Banana Barbara (voiced by Sandra Searles Dickinson, Naomi McDonald) is a recurring character and the mother of Banana Joe. Darwin Watterson was Gumball's pet fish, adopted by the family as their younger son. I LEAST I TRIED! This is mostly like a remake of the episode "The Limit" from, "The Amazing World Of Gumball" This a gift for Black Dog Productions. de:Nicole Watterson Felicity Parham (voiced by Sandra Searles Dickinson, and Teresa Gallagher in "The Kids") is an orange blob on the show along with her son William Geoffrey "Billy" Fitzgerald Kitchener Parham, III, who is a blue blob. Since she is the only truly responsible member of the family, Nicole does most of, if not, all the household chores, and in addition, she works long hours at the Rainbow Factory just to put food on the table. She shows affection for and is protective of her family. She is a pink rabbit who speaks in a New York accent. In "The Fight," Nicole single-handedly and almost effortlessly defeated Mr. Rex, destroying his house, and in "The Pizza," she defeated some apocalyptic Elmore citizens single-handedly when they turned against her and her family during the search for Larry. Nicole can be quite stern when provoked, and occasionally vindictive, as was shown in the episode "The Ape," after Miss Simian called her and her family "losers." [23] When angry, she can develop into a storm cloud capable of causing massive damage. His legs are much longer than his body, ending with plain feet matching the color and texture of the rest of his body. Enter the Toon Wars! He fulfills the function of the Watterson familys father. Carlton and Troy (Carton is voiced by Hugo Harrison and Troy is voiced by Fergus Craig) are two teenage human boys from Richwood High. She is a bossy, over-stressed, hot-tempered workaholic, who can be sweet. Along with this, Nicole has the power to instill great fear in people, and in her "limit" state she can even age people by staring into their eyes. Despite his careless moments, Richard has occasionally proven to be a good dad and enforcer of rules. Nicole is a master martial artist, knowing Karate and winning numerous tournaments when she was young. Nicole's cat breed may be Tabby, because when everyone turned into their live-action selves in "The Job," she turned into a tabby cat instead of turning into a blue cat. Due to a mistake made by their ancestors, they lost everything and their undeniability will continue to pay for it. He has very wide hips, which is unusual because this feature is more commonly seen on female characters in animation. He was initially a minor character in first and second seasons, but as of the final episodes of third season, he becomes the main antagonist of the show. As of "The Cage", he is in a relationship with Joan Markham, the school nurse. Richard loves his son, mainly because he can relate to him in many ways. He also has pink cheeks and an orange nose. Gumball (son), However, at the same time when she loses her temper, she shows how strong she is. Dan Russell. [15]Carmen is a cheerleader. The Red Team Vs. Richard Adams. Like Gumball and Richard, she spends most of her time barefoot. As a result, he is overweight. In her Season 2 redesign, she has tucked in her shirt, her body has gotten much slimmer, and she has wide hips similar to Gumball's. * Chi Chi is a pale cream-colored goat whose appearance is very similar to Gumball's. On one occasion, Gumball compared her to a ninja. He didn't get a legal document for being the principal.He likes to lick Ms Simian's hair and sing while she holds him. He is "the laziest person in Elmore". Teaching her to be stupid even though she merely ignores it. Mr. Kreese (voiced by Steve Furst) is Carlton and Troy's coach. Mr. Small's unconventional teaching methods are usually more confusing than helpful, and they often leave his office confused. [9][34] As a result of Ms. He is a 12-year-old[6] mischievous blue cat who lives with his family. She is best known for being able to predict the future in her art. He is the father of Gumball, Darwin and Anais. He often teaches him odd ways to deal with bullies, and treats him more as a brother or a close friend than a son. Although he loves Darwin for the same reasons he loves Gumball, but with less lessons about bullying. Being a stay-at-home dad, he spends most of his time sleeping, watching TV and playing video games. He also has pink cheeks and an orange nose. He is a student that attends Elmore High School along with his adoptive . He was originally going to be named Bert, and he is called that by the yellow old man, Donald, and Louie but that was changed/retconned by the writers. Hazel becomes the "Chief Rabbit" of a group who flee from a disaster and create a new home on a hill called Watership Down; the group includes Fiver, Bigwig, Blackberry, Dandelion, Pipkin, Silver, Holly, Bluebell, Speedwell, Hawkbit, Buckthorn, Acorn and many others. She has light blue fur and is somewhere between Richard Watterson and Gumball Watterson in height. He has two dark brown horns, a fluffy tail, and a tuft of hair on his head. She has, however, been shown manipulating her family to get what she wants. In "The Remote," she displayed great skills in martial arts, which allowed her to defeat Richard and her sons, jump between roofs, and sprint at super speeds. In The Authority, it was revealed that Richards personality was caused by Granny Jojos lifetime of protection, which caused him to develop into an uneducated and slothful adult. One of the primary characters in The Amazing World of Gumball is Richard Buckley Watterson. She is the only Watterson that didn't encounter Rob. She is the youngest member of the Watterson family and the most rational, despite being only four years old. Her mouth and head are rounder, the shadows from her shirt and skirt have disappeared, and her whiskers have gotten shorter. On top of this, she has also proven to be very resourceful and inventive, a trait she most likely passed on to her daughter Anais, who has demonstrated similar talents in this case, strategically setting a mine-like trap in a paintball arena/forest, merely using environmental supplies, and whatever she took with her. She is always telling Gumball what to do. Unfortunately, Nicole also suffers from a tremendous amount of emotional stress because of her many duties. When an emergency arose in The Bumpkin, Richard traveled to every other location in Elmore except Idahos home. Her surname "Watterson" is also never mentioned, due to the fact that Icelanders do not have surnames. [3].mw-parser-output .toclimit-2 .toclevel-1 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-3 .toclevel-2 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-4 .toclevel-3 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-5 .toclevel-4 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-6 .toclevel-5 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-7 .toclevel-6 ul{display:none}. He was modeled after Richard Bocquelet, the father of Ben Bocquelet. * In "The Photo", Gumball envies him for having a beautiful face. Mom (only by Darwin), Mrs. Watterson (by Rocky in ", Canan iftel zacun (Turkey, seasons 13 until ", Devrim Zeynep Ateer (Turkey, season 3 starting with ", Nur Zarina Ahmad Roslan (Malaysia, season 3-6), Nicole seems to have always approved of Gumball's relationship with. 60 Stories. One of his sharp canine teeth can also be seen hanging out of the corner of his mouth. For this, in terms of parenting he fails but he still loves his son. She is voiced by Jessica McDonald. however what I hadn't realized is how much I missed of Nicole's true strength, ignoring her literally moving faster than the speed of sound, being able to have her enemies see the souls of those in her eyes, being able to light her eyes on fire and finally being able to manipulate the biological features of herself and those around them, making people age instantaneously and also being able to get ripped at will or turn herself into a demon instantly. Additionally, The Remote demonstrates Richards Spanish language proficiency. [15] She can teleport[19] and possess living bodies. He could either be the protagonist or deuteragonist of the upcoming movie. [34] Her mother is the gym coach, whom she listens to despite her mother's disapproval of bullying. The series revolves around the daily life of 12-year-old cat Gumball Watterson and his familyadoptive brother Darwin, sister Anais, and parents Nicole (ne Senicourt) and Richard. After discovering this, Gumball and Darwin attempt to assassinate Alan, which they succeed in after many failed attempts though he reappears in subsequent episodes without any explanation. Gumball resents the fact . Language: English Words: 7,785 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 8 Bookmarks: 1 . id:Nicole Watterson Full Name Doyle L Watterson Also known as . How old is Gumball from the Amazing World of Gumball? The family man in the Watterson household is Richard, who lacks any feeling of accountability or responsibility. sooooooooo out of boredom I decided why not make a Gumball x HDG fanfic?! The Rainbow Factory was still in construction when Gumball was four years old, and it is currently unknown what Nicole's previous occupation was before working there. pl:Nicole Watterson 5. He has unknowing reality-warping abilities since he cannot work without wiping off the universe. He could also get upset, and he disciplined his two sons for allegedly bullying a newborn named Anais In addition, he was eager to find employment to help his family, even if difficult circumstances prevented him from succeeding in his attempts to become a pizza delivery boy and desk office worker. [33] She often picks on her fellow schoolmates, especially Gumball,[33] and has her own gang of bullies which includes Jamie[34] and Anton. She sometimes exhibits childlike behavior. Watership Down. Louie Watterson (voiced by Shane Rimmer) is a black mouse and a former member of a crew of Elmore senior citizens that includes Betty, Donald, and Marvin Finkleheimer. Richard Watterson is a main character in The Amazing World of Gumball. Edit on July On the night of their first anniversary Gumball and Penny reminisce and reflect upon their journey as well as flashback to moments we never saw on screen including how t //PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THIS STORY IS OLD BEFORE MAKING ANY COMMENTS ETC.// She takes pleasure in giving her students pop quizzes. Like Gumball and Richard, she is usually barefoot. [33], Idaho (voiced by Kerry Shale, season 1; Hugo Harrison, season 2 onward) is a free-spirited potato from the countryside with conservative beliefs. On multiple occasions, he is quick to go into a sort of "over-protective" mode whenever anybody tries to hurt his siblings, Darwin and Anais, as seen in "The Parasite," in which he tried to nearly poison Jodie when he thought she was hurting Anais, or in "The Rerun," in which he aimlessly tried to attack Rob out of rage when Darwin died. hentai anime gumball. Season 1 Young Adult Teenager Child Toddler Baby Human Character Information Doctor Nicole Watterson ( ne Senicourt) is one of the main characters of The Amazing World of Gumball . She makes her debut appearance in "The Coach" and speaks in a consistent deadpan. On his oversized head, he has six whiskers, but only five are visible most of the time. He also had on a brown nightgown. Other Elmore Junior High students also have recurring roles. [15] He can be a bully, usually to Gumball and Darwin. He loves to tease people and make them laugh, but he detests it when others do the same to him, claiming that its only hilarious when it occurs to someone else.. Initially given to Gumball as a pet, Darwin later sprouted legs and became a full family member. Peter Griffin vs Richard Watterson (Abandoned) The Wattersons vs Blue Team Izuku, Bakugou, Todoroki and Iida vs The Wattersons (Completed) The Red Team Vs. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Cartoon Network Development Studio Europe, "@ElizabethBoth14 It's the brilliant Duke Cutler", "@OliviaSnider10 In my mind they are. William Boyd Watterson II (born July 5, 1958) is an American cartoonist and the author of the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, which was syndicated from 1985 to 1995. [39] As a result, nobody can understand him. Yep! He was 94 years old. Gumball Tristopher "Trisha" Watterson born Zach Watterson, is the protagonist. In "The Name", he changed his name into Zach and later changed it back into Gumball. The amazing world of Gumball Crossover Wiki. In "The Choices," where she was seen in her early adolescence, she wore a white keikogi with a red belt, since she was on her way to a karate tournament (although back in Season 1 and 2, she wore a white and red sweater, and a pink skirt, with a red hair bow on her head). Winning seems to be a necessity for her at times, most likely due to her mother's ambition for her to succeed in her youth. He is the largest student in Elmore Junior High, so that only his legs and feet are seen on-screen. Despite all that, Nicole is still a good mother and person, very supportive, kindhearted, forgiving, has a softer side, and she still loves her family very much. Richard had difficulty starting the automobile off in The End, nevertheless, because he had not released the handbrake. Richard Watterson is a character from Cartoon Network's The Amazing World of Gumball. Did Gumball end? Nicole Watterson's warning - parody animation of Amazing World of Gumball from the amazing world of gumball sex with penny Watch XXX Video. She is generally unpleasant,hates children especially Gumball He usually wears grey trousers, coupled with a tan sweater, which has brown cuffs and a brown collar. She often impatiently tags along with him as a voice of reason. In "The Remote,"she displayed great skills in martial arts, that allowed her to defeat Richard and her sons, jump between roofs, and sprint at super speeds. Season 1 Young Adult Teenager Young File:Season 3 Nicole.png Character Information id: Doctor Nicole Watterson (born Senicourt) is one of the main characters in The Amazing World of Gumball. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Mowdown is one of the more violent members of Julius' crew. She also wears a skull-shaped bow tie, similar to the Monster High series symbol. Anais is shown as socially-inept and incapable of forming friendships as she drives potential friends away with over-the-top clinginess. Nicole greatly resembles her oldest son, Gumball. [15] He can transform into a larger form by triggering his "defense mode". . Kenneth is a greyish-brown monstrous blob creature created by Gumball mixing disgusting things into a jar in "The Microwave" and Richard accidentally microwaving it. Rabbit. He is one of the less popular students. He has two dark brown horns, a fluffy tail, and a tuft of hair on his head. In "The Parents," back when she was a toddler, she had an appearance similar to Anais, except the dress was colored yellow instead of orange. [5][7] In "The Club", his middle name was supposed to be Christopher, but it was actually Tristopher or Trisha for short. Despite his incompetence and immaturity, Richard sincerely loves his family and has excellent intentions. He was . Though, he has said that Darwin is his . This side of him can be seen in episodes such as "The Plan," in which he quickly formulates a basic outline to he and his siblings plan to "save" their mother, and in "The Scam," in which he forms a crafty scheme that will allow him to cleanly heist the town's candy effortlessly. [25], Sara G. Lato (voiced by Jessica McDonald) is a yellow ice cream cone and student. This is the first fanfic I had ever written and it's full of errors and my old writing style. It's been 8 years since Darwin ended up in the Watterson household. Special Thanks to everyone who watched parts one and tow, and indirectly helped me create this video by citing the many things I had missed, you know who you are. Larry Needlemeyer (voiced by Kerry Shale) is an origami rock, who works at almost every establishment in Elmore, including the grocery store, the gas station, convenience store, several fast-food restaurants and the DVD rental shop. The same episode reveals Nicole has B- blood. Alan Keane (voiced by Kerry Shale, season 1; Hugo Harrison, season 2 onward) is a teal-colored balloon who is Carmen's boyfriend. He was once a skinny blue dog, but for some reason, he was subsequently transformed into a plump pink bunny. When not tamed properly, his ego can drive him to do some pretty jerky things. es:Nicole Watterson Marvin Finkleheimer (voiced by Dan Russell) is a red bean who lives at a house and likes to beat kids with his cane if they help him across the street. She was named and based on creator Ben Bocquelet's mother, Nicole Bocquelet, a working mother. The creators found this trait to be too restricting in terms of possible plots and stories. She is depicted as an obsessive fan of Gumball and Darwin. Rockwell "Rocky" Robinson (voiced by Lewis MacLeod in season 1, Hugo Harold-Harrison in season 2, and Simon Lipkin in seasons 3 onward) is an orange, fuzzy Muppet-like character who performs odd jobs, mostly as janitor, cafeteria worker, school bus driver, and, in "The Curse", the clerk at the lost and found office. As seen in "The Club," she goes to an anger management club, yet she still cannot seem to control her temper when provoked. Anais Errrrrr Watterson is the tritagonist of the Cartoon Network animated series The Amazing World of Gumball. They are both pink rabbits, but whereas Anais is very small, Richard is extremely obese. Mom (only by Darwin), Loser (only by Miss Simian in ", Vilma Kartalska (Bulgaria)Jeehan Malla (Middle East), Canan iftel zacun (Turkey, Season 1, 2 and 3 until, Devrim Zeynep Ateer (Turkey, Season 3 starting with, Nicole seems to have always approved of Gumball's relationship with. The corner of his snout can sometimes be seen bending down at a sharp angle. tr:Nicole Watterson. He teaches music, judges cheerleader tryouts, leads the school's band, and is a substitute sports teacher. Watterson stopped drawing Calvin and Hobbes at the end of 1995, with a short statement to newspaper editors and his readers that he felt he had achieved all he could in the medium. Cartoon Network . (voiced by Jessica McDonald) is a shy sauropod. She now has to work together with her old friend Yuki to protect Gumball, Darwin and the rest of her family at all costs. Richard has been shown however, to be clever enough to get himself out of doing chores. As with all of the Wattersons, her eyes are oval-shaped. Her surname "Watterson" is also never mentioned, due to the fact that Icelanders do not have surnames. # 1. He has gained weight as a result. The Rainbow Factory was still in construction when Gumball was four years old, and it is currently unknown what Nicole's previous occupation was before working there. She hates Gumball and Darwin but is friends with Penny and Anais. Richard Buckley Watterson (voiced by Dan Russell ) is a 43 year old anthropomorphic pink rabbit. As of " The Shell ," Gumball is dating Penny . Since she is the backbone of the family, Nicole does most of, if not all, the household chores, and in addition, she works long hours at the Rainbow Factory just to put food on the table. English Words: 7,785 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 8 Bookmarks: 1 Chapters... The first fanfic I had ever written and it 's been 8 years since Darwin ended up in Watterson! 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