If you like the simple meaning cherry blossom, you can go with Sakura, pronounced SA-KOO-RA. You might also want to check out popular Chinese baby names. By now, youve probably memorized that ko means child, so you know a name ending in ko is going to be cute! Keiko is a playful-sounding name with auspicious meaning for any baby: It means "lucky child," "happy child," or "adored one." The word hono means harmony and ka means flower, creating a truly beautiful Japanese name for girls. Kwan. Nanami. Kenzo. You can pronounce Hinata HEE-NA-TA. Tomoe, Nanami, Kurama, Rin, Mikage sense a pattern? Ky. I need some help from you guys. Moko Dougami. Cute, pretty, and unique, Noa is the perfect Japanese girls name meaning love. The kanji no is actually a possessive particle, so it shows ownership of a, meaning love and affection. Your little one will have all she needs with this name! Hinata. From Japanese ( hira) meaning "level, even, peaceful" and ( no) meaning "field, wilderness". Hello! For a Japanese girls name with a unique sound and meaning, Hibiki offers an excellent option. I've put together a comprehensive list of 50 Japanese names that mean death each with definition, meaning, and kanji.. 10. Fun Fact: Documentary film "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" explores the 85-year-old sushi master and his 10-seat restaurant that has three Michelin stars. How to say fragile in Japanese Japanese Translation Koware yasui More Japanese words for fragile adjective Moroi brittle, frangible, frail, breakable, crisp adjective Yowai weak, delicate, frail, infirm, tender adjective Kowaremono fragile adjective Hakanai shadowy adjective YOSHI meaning "lucky / righteous" ( / ) - Japanese unisex name. A tender or a soft person, a delicate person, Soft; Calm; Tender; Delicate; Warm; Gentle. Yoshi. MASAAKI meaning "pleasing brightness" (). kai When combined, this kanji means summer moon, which is ideal for a girl born in the summer. Yua is another humble name with a big meaning. A rather extreme case is names ending in mi. You could write it with hiragana, which looks like this: . Read for more information. After the movie, the orca was first given a home at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. Akane , f Japanese From Japanese ( akane) meaning "deep red, dye from the rubia plant". Shun. Yuko can mean "helpful child" or "gentle child" or "superior child." MICHI meaning "pathway" () - Japanese unisex name. The Free Willy-Keiko Foundation attempted to return the orca to the wild in the ocean off of Norway. Name with Kanji (last name / first name) . 114. Fun Fact: Asahi is also the name of a brewing company and several other companies in Japan. Perhaps in that optimistic winning spirit, there was a legendary Canadian-Japanese professional baseball team based in Vancouver, Canada, before WWII, called the Vancouver Asahi. Short and sweet, Sora is a pretty Japanese name for girls that means sky and is pronounced SO-RA. Everything You Wondered About Japan. A museum of his works was built in Takarazuka. Raiden - This is a trendy boy's name that originates from Japanese and translates to "thunder and lightning" or "God spirit". Social Security Administration. 3. 20 Names Similar to Azami These 20 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Azami. 32. Mai. YOSHITO meaning "ceremonial, correct person" (). Depending on kanji choice, this strong, attractive name has various colorful meanings from "red plum" to "red village." MITSURU meaning "satisfy, full" () - Japanese unisex name. Ayumu Hirano is a two-time Olympic medalwinning snowboarder from Japan who, at age 14, also became the youngest medalist in the history of the X-Games. This trim and expressive name has long been considered gender-neutral as evidenced by the equal ratio of Japanese actors and actresses who have borne this name over the years. Fun Fact: Airi was both the sixth and the 13th most common name for girls in Japan in 2013. Hanae. Its kanji mean long time (ku), beautiful (mi), and child (ko). Kimi (Japanese origin) a cool baby name meaning "honorable." 14. Kiku. It's pronounced A-RA-TA. Most of the baby naming ideas that come from Japan have a musical ring to them, full of meaning, and pay tribute to a wonderful and ancient culture. 97. 1. Hiro, aside from conjuring up valor just by sounding like "hero," can mean "abundant," "generous," "tolerant," or "prosperous." 4. Plus, it has the cute pronunciation of MEE-CHEE-KO. Take the name Tomomi for example: The Japanese character tomo has several adorable meanings, including wisdom, intellect and friend.. Fun Fact: Yoshiko Kawashima was Manchu princess known as the "Eastern Mata Hari" for her exploits of spying for the Japanese during the Second Sino-Japanese War. It's a made up name; delicate bird's whistle. KAORU meaning "fragrance" () - Japanese unisex name. Some parents opt for just one kanji character when choosing their babys name, but, traditionally, the name becomes more personalized when using more characters. There is a wide range of Japanese unisex name with beautiful meaning. It combines kanji to mean winter child., 93. KAZUHIKO meaning "harmonious boy" (). Ive been seeing the same names over and over again. Ai meaning: love and affection. 113. Shugo chara and Noragami were my first and favorite animes. Pronounced HA-NA-EH, this cute floral name combines hana, meaning flower, and e, meaning picture, favor, or benefit.. Pronounced SHEE-O-REE, the name Shiori has lots of different meanings. Name with Kanji (last name / first name) . That said, Keiko with a long, accented o, is the name, or nickname, of the 12th emperor of Japan. The name Tomoko, pronounced TO-MO-KO, is a powerful choice. tomoe 33. This cute Japanese name for girls is perfect for your little baby! Shinobu. The name Izumi is likely best known in the United States as the name of the cycling gear and apparel company Pearl Izumi. 6. Hisakawa , Japanese From Japanese ( hisa) meaning "long time ago" and ( kawa) meaning "river, stream". Thank you. Motomi Hirami. In the Asuki and Nara periods (around 700 AD), there was once a Princess Izumi, daughter of Emperor Tenji. Very similar to the classic American girls name, this Japanese moniker comes with the meaning flower and lotus or water lily. But unlike the English name Karen, the Japanese version is pronounced KA-REHN, putting a very pretty spin on it. It allows us to interact and converse in ways that are more considerate, caring, and tender, in both actions and in manner of speaking. The variation using the symbol for "ri" that means white jasmine was more popular than the variation using the symbol of "ri" meaning pear. 134. :D x. This name just looks cool and means celebrate and child. Celebrate is what youll want to do once your baby is born! In recent decades she is known for her promotion of human rights and peace. This cute Japanese name for girls means "safe residence". Mio. Misaki. Sakura is categorized as a hiragana name, meaning it's written in the phonetic lettering system rather than in kanji symbols. Here are a few of our favorite Japanese baby names. NARUTO meaning "maelstrom" or "fishcake" (). Ami. Tadashi, a name that was super-popular in Japan in the early 1900s, means "just" or "right." For instance, first names ending with -ro, -shi, -ya, or -o are typically male first names, while names ending in -ko, -mi, -e and -yo are prefered to use for females. shiki Naming your baby is a big decision and not always an easy task, but it sure is a memorable one. Shion (pronounced Shee-awn), like so many Japanese names, has multiple meanings the most fun, lovely, and romantic of which are arguably "beautiful star," "living poetry," and "true warmth." 7. Fun Fact: Setsuko Thurlow survived the Hiroshima nuclear blast although she was only a little over a mile from the center of the explosion. Aina meaning: view. Fun Fact: Minoru Yamasaki designed the World Trade Center in New York City. From Japanese ( a) meaning "bear", ( sa) meaning "the next world, death" combined with ( ka) meaning "beautiful, good". SHIGERU meaning "luxuriant, well grown" (). Though there are many, one unique choice is Ch, a beautiful option meaning butterfly and pronounced CHO. TADAO meaning "loyal, faithful man" (). Kamakura is a coastal town near Tokyo known for its temples and shrines, the renowned Read More, If this is your first time in Japan, you will never want to miss Girls' Read More, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan is known as one of the most popular tourist destinations of the Read More, How to get a free house in Japan? In Japan, you can easily recognize ones gender based on their name as there are certain patterns contained in one name that have been assigned to one particular gender. KATSU meaning "victory" (). The character mi () means beauty, as such, it is very common in female names. As you prepare for sweet Ema or Hanokos arrival, download the Pampers Club app and reward yourself for all those future diapers and wipes purchases! 2. Unlike some of the other names on the list mentioned above, Mami does not have one fixed meaning. An English name that means "courageous, mighty". KENICHI meaning "strong, healthy first (son)" (). Additional kanji interpretations include abundant or plentiful and bud or sprout.. Yaeko. You do not have the male name of "Sukeichi" Chiho. yoru Itachi means weasel Leander . Kokoa is a less traditional Japanese name for girls but is popular nonetheless. YOICHI meaning "sunshine, positive first (son)" (). In this name, the word mi means beautiful, and o means cherry blossom or thread. Mio is pronounced MEE-OH. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. It depends on last names, but you can see some last names comes from China, Korea, Taiwan and so on. Below is a list of more than one hundred Japanses unisex namesalong with their meanings. Interestingly enough, there are names that are pronounced in the same way but differ in meaning because they use different Kanji characters in writing. If youre looking for Japanese flower names for girls, weve included numerous options in this category! Pronounced YA-EH-KO, this name means multilayered child, which is true for any baby! kasuma In Japanese kanji, it means flower.. And on another front, a high-speed electric train engine from Japan called Kenji made a guest appearance, via rail ferry, on the fictional island of Sodor on the children's television show Thomas and Friends. This casual but impactful name might be just right for your child. can u pls tell me what my name is Jalen and what it means pls. tadase Rei means "gratitude," "lovely," "graceful," and "beautiful," among multiple kanji combinations. This name can also be formed from other combinations of kanji characters. In other kanji iterations, this name can mean "true bow," possibly making it a bull's-eye for some baby-name hunters. This Latin . what does the name Yukine Kobayashi mean?? The answer is NO. OSAMU meaning "disciplined, studious" (). TAIKI meaning "great radiance, shine" (). It means "dew" or "rain". Fun Fact: Besides meaning a plant, aoi can also mean a blue color, represented by different symbols. Kumiko, pronounced KOO-MEE-KO, might be the ideal Japanese name for a baby girl. Azumi. All rights reserved. MASA meaning "just / true" ( / ) - Japanese unisex name. I am not exactly sure what the name Yasuyoshi exactly means, I think it means calm can anyone confirm this or tell any other possible meanings of the name? Besides, remember to check the name carefully because some are totally fine to use in the modern world but refer to bad things in some religions. Something that is soft, gentle and delicate. So, you have a forever beautiful child! Shiori. 10. Pronounced KHEE-KA-REE, this cool Japanese girls name simply means light. Its perfect for the new light in your life! HIKARU meaning "light, radiance" () - Japanese unisex name. 35. Parents could assign any meaning they like by adding suffixes to the names. Refers to prosperous objective or flourishing opinion. Kumiko f Japanese. 11/02/2023, 5:08 am. From traditional Japanese female names with strong meanings to cute, cool, or rare options for your baby girl, weve got them all. Whether you need an intense moniker for a video game character or an incredible backstory detail to add flavor to your fiction novel, these names will impress you. If youre looking for a popular Japanese name for your daughter, we recommend checking out both the top baby girl names in the United States and whats trending in Japan. Fuyuki. 76. Just as meanings can differ, so can pronunciation. Gina comes from a Greek word and means Well Born. If youre looking for royal baby names, consider Masako (pronounced MO-SA-KO), the name of the current empress consort of Japan. 18. Sounds as if this little boy was perfectly named. There are a lot of reasons why parents ponder on giving their children a non-binary name. Theres a lot to love about the Japanese girls name Miku, pronounced MEE-KOO. 71. Moreover, if you do not want to reveal your childs sex at birth time, you can use a genderless name because it will work either both ways. Give your girl a sense of power and strength by choosing a Japanese name with a strong meaning. HIDEKI meaning "excellent timber trees" (). you probably didn't take a look at the kanji and read only the readingthis is pronounced shiro but the kanji shows you the meaning the kanji for white shiro is !! Especially, you can see many renowned celebrities who have gender-neutral names in Japan. Kei. 54. Besides, some Japanese names also represent the birth order. Give your daughter a big compliment with this name, as sato means intelligent, clever, bright and, when combined, mi means beautiful. The name is pronounced SA-TO-MEE. To start, it might help to understand the Japanese alphabet. This cute Japanese name means "strong and healthy". KENJI meaning "strong, healthy second (son)" (). Interestingly, the kanji commonly used for kaoru () can be used for both sexes so you cant make sure about the persons gender until you actually see his/her face. This pretty Japanese name simply means pearl, perfect for your little girl whos as precious as a pearl! For boys, Japanese names in the US Top 1000 include Asa, Kane, Kai, Raiden, and Ren. Of course, a beautiful flower certainly suits a beautiful baby! TOSHIO meaning "genious leader, hero" (). Fun Fact: Sakura Haruno is a fictional character who became the female lead of the "Naruto" manga and anime. This cute Japanese girls name sounds lovely and comes with a pretty meaning. Reviews for Ancestry Renewed by Pentupfury, Ancestry Renewed: Arc 1 - Childhood, Chapter 1 - Ignorance, Ancestry Renewed: Arc 1 - Childhood, Chapter 2 - Division, Ancestry Renewed: Arc 1 - Childhood, Chapter 3 - In the Absence of a Body, Ancestry Renewed: Arc 1 - Childhood, Chapter 4 - Interludes, Ancestry Renewed: Arc 1 - Childhood, Chapter 5 - Tail and Fang and Discarded Flesh, Ancestry Renewed: Arc 2 - Searching, Chapter 1 - Serpent, Ancestry Renewed: Arc 2 - Searching, Chapter 2 - Wave, Ancestry Renewed: Arc 2 - Searching, Chapter 3 - Sea Monster and Sky Empress, Reviews for Bloody Storm, Burning Wave by Pentupfury, Reviews for Uzumaki Bloodlines and Incest by Pentupfury. 72. Official or official position, meaning to. 39. this name means a prosperous and beautiful child. It's a dead society. 2. 15. Rare Japanese Boy Names. Any ideas of boy names that match with Nami and Kaji? This auspicious name may be most familiar to anyone who saw the Disney film Big Hero 6, where Hiro Hamada was the main character. Following the life of an aspiring soccer player, the character is so popular that there are statues in his honor in Katsushika, Japan. Emi. Copyright 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. With this truly cute Japanese girls name, your little one could be a beautiful butterfly child! Japanese names also sound melodic, with lots of vowel sounds. It is used by searching on the website. MomJunction has pulled together an extensive list of baby names meaning delicate. Japanese names in the US Top 1000 for girls include Amaya, Kairi, Reina, Sara, and Tori. Asahi is a mellifluous name with loads of meaning as well as positive implications for a child's temperament: It means "morning sun" or "bright rising" among other kanji iterations. In the United States, five Japanese girl names have recently topped the charts, and youll see them listed as the first on our list. This laconic name is another easy one-syllable name with a big meaning that makes up for its small stature. The Japanese word hana means flower, and since ko means child, you have yourself an adorable flower child with this name! KATSUO meaning "victorious, heroic man" (). When the kanji are considered separately, you get meanings like poem, weave, and graceful, among others. It means fast or talented.. There are many Japanese names for girls that have kanji meaning beautiful, so you can get straight to the point! Some baby-name hunters dye from the rubia plant & quot ; 14 depending on kanji,... Of the 12th emperor of Japan movie, the Japanese girls name meaning & quot ; strong and healthy quot., Kairi, Reina, Sara, and Ren could assign any meaning they like by adding suffixes to wild! Rei means `` gratitude, '' and `` beautiful, '' among multiple kanji combinations 39. this!. Chinese baby names, but you can get straight to the classic American girls name sounds and... You have yourself an adorable flower child with this name means & quot ; &... Mighty & quot ; victorious, heroic man & quot ; rain quot... Written in the phonetic lettering system rather than in kanji symbols easy one-syllable name with (. Warm ; Gentle with the meaning flower, creating a truly beautiful Japanese name for girls include Amaya,,. Can get straight to the classic American girls name Miku, pronounced SA-KOO-RA lot of reasons why ponder! Also represent the birth order system rather than in kanji symbols names ending in ko is going to be!! Residence & quot ; ( ) means flower, creating a truly beautiful Japanese name for girls have. 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Hana, meaning love a pattern so it shows ownership of a, meaning love mean long time ( ). Casual but impactful name might be the ideal Japanese name for girls means & quot harmonious. Royal baby names, but it sure is a wide range of Japanese name. ; harmonious boy & quot ; courageous, mighty & quot ; ( ) alphabet. Short and sweet, Sora is a fictional character who became the female lead of other. Honorable. & quot ; strong and healthy & quot ; ( ) harmony and ka means flower, e! Be just right for your child. kanji mean long time ( ku ), the word mi beautiful. From a Greek word and means celebrate and child ( ko ) see renowned! To mean winter child., 93 and strength by choosing a Japanese name for girls include Amaya,,! Both the sixth and the 13th most common name for girls in Japan in 2013 of human rights and.! Unique sound and meaning, Hibiki offers an excellent option tender ; delicate ; Warm Gentle... Write it with hiragana, which is true for any baby one could be a beautiful child! It combines kanji to mean winter child., 93 positive first ( son ) '' ( / -!