If you want to prevent the burnt smell from taking up residence in your mane again, you should cut out all processing colors, highlights, perms, relaxers, or bleaching sessions for a month or two to give your hair a break. Every time I shower, my hair smells like a wet dog, no matter what products I used. "My tips for repairing hair are to treat hair weekly to a heavy duty mask in shower, take a break from heat tools, try to go as long as you can between washes to allow natural oils to produce, and always protect ends of hair with a moisturizer/serum/oil," says Kusero. Going forward youll want to mitigate (or eliminate) the use of heated styling tools and use gentle hair care products to preserve your damaged hair strands. According to board-certified dermatologist Dr. Nazanin Saedi, "A bleach burn is a chemical burn on your scalp caused by hair bleach. ", "All the different ideas and showing exactly what to do helped. It is highly recommended to use heat protection on your hair before you start curling (or straightening or blow-drying) your hair. Make sure you dont overdo it, as baking soda can be slightly drying, and always follow up with conditioner.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'hairspies_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hairspies_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Essential oils like lavender, tea tree, rosemary, and lemongrass can be great at removing and masking odors. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. There are other ways you can damage your hair, so I recommend you read them below: 1. A stubborn burnt hair smell doesnt stand a chance against the right remedy. The smell of burnt hair is unlike any other. While this is bad news, there are things that you can do to prevent further damage. A word to the wise, however: Alittle goes a long way. When hair is heated to the point of burning, the proteins in the hair break down and release molecules into the air that have a distinct popcorn-like smell. ACV is acidic and wont strip or damage your hair like baking soda one of the most common recommendations we see to get rid of the burnt hair smell. Your hair is mostly made of a protein called keratin (about 90%), but it also contains a good amount of sulfur (about 5.2%). Aloe vera is not only a fantastic odor-neutralizer, but it also helps repair heat damage. It can be sprayed on wet or dry hair," she says. This makes it a great way to get rid of your burnt hair smell. Let the offensively odorous memory inspire you to protect your hair from damage as much as possible and take steps to be gentle with your hair care in the future! Moreover, if you run a hot iron along a particular section of hair repeatedly, you risk burning the outer layer of your hair. The burning hair smell is a sure sign of physical damage to your hair strands and you have to address the root cause. It is characterized by softness, Light weight and Natural, Can be Bleached and Dyed Hair Features : 100% Handmade ,100% Human Hair Permanent Loc Extensions,0.2cm thickness, Natural, Adequate Quality,And they can also be washed normally.Suitable for men, women and . She suggests looking for similar products, that are effective "on hair suffering extreme damage due to chemical processes, coloring + bleaching services, or on weak, brittle hair." Mix the shampoo bottle well and wash your hair as you normally would. Its very important to choose essential oils that are pure and safe to use on the skin. Massage and lather a little more to get the best results with these mild shampoos! | The Real Cause & Solutions, Written by: Author Debra Carpenter |Reviewed by: Editorial Team. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. What you CAN do to at least help the rest of your hair survive is to do deep conditioning treatments and don't wash it every day. Crying and struggling, I had no clue where to start. Why does my hair smell burnt?! If you're experiencing the smell of burnt hair, there are a few things you can do to remove the scent. Chemical damage to your strands can result in the tell-tale burned hair smell. That also means damaged hair. Read more about Allyson here. Massage the mixture into your scalp and leave it in as a mask for your hair. It smells bad. If your hair smells burnt when wet, a DIY solution may be to add a teaspoon of baking soda to your shampoo. ", "Love the information, grateful for the step-by-step methods.". Rinse the paste off in the shower and then shampoo and condition as normal. This can also create the burning hair smell as your hair becomes damaged and scorched on the outside. "Whats different is that not only could we demonstrate the results at the salon, we could demonstrate it through the highly rigorous clinical testing to show that, when used as a system, it protects from breakage, softens hair by 11x, seals 88% of split ends and even protects from 450F degree heat," Kusero adds. Its probably due to one of the following reasons: Over-processing with chemicals, excessive and unprotected heat styling, or a combination of both types of damage can both produce the smell of burnt hair. Approved. After visiting numerous other salons, doing hours and hours of research on the internet, and consulting staff members at places like Ulta and Sephora, I came up with the regimen that would ultimately get my hair back into shape. Thats because the source of the odor isnt the act of heating and burning your hair its the damage done to your hair when you doanythingthat breaks down those sulfur-containing protein bonds. By Rachel Dillin / June 23, 2021 11:55 pm EST. If youve experienced burnt hair once and never want to again, you can follow these pro tips to help prevent burnt hair smells forever more. Alternatively, you can dilute a few drops of essential oil with a carrier oil (such as almond oil, coconut oil, or olive oil) and apply the mixture to your hair and scalp with your fingers. those that can be applied topically) can do a world of good for damaged hair. In case youre new to essential oils, its crucial to note that you must dilute essential oils! One of the most potent burnt hair smell fixers, baking soda can be applied to your hair before you shower to help deodorize your locks. that adjusts heat to avoid burning or overheating your hair. If youre concerned that youll just be trading the burnt hair smell for the equally-offensive smell of vinegar, dont worry. If youre regularly hitting your hair with the one-two punch of harsh chemicals and infernally hot hair tools, its only a matter of time before you cause enough damage to make your hair release smelly sulfur. It couldnt be easier to use essential oils to get rid of the burnt hair smell. Aloe vera is a great odor-neutralizer that also starts repairing heat damage. When you notice hair smells burnt after curling or straightening, then you have affected the other layers as well. Unfortunately, your only option is to cut off some of the hair. Why does my hair smell burnt and why is the smell lingering? Simply put, if your hair needs help, this is your answer. If you only slightly charred the exterior layer of the hair, then the smell should go away in a day or two.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'hairspies_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hairspies_com-banner-1-0'); However, if the heat has penetrated the innermost layers of the hair and damaged the cuticle and medulla, then there is a chance the smell wont go away at all or until you cut off most of the burnt hair. Add five tablespoons of olive oil and three drops of rosemary essential oil for fragrance (the essential oil is optional). Now it's time to apply the aloe vera juice to your hair. Additionally, using a hair straightener on dirty hair can also contribute to a burnt hair smell bad. Mix together one tablespoon of a protein-enriching shampoo, 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of extra virgin olive oil, and 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of a moisturizing conditioner. To get rid of the burnt hair smell in your hair, try an apple cider vinegar (ACV) and shampoo cleanse. Sulfur is the compound responsible for nasty smells like rotten eggs or treated natural gas. To try this odor-banishing remedy, purchase pure aloe vera gel or pick up an aloe vera leaf from a local plant nursery. Yan and K&S Salon has collaborated with leading fashion magazines and celebrities such as Marie Clair USA, Lucy Magazine, and Resident Magazine. The burnt hair smell is caused by the use of heated hair styling tools like hot irons, tongs, wands, straighteners, blow dryers, and hair steamers. After you have saturated your hair with the mixture, wrap it in a towel. If your hair smells burnt, maybe it just needs a drink! If you start out with very healthy, undamaged hair, it may take months or years of aggressive heat styling or chemical treatments to result in enough damage to cause the burnt hair smell. So can back-to-back processing (like following a perm with a color, or bleaching twice in a row) and processing already-damaged hair. Alternate between using this shampoo and your other high-quality shampoo. And since its Aveda, it smells amazing. Since the filter prevents dust, hair, pet hair and other dirt from entering the engine block, when it becomes too salty, he can no longer fulfill his . Apply the aloe vera juice to your hair. If you've suffered the same sort of experience, don't fret. Cut the aloe vera leaf to expose the gel inside. Emily is a longtime makeup and skincare enthusiast with a passion for all things natural and organic. Ensure that every strand is coated with the mixture. Preventing a burnt hair smell is much easier than trying to remove an offensive odor from your hair. When your hair is damaged, it's more likely to heat up faster and retain that heat. But you can try to minimize the damage by using heat protectants, masks, and low settings. I was so addicted to this masks dramatic results that about once a week, I would use it on dry hair as an overnight treatmentsimply unbraiding and washing per usual in the morning. All you need to do is to take a few tablespoons of coconut oil and apply some heat to it until it turns liquid. This is due to the hot tool drying your hair extremely fast, causing the water in your hair to expand and explode, damaging your hair from the inside out. You can select oils like lavender, citrus, or eucalyptus to deodorize your locks and leave your hair smelling fantastic. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. I recommend this foranyonewho frequently styles with heat or gets regular color). It probably isnt a good thing to use on hair that is already damaged to the point of smelling burnt. Using shampoos containing parabens and wax-like ingredients-These shampoos are hard on the skin and the scalp, which can lead to increased oil production and a less-than-fresh scent.Using hair products with alcohol in them-Products containing high levels of alcohol will dry out your locks over time, leading to intense smells like burning rubber or . Mix different oils to create a truly personalized scent that youll love using. We respect your privacy. If youre just not about that air dry life, you need to make some changes to your hot tool lineup. After about ten minutes, my head starts getting really hot. Just remember to always dilute tea tree oil into a carrier oil or a conditioner before adding it to your hair to prevent the oil from being too strong. When your hair dryer smells burnt or smells bad, the majority of the time the problem comes from the all filter brewing methods.. Read on to learn about some helpful remedies to mask the odor and make your hair smell delightful. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. ", Unlock expert answers by supporting wikiHow, http://getgoodhead.com/finding-the-best-shampoo/, https://www.truthinaging.com/review/sulfate-free-salon-quality-shampoo-from-costco, http://www.joico.com/products/moisture-recovery-conditioner/, http://naturalbeautytips.co/how-to-repair-damaged-hair-at-home/, http://www.thefitindian.com/6-best-natural-homemade-hair-masks-for-dull-and-damaged-hair/, http://www.diynatural.com/at-home-hair-treatments/, http://www.besthealthmag.ca/best-looks/hair/how-to-fix-damaged-hair/, http://www.matrix.com/blog/9-ways-to-repair-treat-and-fix-damaged-hair, http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/articles.php?f=tip000159.htm, arreglar el pelo quemado por los qumicos, Recuperare la Salute dei Capelli Danneggiati dalle Sostanze Chimiche, rparer des cheveux abims par des traitements chimiques, (Fix Chemically Burnt Hair). Its possible to experience that burnt hair smell after a chemical treatment, even if you never use hot tools to dry or style your hair. You can also use some essential oils like rosemary for fragrance. Glycerin helps fortify your hair by creating a protective barrier and panthenol allows your hair to retain more moisture and thickens the hair follicles. Get rid of the gross smell of burnt hair in your mane with any of these 4 simple home remedies. Apply the mixture to your hair thoroughly and leave it in for 15-30 minutes. It truly helped rebuild and repair my strands, and I felt like my hair became stronger and more manageable after each and every use. But by enlisting the help of a professional stylist or by performing a few at-home hair care maintenance rituals, you can begin your journey to healthier and stronger hair. "It responds best to formulas that are nourishing, strengthening, repairing and extra gentle.". So I retouched up my hair with the maxi glide. Try cleaning it baking soda and only use it for short periods of time. It contains melanin which is the pigment that decides the color of your hair, and keratin which decides the shape. If youve ever used a container of baking soda in the fridge to keep bad smells at bay, you already know that baking soda is going to be really effective in getting rid of the burnt hair odor. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in your normal amount of shampoo, Apply to your scalp and hair, massaging all over and lathering as much as possible, Rinse thoroughly with cool water and follow with conditioner to restore lost moisture, How to Avoid the Burnt Hair Smell in the Future. Chemical Damage. Often, the burnt hair smell goes away after a day or two. You started by asking Why does my hair smell burnt? Now, youve learned the reasons and causes behind the burnt hair smell (chemical, heat, or combination damage) as well as ways to get rid of the lingering odor in your hair. (FYI: Most salons have a multitude of hair treatments that range in strength and purpose. If your dyed hair smells burnt even after washing, then this may be the culprit of why you need a redye so often. That's immediate heat breakage. "All the tips mentioned are natural products, meaning it can only get better and not worse! Commonly reported phantom smells are bad, such as rotten eggs or burning hair. Dont use a fragrance oil or essential oil that contains additional ingredients as these can irritate your scalp. Kenneth Byrd holds a BS in Accounting and Management Information Systems and an MBA from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Sometimes, the best way to care for your hair is to simply get a trim. When used correctly, it will get rid of most household and hair smell. This spray will significantly reduce the risk of burns and a burning smell. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'hairspies_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_5',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hairspies_com-large-billboard-2-0');report this ad. ", "It was an amazing experience to visit wikiHow. If the smell isnt gone, you can keep repeating the process a few more times. Really bad. is ideal for any type of damaged hair. Erin Jahns is a hair, makeup, and nails expert and beauty editor with over five years of experience in the industry. Cover your hair with a plastic wrap (or even a shower cap if you don't have a plastic wrap) and leave it in for 30-45 minutes, depending on the severity of your hair's damage. If that happens, youll know it because of the gross burnt hair smell emanating from your mane. In order to stop your hair from looking and feeling like straw, choose products that are hydrating and stay away from products that include sulfates and alcohols, as these dry your hair out further. Check out our guide to see our top 3 mask picks for damaged hair and learn how to mix up one of your own: Hair Mask for Damaged Hair | 3 Products That Slay & Homemade Recipe. Wash out the lemon juice in the shower and follow up with a hydrating conditioner. Start Here Hair Care Care Why Does My Hair Smell Burnt? We hope that this article enables you to get rid of that awful burnt hair smell and encourages you to take better care of your hair going forward. This article has been viewed 273,764 times. We explain whats going on. Your hair may sustain heat damage in a number of ways, but usually, its due to one of the following: If you use a too-high temperature on your flat iron, curling iron, or hair dryer, leave these tools in contact with your hair for longer than you should, or fail to use a heat protectant product before you heat-style, you open your hair up to heat damage. You should apply lemon juice directly to the parts of your hair that seem to carry the most odor to prevent the juice from drying out all of your hair too much. No. Chemical perming, frequent hair coloring, hair lightening, and the use of tonics are all reasons why your hair smells burnt. But baking sodaisextremely effective, so you may decide the risk is worth it to finally rid yourself of the dreaded burnt hair smell. Use a DIY or store-bought moisturizing hair mask. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Using these gentler, temperature-controlled tools will allow you to dry and style your hair without smelling that terrible burnt hair smell ever again. When trying to achieve the perfect hairdo, it can be tempting to crank up the heat, but this could be dangerous for your hair leading to hair damage and offensive to your nose. If the general quality of your hair has gone down, then you probably have heat damage. Once you get the burnt odor under control, give your hair some love with moisturizing treatments, deep treatment masks, and fewer heat styling sessions. As I drove home, out of the corner of my eye, I could see my hair falling and breaking at an alarmingly fast rate. Since high temperatures cause the sulfur-containing protein bonds in your hair to break, sulfur gets released into your hair and the air around it when you damage your hair with heat. Aloe vera pulp is difficult to remove from the hair, so we advise you not to skip the straining step. My own quest for a dramatic hair transformation did not go as planned, however. One of the reasons for the smell of burnt hair is not using a heat protector spray. In this article, well teach you how to get rid of a burnt hair smell and leave you with some tips to avoid this burnt smell altogether. If you have tried oils and DIY masks, but you are still smelling burnt hair, then the damage may be too extensive to remove. Enjoy! Let us hair enthusiasts know down below! The more damage you can repair, the lower the chance youll experience the burnt hair smell again once you start working hot tools and chemical treatments back into your routine. When your hair is damaged, the bonds that hold those sulfur molecules are weakened and broken. Bleaching removes color from the hair by oxidation, and oxidation decolorizes the pigment in the hair shaft. Undiluted essential oils may irritate your skin and scalp. Over-processing your color, bleach, perm, or relaxer by leaving it on too long or using too-strong chemicals for the job can result in the kind of chemical damage that releases the burnt hair odor. those that can be applied topically) can do a world of good for damaged hair. If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. Additional products designed to eliminate bad smells include a variety of products that you might have around the household like a dryer sheet and body perfume. The next step is to eliminate the order using a baking soda wash, essential oils, aloe vera, lemon juice, hair perfume, dry shampoo, or other hair care products designed to remove unpleasant odors. ", Kusero points to IGK's repair collection includingPay Day Instant Repair Shampoo + Conditioner($31) andCash In Instant Repair Serum ($34) which "works on the most damaged hair types, to help strengthen and repair while boosting moisture and nourishment.". I used this shampoo and conditioner combo religiously for about a month and then began to alternate with an extremely moisturizing duo (see next slide). Cover the hair with a plastic bag or processing cap and let the mixture sit for 20-30 minutes. Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are the most common agents used in bleaching the hair. Curl Centric is a website operated by a husband and wife team that encourages healthy hair care. " Burnt hair is a condition that relates to a burning smell in hair," says Dr. Joel Schlessinger, MD, board certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon with a private practice in Omaha, NE. Dont get us wrong, we love a great pixie cut. Hair that has been burnt is more than likely missing many important nutrients that make it strong and healthy. If you buy a product we link to, we may earn a commission. Using straighteners and hair dryers is not the only problem with burnt hair. Hairspies.com is not a manufacturer or seller of any of the products described on this website. Our content is for informational purposes only. Were committed to providing the world with free how-to resources, and even $1 helps us in our mission. He is a serial hair blogger that has been writing about hair care since 2008, when he co-founded Curl Centric and Natural Hair Box. Wash out any remnants with a mild shampoo. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 273,764 times. Another likely explanation to why your hair smells burnt after curling it is that you forgot to use heat protection spray. You can also try using a deep conditioner to help repair any damage that may have been done to your hair. We rounded up some of our favorites, below. Leave the mixture in for 20 minutes, then rinse your hair clean. If you make your hair mask, choose a few . Appointments & Access. After lending some advice as far as products and procedure, the salons staff had done all they could do and advised me to return within the next month for another consultation, treatment, and trim. This is the perfect remedy for any DIY enthusiast. Cover the hair with a plastic bag or processing cap and let the mixture sit for 20-30 minutes. If you can see that your hair isnt actually burning, this smoky, yucky smell can be really confusing. Try different varieties until you find one you love. "IN COMMON Magic Myst ($35) is your daily dose of vitamins for your hair! Take a look at our quick guide to find out:How to Tell If Your Hair Is Damaged | 6 Obvious Signs. If you want to really curb the damage youre doing to your strands and get back on the right track to avoiding the burnt hair smell forever, switch to a sulfate-free shampoo and stick to it. Applying heat directly to wet hair is an almost guaranteed way to create smoking and a burnt hair smell. : r/FancyFollicles - Reddit; 4 4.Why My Hair Smells Bad After Showering & How I Fixed It; 5 5.The 7 Emotional Stages Of Bleaching Your Hair - Bustle What happens when free sulfur lets loose in your hair and the air around it? Simply put, if your hair needs help, this is your answer. This compensation does not influence the content we publish or the product reviews shown on our site. Indeed, as and when used, it gets dirty. Even if youre taking extra precautions with your hair, its still possible to experience that burnt hair odor when you heat style. Work the oil into your hair before a shower and allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing off. At Curl Centric, we aim to help our readers take control of their hair care journey and make good decisions about products, hairstyles, and maintenance techniques. Its very important to choose essential oils that are pure and safe to use on the skin. Types and causes of smell disorders The causes of smell disorders are not well understood, but women seem to. First, make sure you're using a gentle shampoo that won't strip away your hair's natural oils. Yan Kandkhorov is a Hair Stylist and Owner of K&S Salon, a hair salon based in New York City's Meatpacking District. You should try to use the lowest possible heat on your styling tools that still affects your hair in order to avoid scorching or burning your locks. This can happen slowly over a period of weeks, months, or years. Reasons because of which hair smell burnt. We explain whats going on. Hairspies.com presents the information contained on this website for the purpose of educating consumers only. Does it mean flames are about to leap from your strands? These compounds are gentler than the sulfates used in many cheaper shampoos and are derived from more natural ingredients like coconut oil. Hair Material100% real human hair dreadlock extensions,You can test by burning. This is why if left on too long it will turn the hair white. If the burnt hair smell on your strands isnt too strong, you can let your hair down and go outside for a bit to allow your hair to air out and freshen up. If the smell isn't gone, you can keep repeating the process a few more times. You may also want to invest in a leave-in conditioner to use on a daily basis in order to keep your hair soft. Your burnt hair will be lacking in moisture that keeps it feeling soft and looking silky and smooth. Curl Centric follows a strict editorial policy that produces accurate, factual, and honest content to help you make the right hair care decisions. Many people suffer from hair that is damaged or burnt by various harsh chemical treatments like coloring and straightening. If your hair feels dry, apply a conditioner or deep conditioner to restore moisture. Your body odor can change due to hormones, the food you eat, infection, medications or underlying conditions like diabetes. Not sure if your hair is already damaged or not? In fact, try avoiding heat tools in general, but if you cant, then try to use the lowest heat settings. For more tips from our Beauty co-author, like how to use a hot oil treatment, read on! An easy way to avoid any kind of hair burning is to simply use your heat styling tools less. Hair masks and oils are designed to replenish and moisturize hair. Keratin contains a lot of cysteines, which is an amino acid that contains sulfur. Its essential to check the condition of your hair after a baking soda wash, as both baking soda and shampoo can be drying to the hair. Sunblock for your hair also protects your scalp, which may be irritated due to bleach exposure.. No blowdry, no flat iron, no curler. Even if you frequently worship the likes of Cara and Katy from afar, you might not think that a drastic chop is in your future. It's best to avoid heat blow-dryers, super-hot showers until your hair is healthier. I would squeeze the excess water out of my hair, liberally slather it from end to root, whip a shower cap on, and proceed with all other shower duties before rinsing after about 10 minutes. Butin order to pull off a transformation of that caliber, one needs a certain type of confidence that most of us lack. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is an ingredient that is a great odor neutralizer. Don't use both during the same shower. Take a look at our quick guide to find out: How to Tell If Your Hair Is Damaged | 6 Obvious Signs, To get rid of the burnt hair smell in your hair, try an. It would need the right balance of protein and moisture, along with frequent trims and cuts to try to balance the breakage (which would create all sorts of funky layers on its own). You can try using masks to bring it back to life, but if its not going away, then its time to cut some of it off. The 9 Most Common Types of Perms | Explained in Detail, Using Box Perms for Fine Thin Hair | Step-By-Step Guide. Once the bleach is out, and the hair is on the road to being healthy, try to hydrate it as best you can. Another important step in my own hair health journey? Get ready to say sayonara to the smoky scent of burning hair! Disulfide bonds are strong and can only be broken with chemicals (like relaxers) that permanently alter the shape of the hair. There are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening. Spoiler alert its easy to fix! Ultimately, I made an appointment at another nearby salon for the next day. "I would recommend calling a professional ASAP," says hairstylist Nikki Lee. All the strands of your hair are made up of three layers. If you are planning to spend a long time outdoors in sunlight, we recommend investing in a hair heat protectant designed to protect your locks from UV exposure, or purchasing a large, protective sun hat. Make sure your comb through your hair when the product is on to make sure its applied evenly. With our remedies for getting rid of this burnt smell, coupled with proper care and tips to avoid this unfortunate occurrence, you should be able to get rid of that unpleasant smell and have your hair looking, feeling, and smelling fantastic in no time! Smell ever again a truly personalized scent that youll just be trading the burnt smell., the bonds that hold those sulfur molecules are weakened and broken already. 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