While the state is currently solidly Republican, Mr. Seddon and Ms. Gore believed it was in danger of turning toward the Democrats, as Colorado has. And, you know, I'm not sure when the relationship started. GOLDMAN: Well, I think it was - our latest story revealed, you know, at least one person who had been working for the Democrats thought that Sofia likely might have gotten some damaging information about Democratic efforts to help, you know, moderate Republicans. And last year, I learned that Beau and Sofia had been working out of this house in Georgetown. DAVIES: Right. I have a Wyoming drivers license, I am a Wyoming resident, and exploration is underway, Prince said of his potential Senate bid. They were, in fact, going to use a former Project Veritas operative named Tarah Price, who lives in the Dallas area, to, you know, possibly ensnare McMaster at a restaurant, get him to say something ill toward or maybe negative about Trump, something that would compromise him. He was dismayed, three former Project Veritas employees told the Times, with "O'Keefe's desire to produce quick media content rather than to run long-term infiltration operations." Private property rights are a major cornerstone to how Wyoming operates, but so is prioritizing a rural, quiet lifestyle - ultimately, the former won out in Sublette County. Mr. Seddon directed an undercover operative to secretly tape the unions local leaders and try to gather information that could be made public to damage the organization, documents show. We still don't know everything about it, and we're trying to learn more about exactly who was behind this and if money was paid and so on. Prince a former C.I.A. You know, there seemed to be - what it showed was, you know, Prince is well-traveled and is always looking for business opportunities. I believed that to be true at the time that I signed my declaration, Prince wrote, but I have since come to learn that I was mistaken.. Mr. Seddon was not. And her picture wasn't her name GOLDMAN: It was a fake name, Maria. And we're speaking with New York Times reporter Adam Goldman. Where we're not - what we hadn't really seen was an actual British spy, somebody trained in clandestine activities, launching a secret operation using undercovers with false - basically false cover stories to infiltrate political circles, gather information and collect it for whatever purpose, I guess, because ultimately, as our story says, this appeared to be a paper play. At the time I signed my [September] declaration I believed Jones Creek and CMNS to be Wyoming entities, but I have subsequently learned they are not; I believe they are Delaware entities, Prince wrote in the document, which he signed from California. One of the former spies, an ex-MI6 officer named Richard Seddon, helped run a 2017 operation to copy files and record conversations in a Michigan office of the American Federation of Teachers, one of the largest teachers unions in the nation. DAVIES: Wow. }else{ So while Times staff members may vote, they are not allowed to endorse or campaign for candidates or political causes. (Last week, Trump pardoned the four Blackwater guards who were convicted of crimes in connection with the killings in Baghdad.). And Beau's mom is the ranch cook at the Erik Prince family's ranch near Cody, Wyo. In 2010, Mr. O Keefe and three others pleaded guilty to a federal misdemeanor after admitting they entered a government building in New Orleans under false pretenses as part of a sting. Mr. Princes role in the effort, which has not been previously disclosed, sheds further light on how a group of ultraconservative Republicans employed spycraft to try to manipulate the American political landscape. And, you know, there were a whole range of people they went after. Mr. Halderman was copied on several messages providing updates about the Michigan operation, and in one message, he gave instructions to Ms. Jorge. I'm not sure that just because he's a conservative, this is something he wanted to help. He was leading training. I'm Dave Davies, in for Terry Gross, who's off this week. Over two years, Mr. Seddons undercover operatives also developed networks in Colorado and Arizona, and made thousands of dollars in campaign donations posing as Democrats, both to the Democratic National Committee and individual campaigns. But if the case was transferred to New York, that states laws could apply. And, you know, Seddon then reached out to, you know, a family - an old friend who had worked at the FBI. Is that what these interviews were about? - not quick-hit videos or, you know, shorter-term operations, which I think people say Mr. O'Keefe wanted to do. By Derek Royden - July 2, 2021 2466 SOURCE NationofChange There's a long backstory there. They were critical of Donald Trump and his agenda. 1-307-754-2221. They - you know, there's a wide range of targets, and many of them have been exposed. In a YouTube video, Mr. OKeefe described the lawsuit as frivolous and pointed to a portion of the deposition in which David Hecker, the president of AFT Michigan, said that one of the goals of the lawsuit was to stop Project Veritas from doing the kind of work that it does., Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, said in a statement: Lets be clear who the wrongdoer is here: Project Veritas used a fake intern to lie her way into our Michigan office, to steal documents and to spy and they got caught. A man named Samuel Chamberlain who matched the description of the one employed by Mr. OKeefe denied he worked for Project Veritas. And we actually - I, you know, I - Mark and I reached out to our - one of great political reporters, Jonathan Martin, and asked him, you know. zoneId = 'Array'; Prince had hired a former MI6 officer to help train the Project Veritas operatives, The Intercept wrote, but it did not identify the officer. The Intercept, however, wants the complaint dismissed. DAVIES: When Richard Seddon and Erik Prince got connected with Veritas and cooperated on some of these operations, what was the effect on Veritas? document.write (document.charset ? Prince said he regularly host[s] customers, investors, employees and other business associates at my Wyoming ranch.. So what I'm saying is from Richard Seddon's standpoint, the fact that she had a picture up on Project Veritas Exposed, that was a real risk they were taking, right? But then they got reversed stung by the Post, which was quite a moment. GOLDMAN: Yeah. Reaching out to several intelligence veterans and occasionally using Mr. Seddon to make the pitch Mr. And this is FRESH AIR. #Veritas pic.twitter.com/4IFvjKurGK, In the pending defamation case, Princes attorneys have cited that reporting as evidence The Intercept knew Prince did his business from Wyoming, going as far as to allege the articles unstated focus was on Princes reputation and livelihood in Wyoming., The Intercept attorneys, however, pointed to past statements from Prince and records indicating he lives in Virginia. Set some context for us here. GOLDMAN: I was going to say, you know, talking to Republicans, moderate Republicans, I mean, moderate - these guys are pretty conservative, by the way - when we're describing it as moderate Republicans they were targeting. Prince and Mr. Seddon met in August 2018 with Susan Gore, a Wyoming heiress to the Gore-Tex fortune, Ms. Gore became the projects main benefactor. Fast-forward to 2007, and Erik Prince was living in McLean, Virginia, and spending time on his Middleburg property, Blackwater Ranch, designed as a family retreat just as his parent's home in Cody had been originally. Mr. Seddon used other former Project Veritas employees to help with the Wyoming operation, including James Artherton, a British operative code-named kimchi who was involved in a Project Veritas plan targeting an editor for The New York Times in London in 2017. A local farmer was utilizing the land to grow corn and soybean crops, but the potential for the ranch was far from being realized. GOLDMAN: Yeah. (SOUNDBITE OF FRANK ZAPPA'S "EAT THAT QUESTION"). I know that, you know, one of the first instances of his association with this - or maybe the first instance of his association - was in an Intercept article in which O'Keefe had posted a picture of himself firing a pistol with a silencer on Instagram. They went after a Democratic staffer in Washington. The Powell Tribune was unable to learn Princes voter history from 2002 and 2017. What did they show? So while Times staff members may vote, they are not allowed to endorse or campaign for candidates or political causes. Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Thomas were on the list. WASHINGTON During the summer of 2018, as Richard Seddon, a former British spy, was trying to launch a new venture to use undercover agents to infiltrate progressive groups, Democratic campaigns and other opponents of President Donald J. Trump, he turned for help to a longtime friend and former colleague: Erik Prince, the private military contractor. "He is not registered in Park County or [Wyoming] presently, unless he is not going by Erik Dean Prince and has changed his name," Park County Elections Deputy Pat Cole said in a Sept. 17 email; he said Prince hadn't voted in Wyoming since 2000. But (laughter) this seemed to be the training out in Wyoming. On Sept. 30, Prince personally visited the Park County Elections Office, registered and cast a general election ballot, according to the clerks office. Friday crash claims lives of Powell sisters, Powell resident now leads open lands organization, Authorities say they caught Cody man selling meth, Game and Fish plan set for aquatic invasive species threat, 128 South Bent StreetPowell, WY 82435 The former Navy SEAL gained fame for the supporting role his Blackwater firm played in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the security contractor became infamous when its employees killed 14 Iraqi civilians and wounded 17 others in Baghdad in 2007. And, of course, this was really weird because they work for Project Veritas. DAVIES: Let's talk about some of the people who are behind this. The emails refer to other operations, including weekly case updates, along with training activities that involved operational targeting. Project Veritas redacted specifics about those operations from the messages. Beau picks up - starts working this marijuana legalization angle to try to make contacts with people - elected officials who are, in fact, pushing this bill to legalize marijuana. And they were doing this - it appears that they were doing this from the house where Beau and Sofia lived with others. The Defense Department didn't go for it. He gave the examples of Jones Creek and CMNS Systems. However, neither of those entities appear to be registered to do business in Wyoming; the only reference the Tribune could find to a company named CMNS Systems was an LLC formed in Delaware in August months after Prince filed his suit. And GOLDMAN: Involving Roy Moore - exactly. Erik Prince, a Park County resident and founder of the controversial private military firm Blackwater, is suing a national news organization in federal court in Wyoming after it published an. You know, she attended that. I mean, he - it seems that - it's our understanding that Prince introduced Seddon to Project Veritas. What does that tell us about Erik Prince? No one tells Project Veritas who or what to investigate, he said. So Erik Prince, the private security contractor who is an ally and avid supporter of President Trump, connects with Project Veritas, who does these videos, and then they develop this whole different operation. The job put her in a position to gain valuable information about which Republican candidates the group was supporting with independent advertising. GOLDMAN: I think - yeah, I think the latest is - you know, he's worked - his latest adventure is in Libya. Presiding Judge Johnson, who is based in Cheyenne, has himself signaled some uncertainty about whether Wyoming is the right place for Princes case to be heard; in early November, Johnson asked the parties to submit additional briefs on either transferring the case to another district or delving further into the issues related to jurisdiction. Ms. Jorge was eventually exposed and kicked out of the campaign office. The website for Mr. OKeefes coming wedding listed Donald Trump Jr. as an invited guest. Last year, the group received a $1 million contribution made through the law firm Alston & Bird, a financial document obtained by The New York Times showed. DAVIES: Adam Goldman, thank you so much for speaking with us. DAVIES: Coming up, rock critic Ken Tucker reviews new songs by veteran artist Tom Jones, Jackson Browne and John Mayer. Amid his globe-trotting, however, Prince says he does most of his work from Wyoming and calls Park County home. DAVIES: We need to take a break here. What were they trying to get? The whole thing was completely - was really weird. But "one of the most brazen operations of the campaign" was an attempt to take down H.R. Mr. Seddon launched his privately funded spying effort after leaving Project Veritas in 2018. They were certainly using attractive women to lure people out on dates. Female undercover operatives tried to entrap FBI agents, sometimes using fake dating app profiles, and State Department employees, the Times reports. - and, you know, that probably in terms of, you know, Iran - not pulling out of the agreement with Iran, the JCPOA, and, you know, McMaster, you know, wanting to keep, I guess, troops in Afghanistan. Comments ( 40) Last week, the New York Times reported that Erik Prince is considering running to represent Wyoming in the United States Senate. if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); To win his case, Prince will ultimately have to show the story was false and he may also have to prove the publication knew the story was false or showed a reckless disregard as to whether it was accurate. Accuracy and availability may vary. That includes a pair of donations he made in March and October, in which he apparently listed his address as a post office box in Middleburg, Virginia. The companys principal office is listed as being at the Prince familys ranch in Wapiti, though the mailing address is a property in Virginia. Princes parents, Elsa Prince and the late Edgar Prince, bought the 940-acre Double E Ranch in the Wapiti Valley in the early 1990s. Funneling money surreptitiously to campaigns through other donors known as straw man donations would violate federal campaign finance laws. And then on a parallel but different track, you know, Sofia is trying to make her way through the Young Democrats of Wyoming, the Wyoming Democratic Party, you know, building her bona fides as an eager, young Democrat. In more recent years, Prince has remained a mover and shaker and a controversial figure on the international stage. You know, Princes are pretty savvy. GOLDMAN: Yeah, and the Justice Department prosecuted a number of individuals. But before the parties get to the lawsuits merits, The Intercept is contending, among other arguments, that Wyoming is not the right place for the case to be heard. You know, we had - we talked to many, many people who worked there, and, you know, they described Seddon as wanting to do more long-term operations - right? I don't know. document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); Project Veritas has said its activities are legal and protected by the First Amendment, and the case is scheduled to go to trial in the fall. Prince, a contractor close to the Trump administration, contacted veteran spies for operations by Project Veritas, the conservative group known for conducting stings on news organizations and other groups. And they will attend their rival's news conferences, public events and gather information. That same day Oct. 9, 2017 Prince obtained a Wyomings drivers license, which he touted in another interview with Breitbart a few days later. He did not respond to follow-up phone messages or an email. For example, a 2017 meeting he attended with a crown prince of the United Arab Emirates and an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin became a part of the impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, whom he has served as informal adviser. That's a strawman campaign donation. zoneId = '3'; So while Times staff members may vote, they are not allowed to endorse or campaign for candidates or political causes. DAVIES: He was at a meeting in the Seychelles, the islands in the Indian Ocean, January of 2017. Emails sent to Mr. Seddon went unanswered. Beyond involving a different pool of jurors and a different judge, Prince may have a better chance of learning the identity of The Intercepts sources if the case stays in Wyoming, where there is no specific shield law protecting the confidentiality of reporters sources. It's a conservative organization. The financial document also listed the names of others who gave much smaller amounts to Project Veritas last year. As the founder of Blackwater USA, now Academi, a private military company, Prince headed the organization. Attorneys for the outlet say The Intercept has no particular connection to the state and Princes ties are uncertain. He said that he did not think so. Park County records show he also skipped Augusts primary election, but Prince said he had intended to vote in Wyoming this year. Prince said he learned he wasnt registered when I went to cast my early vote for the general election in late September. GOLDMAN: Yeah. Did you receive the spare camera yet?. ADAM GOLDMAN: They went there after making sizable donations to the DNC, the Democratic National Committee - $10,000 each - at the request of a Colorado businessman who was a - he's a fundraiser for the Democrats and basically said, if you make this donation, you can come and hang out in Las Vegas. Mr. The authoritative record of NPRs programming is the audio record. DAVIES: That's a really fascinating example of the power of, you know, database reporting now because you knew they were doing the thing in Georgetown, but their campaign contributions in Wyoming have to be publicly reported. New details reveal the ambitions of an operation intended to infiltrate opponents of Donald Trump, including moderate Republicans as well as progressives and Democrats. A former British spy and Republican mega-donor Erik Prince, a founder of the private military contractor Blackwater (now rebranded as "Academi) and brother to former U.S. Education Secretary. Prince a former C.I.A. He said that numerous sources were coming to the group providing confidential documents, insights into internal processes and wearing hidden cameras to expose corruption and misconduct.. Mr. Seddon and Ms. Gore did not respond to messages. She went to meetings. When a muckraking news site published a story alleging private security contractor and Blackwater founder Erik Prince had offered his services to a Russian mercenary firm, the connections to Wyoming were not obvious; the state was never mentioned in the piece. The Trump Foundation gave $20,000 to Project Veritas in 2015, the year that Mr. Trump began his bid for the presidency. Remind us who he is. WASHINGTON Erik Prince, the security contractor with close ties to the Trump administration, has in recent years helped recruit former American and British spies for secretive. Mr. Of course, everybody's familiar with Watergate, right? And as we quoted an expert in our story, you know, if there's a sudden pattern of somebody giving money to the Democrats and they had never done that before, you know, that could also raise suspicions. GOLDMAN: To my understanding, there was a disagreement in how Project Veritas should be run. It seems like the Democrats have figured out this party switch deal to their advantage, Mr. Friess wrote in an email obtained by Wyofile, a political news site in Wyoming. var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'? And then Mark Mazzetti, you know, my colleague, who just is an extraordinary journalist, we - you know, we managed to suss out what was going - we think - to a great degree what was going on in Wyoming and these other states. Prince declined to comment. Prince turned to Mr. Seddon to help train the Project Veritas operatives. Mr. (Photo: Gerry Broome/AP) MIDDLEBURG, Va. A cheery fire warmed the glass-walled conservatory of the Goodstone Inn in Virginia's. At the center of the scheme was an unusual cast: a former British spy connected to the security contractor Erik Prince, a wealthy heiress to the Gore-Tex fortune and undercover operatives like. DAVIES: Right. Erik Prince, the founder of controversial private military firm Blackwater and a supporter of former President Donald Trump, jumped into the COVID-19 business late last year with a deal to . They'd been recruited and trained in an operation led by a former British spy and security contractor Erik Prince, an avid supporter of Donald Trump. And, you know, we wrote the story about the operation targeting McMaster and Georgetown. I have always understood him to be a resident of Northern Virginia, the lead writer of The Intercepts April story, Matthew Cole, wrote in a declaration. And then, you know, they both end up giving to the DNC. The Intercept, however, has stood behind its reporting and has described the suit as an improper attempt to learn the identity of its sources. And it's a fascinating story. And I think the end goal was make a video and, if necessary, try to get the White House to fire McMaster. A spokesman for the firm said that Alston & Bird has never contributed to Project Veritas on its own behalf, nor is it a client of ours. The spokesman declined to say on whose behalf the contribution was made. 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