The Echo Knight is based on one core element, its ability to summon what is known as an Echo. It really is up to you, however. Even if your adversaries are unaware of its right away. Echo Knight 5e: How To Build And Play An Emotional. Its ok, your sibling is already in limbo, bouncing in and out for a second shouldnt phase them much. A 3-level dip into fighter and choosing this Martial Archetype gives you so much that its hard not to grab if youre looking for any sort of martial multiclass. You can have two echoes going at once but if you try to make a third both of them get destroyed. It can be targeted by things like attacks and spells, but weirdly RAW This makes ranged Echo Knights especially interesting because you can choose to have arrows or crossbow bolts flying from all angles confusing the enemy. The echo gives you another 1515 foot square to control, and Polearm Master increases your own effective radius to a 2525 foot square. It's the echo. Even in combat, most builds just end up doing the same things over again. We plan on being a frontline fighter that combines the inherent tank of the Dragonborn to support using the multiple attacks that come with the Echo effect. Its also not a spell, meaning it cant be countered. Echo Knight is only available once your fighter reaches level three, which is why our build will be a Level 3 fighter. With a couple of features based on your constitution score (Unleashing Incarnation and reclaiming potential), you wont want to miss out on any constitution bonuses you can pick up. This means that if you are hidden from your target but can still see them, the attack will have advantage, even though this is intuitively nonsense because the Echo is right next to them and actually delivering the attack. Echo Knight almost feels out of place as a fighter subclass, but then again I cant really think of a better place to put it beyond making a new class and sticking every Gish flavor there. Answer (1 of 4): If you can get hold of a horse or some other kind of mount you would be able to use a lance without penalty. But RAW, this makes delivering sneak attacks very reliable without having to worry about party positioning or other factors. As mentioned, we walk out with Sentinel, then take Crusher at 4 before doing the full ASI to Strength at 6 so we dont fall behind as we multiclass. Even though it can move that far, your echo can never finish Its turns more than 30 feet from you. Thus, it cannot be considered a creature. rules. Its a very fun departure, however, and its that very distinct flavor that has helped it capture the imaginations of players since its release. Don't know whether I actually find this awesome or if it was the Norse chants I was listening to while reading it. Custom Lineage. If Dex-based, you want a Gloomstalker. Divine Fury Its not all the way to proficiency on the big 3 because Dex still just has advantage, but its pretty close. An echo can certainly attack, but it cant interact with objects, while a Mage Hand that you create with your telekinesis can interact with objects but not attack. Because they can quickly seize control of a fresh location on the battlefield for which to cast spells, even casters benefit from this. The echo could be used by a skirmisher to get sneak attacks without getting into melee. You can attach your mage hand to your echo and have something that is fully functional for attacking and interacting with objects. None of the advantages that come with being a creature, such as having a turn of its own or having the option to use abilities like help or hide available to it. The fighter class benefits from two additional Ability Score Improvements (at 6th and 14th level), allowing them to max out their core stats while picking up a feat or two along the way. Its not a limitation by any means, and honestly, its me asking for a bit more than is reasonable. This isnt anything to shake a stick at as youll most likely have a con modifier of 3 or 4. Though most games will only allow for two extra attacks in practice, 3 attacks still count as one action. Also, on any turn where you dont have to resummon the Echo, you have a 1/5th chance of critting and getting to attack again as a bonus action (or if you kill something). Even highly mobile monks could use a duplicate of themselves to move about even more conveniently. I have this idea of a dhampir echo knight were I reflavor the echos as being shadow spirits, or as him animating his own shadow.Add the Dark Gift "Living Shadow" from Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft for extra flavor. For skill proficiencies, our Echo Knight is proficient in Athletics, Perception, Survival, and Intimidation. Both echos can exist at the same time, but if you attempt to create a third, both are destroyed. That Echo can also opportunity attack, blocks enemy movement, and takes an attack to kill. Its AC is going to start off pretty impressive at 16 and cap out at 20 once you get to 17th level. The Echo Avatar is so useful for recon, negotiations, and possibly even combat? Managing this character can have a bit of a learning curve, as . As a soldier, he carries a dice set. Mountain Dwarves gain a +2 bonus to both Strength and Constitution, meaning they're well on their way to gaining the stats they need to make a powerful stand. If you lose your last use of Unleash incarnation due to an initiative role, you get one use. Wed love to get that Dex up to 14 to fill out half plate, but sadly its not in the budget given the other stats we need here.BaseIncreasedStr1517Dex1212Con1515Int88Wis1313Cha1010. This is done with the use of Dunamancy, a unique magic in the Wildemount setting that channels the power of potential and actuality. We can apply that same logic to the Echos teleportation, and so long "The Echo is not considered a Creature, it's a Magical Object. Dungeons and Dragons is a Trademark of Wizards of the Coast, LLC. Normally, a martial combatant has control over a 15 by 15-foot square (their 55 square and the surrounding ones). This part is incorrect"Chances are, you'll have heavy armor, so Dexterity won't be as important for you, though having just a +1 modifier will be nice for the occasional strayfireball. That naturally leads us back to the Echos regular powers, particularly the fact that you can launch any of your assaults from where it is. Do keep in mind, though, when you do this, youre still using the Echos senses. Whether from your space or your echos space benefit from the Sentinel. But this is when that tactic is useful. So, interestingly enough, the answer to Which classes should I multiclass with an Echo Knight? is yes. Throw on a buff and have at. The metallic dragonborn variant introduced inFizban's Treasury of Dragonshelps patch that weakness. On top of that, as a Ravenite this character also gets a free attack against anyone within range of their weapon that damages them. For weapons, it is proficient in martial and simple weapons. But this is when that tactic is useful. For flavor, I selected a flail for a weapon. A Con bonus race would get more . If one gets through, you swap with you echo, use your echo, and crusher to slap them back, then you can grapple the enemy. Samurai 3rd level ; Bonus Proficiency: History . Summon an Echo across the room so you can fight two enemies at once. Use your reaction to make an opportunity attack from your echos location if a creature that you can see within 5 feet of your echo moves at least 5 feet away from it. At higher levels, you can throw a couple more Ability Score Improvements at Constitution, anyway. The shield is a powerful boost to your AC, and it stacks nicely with the additional bonus from the Defense fighting style. Sadly, this madness has made it so that our love of riding is no longer represented in our build apart from the training we already had in it. Manage Settings Do you have an archer firing down on you from above? There are quite a number ofspells that target it. of movement to spend. I can. You will be utilizing you according to the most extent if you only use it as an additional location from which to strike. Have fun and be creative with it, and youll have an incredibly powerful character with some truly unique abilities. Having a lot of fun playing this class. Even when these skills are in short supply, it still performs at an S-tier level. it costs 2 ki points to bring the arms out as a bonus action, then 10 points to bring the entire astral self which . I probably won't ever end up playing it, because I prefer to stay in the forgotten realms, but I really like the idea of dunamancy and graviturgy magic. movement for the turn). Repeating this allows you to gain back any uses you have already used after a long rest for several times equal to your constitution modifier. Fight with Clones: Echo Knight 5E Guide. Thus, it cannot be considered a creature. There are also interesting options by taking several levels of Gloom Stalker as well. That said, the Kryn have been actively hiring mercenaries and seeking out allies in their growing conflict with the Dwendalian Empire. He points out that once youre no longer grappled, your speed is no Q: Is an Echo considered a creature?A: No, an Echo is considered a magical object and not a creature. To list all the possibilities is a little challenging because of this. Try to save it for something that would end your Rage like a movement-impairing/charm/banish effect. If we cleave something to death and get an opportunity attack trigger, that goes up to a staggering 40% chance of a crit in a round. The Echo Knight can seem like a very simple D&D class on the surface. It is only what it is described as being in the features sections up top. Echo and PC next to the target still counts as alone. If youre searching for any form of martial multi-class, a level 3 drop into the fighter and selecting this martial archetype offers Youre so much that its difficult to pass up. Can you picture a druid in a wild form attacking the battlefield while carrying a copy? Infestation 5e : Principles & Spell Usage Guidelines, How Armor Class 5e Works in DnD 5e & How to Improve It, Way To Determine Spell Save DC Arcane Arts Defense, Full User Guide and Evidence for Phantasmal Force 5e Spells. These echoes come from alternate/unrealized timelines. The echo knight is an awe-inspiring character. You will be utilizing you according to the most extent if you only use it as an additional location from which to strike. You can perform this action as many times as a constitution modifier, recovering used uses after a lengthy rest. Michael Galvis (@michaelgalvis) is a tabletop content producer for D&D Beyond. Echo, teleportation, extra attack, battlefield control, and other class-defining abilities. Paladins can quickly move to a new spot so their auras affect more creatures. Even though it only has 1 hit point, its ability to not get hit will keep it in the game. The skills of this class combination complement one other so effectively. Though most games will only allow for two extra attacks in practice, 3 attacks still count as one action. For the above list, I wanted to focus more on featsthat, at least in some way, workwith your core subclass feature. of Movement does. Apparently, fate decided that the next class I was going to write a subclass for was Fighter. I give the echo knight class my highest recommendation. I also get a fighting style, and I choose defense. than to try to move it along with you. The Unleash Incarnation feature isnt all that were discussing here, but we will start with it. Theoretically, a 3rd-level fighter could get four attacks off in one turnby combiningtheir Action Surge with Unleash Incarnation. Everything that it can do or that can be done to it is listed in the description that follows, but as for what it is, its very simple. 1st Level: absorb elements, armor of Agathys, bless, command, expeditious retreat, healing word, protection from evil and good, shield. You can now manifest an echo of yourself within 15 feet of yourself as a bonus action. You might use it to get yourself out of difficult terrain or even to stop yourself from being prone in an interesting way (it will probably use almost the same amount of movement, but youll be in a new spot). Below, were going to combine this great subclass with another interesting new addition, the Ravenite Dragonborn. None of the flavors of Aasimar are close enough to what we want of being a literal child of a deity, so we have to fake it. The Echo Knight is a wild departure. Even highly mobile monks could use a duplicate of themselves to move about even more conveniently. This means that it is not a creature. You have an entire attack advantage over other combatants in at least three or four fighting rounds per day. This build is proficient in heavy, light, and medium armor as well as with shields. condition reduces your speed to 0, which means that you dont have 15 feet Because they can quickly seize control of a fresh location on the battlefield for which to cast spells, even casters benefit from this. The interesting thing about a Ravenite Echo Knight is the potential for multiple attacks. Instead of simply one echo, you can make to with the bonus action. Out of combat teleportation and scouting could be amazing for a rogue. As a kid, I was often told to get my head out of the clouds and to stop living in a fantasy world. Re: Echo Knight/Ancestral Guardian build advice. You are blinded for a maximum of 10 minutes while performing this. Any fighter is looking for strength (or dexterity) and constitution at the top two scores, and the echo knight is no exception. It cannot be restrained poisoned, blinded, or subjected to any other ailments if it is immune to all of them. This bonus is the best for any echo knight. Your email address will not be published. If you want to engage in any combat of your own. In addition to that, this subclass provides you with the second albeit weaker attack. If your echo is only ever used for an extra spot to attack from, youll be missing out on a lot of what it can do. Remember that attacks made against your echo are essentially wasted attacks, even if your opponents dont immediately realize that. We also wont cover Unearthed Arcana content because its not finalized, and we cant guarantee that it will be available to you in your games. above under the subclass features. At the end of your turn, if your echo has ever been further away from you than 30ft it is destroyed. more effective to intentionally walk away from your Echo and recreate it ), feats that focus on opportunity attacks like Sentinel or Warcaster if youre doing multiclass shenanigans or have a cantrip from your race are very good. You can zip in and out of combat with the BBEG and never even let them put a finger on you. Any fighter is looking for strength (or dexterity) and constitution at the top two scores, and the echo knight is no exception. Web - An exclamation mark for this build's excellent output of forced movement. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Since the echos text states that you can use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against that creature as if you were in the echos space, that would suggest to me that any opportunity attacks you make, from either your space or your echos space, gain the benefits of sentinel. Barbarians gain the ability to hit more people. Yes, yes more Echo Knight. Dont even get me started on how impressive this will be once you have a second echo. Keep reading for our new Echo Knight 5E Build. This will apply the Crusher debuff to the target and let us swing again. The other can incapacitate them. Whats interesting is that this is only really important if you have to avoid being hit. Also, this powers a class feature. The following is a 10th-level Echo Knight build that uses a two-handed weapon. Also doubling or tripling yourself has some pretty sweet advantages. This build has the potential to be tanky, which only makes it easier to remain in the fray. Originally from Critical Role's Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, the Echo Knight in Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition is a powerful Fighter subclass. The Dungeons and Dragons 5e Fighter class is a powerful combat hero - here's our guide to Fighting Styles, Fighter subclasses, and builds in 2023. I wish shadow Martyrs could trigger more than once during each shot on long rest but that is the only other thing I can say about the echo. Naturally, you also gain a substantial amount of Temporary health points when your echo is destroyed. Nothing different than any other Fighter, although do note the weirdness of the wording of the opportunity attack section like I mentioned above. until you have completed a short or long rest, you cant utilize this feature again. As you will see, the big winners for when it comes to abilities for this combination of subrace and subclass is Constitution and Strength. Since the echo allows us to make opportunity attacks when things leave its safety donut (note that this ability requires the target to be adjacent to your echo and then leave that area, regardless of your weapons actual reach. For discussions, reconnaissance, and perhaps even combat, the echo avatar is extremely helpful. Why our build will be once you have an archer firing down you... 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