In this Documentary we explore the race to perfect AI machinery researchers believe that very soon a singularity will be created. Baron is almost certainly not the only person who stepped inside the blue-and-white building. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Verdict: Almost certainly not true. Verdict: Plausible, but the supporting testimony is inconsistent with the chronology of the building's construction. "Absolutely. In 2017, the Twitter user The War Economy. In other words, it seems as if Baron encountered the building before Epstein applied its distinctive striped exterior, including the realistic mural of a large wooden door. Soon this could be an actual possibility because, in this generation of nanotechnology, This stage is very similar to the third, but. "And after doing the job and talking to some of my other clients on St. Thomas, and they filled me in on the scandal, my perception of that room changed from a study to a lair.". Both groups have referred to the building as a "temple.". Some of Epstein's accusers say his . Now here is the photo, that began to crystallize (pun intended) the idea in my mind. On the second excursion, he spoke with a woman named Monique who filled a similar role, though she never actually greeted him in person while he was on the island. If you know anything about this building or want to share your personal theory about its purpose , NOW WATCH: You can rent an entire private island in Belize on Airbnb. Night [3] There are so many facets of this NEW WORLD ORDER it is hard to get your mind around it all. Yet here was a seemingly solvable mystery for which I could not find a solution. There are several variations of this theory, but many seem to stem from the presence of two birdlike statues perched on the building's roof. It is the perfection of creating nanomachines by using specific atoms with specific structures and functions. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider . YouTube traveler and TikTok influencer Andy Bracco snuck onto Jeffrey Epstein's infamous Caribbean island and went viral with his findings this . All of the attention hasn't been uniformly conspiratorial. The EU has devoted 1.3 Billion Dollars to research using Graphene from 2013 to 2023. ", t is absolutely possible to install a dwelling and elevator underneath the structure." In any case, these theories assert that Epstein built a designated structure to conceal his criminal activities and that he incorporated a series of obvious clues about those activities into the structure's design. The first two numbers appear to have been disconnected, while the third, for Monique, went to a voicemail greeting for Southern Trust, a company that belonged to Epstein. If you know anything about this building or want to share your personal theory about its purpose please get in touch. Epstein was the owner of not one, but two islands in the Caribbean, having more than doubled his property holdings in January 2016 when he paid $18 million for Great St James. On April 3, 2018, Q Anon posted a message on the AltMedia message board 8chan, with an overhead photo of Epsteins Pedo Island, and an allusion to tunnels and rooms underneath the island of pure evil. I had always thought that if you took a tiny piece off of something, like your pencil lead, it would have the exact same properties. THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS ABOUT TO TAKE THE WHEEL, OHIO NORFOLK RAIL DISASTER snarly, tangled complexity. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. "When you say 'lair,' there is a connotation to that," he continued. Epstein's plans hit a snag however soon after he purchased the island when he was hit with a pair of cease and desist orders. Someone enhanced the images of Channels 10 and 14, revealing children. The interior had two levels, with the first four to six feet at ground level and the rest on a slightly raised platform accessed by a single step. Sun, Feb 26, 2023 LOGIN Subscribe for $1 Nanometer transistors allow for computer chips to be a lot smaller and faster. This cloud could be useful for a number of reasons and it would essentially turn the common cold or other types of conditions into easily stoppable problems. Certain features of the "temple" raise even more questions. The federal charges against Jeffrey Epstein, known doesn't quite add up. There are multiple different stages of the advancement of nanotechnology and its applications. 2. But, we KNOW that it relates to MIND CONTROL, COMPUTERS, NANOTECHNOLOGY, SEX, REPRODUCTION, and TRANS-HUMANISM. I know this because my friend has been in that room several times to tune the piano.". This possibility has gained some currency among online conspiracy theorists, some of whom believe Epstein erected the building to serve as a secluded facility for abusing children. That's the right shape.". Tech has developed significantly and so have potential applications of these microscopic machines. He was eventually elected to office in 2007 and served two terms as governor despite his wife's ties to Epstein. Ground penetrating radar has been used in many famous murder cases to locate corpses or underground rooms and tunnels, but there are complications with using GPR successfully on Epstein's private . Many members of the community believe that Epstein hid young girls he allegedly enslaved in underground rooms below the temple and other parts of the island. It is merely the same thing, just smaller right? However, those architects provided their services long before the temple-like building first appeared. I will show you what I found, first here is a image of the symbols: Now, these are not Greek Symbols. as well as other partner offers and accept our. ", Another reader sent an annotated photo, below, that described the statues as harpies, the half-bird, half-human creatures of Greek and Roman mythology. Nor is he the only person who has publicly claimed to have done so. responsiveVoice.cancel(); You can read why at either of the links, or, Small Scale, Enormous Impacts: The World of Nanotechnology, Whats Graphene And Why Itll Soon Take Over The World, Researchers at MIT Created Nanofibers Stronger Than Kevlar, A.I Agenda 2020 | Rise of the Machines Super Intelligence Quantum Computers Documentary, COVID 19 TRUTH THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. Ellen's guests go to epstein island the brainwashing is to see them as fun, innocent, and not vicious cannibals. Here's what he remembers about the interior: On both visits, after Baron finished tuning the piano, the same golf-cart driver took him back to the island's dock, where the same boat captain returned him to St. Thomas. There are so many facets of this NEW WORLD ORDER it is hard to get your mind around it all. According to IFL Science,DNA robotsare already being tested in the human body (in 2017 if they have not been using it much longer without revealing it to us.) Despite this, in 2008, the government agreed to allow Epstein to plead guilty to just one count of soliciting prostitution from an underage girl under Florida state law, for which he served 13 months in prison. responsiveVoice.speak("Surveillance camera footage of underground rooms at Jeffrey Epsteins mansion on his private island features abused children locked in rooms. A temple and a secret underground bunker: An urban explorer has shared footage online after sneaking onto jeffrey epstein's private island in the virgin islands. The directory returned a single entry: a piano tuner named Patrick Baron. To put how small the scale they are working at into perspective a little bit, a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, which is100 000xsmaller than a human hair! The island. Epstein's island was used to provide the elite a safe and secluded place where they could keep little children in cages and chains and use them for sexual perversion, torture and kill them. TED STRESHINSKY/THE LIFE IMAGES COLLECTION/GETTY IMAGES. There is a major ventilation facility that is designed to move a lot of heat up and out, not far from this spot at all. There were likely many more buried under the ground. Shortly after my original post about the building was published, a reader in St. John emailed: "I have it on good authority his parents are buried there. (That is where we are today. By working at this ultra-small scale, there are so many possibilities that have the potential to revolutionize many different fields ranging from health care to renewable energy to manufacturing! That 162-acre property is located next to Little St. James, the 71.5-acre island he purchased in 1998 for $7.95 million. What is it used for? One local told that they were under the impression that Epstein had his staff removed the dome ahead of a hurricane. ", "I went in there knowing absolutely nothing about [Epstein], except that he was wealthy," he said. The video clip also shows the seedy outdoor . But, this photo gives a clearer picture of some of the less obvious symbols around the temple. Then I tried to put the whole story out of my mind. Get Directions Phone: (215) 204-6288. Is it just me? Child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein owned the island for over twenty years, allegedly bringing underage girls with his plane named the Lolita Express. Most had no basis in fact or reason. Behind the desk were several columns of floor-to-ceiling bookcases. While this explanation is somewhat believable Epstein is a classically-trained pianist the wording suggests it is more of a rumor than a commonly-known fact. Now, these are not Greek Symbols. (Confusing matters further is the disappearance or destruction of some of the building's architectural elements. Those records also revealed that his office manager for much of that time was Cecile de Jongh, the former first lady of the Virgin Islands. It wasnt until recently that I really learned that, Take graphite, for example. Graphene was discovered in 2004, in 2005 one hundred ninety four Countries signed the Worldwide Covenant that lead us to this Pandemic. That is when Epstein was again hit with yet another cease and desist, which it seems he opted to ignore. The sides appear to be cut with large windows, including a full-length one in the rear. Before he ( kind 0f ) went to prison, Epstein commissioned a renovation of Little St. James. Scientists and engineers have been designing and engineering materials at the nanoscale byrearranging atoms in a certain order for advantageous properties. To demonstrate to the world that they are IN CONTROL and way beyond stopping. Soon after Epstein's arrest, a YouTube user going by the name Rusty Shackleford began posting a series of remarkable videos captured by an aerial drone flown repeatedly over and around Little St. James. 1719 North Broad Street. Celebrated at winter solstice.". But when I called that piano tuner, he told me: "I've never been to Jeffrey Epstein's private island. Owls, underground tunnels, young girls. Others have floated the hypothesis that it conceals an elevator shaft, which in turn accesses a subterranean lair where the same abuse occurred. According to the reporter Rich Schapiro, an unnamed architectural firm submitted blueprints for a domed, single-story building on Epstein's behalf to the Department of Public Works of the US Virgin Islands. Allegations have been made that underage girls were used as sex slaves and repeatedly abused inside a temple on the island. This research is intended to find out how Graphene can alter the principle of electronic, health, construction, and energy sectors of our economy. But every other detail seemed to match the temple. Just below the temple is a door into the side of the mountain, as well as a road that leads into the side of the mountain . The episode with the piano tuner gave me one last idea. Located on the southwest portion of the island is a strange temple-like structure and opening to a possible nefarious underground facility (Image Credits: Google): Notable public figures, such as former President Bill Clinton, have been reported to travel with Epstein on his 'Lolita Express' to various places, including this private island. Like the first stage, we create these by manipulating the structure of things at the atomic level, but in this stage, they are actually able to make changes to other things. James Both, a contractor whom Insider consulted with for the story, noted that while it was possible to install an underground space or elevator, the construction would . nanobots could one day transmit our thoughts to the cloud, (remember this was written in 2017, and the Billionares club has been heavily investing in BRAIN research between then and now. And you can still hold this single layer of atoms in your hands! The temple on the island remains without its dome however, which has been missing for some time. That barge and a few completed structures, as well as construction equipment, are still visible in aerial images of the island. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. The above story was written by Zelensky. 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For instance: Is that really a. We also need to consider what kind of an effect will it create on the global drug market. constantly transmitting this information to a cloud for close monitoring by medical staff. No stairs, no elevator. Right? That would explain your question about the door lock," which curiously appears designed to prevent people inside from leaving. On April 6, Q Anon posted this follow-up comment: The island. I can understand why this post says they are Greek. In this stage, we have also been able to apply nanotechnology to building devices as a result of self-assembly nanoelectronics. Epstein's Underground Child Abuse Base and Submarine Entrance Map - It Gets Worse (Bonus Video) Posted by Krishna Kalki on July 23, 2019 at 2:10am in Alternative Media, World Events & News Epstein's Underground (S.C.A.B) - Systematic Child Abuse Base - Submarines Trafficking Kids? University scientists also believe that nanobots could be used to reduce plaque in veins, solve dietary issues, along with a whole slew of other medical uses. Thirteen months of work release. I began to question the whole point of the exercise. The first citation was 'in regards to unpermitted land clearing.'. That is why water is so important to their MAGIC and the reason for the symbol of water to be applied even when they are surrounded by the ocean. If you are like me, you look past it. It was Baron, and yes, he had tuned Epstein's piano. Recently released drone footage took some close-up shots of the temple, revealing several strange details. Epstein's sweetheart deal was so outrageous that a Temple to Satan no longer seems so outrageous. Although we are rapidly making advancements in nanotechnology, there are many challenges that are holding us back from reaching its full potential. Epstein, 65, is a billionaire and convicted pedophile who owns a private island known as pedo island a favourite hotspot for Hollywood and D.C. elites. But it's why I do it. Three days later, my phone rang. On April 3, 2018, Q Anon posted a message on the AltMedia message board 8chan, with an overhead photo of Epsteins Pedo Island, and an allusion to tunnels and rooms underneath the island of pure evil. The piano-tuning industry is quite small, and while the piano tuner has a somewhat common name, I was unable to find a second piano tuner with the same name. To support his account, Baron provided three phone numbers, one for Karen and two for Monique, that he used to call them in 2012. Despite challenges being present, there is a lot of headway being made in nanotechnology and I am so excited to see what can be done in the future! The available photos of the statues, by contrast, show distinctly avian heads. Water is a conductor. The solution might come in the form of programmable matter a material that takes on predetermined shapes and can change its configuration on demand. Hurricane Irma, which was a Category 5 storm when it made landfall on the island, is still the most powerful hurricane to ever hit the Atlantic region. Prosecutors say his 2016 purchase of . There is some evidence that the larger building and the smaller structure are related to one another. A simple stairwell would be a better option if someone wanted to conceal their activities at the location. Featuring Alleged Temple Lock Medieval-Style And Secret Elevator To Unspeakable Hell. This theory is based on three separate accounts. Baron described the structure as a "relatively small building" near the island's coast, far away from the other structures on the island. Andy Bracco "The most surreal experience was the final moments leading up to reaching the temple. "I wonder if it's a mausoleum with an Egyptian theme," one reader wrote. Workers told each other it was a music room fitted with a grand piano and acoustic walls. They also underscore how little is known about his life, including the source of his wealth, and how what is known doesn't quite add up. The travel influencer posted head-turning footage. Epstein's private island of Little Saint James features a massive network of underground tunnels and . In the early 2000s, Epstein organized lavish parties at his homes in Manhattan and Palm Beach where lots of socialites, celebrities, and politicians were in attendance. According to court filings, Epstein was accused of trafficking . Researchers believe that nanobots could soon deliver drugs to humans with a high degree of accuracy, according toNew Atlas. But the YouTube user said he visited the building in the "early 2000s," long before it appeared in satellite imagery of Little St. James. Indeed, all the temple's external archways were illusions, painted on the building's featureless, flat surface as a trompe l'oeil: In a second video, Shackleford's drone captured a portion of the building's interior, seen through one of the side windows. spacer, I am sure that someone with a technology background could give us more images that fit the profile. When I emailed Baron several photographs of the building, taken from different angles and elevations, he called me a few minutes later: "That is definitely the building. The island's southwestern corner features an unusual blue-and-white-striped building that resembles a temple or place of worship. It had a large glass door that faced "almost directly south." If you are like me, you look past it. "What makes it peculiar is that if you wanted to keep people out, the bar would be placed inside the building, [but the] locking bar appears to be placed on the outside as if it were intended to lock people in.". Original Link: I just re-uploaded the video and the problem with the screen is fixed. These programmed DNA strands have the capability to move around and find cancer cells (all in a controlled environment). A simple stairwell would be a better option if someone wanted to conceal their activities at the location.". Send an email to the author: Next up, Rudkowski explored a few of those underground structures, including one that appeared to house the island's generator. But, this photo gives a clearer picture of some of the less obvious symbols around the temple. Graphene is perfect for use with Quantum Physics. It is only one atom thick!!! We are currently in the second stage and are rapidly moving towards the third. Local laws make all land below the tide or bush lines public property, so Epstein could not legally kick people off those lands. And it is suspected that the most violent and horrific acts were being committed far from public view: Inside underground tunnels on Epstein's remote private island. Financier Jeffrey Epstein sexually abused girls as young as 12 on his private islands, the US Virgin Islands prosecutor has claimed. Jeffrey Epstein, the well-connected sex criminal who died by suicide in federal custody, owned a 70-acre private island in the US Virgin Islands known as Little St. James. Though the cubic base and dome call to mind Islamic architecture, Poseidon would likewise be an odd choice for a mosque. Andy Bracco The most surreal experience was the final moments leading up. Then she hung up. Quantum dots are being used for super high definition displays as they produce much more vibrant colors while saving more energy. I had other doubts too. Since he's been the owner of the 72-acre body of land, Epstein's ordered quite a bit of construction, per Bloomberg: He has carved roads, planted towering palm trees, and built a massive stone mansion, which is surrounded by smaller buildings and a helicopter pad. These two islands were not his only major holding in the area either, with Epstein also owning a 50 percent stake in America Yacht Harbor, a port that has slips for 123 yachts, sailboats and pleasure crafts as well as a strip mall of offices. As you can see in the clip below, the arched, medieval-looking "door" the one facing the island's interior is in fact painted to give the illusion of depth. An altar to an ancient deity. It wouldn't fit the first time they tried (it was 1200 lbs). He is one of the biggest proponents of the notion that nanobots will be streaming through our blood in the near future. The same photo compared the building's exterior to the striped flag of Greece and noted that "sex between adults and minors was common in ancient Greece.". It is unclear who the fresh towels are for. It wasnt until recently that I really learned thatat the nanoscale the physical and chemical properties of matter change. Fortunately, 8chan netizens took a screenshot of the Ray Chandler Instagram pic and some of the comments: The images are from surveillance camera footage of underground rooms. None of the available photos and videos that depict the golden statues is detailed enough to determine their identities, or if they even have one. That looks a lot like the CoronaVirus but made up of the Quartz system I am not a scientist so I dont know for certain how these shapes are used and how they can be interchanged. On an island in the sun:Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change and Jeff Berwick filmed some of the buildings on little St James, Jeffrey Epstein's Caribbean hideaway, Legends of the hidden temple: The mysterious structure that is believed to have house a home theater is still without its gold dome, FAKE:The video revealed that the wooden doors on the island's infamous temple are painted on and not real, Reflecting: Inone shot a man can be seen in the reflection of a window (above on left) walking just a few feet away from Rudkowski with what looks like a mop and some towels, Pedophile Island: The 71.5-acre island was purchased in 1998 for $7.95 million by Epstein, who built a massive compound, Caribbean getaway:Epstein was the owner of not one, but two islands in the Caribbean, having more than doubled his property holdings in January 2016 when he paid $18 million for Great St James, There is also a look at an office on the island, which has the manual for a charger and a little British flair in the form of a sign that reads: 'Keep Calm and Carry On.'. 14, revealing children Rudkowski explored a few of those underground structures, including one that appeared to house island. 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