anyways its fucked up either way that this is happening. February 28, 2013 at 4:11 PM "This "sad whining motherfuckers" EXACTLY describes YOU"I promise i will try and find your nuts,,oh,and your sack. Perhaps e40 and his boys? According to the media, the video of its execution was broadcast on social networks. Just look it at ciudad juarez and toluca. Since the war began, the fighting has resulted in daily kidnappings, shooting, drive by shootouts, beheadings, dismemberments and other gory executions. Fucking narcos. Was it Delta Force? todos los putos narcos estan matando a Mexico y tu como menso crees que uno es mejor que el otro. Lol everybody color doesn't matter bad people can b anybody !!! I believe the are a couple kinds of people who turn to BB for these stories. The video has already been removed from several domains..Needless to say this is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!!! PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE! It is what it is.for $ and loyalty. How pathetic. - Viewer from Laredo Tx. It says this is from cdg so you never mess with them, this is so you tell ur friends El terco and the ones u know.Guys tells some one to cut his neck and tells him can you do it?? As part of the threats, the Vieja Escuela faction has ordered that the relatives of the CDN leadership leave Ciudad Victoria or face a sure death. shut up idiota. They are surrounded by 13 masked men, apparently Los Zetas hitmen, who point their rifles at them. We are all the same. Sudden shot in the head by five bullets Massacre with gun at rehab center leaves 4 Found a man who was dismembered and hidden Poor guy was beheaded with a poor quality, Two young girls were crushed by the truck, The young girl had her thighs skinned by an accident, Mexico 2 Dismembered Men Found in the Street, CARTEL MEXICO execution video- Cut off the mans head slowly with a knife, Young Lady Stripped Unclad And Beheaded By Unknown Gunmen, The accident left three people dead, one person was cut in half and the other two were disfigured, Body of an Indian woman found in murdered dumpster, Chinese man stabs young woman to death in shopping mall, Russian man murdered his girlfriend and videotaped her dead body, Exploding the head of a rival gang member is her happiness, Suicide by jumping. Travi Dude is it still CDG all the way?How visible are they,most wouldnt know on here,i mean,can you spot them now and then,not convoys an shit,just dudes now and then in trucks?They go patrolling strapped,,patrolling round looking to murk a motherfucker,and then make them video stars,crazy shit for real,,post up dude, To the Viet Nam vet: Thanks for sharing your beheading experience in Nam. This is the alleged Commander Paty, whom they say is responsible for some kidnappings carried out in the municipalities of the state of Veracruz for the Los Zetas Cartel. feetfetish No human deserves to die like this, of course as previously stated, except pedos and rapists. the Barbie post is an all time great. And it was bad. We need to come together and care about one another. Picture shows part of the message but not actually viewable. whatever happened to Commandante Diablo and el rey de reyes ! Hookers and drugs have made my life a much more pleasurable one; and not at the expense of taxes & bills. God will punished someday all sick terrorist bastard murders everywhere! If your a drug dealer you know what your getting into and that this could happen to you. killer it was for the most part a success on a few hard woeking COLUMBIAN individuals. Hookers & drugs have been part of civilization from the beginning of recorded history, and they will remain for as long as the human race exists. themostinterestingmaninamerica. videos like these should not be seen i feel sorry for them they should give them a bullet to the head and thats that done but cutting his head come on that is very wrong in the end the drug war is not winnable nither in the usa we have fighting drugs for over 50 years and nothing has changed what we should do is legize all drugs popele have the right to put what they want in there bodies. (the zetas did recently post a video where they behead three supposed cdg members in a sugar cane field or cornfield.) ! I think that people enjoy watching these videos is more scary than them happening, I think it's really scary that people actually like watching these execution videos that scares me more than the fact that the videos are out there I think I could actually do whatit they're doing but I don't wanna watch. The writers would face certain death at the hands of the various cartels that operate in those areas including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas if a pseudonym were not used. this act cant be forgive never! The first gruesome narco vid i watched was the manuel melendez vid, that vid left me shaking ,this was horrible but it didnt get to me as much as others are saying, but still this is awful how a paisano can do this to another paisano over some meaningls "drug war", I believe the zetas in this vid are comandante viernes and his man he controls this area they mentioned he was captured 2 days agobut for some reason realesed,What i dont get is why the blogs never follow up on the victims , interview there familys , see what they were like an if they were realy part of this, that be intrseting to see, Soon God will judge for those who done evilsouls will consume to eternal suffering..tell youu. "Zetas were School of the Americas trainees,no.In another case, U.S. forces are accused of detaining nine villagers, who are still missing. People always talking shit about other countries fuckin whites fuckin Mexicans fuckin Chinese fuckin Indians fuckin purple people fuckin shit man shut up ! The following is an additional video that some of you have been writing and asking for. Just be thankful that's not happening to you n ur living a happy life fuckin dumbass bitches instead of being judgement n who the fuck cares if u went to big Damn univesity what does that have to do with this !!!! Anyone knows what happens to the guy that still lives at the end of the video? How can you call yourself an American or even a fucking human being. Take no notice of these little fools who say they like watching these videos.Fuckin idiots,this is life,this is happening in Mexico right now,,aint pretty is it?Its not supposed to be,nothing wakes you up like real life and seeing it on video.This is as informative as it gets,this is happening in Mexico right now,show the whole fuckin world,maybe it will finally wake governments up,Mexico's own authorities,anyone. If anyone gets the Text somewhere please let us know. If you can't feel SICK to your stomach after watching men screaming as their heads are carved off then you my friend have no soul. Delta force centre spike and los pepes were all away at the moment they killed pablo. Or am in absolute pain with a hangnail.Cutting off your fingers. Honest citizens who refuse to cooperate with them or are suspected of talking to the police can die the same way. Thanks Laredo! America's addiction to drugs has created this horrible situation and it is not just cartel members suffering these fates. 'FINE, MAKE IT ACCESSIBLE TO THOSE WHO WRITE AND LEAVE IT OFF AIR FOR THOSE WHO AREN'T THAT DESPERATE.Zetas: "Hey look man, they posted OUR video! I am talking about the video in the field. Sorry that Mexico is having hard times right now when back then USA was going threw the same shit when they were killing Indians for land and being fucken selfish fuck dumb fucks go take a shit o something n worry that ur bitch don't cheat on your ass ha now that's something u need to worry about fuckers. This was within the last decade. i hate all cartels for what they did to mexico and calderion for making things worse and at the end of his term he leaves mexico a far worse country than it was this war is not winable he is a lieing basatrd that needs to get his head cut off leaves the country to teach in harvard what a joke after his 6 year term many people have died under his term he did not fix anything but made things worse, what can he teach at harvard nothing usefull but deploying millary to combate cartels and no investagtions were made in any of the deaths because his adminstrion called it cartel related, to all deaths thats fucking bull shit i do not think all the deaths are drug related for one sec,they did so they would not spend time and money to do a good investagtion.The real problem in mexico is provity and with that there is always a endless supply of man power to the cartels. These videos are also used as a motivator for their own troops. Ha, Lol if were such sick people who watch this remind us why your here my family is in Mx too Tamaulipas zeta territory you think this is bad not even close to what you see out there, is the message in display within the video?I did not watch it.maybe someone can translate the narco card? Hey, that was good. We have a name for people like u in america that enjoy watching this stuff.they are called serial killers.what have people become when they enjoy watching someone get decapitated? This is the Zetas execution of 3 Gulfo. The human race is going to hell very fast. guy had ethics. I couldn't watch the first video after seeing those fingers get cut off and the second one I scrolled down once the cutting started but the screams are horrible enough to haunt someone for a long time. If you were handed the knife? You`ve got at least 7-8 AR-15`s in that group, yet none of the 3 were killed by a single bullet. for fucks sake. Breitbart Texas has consulted with relatives and friends of the Garcia family who said the Texas family had traveled to Ciudad Victoria with the children for the summer vacation. BTWI am not so sure this is the work of CDG..could be but others are saying the message warns this is an example of the fate of those against zetas. Several other executions and attacks during the weekend brought the total number of casualties to 19 and close to 24 wounded by gunfire. i wonder if the mexican govt. One of the women answers that her brother-in-law is with the Gulf Cartel. Caldrion should of created jobs in mexico insted of spending money on military , he should of created schools, univeristy, and help the youth get ahead, but no he wants to destroy the crtels and create a drug war that is not winable by force. Its too late to write them off as bad people who deal drugs. Tell me, how would you react if you were standing in that field? The gunmen used a large hammer to break down the door before storming the house shooting indiscriminately at the women and children inside. excerpt from article"The hit man's wife and stepdaughter were kept in the house overnight. Los Zetas (pronounced [los setas], Spanish for "The Zs") is a Mexican criminal syndicate, formerly as one of the most dangerous of Mexico's drug cartels. When the U.S. finally got involved with the hunt for Pablo Escobar back in the 90's, it was a very short time, not quite a year, before he was hunted down and executed. Wait for judgement day, once your souls go to hell you will be tortured non stop for all eternity. The only brave, honorable and sane thing to do would be to get the hell out of there. Julio Cesar Aguilar/Getty Images, AFP Show More Show Less 5 of 30 A young girl, second from left, an alleged member of "Los Zetas" drug cartel, is presented to the press by police in Guadalajara . to all the people that say that no 1 deserves to die like thiswake up .yes they do deserve to die like this and even doesn't matter they were born into the life,they know what's right and wrong think this is horrible? Forty been.keeping to low profile lately. Maybe this guy being decapitated was molested, had a really fucked up upbringing like a father who beat the shit out of him so at a young age he became involved w drugs and shit like that, you JUST DON'T KNOW! At least animals only kill to eat and not out of aggression.maybe this guy did desereve it but i still cant watch have no interest in watching.ted bundy and jeffrey dahmer enjoyed this kind of stuff too so i guess that makes u no better than they were. Mankind is killing itself at an alarming rate and killing in a way they think is "fun" or "macho". ?maybe make him the star of one?? Also known as "Z-40," Morales reportedly executed perceived enemies of the cartel using the method of " The Stew ," or El Guiso. dismembered @ Chivis i don't know if you've gone back to the post "5 cops die in la laguna" but I posted a question in the comments that i would like to get your opinion on since you are the administrator and you've covered this war for so long. Hard core baby,hard core,big balls business, Ok adam lazcas daddy.u sound mentally unstable. We did it to them VC's the same way they did it to us, so don't feel bad about it. The group was known for its violent tactics and tight organizational structure. This article was written by M.A. maybe next time god will throw rocks at mexico because i dont see the value of it. I watch this video and get bloody sick.I start to squirm if I accidently nick my finger with paper. Video death being answered with worse and worse death. And Houston has developed into a medical educational and information mecca. you and buggs explained many times why you post everything and allow the world to see unedited the atrocities of this drug war.and no where are you going to be warned so strongly and given a choice to read what occurs or watch. Including some states like durango, or cohuila. Murder and beheading of 4 women by the Mexican cartel Los Zetas. Our AO was just north of Bien Hoa. I could give you an example of something that was made in the U.S. and neither the FBI or Scotland Yard could determine the origins or who was actually in the print. This is why god is starting to turn his back on us, because of people like the narcs who murder for stupid shit. (See Vigilantes Mante. fuck them and fuck you. LOS ZETAS are so far from being done like i said before lazca is not dead it not possible that after his death there target of rivals plaza bosses are being executed with such and ease why cant cds or cdg kill zeta bosses or caf bosses or beltran bosses well i guess don arturo que en paz descanse does anyone see what im seeing zetas are just getting stronger keep in mind im not a zeta cheerleader i live in tijuana baja norte but zetas are a very smart and dangerous organization. All for $ and loyalty. The axe? This is somehow felipe calderon's fault. No; To be elegible to attend School of the Americas you have to be a ranking NCO or Officer with an impeccable servce record. Tijuana bc are almost control by goverment. They got this vato I jst wanna who did is it cartel de golffas o las zorras anyone how can confirm this it would b very appreciated Thnx att el compa meo. 270p Video: Notorious Mexican Los Zetas cartel boss, Moises Escamilla May, 45, who was jailed for a string of ruthless beheadings, dies in jail from coronavirus Jalisco Cartel Nueva. There's no other explanation and there's no other way to look at it.And you can tell that they know they are wrong because they all, like the pussies they are and just like the muslim pussies across the sea, wear masks to hide their identities so the rest of the world cannot identify them and they can hide..just like fkn cockroaches.If they thought they were right they wouldn't wear masks.If they weren't pussies, they wouldn't wear masks.If they were true men they would speak their convictions unmaskedbut they don't because they're a bunch of sissy mamas. It's obviously more descriptive than just reading about it. 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