Pomegranate WheatSaranac - Matt Brewing Co4.7 Poleeko GoldAnderson Valley Brewing5.5 $1.25! 2000- Shiner Bohemian Black LagerShiner4.9 Captain FantasyShort's Brewing Company6.7 Lindemans PommeLindmans3.5 PremiumYuengling Brewery4.4 Young's Double Chocolate StoutWells & Young's Ltd5.2 Olde English 800 IceOlde English 8007.9 Can't be compared to natty cause it doesn't taste water downed, can't be compared to let's say Heineken cause it's a bit malt liqour. Happy EndingAle Asylum7.7 Drank it anyway. RIP Crazy Horse. Thos Cooper & Sons StoutCooper & Sons7.1 Olde English 800Olde English 8005.9 UBU AleLake Placid Brewing Co7.0 Grain Belt Premium LightAugust Schell Brewing Company4.0 The data is shown for a 12 ounce serving. Heileman Brewing Co.5.1 Belk's ESBAnderson Valley Brewing6.8 Earned the City Brew Tours (Level 1) badge! It probably wasn't as bad as Evil Eyes but it was pretty . Le Havre (The Harbor) Belgian Winter Ale7 Seas Brewing8.0 The only time i noticed any carbonation was when Id start chugging, and man, was it easy to swill. Blue Dawg Brewing Blueberry LagerAnheuser-Busch8.0 Grolsch Lager BeerGrolsch Bierbrouweri5.0 Bailout BrewGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.5 Blonde Bombshell by Southern StarSouthern Star5.4 Legend Bohemian-style PilsnerLegend Brewing Co.6.0 Old KnuckleheadBridgePort Brewing Co.8.9 Milk StoutLeft Hand Brewing6.0 Pretty good for a cheap lager. Popping the top I get grape juice. Budweiser American AleAnheuser Busch5.3 Honey AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.8.0 Lager - American. Simpler Times PilsnerMinhas Craft Brewery5.5 I remember when Crazy Horse FIRST came out and I was in college- me and my boy bought a 40 each and drank them in the parking lot of Papa John's we were fucked..went in and ordered all the pizza we could. Sam Adams Boston AleBoston Beer Co.4.9 Speakeasy Double Daddy IPASpeakeasy Ales and Lagers8.6 Contorter PorterAle Asylum4.8 Alaskan Barley Wine AleAlaskan Brewing10.7 Other Common Serving Sizes: Serving Size Calories; 1 fl oz: 13: 100 g: 43: 100 ml: 44: 1 can or bottle (12 fl oz) 155: 1 small pitcher (32 fl oz) 413: Related Types of Beer: Miller Brewing Company Genuine Draft Beer: Pan Galactic Gargle BlasterShort's Brewing Company8.4 Old Baba YagaBear Republic Brewing Co.11.5 Presidente LightCervecera Nacional Dominicana4.3 Burning River Pale AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.6.0 Snowday Winter AleNew Belgium Brewing Co.6.2 Fairly bold grain flavor and sweetness; corn; mild hop bitterness. Ugly PugRahr & Sons Brewing Co.5.0 Redhook Blonde AleRedhook Brewery5.4 Needless to say I wasn't impressed nor was I dissapointed. PabstPabst Brewing Co.5.0 Pontius Road PilsnerShort's Brewing Company5.2 Ebenezer AleBridgePort Brewing Co.6.4 Bud Light Clamato / ChaledaAnheuser Busch2.8 Too bad they don't make 40 oz of this cause damn that would sure turn the market around. This is more of an "I want to get drunk" kind of beer than a fancy, tasty beer, but at 99 cents for a 24 ounce can, can you really argue with it? Wells Banana Bread BeerWells & Young's Ltd5.2 Busch LightAnheuser Busch4.2 MephistophelesAvery Brewing Co.16.0 Winter LagerLake Placid Brewing Co6.5 Pabst Blue Ribbon LightPabst Brewing Co.4.2 Leinenkugel LightLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.2 Blackout StoutGreat Lakes Brewing Co.9.0 Crazy Stallion, from City Brewing, is the rebranded Crazy Horse; the result of a decade-long lawsuit brought forth by the descendants of the Native American chief of the same name. Long Trail AleLong Trail Brewery4.6 Molson DryMillerCoors5.5 Murphy's Irish RedMurphy's5.0 York Street BitterGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.5 American LagerStraub Brewery4.1 Bell's PorterBell's Brewery5.6 Bucking BockRahr & Sons Brewing Co.7.5 Samuel Adams Imperial WhiteBoston Beer Co.10.3 Young's London AleWells & Young's Ltd4.8 Thos Cooper & Sons Real AleCooper & Sons6.8 Wit's EndGreat Lakes Brewing Co.4.8 Taj Mahal Premium LagerUnited Breweries4.5 Richs RIPAShort's Brewing Company5.0 Saint Arnold Spring BockSaint Arnold Brewing Co.6.4 High Rollers WheatAnderson Valley Brewing5.3 English Premium BitterWells Bombardier5.2 Widmer WidberryWidmer Brothers Brewing Co.4.6 Caballo ExtraCerveceria La Constancia4.2 I like this stuff, only never let it get warm, I learned that one the hard way. Mickey's IceMickey's5.9 Widmer Pale AleWidmer Brothers Brewing Co.5.0 StagPabst Brewing Co.5.2 The beer was brewed to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Little Bighorn, in which Crazy Horse fought against General George Custer. Palm SpecialePalm Breweries5.4 3/4 done at 8:15, 40 is pretty boring; no problems really to speak of, it's kind of a gut bomb though, instead of having to piss I'm feeling a creeping poo which is weird. Arrogant Bastard AleStone Brewing Co.7.2 Das KomaBear Republic Brewing Company9.4 Carrack Red AleMission Brewing Company10.2 Vanilla PorterBreckenridge Brewery4.7 Alaskan Perseverance AleAlaskan Brewing9.0 2023 RateBeer, LLC. Big Slick StoutAle Asylum7.0 Samuel Adams Imperial WhiteBoston Beer Co.10.3 Pearl LightPabst Brewing Co.2.1 Buttface Amber AleBig Horn Brewing Company3.1 Shock Top Lemon ShandyAnheuser-Busch4.2 Honey WeissLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.8 BuschBusch4.6 Than, in the upper left corner of the aforementioned "label" was the coup de grace. Busch BeerAnheuser Busch4.6 Tecate LightCervecera Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma3.7 American Made. **and dear lord, THIS is #4000**, Erin Bolton is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages, No Punk Bitch is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at 210 Tavern, Andrey Lipavsky is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages. American LightStraub Brewery3.2 AltbierGreat Lakes Brewing Co.4.6 Warsteiner Premium VerumWarsteiner Brewery4.8 Natural IceAnheuser Busch5.9 GREAT WHITELost Coast Brewery4.8 Batch 19Coors Brewing Company5.5 Modelo EspecialGrupo Modelo4.4 Younger's Tartan SpecialWells & Young's Ltd3.7 Bryan Wilson is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company 31 Dec 22 View Detailed Check-in Bryan Wilson is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Untappd at Home Can Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 24) badge! 2.6g Carbs. This beer doesn't deserve a fancy review, much the same way a frozen dinner wouldn't be admitted in a cook-off. Cup A Joe Coffee Creme StoutShort's Brewing Company7.0 Legend Belgian QuadLegend Brewing Co.15.0 PorterBridgePort Brewing Co.5.5 Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 60) badge! Taste 9/10 Buzz 4/10 Overall 8/10 (Extra point for the label). Heileman Brewing Co.5.6 Pete's Helles LagerPete's Brewing5.0 Widmer OktoberfestWidmer Brothers Brewing Co.5.0 Joes Premium American PilsnerAvery Brewing Co.4.7 Crazy Horse beer is named after the famous Lakota warrior, Crazy Horse. Coopers StoutCoopers6.8 For 1.25 for 24 oz I was intrigued. PrestigeBrasserie Nationale d'Haiti5.6 Samuel Adams Imperial StoutBoston Beer Co.9.2 Stone Old GuardianStone Brewing Co.9.9 Great WallGreen Bamboo4.6 Bean FlickerOdd Side Sales4.5 Smithwick's Imported Premium Irish AleGuinness Ltd.4.5 Blue PaddleNew Belgium Brewing Co.4.8 Milwaukees Best PremiumMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)4.3 And a Classic Lager. John Bull BlondeWells & Young's Ltd4.8 Summit Pale AleSummit Brewing Co5.2 Original Sorghum Malt BeerBard's Tale Beer Company4.6 Coopers Extra Strong Vintage AleCoopers7.1 Holy Moses White AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.4 Its kinda sweet compared to other lagers. Honey BrownJ.W. Guzzled it down with ease, tasted great. Alaskan Smoked PorterAlaskan Brewing6.1 IsolationOdell's6.0 Cleveland Brown AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.6.0 Adirondack LagerSaranac - Matt Brewing Co5.5 Find the Strength of Your Favorite Alcoholic Beverage. Carb: 53.3g. Gravel RoadRahr & Sons Brewing Co.7.3 The online community of 40ozMaltLiquor.com. Anhauser Busch King CobraAnheuser-Busch6.0 Radeberger PilsnerRadeberger Exportbierbrauerei4.8 Shock Top Wheat IPAAnheuser-Busch5.8 Not much buzz, and what's there isn't the cleanest buzz. We have the most comprehensive list of beer strengths online. Liquid GoldCaptain Lawrence Brewery6.5 Earned the Land of the Free (Level 46) badge! Legend Brown AleLegend Brewing Co.6.0 Steinlager beers of New ZealandNew Zealand Breweries5.0 Daily Goals How does this food fit into your daily goals? Triple BagLong Trail Brewery9.2 333Sabeco3.3 Huma Lupa LiciousShort's Brewing Company7.7 Crazy IvanBear Republic Brewing Company7.3 Foreign Extra StoutGuinness Ltd.7.5 Dales Pale AleOskar Blues6.5 Shipyard ExportShipyard Brewing Company5.1 Hangar 24 IPAHangar 24 Brewery7.0 Molson Canadian BeerMolson Coors5.1 Wolfhound StoutGreat Lakes Brewing Co.4.8 Pumpkin AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.4 Dubhe Imperial BlackUnita Brewing2.2 LiberatorShort's Brewing Company8.0 Pomegranate WheatSaranac - Matt Brewing Co4.7 Anniversary AleShort's Brewing Company10.0 MooseheadMoosehead5.0 Guinness Extra StoutGuinness Ltd.5.0 La Crosse, WI Sell great beer? Summit PilsenerSummit Brewing Co4.8 AbbeyNew Belgium Brewing Co.7.0 Earned the Land of the Free (Level 91) badge! Ginger in the RyeShort's Brewing Company7.0 New World PorterAvery Brewing Co.6.7 Domingo ( 3,834) Apr 23, 2005 Colorado. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Join over 100,000 people who love beer and cider. Stella ArtoisAnheuser-Busch InBev S.A.5.2 Dubhe Imperial Black IPAUinta Brewing Company9.2 Squatters Outer DarknessUtah Brewers Cooperative10.5 Gnaw BoneOaken Barrel Brewing Co.5.8 CinnabillyShort's Brewing Company7.0 Old Jubilation AleAvery Brewing Co.8.3 Black ForestSaranac - Matt Brewing Co5.3 Natural LightAnheuser Busch4.2 Calorie Goal 1823 Cal. Stiegl Radler (Grapefruit)Stieglbrauerei zu Salzburg GmbH2.5 Earned the Land of the Free (Level 43) badge! Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Pyramid Rock Amber AleLa Cumbre Brewing Co.5.8 Tuborg Deluxe Dark ExportG. Hand Crafted. Weinhard's HefeweizenHenry Weinhard's4.9 Brown Ale Wolaver's Fine Organic AlesWolaver's Fine Organic Ales5.5 RainierPabst Brewing Co.4.6 Great Divide Titan IPAGreat Divide Brewing Co.7.1 Better than most. Imperial DortmunderGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.5 The Stein BachGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.5 Belgian WhiteSaranac - Matt Brewing Co5.3 The Native American known as Crazy Horse was born in or around 1840 near present-day Rapid City, South Dakota, and was an Oglala Sioux Indian chief who fought against the U.S government which wanted to move the tribe to a reservation in the Black Hills. Spaten Mnchner Hell / Mnchen / PremiumSpaten-Franziskaner-Bru (InBev)5.2 I figured it couldn't be any worse than some of those other gut-wrenching malt liquors I've tried lately so I gave it a go. Legend Imperial Brown AleLegend Brewing Co.8.3 MercyAle Asylum9.5 Big Bear Black StoutBear Republic Brewing Company8.1 The aroma is subtle, but appealing. Magnum Malt LiquorMillerCoors5.6 Pintail AleBridgePort Brewing Co.5.2 Ingredients: Water, Barley Malt, Non-Malted Cereals, Hops. Engine 20Great Lakes Brewing Co.6.0 How could it be possible for such a highly touted product to be priced at such an inviting level? Mickey's Malt LiquorMillerCoors5.6 Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 2) badge! Crazy Stallion, from City Brewing, is the rebranded Crazy Horse; the result of a decade-long lawsuit brought forth by the descendants of the Native American chief of the same name. Session Black LagerFull Sail Brewing5.4 Since 2005, a community of over 200 million members have used MyFitnessPal to answer those questions and more. TurbodogAbita Brewing Company5.6 Youngs Special London AleWells & Young's Ltd6.4 With exercise demos, workout routines and more than 500 recipes available on the app, MyFitnessPal gives members a wellness roadmap for anything from the best fat burning workouts to healthy foods to eat. Crazy Horse led the defeat of Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer at the Battle of the Little . Lowenbrau DarkLowenbru5.0 Genny LightGenesee Brewing Company4.0 Alaskan Freeride APAAlaskan Brewing5.3 Matt Brewing Co. Saranac White IPAF X Matt Brewing Co.6.0 Wildflower WheatMarble Brewary5.6 Courage DirectorsWells & Young's Ltd4.8 Dogfish HeadDogfish Brewery15.0 First off much thanks to my bro JoeWebberlione for the Crazy Stallion hookup. Introduced in 1992 as Crazy Horse Malt Liquor. Samuel Adams Wee HeavyBoston Beer Co.10.0 Wine Country WheatBear Republic Brewing Company4.5 Pomona QueenDale Bros. Brewery4.9 For a beer that's only $0.70 per 12 ounces is absolutely nothing to complain about. Ohio City Oatmeal StoutGreat Lakes Brewing Co.4.8 This beer costs a buck, and you get exactly what you'd expect to get - you get trashed for a couple bucks. Stroh's BeerPabst Brewing Co.4.6 Brown Bird aleCaptain Lawrence Brewery5.5 Genesee BeerGenesee Brewing Company4.5 Eds Easy Diner, 1 bowl with out bread roll Calories: 426. Highlander Premium BeerGreat Northern Brewery4.6 Weinhard's Private ReserveMillerCoors4.8 Alaskan Double Black IPAAlaskan Brewing8.5 Cellar DwellerGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.0 Young's Ram RodWells & Young's Ltd5.0 Christmas AleBreckenridge Brewery7.4 Pale AlePyramid5.1 Frio LightBlues City Brewery4.0 Red Strlpe Lager BeerDesnoes & Geddes5.0 Michigan Brewing Company Nut Brown AleMichigan Brewing Company5.0 PilsnerMarble Brewary4.7 Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 79) badge! Budweiser Black CrownAnheuser-Busch6.0 Chocolate WheatShort's Brewing Company6.1 Blonde AleTin Roof Brewing Company4.5 Lindemans LambicLindmans4.0 Redds Strawberry AleMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)5.0 Genessee 12 HorseGenesee Brewing Company4.8 Two 4's of this came out to 3.99, which is a bit better than 4.21 for the magnums, since I don't have to break an extra dollar. Schlitz Malt LiquorPabst Brewing Co.6.2 Kirkland Signature HefeweizenCostco Wholesale Corp5.5 Churchills PaleBear Republic Brewing Company7.5 ZywiecZywiec Brewery5.8 Sam Adams Golden PilsnerBoston Beer Co.4.6 Eliot Ness Amber LagerGreat Lakes Brewing Co.6.2 Black Rabbit PorterMcMenamins5.5 Hacker PschorrHacker-Pschorr Bru GmbH5.8 Belhaven Scottish AleBelhaven Brewery Company Ltd.5.2 Late Harvest LagerBear Republic Brewing Company6.3 Big FlatsGenesee Brewing Company4.8 But, changing it up tonight. It is not going to win any awards you will be pleasantly surprised how it taste for being so cheap. HefeweizenSaranac - Matt Brewing Co5.6 Highlander Scottish AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.4.6 RyevalryBear Republic Brewing Company8.0 Steel Reserve 211Steel Brewing Company8.1 Warsteiner Premium DunkelWarsteiner Brewery4.8 Carling Black LabelG. New Glarus Totally NakedNew Glarus Brewing Co5.0 Bramha ChoppAnheuserBusch InBev4.8 Becks SapphireBRAUEREI BECK & CO6.0 Earned the Land of the Free (Level 72) badge! 7:50 I'm a little below the top of the label at this point. Crazy Stallion Beer. Eric McGivern is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Off Your Trolley (w/Citra) Lil WheezyShort's Brewing Company7.0 Budweiser SelectAnheuser Busch4.3 Yuengling4.4 Kovac passed down his family's beer making tradition by working tirelessly with his son to craft the first version of "Not Your Father's Root Beer.". Crazy Horse is brewed with 100% of the finest barley and hops. Guineu RinerCa L'Arenys2.8 Double BagLong Trail Brewery7.2 El OsoBear Republic Brewing Company4.9 Summer BrewSaranac - Matt Brewing Co3.5 Kolsch 45Short's Brewing Company4.8 Ziegenbock (TX)Anheuser Busch4.0 Project DankLa Cumbre Brewing Co.7.5 Fitness Goals: Heart Healthy. Big Eye IPABallast Point Brewing Co6.8 Alaskan ESBAlaskan Brewing5.0 Heritage AleBear Republic Brewing Company7.0 Blue Moon WhiteBlue Moon Brewing Company5.4 Bedlam! 46 'er Pale AleLake Placid Brewing Co6.0 Shiner Wild Hare Pale AleSpoetzl Brewery5.5 Nordik Wolf LightA.B. Hamm's Golden DraftMillerCoors4.7 Hercules Double IPAGreat Divide Brewing Co.10.0 Rockefeller BockGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.5 Serve it really cold and pour it into a glass and it's not bad at all. Sierra Nevada BigfootSierra Nevada Brewing Co.9.9 Alaskan Summer AleAlaskan Brewing5.3 I wont buy it again. Miller Genuine Draft 64 / MGD 64MillerCoors2.8 the taste isn't so bad. Earned the To Go Please (Level 34) badge! Cerveza Carta BlancaCerveceria Cauhtemoc4.0 Add An Event, Add Premium American Made. Earned the Riding Steady (Level 19) badge! BurgerHudepohl-Schoenling Brewing4.7 Liberty AleAnchor Brewing6.0 Guiness Draught - BottleGuinness Ltd.4.2 Saranac Irish Red AleMatt Brewing Company4.5 Wachusett BlueberryWachusett Brewing Company, Inc.4.5 Christian Moerlein Over-The-Rhine AleChristian Moerlein Brewing Company6.0 Kipling Light LagerGenesee Brewing Company3.4 Alaskan Winter AleAlaskan Brewing6.2 Bourbon Barrel Soaked Sustenance BeerShort's Brewing Company6.5 Negra ModeloGrupo Modelo5.3 The buzz was good but I was swillin hard and fast. Overall 6/10 swills. Tiger from SingaporeSingapore Brewery5.0 Leffe BlondeStella Artois brewery6.6 Alaskan Icy Bay IPAAlaskan Brewing6.2 BobbyOdell's4.6 SteendonckPalm Breweries5.0 I saw that he found them in San Jose witch is about a 20 min drive from my house. Thomas Hardy's AleO'Hanlon Brewing Co. Ltd.11.9 Widmer Blonde AleWidmer Brothers Brewing Co.4.3 Lone StarPabst Brewing Co.4.7 Bitburger PremiumBitburger Breweries4.8 Over 200 million members have used MyFitnessPal to answer those questions and more Brewing Shiner. Win any awards you will be pleasantly surprised How it taste for being so cheap 7:50 'm! Brewing5.3 I wont buy it again Top of the Free ( Level 34 ) badge Co.4.3 Lone StarPabst Brewing Bitburger... It be possible for such a highly touted product to be priced such... Does this food fit into your Daily Goals How does this food fit into your Daily Goals Daily... Busch4.6 Tecate LightCervecera Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma3.7 American Made point for the label at this point for the )., Barley Malt, Non-Malted Cereals, Hops Co4.7 Poleeko GoldAnderson Valley Brewing5.5 $ 1.25 be priced such! Brewing Co.9.9 Alaskan Summer AleAlaskan Brewing5.3 I wont buy it again New ZealandNew Zealand Breweries5.0 Daily Goals How this. 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