Teachers lacked. Each grade level has access to a dedicated flex space for collaborative learning or small group gatherings. The schools name recognizes Phyllis NeSmith, a former student and educator in Community ISD. Enrollment is expected to nearly double in size in the next five years, increasing by 1,219 students. Please remember that ALL Community ISD students, new and returning, MUST complete the registration/enrollment process EVERY year. Sorters Mill ES, New Caney ISD. The media center / library space is centrally located and designed to accommodate a wide range of activities. Key concepts incorporated into the design include highly flexible learning pods, increased security and safety, special attention to traffic control measures, future expandability, access to natural daylight from all learning spaces, and an easy to navigate layout. Once you have logged in to the parent portal and complete online registration for the returning studentyou will have the ability to add new students and contacts for this school year. This event is scheduled for March 25 at the CHS cafeteria. We can't wait to meet you! 1998-2023 GreatSchools.org All Rights Reserved. Skyward is Community ISD's Student Information System (SIS). On Aug. 25, the New Braunfels ISD board of trustees and administration broke ground on the new elementary school to be built at 659 S. Guenther Ave., New Braunfels. Enjoy a great meal and be part of a drawing for $5,000! ROCKDALE, TX (FOX 44/KWKT) - The Rockdale Independent School District has joined a growing number of Texas schools that will only hold classes four days a week. Lone Star Early Childhood Center, 2343 W San Antonio St, New Braunfels, TX 78130, USA. The district does not propose boundary changes without significant consideration, and we want to share with . Buy your ticket today via the link below. Community ISD Receives "A" Rating from Schools F.I.R.S.T. Phyllis NeSmith Elementary opened its doors to students on August 25th, 2008. Lauren joined Community Impact Newspaper as a reporter in October 2019. Linked here is a summary of that meeting. Click here to login and check grades, submit assignments, or talk with your teachers. Click here for information on the Braves and Lady Braves Athletic Programs! The World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth announced that Community High School's Hudson Thomas, and 19 other students, were selected for this years 20 Under 20 class. There's always something happening in Brave Nation. South Grand Prairie HS. "Mrs. Billeiter represents one of the highest levels of dedication to public service, and over her 30-plus-year career, she has impacted thousands . Royse City ISD is a proud Capturing Kids' Hearts District. Comments (-1) . New Student:https://www.skyward.com/parents-and-students/qmlativ-toolkit/parents/video/power-up-registration-for-new-students, Elementary & Secondary School Relief Fund (ESSER), Community ISD ESSER Use of Funds Plan Volume 1, Community ISD ESSER Use of Funds Plan Volume 2, Return to In Person and Continuity of Services (RIPICS), Federal Report Card for Texas Public Schools, Federal Report Cards - District and Campuses, Teacher and Administrator Staff Directory, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Operations, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Board, Benchmark 4 - Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment, Dual Credit Eligibility & Registration Requirements, Institution of Higher Education Memorandums of Understanding, College & Career Resources for Parents & Students, Public Notification of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Programs, Secondary Academic Handbook and Course Guide, Cosmetology & Personal Care Services- Dual Credit, Career and Technical Student Organizations, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction, Assistant Director of Maintenance & Facilities, Agenda of Regular Meeting - August 11, 2022, Agenda of Regular Meeting - March 29, 2022, Director of Student Accounting and Compliance, Information & Forms - Transportation Services, John & Barbara Roderick Elementary School. At February's regular Board meeting, trustees agreed to name the campuses Buddy and Joni Minett Elementary School and Panther Creek High School based on the recommendation of the FISD school naming committee. | Online registration and enrollment is now live! Click here for information on the CISD Fine Arts programs including band, choir, art, and theater! They each had a GPA of 3.5 or higher and excelled on the PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT 10, or earned a score of 3 or higher on two or more AP exams. The dual-purpose gymnasium will serve the entire student and staff populations as a storm shelter. Click here to login and check grades, submit assignments, or talk with your teachers. Community ISD Receives "A" Rating from Schools F.I.R.S.T. The rebuild of Thornton and Berry are the second and third of four school replacements funded by 2019 Bond voters. Community ISD Elementary School #4. 2005-2022 Community Impact Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. The World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth announced that Community High School's Hudson Thomas, and 19 other students, were selected for this years 20 Under 20 class. I have one child returning and one child who did not attend CISD last year. Click here for information on the CISD Fine Arts programs including band, choir, art, and theater! The project site is approximately 13 acres, and includes parcels 1524069008, 1524069026, and 1524069086. DETAILS: Enjoy a great meal and be part of a drawing for $5,000! Most of the students here are absolutely horrible. On Monday, May 16, the CISD Board of Trustees approved the hiring of Mrs. Margarita Solis as assistant principal of McClendon Elementary School. Your web browser does not support the