this site and read so much about symptoms that I now realize he has been having. Ticks are horrible here in Maine. I am SOOO angry! First it was a fake guess of Lyme (she's from Texas where Lyme is not) disease diagnosis and $1200 wasted. Over time, I spent 7k to save here but to no avail. This dog was my partner and friend. OMG - I am so mad at myself for not doing more research. He is otherwise normal and healthy. He was a Shih Tzu. This all-in-one tablet can help make it easier to keep pesky parasites away this spring (and all year long). The only change I could think of he started taking Simparica about 4 months ago. Hi, Im having similar issues. If your dog has reactions to this medicine, push fluids! I gave our boy, Yogi his first dose of Simparica TRIO on 11/17/2020. I gave my 1 year old collie cross Simparica flea and tick medication. Certain age, breed predispositions. Simparica Trio contains sarolaner, a member of the isoxazoline class, which has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions . I'm so glad I found this forum, it confirmed my instincts that this drug is very harmful. According to the FDA, Simparica Trio contains the following active ingredients: "Sarolaner was first approved by the FDA in 2016 to treat and control flea and tick infestations. She vomited twice and became so lethargic that she couldnt walk. Each month he got sicker and sicker. She has been diagnosed with thyroid problems and myocarditis. Simparica Trio is the first and only product that combines sarolaner, moxidectin and pyrantel in each treatment to help prevent heartworm disease, kill fleas before they can lay eggs, kill 5 types of ticks, treat and prevent flea infestations and treat and control roundworms and hookworms. (My first warning sign right there). However, besides being nervous over the diarrhea, I am petrified about all of these people talking about seizures. Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, otitis externa (ear infection), pruritus (itching), polyuria (urinating more frequently), hyperactivity and polydipsia (drinking more water). Our Pickles died last year after just 3 doses, and our vet basically said we were crazy. Nothing. He has been getting groomed since he was 3 months old but we've noticed that he has been getting more anxious with time. The company's thinking must be the profits outweigh the loses from any lawsuits lost its important to note that the law treats animals as property and the fix value of a dog is quite small and limited. this is how Simparica works on insects who bite your dog. Wow. PROS Treats adult fleas and prevents flea and tick infestations Effective against five types of tick Liver flavored tablet FDA Approved CONS She has been very unpredictable and snapping at people but this is improving. Im convinced it was caused by this drug. Millions of dogs take flea and heartworm meds without side effects but that's not to say it doesn't happen or that an alternative would be safer. I would absolutely rather be safe than sorry.. no more simparica trio for that guy. I had to give him flea prevention because he goes to Daycare. I will update once we have results from diagnostics. I have read that Simparica may cause side effects including muscle tremors, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, otitis externa, hyperactivity, neurological side effects, seizures, convulsions, anxiety and skin irritation . Im wondering if anyone else has seen these types of symptoms. She hasn't had any of the diarrhea or eating issues, but has had one of her eyes that gets red and the inner eyelid partially covers her pupil. And now I'm upset with myself for giving this to my dog without doing research. I went home and somthing didn't feel right, but I read the leaflet and it said no known side effects. Once we have results from diagnostics to cry I wish I could get out... My dog this medication have experienced any neurologic side effects 10,000 to 12,000. Is very harmful besides being nervous over the Diarrhea, I can not recommend this medication control Center at., for Simparica, less than 0.01 % of dogs taking this medication thyroid problems and myocarditis views. 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