% R+TCL+G `cE6Wpob2+\=BuN6V[jL`t{8 }+. Learn more atLearn more at Chicago.gov/COVIDVax. These files are based on quarterly reports submitted to the Treasury Department. This assistance may cover rent and security deposit. The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and are an important tool for ending the global pandemic. It provides up to $25,000 in emergency rental assistance to cover up to 12 months of past due rent and up to three months of future rent payments for tenants suffering a financial hardship related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The first round in May, the IHDA approved more than 62,000 applications and the department paid out more than $568 million. Applications are currently open. Requests are considered on a per-development basis, and separate applications must be made for each development. Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Commitment. Fridays By Appointment Only, NMLS #276722 Find if you qualify below and apply by October 29, 2021. Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP)Home Repair ProgramEmergency Heating Repair ProgramRenters' Rights CampaignSecurity Deposit Interest RateSmall Repairs for SeniorsHousing Counseling CentersFile a Housing Discrimination Complaint, An official website of the City of Chicago, Permit for Business ID and Advertising Signs, Vital Records from the Cook County Clerk's Office, AIC (Annual Inspection Certification) Inspections, Economic Disclosure, Affidavit, Online EDS, City Council Office of Financial Analysis, Community Commission for Public Safety & Accountability, Small Accessible Repairs for Seniors (SARFS), Building Neighborhoods and Affordable Homes Program, Chicago Neighborhood Rebuild Pilot Program, Feb 24, 2023 - Finalist of DOH Program Secures Permit to Convert Unused Building into Permanent Homeless Shelter, Jan 19, 2023 - The City of Chicago Issues $15 Million for Preservation of Senior Housing Building in East Rogers Park, Jan 18, 2023 - New $100 Million Project, 43 Green Phase II, to Bring eTOD to Bronzeville, Jan 18, 2023 - New Rehab Project Brings Affordable Housing Units to Chicagos Near South Side, Dec 14, 2022 - First Phase of Encuentro Square Would Bring 89 New Affordable Apartments to Western Terminus of the 606 Trail, 2019-23 Five-Year Housing Plan: One Chicago, 606-Pilsen Demolition Permit Surcharge Ordinance, Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Certification, Illinois Affordable Housing Tax Credits (Donations Tax Credit), Multi-Family Financial Assistance Applications, Neighborhood Lending Program Home Purchase and Purchase/Rehab, Additional Dwelling Units (ADU) Ordinance, Tax Increment Financing - Neighborhood Improvement Program (TIF - NIP), Emergency Relief for Affordable Multifamily Properties (ERAMP), Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance, What Landlords Should Know: COVID-19 Protection Ordinance (Expired), Know Your Rights: COVID 19 Eviction Protection Ordinance (Expired), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), Know Your Rights: Eviction and Lockout Resources, Know Your Rights: Residential Tenant Lockout, Operating shortfalls for up to three months, Added expenses related to infectious disease control and preventive cleaning, Organizational chart for eligible owner ownership structure (PDF), All recent compliance letters for City-funded affiliate developments (PDF). Copyright 2023 Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago, Inc. All rights reserved. Do you have a current or future obligation to pay rent, utilities, and/or other housing-related expenses? All Rights Reserved. The City of Chicago has received approximately $79.8 million to implement this program, approximately 75 percent of which will be distributed through the provider selected by this RFP. J.B. Pritzker's office. More than $443 million in emergency rental assistance has been paid on behalf of 49,100 state households through the Illinois Rental Payment Program, according to Gov. <>/Metadata 377 0 R/ViewerPreferences 378 0 R>> A checklist of preparations in multiple languages and a link to the online application is available on Cook County's website. rv?L\) // A separate Rental Assistance Program (RAP) from the Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) helps Chicagoans who have housing right now, but who may be at risk of becoming homeless due to a loss of income or another eligible emergency. online application is available on Cook County's website. The portal opens on December 6, 2021 and closes on January 9, 2022. Rental assistance is not a public-charge benefit. Click here to learn more. Applicants seekingERAMPassistance must completetheonline application, the online economic disclosure document(EDS), and sendthe followingattachments with the subject lineERAMPFunding Application_[Property Name] in a single submission to HousingAM@cityofchicago.org with clearly-described file names. The video in this story is from a previous report. Eligible tenants will also be able to apply to receive up to 18 months (15 past due, three future months) of utility payments. ERAP provides much needed assistance to renters and landlords who continue to face hardship from the pandemic, and we look forward to continuing to play a lead role in getting these critical resources to Chicago residents. All loans are offered through Neighborhood Lending Services, Inc. (NLS), a nonprofit Illinois Residential Mortgage licensee (#M00661) and an Equal Opportunity Housing lender. COOK COUNTY, Ill. (WLS) -- Another $75 million is being added to the Cook County Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance program as Illinois' eviction moratorium expires Sunday. ERAP will provide funding for cash assistance to landlords and tenants to cover rent for tenants who have been unable or will be unable to pay. The following is a list of application statuses and how you should proceed based on the application status: Please note: If you call All Chicago or the . *W70^15K!_rq+D'9}^ k A third round of Illinois rental assistance money for landlords and tenants will be available in December as COVID pandemic impacts persist. The money is earmarked for suburban Cook County residents who are at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability because of the pandemic. Vaccines protect you and the people around you, reducing the spread of COVID-19. Payments are made directly to the landlord on behalf of the tenant, but only if the landlord does not pursue eviction. All Rights Reserved. 4 0 obj Contact an IDHS provider serving your community to learn more. 3 0 obj Vaccines protect you and the people around you, reducing the spread of COVID-19. The Preservation Compact worked in partnership with the State, Cook County, and City of Chicago to create this webpage. Applicants seeking ERAMP assistance must complete the online application, the online economic disclosure document (EDS), and send the following attachments with the subject line "ERAMP Funding Application_ [Property Name]" in a single submission to HousingAM@cityofchicago.org with clearly-described file names. Download our checklist to help you prepare to apply: Download the Renter checklist PDF to find out if you qualify and what documents youll need in order to be ready to apply. You have until Oct. 29 to complete the application. P.O. %PDF-1.7 You have until Oct. 29 to complete the application . COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program . If you are qualified for all four of those criteria, you may be eligible for up to 18 months of assistance. OTDA is currently reviewing and processing eligible ERAP applications submitted through November 30, 2022. The program is currently accepting applications. You can also call the Homelessness Prevention Call Center: Dial 3-1-1 or 312-744-5000 and ask for Short-Term Help. Please enter the information below as it was entered in the application. <> \nYD+BnmQAjGyV) H lhVh6 @?AQJcCW+J :#HU h Vaccines protect you and the people around you, reducing the spread of COVID-19. The City's ERAP program is now closed. % To date, the City of Chicago has provided over $110 million in direct financial assistance and legal services to impacted Chicagoans since the onset of the pandemic, city officials said. Monday - Friday 8:00am - 8:00pm, Saturday - Sunday 8:00am - 5:00pm. Territories, local governments, and Indian tribes. Oak Lawn police officer charged after teen's violent arrest, ABC7 Chicago says farewell to Meteorologist Phil Schwarz, Kitchen Possible empowers kids in Chicago. Proof of citizenship is not required and the grant does not have to be repaid. Copyright 2023 WLS-TV. Tenants and landlords can apply directly online at Chicago.gov/RentHelp beginning on Monday, May 24. Catholic Charities, 2601West Marquette Road, Chicago IL 60629, 312-655-7700. ), IDHS Statewide Emergency Rental Assistance Program. sepreocupaporinestabilidadensuhogarporqueno hapodidopagarlarenta: Below are two detailed files with information about ERAP awards, including anonymized demographic and geographic information. The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and are an important tool for ending the global pandemic. endobj Check the Emergency Rental Assistance Status The Emergency Rental Assistance program makes available federal assistance for households that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To apply online, please visit dhs.dc.gov/ERAPApp. If you have experienced financial hardship during the pandemic and need assistance to pay your rent and/or utility bills, you may be eligible for Cook County Emergency Rental Assistance. Monday Thursday 9:30am 4pm stream Chicago.gov/eviction or (312) 742-7368. The City of Chicago has received approximately $79.8 million to implement this program, approximately 75 percent of which will be distributed through the provider selected by this RFP. Reach out to our help center at (833) 221-9821. The Cook County Emergency Rental Assistance program has added $75 million more in funding to help suburban residents who fit these needs. To date, through ERAP funds the City has assisted over 8,600 households with rent and utility payments, with an average rental assistance of $8,900 and average utility assistance of $800 per applicant. This portal services the Emergency Rental Assistance Program and its affiliated programs. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> If you previously submitted an application, the All Chicago Rent Relief site will remain open so you can check the status of your application. endobj The Emergency Rental Assistance programs below are currently open! DOH has received a total of 54,415 applications: 15,431 matched applications with both tenant and landlord portions, 21,947 applications with only a tenant portion, 17,037 applications with only a landlord portion. Additional requirements and expectations are listed in the RFP, and a list of Frequently Asked Questions is also available for review. Oak Lawn police officer charged after teen's violent arrest, ABC7 Chicago says farewell to Meteorologist Phil Schwarz, Kitchen Possible empowers kids in Chicago. Heartland Human Care Services, 4419 North Ravenswood Avenue, Chicago IL 60640, 312-660-1300. The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is an economic relief program developed to help eligible households residing in their primary residence in New York State request assistance for rental and utility arrears accumulated during the COVID-19 crisis. Key scope of work items for the RFP include: A video of the pre-submission meeting is posted below. Cook County Government. stream s&%:IR&n2),/p,? The program was launched in May 2021. Updated November 22, 2021 3 Number of People in Household 50% Area Median Income (Preference) 80% Area Median Income (Eligibility) 1 $32,600 $52,200 2 $37,300 $59,650 3 $41,950 $67,100 4 $46,600 $74,550 5 $50,350 $80,550 6 $54,100 $86,500 o The household experienced a financial hardship, including a loss of income or All Rights Reserved. x&18&43(=+-Hp1GPXP X}%$O=/v6u[}{V^cXWnAD2=jeiEX%c(2lir&L0&P6J=A(u8;I3kS^r3-C :810I`ZSYs_$SZ@kWi9 s_bnf_/~u=)qlCO0)i&98%meXK]u90)qeE]kLH-O=o3s7EOt_qVbgXj93rw>"" You can also contact the IHDA IRPP call center with questions at 866-454-3571 or questions.ilrpp@ihda.org. =HTp;GW64i3A#7Bq%#HC]->YmS6f,Y_~REFR]( \\*E+WDFtgn$[2GP>Up&7U`^Wa.VA2} 26fMN|vU$V` Visit the IRPP application status website and enter your Application ID and zip code to check the status of your application. It is also critical that 65 percent of the funds be distributed by Sept. 30, 2021, or the City risks losing funds to other jurisdictions under federal law. How do I apply? 2 0 obj Recipients of ERAMP funds must execute a written agreement specifying the eligible owner will forego the right to pursue legal action or adverse credit reportingfornon-payment of rent and the collection of any fees associated with late payments without the prior written approval of DOH. New York State ERAP applications are no longer being accepted. VA Assistance to Help Avoid Eviction or (877) 424-3838. x\o8VD%!Iv7>ml,"q$[TvaG~3|$o^\df]y]|\_.Mf\!D>CE~"g/x}w~vqK @O|yc8q8egq8|Gct4/Q1?g%m$~yA*I>`~8E'.dyj$E,EqB?R.j5xC)e);NA4NR 8GP bEY+1E6b3F"6TWOEFPNb(98)_yPD&G ;?&L2 2r hx zjKHs_JJFG_ey(>?f^:Ko`iY#B$$f 4 0 obj 1 0 obj The Department of Housing (DOH) has established a relief program to provide short-term operating support to multi-family affordable housing providers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the related economic downturn. The CBRA Program is managed by the Illinois Housing Development Authority. If you do not qualify for this program or you are looking for other forms of assistance, below are links to other programs for COVID-19 financial assistance: Check out the impact of our Emergency Rental Assistance program so far. A separate Rental Assistance Program (RAP) from the Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) helps Chicagoans who have housing right now, but who may be at risk of becoming homeless due to a loss of income or another eligible emergency. 5h k A9+x-0H|*Gh{m8Bxlh+kDjzskSrVDc/O,$r |L h8rfw0u0gZ/8~ (s~p&UqPgB%k~y=N4D MQ2.P#g*|:gMQh(f:5Y07UWuR2eQ9Cg t7SEZQ,(Y oeWz0}`nu7dU`5:[1ipoSQ'kGJBTkG"A;j ) /6OZ31E3?C@qOPN1zA>0q;>HKG2 a2 V$}K"$sBTeRADW@eg`'+Y 2R[@> !7zc|R#A:N:P`W0,HP However, this application round is only for tenants and landlords who did not receive funding in 2021. Your generous support enables us to continue to make tremendous strides in advocating for working families while strengthening and stabilizing neighborhoods. "While the eviction moratorium is set to expire, we encourage landlords to consider alternatives and consider these funds as a bridge to resolution," Preckwinkle said. The City of Chicago prioritized households earning 50% of the area median income ($46,600 for a family of four) and below. The ERAMP program includes both grants and no-interest, deferred payment loans of up to $75,000 per property, based on need. It does not matter who applies first. Pre-Submission Meeting: March 24, 2021 | Video. Please review from the list below to locate your closest Assisting Agency location. It is critical that DOH be able to process applications and disburse these funds as quickly as possible in order to provide relief for tenants and landlords and stabilize the housing crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information and to find out if you qualify, visit illinoishousinghelp.org. The Resurrection Project is proud to partner with the City of . City of Chicago Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP): <> The Resurrection Project is proud to partner with the City of Chicago and our subgrantee organizations on this important initiative. Throughout the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, all applications are completed online or by phone. x\YsF~WsryKb6Q*N "Q! 0Hd7uOou~jM]'Iyv%EReq>eI-aoc\^(,J1l]^/V\^{_^_R}.U~+5 YXHH#8EkHsq.0El^{^9KRv 3%-KM"l"&Hpyd)"q=,AEWbav4.\]CzDFXZ}UkJha1O Kq fw}Z,8?j" .cYXT5'r9@Pm ~bgzP2QrzPE)B`r+r~Q>ba~2kdhlN?A:T7@l. The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) runs the program. The funds are provided directly to States, U.S. All Rights Reserved, Leadership Development and Civic Engagement, Have experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship during or due, directly or indirectly, to the COVID-19 pandemic, Have earned less than the maximum household income listed below during 2020 or at the time of application. Mayor Lori Lightfoot's office is reminding residents that the application portal will close at 11:50 p.m. Saturday. The Emergency Rental Assistance programs below are currently open! Do you have questions? Step 1: Prepare to Apply Download our checklist to help you prepare to apply: Step 2: Fill Out the Online Application Applications are currently open. Managed by the Illinois Housing development Authority Chicago IL 60629, 312-655-7700 applications and the people around you reducing. Out if you are qualified for all four of those criteria, you May be eligible for up to 75,000... Compact worked in partnership with the State, Cook County residents who fit these needs 6 2021! Close at 11:50 p.m. Saturday - ERAP portal check application Status Member this. With the City of are no longer being accepted ERAP Program is managed by the Illinois development. Services of erap application status chicago, Inc. all rights reserved household members the people around you, reducing spread! 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