1 passes the basketball to 3 on the wing. 2. The Passionate Mind of Maxine Greene - William F. Pinar 2005-08-08 This collection of work is an analysis and investigation into Maxine Greene, the most important philosopher of education in the United States today. Meanwhile the wings O2 and O3 sprint to the wings and space out wide on the 3-point arc. This leaves the short corner completely open for your post player to receive the basketball. This screen can occur on a slot to slot pass or a slot to wing pass. You could make some adjustments and use either for early offense or for half court. 6. <> Try and get 10 more On a pass from 3 to 1, that triggers 4 to go and set a down screen on 2's defender. 2. This will be the second game between UVA and Louisville in less than three weeks. The Case for the Defense - Defensive Transition, Return to Offensive Strategies - Click Here. 2. If the player penetrating passes out and the shot isnt open, all players must communicate and adjust to the original 4-out 1-in positions. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - https://sellfy.com/coachhack.go/ These basketball plays are on Early Offense and they include: doubles, drags, flex screens, isolation's , quick strikes, ucla screens and many more actions. 4. With a few adjustments the 4-out 1-in motion offense can easily be run against a 2-3 zone defense. Once your team is comfortable with the 7 progressions of the 4-out 1-in continuity motion your team will have a very solid base offense with many options and also an offense that will develop basketball IQ. 3. 29 0 obj Lastly, his son Ray McCallum Jr. Was just recently selected 36th in the NBA Draft by the Sacramento Kings. 513 Duke Basketball's Early Offense Sets! Once your players understand the basic cutting and filling movements, its time to add dribble penetration to the offense. Hybrid flex offense basketball pdf . Ryan Dunn (13) 21 0 obj If its not open, they clear out to ball-side slot. 3 runs across the baseline and clears to the opposite corner. Send this play to your FastDraw via the button above. 3. 1. If running a hand0ff, the other offensive players must read this and stay in their spots. Minimize the dribble and pass ahead whenever possible. This forces 2 defenders to guard 3 players and puts the offensive team at a big advantage. If 2 is being denied by their defender, they must back cut through the paint looking for the pass. This advanced option can be a very effective if you have experienced players who can run this quickly and efficiently. Not only did Newsome help ignite the Richwoods offense - which . This is my favorite way to utilize the post player when running the 4-out 1-in and will be the option I refer to throughout this article. 5 rotates under the rim to open up the passing angle. If you dont have a charge circle on your court, instruct the players to run under the rim. Duke Motion Offense North Carolina Motion Offense Triangle Offense Zone Offenses 4. Simple, physical screens and physical cuts! Call these actions out of time-outs, out-of-bounds, or when you need a basket in a crucial moment of the game. Away Screen Add the Straight Cut7. In Bennett's 14 seasons at UVA, his record against Louisville is 16-2. After screening for 1, 4 then cuts off of a screen from 3. 5 moves into postion for the ball screen Pistol action. 3. 5 and 3 set a staggered baseline screen for 2 who cuts to the opposite corner. Initial receiver should receive the outlet/inbound pass with back to the sideline in order to see the floor. Antetokounmpo's country of origin, in addition to his size, speed, strength, and ball-handling skills have earned him the nickname "Greek Freak".Antetokounmpo is widely regarded as one of the greatest power . The instructors played against the . 1 will then basket cut making sure they step within the charge and then replace 2 on the weakside wing. 2 curls off the staggered screen to the ring looking for the basketball. For the perimeter players, there are 4 spots around the three-point arc that are primarily used in the 4-out 1-in motionoffense. Again, for youth basketball I recommend back cuts every time theres a dribble at situation. Sign up now to save and share your favorite plays, follow coach contributors, and receive exclusive content and offers via email. Seeing this, 4 rolls to the front of the rim looking for the catch and layup. CLEBURNE, Texas - A 12-run sixth inning, seven homers and 22 hits helped Kansas score its most runs since 1997 in a 26-3 win against Oakland on Sunday at The Depot at Cleburne Station. 3. If the outside shot is taken from the wing, the weak-side wing player must sprint in to rebound on the weak-side while the post player fights for position in front of the rim. 3. 4 passes to 2 and then sets an on-ball screen on 2s defender. At any point in the early offense attack, #1 can make eye contact with #4 and set up a BALL SCREEN or BLUR SCREEN right in transition. BATON ROUGE, La. 14 0 obj Never Pass and Stand After a perimeter playermakes a pass, they should never stay in the same place. To decide which option is best, I recommend evaluating each player on your team who will play in the post and decide which option is best for each post player individually. Don't over-emphasize turnovers or your players will play not to make a mistake. Get FastDraw (new subscribers use code: SAVE10) 6. 5 and 4 run into the lane and set up to set a staggered screen. The main reason for early offense, accompanied by flow action, is to force the defense to react rather than act! Primary offense. If they dont receive it, 1 clears to the corner. 3. 5 swings under the hoop for the drop-down pass. Also, ensure that all players on your team understand how to play the post position. Steve Smith is the head basketball coach at the prestigious Oak Hill Academy in Virginia. 3. <> Watch the Cutters! Always Catch Looking to Shoot Players must keep the defense honest throughout the entire possession. 5 stays low and reads his defender who must help on the drive. To quickly recap the progressions, here they are: 1. Sideline out of Bounds 66 4. Difficult to Scout As this offense relies on players reading the defense and making decisions, its difficult for the opposition to predict what your team is going to do. Subscribe: http://fiba.. As with any offense, everything begins with great spacing. The post player always fights to the front of the rim on a shot from anywhere on the floor. Prior to arriving at TLU, Kosel served as a student assistant coach under Head Coach Chad Killscrow at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, KS. On long passes always lead the receiver to the basket (block). 5 Out Cutters Offense - Motion offense that was used by State Champs (and it can be taught in ONE day)! Execute an effective outlet/inbound pass. An email has been sent to the email address below. 3 waits until the screen is set and then attacks the rim. DavidsonWildcats MotionOffense Table of Contents 1. For example, if you wanted to get the basketball into the low post from the wing but the wing is being denied. 5. Open Driving Lanes Due to the great spacing of the offense, as long as your post player and perimeter players dont get confused, there will be many opportunities to attack the rim off the dribble. Consider which offense suits the goals of your level of play. 3 and 1 also fill towards the basketball. O1 is always looking to pass the ball up the court (diagram 1). We as coaches need to improve ourselves. 4 must hold this screen for as long as they can legally and then pop out to fill the wing. If youve got a quick team that shoots a high percentage, the offense can focus on flare screens and on-ball screens. 1 and 3 both slide down to the corner to open up the passing angle for the three-point shot. The 5-out motion offense is a fantastic primary offense for basketball teams at any . See More, Bradly ran this early offense vs Michigan State, for a successful 2 point play. Post players must earn the right to be allowed to flash to the basketball and create a shot for themselves or a teammate from the post. Players must cut all the way through the charge circle on each cut while looking at the basketball. There are many additional actions that you can run out of the base 4-out 1-in motion offense that are optional inclusions. 2. 11. - The University of Missouri baseball team rode another dominant offensive performance to a 17-2 rout of Lindenwood in seven innings, opening its 2023 home season with its fourth-straight victory Tuesday afternoon at Taylor Stadium. After Xzander Ream buried a 3-pointer on the first possession of the game, the Pioneers took their lead and ran with it. Zane Trace locked down on defense early and . 5 steps high to open up the hammer pass and also open up a passing lane. Away Screen Curl Cuts Only5. Vancouver Island WBB - Early Offense Aaron Schuck 02/19/2021 There is a lot to like about the Vancouver Island women's team. Tennessee is the best team in the country at getting deep post position using physical duck ins. This forces the other defenders to focus on their player and make adjustments to their position instead of allowing them to double team or read the post player. Early offense is effective off of a 3 on 2 or 4 on 3 advantage. 22 0 obj 1 passes to 4 on the slot to slot pass. stream 3 and 4 attempt to get open on the weak side and also play safety. Based on player movement, screening and decision making, the Wildcats' motion offense puts constant pressure on defenses. By h150i elite . 5 and 4 run into the lane and set up to set a staggered screen. If you have any difficulty email or call/text me (317-721-1527) for assistance. 12. 1: Stagger P&R. If you want to coach this concept to your players the key cue to look for is their own defender, is the defender of the cutter (or first screener) is cheating either by going under . . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. byZ!^.RoFt^ [ 5nptrUxdp2DD=gUHE]lBy,+{^Lz`E,C7kd4p`F~0FHhc$,},hPiZLYYY$=#St`?6bR> RO%~eb kf7#/n08B$a4S8 Fk.,a&T, P=E{`&TP|b"Zc0+7 5IgTniHC=;F~Ip,@OMK:yb]SaT1 Instead of curling to the rim, 2 straight cuts to the slot position getting ready to catch and shoot. Learn how your comment data is processed. 3 0 obj The Vols tight curl off the first screener, and are physical when they cut. It involves the post player staying on the weak side of the floor but giving them the opportunity to flash to either the low or high post if they see an opportunity to do so a certain number of times per possession. If we only set a straight ball-screen the weak-side defenders will already be in help position. 4. 4. The only time this cant happen is on a wing to slot pass as theres no perimeter player the opposite direction to screen. There are 13 different actions that you can use on your secondary break. If the defender cheats under the screen, straight cut. Tough defense enhances the effectiveness of Early Offense. Selection Sunday: Sunday, March 12 (6 p.m. 2 receives the basketball and elects to drive towards the baseline from the slot position. Fortunately, not many youth coaches will do this. For it to be most effective and easy for the players to understand, we want to do our best to stay within the structure of our current offense with minimal changes. In this action, if the first cutter is not open, it turns into a single pin down for 1. There are two things that happen during this progression: The post player should stay on the weak side during this progression if youre using them how I recommended at the beginning of the article. *New customers use code SAVE10 for 10% OFF Draw/Scout* Prev: Basketball Drills | Offensive Skill Development by Mark Chapman, Next: Basketball Recruiting | Chicago Bigs Ready for More Prime Time Action by Michael Lang. If the defender is trailing them, curl to the rim. If the defender is within one step of the line to the basketball, the player must v-cut to get themselves open on the perimeter. 2 then takes a few steps in and then bursts out to the perimeter looking for the catch and shoot. 3 passes to 4 and then cuts towards the rim. 12. Establish good rebound positioning by boxing out. 3 and 1 both slide down to be open for the three-point shot. When this happens, the post player must get to the front of the rim. Next, we give another cutting option to a player receiving an away screen. }#\Bey~8 {)62oD^Z?@NmY}-\eK008jd3e8CkECle\-"{W9:lhr# ]DgH.P#[4bV!cm.2qDog=@S"#=GqV. It can be adjusted to suit any age and skill level, it can be run positionless (rotate the post player), and since its a decision-making offense it will develop your players basketball IQ. If the defender anticipates the screen and cheats over, the player receiving the screen can back cut to the rim. 5 on 3 +2 Drill: teaches players how to make quick decisions on the break, before the defense has a chance to recover Push the Break Drill: helps kids work on speed dribbling on transition, pushing the ball upcourt via the pass, and finishing on the break at high speeds Early Offense Drill: if you can't score immediately off the break, you can still get a great open shot by running an "early . Some teams like to push the ball, but only with a numbers advantage. 2. I dont recommend it. 3. This provides the offense with a great opportunity to attack the ring and create shots off dribble penetration. While the players will now be experienced with curling off an away screen, we will also give them the option to straight cut depending on how the defense reacts to the screen. 6 0 obj The seven home runs matched a program record set in 1984 and the 12 runs in the sixth inning were the most since scoring . 13. Point must advance the ball with a hard speed dribble into the front court within 3-5 seconds. 5. Most errors and turnovers are committed during the scoring phase of the break. Here is a look at some action they use in their early offense. 5 0 obj 3. Reading this, 4 cuts off the screen to the rim looking for the easy layup. endobj Players must select their actions based on the other offensive players on the court. Be patient when first implementing this offense as it will take time for the post players on your team to learn which opportunities are best to take. Look for the open jumper or bank shot. If not, 4 continues dribbling to the wing position. Anticipate and fill lanes quickly. Flatten the defense in transition offense, run hard for lay ups, then get ball reversal and good things will happen. The player cutting can hold this position for 1-2 seconds before continuing their cut to fill the perimeter. When theyre a little more experienced at reading the defense and knowing when to flash to the basketball, you can increase this to two flashes per possession. Use code at checkout: MARCHMADNESS 3 has same options: Bellarmine came in as the 12th-most efficient offense across 1,400+ college basketball teams by my calculation. Early offense isn't effective versus a. set defense. That is my story and why I do this blog. The defense has also been stretched and has to cover a lot of space to get back in the play. Establishing offensive rebounding position and transition defense is crucial if youre going to run the 4-out 1-in motion offense well. You cannot break without the ball. This offense has several plays that are very similar, but each has a slight variation. (And How to Score From It), How to Beat a 1-3-1 Zone Defense (16 Strategies and Plays), Blocker-Mover Offense Complete Coaching Guide, 4 Out 1 In Motion Offense Complete Coaching Guide, How to Create a Youth Basketball Practice Plan, Parents: Please Stop Ruining Youth Sports, Zone Defense is Terrible for Youth Basketball, 21 Life Lessons Kids Learn Through Youth Sports, How to Win Every Youth Basketball Game (8 Terrible Tactics), 1-3-1 Zone Defense Complete Coaching Guide. Must be in better physical shape than any opponent. 2 receives the basketball and elects to drive middle from the slot position. On-Ball Screen6. If they dont receive the pass, they exit on the weak side wing replacing 1. First round: March 16-17. Due to the men's basketball game against Clemson at JPJ, FREE baseball parking will be available only in the Emmett/Ivy Garage. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 7 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 28 0 R 29 0 R 32 0 R 33 0 R 34 0 R 35 0 R 36 0 R 37 0 R 38 0 R 39 0 R 40 0 R 41 0 R 42 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 2. I think that many coaches overlook having an effective early offensive attack. On a missed shot, a solid rebound by any team member is the first part of keying the transition. CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - In nearly a carbon copy of Friday night's classic, No. If 4 doesnt receive the pass, they fill to weak side wing while 3 fills to the next slot position. endobj <> 5. Heres how the back cuts work from each position. If we have this on file, we will send an email containing a code that you will enter on the next page. The early action to create those gaps and the discipline to maintain spacing makes them hard to guard. The Pirates (5-1) completed the weekend home and home sweep of the Tar Heels (4-3) and have won six of the last 10 meetings in the series. The Davidson Wildcats have been applauded for their offensive system and its effectiveness for years. 3 then fills out to the weak side wing (the position they started in). The gate action keeps a lot of defense occupied, and creates space for the point guard clear out. Your email address will not be published. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched an Opioids Action Plan in early 2016. 1. 1 Bellarmine's 65-60 home win over No. 1. endobj See More, Tennessee loves to use pin downs in secondary transition. 3. will combo with te against a 5 tech. For example flare screens on the post players side of the floor and back cuts on the open side of the floor. Now that your players understand the offense, its important to keep improving it. 24 Texas A&M erased an early 12-point deficit to beat Mississippi 69-61 on Tuesday night. See More, A set designed to get a DEEP post catch! Can Be Difficult to Learn This has always been the biggest criticism coaches have about the 4-out 1-in motionoffense. 2 and 4 will both fill towards the basketball using a blast cut or v-cut. 2. 02. All early offense plays, like the 1-man reads, lead directly into our offense if a shot is unavailable. <> By Synergy's numbers, they were third overall. On the evening, the Knights totaled 16 made field goals . 3. If 4 doesnt receive the pass, they fill out to the weak side wing. 3 steps up and sets a flare screen on the blind-side of 1s defender. Everyone else holds their positions since there are no spaces to fill. Box Score (PDF) COLUMBIA, Mo. 2. When you get opportunities like this for a decade straight, it . % It can be used as a delay offense, primary offense, and can be used at any level. Good defense provides for offensive mistakes and errors which are the foundation of a successful break. Early Offense Pistol Continuity with some options such as inside ball screen and throwback, 1 sprint dribbles into a DHO with ballside wing (2), 5 follows with a ball screen for the handoff receiver = "Pistol" action, 5 moves into postion for the ball screen Pistol action, 5 is moving into position to ballscreen even before he/she knows if the DHO will occur, 1 may elect not to ball screen and instead use an inside ball screen from 5, - draw and kick to 4 (shown) or 2 for the corner three, 4 may then DHO with 2 (shown) or use inside ball screen from 5, 2 comes off the ball screen, does not score or draw & kick. 5. This means attacking just outside of the defenders hips which keeps the dribbler in their lane and keeps great spacing. 1 passes from the slot to 3 on the wing. After 3 screens, in he gets his defender to relax and then ducks in the paint for a catch. Following on with this, the starting point for deciding how to run your offense begins with deciding how youll use the post player. Once you have reset your password, you can return to the login screen to retrieve your renewal information. 1. 2 now has the option to attack the rim or dribble to the slot position. You never know when youre going to get a mismatch and want to take advantage of it inside. 4. 4 takes 2 dribbles to improve the passing angle and then passes to 1 on the wing for the shot. This is the main reason why its important to keep your post player on the weak side of the floor for the majority of the possession. %PDF-1.5 3. If you were to teach a young team a complete offense immediately, theyll have no hope of understanding it. The offense scored at least one run in . They are from Mike White's Florida Playbook which is included in this week's eBook special. To take advantage of this, any time a player basket cuts they must hook and look when passing through that area of the paint. Dribble At. Keep head and eyes up and analyze defensive deployment prior to crossing half court. The post player should immediately find a good passing angle when their defender rotates to help on the player with the basketball. DURHAM - No. Sometimes this is a few weeks, sometimes it takes a few months, but dont rush this progression. See More, Another staple of Tennessee's offense is the combination of down screens followed by flex screens on the weak side. We as coaches need to improve ourselves. Often the middle player of the zone will have to step up leaving an easy drop-down pass to our post player for the layup. If the shot is taken from inside the three-point line, encourage players inside the key to fight for offensive boards and those outside the three-point line to transition back on defense. The Davidson Wildcats' Early Offense Options Bob McKillops' Davidson Wildcats consistently rank in the top 30 in offensive efficiency at the Division I level. The most recent example of a coach successfully using the 4 out 1 in motion is Jay Wright at Villanova who led the Wildcats to the championship in the 2015 2016 season. The ball can swing and reverse throughout the possession and the four perimeter players follow the rules of the offense: Any slot-to-slot pass = interchange with player below you Any slot-to-wing pass = shallow cut away and fill The wide spacing and double gaps leave room for dribble penetration. Keep head and eyes up and analyze defensive deployment prior to crossing half court. This playbook is collection of basketball plays ran out of the Horns set. See More, Create multiple scoring opportunities early in your possession by using a simple "toss back" to get your trail player moving down hill against a transitioning defense. There are several different early offense actions that you can run, but you must find the ones best suited for the personnel that your basketball team possesses. Do not dribble when it is possible to pass ahead. Recognize and take advantage of player mismatches. Next Game: UNIVERSITY PARK -Penn State women's basketball (13-16, 4-14) fell 80-65 against Michigan State (15-13, 7-10) Saturday afternoon at Bryce Jordan Center. 1 pushes the ball up the right side of the floor. Can Adjust to Any Teams Talent With so many actions available, this offense can be adjusted to suit any team. When a player makes any pass during the offense, they can step up and set an on-ball screen for the player with the basketball. Here are a couple of diagrams to show you how they work. Your email address will not be published. '@$+x%%$$Y6X0q4{+Qhq "Pc8[-gI|$Lc9lQw!5uWwD!+gG,e|xmGt@27wr3v36V0rC]^u/B-{ihQJ(6ew;_I$Kn20.$-nF#O2 Click on the pdf link to download the basketball plays: The best rivalry in sports is back as well as the Carolina break! IHSA basketball: The 6 Peoria-area boys basketball teams with the best shot at a state title in 2023 Richwoods got going early. Find me on all my platforms - Linktree first and foremost the triangle is a read and react offense there is no playbook there are no set routes or patterns instead the offense runs as a sequence of options, a motion offense is a category of offensive scheme used in basketball motion offenses use player movement often as a strategy to exploit the quickness of the offensive team When in the wing and slot spots, the players will be about 18 feet apart. 4. Strive to develop the following offensive mentality, attitudes, and abilities: Take the initiative with Early Offense and counter defensive pressure before it takes its toll. The best way to end a possession is with a ball-screen from your post player. 11 East Carolina scored four runs in the top of the seventh to overtake No. Motion Offense 11 3. Combining elements of offense to form three-player early offense molecules to create an advantage. Seeing that there is no back cut opportunity, 2 steps forward and receives the handoff from 4. 1 reads their defender and decides to straight cut to the ball-side slot position ready to catch and shoot. See More. Ill show you these in the advanced actions section of the article. Indiana's offense put on a clinic in the second half. Second round: March 18-19. 1. There are 13 different actions that you can use on your secondary break. Each time theres a drive, the post player must read their defender (who will help on the drive) and find an opening on the weak side anywhere from the baseline to the elbow. Its important that the player who receives the pass holds the basketball for a second or two to see if either of the players involved in the screen get open. For this option, we remove the post players opportunities to flash to the basketball throughout the possession. In this play, 1 passes to 2 on the wing and then cuts toward the basket. Create a passing lane. Game #1. After studying some of their games during the 2019-2020 season I saw they can play in a variety of ways. 2 0 obj The 4-out 1-in motion offense is incredibly versatile so its important that you figure out how your team will best suit this offense before introducing it to your players. stream 3. If the low post player is on or below the low block, it leaves little opportunity for this cut to be effective. # x27 ; s offense put on a slot to wing pass now has the option to the. A crucial moment of the floor their positions since there are early offense basketball pdf spots around the three-point shot studying some their! 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