About two hundred million years ago an ocean separated India from the rest of Eurasia. Today, over 60% of the country lies in the three higher seismic zones (III, IV and V of Indian Seismic Code (e.g. 8.0 magnitude earthquake. For More Information. It shook an area half a million square miles in extent in Nepal and Tibet. Dhunche This indicates that adequate structural design is the key to reduce the earthquake risk in Nepal. India, 73. An outbreak of fire and spilling of hazardous chemicals. Nepal Earth Planetary Sciences Letters, 457, 366375. A SYMPOSIUM on the origin of the North Bihar Earthquake of January 15th, 1931, was held at a joint meeting of the Mathematics, Physics and Geology Sections of the Indi in Scieace Congress, 1935, under the Chairmanship of Dr. Ii. ), Historical disaster experiences, transcultural researchHeidelberg studies on Asia and Europe in a global context (p. 241266). The chowk hat of Monghyr town had a most gruesome spectacle and scarcely a building or wall was left standing. 159(1) 165-206, doi:10.1111/J.1365-246X.2004.02323. The lion at the head of the Asoka pillar at Lauriya in Champaran District had shifted on its axis in an anti-clockwise direction. (1981). January 1934 earthquake in India andNepal. Lave, J., Yule, D., Sapkota, S. N., Basant, K., Madden, C., Attal, M., & Pandey, R. (2005). The buildings along the riverfront in Patna or Bhagalpur suffered very badly. These authors report that liquefaction occurred both in 1833 and 1934, between 1700 and 5300 years BP and also 25 kaBP. Paleoseismological evidence of surface faulting along the northeastern himalayan front, India: Timing, size, and spatial extent of great earthquakes. Fatality rates of the M w ~8.2, 1934, Bihar-Nepal earthquake and comparison with the April 2015 Gorkha earthquake Mem. Loss estimates were conducted for the road, water, electricity, and telephone systems and for typical structures. It was accompanied by spectacular effects of slumping, subsidence of ground, fissures in alluvium and sand, and water fountains. With a magnitude of about 8.1 to 8.3, the event destroyed thousands of structures, along with the cities of Munger and Muzaffarpur. Roads were tom and alignments were changed. PNAS, 117, 1761517621. A low-magnitude earthquake hit parts of Bihar on Monday night, though no damage was reported. About 3,000 persons in Muzaffarpur had met their death in the Earthquake. Darbhanga and Laheriasarai had similar damages and the buildings belonging to the Darbhanga Raj were very badly affected. Kumar, S., Wesnousky, S., Rockwell, T. K., Briggs, R. W., Thakur, V. C., & Jayangondaperumal, R. (2006). The damage to the sugar mills rendered most of them unworkable at a time when Bihar had a bumper sugarcane crop and the crushing had started was a problem. For half a century following the shock, the epicenter was believed located beneath the Ganga plain in the Bihar province of India, corresponding to early instrumental locations of the epicenter by Gutenberg & Richter. Lack of a central zone in which the shaking was demonstrably stronger than elsewhere suggests that the waves did not originate within the plains of India. Insert: Parts of Uttar Pradesh state and the location of Chamoli Town, which is close to the epicenter of the 29 March 1999 earthquake. CrossRef The area west of Kathmandu has not ruptured in the last three hundred years and stands out as a potential site for future great Himalayan earthquakes. Floods were there in the rivers carrying dirty waters. Your email address will not be published. In Purnea the cast iron piles of a bridge between the civil lines and the railway station were broken. 6 Celebs Who Lost Their Lives Under the Knife. Over 70% of the building collapsed in Kathmandu. Martin, S., & Szeliga, W. (2010). Bhaktapur also saw massive destruction but less than these five villages. Brett (1935) reported 7253 deaths in Bihar.After the earthquake John Auden (brother of the poet laureat W.H. [3], The epicentre for this event was located in eastern Nepal about 9.5km (5.9mi) south of Mount Everest. Pandey M R and Molnar P 1988 The distribution of intensity of the Bihar-Nepal earthquake of 15 January 1934 and bounds on the extent of the rupture zone; J. Geol. Bomford, G. (1937). This innovation has lead to decrease the effect of earthquake on a building and is evaluated . the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in M8.7 Assam earthquake, 1905 M8.6 Kangra earthquake, 1934 M8.4 Bihar-Nepal earthquake and the 1950 M8.6 Assam-Tibet earthquake. Journalof EarthSystem Science 117, 773782. A magnitude M W 7.8 earthquake occurred on 25 April 2015, which is the first major earthquake in the Nepal Himalaya after the 1934 Nepal-Bihar earthquake (M W = 8.1) [7]. documenting the mental health effects of natural and man-made disasters. 13,414 buildings were severely damaged and 11,604 buildings were completely destroyed. Also, the strong emphasis on the destruction in India left the impression that epicenter of 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake laid not within the Himalaya but south of the range, in the plains of India. 1934 AD: This is known as Great Nepal Bihar Earthquakes is the strongest earthquake of the 20 th century and this. We then used the Forecast Time Series button to create the plot below of the time-dependent change in probability of an earthquake M>6 within the circular region. (2017b). Internet Explorer). The largest instrumentally recorded earthquake within a radius of 300 km happened on 15. The towns to the south of the river Ganges like Patna, Bhagalpur, and Gaya escaped with lighter damages. India 31, 104 pp.79. Singh D D and Gupta H K 1980 Source dynamics of two great earthquakes of the Indian subcontinent; the Bihar- Nepal earthquake of January 15, 1934 and the Quetta earthquake of May 30, 1935; Bull. Nasu, N. (1935). News from the country was available only next morning, showing that Patna, Monghyr and Jamalpur had suffered severely. According to the National Centre for Seismology, the tremors measured 3.5 on the Richter scale and were felt around 9.23 pm. The shock of the Great Earthquake of Bihar from the preceding rumbling sound lasted for about 3 to 5 minutes and in that brief period about 10,000 persons were killed and extensive damages to buildings, roads, bridges, railway tracks and cultivation fields were caused. Using Chen and Molnar's (1977) relocated epicenter and the region of maximum shaking intensity and subsidence as proxy measures of the centroid of the 1934 earthquake we conclude that the rupture propagated from east to west. 5 US States Most Likely to Get Hit by Natural Disasters, 4 US Airports With The Worst Passenger Experience, 12 Insane Weapons You Can Legally Own in Most States. These seven martyrs wrote history of freedom with their blood in Patna. A brick arch bridge between the civil lines and the old town was also fractured. Nepal saw the extensive damage in half of its part including capital; whereas in India only a small northern part, Bihar, was affected. Survey of India, Calcuta (391 pp). The quake was felt at far-off places such as Kanpur (440 km south-east from the At Lakhisarai the water was observed to recede from mid-stream and sand gushed up the exposed bed of the river. First-order spirit leveling lines in northern Bihar were remeasured shortly after the earthquake (Burrard 1934; De Graaf-Hunter 1934; Bomford 1937). Seismicity in the Himalayas is the direct consequence of an ongoing process of faulting and thrusting. Wesnousky, S. G., Kumahara, Y., Nakata, T., Chamlagain, D., & Neupane, P. (2018). To his credit Mr. Salim has more than 400 published articles on history, politics, culture and literature in English and Hindi. The damage caused by the Bihar earthquake of 15 January, 1934, measuring 8.4 on Richter scale, include 10,700 human deaths, landslides and slumping in an area of 250 km length and 60 km width, ruptures and faults in the ground surface etc. Leveling in Bengal and Bihar, 9397. The impact was reported to be felt in. The paper emphases the importance of seismic consideration, methodical analysis . Superintendent, Government Printing, Bihar and Orissa, Patna, 1935. The impact was reported to be felt in Lhasa to Bombay, and from Assam to Punjab. Image Courtesy : Nepal Ko Mahabhukampa by Shree M. J Brahma Sumsher. Seismological Research Letters, XX, 19. Geol. Will The Chinese Spy Balloon Start a War With China? The buildings along the riverfront in Patna or Bhagalpur suffered very badly. Chen W-P and Molnar P 1977 Seismic moments of major earthquakes and the average rate of slip in Central Asia; Geophys. National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, You can also search for this author in bands at different levels in the structure interconnected with R.C. The ground around these sand fissures subsided, causing more damage. On January 15, 1934, a great earthquake struck Bihar, India causing between 10,000 to 30,000 deaths [1]. The High Court and the Government House were damaged severely. However buildings built on Bedrock survived well than those built on unconsolidated sedimentary deposit available at most part of the valley. Hill districts of the epicentral zone of the 1934 earthquake tend to lose population, while Nepalese population dramatically increases in the foothills near the Indian border. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89(B7), 62036227. ), Earthquake prediction-an international review, maurice ewing series, American Geophysical Union (Vol. The loss to human lives was considered to be fortunately less as the epicentral tract was away from, the larger towns. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4748-2_11, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4748-2_11, eBook Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceEarth and Environmental Science (R0). Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Bilham R, Blume F, Bendick R and Gaur V K 1998 Geodetic constraints on the Translation and Deformation of India: implications for future great Himalayan earthquakes; Curr. Landslides and Avalanches Earthquake in hilly and mountain areas may cause landslides and avalanches Fire hazards R, Brahmaamera Jagabahdra, and Kesar Lall. 1935 A report on the Bihar Earthquake and on the measures taken in consequence thereof up to the 31st December 1934. , Relief Commissioner, Bihar and Orissa. generally referred to as the Chamoli earthquake. The reaction of the earthquake on rivers was remarkable. He wrote that the Bihar earthquake was providential retribution for India's failure to eradicate untouchability. The clock in the tower of the Secretariat stopped at 2.16 p.m. Part of Springer Nature. This quake took place in January, but the intensity was very high, with a magnitude. The clock in the tower of the Secretariat stopped at 2.16 p.m. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. ", "Source dynamics of two great earthquakes of the Indian subcontinent: The Bihar-Nepal earthquake of January 15, 1934, and the Quetta earthquake of May 30, 1935", 1934 Mw 8.1 Bihar/Nepal earthquake 15 January 1934, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=1934_NepalIndia_earthquake&oldid=1133023739, All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 January 2023, at 22:58. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 100(2), 562569. Northern part of Kathmandu including Budhanilkantha, Sundarijal, Gaucharan was found relatively safe and suffered only minimum damage. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Molnar, P., & Deng, Q. News from the most affected region arrived only two or three days later. As per the recorded data velocity of ground shaking had been estimated in Kathmandu as 8 ft/sec with higher values of 10 ft/sec in Bhaktapur, and in some villages of Lalitpur. Devastatingdisasters.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. The wells were choked with sand, while water levels in tanks became shallower due to sand deposited in the tank beds. The 7.9-magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal and neighbouring Indian states on Saturday, leaving a massive trail of death and devastation, jolted memories of the catastrophic 1934 tragedy, which had claimed several thousands of human lives on both sides of the Himalayas. Sun 26 Apr 2015 04.56 EDT. Did Trump Ruin America for Good? Most of the roads were fissured with fissured depth even upto 13-15 feet and for considerable length. 85 1-14. Am. Bijih logam ditem terlebih dahulu dilakukan http://goo.gl/f0vB7K The new specifications promulgated by the Government laying stress on the use of horizontal reinforced concrete of R.B. Gutenberg, B., & Richter, C. F. (1949). Observers have noticed that there were two stages in the Earthquake with a lull for a few seconds and that the damage was more caused in the second stage. Large paleoearthquake timing and displacement near Damak in eastern Nepal on the Himalayan frontal thrust. 10,000 to 30,000 deaths [ 1 ] disaster experiences, transcultural researchHeidelberg studies on Asia and Europe in a context. Sand deposited in the rivers carrying dirty waters fire hazards R, Brahmaamera Jagabahdra and... Earthquake Mem was remarkable and Gaya escaped with lighter damages, 100 ( 2 ) 562569. 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