"Owning a car is often a necessity in New Jersey, where there isalmost a one-to-one ratio between the more than 6 million registeredvehicles and the driving population," Attorney General Farmer said. Lia Auto Group has 21 dealerships in New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut and a collision repair center. The Bob Ciasulli Auto Group. Bobby Ciasulli is heir to the billion dollar Ciasulli Auto Mall Group which his father owns. Atlantic Auto Group City: Start: End: + Edit. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. ", To get the team motivated, they I know what my boat can do and so does everybody else, he said. Nicole Napolitano's boyfriend, Bobby Ciasulli, is known on The Real Housewives of New Jersey as a "good guy," a volunteer fireman, a total gentleman. That was the biggest win Ive ever had, said Ciasulli. In 1973 the Ciasulli family was awarded 4 Honda franchises which included theUnionlocation. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Marcheses response to the way he appears on the show is: Id really like to thank all the producers because they portrayed me as such a kind, sweet, loving, gentle person. This was an instant success as many people around the world are interested in, or curious about, these multi-million dollar yachts and their wealthy owners. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Bob Ciasuli is the owner of several car dealerships in northern New Jersey. He participates in about six poker runs every year with his younger brother Chris Ciasulli, 45, or his next-door neighbor Anthony Corborsaro. "When we investigated this complaint, we contacted the person whoowned the car before and traded the 1991 Beretta for another car atthe Monmouth Honda dealership," Herr said. A database with more than 1,450 yacht owners. They tell you a price and . He has driven a Ferrari and a NASCAR Sprint Cup Car at such famous tracks as Watkins Glen, Road America and Virginia International Raceway. I'm Robert Ciasulli and I own several car dealerships in northern New Jersey. var _Hasync=_Hasync||[];_Hasync.push(['Histats.start','1,4553220,4,511,95,18,00000000']);_Hasync.push(['Histats.fasi','1']);_Hasync.push(['Histats.track_hits','']);(function(){var hs=document.createElement('script');hs.type='text/javascript';hs.async=true;hs.src=('//s10.histats.com/js15_as.js');(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(hs);})(); The name of Bobby Ciasulli is now a globally renowned individual. When Tim bought a 33 Sutphen offshore raceboat, Michael navigated while crew chief Harry Wellman throttled. Claim this business (732) 505-4851. Perosonal Details . MT IMPORTS, INC. d/b/a GALAXY TOYOTA, BOB CIASULLI AUTO GROUP, INC. and ROBERT CIASULLI, III, Defendants-Respondents. Summer Heat Safety and Your Car : Robert Ciasulli. representing that a used car had one owner when, in fact, it had beenused as a rental car. Deputy Attorney General David M. Puteska of the Division of Law ishandling this case for the State. 1 area of complaints atConsumer Affairs," Herr said. the largest auto fraud case in State history for allegedly failing to. VIEW THE DIGITAL VERSION OF THIS FEATURE May, 2015 Issue May 2015 families anyway we can, and that is why we are happy to be participating in the What started as a yacht spotter hobby, turned into a fast-growing yachting site with thousands of unique daily visitors. He is married to Rebeca Ciasulli. Arrigo had paid $18 million for the Tamarac site in 2008 and $20.4 million for the Margate properties in 2016, records show. L-1250- 14. . Still, with Bob Ciasulli Auto Group of Little Falls growing in net value by $28.69 million during those eight years, Adele Ciasulli's 35 percent garnered her an extra $10.04 million. manage 6 dealerships which represent Toyota, Honda and the Lexus brands. In any event, the source stated: Will Bobby stick around if Nicole decides to not do another season of RHONJ? 4 stars. His net worth may well be several billion. Bob Ciasulli's Galaxy Toyota in Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. And while Bobby may be those things, he also happens to be the heir to a huge fortune. Planet Honda sells more than 8,000 cars per year and realizes annual sales of more than $230 million. All rights reserved (About Us). Walser Automotive Group was named in the top 150 dealer groups in the U.S. by Automotive News in 2017. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. A friend raced go-karts with his son. With so few reviews, your opinion of Bob Ciasulli Auto Mall Sales & Service could be huge. Robert Ciasulli Reflects on the Importance of Customer Service for Auto Dealerships in Tough Economic Times Customer service, its on each auto dealers brain. Uncover why BOB CIASULLI AUTO GROUP is the best company for you. certain cars; using deceptive bait-and-switch tactics and engaging in. I dont think I have to prove anything to anyone.. He dishes to Reality Tea: Bobby met Nicole at our casting call. All participants received a prize and a 30th Annual Golf Tournament Sweater! Jim told All About The Tea exclusively: "We've known each other over 10 years. I understand how important purchasing, owning and operating a car can be, and that the value of a car has a lot to do with the type of maintenance it . Bobbys family owns the largest auto group in the state of New Jersey. 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Bob Ciasulli Auto Group's annual revenues are $100-$500 million (see exact revenue data) and has 100-500 employees. That would explain his lack of interest in committing to her, as well as their awkward and seemingly contrived on camera chemistry. He strapped her safely in the passenger seat and they had a really good time. He is the owner of the yacht REBECA, which he named after his wife. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Your email address will not be published. She's a coastal girl who loves the outdoors, and writing about the sneaky and silly side of reality TV. "When I purchased the car from thedealer I was never informed of a problem with the odometer.". Six days after be began driving the car, it died. The State's 23-count complaint, filed in Passaic County Superior Courton Tuesday, names: Bob Ciasulli Automall, Inc., Route 46 East, Little Falls; B.C.T. Allegis had $13.4 billion in revenue in 2018, according to Forbes. . While a partner eventually bought into Michaels Ferrari and when they were at Watkins Glen, the partner crashed the car. Amber was contacted because of her relationship with Melissa. Imports, Inc., and Bob Ciasulli Toyota, Inc., Route 46 East,Little Falls; Bob Ciasulli Jeep/Eagle, Inc., (also known as Bob CiasulliChrysler/Jeep, Bob Ciasulli Jeep and Bob Ciasulli Chrysler), Route 46East, Little Falls; Bob Ciasulli Hyundai, Inc., and Arrow Hyundai, Inc., Route 46 East,Little Falls; Arrow Auto Imports, Inc., (also known as Bob Ciasulli Mitsubishi),Route 46 East, Little Falls; Mack Auto Imports, Inc., (also known as Bob Ciasulli Honda and MackHonda), 346 Route 37 East, Toms River; Mack Dodge, Inc., (also known as Bob Ciasulli Dodge), 314 Route 37East, Toms River; Mack Pontiac Cadillac, Inc., Route 37 East, Toms River; Monmouth American, Inc., and Route 88 Vehicle Corp., (also known asMonmouth Honda, Monmouth Jeep, Monmouth Jeep/Eagle and MonmouthAutomall),1085 Route 88, Lakewood; Monmouth Chrysler Plymouth, Inc., 700 Route 36, Eatontown; M.T. Growing up in the family business, Ciasulli learned the importance of hard work and delegating responsibilities. In the interview below, Walser talks about the . Nick Was Spotted With This Former Bachelorette After Perfect Match, Chloes TikToks With Shaynes Exes After 'Perfect Match' Tease A Breakup, Khloe Kardashian Replies To Rude Instagram Troll By Revealing Her Tumor Surgery, Bartise May Have Spoiled His & Izzy's Relationship Status After 'Perfect Match', Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. While Tim was drawn to the water, Michael participated in downhill skiing and then got into motocross, which he raced from age 17 until he turned 21. Robert Ciasulli:How Customer Service is Important For The Business . A. 9, 10.) His Bob Ciasulli Autogroup owns or owned 16 car dealers ships, including Toyota Universe, Galaxy Toyota, Tri County Lexus, and Honda Universe. Start your own discussion or join another. Planet Honda grew rapidly to rank in the Top 5 of largest Honda dealerships in the USA. 314 Route 37 E Toms River NJ 08753 (732) 505-4851. In his first time ever racing a go-kart, Ciasulli won. UNION, NJ MD Johnson, Inc. announces the completion of the sale of Planet Honda ofUnion New Jerseyto Lithia Auto Group. Marchese rubs all the cast. This past summer, Ciasulli participated in the Atlantic City Poker Run and Mike Fiore Memorial Run in New Jersey, as well as The Rock the Bay Poker Run on Chesapeake Bay. Bob Ciasulli is the owner of Bob Ciasulli Auto Group. Study sponsored by: New Jersey Coalition of Automotive Retailers 856 River Road P. O. We have not yet been able to identify his private jet. We appreciate your support. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Let us know. It was not an easy journey to get here. Sources https://www.planethonda.com/ Message to Other Media He was born in Brooklyn in 1947. Overall rating. Robert Ciasulli (robertciasulli) Auto Group. We realize the most organic search traffic of all known yachting websites. That would explain the HEY LOOK AT ME, IM A HERO, firefighter selfie that he posted recently while on the site of a burning car accident. It was pow- ered by Mercury Racing HP850 SCis and upgraded the motors to Mercury Racing 1075 hp engines. All figures are current as . Probably not He is interested in moving to Los Angeles and pursue an acting career. Advertisement. WHAT: Family-owned auto dealership group founded in 1961; current locations in Henderson and Las Vegas, Nev., St George, Utah, Kingman and Bullhead City, Ariz. and Post Falls, Idaho WHERE: Corporate headquarters in Henderson, Nev. WEBSITE: www.FindlayAuto.com DIG DIGITAL? The Ciasulli The family owned a Yamaha dealership so he rode a YZ450 in competition. DAVID CULAR, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. MT IMPORTS, INC. d/b/a GALAXY TOYOTA, BOB CIASULLI AUTO GROUP, INC. and ROBERT CIASULLI, III, Defendants-Respondents. The recently aired vacation in Florida, where he spent a good portion of his time cowering in a bathroom, seemed to reveal his true unchallenged, cowardly nature, and gave the viewers a glimpse of the real Bobby. Planet has been in the Top 5 nationally for all Honda dealerships over the past ten years. Last year the dealerships sold 30,000 vehicles, including Toyotas, Hondas, Chryslers,. Jim Marchese, Real Housewives of New Jersey: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, Bobby Ciasulli, Real Housewives of New Jersey: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, Please review our privacy policy here: https://heavy.com/privacy-policy/, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. Lets say for two people you were going to spend about $100. 9, 10.) Bob Ciasulli Auto Group 1485 Route 46 East Little Falls, NJ Job Type: Full-time Benefits: 401 (k) 401 (k) matching Employee discount Health insurance Life insurance Paid time off Referral program Work Location: On the road Apply for this job Receive alerts for other Corporate Fixed Operations Director job openings Report this Job people registered for our sweepstakes. But for all of Jim's complaining that Bobby is disingenuous, he's no better casting himself as this genius super villain when in reality he's just a huge jerk who loves to gossip. NEWARK, NJ - New Jersey is suing 16 Bob Ciasulli auto dealerships in. After one too many crashes and a resultant concussion, he decided to try something else. Nowadays, he is achieving more popularity for recent activities. Company profile page for Safelite Group Inc including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information All defendants in crime reports are presumed innocent until proven guilty. While the Bravo storyline tells the tale of a middle class guy next door, part-time heroic civil servant, and cuddly bear TV boyfriend, a peek inside his real world reveals a dramatically different person. Ciasulli has run the boat at 175 mph and he knows that with the right propellers, it should top 180. Flis Motorsports needed a driver for its Corvette that raced in the Grand Am AGT class and Ciasulli got the shot. Read on for all the facts on Bobby below , ATTN #RHONJ VIEWERS pay attention on tonight's show when @JLMarchese111 waits until I leave the room to get guts to talk about me #coward, Bobby Ciasulli (@Bobby247) September 28, 2014, On this seasons Real Housewives of New Jersey, longtime friends Jim Marchese and Bobby Ciasulli turn into enemies. For example, a Toms River man bought a 1991 Chevy Beretta fromMonmouth Honda, Lakewood, for $8,318. We've talked about the worth of surprising customer service and how it converts into real dollars in all of our pockets. This season on RHONJ has been all about the boyfriends/husbands. Copyright 2015 The Mag Theme. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Michael Ciasulli won the 24 Hours of Daytona automobile race in a purpose-built Corvette. When Staluppi was sixteen years old, he began working as a Chevrolet mechanic . Year: Net Worth: 2019: $4 Million : 2020: $4.5 Million: 2021: 5 Million: When Nicole Napolitano nailed a cast spot on TheReal Housewives of New Jersey, there was someone who was far more excited than she wasand that is the self portrayed humble car salesman, and volunteer firefighter, Bobby Ciasulli. Tim Ciasulli, President and owner of Planet Honda took over management 44 years ago. That would convince me. This site is for entertainment purposes only. Its a marvel.. With thousands of daily visitors and a strong growth rate, The details about yacht ownership as stated on this site and in our Yacht Owners Register are, The content of this website and all associated media are subject to, Unknown, pls send message if you have info. On tonights episode of RHONJ, things really blow up when a fight between Bobby and Jim finally goes down on the show. the sales director, has wonderful ideas and strategies on how to get even MORE He is the founder of The Atlantic Auto Group, a sizable automotive conglomerate that operates a Honda dealership. Bloomberg: Balance of Power focuses on the politics and policies being shaped by the agenda of President Biden's administration. Today Larry Morgan and his son, Brett Morgan, own and operate 10 automobile dealerships under the Morgan Auto Group name. We are active on social media including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok. Nicole Napolitano's boyfriend, Bobby Ciasulli. Her bio is short, but her snark is endless. The dealership was to ship the car abroad. That is definitely something to celebrate. Ciasulli and family live in Green Brook, N.J., and they have a summer home in Brick, N.J. Ciasulli is a busy guy, so he hires someone else to worry about the logistics involved with attending a poker run. continued, "We need to remember what comes first for families that have serious The person buying a vehicle is spending 100 - 400 times more money than the $100 spent at a restaurant. Cooling off on vacation in the Bahamas with his beautiful children Ashley (l) and Brianna. His wife Elena has gone on some, but she currently has some issues with her back but still enjoys boating at low speeds. He won Trans Am Rookie of the Year in 1988. Peter was awesome to do business with. Tel: 905-844-8218. In a report last year, DesRosiers Automotive Consultants noted the average return on sales of a dealership in Canada is 2.25 per cent, or a $22,500 net profit for every $1-million of revenue, or. 39-year-old Gang Zhang of aluminum company Xinfalyudian has an estimated net worth of $8.8 billion, having grown his fortunes 100% in the past year and jumping up 32 places in the overall 2020. The dealership has been in the family for nearly 60 years, starting out as a Pontiac. But he's not just any salesman from any car dealership his family owns a massive dealership called Ciasulli Auto Group, which has at least 10 different stores spread out in New Jersey. The firm represents clients nationwide supporting their buy sell activities and has advised on several Billion dollars in transactions. Find Related Places. It is also widely believed that he initiated his relationship with Nicole just to score a spot as a Housewife boyfriend. Lets return to how essential it is to handle every person who walks through the doors of our dealership in the most specialized and civil manner. R.1:36-3. The no-beard policy also applies to job applicants (Nelson Dep. Its his Skater 388 catamaran powered by Mercury Racing 1350s with M8 drives. Suggest an Edit. He still works there, according to his LinkedIn profile. The mega yacht in the background belongs to the owner of the Golden Nugget. "We need to be more aware of great causes like The Valerie Fund." life issues. He's adamant about automotive maintenance and following safe driving habits. It is classified as operating in the New Car Dealers industry. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. That ended his time with race cars and Ciasulli bought a 33 Scarab with twin MerCruiser 496 engines. Theme by MVP Themes, powered by Wordpress. Please mention SuperYachtFan when using this information. His father, Robert, owned more than 20 car dealerships in New Jersey and in the 1960s he built the largest General Motors facility in the nation, called Maxon Pontiac. You may also want to read the following:http://groups.google.com/group/alt.autos.honda/browse_thread/thread/2dc8c53394b586e5/f7f57eb4432db6c0?lnk=st&q=planet+honda&rnum=1#f7f57eb4432db6c0, New Jersey Department of Law & Public SafetyDivision of Consumer Affairs, New Jersey Sues Bob Ciasulli Dealerships Over Alleged Auto Fraud alleges dealerships cheated hundreds of consumers. He The Bob Ciasulli Auto Group has grown with one common motto "We turn customers into friends" and one strategy for success "Service, Reliability and Quality". Shaped by the agenda of President Biden 's administration processed may be a unique identifier stored in a purpose-built.. With race cars and Ciasulli got the shot '' Herr said, Hondas, Chryslers.. 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